Cigarette Smoke - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago
There's A Very Good Reason For This. Nicotine, When Smoked In Cigarettes, Is A Very Fast Acting Ant-depressant,

There's a very good reason for this. Nicotine, when smoked in cigarettes, is a very fast acting ant-depressant, ant-anxiety agent and pain killer all wrapped up in one nice convenient little package. In fact, it's so good at these things that, during WWII, the U.S. Army promoted smoking and issued free cartons of cigarettes to soldiers. Cigarettes were also standard issue in the medic's kit. When a soldier was wounded, the first thing the medic would do is throw a cigarette in their mouth. So, it's really no wonder that people smoke cigarettes. In the immortal words of John Bender "Smoke up, Johnny!" ~ Trabue Gentry

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10 years ago

If I get cancer I will get blamed. I smoke cigarettes and eat lots of food and take medications that have carcinogens in them, although the latter two are fairly unavoidable, I will still get blamed. So, w that out of the way, fuck off.. ~ Trabue Gentry

nfnsng - No Fear, No Shame, No Guilt

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