Ikepri Chevalier - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

You are very right! It is an old Greek psalm, that a Greek Saint wrote for Holy Mary!!

The lines are these:

Καὶ κληρονόμον δεῖξον με, ζωῆς τῆς αἰωνίου, Χαῖρε Νύμφη Ἀνύμφευτε


Show to me, your heir, the eternal life, hello unmarried bride

Which I actually believe goes really well with Chevalier (passionate/dramatic end and event wise), now that I am hearing it again👀👀

Found this ANCIENT dusty ass chev "animatic"

*cough cough*

I'm never gonna finish it but at least it's out of my archives now. Run free little one. I don't care.

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1 year ago

chevalier and ex-lovers for the angst promt? that seems like it would be really interesting considering his route. thank you for reading this ask

Chevalier And Ex-lovers For The Angst Promt? That Seems Like It Would Be Really Interesting Considering

A/N: With some encouragement and brainstorming (thank you @lorei-writes 💜) I finished this!

An addition to my Broken Heartstrings series

Chevalier x Reader

WC: 1.3k

Chevalier And Ex-lovers For The Angst Promt? That Seems Like It Would Be Really Interesting Considering

The crowds that have gathered in the streets are humming like a hive full of excited bees. Some small children are pushing their way beneath elbows and through knees, trying to get to the front. Others are being hoisted up onto the shoulders of grown ups who shift their weight from foot to foot, as eager as the children to get a glimpse.

You can see them all from your spot, perched on the wide windowsill of your bedroom. Precarious as it may be, you’ve pushed open the window, leaving nothing between you and the view of the street below. It’s a joyful scene, one of breathless anticipation as the townsfolk wait for their king to ride through on this, the anniversary of his coronation. The king that you chose a year ago. The man who had challenged your spirit and won your heart.

But instead of sitting by his side, proudly looking down at all the beaming faces, you’re alone at your window, stomach in knots at the thought of seeing Chevalier Michel again, even from a distance.

Just thinking his name sends your mind down well-trodden paths of anguish and heartbreak....

Chevalier And Ex-lovers For The Angst Promt? That Seems Like It Would Be Really Interesting Considering

What had seemed so solid, so strong, had unraveled in a single moment. You didn’t even have the chance to anticipate something was wrong. He had gone to investigate suspicious activity at the border. He had returned, white clothing running red with blood that was not his. Still, you had run to him, concern an engine that spurred you forward at lightning speed….and he had turned away, turned his shoulder towards you. And then he had told you, in a voice as chilled as winter’s edge, to leave. 

Leave, he repeated at the palace gates, his hand gesturing for you to move away.

Leave, he repeated as you stood in his bedroom, questions shooting from your mouth like wayward fireworks, bright and burning and frantic. 

Leave was all he said, his voice a blade as dangerous and final as his sword.

His betrayal of your trust was a sudden cracking of ice, a fall into freezing water that left you speechless, breathless, and utterly broken. All the possibilities for the future, all the countless daydreams. All the nights spent talking, sharing, weaving a relationship from the threads of your heartstrings snapped in a blink by silver shears, cold as the blue of his eyes when all your wild thoughts boiled down to a single question, your voice trembling like a leaf in a cruel, sudden wind: 


Leave was his only reply.

And so you fled the palace, the beautiful rose gardens, the confused and concerned questions in the eyes of his brothers. You fled the place that had become home to return to the life you had known before, except it didn’t fit as it once did. Something was missing, something that ached in the night, that chased sleep away from the spinning hurricane of your mind. A longing for someone that you shouldn’t want, someone who was willing to drive a stake into the beating heart of your love without hesitation. Or explanation.

Chevalier And Ex-lovers For The Angst Promt? That Seems Like It Would Be Really Interesting Considering

A combined gasp and cheer rises up from the crowd as the royal caravan approaches and tugs you back to the present. The other princes ride upon their horses, smiling and waving. Well, Licht isn’t exactly smiling and something about his somber expression is so familiar, a constant in a world turned upside down, that it actually brings a smile to your lips, a sad, watery thing but a smile nonetheless. Jin and Nokto beam brightly, waving and nodding, especially to the women who meet their gazes with excited hands pressed to their hearts. Leon is every inch the prince, flawlessly dividing his attention between both sides of the street, his smile open and wide. He was always so kind.  A wave of bittersweet emotion washes through you as you remember the time he would take to explain things to you, to help you find your way, to listen,

But he is not the one your heart chose. 

And behind Leon and his black stallion rides the King on his destrier of purest snow white. The sight of him, tall and proud, one gloved hand on the reins, the other casually on the pommel of his sword freezes the breath in your lungs. Your fingers curl into your palm unbidden, nails biting deep into flesh gone numb. Beside him, Clavis is all flashy smiles and waves, golden eyes scanning the crowd to award a nod or tilt of the head to anyone he wants to feel special. His head tilts up as his gaze sweeps across the many open windows and people waving handkerchiefs, some embroidered roses, some embroidered with tigers in honor of the king’s crest.

You, still as a beam of moonlight, stand out amid the riotous cheering.

Of course Clavis notices you. In a heartbeat, your eyes lock with his and something inside you shifts as you are flooded with the memories of the many laughs, the teasing, but most of all, the way he supported you through loving his brother. He knows what a difficult path that is to walk. He has been walking it his whole life.

He offers you something no one else in the crowd gets. His face, always adept at schooling itself into whatever mask it need be, is filled with genuine emotion at the sight of you. He offers you a smile, soft and sad and real.

Somehow, even from a distance, he has still found a way to comfort you.

Your spirit is bolstered, just a little, and you manage a smile in return, raising a hand in greeting.

And then Chevalier notices his brother’s upturned face and his own head moves, his gaze rising to see what has Clavis’s attention.

There you are, up in the window, framed like a beautiful portrait, smiling, but even he can see it doesn’t quite reach your eyes, like a garden dappled in shadows. Your hand is raised, that hand he knows intimately. He knows the motion of your fingers as they delicately turn the page of a book. He knows the strength in them when you grip a horse’s reins. And he knows their softness, the tenderness with which they can touch, the feel of your fingertips as they trace the line of his jaw. The eagerness with which they press into the back of his neck when he kisses you-

Kissed you.

When he kissed you.

Because he will never know their touch again. Nor your kiss. Nor your smile. Even now, as your gaze meets his, that smile fades, your hand slowly lowers, curling against your heart like a wounded animal, seeking shelter.

And he knows he did that. He killed the warmth of you, the joy, the whispering sunshine of your love.

And he would do it again.

Because as pained as you look now, somehow he knows it would never compare to the pain of being in love with someone who could so deeply disappoint you. He learned that lesson the day he rode to the border, when he killed as mechanically as clockwork, without remorse, without regard. How easily his blade drank the blood of young and old. He saw only red, felt only the jolt of sword through flesh and turned to seek it again and again.

You claimed there was good in him, there was mercy and the capacity to love.

And for a brief moment in time, he had believed you. Until that day.

And rather than watch your love for him slowly wither as you learned you were wrong, that he was nothing more than a brutal beast, he made a clean cut. Sharp, painful but without a doubt in his mind the correct thing to do.

He could not watch the light in your eyes go out. Because he loved you.

Loves you.

Because he still loves you.

Chevalier’s pale head turns away from you and the procession continues.

Slowly, breathing against the burning ache in your chest, the broken pieces of your heart slicing into wounds that have never fully healed, you lean forward and pull the window closed. 

There is nothing left to see.

Chevalier And Ex-lovers For The Angst Promt? That Seems Like It Would Be Really Interesting Considering

Tagging: @xbalayage @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage @redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @olivermorningstar @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @ikesimpleton @ikemenlibrary @namine-somebodies-nobody @greatstarlightstarfish @cellophanediamond @whatever-fanfics @justpeachyteastea @chirp-a-chirp @got7igot7family @kookie-my-little-sunshine @mastering-procrastinating @portrait-ninja @queen-dahlia @themysticalbeing @nightghoul381 @whitelittlebunny @chi-the-idiot @bubblexly @ozalysss

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1 year ago

🌹About the Rose Knight (Michel family) of Rhodolite🌹

A few facts about Chevalier's ancestors and the "Rose Knight". From Clavis' story in the "Rhodolite Horror Night" event.

Trigger warnings: War, death, sickness

I'll be putting it under the cut, in case of spoilers:

Clavis and his Mc are about to do a test of courage and they are also about to lift the curse. They find the 150-years-old portrait of a woman, Vivian Michel.

The Michel family took part in the making of Rhodolite, with the production of very strong knights. The portrait might have been 150 years old, but Clavis, just like that, confirmed that the family existed there for a very long time.

And like that, we get to learn about the "Rose Knight". A knight who led every battle in the front lines, as he was the strongest, crowning Rhodolite victorious. Clavis said there was an "anecdote", saying that he once entered the enemy's territory and destroyed it by himself. This information made his Mc think that it did sound like something Chevalier could do too.

Vivian Michel, rumored to be his wife, was wearing on the top of her dress, an insignia of the tiger. The tiger was different from Chevalier's, but it was the same animal (which makes sense on why Chevalier has one too, it wasn't something he just made up). The insignia naturally belonged to the Rose Knight. And in the book Clavis was reading for information, the Knight's wife was rumored to be very sickly.

