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Scientists believe that the remarkable intelligence of beluga whales is demonstrated by their ability to learn and communicate using the complex language of whistles and clicks. This has been observed in a specific case where a beluga whale, living in captivity alongside a pod of bottlenose dolphins, has successfully acquired and adopted their unique language.
(via Beluga whale learns to 'talk' to pod of bottlenose dolphins )
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Dolphins are known for their high level of intelligence among non-human animals. While brain size is one factor often considered in discussions of intelligence, it's important to note that intelligence is a complex trait influenced by various factors.
Dolphins, particularly species like bottlenose dolphins, have large and highly developed brains relative to their body size. The encephalization quotient (EQ), which measures brain size relative to body size, is often used to compare the intelligence of different species. Dolphins have relatively high EQs, indicating that their brains are larger than expected for an animal of their size.
Dolphins are renowned for their intricate communication skills, employing a diverse range of vocalizations, body language, and distinctive whistles. Their communication is not only used for basic interaction but also for conveying complex information within their social groups. The ability to convey and understand various messages suggests a high level of cognitive sophistication.
Research has confirmed that dolphins engage in cooperative problem-solving. They often work together to achieve common goals, such as hunting for prey or navigating challenging environments. Dolphins have been observed using coordinated tactics to corral fish into tight groups, making it easier for them to capture their prey. This collaborative approach to problem-solving reflects a high level of social intelligence and effective communication within dolphin pods.
Dolphins are known for their ability to teach and learn from one another. This includes the transmission of behaviors and skills within the group, a phenomenon known as cultural transmission. Dolphins can pass on knowledge about hunting techniques, communication signals, and other behaviors to younger or less experienced members of the pod. This cultural exchange contributes to the transmission and preservation of complex behaviors across generations.
Another indicator of advanced cognitive abilities is self-awareness, and dolphins have demonstrated this trait. Through the mirror test, where animals recognize themselves in a mirror, dolphins have displayed a level of self-awareness. This suggests a cognitive capacity for introspection and an understanding of one's own identity, a characteristic shared by a select group of intelligent species.
While not as extensively studied as in some other intelligent species, there is evidence that dolphins engage in tool use. For instance, some dolphins use sponges to protect their snouts while foraging on the ocean floor. This behavior reflects a certain level of cognitive flexibility and innovation, as dolphins adapt objects from their environment for specific purposes, showcasing a capacity for tool use.
Photo credits:
©Elena Larina/
According to a study on a famously intelligent species of crow, it has been revealed that obtaining food is certainly a pleasant experience. However, the study also highlights the notion that the satisfaction derived from obtaining food is significantly enhanced when the crows employ clever tool use strategies. This intriguing discovery suggests that the pleasure derived from puzzles, games, and challenges is not exclusive to humans, as other animals too seem to derive enjoyment from such activities for their own intrinsic value.
(via Using Tools Puts Crows in a Good Mood | Inside Science)