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"Marcus, I promise I'm not here to steal anything that you might've baked, but as your friend it is my sworn duty to make sure that all of these items are 100% edible. So I must commit this sacrifice with a great sense of honor," Kit said dramatically as his nostrils flared at the scent of baked goods. "Also, I really can't help but be around you whenever I need a pick me up, it's like you're the snack that comes with snacks. Who would've thought you'd be the human crumbl cookie, hot guy who bakes now on Netflix." Kit said as his mouth as going a mile a minute, and those who knew him could see that this was one of his ways of distracting himself. When the darkness and memories of those walls would encroach he'd put on a smile and joke. @expirednostalgia

˙ ˖ ✶ Marcus
"I knew you would see it my way, see you're not only one of the hottest men in New York you're also one of the wisest," Kit said with a giggle, feeling overjoyed that he'd got to spend more time with Marcus. His life had become a whirlwind not that it was ever stale or even stagnant, but recently everything was just a tad overwhelming. His delicate fingers toyed with the ends of a blanket as if they needed something to do as his mind raced with ideas, or the next thing to say. "Marcus, you're not helping the rumors that I'm secretly eloping with a hunky baker if you say things like that, the paps will definitely send that to TMZ," it was a hearty giggle that left him as he craned his neck and shifted his weight, almost stretching but not quite as he laid his head on a pillow. "So far only the big British bake off or something like that, but nothing quite like you. Which makes sense cause nobody is quite like you," rolling his eyes with a groan, Kit had swiftly buried his features into a pillow stifling any words he would've otherwise said out loud. "It's just..." he sighed, his body deflating slightly as his eyes trained on Marcus. "It's getting close to the anniversary of when I got out of that place and of when...It's not important, I just need one of your big hugs."

"Who am I to stop you from making this brave sacrifice?" Marcus asked while briefly maintaining a mock seriousness. It wasn't too long before his usual soft laughter was accompanied with a gentle head shake, "You know, you could always ask me to bake something specific for you. It could be three in the morning and I'd whip up the most elaborate dessert if you asked." Maybe baking while half awake wasn't the best idea, but that wasn't the point. The point was, he was willing to do whatever for his friends. He laughed a little louder this time, "I feel like there has to be some version of that show on Netflix already. They have a show for everything." He couldn't confirm that, especially as someone who was notoriously awful at getting around to watching shows. He paused for a moment, "More importantly though, do you want to talk about why you need a pick me up or would you prefer a distraction?"
˙ ˖ ✶ Marcus
"You definitely should but then put a slutty picture as your icon so you'll get more traction. What do they call that? Thirst trapping?" Kit giggled, the idea of this sweet man thirst trapping people on twitter seemed so far fetched to him. "Your DM's would be flooded, and I can't even repeat some of the things they'd be saying to you, well I could but you'd probably lock me up somewhere because they're that unhinged," he mused. "Young vulnerable, very demure and very modest world renowned best selling author Kit Santos, caught in a risky adventure with would be hottest muscle baker in New York city. Is their passion just as decadent and sweet as their desserts or is it a spicy," Kit said dramatically as if he was reading the gossip blogs. "Not that any of it matters, I'd just rather not get you involved in any of my craziness, you're far too sweet and good for that," Kit could not find a single flaw in Marcus Thompson, try as he might there wasn't a single blemish in his personality. The man was a walking green flag, and whilst love was quite tricky and complicated given both their pasts, he was sure there were many around the city completely in love with his friend. "Hey, parents do love me! Plus Kit Thompson has a ring to it, but Marcus Santos sounds better or maybe we should hyphenate. I'm not signing a prenup by the way." Things were so easy like this with Marcus, Kit could always just relax and find the flow of words with such ease. Jokes, laughs, warm hugs, he was like the kindest fire that would always draw you in. He was safe, he was the safest place.
Kit was quick to bury himself in Marcus' embrace, his words completely muffled against the man's chest. If he could freeze time and just stay like this forever, he would. "It's just that the anniversary of my time in that place is coming up and I can't help but remember all my friends. To everybody else in the world they're just characters in a book series, but..they were my family when I was sick. I remember all the laughs and stories we would share when we were all in that home, how even through all the laughs we could see how each of us was terrified," Sifting through all the memories of his youth a tear found its way down his cheek as he looked up at Marcus. "I don't understand why I got a second chance, and I just hope I'm actually doing something meaningful with the memory of them." he sighed. "Sorry, I know this isn't the usual fun and happy Kit you're used to seeing."

