Chrome Dokuro - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago
Actually It Was Tsunas Guardians Who Planned To Have Their Costumes Like Thatnot Reborn.
Actually It Was Tsunas Guardians Who Planned To Have Their Costumes Like Thatnot Reborn.
Actually It Was Tsunas Guardians Who Planned To Have Their Costumes Like Thatnot Reborn.

Actually it was Tsuna’s Guardians who planned to have their costumes like that…not Reborn.

Well. Maybe influenced by a little bit.

※ Check out my other khr x bnha posts~ 

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8 years ago
Actually It Was Tsunas Guardians Who Planned To Have Their Costumes Like Thatnot Reborn.
Actually It Was Tsunas Guardians Who Planned To Have Their Costumes Like Thatnot Reborn.
Actually It Was Tsunas Guardians Who Planned To Have Their Costumes Like Thatnot Reborn.

Actually it was Tsuna’s Guardians who planned to have their costumes like that…not Reborn.

Well. Maybe influenced by a little bit.

※ Check out my other khr x bnha posts~ 

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8 years ago

Vongola, Varia and Dino shopping

Requested by Anon


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping

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2 years ago

Vongola, Varia and Dino shopping

Requested by Anon


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping


Vongola, Varia And Dino Shopping

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9 years ago
Looking This... You Can See A Boy Lying There...

Looking this... You can see a boy lying there...

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9 years ago
I Like This Picture . But I Love Chrome With Mukuro

I like this picture . But i love Chrome with Mukuro

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9 months ago

this post broke my heart and healed it at the same time

tsuna and gokudera’s dynamic is “no one’s ever found me worth standing by my side no matter what to the very end” and “no one’s ever found me worth accepting me just the way i am, and as i am now in spite of my many flaws and shortcomings”

tsuna and yamamoto’s dynamic is “everyone always makes me pay the price for every single one of my mistake, no matter how little and insignificant” and “everyone always expects me to be perfect at being who they want me to be, and i’m afraid they’ll find me worthless if i mess up even once”

tsuna and lambo’s dynamic is “no one ever cares that i’m just a child” and “everyone always punishes and rejects me for acting like the child i am”

tsuna and ryohei’s dynamic is “no one’s ever found me worth taking under their wing, looking after, paving the way for me and making sure it’s safe for me to follow after them” and “as the one who needs to be relied on, as the protector, the example, the older one, no one’s ever looked after me and took care of me on the same grounds as i do for them”

tsuna and hibari’s dynamic is “i’ve never had anything to put my faith in, knowing that it wouldn’t so much as shake and would never fail me even in the face of the end of the world” and “i’ve never had to learn that even my strength can fail me, but there can be strength in weakness too, in letting others help me make up for that weakness, and i can grow even stronger for it”

tsuna and mukuro’s dynamic is “no one’s ever thought me worth allowing me my childhood and made me grow up too soon” and “no one ever cared that i was never allowed to be a child, and i’ll never stand for that fate to be allowed to go on unpunished any longer”

tsuna and chrome’s dynamic is “i’ve always been less than what people want me to be, have always been not enough to meet their expectations of me” and “i’ve always been so worthless in everyone’s eyes, no one’s ever expected anything of me”

(tsuna and reborn’s dynamic is “no one’s ever put faith in what i can become, in what i can be right now, and in me in spite of my many flaws and shortcomings” and “i’m never going to let anyone inside my heart ever again, and no one will bother trying to get inside anyway being the way i am now”)

do you get it?

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