Pain Relief - Tumblr Posts
Game changer
Stretches to rapidly relieve bad period cramps
I don't know if this is a thing that's known and out there and no one told me or if this only works for me, but I have debilitatingly painful cramps and after 20 years of that, finally found something that works super fast, like, under a minute, to make them completely go away and not come back. Do other people know about this? I certainly did not, but if this can help someone else, I feel like everyone should know.
Get in a position that feels the most comfortable (I've done this lying on my side, sitting in a chair, or squatting on the floor leaning forward), and then slowly contract and then release the muscles on one side of your stomach and then the other (I think those are the oblique muscles) while keeping the rest of yourself still. You're basically slowly moving your stomach from side to side for about a minute. That's it.
For me, it can take a bit of a push to keep doing it if I start to feel nauseous, but it works like some kind of instant miracle pain relief and I'm so mad I didn't know sooner. I can't believe all that awfulness could have such an easy solution.
Please let me know if this helps you or if this is an exercise that other people do but somehow I missed.

There's a very good reason for this. Nicotine, when smoked in cigarettes, is a very fast acting ant-depressant, ant-anxiety agent and pain killer all wrapped up in one nice convenient little package. In fact, it's so good at these things that, during WWII, the U.S. Army promoted smoking and issued free cartons of cigarettes to soldiers. Cigarettes were also standard issue in the medic's kit. When a soldier was wounded, the first thing the medic would do is throw a cigarette in their mouth. So, it's really no wonder that people smoke cigarettes. In the immortal words of John Bender "Smoke up, Johnny!" ~ Trabue Gentry

An Orgasm A Day...
Life should be filled with as much good feeling as possible and orgasms are one of the best means toward achieving that end.
Orgasms are fantastic in that they not only feel incredibly good but provide a very nice lingering effect that can set the tone for your entire day. With each orgasm you tend to want another and the more you orgasm the sexier you feel. You become more and more aware of your body, yourself, your id.
Have you ever noticed how nearly impossible it is to entertain unpleasant thoughts during and shortly after an orgasm? The afterglow is beneficial too. You’re high on a flood of oxytocin, endorphins, serotonin and dopamine and, as such, a wonderful sense of peace comes over you and can linger for quite some time allowing for more positive thinking. So, go ahead and orgasm as often as you like.
Have an orgasm first thing in the morning as you lay in bed waking up. It will put you in a good mood and start your day off right. Take a break while working and indulge. Work may seem a lot better when you return. And treat yourself to an orgasm just before you turn in. You’ll sleep better and probably have better dreams too. Remember, outside of simple exhaustion and perhaps a little tenderness, there is no limit to how many orgasms you can allow yourself. ~ Trabue Gentry
I know it's getting bad again when I start to crave for new tattoos and piercings

The last thing is the memory, no matter how tough it would be