Sadly, tragedy did strike the Rose Knight. A man who always took a long time to say goodbye and part ways with his wife before every war, was called for a sudden enemy attack. And when he returned to Rhodolite, the news of her passing away left him very saddened. Her funeral was also done a long time ago, before his return. He lost all motivation to fight and left Rhodolite, without anyone knowing where he went.

These are all known from a book Clavis found in the library. He told his fiancée that if she asked Chevalier, he wouldn't know. She thought that he probably wouldn't answer, even if he did.

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10 months ago

Clavis what the fuck.

Clavis What The Fuck.

This is from Chevalier’s route (I’m re reading it cause I’m avoiding Leon’s route) does Clavis think he’s a zoo keeper or something trying to set up to birds or animals to fuck so they can keep the population of said bird or animal alive!?

Like seriously god damn it, Clavis.

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10 months ago

Interesting realisation on my re read of Chev’s route.

Interesting Realisation On My Re Read Of Chevs Route.
Interesting Realisation On My Re Read Of Chevs Route.
Interesting Realisation On My Re Read Of Chevs Route.

The brothers that actually realise that Chevalier is speaking and hanging out with a female is his Eldest/Older brother the ladies’ man Number 1 aka Jin and his fool of a younger brother Clavis. They also kinda push them together even though they shouldn’t because of clause 99 (which Jin knows why they shouldn’t.) and Clavis who is only doing it because it amuses him and he’s a little shit. Plus other reasons.

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1 year ago

Leon Dumpteur Chevalier Michel Rio Ortiz

...I really need to stop being stubborn and doing every detail by hand but I would like you to meet The Brave Hero, The Chivalric Knight, The Storybook Prince Note: The game never directly described Chevalier as a "Chivalric knight" or at least to my knowledge. But Chevalier is from a long lineage of knights

Leon DumpteurChevalier MichelRio Ortiz
Leon DumpteurChevalier MichelRio Ortiz
Leon DumpteurChevalier MichelRio Ortiz
Leon DumpteurChevalier MichelRio Ortiz

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1 year ago


Chevalier Michel x reader


: ̗̀➛ A/N: OK I had to do just a little bit more with the Chev thoughts of having a daughter, so just have this little slice of life thing. Papa Chevalier has a very special place in my heart ❤️

: ̗̀➛ Warnings: fem reader, reader is the mother of Chev's daughter and queen of Rhodolite; just some sweet fluff mostly in Chevalier's perspective; Chev is likely OOC for a bit lol; not proofread~

: ̗̀➛ Word count: 2193


Chevalier had a knack for predictions. His perception had always been extraordinary, able to pick up the smallest of clues from his environment and the people around him to know what would happen next. It aided him in his development as a prince, working with his brothers to keep the kingdom running smoothly as his father’s health declined, and it helped him now that he was the king of that same kingdom. He was a monster on the battlefield, strategically taking down enemies with the ease of a beast, and was equally a monster in the courts, always knowing what information was needed where and who to deal with.

When it came to you, however, you were his blind spot.

No amount of strategy and foresight could have prepared him for the way your fates intertwined, or the way you captured his very heart in the palm of your hand. A younger Chevalier would have scoffed at such a notion, that he had the human emotion to even fall in love to begin with when he was most aptly labeled as the "Brutal Beast" by every possible noble in the court. But of course all it took was the wisdom and pure heart of Belle to look deep inside and find the truth. Looking back on the events leading up to the discovery of these feelings, once he met you, he realized it couldn't have gone any other way.

You managed to surprise him at every turn, with your unending love, your wisdom, your thoughtfulness and devotion. That's what made you fit to be his queen, someone that helped him bring out and connect with his human side. The day he married you was something he never could have dreamed of in a hundred years, and even much less so, the tiny babbling bundle you delivered into your lives a year later.

Now he watched as his tiny daughter, three years old and full of toddler mischief, ran through the rose gardens of the palace at alarming speed, eager to see you again after being separated during a diplomatic trip– and she wasn’t the only one that was eager. He could just make out the top of her head, her hair color the exact same as yours and bouncing along as she moved.

That was something he was thankful for, the way his daughter resembled you in so many ways. Her hair color, the shape of her face, even her personality and stubbornness was coming to resemble you too, and he had no doubt the similarities would continue as she grew older. She was also attached to books the same, though honestly he was just as much at fault for that as his queen. However, the one thing that differed was that she had inherited his eyes, a strong clear blue that somehow looked right into your soul.

The little princess was beginning to learn how to use those ice blue eyes to her advantage, much to his amusement. When something didn't go her way, she'd glare at whoever was responsible in no dissimilar way to his own until they cracked from the pressure. It was no end of stress to Sariel or his brothers, realizing there was a little Chev 2.0 in the making. She'd even turned that icy gaze onto him, too, managing to surprise him.

Anyone that looked at her knew immediately whose daughter it was, and something about that sentiment, creating this tiny human so clearly made up of his traits and yours together, warmed him up inside.

Getting lost in his reverie, he quickly lost sight of his small child and hastened his pace. The full bushes made it difficult to keep his eye on her, even with his keen eye and sense of danger, so outside excursions were often accompanied by extra help such as the servants or even Lucien on rare occasion. Thankfully, that wasn’t necessary today as you were the one waiting at the end of their journey through the garden, and the thick foliage made the path clear, leading up to a gazebo.

Just as the image of your face came to mind, he could hear a loud exclamation from up ahead, and turned a corner in time to watch his daughter run into your waiting arms.


You couldn’t help but grunt from the force with which you were tackled, but your arms wrapped around your daughter as she gripped you tightly.

“Hi, my love! I've missed you,” you said, pulling back to kiss the top of her head. You noticed the missing presence of your husband, glancing around before looking back at your child. “I’m so happy to see you again. Where’s your papa at, can you tell me?”

“Papa is slow,” your daughter mumbled, the excitement of seeing you lost already as she caught sight of the butterflies flitting about from bloom to bloom behind you.

Her wording made you giggle against your better judgment. Your husband could be described as many things, but you were certain the word “slow” was not one of them. But almost as if summoned, his platinum blond head came into view over the bountiful rose bushes, and it was as if all was suddenly right with the world— even if he did have a slight frown on his face.

“Little rabbit, I’ve told you not to run ahead in the gardens,” he sighed, entering the gazebo and patting his daughter’s head roughly. Instantly, her attention turned back to him, two pairs of ocean blue eyes meeting briefly before she looked away.

“‘M sorry, papa, I won’t do it again,” she replied, reaching out to hug his leg, gripping the fabric of his pants with tiny hands. Anyone else that saw this scene would expect the King to be cold and unfeeling in response, but instead he sighed, patting her hair awkwardly without a word.

You watched all this quietly, unable to fight the smile that made its way onto your face. The method of his comforting reminded you much of the early days of your relationship in which he did the same, unsure how to touch you or perhaps even afraid to hurt you. Chevalier may have been called the Brutal Beast for his actions, but he was really more of a beast for the way he was unused to loving human touch.

Over time, he’d eventually grown better and more confident with touching you, a way to express his unending love for you that he couldn’t express with his serious and less-than-romantic words. But it all seemed to revert the moment your daughter was born.

You remembered the very first time he had held her. All his brothers and the palace physician had waited with bated breath, and it was clear in Chevalier’s expression that he had his own reservations about what he was about to do. How could hands used for killing, hands used for exterminating the threats to the kingdom and defending the borders, possibly be suitable for holding that of his small, innocent child? The moment his daughter was placed in his arms, his discomfort was extremely clear –to you, at least– arms frozen stiff in an attempt to be gentle to the tiny creature he'd been entrusted with. But it was this same discomfort and worried reaction that showed you just how much he actually cared about her, and about you, too.

The memory brought a smile to your face, which was met by a strong, familiar poke to the forehead.

“Do not let your head get caught in the clouds, Rabbit,” Chevalier said. His voice was chastising, but the smirk gracing his lips was soft, sweet, making your heart thump.

Chevalier caught sight of one of his brothers out of the corner of his eye, a familiar flop of lilac hair waiting just beyond an ivy-covered arch by the gazebo. It reminded him how, as his daughter grew and came to differentiate his brothers, an unfortunate attachment had grown to a particular somebody. Much to his dismay, his daughter seemed to like her uncle Clavis the most, often shouting his name and using her stubby legs to seek him out when she could, and the feeling was mutual with the resident troublemaker. And Clavis delighted in this fact, often rubbing that in his older brother’s face and using it as an excuse to irritate him at every turn.

But today, Chevalier would use it to his advantage if it meant having you to himself, at least for a little bit. He knelt down to eye level with his child, peering into her familiar ice blue eyes.

“Little rabbit, I want to speak to your mother,” he said. He turned in the direction of his brother, pointing to direct his daughter’s attention in the same direction as well. “Why don’t you go see your uncle Clavis? He’s waiting for you in the gardens.”

His daughter’s eyes widened to a comical size, filled with excitement. Her head whipped around to search, despite Chevalier’s finger pointing the way, but thankfully, Clavis was accompanied by his trusty attendant, Cyran, who popped his head out at the perfect time to catch her attention. His shock of red hair made him look like a human rose, against the background of the gardens.

