Cleavers Cult Insects Au - Tumblr Posts
Spider Cindy Spider Cindy Spider Cindy Spider Cindy Spi
Spiderverse AU (design author — @kindersbymoth (@goldmoth82) AU author —@clover-color)
Halloween AU (author — @gabycantart)
Insects AU. But such a Kindergarten AU does not exist. This is a Cleavers Cult AU where the spiders look like this (which explains what the hell Byron is doing here) and I thought it would be cool to add a Cindy in this style.
Edit: While I was drawing this, I thought that maybe Byron could do without sleep. And if He falls asleep, He has nightmares. Worse than nightmares.
A few redraws
Penny & Diana with a bow, Danner with a beard, and Carla pushing Jerome. The sketch with Jess holding toy Simon is not a redraw. I wanted to fill the empty space, and this sketchbook has a lot of Adults Kids content. Don't pay attention to Tinj the hawk moth.
Old drawing: