Class Of 09 Flipside Rewrite - Tumblr Posts
you got it, boss! i’ve already made a community post, & i’m gonna make a regular post now announcing it.
honestly, i was not expecting you to react so genuinely excited. i was expecting a ‘i’ll take anyone to do it, tbh’ or a ‘go ahead’ not an exuberant “YES!” so thanks, that’s def gonna motivate me for this!
There needs to be a rewrite of flipside just so we can all pretend it's the actual canon.
fuck that sounded cringe- fellas!
i’m officially announcing that after the staggering amount of 1 vote, i’m gonna (try) to re-write flipside.
it might be hard since i genuinely do NOT have the resources to program even something as simple as a visual novel but i’ll thug that shit out.
That’s all, folks!
Tune in next week!
so we're all gonna pretend the flip side isn't canon right? right??
flipside would've been better if we had more shit like jecka seeing the hatman and less foot fetish and jecka getting trafficked
watched a full gameplay of c09 the flipside and i have the same opinion on it as everybody else,, yea its bad lmao
imo the best endings are the ari dies ending (unfortunately, rip one of my favorite lesbians) and the nicoles suicide ending. i felt like those two were the ones most written like the two previous games and didnt leave me a bad enough taste on my mouth,, apart from those id like to completely ignore the fact that theres other routes.
but maybe later though because something that striked me as weird is ive been seeing people defend the characterization of nicole in the scene with jecka's dad (yk the one) and its like ??
i know that nicole is not a good person and she does petty and cruel things to people just because she can, but its to who shes doing that petty and cruel thing to that is the problem and thats jecka. nicole is shown (although kinda subtely) to actually care for jecka. i mean come on,, she causes trouble intentionally just so the counselour can focus on her and leave jecka alone to smoke in peace all so jecka would talk to her again. if nicole saw her in the same light she did megan or ari she wouldnt have cared enough to do anything.
hell honestly i dont think nicole would even stoop that low! the only times she does anything that would be considered a sexual act is when shes literally broke and homeless. im pretty sure she would rather die than ever touch that middle aged man,,
in conclusion the game was shit and i hate how that scene destroys a part of nicoles character and how its basically just jecka torture fest with nothing in it to make it even mildly funny (except maybe the hatman scene)
guys what was flipside

Just finished the flip side…it fucking sucks
Woah flip side was garbage
please don’t rewrite the flipside. If you want i can give reasons why not to . It’s not even that the flipside isn’t weird but rewriting typically never ends good . /nbr /gen
sure, go ahead, but i should warn you that it’s not gonna be so much so a “rewrite” more so i’m gonna create a better version of flipside. so if you have any objections, i’d love to hear it!
one hour into class of 09: the flip side and i already want someone to take me out back and shoot me. ive had a good life, or at least i wouldve if i hadnt watched the gameplay
Class of 09 The Flipside
I honestly didn’t like it that much, I liked Class of 09 but I felt like the Flipside prob had new writers because what the fuck? 😭 like I get that class of 09 is edgy and such, but at least in Nicole’s endings there were good endings but none of the endings with Jecka were good? It was so dark with no humor, like I like dark humor but it felt like watching a depressive ted talk or something. I don’t know how to explain it

literally us
hey, i was also planning on doing a co09 flipside rewrite but i was unaware someone else was already doing it, so…

Ahoy ahoy matey!
The Realization…
That SBN3 is just like Micheal Jackson!
He’s a man who was loved by many & created many great & loved things. However he was, late into his career, outed as a terrible person, cause division among people who were fans of the media they made.
Some people inhaled copium, attempting to convince themselves that the accusations are fake, many others started boycotting him, & another group of others hated him but refused to deny the greatness of their creations.
That’s all, folks!
Tune in next week!