A shrill shriek filled the air, causing you and Chevalier to wince simultaneously. “Unca Cwavis and Cyan!” Your daughter was still having trouble pronouncing her L’s and R’s, but the men didn't mind. Chevalier watched as his daughter shot forward, “Cyan” quickly bowing to Chevalier in greeting before catching the girl in his arms. As he watched the two leave, he felt an arm slip through his and turned to look at you.

“I’ve missed you too, King Chevalier. I’m so glad to see you look okay,” you said, your relief evident in your smile. “How was everything during the visit? Did everything go alright?”

Chevalier huffed at your questions. “Would I have returned so soon if things did not go well?”

Your face scrunched up for a moment, but you were used to Chevalier’s sass.

“I know, but I’m still allowed to worry about you,” you said, leading Chevalier over to a bench in the gazebo. “The people of Rhodolite know now what a kind King you are, but I can’t say the same about people in other countries. And I know you’re capable of handling many things, but I still don’t want you to get hurt. I’ll always wish for your safety and good health, can’t I wish that for my own husband?”

Chevalier took a moment to look at your face, eyes following the curve of your eyebrows and lips, the shape of your nose and jaw, all features he had long since memorized. Finally, he simply snorted, reaching a hand up to poke your forehead again as a smile made its way onto his lips.

“That is awfully sentimental, and also unnecessary,” he said. “I am not so weak as to be felled so easily. I will always return to my Rabbit in the end, so long as you wish to wait for me.”

Now who’s being sentimental? You didn’t dare say that to his face, although the caution was unnecessary, given the way he was always able to read your thoughts based on your expressions alone. His smile turned teasing, clearly knowing what you were thinking, but he didn’t comment further on it.

“Now, I believe you’re forgetting something,” he said expectantly.

He watched as your head tilted in confusion. The gears were clearly turning in your head to determine what he was waiting for, but it only took a moment for understanding to dawn on your face, your lips curving up into a warm smile.

“Welcome home, Chevalier,” you said, stretching up to place a soft kiss to his cheek.

His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close as he returned the kiss to your lips, the taste of home filling his senses. He didn’t speak further, but he didn’t have to. Every ounce of his love was put into his kisses, and you gladly accepted it all.

Neither of you could have ever predicted being here, Chevalier least of all. His life had become a fairy tale on par with the romance books he enjoyed reading but never totally understood. No amount of strict noble education, military strategy, or the annoying words of a certain foolish brother could have told him that a future like this was possible. But as he held you close under cover of the gazebo, happy to finally have you in his arms once again, he realized he was okay with that. You came into his life in a whirlwind of drama and intrigue, turning his expectations around and introducing him to so many unfamiliar things and feelings, like fatherhood, yearning, and love. It wore on him, at times, not being able to see where his future was heading thanks to all the new things he was experiencing by your side. However, so long as it was with you, Chevalier supposed he was okay with a little bit of unpredictability.


Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!

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1 year ago

I think it would be kinda hot….

I Think It Would Be Kinda Hot.

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1 year ago
Omg I'm So So Sorry For The Delay I Forgot To Upload It When I Had The Chance Anyway Merry Christmas
Omg I'm So So Sorry For The Delay I Forgot To Upload It When I Had The Chance Anyway Merry Christmas
Omg I'm So So Sorry For The Delay I Forgot To Upload It When I Had The Chance Anyway Merry Christmas
Omg I'm So So Sorry For The Delay I Forgot To Upload It When I Had The Chance Anyway Merry Christmas
Omg I'm So So Sorry For The Delay I Forgot To Upload It When I Had The Chance Anyway Merry Christmas
Omg I'm So So Sorry For The Delay I Forgot To Upload It When I Had The Chance Anyway Merry Christmas

Omg I'm so so sorry for the delay 😭😭 I forgot to upload it when I had the chance anyway Merry Christmas to everyone ! 🎄⛄✨

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1 year ago

Here are the phrases from the card

Here Are The Phrases From The Card
Here Are The Phrases From The Card
Here Are The Phrases From The Card
Here Are The Phrases From The Card
Here Are The Phrases From The Card

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5 months ago

this was lovely!!! you have such a way with words, Lo, I'm in awe every time!!! 🥰 thank you for joining my little event

Chevalier X OC (OC Chart: Esther), Leon X OC (OC Chart: Viva)Angst-adjacent (wholesome)Prompts: Tradition

Chevalier x OC (OC Chart: Esther), Leon x OC (OC Chart: Viva)Angst-adjacent (wholesome)Prompts: Tradition + Falling Leaves ~ 1.6k This work deals with the topic of commemorating the dead.

My entry for Falling for Fall CC hosted by myself and @violettduchess and From harvest to hearts hosted by @mitsuhideswifey ! Thank you for coming up with such a lovely prompt list, Luna! >:3 I can't wait to finish my next entry!

Content Warnings: none

A lonesome thread floats in the air. It billows, a flutter stolen from the butterfly wings, tugged in all directions by the currents of winds, and it descents, falls oh so slowly among the golden maple leaves. The gossamer is not destined for the ground, however. It’d rather cling onto an old, wooden cross.

Chevalier X OC (OC Chart: Esther), Leon X OC (OC Chart: Viva)Angst-adjacent (wholesome)Prompts: Tradition

A lonesome thread floats in the air. It billows, a flutter stolen from the butterfly wings, tugged in all directions by the currents of winds, and it descents, falls oh so slowly among the golden maple leaves. The gossamer is not destined for the ground, however. It’d rather cling onto an old, wooden cross.

Dry rustling sounds in the cemetery. Father Joseph brushes the dust off his cassock to then settle down on a bench.

“It’s been some time, Ignace,” he sighs. “Your girls will come visit you again soon, old friend.”

Father Joseph stares ahead, at and past the brass plaque with the birth and death dates of Ignace Dubois.


Esther is pallid after making the journey – a total of two hours in a carriage followed by another thirty minutes on foot have left her rather starved for rest. Nevertheless, it is still a victory. The same wouldn’t have been possible just a year, no, half a year ago. The cemetery gate welcomes her in a shrill voice, old hinges whimpering in disuse. Fallen leaves line the paths between the graves, metal, stone or wood crosses protruding through various wind-swept heaps, yellow, red and orange entwined. None have avoided being gnawed on by time.

The bench is familiar with the weight of Esther’s bag. It is always the same two lanterns that she brings, together with a few personal belongings of hers. Esther herself cannot sit down, however, not until her father’s grave is tended to. As such, she collect the leaves, back bent and hands pushing them into her skirt, so that they can be set at the foot of the old maple growing by the chapel; as every year, she briefly thinks of a proper rake, to then notice the weeds that have grown into the soil and that the mound has been misshapen. Neither of those is acceptable.

It is only once the work is done and she has uttered her silent prayer that Esther can settle. Sweat covers her brow, her hands are dirty, and her breaths are rather shallow. She takes a long moment to compose herself.

Esther forces the air down her windpipe.

“Dad… Vivi, she…” Her voice cracks. “We really could have used your help here. I got asked to be the Belle and she went to the palace, pretending to be me, and the war almost broke out and she almost got herself killed and —” Esther purses her lips, the dates on the plaque growing blurry. Wind cools off her tears. “I was so scared, dad. I still…”

The leaves crunch a short distance away. Perhaps that is why Father Joseph has never bothered to procure a new rake. The few that still come to his desolate chapel… they need peace. And privacy. Esther wipes her cheeks dry with her sleeve.

“It’s been some time, child. Aren’t you cold?”

“Only a little bit.”

“Muriel has made stew, it’ll warm you up.”

The glass lanterns plink. “A moment. Let me just light them.”

Chevalier X OC (OC Chart: Esther), Leon X OC (OC Chart: Viva)Angst-adjacent (wholesome)Prompts: Tradition

Cast-iron rakes herd the unruly leaves, the old maple curiously gazing at the people in the cemetery. Viva blows a strand of hair out of her face, a wheelbarrow poking at her leg, jaunty despite the quiet of the place. It wants to be loaded, surely, and she’d rather not wait either. It isn’t long until the paths are all cleared, a wreath of colourful heaps sitting around the chapel entryway. But that is not why they’ve come there.

The bench strains its spine. Two people? That it has not bore in a long time. They put their hands together in a prayer. Viva closes her eyes. Her lips move: Give them the eternal rest, oh Lord, and may the perpetual light shine upon them.

A moment passes before she is ready to talk.

“So… That’s my dad.” She clears her throat. “I wish you could meet under different circumstances. I think you’d like each other.”

Leon nods. Something shimmers in his amber eyes, briefly clouded by a shadow of an unwarranted remorse. His elbows resting on his knees, he leans forward, still staring at the wooden cross.

“I remember him. He was there when I arrived.” His gaze drops to the ground. “And later, when we needed to go anywhere. He’d apparently asked to be our – my and Leon’s – coachman.”

It is met with silence. After all, what could be said? It buzzes in his ears, the absence of sound a heard of flies feeding on the carrion of his own, involuntary, making. He was worth a single coin and far too many lives, and —

A wave. A tsunami. An explosive, scorching, erupting laughter raptures the air.

Leon straightens his back at once, and he can swear that all the crosses around follow suit, shivers spilling over the bench as elder oaks and birches shake their branches in disbelief. Who dares…? Who dares to — to — Where others have wept? Where others still silently weep?

“It does sound like dad,” Viva forces out of herself, a brighter than the sun smile spread over her face. “You know, he worked at the estate as a stable master, but he has always been a terrific jack of all trades. One time a maid was accused of stealing the lady’s jewellery. Guess what? He found it the next day. And she didn’t even ask.”

