Christian Antisemitism - Tumblr Posts
Okay, with Good Friday tomorrow, it is time for us to talk about antisemitism, the Christian Holy Week, and the Passion.
The Christian Holy Week is a time of prayer, joy, and scripture for many Christians. For Jews it is traditionally a time of fear.
Synagogues traditionally bulk up security during Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, and Christian Holy Week. When I tell you this week, Good Friday in particular, is scary for us I am not exaggerating. Our institutions don’t cough up money for security just for fun.
The Christian Holy Week, going back centuries and continuing to this day, has often been closely tied to vicious and even violent antisemitism. This is when the gospels’ portrayals of Jesus’ death are read, the Passion dramatically acted out complete with Christians playing Jews and violently screaming for the crucifixion of Jesus, and the “Prayer for the Jews” said. It is when we are, in Christian scripture, tied to the crime of alleged deicide. A permanent sin by the Jews, in much of Christian theology. The accusation of deicide by the Jews has led to pogroms and violence against us for centuries, more often during this week than any other time of year.
Does it matter that much of the death of Jesus was likely written as it was for political and theological purposes, rather than as a reflection of what happened? Nah. That these accounts were written anywhere from 50-150 years after the purported death of the Jesus figure? No. What about the fact that the Judas character in the gospels is the least likely to have actually existed and it’s suspicious his name translates to “Jew”? Why would any one worry about that?
Does it matter that even the gospels’ depictions of Jesus’ death indicate that Jews were not responsible for the crucifixion? Of course not. In much of Christianity Jews’ guilt is the truth, even if the disciplines of history and historiography disagree. (Fun facts: Crucifixion was never used by Jews for the death penalty, Pontius Pilate was so notoriously cruel even Romans thought he was too much, and claiming to be king of the Jews didn’t violate Jewish law even if it made people think you were a little nuts.)
Some strains of Christianity have begun the hard work of reckoning with the antisemitism traditionally, doctrinally, and liturgically present in Christianity’s Holy Week. They’ve begun changing liturgy, and altering or even removing Passion plays and the “Prayer for the Jews.”
But not enough of Christianity has. So please, Christian and Christian-adjascent decent people, be aware of the Christian Holy Week’s long, deep, and indeed religious ties to antisemitism, and often violent antisemitism at that. Try to disconnect your theology and traditions from a narrative that posits us as the murderers of Jesus, which if it happened as described was actually an action taken by Rome for violations of Roman law. Do not use your holiest of weeks to demonize us. We’re already scared.
Ok firstly how dare a Christian say that Jews were Christians before we got cocky. Judaism existed long before Christianity. We believe in hashem idk what Gods Christians believe in but our G-d has nothing to do with Jesus. There is nothing that mentions or points towards Jesus in the Torah or as they call it "the old testament" the only things they say point to Jesus are either taken out of context or mistranslated. If I used their methods I could also say that the old testament said Elvis would be the messiah because when you shoot an arrow and than draw the target around it you'll always get a bullseye...catch my drift? Jesus means NOTHING to jews stop pretending he has anything to do with us.
Now it does have to be said that the general reading of "no gods before me" doesn't mean that hashem or jews acknowledges the existence of other gods. What it was was that back than idolatry was a big issue so he said that as to oppose it but in many instances hashem makes it clear that he is the only God who exists.
thank you for standing up to serpents ive been watching her do this sh t for awhile its a shame how much these demons have manipulated her hopefully one day shell return to g d (or at the very least theyll be laws protecting peope from falling into this sort of thing one day) <3
transphobic christofascist fuck off challenge
Serpents is nonbinary and them hurting you doesn't mean you can misgender them
two rights don't make one right
also it's possible that YOU ARE serpents trying to paint me as evil christo fascist terf for calling HIM out, because he claimed I was tthat in his rebutall
Don't call anyone demons, the true evil lies within us all and when you do you reveal the evil within yourself
You very clearly have not talked to many Jews with the goal of actually understanding them my zionism is that I believe that both Jews and Palestinians who are both native to the land should be able to live there peacefully. But again you don't seem to want to actually have a discussion and would rather just be angry at me. The "zionism" stated in that meme is the goyish version of zionism. Just because goyim hijacked a word's actual meaning, doesn't mean they get to dictate that meaning to those of us who know what the meaning originally was.
Also I am allowed and able to think about and stand for multiple things at once. Just because I make a silly little post about a movie that doesn't mean that I am only thinking about a movie ever. I can care about both minor and major things as I believe most humans can. Also just because some media is meant for children it doesn't take away from the impact and messages it can have and get across. I think its very dangerous and ignorant to completely disregard children's media. I don't think its your place to state that that movie was made for Christian audiences only either as they brought on many many jews for the creation of that movie and many of the songs are in Hebrew. A language understood by jews and rarely ever by Christians.
"Oh the prince of Egypt is a Christian movie" How Dare You! How dare you treat Judaism, our people, our faith, our experience as a mere precursor to your religion. The exodus took place thousands of years before Jesus was even a thought. The Torah was given to us. Not to you. We have a holiday for this event. You do not.
*turns you into a sefer Torah that would be kosher if not for the fact that every time hashem's name is written one of the letters are wrong. Meaning that not only are you not kosher and never going to be used for a mitzvah but you also don't even get the respect of being discarded in shamos. You will not be buried. You will be thrown away like mere trash. You could've been so much more but you are nothing*
Holy shit i have just explained to you why it distinctly was not terrorism also this just shows how little you actually know about the situation because that was most definitely not the start of the fighting. You seem to forget about the 12 druze children who were murdered by a hezbolla rocket aimed at a playground. Anyways yet again it is obvious you aren't looking for an actual discussion and just wish to spread antisemetism. You ignore many of my points when you have no rebuttal. so I'm not going to interact with this anymore.
"Oh the prince of Egypt is a Christian movie" How Dare You! How dare you treat Judaism, our people, our faith, our experience as a mere precursor to your religion. The exodus took place thousands of years before Jesus was even a thought. The Torah was given to us. Not to you. We have a holiday for this event. You do not.
*turns you into a sefer Torah that would be kosher if not for the fact that every time hashem's name is written one of the letters are wrong. Meaning that not only are you not kosher and never going to be used for a mitzvah but you also don't even get the respect of being discarded in shamos. You will not be buried. You will be thrown away like mere trash. You could've been so much more but you are nothing*