Choujin X - Tumblr Posts
✈︎Manga of the day!

Choujin X
Genre: Action, Supernatural, Drama, Psychological
=On going {?}
Illustrated by Sui Ishida
has been serialized on Shueisha's Tonari no Young Jump website since May 2021 with irregular serialization.
Has 13 Chapters
Volumes: 0
Volumes will come out in December 17? (if I’m not wrong, I’m still kinda confused myself ._ .)
Second-year high schooler Tokio Kurohara likes to slack off in class. However, despite his attitude at school, he works alongside his childhood friend Azuma Higashi to combat the brewing injustice in their town. Choujins—supernatural beings with powers beyond mere mortals are entities that Tokio and Azuma avoid at all costs. One day, when a previously defeated thug returns to exact revenge, the two are forced into a scuffle. Unable to flee, the duo injects themselves with a drug that can turn someone into a Choujin.

Fishbaiit’s note: (I read it somewhere online and I wanted to see if I could by it but I think they will realize on December 17, I might be wrong though, I couldn’t understand any of the informations If you know anything, please do let me know.). ㅤ. (Also, It wasn’t long ago that I found out that Sui Ishida had another work of his, his one of my favorite manga artist so finding this out really caught my attention.)
CX ch 44 thoughts! -- you bring a towel around with you
I never see any discussion on Choujin X on Tumblr, and I do not want to post on twitter, so I will throw some of my thoughts into the ether here.
It's nice seeing Azuma act like a normal person around Tokio again. He just needs to get in a fistfight with him every now and then to get some of his demons out, I guess.
Sato is acting weird here, it seems a little too obviously-evil-speak.
I appreciated the several panels of Azuma just hating on Sato's plan, and I thought it was odd how Tokio seemed to be mostly okay with it until it went to far. I think it further illustrates the difference between Must-Make-the-Right-Choice Azuma and Tokio, who mostly seems to go off of vibes.
Most importantly, the 3D Nude Bag looks so bad. It is the only time in the manga so far that any of the art has just looked Bad.

The choujin x official translations have been really good since chapter 1. Just reading through both versions of this new chapter, everything flows so much better while still retaining the original meaning. We lost the Tokio-san/Akuma-kun detail, but aside from that I think every line is worded as perfectly as possible. Azuma’s backseating makes more sense, using “relentless” was such a good idea, I’m just really happy abt it.
also the “oni/onii-chan” to “son of a/treat me like a son” translation from chapter 42.5 was so good. And all of Ely’s poop special moves.

Choujin X - Volume 8 Cover!
CX ch 45 thoughts! - you three did good work

I feel like this is a very specific phrase --that you don't have to change -- to start this new part of the investigation.
Once again enjoyed Azuma being involved in scenes where he is not acting repressed or vaguely sinister. I think they all have more interesting aspects to their post-timeskip characters that chill set-up chapters are great at showing.
Why does Sato look so extra and evil in every panel he's in? It feels like a running gag at this point. He's been doing this the whole story and it honestly has made me really enjoy his character. The way Sato is framed is just so blatant and unsubtle that it goes back around to being mysterious again
Enjoyed the additional Arthur characterization.
Palma swimming for two months is such a perfect encapsulation of what rocks about this series. It's the fun mix of intrigue, whimsy, and unsettling horror. She somehow feels like she's been in the story the whole time.

Also the Bill Morse, zombie island is very, very cool world building, and I am excited to see what theories and links people smarter than me will find! I appreciate how we were eased into Palma's character, and now that we like her, Ishida can drop wackier and wackier ideas.
Nude is fine. His new "living" predicament is the most interesting thing about him right now, but I feel like the author enjoys drawing him. But most importantly...
Ely's back in the spotlight!
Ely continues to be great, and appreciate the lack of love triangle (so far). It's been fun seeing the romance subplot develop.
I hear people saying Ely hasn't had an arc yet, but a) I'm sure it'll come in due time, b) Ely has always been a emotionally mature character, and c) Ely is very important for fleshing out Azuma's and Tokio's personalities, whose arcs and emotional states have been given most of the focus post-timeskip.

She hasn't really been given an impetus to change. Her current function in the story is to push the other two to grow through their stubbornness (or "relentless"ness). The not-talking subplot didn't overstay its welcome because she could read both of them enough to call them out on it. She knows how they think and how their personalities interact. I'm excited for her to be front and center again!

To wrap up, I'm looking forward to see this new four-man squad interact with each other. The Tokio-Mic-Mike dynamic will be missed, but it will be interesting to see how Tokio's leadership abilities work under three characters who might not follow orders as militantly.
Thanks for reading!

I love how rarely Tokio's face looks badass like this. In most action shots he still looks a little dorky and awkward.

CHOUJIN X (2021-?) by ishida sui
We are so close to watching every single domino fall.
Please I implore anyone to catch up with the manga!
Why can Azuma talk to the hyena? Is he already a beast? If Tokio can talk to bird because he is a bird-related beast, then Azuma talking to the hyena could mean he is a hyena-related beast. Sora having "beast" related powers is vague enough that I wouldn't be surprised if those who inherit her Beast power just became the beast most appropriate for their Choujin "obsession". I think it is reasonable (foreshadowed, even) that Azuma's beast would be related to a lion or hyena. Both work for the character.
However, this idea is apparently dispelled when Zora rejects him:

He seems confused. Maybe he thought he was a beast already because of his conversation with the hyena? Either way, he does not take it very well (he has issues).
If he is already a beast, the following must be true (as of Ch. 51.3):
Zora does not intrinsically know what aspects of her power her "children" inherit from Xember. She had just seen Azuma using his iron creation abilities before she offered Tokio the mark, and assumed his only power was iron creation. Batista could have also reported to her that Tokio was a beast and Azuma was iron, etc.
Zora's offspring do not need to be a beast to talk to beasts. Can Azuma talk to birds? That means he would have heard Masamune call Ely an idiot.

However, Batista also assumes Azuma is not a beast, despite witnessing Azuma crying over a random hyena on the beach. He seems to believe it is possible to "convert" Azuma into a beast.

But... why can he talk to the hyena? I don't think Azuma would hide some crazy Lion Powers from Ely or Yamato Mori. However, his iron powers lay dormant until he died the first time, as a response to him feeling helpless and trapped (obsessed with a fear of losing).
If he felt powerful and dominant enough to trigger an "obsession" with that feeling, would it similarly trigger a dormant bestial power?
im.... thinking bout..... the hyena in Choujin X.... the escaped zoo hyena.

it's a real hyena, probably. the zoo break out is mentioned by other characters, we see it at the ocean later. but it's also clearly not a real hyena, it speaks to Azuma, it's a metaphor for his emotional state at this point in canon (a predator lost in a world suddenly too big for it, unable to cope with the changes, looking for the right path and finding one that just leads to an unmaking).
this hyena finds the ocean eventually (it is a real hyena, the birds and bugs eat it) (it is also Azuma, and his end in the story is???)
and then of course there's the other hyena. a year and change later.

there's a beach, a corpse, Azuma, a hyena (metaphorical, not literal (yet))
there's something there, right? Azuma at the beach with a hyena twice in the same story. There's something there about a hyena being a metaphor for the you who has to change to survive, for the things people do to survive, for coming to terms with who you are when you are the hyena.
the first hyena gets to the ocean and collapses, feeding the flies and the carrion birds (there's a metaphor there too, of course). i'm not sure what that means for the others.
GUYS, please read Choujin X! It's super good and I really don't understand why some people hate it