Viva is blinding as she talks, Leon realises. His arm now around her waist, he turns away from the grave and towards her, an echo of a chuckle riding on winds.

“Yeah?” he prompts, barely a mirror to her joy.

“Yeah! Oh, I have to tell you about the candy.”

“The candy? He snuck some in for us once.”

“Just once? Pfft. You should wish he was your dad. I and Estra…”

The fire inside the chapel burns bright, as it will for the hours to come. This time Father Joseph has readied more than just a stew… although, perhaps, offering it has become a mere excuse. He, once a vicar at the sanctuary attached to the Dompteurs’ private retreat, has stories to share too.


There is little work left for Esther to do. Perhaps the heavens do listen, for the rake is now waiting for her by the chapel wall. However, it is not meant to be. Father Joseph grabs it first, crow feet around his eyes deepening as a smile emerges on his face. The door closes behind him.

“Why don’t you go light the lanterns?” he suggests with a wink. “I’ll occupy your companion in the meantime.”

Bambi’s – her dog’s, or her guard’s – tail wags furiously, his large body swaying alongside it. Perhaps it is the faint aroma of cured meat and sausages that has this effect; regardless, Esther finds herself unable and unwilling to refuse the offer.

Ignace’s grave is clean now, not a weed intruding on the dirt he has been entrusted to. Even the cross stands taller, firmer, as if it has found new pride in its duty. Esther sets the lanterns down.

Rest in peace. You don’t have to worry about us anymore, she thinks and wipes away a gossamer thread. Vivochka is happy now with her love. He’s…. Well, you wouldn’t believe it if I told you. But you also already know.

Crows caw in a nearby oak.

I have been given a job too. It’s nothing much, but I’m compensated well enough. I actually make enough to send some money back home. Mom can finally rest… Maybe, if we save a little, we can replace the roof next year too… And if not, then I can talk to my boss. He’s a good man at heart, even if he can be… a little… eccentric.

Black wings flutter above her head. Esther looks up, purple tainting the pink clouds that descend towards the sinking sun. It is gold and it is blue, that bright azure that so reminds her of… Sudden warmth has crept up on her. Esther covers her cheeks with her hands – it must be the wind. The wind and nothing else.

I’m well, dad, really.

Chevalier X OC (OC Chart: Esther), Leon X OC (OC Chart: Viva)Angst-adjacent (wholesome)Prompts: Tradition

This year the cemetery has been tidied up ahead of time; no leaves pad the paths, the old wooden benches seem to have been repainted, and even the moss is less daring in its conquest of the graves. Father Joseph must have worked hard. Now, however, he stands with his back straight and his salt-and-pepper hair neatly combed back. He too has people he visits.

“Hey.” Leon’s voice is equal parts smooth and hushed, a far cry from the commanding roar he often wields. Rather than a choir of voices, he is assisted by a quiet plinking of glass and a wooden crate confining them. Father Joseph greets him and Viva with a nod of his head.

“You’re visiting Albert?” she asks. The bouquet of flowers in her arms is enormous – large enough to obstruct her face nearly completely.

Father Joseph laughs, “You can see from there, child?” He turns to face them properly. “Ignace will be happy to receive those.”

“We’ve actually brought them for everybody,” Leon explains, the solemn expression on his face turning to a grin as he glances at Viva. “But we do have some news for Ignace that he may like. We got engaged.”

Father Joseph clasps his hands. “Congratulations! Congratulations! Let me help with those, poor Ignace mustn’t wait long to hear the good news.”

The first grave they’ve visited belongs to the niece of Joseph Vallée, Cecilia Vallée, one of the maids serving directly under the fourth prince of Rhodolite, Leon Dompteur. The original one.


Esther opens her eyes. Her prayer has come to the end, but the silence of the cemetery still prevails. It is only white lilies and heather that whisper between themselves.

“What is the day of your father’s death?” Chevalier’s inquiry startles her. Esther’s forgotten that he’s offered to come too.

“December twentieth.”

“The plaque has faded. I’ll have it remade.”

Various Works: Esther x Chevalier Various Works: Viva x Leon

You've seen a typo? Let me know!

Tag List: @lancelotscloak @violettduchess @pathogenic @fang-and-feather @tele86

@rinaririr @keithsandwich @cheese-ception @claviscollections @queengiuliettafirstlady

@sh0jun @lucyw260 @leonscape @solacedeer @bicayaya


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2 years ago

Has anyone done this for ikepri? — Artbreeder series — (Pt. 1)

Okay, so I was bored and instead of finishing the new chapter, I decided to go to artbreeder and expirement... All day. So after some struggles, I made all 8 princes + Sariel and Rio.

In the future should I make Silvio, Keith and Gilbert too? And Emma? I had fun and I'd do it again. Maybe even for other Ikemen games lol.

But nvm, now I present you 10 ikepri characters by artbreeder + my after touch in Autodesk. (I had to do it, usually for their eye colors.)

(This is "Part 1" Because Tumblr doesn't like me, and only allows 10 pictures in one post, so Rio and Sariel will be separated.)

Part 2 here! → Part 3 here!


• Leon Dompteur

(His hair is kinda weird, I had to touch that up, since it didn't quite reach his neck. Also, in general I struggled to make his features look right, I'm still not 100% into it, but I had to stop somewhere eventually haha.)


• Chevalier Michel

(Again, the hair. I swear I had to mix almost all of them with females to achieve some longer locks, since a lot of them have that going on. Also, his hair doesn't really reach his eye, and it's curly, but it is what it is...)


• Yves Kloss

(Okay, he was the first that I did, and I still love it! He's one of my favorites, I love how he turned out. Btw, I had to draw his earring, because it was impossible to edit that. So that's why it looks out of place. He looks so sassy tho.)


• Nokto Klein

(He kinda looks like a woman, to me? I had to mix him with multiple females to make his longer hair possible. But I don't hate it. And again; I edited his eyes myself. He kinda has that resting bitch face here, and I'm living for it lol.)


• Licht Klein

(I struggled with him too, to make his features look right and somewhat similar? I had like 3 tries, where I mixed everything into it, but I actually created this on accident, kind of half-hearted. But in the end I liked this the best because he resembles Nokto and they actually look like twins. Plus I had to edit his eyes, beauty marks and hair a bit. He looks soft uwu.)


• Jin Grandet

(Would it be a surprise if I'd say that I struggled with him too? I had to search for really manly prototypes and match them together, but in the end I don't hate how he turned out either. His hair is more brown than it should be, his eyes too, but I don't think it's that bothersome. Ultimate manly dude. Kinda looks like a Daddy material xd.)


• Luke Randolph

(Okay, OKAY. I'm in LOVE! He's my favorite, hands down! I actually made two versions for him; one with a smile and the other as a neutral expression but his smile is everything! I love it, he looks so precious! I might change to his route after this oof.)


• Clavis Lelouch

(I couldn't quite catch his features, his aura/vibe - if you will - well at first, but after some tries it came out good. I think. I also had to mix him with women, mainly because of his purple hair. I edited his eyes and beauty mark, but I was lazy to do his hair properly. He also has two expressions; Neutral and a mischievous one. ;))


Tags :
2 years ago

Has anyone done this for ikepri? — Artbreeder series — (Pt. 2)

Part 1 here, if you missed it! → Part 3 here!

Let's resume then!

• Rio Ortiz

(He was the second that I completed, and I'm satisfied haha. Although he may look a bit feminine, he looks cute and precious to me. I wanna give him a hug. I thought I should edit his earring but in the end it actually came out as if he has one, so I didn't do any after-touch. And by that time I was also lazy to do that.)


• Sariel Noir

(The unbelievable guy. I think I struggled with him the most. At first I had some good bases, but he looked... Way too old. Then he started to look like a vampire, trying to make his hair jet-black and all. And then his features didn't sit right, but here we are. There's a version where I quickly drew his glasses on, but they look awful, so have the version of him without his glasses too lol. He still looks way too old oof. Plus I forgot to edit his eye color on the no-glasses picture. Oh well.)


Well, this is the end (for now)! Let me know if I should make the 3 new princes or any other Ikemen game characters for that matter, because I had fun and I'd do it again! <3

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2 years ago

❥︎ The Queen’s Deceit • Ikemen Prince fanfiction


1. I don't own any of the ikepri characters and surroundings here, just my OC whom I created just for this purpose!

2. This is my first writing here and on top of that my first English writing! It's not my first language so there could be typos, and grammatical errors (as I'm still kind of learning the language) — in case this happens please tell me, I'm quick to fix them and make better quality!

3. Last, but not least is the story itself and some characters' personalities. Since the plot doesn't follow after our MC in the game, things can be different! Also, some elements were completely invented by me, so please keep an eye out for that too! (Plus, there could be spoilers for some routes.)

 The Queens Deceit Ikemen Prince Fanfiction

• Chapter IV.

 The Queens Deceit Ikemen Prince Fanfiction

"-So you are the attendant Sariel told me about! And he assigned me to help you, at least in the first couple of days. Welcome, Artina!" When I finally reached the other side of the palace, I quickly found the butler to whom it was recommended to enlighten me about more things regarding my newly-found job here in Rhodolite. 

