Cigarette Smoking Fetish - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

AMAZING smoker!!


Anyone up for a smoking session on video chat?! Smoke and stroke?!

saintsbear - SaintsBear's Smoking & Other Likes

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1 year ago

Updated Oct 24, 2023:

What an EPIC disappointment and an even BIGGER mistake this one turned out to be!

I have never been so wrong about anyone in my life, ever!

I was constantly told "NEVER TRUST AN ACTOR," especially one who only has a few credits (some non-speaking) in shows that most people will never see or would even recognize him as being in and hardly is able to make ends meet month to month to buy groceries, yet always seemed to have cigarettes and drugs.

That's another thing....the constant drug use!

Now I like to smoke and parTy with Tina, too. But he took it to the next level, to the point of paranoia, and forgetting things... like that he had a boyfriend or promises he made.

He twisted things so much making me feel guilty for doubting or questioning him, making me feel, and think, that I was the one who was the problem, not him.

To the point that when he fucked up, broke a promise, got caught in a lie, or whatever, I would end up apologizing to HIM because he is such an expert manipulator and knew just what to say and when to say it.

His broken promises far surpasses the promises he kept 50 to 1! Hardly an exaggeration, just so you know.

Also, he never did anything wrong and nothing was ever his fault or was caused by his actions, per his explanation of things.

That included getting not 1, not 2, but 3 different boyfriends while he was making plans of a life with me, telling me he loved me, then disappearing (sometimes for months) with a single word or message.

He turned me into someone I didn't recognize.

Turned me into a bitter man who now trusts no one and who has little to no ego or self confidence.

Turned me into someone that I do not like.

And it is taking so much to let all. Of that go and to be able to return to whom I was before.. AND HE DID IT/DOES IT FOR SPORT!

He takes ZERO responsibilities for his actions or lack of actions, mistakes, and judgement errors, or anything BAD or NEGATIVE in his life.

Furthermore, even when he's called out on specific things, with proof, he says that I must be talking about someone else, and that I don't know him as well as I think because he is not that person. That he didn't do anything wrong and I'm mistaken.

But what he is FAMOUS for doing is running away and hiding from problems he has caused, situations that show him in a bad light, or anything that shows his true colors. And he'll hide for as long as he needs to.

He's not worth ANYONE'S time or respect!

Karma's a bitch, and she keeps receipts!

And everything done in darkness will come into the light and all will be revealed!

Original message Jun 28, 2023:





saintsbear - SaintsBear's Smoking & Other Likes

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1 year ago

Me enjoying a nice smoke break!

Felt so good!

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1 year ago
Me, Smoking A Cigarette While Waiting For You To Get In!
Me, Smoking A Cigarette While Waiting For You To Get In!
Me, Smoking A Cigarette While Waiting For You To Get In!
Me, Smoking A Cigarette While Waiting For You To Get In!

Me, smoking a cigarette while waiting for you to get in!

Where would you like to go?!

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1 year ago


I want to hire him to completely remodel my entire place!

He is fucking incredibly hot!

Getting My Windows Redone On My House And Im Thinking Of Asking If I Can Pay With Sexual Favors To This

Getting my windows redone on my house and I’m thinking of asking if I can pay with sexual favors to this fine daddy 😏

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1 year ago

This is one of the HOTTEST and SEXIEST cigarette smoking men... EVER!

Yes, Please!

Thank you, very much!

ANYTHING you say and/or want!

Doubles Are The Best!

Doubles are the best!

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1 year ago

Fucking HOT AND SEXY smoker!!


I could, and would, watch him smoking cigarettes all damn day!

As well as, worship him in any way we want!

Quick video while walking the dog.

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1 year ago

FUCK, this smoking man gets me going HARD!!

I would LOVE to see more of him!

Actually, I would love to see ALL of him!!

Pics, vids, and/or a video chat call of us smoking and stroking!!

Hey, a man can dream, can't he?!!

Another dog walk and smoke

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1 year ago

H O T ! ! !

Where can I sign up?

Would love to video chat, get spun, smoke cigarettes, and have some hot, manly, dirty horny fun with you man!!


Horny high

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1 year ago

These 2 HOT & SEXY smokers, Jessy Karson (l) and John Wolf (r), are an actual, real life couple (as far as I'm aware they were still together as of this message, dated Tuesday, February 20, 2024).

I've shot countless loads to their pictures and videos of them smoking, naked, and even watching porn starring Jessy Karson!

But what I would REALLY LOVE to fucking find is a video/videos that have/feature John Wolf!

That would be a fucking unbelievable dream come true, and I could die a happy, and extremely sexually satisfied, perverted sex, fetish loving, smoke, piss, and cum pig!

saintsbear - SaintsBear's Smoking & Other Likes

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