You Can Trust Me: Chapter Five
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Series Summary: Everyone is a caregiver or a little, and has a perfect match that’s all dependent on a mark in the crook or their neck. When you find out Natasha is destined to be your caregiver, you don’t know how to feel. Until alongside the redhead, you learn how to be the person you’ve always wanted to be- a little one.
Chapter Summary: After your sleepover with Agatha, you get a relaxing day off with Natasha, and get a surprise visit from Maria- which sparks a bit of jealously from Natasha.
Word Count: 1,422
Warnings: Age regression, slight angst, and cursing.
A/N: “Yellow, this took almost a month to come out and this is it?” Well, yes. My simple answer is quite literally yes. I do want to apologize for the delay though. My mental health could definitely be better, and it’s hard to keep up sometimes. But don’t worry, I am certainly not leaving this series in the dust! Just expect updates to take a while :)
Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four
Agatha and you had the best sleepover. You couldn’t even put into words how happy you were- Wanda and Natasha drank wine and talked while Aggie and you had the best night of your lives!
You played video games and watched all your favorite Disney movies while eating some cookie dough Agatha had found in the fridge.
But sadly for you, it was the morning and it was time for you to go home. “Come on honey, we have to get dressed and go to work. You know you’d wake up early.” Natasha cooed, kissing you on your forehead.
You groaned, “Don’ wanna be big! Just wanna play.” You mumbled, wrapping your arms around the redhead with a tight grip, almost unwilling to let go. You heard the footsteps of a familiar brunette, and Natasha turned her head to look at Wanda.
“Don’t worry Ms. Maximoff, I’ll get Y/N ready for work today. I know we have a lot of work today.” Natasha said while running her fingers through your hair.
Wanda paused for a moment, “You know, I think the kiddos had a big night. You could just have the day off if you’d like- truly. I think Y/N/N needs to recharge after that exciting night, yeah?”
You excitedly turned to Wanda with a grin, “Really Ms. Maximoff? I could be little all day? Be with my mommy?” You said, clapping your hands together. You were incapable of containing your excitement.
“Yes kiddo, all day! Now you head home with mommy, okay? Have a great day you two!” She said joyfully, Agatha and her saying their goodbyes as you and Natasha drove back to the apartment.
By the time you got back, you could feel the tiredness kicking in- you had a wonderful time with Aggie, but you needed to recharge. You looked over at Natasha, and it was almost like she was able to read your thoughts.
“That was a big night yesterday, huh? How about we take a day to relax, bug- how does that sound?” She asked, scooping you up as you yawned and relaxed, resting your head on her shoulder.
She walked over to the living area and gently put you down on the couch, but chuckled when you made grabby hands for her to sit next to you. “So we’re feeling really little, hm?” Natasha asked, running her fingers through your hair.
“Mhm. Need paci and stuffie, mama.” You mumbled, burying your head into the crook of her neck. Natasha almost couldn’t hide her surprise- she couldn’t remember the last time you’d regressed to an age this young.
“Of course baby. Mommy is going to be right back, you just stay here.” She said, kissing you on your forehead and grabbing little gear from your bedroom closet. “Here’s Cody and your paci.”
You smiled as the redhead helped you get wrapped in blankets with your stuffie tucked close to your chest and a pacifier bobbing in your mouth.
“You want to watch some cartoons, baby- maybe a movie?” She paused, and with a smile came up with an idea, “How about we watch The Jungle Book? I know it’s your favorite!”
You enthusiastically nodded your head, squealing in excitement when she navigated to Disney Plus. You took your pacifier out of your mouth to beam at her, “T’ank you, mommy. Love you!” You said, trying to get us as close to the redhead as possible.
“Of course my little love, I adore you. Now let’s just watch the movie, hm?”
The rest of the day had been filled with movies and cat naps, and you couldn’t have asked for more. But there was an issue that you hadn’t even thought of recently- Maria. Who apparently was worrying her ass off because you forgot to text her.
You rubbed the sleep from an afternoon nap out of your eyes when you heard a frantic knock at the door. Natasha looked at you and whispered that she’d be right back while she walked over to answer the door.
“Hello, I’m Natasha- yes, I’ve heard! No, Y/N is completely fine-” You turned your head to peek over- only to see Maria who gasped at the sight of regressed you. She slowly walked over to you, Natasha following alongside her.
