Chucky Predictions - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

What about that ritual scene we saw in the trailer?? OR THE SCENE OF HER HOLDING A KNIFE GOING AFTER LEXY?? those 2 scenes im sssoo interested in honestly.

ARE U EXCITED FOR CAROLINE PART CUZ I AM. I hope she doesn't die cuz shes my fav :( btw what do u think will happen next ep?


Honestly, I have a pretty good feeling that she's either going to be pretty much the only person that Chucky has by his side besides Tiffany but the death of his doll body is going to force Caroline to reunite with Lexy (despite her fucking hating it when she is around Lexy)

And by the time the end of the season finale comes around she either goes off with Tiffany, Chucky if he ever comes back into another doll, or just goes off on her own path similar to how GG's story ended back in Season 2

Also I have a good feeling that the next episode is going to be showing off Ghost!Chucky and all his past selves, going into bits and pieces of each one's biggest events in that time of his life (probably a way for Chucky to look back on his life after he's become a spirit to reflect and ponder on it)

I also just wanna see Teen Chucky have a major Hippie Phase and just be an optimistic goof despite most likely still having a murder streak on him at that time of his life!

Thank you soso very much for coming by the inbox my great amazing friend, it's so awesome seeing you here since I LOVE your art and Chucky content! I hope to see you here again and have a fantastic day my fantastic friend!!

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