C'mon Real Loki Fuck3d A Demon And We're Doing Romantic Enemies To Lovers - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

The real reason why I hate Marvel Loki is that THIS Tom Hiddelston exists

The Real Reason Why I Hate Marvel Loki Is That THIS Tom Hiddelston Exists

and instead of using the actor's potential and give us the REAL chaos child that is Loki, we got the equivalent of Draco Malfoy in a bad redemption arch fanfiction (also for the reasons OP provided before).

Don't even get me started on the series cause I'm going to scream.

Marvel Loki hate.

Anyone else think that Marvel!Loki is a completely unlikable asshole? Like, his parents have done nothing but love and support him and he still won’t shut the fuck up about how Thor is the favorite child. He’s been shown nothing but love and kindness by Odin and Frigga, (his REAL parents because adoption is valid) he’s a space prince living in a lavish castle, he gets away with an inordinate amount of bullshit, he’s got a significant amount of influence and power even if he isn’t king and the audience is just expected to believe that he’s a poor, sad little neglected baby. And then when he blows up a fucking planet or whatever other bullshit Marvel’s planned for this movie, he’s a “sympathetic villain” and he “needs a hug”. What an ungrateful bitch.

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