It was then that it hit you- Maria had never seen you regressed before. You had always tried to keep that part of your life private. You shifted on the couch, and Natasha was quick to come to your side.
“Hey Y/N, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were regressed or I wouldn’t have been a bother.” Maria hesitated, “I can head out if you want- I don’t want to ruin your afternoon.” You shook your head quickly and motioned for her to come over.
“No, don leave. Love you.” You said, patting Maria to sit down next to you. “Mommy nd me watching Nemo. Watch with us, p’ease.” You asked, pointing over at the television. Maria smiled softly at your actions, and her heart warmed as she realized she finally gained the trust she always wanted.
But what you had failed to notice was Natasha’s mannerisms- she wasn’t angry, of course not. The redhead would never be anywhere near aggressive when she was with her baby. Though if you had been paying closer attention, you could have noticed how she didn’t want Maria to overstay her welcome.
It had only been around ten minutes into the movie as you comfortably laid your head on Maria’s shoulder that Natasha finally paused it and said, “Maria, it seems Y/N is getting kind of sleepy. I think it’s time for their evening routine.” She said curtly, motioning Maria towards the door.
The brunette paused when you grabbed onto her arm, “No, it not time for her to leave! We have to finish the movie mommy, remember? Maria got to stay.” You said, sticking out your bottom lip into a pout.
You could see Natasha’s internal debate before she finally decided to take the option you weren’t going to appreciate- escort Maria out of the apartment. “I’m sorry, but they’re going to get grumpy. I hope to see you again though!” Natasha said in a fake cheery tone.
Maria waved goodbye to you before leaving and you frowned when Natasha sat back down next to you. “Mommy, why you do that! She my friend, I was havin fun.” You pouted.
“Because mommy wants her baby all to herself,” Natasha replied, peppering your face with kisses, causing you to break out into a fit of giggles. “Plus, it is time for your bedtime schedule. Let’s start a bath, hm?”
You decided not to argue when Natasha scooped you up in her arms and walked over to the bathroom. “Lavender p’ease. With the ducky toy.” You said. The redhead nodded and filled up the tub before helping you undress and get in the bath.
“Now let’s get you squeaky clean duckling, okay?” You nodded and grabbed the soap, cleaning your body and having Natasha run shampoo through your hair. “Do you want to play in the water with your toys a bit longer or go to bed and have mommy read you a story?”
You paused to evaluate your options before telling, “Story p’ease mommy! With the green onesie.” You requested as you were wrapped in a fluffy towel and led to the bedroom.
“Okay honey, I have your onesie, stuffies, and a paci all ready for you! Now hop in bed and mommy can read you a story.” You climbed under the covers and paused, but decided to blurt out,
“Mommy, why don you like Maria? She my friend.” You said, looking down at the sheets. You were too anxious to fully look Natasha in the eyes, and your anxiety grew when you heard her sigh.
“It’s not that I don’t like her, little one. Mommy just felt a little… jealous. Just a little bit left out. I thought I was your only mommy.” You giggled and looked at her as if she had two heads.
“Mommy you’re silly! Of course you my only mommy. May just a friend, she couldn’t replace you! You my mommy!” You said, wrapping your arms around the redhead into a tight embrace. But as you squeezed her what you didn’t notice was the joyful tears spring to her ears and the gentle whisper of,
“Thank you, little duckling- I needed that. I love you too, my angel. I’ll always be your mommy.”
Main Taglist: @catasha @romanoffs-wallflower @wandanatvoid @marvelwomen-simp @freesloppy @thewidowsghost @didujustcallmedumb @dawnoftime22 @deadcvpid @romanoffscottage @millieistheunofficialsimp @heartoreadallthequeerthingz @avengerswriter4eva
Natasha Romanoff Taglist: @milfloverslut @ghostlybailiffathletestatesman @madamevirgo @proudmorning @fanfictioniseverything
Age Regression Taglist: @milfloverslut @dani6279 @millieistheunofficialsimp
You Can Trust Me Taglist: @ineedafinghug @muted-stoneheart @natashafamdreams @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @blkmxrvel @alowint @sirsell @fayhar @harknessimp @mrromanoff @fanfictioniseverything @mjaudrey @everythingnat-billie @battleg03 @multifandomlesbianic @ifkxitx @vermilionvampire