It turned out that he's actually the new Belle's personal butler and hasn't been long in the palace either. But then again, he seems good at his job, seeing that the strict minister trusted him with this task.

"That must be such a challenging job, with all eight of them! Although I'm here only for a month, you can ask me too if you need any help. I'll gladly lend a hand, be it anything!" The new Belle - or Emma, as she introduced herself to me - gave me a supportive and enthusiastic smile while offering her assistance as well. 

She really does have a pure heart. I would probably never do anything favorable for another person if I'm not getting something back... Oh well, cultural differences, I guess. 

"Thank you, too. It means a lot. Only with you guys' encouragement, I'm much more confident about this job early on. Although it depends on the princes too." At my last remark, I laughed, and they chuckled too. 

"That's for sure. I've been here for almost a week now, but there are still princes I can't seem to figure out, or I only see them quite rarely throughout the day. Maybe I should accompany you at least, and I would get to see and understand all of them better." Emma added, clearly determined. 

She takes her responsibilities seriously, I see. The people can trust her then that she will choose the most fitting out of the princes, to be the king in the future. Good for them... if only it worked out like that in Obsidian too. Everything would be different. 

"Since you have a lot to catch up on about your work, why don't we go somewhere more pleasant to discuss?" Rio - the butler - suggested with a small smile and gestured to one of the staircases, cornering the corridor we were standing by. 

"Let's go to the garden! I'm sure you will like the flowers there! They bloom all year, and you can't get enough of their beauty!" Emma's eyes sparkled, and with that, they began to show me the way to the even more spacious castle gardens than ours back in Obsidian. 

Basically, after that rushed morning meeting with the minister and the princes, my day passed peacefully, and I spent it with Belle and her butler. They kept me company and didn't abandon me, and for that, I was somewhat grateful since I still needed to learn my way around the palace. 

Also, they warned me multiple times that my job won't be easy... Not that I expected it to be. 

But starting from tomorrow, serving breakfast to the royals, I'm really doing this. It's been only two days since I fled from Obsidian's walls, and I can't help but wonder what is going on at home. I wouldn't call it homesickness - for now - since it's even quite pleasant being a long distance away from the castle and even the country's borders. 

I just have this silly idea; what if, after some time, here I will forget the darker, chaotic reality of my situation and position in this world... and our empire? 

 The Queens Deceit Ikemen Prince Fanfiction

...Well, this is indeed odd. Are the others still sleeping, or are they not hungry? 

"Watch your step! You almost knocked the plate out of my hand just now!" Another attendant's voice woke me up from my daydream, while we were serving breakfast to the royals. 

Or, just only one of them, at the moment. 

Prince Yves was the only one who came down to the exquisite and commodious dining room early in the morning to eat. 

I had no clue about the others as I was genuinely surprised by their lack of presence, but the other servants didn't seem to care since they were constantly bringing tons of food to the table, restless. 

Will the others eat it later, for lunch? Do they like late breakfast, or what? 

Where I come from, food is a luxury, and even we in the castle can't and shouldn't afford such measures for a simple meal throughout the day. 

Do they not appreciate the people - including us - working for their sake? 

The more I thought about it, the more my blood was boiling, but I knew better than to cause a scene and raise suspicion. 

...You're not in Obsidian, Artina. Get used to it, and swallow it for now. 

"Prince Yves, may I ask where are your brothers and why don't they intend to come for breakfast?" On the other hand, I needed to hear some kind of answer to - one of - my burning questions. Surely he knows something since he's been living with them for years. 

Meanwhile, I put his plate in front of him, waiting for an answer before heading back. 

"Some of them eat breakfast later or oversleep and eat at lunchtime. But it does not concern me... and I told you to call me Your Highness." He said, mumbling the last part without looking at me. Then elegantly picked up the cutlery and started to eat. 

Is it because of their duties? But Yves is here, though... Or maybe it just depends on the day?

I really shouldn't think about this too much. I'm just causing a useless headache for myself and my thoughts. 

"-Why are you still standing here?" Now he looked into my eyes, seeming annoyed just by my mere presence. 

"Well, I was also going to ask if you need help with anything? Any casual matters or duties?" I said quickly, so I don't embarrass myself, clearly zoning out again. 

"...I suppose you are not as useless." He huffed, then tossed me a small piece of paper with delicate, legible handwriting.

I scanned it with my eyes for a brief moment and realized these are numerous ingredients for foods. Again, nutrition. Just when I want to erase it from my thoughts.

"Go to town and get me all of these by the afternoon. It shouldn't be too hard, so you better not mess it up." He addressed me sharply, and I only nodded, then left him alone. 

That's right, this shouldn't be too challenging; I only have to do some shopping. 

 The Queens Deceit Ikemen Prince Fanfiction

"I'm beyond flattered that you decided to join us in such early hours in the morning, Lady Artina." Clavis smiled, sitting across from me in the carriage. 

I literally didn't have a choice since you guys half-dragged me up here, but yes, I'm beyond flattered too. 

"And this maid outfit suits you and your body quite nicely- if I might add." I looked to Nokto beside the purple-haired one, rewarding me yet again with a sly smile and a flirty tone. 

...Don't even get me started on this dress; it's not even functional enough. It's only for pleasing the eyes, but wearing it gets quite the hustle. 

"Although I prefer women showing their legs more, I think this dress still covers too much." Come on, Clavis, don't play along..!

"The more skin exposed, the better for me. I think the neckline could show a little bit more." Nokto added again. 

"I don't think you should tease Artina on this." Said Luke from beside me, in a defensive tone. "Don't worry, they are not serious though." He turned to me with sincerity and kindness in his eyes and smiled. 

"-But I might add too that I like ruffles, so more of them would be kind of nice, I guess." He confessed, at last. 

"Oh, so you like the cute types then, Luke?" Nokto pushed on the topic even more. 

Never mind about defending. Also, why is Prince Chevalier's faction telling me about their ideal types of maid outfits? And where's Chevalier himself anyway? I'd like to imagine that at least he would make them quiet. 

"Might as well, don't you guys want to tell me Prince Chevalier's preference? Seeing that all of you are eager to share your own, schamlos." I blurted out, not watching the way I phrased the sentence. 

"Huh? What was that last word you said?" Luke asked, confused. 

...I know that my rule in life is that 'If nobody's going to do it, then I will.' but I didn't quite mean it to blow my cover when I thought about it at first! 

At least I'll save other people the time and energy of investigating me, as it's been proven that I'm not good at hiding my identity!

Never mind; now that my speech backfired, I might as well save myself too.

"Shameless, if you want it spelled out. I just got tongue-tied for a second because of your teasing." Yeah, it sounds like a valid excuse, way to go.

"You get tongue-tied interestingly." Clavis chuckled. 

I looked elsewhere, sighing, and finally felt the carriage take off. 

At least, that saves me from witnessing or creating more embarrassing and suspicious moments for myself, and from now on, I will be just concentrating on the scenery that is rushing past us at a fast pace. 

That way, maybe I will forget this weird exchange as soon as possible.

"By the way, we are going to the center of the town, right?" I asked hesitatingly after a couple of minutes.

"Yes, we have some business there." Nokto answered curtly, now his attention occupied by some papers lying in his hands.

I faintly nodded - not that he would see it since he was focusing on something entirely different. 

...At least I'm going where I'm supposed to. 

 The Queens Deceit Ikemen Prince Fanfiction

The sun was shining high and bright on me that forenoon, and I was having a good time shopping and navigating through the town center. 

I'm on my own in a foreign country, which is, moreover, enemy territory for me. I should be wary and uneasy, but I'm not. 

As the mighty lightning orb in the sky was hinting at everything in a pure golden glow, it hinted away my worries too for a couple of hours. 

For the first time it didn't feel like I was that much different from the ordinary townspeople. Everyone - including me too - was just enjoying the sun and good weather, it was that simple. I felt the same familiar feeling that they could be feeling as well. Ordinary... feelings that they must have felt. Yeah, it's been so long since I've felt ordinary, - or normal at all. Never before.

But as my small journey slowly came to a close, the heavy bags in my hands weren't the real things that weighed me down at that moment. Rather, they were my thoughts and my mind. 

I kept comforting myself while I traveled back to the palace, now in silence since the three princes had an entirely different business from mine in the center. But I didn't miss them; I was grateful for the peaceful silence until I was back in the lions' den. 

After I arrived safely at the palace, I immediately headed for the master kitchen to set the numerous ingredients there. 

I was sure that Prince Yves wouldn't like me to deliver the shopping bags to his room, although the face he would make might be funny and worth it. 

But I knew better than that and still chose the kitchen to safely pack away the flour, eggs, and baking oils. 

I wonder why he needed so many of these? Did he request it for the servants in secret? Because right now, I can't imagine what he, alone, would do with loads of baking supplies.

 The Queens Deceit Ikemen Prince Fanfiction

The following morning I was weirdly relieved to see more than just one royal sitting at the dining table, eating breakfast. 

Other than Prince Yves, Prince Leon and Prince Jin was also seated close to the younger, pompous prince. 

Prince Leon already had a plate in front of him, so I went to Prince Jin, hoping to serve him some real food... Seeing that he was fiddling with a lollipop's wrapping. 