Marcus chuckled softly. Wise wasn't a word he thought most people would label him with and when they did, it was likely because he just repeated sage advice his grandma gave him at one point. "I'll have to put that in my Twitter bio or something." He joked. The next comment from his friend pulled a louder laugh from him. "Okay, okay, you can ask me to bake you whatever at a more reasonable time then so the rumors don't get too out of hand. That'd be like, anti-wingmaning for you." The small moments in life where he could joke around with a friend like this were easily some of his very favorite. To him, those moments were what life was all about. "I think I have an aunt that would believe the tabloids and then the next thing I know, I'd be in the middle of a family meeting." Eloping itself wouldn't be the problem, his family would just be a little concerned if he actually did it within less than a year after his failed engagement. "I like to think no two people are quite alike." A small smile rested on his face. "Keeps things interesting and lets you learn a lot more from different people."
When the conversation turned a little more serious, Marcus reacted appropriately, offering all his attention to Kit. "You know I always have one of those for you." His arms stretched out to offer the other a hug. "I'm also always willing to listen if you ever need it, but I get it if that's also not what you need right now." He knew it was exhausting to talk about certain subjects if they felt too mentally or emotionally draining in that very moment.
˙ ˖ ✶ Marcus
Kit had been showered with accolades after his first book was published, and even more so when it became a best-seller. Still, all the compliments, all that praise felt about as deep as a puddle on the New York city pavement. He could never truly tell who liked him for him, not for his money, his fame, or even his looks, just him. It was the same back when he was sick, all that pity and those empty I'm sorry, never truly meant anything as people back then thought of him as nothing more than a passing thought. Not when it came to Marcus as he'd realized there wasn't a more genuine soul in the city. Him, Cece, and the friends he's made along the way were the found family promised in all those queer happily ever afters. "You can't please everybody Marcus, but I'm sure the thirsty people of the world which is everyone who is chronically online even the naysayers will be obsessed with your ridiculous good looks. If not I'll just create fake accounts to call them names in your behalf." Kit giggled thinking of all the ridiculous names he could use for those same said accounts. They were both hung up on exes, except at least in the case of Marcus, he could always call her. Kit could never have that luxury. "You butter me up so much, I'm about to become one of your baked goods, Mr. Thompson." he mused, smiling up at his friend. "Though my writing prowess is mostly due to all the free time I had being able to read. I was such a drastically different person before I got sick. I was sorta the queen bee, not a tyrant or mean whatsoever, but people thought I was intimidating which is so bizarre." Blushing at his words, Kit didn't necessarily agree that he was easy to love, but he was glad someone like Marcus thought so, but ultimately it would make his love life harder for a very specific reason. "Then I'm definitely meeting them next time, and I have to say I'm slightly jealous of the us that's actually happy together and not as solemn as we are."
There was a type of dance that these two often engaged in, a kind that was quiet and passionate. Not a game of cat and mouse, but a beautiful waltz between friends as their passions and woes were expressed, and their feeling kept safe within one another. "You know..." Kit paused unsure of how to word what he was trying to say without making it sound weird. "Whatever guy I end up with I already feel so sorry for. Because no matter what he does, or who he is, I'll always end up comparing him to you, and how he'll never be able to beat you in how safe and happy you make me feel, Marcus." Kit finally said with a bit of a sigh following suit. "No other man has ever treated me as good as you do." Talking about Emily made him miss her even more a flood of happy images taking over his mind as all those good times crossed his view like a slideshow. "It was short looking back, but it was a great time, we were just reckless kids in love with the idea of living and love. Emily was probably the most spirited, Omari was our teddy bear, Jason was the leader, Isabella our feisty no bullshit taking queen, and I will probably never stop talking if I keep going." Kit giggled, thankful for whatever this was between him and his friend, this sad but beautiful tale of woes and friendship. "Again Marcus, future Mr. Kit is going to absolutely hate you because he will never be you."

While Marcus laughed at the comment and kept up his usual cheery demeanor, for a very brief moment, there was the smallest flicker of doubt in his eyes. He had a healthy amount of self-love and knew there were some pretty great qualities about him that other people loved, but perhaps there were a couple wounds that dug deeper than he acknowledged that opened the door to a tiny bit of doubt. The end of his last relationship hardly instilled confidence after all. "Hmm on second thought, maybe it's for the best that I don't do any of that then. I'd hate the idea of disappointing that many people and it'd be inevitable that some of them would get disappointed." The hypothetical still managed to make his stomach twist with guilt, reminding him a little of the few first dates he'd been on in recent times to try to move on. It was safe to say they didn't exactly go as well as he hoped they would and he couldn't help but feel bad about potentially disappointing those dates by clearly being hung up on an ex. He wished navigating the whole thing was easier than it was, but since it wasn't, he was content to distract himself by hanging out with his friends. "I think you absolutely could. Then again, with your writing talents, you could probably write whatever for whoever and be wildly successful at it." He made it a point to give as much as he took in all his relationships, which meant Kit would absolutely get showered with just as many compliments as he gave to Marcus. "Oh for sure, I mean, you're easy to love so they'd have no reason not to." They may have been joking around with hypotheticals, but he did genuinely think there were plenty of things that made his friend special and loved him for it. "There's definitely a universe where that's a reality."
Despite the heaviness of their conversation, he had his own little smile as well. There was something so beautiful and comforting about knowing that he had someone to confide in and vice versa and no matter what it was, there would always be care for each other. He couldn't ask for more from a friend and he was glad he was able to provide that for the other. He had this belief that life was so much harder to get through if you tried to do everything on your own and didn't have any kind of support, so he was always more the willing to help and listen where he could. He shrugged gently, "Maybe some things are just harder to put into words no matter how good you are with them?" He suggested. As open and expressive as he was, there were some things that he also struggled to fully explain the way he wanted to with words. He wanted to argue and say that Kit was just as great as anyone else, however, he held back and quietly listened. He wasn't sure there was anything he could say that would completely remedy the other's survivor's guilt. After a moment, he laughed softly as if recalling a memory himself as he pictured Kit and Emily talking about boys. "She sounds like she was a lot of fun to hang out with. I'm really sorry you lost her and your other friends." Whenever he wasn't sure what to say, he thought about what his grandma would say if she was in the room now. "I'm really glad you guys got to have each other in your lives though, even if it wasn't for as long as you would've wanted, and even if it's sort of painful now. I bet you all made a huge difference in each other's lives." He felt they were probably exactly who they all needed in that moment too. "Hey, you could talk forever and ever and I'd be all ears."