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A man who created a world of dreams
Walt Disney

Barbie of Swan Lake
Dreaming is good for life.
A little bit of Disney enchantment.

Matilda’s strong young mind continued to grow, nurtured by the voices of all those authors who had sent their books out into the world like ships on the sea. These books gave Matilda a hopeful and comforting message: You are not alone.

Sailor Moon Characters:
Usagi Tsukino 月野 うさぎ;Ami Mizuno 水野 亜美;Rei Hino 火野 レイ; Makoto Kino 木野 まこと ;Minako Aino (愛野 美奈子 .
Michiru Kaiou 海王 みちる ;Haruka Tenoh 天王 はるか ;Setsuna Meioh 冥王 せつな ;Hotaru Tomoe 土萠 ほたる .
Kou Yaten 夜天 光 ;Kou Taiki 大気 光 ;Kou Seiya 星野 光.
[Sailor Moon • Chibiusa • Sailor Mercury • Sailor Mars • Sailor Jupiter • Sailor Venus • Tuxedo Mask • Sailor Neptune • Sailor Uranus• Sailor Pluto • Sailor Saturn • Sailor Starlights: Sailor Star Healer,Sailor Star Maker & Sailor Star Fighter.]
Um dos filmes que mais amo e que não consigo me cansar de ver.