Chevalier Comes From A Great Family Of Knights - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

🌹About the Rose Knight (Michel family) of Rhodolite🌹

A few facts about Chevalier's ancestors and the "Rose Knight". From Clavis' story in the "Rhodolite Horror Night" event.

Trigger warnings: War, death, sickness

I'll be putting it under the cut, in case of spoilers:

Clavis and his Mc are about to do a test of courage and they are also about to lift the curse. They find the 150-years-old portrait of a woman, Vivian Michel.

The Michel family took part in the making of Rhodolite, with the production of very strong knights. The portrait might have been 150 years old, but Clavis, just like that, confirmed that the family existed there for a very long time.

And like that, we get to learn about the "Rose Knight". A knight who led every battle in the front lines, as he was the strongest, crowning Rhodolite victorious. Clavis said there was an "anecdote", saying that he once entered the enemy's territory and destroyed it by himself. This information made his Mc think that it did sound like something Chevalier could do too.

Vivian Michel, rumored to be his wife, was wearing on the top of her dress, an insignia of the tiger. The tiger was different from Chevalier's, but it was the same animal (which makes sense on why Chevalier has one too, it wasn't something he just made up). The insignia naturally belonged to the Rose Knight. And in the book Clavis was reading for information, the Knight's wife was rumored to be very sickly.

Sadly, tragedy did strike the Rose Knight. A man who always took a long time to say goodbye and part ways with his wife before every war, was called for a sudden enemy attack. And when he returned to Rhodolite, the news of her passing away left him very saddened. Her funeral was also done a long time ago, before his return. He lost all motivation to fight and left Rhodolite, without anyone knowing where he went.

These are all known from a book Clavis found in the library. He told his fiancée that if she asked Chevalier, he wouldn't know. She thought that he probably wouldn't answer, even if he did.

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