"Good morning, Prince-" I quickly realized my mistake before cutting my sentence short. But I already captured his attention, and he was looking at me and listening, now with a small but pleased smile. "Sorry, I meant to say Jin. Can I serve you some breakfast?" I automatically looked down at his lollipop, which he was still fiddling with. I hope he notices my intentions.

"Morning, Artina! Yesterday I didn't even see you in your adorable maid dress! I must say it fits you well." He complimented me with a broad smile, and before speaking again, he popped the - now wrapping-free - lollipop in his mouth. "About breakfast, don't strain yourself. I rarely eat breakfast in the mornings. But I enjoy seeing my brothers get their bellies full. Why don't you too, join us instead? It's the best when everyone eats together in a lively space, don't you think?" I suddenly found myself considering his offer with a good feeling accompanying it in my stomach. Fair enough, I was indeed hungry. 

"Very well then. If that's your wish." I gave in and sat down, opposite Prince Jin and pulled a plate of food in front of me.

"Lady Artina, good morning! It's good to see you're eating with us too." Prince Leon greeted me, a couple of seats away.

Yves at the other side of the table, opposite Prince Leon, just silently grumbled something, but I took it as a greeting too. 

"Much better. See? That's what gets the people bonding." Jin laughed, still completely satisfied with his lollipop.

...He wants me to bond already?

I let him be, didn't wanted to force anything, and started to eat quietly. 

"Oh, also, I almost forgot to thank you for yesterday's feast!" Prince Leon rose from his seat a couple of minutes later, indicating that he had finished his meal. 

"Excuse me? I didn't put together any kind of feast. I just went shopping in the morning-" I was slightly confused about what he was trying to imply. 

"Well, without your shopping, Yves here probably couldn't have made his delicious desserts for us in the faction room by the evening! We were celebrating some recent accomplishments, and he was so generous that he baked for us again!" Jin exclaimed proudly, patting his brother's shoulder by stretching out over the several empty chairs separating them. 

Wait... So Prince Yves bakes? Furthermore, he bakes desserts? I admit I didn't expect that, but that's such an adorable gesture! 

"Well, I'm glad to be of help, always!" I smiled genuinely at the end.

Why do I feel giddy all of a sudden? This is just a conversation at breakfast.

"-You don't have to tell it to every single breathing creature in this castle, you know. It was just a small gesture, nothing more." Yves looked up, scolding his older brother hastily, but I saw that his ears turned a bright shade of red because of our exchange.

"Don't be shy, we enjoyed it very much. And we're always looking forward to your dainties!" Leon added, smiling at the younger one, and went to pat his head too. 

I just quietly enjoyed the brothers' interaction from my seat while munching on my breakfast. 

It was nice seeing them being friendly with each other, it lifted my mood too. It also made me suddenly remember my own family, especially my brother. 

It's not like we used to be like this... we were never that friendly around each other, it was more like respect and a strong sense of trust, but nonetheless, these were the kind of moments I appreciated with Gilbert while we were younger. 

Good memories, I suppose.


(I feel like this is the third boring chapter in a row now. Please tell me I’m the only one who feels this way...!)

Tags :
2 years ago
WARNING 16+ None, Fluff, F!MC Oneshot
WARNING 16+ None, Fluff, F!MC Oneshot
WARNING 16+ None, Fluff, F!MC Oneshot

⚠️•⟨WARNING⟩•⚠️ 16+ None, Fluff, F!MC ⟨Oneshot⟩

WARNING 16+ None, Fluff, F!MC Oneshot

A while after Chevalier's coronation MC started visiting the orphanage and initiated donation campaigns for it, and of course, the first to donate to her campaign was her fiance and now king, Chevalier.

today chevalier was sitting on a bench in the gardens of the orphanage, reading his book as usual. MC was reading to all the children in the orphanage, it was a routine that had started in order for her to have a break from her studies at court and preparations to be Chevalier's fiance.

Next to Chevalier sat a little girl who was determinedly trying to read one of his books. Chevalier cast a single glance at her before sighing loudly "The material is too complicated for you to read." He spoke. Sofia- the little girl shut the book closed and sneered at him "Maybe if a certain white-cloaked man helped me I would have been able to read." Chevalier replied "I am not obliged to help you, you want to read it? then learn how to on your own."

"You're as unsympathetic as ever!" Sofia frowned

"heh, just who do you think you're conversing with?" Chevalier smirked at her. "Some brutal beast, as you always refer to yourself. However! you're always snuggling against MC's lap like a little cub!" Sofia retorted with a large smug grin. "In other words, you're a snuggly little cub desperate to have aaaal of MC's attention and not some brutal beast!" she said then scooted closer to Chevalier who had a cold expression. "Help me read this! What does this word mean?" Sofia asked as she pointed her finger under a word on her book's page.

"Devour" Chevalier read "it Means to eat something quickly, greedily, or to destroy something rapidly." Chevalier read the other lines on the page for context,

"The house was devoured by flames"

"Oh, Alright. So the flames destroyed the house in no time." Sofia spoke.

"Correct." Chevalier agreed.

"Okay! Next... what does this word here mean?"


Days passed by like this- with Chevalier reading and Sofia sitting right beside him.

the girl was intelligent for her age, always thinking outside the box and outsmarting those around her, attentively paying attention to any and every piece of advice Chevalier had given her, and coming up with her own solutions for problems.

And she never once feared Chevalier. She never backed down or got nervous under his piercing cold gaze and even befriended him.

Needless to say, Chevalier was impressed. she had a better functioning brain than many of the adults around her and most of his brothers included.

he could call her a genius. A genius which is born once every 1,000 years.

Alas, here he is, standing before the orphanage as he waits for her to emerge through its thick wooden doors- having signed all adoption papers earlier and officially making her his child, a member of the royal family and a legitimate heir by giving her his last name.

Sofia soon appeared, carrying a backpack and led by one of the child caretakers. her eyes twinkled and she smiled brightly up at Chevalier as she rushed towards him and hugged him.

Chevalier startled at the sudden display of affection and roughly patted her back.

"Let us leave." He said, then he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes

"Ugh, Put me down this instant! If you're going to carry me like this then I can walk!" Sofia complained as she struggled to get out of Chevalier's grip. "Keep moving and I'll drop you," Chevalier warned her, an amused smile plastered across his face.

Sofia didn't say anything more as Chevalier carried her to the carriage where MC was waiting for her and Chevalier.

Chevalier set her down once they were in the carriage and MC immediately flung herself all over Sofia, clearly excited to have her. Chevalier watched amused as MC babied Sofia and cooed at her, clearly embarrassing her while she was trying to turn down MC's proposal of getting her lots of dresses and toys as gently as she could. at last, she cast a glance at Chevalier with a look that screamed "Please help me"

Chevalier smiles at his new little family and his chest feels warm and fuzzing as he pulls MC and hugs her close to him.

Nobody knows what the future holds, but he will protect his new little family and he will continue to protect Rhodolite against any acts of aggression from obsidian. here and now, he vows to himself to keep the two people most important to him safe forever.

As Chevalier finishes his vow, the carriage door is flung open abruptly and a purple-haired man enters it.

"Hello, my sweet little niece! your favorite uncle Clavis has arrived!"

The soft warm feeling Chevalier had felt in his chest moments ago is now replaced by annoyance as he grabs Clavis by the scruff of his neck and mercilessly throws him out of the carriage.

MC frets and worries about Clavis being hurt after the way he was thrown out but Chevalier simply shushes her by saying that, "That fool" was interrupting their time together and that his good-for-nothing brother will be fine.

"That was rude of you." Clavis complained from outside the carriage, now following it by riding on horseback, "But worry not my sweet little niece, you'll get to meet your fascinating uncle Clavis soon!"

What a nuisance.

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2 years ago
 16+ Character Death, Violence, Injuries, Fighting. Fem!Reader
 16+ Character Death, Violence, Injuries, Fighting. Fem!Reader

⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ 16+ Character death, Violence, Injuries, Fighting. Fem!Reader

 16+ Character Death, Violence, Injuries, Fighting. Fem!Reader
 16+ Character Death, Violence, Injuries, Fighting. Fem!Reader

On a disturbing night when corpses lie on the ground mutilated and lifeless, the smell of copper hits your nostrils hard, Causing you to feel sick to your stomach.

A thick frog has set itself on the warzone where your country, Obsidian, Had slayed a whole army of soldiers.

The scene before you is gruesome, and you try to leave it as soon as possible, but to no avail. Your limbs are frozen, Your lungs feeling frigid as you struggle to breathe in the freezing air mixed with the sharp smell of blood.

Your legs feel sluggish, and tears sting your eyes as you struggle to get ahold of yourself.

A figure makes its way toward you, And you see a sharp glint of a blade thanks to the seep of moonlight through the heavy fog.

You squint your eyes a little recognizing the footsteps as Chevalier's footsteps.

And sure enough, The blade of his sword swings at you.

You dodge it in time, Stumbling to the side before it can slice through you, "Do you see what you've done?" his cold voice hisses at you.

He looked angry, Furious even.

"What I've done?" You sound out irritatedly, "You mean what you've done." You retort, your hand quickly drawing your sword out of its sheathe to block Chevalier's attack.

"If it wasn't for you...None of this would have happened." he attacks you fervently, His sword restless and aiming to kill.

