Clary Interactions. - Tumblr Posts

clary was looking throw the jean rack , she wasnt coming up with anything she liked. but clary kept looking because she needed a pair that didnt have paint on them. pulling out a pair off the rack , clary held up the pants and looked at it as she looked at them. turning to the person next to her , ‘ what do you think? ‘

clary playfully rolled her eyes at izzy’s comment , a smile pulled across the redhead. ‘ i missed having you around , you know that. ‘ clary teased as she put the jeans over her arm. ‘ i need help finding a dress that i can wear to a gallery opening. ‘ clary said turning around to completely face izzy and away from the rack. ‘ i dont remember the last time i bought one. ‘

Izzy had been shopping for some new clothes, She had a skirt and a dress laid over her arm. When the others voice sounded up. "If you don't mind me sounding too forward, I think those would make your ass look great." She offered with a chuckle, "Which I always support."

clary smiled at the others words , ‘ great! I always feel like a fish out of water trying to buy clothes for myself. ‘ clary admitted , izzy used to be a big help in that department but now she was on her own. it made clary feel a bit sad as well if she was honest. ‘ did you pick anything out? ‘

Looking up from where she had been checking out the photos that she had taken earlier in the day, Aurelia presses her lips together in thought and nods. "Those are perfect!" She muses with a small, but genuine smile.

‘ my best friend back home used to help me but around here im on my own for it. ‘ clary sighed lightly before turning back to the rack she needed a dress for a showing soon. ‘ try the dresses first then the shirts and i can give you opinions if you want. ‘

"I'm the same way, I see all these other people with insanely creative styles and I never quite know how to make it fit for me." She admits and nods, gesturing over to the small pile that she had of clothes. "I can never quite choose just one thing to grab, what should I try on first? The dresses or tops?"

the arm clary had stretched out in front of her that was holding a dress she was looking at dropped down to her side when izzy spoke. turning to her parabati a look of concern crossed the red head’s face. ‘ youre isabelle lightwood right? ‘ clary asked wanting to confirm in case she had messed up and confused her.

"I--." Izzy stopped short at the familiarity in tone from the other. "Okay, I am now well aware this town is strange you are the second person to act like they know me...but I am a fashionista first, so i'm going to try to play it cool." Izzy honestly, wasn't sure she wanted answers. "So what kind of style are you searching for, revenge dress or more like professional casual or sexy casual?"

clary walked over to where the other was so she could get a better look at the jeans. it wasnt that clary wasnt fashionable , she just wasnt the greatest with shopping. clary had gotten spoiled with isabelle insisting on helping her back home but here she just wore jeans and paint shirts most of the time. ‘ these are super cute , okay you convinced me. ‘
Looking for a jumper herself, Daphne moved through the sections before she came across the other. Looking at the jeans that she held up Daphne felt her lips purse in thought as she nodded slowly. "They would look great on you, would make your legs look even longer but," pausing she looked back to the rack and shuffled through them for a moment before pulling out another pair, "these would also look really good on you, would do wonders for your bum."

clary had been running errands most of the morning trying to get everything for ready for her gallery showing that was coming up in a few days. she had been in her thoughts a lot since her memories came in since she also had to think about tommy in all of this. he deserved to know she was a shadowhunter , but she worried he might think she was crazy for that. when clary heard her name called , clary turned towards the direction and smiled when he was pulled her into his side. ‘ runnin around like a chicken. ‘ clary joked , she had done art shows before but this was one of her biggest ones so she would be scared was something going wrong. ‘ how are you doing today? ‘ clary asked looking up at him.
@sunshiinefades (Tommy & Clary)
Tommy stopped short, slowing his run into a normal paced speed before calling out toward the other. "Clary." A pace that was almost unbearably human. A speed he found to be even more frustrating since regaining his memories. His muscles ached for speed, his body cried out for it as if it had been deprived of it for an eternity but he needed to slow down here. For her. He wasn't quite sure how she would react and apart of him not being ready himself to open that can of worms. He was still a mutant and he didn't know how Clary would react. He hoped positively but also figured his natural luck had to be running thin. "Wait up." He fell into pace next to her, his hand reaching to wrap an arm around her shoulders and pull her into his side. "How's my favorite girl doing today?" He questioned with a flirtatiously kind smile.

clary hated this , it sucked that the only person shes found from home didnt remember her. ‘ im clary fairchild , i know this all seems crazy now but it will make sense soon hopefully. your real life brothers are named alec and max lightwood , and are originally from new york. ‘ clary hoped that some of it rang a bell for her because she didnt know what she was gonna do otherwise.
"Yep, that's me." Izzy stated with a smile, "Though I prefer Iz or Izzy. Isabelle is too formal. I think my mother had a bit of a flare for elegant names because my brother is Rory Arthur." Isabelle returned her eyes back toward the rack she had been examining. She couldn't help the level of comfortability she felt around the other. It was like a natural rhythm to just talk with the other.

clary gave him an amused smile at his comment , but she could tell something was off. usually he wasnt so hesitated , ‘ are you busy? we could grab food and than go back to my apartment or go eat there if you want instead? ‘ clary figured she would wait to try and question him at home knowing she would probably get more of an honest answer there. but at his question she nodded her head , ‘ yeah a lot of strange stuff going on. ‘

"I guess you could say i've been doing the same, except i'd say more like a cheetah on my end." It was a bad joke, a bad joke that Clary wouldn't even get but he still found himself chuckling slightly at it. "I've been alright, just adjusting to---." he quickly pivoted the sentence mid thought, "the new schedule at work, it's very different." It was a bit of an awkward transition, but he had always found it easy to talk to Clary. It felt wrong trying to keep this from her. "How about you? anything strange or unusual happen? I'm not sure if you noticed, but more and more buildings seem to be dropping out of the sky."