Chatgtp - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Wanted to share with you guys one trick I found on Twitter to prevent people from copy-pasting the text of your fics on AO3 (and presumably them feeding your fic into AI)

Make a custom work skin on your fic. To do this, in the menu go to Skins. Click on My Work Skins, or if you don’t have any, click Create Work Skins (not a site skin, a work skin!). In the big text box you will want to paste this text:

#workskin * {user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none;}

once you have this you can save it and apply it to your fics. This should block people from being able to select the text of your fic. (Unfortunately there are work arounds for this but think of it as a deterrent!! People will have to actively block skins in order to work around this)

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