"You betrayed me!" You hiss at him, Kicking his knee hard while you evade his sword once more, "You betrayed me and left me to obsidian!" You shout at him, and His frown only deepens at your outburst, "You fool, Your life is nothing compared to the lives of a million people. I only did what it took to protect the kingdom." His voice is sharp and cuts through the murderous sound of blades hitting one another.

You back away with a huff, his sword grazing the skin of your arm and drawing blood, "I don't know whether to applaud your bravery for thinking you could face off with me or scold you for your foolishness."

"You'll die here, Belle," Chevalier mutters that declaration under his breath, His foot kicking your knee harshly and knocking you down.

"Ha, Oh dear, You should applaud me for both."

"As you know, Not every simpleton will try to kill Chevalier Michel." You chuckle mockingly, Then pull out a hidden dagger and toss it at him.

He dodges it swiftly, The blade only scratching his cheek lightly.

"Living in Obsidian must have messed up your mind If you'd try such dirty trickery such as throwing a knife." His sword swings down at you once more, and you shut your eyes closed, preparing for the fatal blow that will end your life, But it never comes. His sword stabbed the ground next to your head rather than you, And when you open your eyes to peer up at him, You see him looking down at you remorsefully.

"I never wanted to leave you." Chevalier's voice is quiet. So quiet that if any wind blew right now, it would have carried away his words.

"Quit spewing nonsense." You try to kick him, But his foot presses down on your throat hard, "I was hoping to humor you once more before taking your life." He smirks painfully, As if to convince himself he actually means his words.

A moment later, Chevalier strides back effortlessly and dodges the cane shoved his direction, "Whoops, It seems I tried to hit too hard." Gilbert's sweet voice echoes while he eyes Chevalier wearily, 'I couldn't help it. When I see my little bunny about to be eaten by another beast, murderous intent seems to take over my body." He glares at Chevalier, The cold temperate now feeling even more chilling to you as you lay on the ground. Chevalier wastes no time swinging his sword at Gilbert, and the two begin their fight.

You click your tongue in irritation. You know damn well Gilbert's physical health is weaker than Chevalier's. Thus you get up quietly, Carefully observing Chevalier to make sure he doesn't catch sight of you.

Gilbert distracts him well. He leads him further and further away from where you were lying, The thick fog now blocking Chevalier's eyesight of you when he looks back.

Once reaching a cave far away, Gilbert pants as Chevalier laughs smugly, "I wasn't expecting you to be exhausted after a mere brawl like this Eye patch."

"There's a lot you weren't expecting, I'm sure." Gilbert inhales sharply, Straightening his back and wiping away drops of blood from his neck. "For example, How Obsidian took over your main supply chain and enslaved half your citizens." He taunts him, Noticing you creep behind Chevalier.

"I'll take your head and make you pay for destroying half the kingdom." Chevalier flicks off blood seeping down his injured wrist and readies his sword. He approaches Gilbert like a predator would its prey. His boots somewhat dragging against the rough dirt beneath him, His steps rash and heavy.

Precisely as he got closer to Gilbert, The latter grabbed his sword unexpectedly, Blood seeping through the large cut of his black gloves as he held it firmly.

"Just how much of a fool are you?!" Chevalier rasped out, aggravated.

"Very much," Gilbert smirked at him, right as you appear behind Chevalier and your sword pierces through his heart.

Chevalier freezes, His head turning back to look at you with shock.

"Hehe! You see, Chevalier, Your biggest mistake was to leave Belle behind." Gilbert chides him, watching in satisfaction as you pull your sword out of Chevalier, and he falls to the ground pitifully, with blood gushing out of him.

"Goodness me! Gil, are you alright?!" You scramble to pull a bandage out of your trousers' pocket and a small vial of antiseptic. "I'm alright," Gilbert reassures you But winces in pain when you pull his gloves off. You hurry to treat his hands' cuts, Unbothered by Chevalier's fallen body behind you as you take care of your lover.

The last thing Rhodolite's white tiger sees before his death is his past love, which he left behind, being embraced by his biggest enemy.

Perhaps if Rhodolite had never thrown you to the wolves, The kingdom would still exist today.

Oh, what a grave mistake leaving you to Obsidian and destroying the covenant proving you're Belle was.

For a second time in his life, he loses by only making the right decisions.

 16+ Character Death, Violence, Injuries, Fighting. Fem!Reader

An: Inspired by Chevalier's route lol ☕

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1 year ago
In An Abandoned Storage Room, You Find A Series Of Notes Taken By The Queen's Beloved Knight. They Pretty
In An Abandoned Storage Room, You Find A Series Of Notes Taken By The Queen's Beloved Knight. They Pretty
In An Abandoned Storage Room, You Find A Series Of Notes Taken By The Queen's Beloved Knight. They Pretty
In An Abandoned Storage Room, You Find A Series Of Notes Taken By The Queen's Beloved Knight. They Pretty

In an abandoned storage room, you find a series of notes taken by the Queen's beloved knight. They pretty much summarize her life story... Do you read them?

In An Abandoned Storage Room, You Find A Series Of Notes Taken By The Queen's Beloved Knight. They Pretty

⚠️•⟨WARNING⟩•⚠️ 16+ Spoilers for the game, mentions of past SA.

In An Abandoned Storage Room, You Find A Series Of Notes Taken By The Queen's Beloved Knight. They Pretty

· The first note...

Ever since she was little, she was engaged to Chevalier's father. They grew up together, and slowly she fell in love with him.

Later in life, she married the king and then fell pregnant with Chevalier. Nine months later, she gave birth to him. A beautiful baby boy resembling her in appearance, with sky blue eyes and blonde hair.

She had hoped that her husband would at least visit her after she gave birth to their son, But he didn't. The King's absence deeply saddened her, He was the love of her life after all, Yet, he wanted nothing to do with her. Despite that, the hope in her heart that he would eventually open his own heart to her never faltered.

She had hoped he would show feelings for their son, and take him into his arms. Her hopes, however, are quickly crushed when a maid informs her the king won't be coming to see the baby.

Queen Michel still remembers how she cried while cradling Chevalier in her arms, The only one standing by her side to comfort her, Leticia, was seething with fury at the King's absence for the umpteenth time.


The announcement of Chevalier's birth spread throughout the kingdom, and the noble families in particular. Some visitors came to greet the new baby and wish him good fortune, albeit only with the ulterior motives of trying to betroth him to their families' future daughters.

With all the visits, monsters always lurked in the shadows of every smile plastered onto each face that looked at her son.

Chevalier was still a baby, and yet whispers of him being an abnormal child maliciously spread throughout the palace like wildfire. They pricked the Queen like rose thorns, Their malicious words feeling like salt being rubbed into her wounds.

And a new blow, cold as ice, struck the Queen harshly as she learned of her husband's new wrongdoing. He had wronged her own lady-in-waiting, Making the queen want to scream as loud as she could at him even if feeling sick to the stomach. Listening to her best friend's confession, she did her utmost best to Ignore her disgust and anger, and tried everything she could to comfort her best friend. She encouraged Leticia to love and care for her baby. She didn't want an innocent child with no fault whatsoever to be brought into this cruel world and hated.

Thankfully, her dear friend's beautiful heart found love for Clavis, despite how he came into existence.

Queen Michel often held baby Clavis who looked exactly like his mother, With beautiful amber eyes and soft purple hair. He was a cute little copy of his mother, and Leticia took good care of him. She even took care of Chevalier while looking after Clavis.


Chevalier, Although merely two years old, was unbothered and distant. He didn't want to play, Instead, He was learning to communicate faster than the average child would.

Whenever she tried giving him a toy, It would catch his curious attention for a few seconds, his eyes sparkling with delight at the new object before he inspected it and lost full interest in it, Resulting in him shoving the toy away or throwing it.

Chevalier would only sleep and mumble any words he could when displeased, His only interest being receiving meals.

He would only pout and frown, being a grumpy baby and looking up at his mother with big shiny blue eyes which resembled her own, and then he'd pull on her arm to signal her he wanted to eat.

She used to cuddle and coo at him whenever they were alone, Enjoying how cute her baby looked as he pouted at her disturbing his snack time, and how much of a glutton he was, his cheeks stuffed full like one of a chipmunk's as he gleefully munched on a strawberry.

The only time her son truly warmed up to her and acted cute was when they were alone together. Chevalier was very much like a cat, only accepting affection when he wanted it, and getting annoyed by it when he didn't.

Her baby hated others, and would throw things in frustration whenever a nursemaid cared for him, His childish tantrums being bad enough to scare the poor lady as he demanded his mother look after him in her place.


Queen Michel's days were difficult, with Mountains of work and sleepless nights exhausting her. Her unrequited love for her husband was taking a toll on her mental health as well, because he was dismissive of her even existing. They'd been together for years now, And yet he only gave her the cold shoulder. She craved affection from the man she had a child with, but was always denied and pushed away.

Peer pressure from her relatives and other noblewomen to have another child with him made her feel sick to the stomach, As much as she loved him, She could not sleep with him again. She would rather spend a day in a ditch than listen to him fantasise about another woman or cry while in bed with her.


One day when he was older, Chevalier killed a man.

The Queen was unsure whether she should be mad at him or the assassin who tried to kill him-- Obviously, she should be mad at the latter, And yet her heart felt heavy. Her child had killed someone, But he was as apathetic as ever. He ignored her when she tried to console him, and even kicked her out of his room because reading his book was more important to him.

Her heart shattered as she realized all words spoken about Chevalier when he was a baby came to be true, and she felt devastation pool at her heart, a burning feeling making itself present in her chest as her eyes stung with tears.

Unbeknownst to her, Her feet drag her to her husband's room where she knocks on the door, wondering if he would at least open it this once, But, No matter how long she stands in front of the door it never opens. She clasped her hands over her lap as she sank down to the floor before the door, trying to even her rapid and shallow breaths enough to calm herself down to stop weeping.

The Queen's sadness and heartbreak eventually morphed into something else.

Anger, Anger directed at her father, the marquis. Her Husband, and every court minister. She feels a strong surge of hatred for everybody as her fingers clutch her dress tightly, Causing the fabric to crease.


Her skin began to crawl whenever she sat on the throne next to the king, and her displeasure with her husband began to take root.

She didn't hate him, but she wasn't comfortable being with him. The man was unstable, Often looking alone despite being surrounded by others, and he suffered fits of madness that neither she nor the court ministers knew what to do about.

At night he would be unable to sleep, and often locked himself away from others. He rarely spoke to her or his… other... wives.

And she recalls how useless she felt whenever her husband locked himself away. She wished she could help him. She wished she knew a way to help him, because despite her now growing resentment towards him, She still held some affection him and didn't blame him entirely for everything.


One day, Sariel-- A child only 4 years older than her son Chevalier was brought to the palace by her husband, and she wonders what he thinks? What does he see? The king brought him to the palace, a lair full of monsters and beasts hiding in the dark. Why bring a child here? Who was he before he came here? What does he know about the king that she doesn't?


One day she has had enough. She discovers a maid that had left after the king put his hands on her, and defiled her dignity. Queen Michel storms into his room in anger, Feeling her blood boil and Ignoring her own maids' calls of worry, shutting the door with a bang behind her.

She glared at the king in anger, her once blue and clear eyes now narrowed sharply reflecting her emotions. It didn't matter what mental state he was in, Nothing could excuse his horrific actions. Now, he had ruined yet another person's life.

She raced towards the king and slapped him hard, The sound echoing loudly in the otherwise quiet room and her hand hurting because of the strong impact of her hit. He doesn't say anything as he listens to her outburst, and allows her to take her anger out on him.

His silence only served to anger her even more, making her jaw clench tightly as she questioned him, What he's doing, What he's done.

She screamed how fed up she was with him and everybody else.

And for the first time ever, the king listened to her, His much larger frame looking smaller and smaller as his shoulders slumped down, somehow making him look weak.

That night, Something nobody expected happened.


During the morning, An announcement of the king's passing spreads throughout the palace, and makes itself known to every noble and slave in the kingdom. The king supposedly died from a heart attack, Which left the royal court in a sudden rage of uproar.


Queen Michel takes full control over the kingdom, and banishes any man or woman who opposes her reign. The queen has ordered for anyone who dares to speak against her takeover to have his or her tongue be cut off, and even gives a demonstration to the ministers who had a lot to say by having their tongues taken. She disposed of those ministers who continued to force, and try to talk her into marrying, saying that a queen with no king is weak and destined to fall. She turned the court into an authoritarian one, only giving power to the people she trusted and leaving them in charge.

After securing her takeover, Queen Michel went out to find the late king's new child. Her trusted spy informed her about the whereabouts of the maid violated by the king, telling her how she lived in a village near the border with obsidian.

Together with a group of well trained knights, the queen departed the castle and headed to the ex palace maid's house. The woman was afraid, nearly jumping out of her skin and bursting into tears when she caught sight of the queen. Her body shook in fear at what the queen may do to her, as she answered her questions with honesty, and relief soon flooded the maid.

She took Luke into her arms, and handed him to the queen, admitting she is unable to care for and love the child.

The Queen took the baby, gently carrying him within her arms before leaving the house. She brushed Luke's short orange hair back as she entered the carriage, and cradled him in her arms.

She may have been unable to avoid the tragedies that struck the palace, but at least she was able to save one little life, and would now be able to protect many.

Luke had 7 older brothers to look after him, So, she'll make sure he grows up well.


After returning to the palace, the queen is greeted by a curious Leon. His amber eyes sparkling up at her with wonder as he asks her who the baby is, and she tells him Luke is his baby brother which she finally brought home. Leon grins at her merily, his little hands clasping behind his back as he tells her he'll be a good big brother to the new troublemaker in their family.

She chuckles before ruffling his hair, his brown locks falling into his eyes before he brushes them away and runs off to his lessons with Sariel.

"A new baby brother?" Someone curious asks behind her, making her spin around.

"Yes Jin, I've brought him here so all eight of you can be together." She tells him while changing her hold on Luke, "Isn't he cute?" She asked.

"Well… He's chubby I guess..?" Jin rubbed his neck as an awkward smile fell upon his face at the sight of the baby, some conflicting emotions filling him, "he's really chubby…" He spoke.

"He's not THAT chubby, Jin." She tried to convince him.

( An: I later saw her giving baby Luke to prince Jin, and he seemed happy to hold him. )


After bringing Luke to the palace everything went on smoothly for the Queen, she ran the kingdom with an iron fist, and allied Rhodolite with both Jade and Benitoite, stationed more soldiers to protect the border with obsidian in case of an act of aggression from the empire, And her son, Chevalier, became warmer despite his still dismissive demeanour. He loved his new little brother and came up with his own name for him 'Jumbo' After seeing him. She had Leticia and Sariel to help her take care of the 8 princes, and even began seeing Sariel as her own son.

In An Abandoned Storage Room, You Find A Series Of Notes Taken By The Queen's Beloved Knight. They Pretty

@cheshirekeeper 🩷

In An Abandoned Storage Room, You Find A Series Of Notes Taken By The Queen's Beloved Knight. They Pretty

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1 year ago
" ."

"𝐍𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬." ♡

" ."

⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ Smut... yandere, cheating, incest.

• 🩷 Suitors... - Gilbert, Chevalier.

" ."
" ."

He brushes back your beautiful dark locks, his fingers carefully running through your hair as he caresses your head and allows his hand to fall to the nape of your neck. The cold air freezes in your lungs as he gives your neck a light squeeze, his fingers applying the gentlest pressure to it as you lean forward to kiss him. Your hands roam his body, slowly heating him up even if you're grabbing and tugging off whatever clothing was left on him. You hurriedly stripped him before you gripped his back tightly, your fingernails digging into his skin and leaving red marks in their wake, to imprint in the soft flesh there as you claw him roughly.

He fucked himself into you, making you clamp your hand over your mouth to stifle your moan of his name. Some of the material on the desk below you falls to the floor, knocked down by your movements.

You hug him closer as you bury your face into his neck, inhaling his rich calming scent and trying to ground yourself as you hold him sweetly. His cock steadily dragged against your plush walls as he angled his hips to thrust deeper into you. ‘’You love your big brother right? more than Chevalier.’’ He flashed you a smile as he panted, his hips hitting yours as he picked up the pace. Pounding even rougher into you and feeling your walls clench around him, your arousal seeped down between your legs while he rubbed your clit hurriedly so that you could both finish before somebody came into the room.

You heard a knight passing by the room you were in, his rough footsteps echoing loudly outside.

Gilbert didn’t want to have to kill anybody in front of you. He wanted to save you from witnessing such an ugly sight... He tugged your eye patch off, revealing your beautiful shiny blue eye, and the jewel like blood-red one matching his very own...

"No one will ever love you like your brother does." He whispers before sealing your lips in a kiss.

"Now go. I'm sure your husband Chevalier is waiting for you."

" ."
" ."

He pulls you into his room, uncaring about his wife who sleeps in his bed peacefully. You stumble and hold yourself up on his desk, your palms pressing against the hard wood to prevent yourself from falling.

Chevalier comes behind you and mercilessly yanks your skirt up ‘’Chevalier!!’’ You call out his name in protest, ‘’Don’t you dare! Your wife is right there… what if she wakes up?!’’ You whispered whilst your brows furrowed in unease. You didn’t want to get caught, and you didn’t want to take a risk as big as this one...

A smirk makes its way onto his face as a simple ‘’Don’t worry’’ Leaves his lips before his mouth crashes against yours, and your lips move against one another. His tongue enters your mouth to ravish you while he tugs his glove off. He then pulls your underwear to the side and presses a finger into your wet entrance making you whimper quietly, and nervously glance back at his bed where his wife lies… still asleep. An odd thrill fills you as he kisses you again holds you gently in his embrace, making your heart melt.

He grabs you by your thighs and raises you over his desk, setting you atop the edge of it where he can take you easily.

While his fingers tease and prepare you, you bite your lip, trying to silence yourself in fear of making a single noise because you’re too afraid of his wife catching you like this. He chuckles at you, giving you his cocky smirk as he pushes his length into you all at once. You nearly scream at the sudden intrusion as he stretches you out so quickly, and he clamps his hand over your mouth. ‘’Shh, you don’t want to get caught, Do you?’’ He whispers teasingly, making you want to smack him for putting you into a position like this.

You nervously look back at his wife, and finally notice that she is in fact awfully pale… Even dead-looking… ‘’Is she okay?’’ You ask Chevalier in concern. He cups your cheek in his palm before answering, ‘’She’s dead.’’

Your blue eyes widen in shock at his words as he brushes your blonde hair back…

" ."

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