Colin Provolone - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Frames From MyDelis Got A New Skald Animatic, Which Ill Hopefully Finish Tomorrow If My Hand Doesnt Disintegrate~
Frames From MyDelis Got A New Skald Animatic, Which Ill Hopefully Finish Tomorrow If My Hand Doesnt Disintegrate~
Frames From MyDelis Got A New Skald Animatic, Which Ill Hopefully Finish Tomorrow If My Hand Doesnt Disintegrate~
Frames From MyDelis Got A New Skald Animatic, Which Ill Hopefully Finish Tomorrow If My Hand Doesnt Disintegrate~

frames from my “Deli’s got a new Skald” animatic, which I’ll hopefully finish tomorrow if my hand doesn’t disintegrate~

TRW ep 5

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1 year ago

As soon as Brennan said that Raphaniel was going over to Colin’s tent I immediately thought of this and HAD to animate it

Also, everything is KILLING ME RIGHT NOW. Like, the divorce arc, amangeux and karna, THE SHOT WHEN DELI CALLS KARNA SKALD. I am in DIRE need of the next episode, I came in this episode HOPING for answers and I only got more questions and more depression, but I love it.

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1 year ago

Lou Wilson biting his lip while Colin is describing how he would protect Deli if needed

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Pastrami melts

Those are the best I’ve got here.

i just think that deli giving colin a place in his mother’s court without telling her and colin staying in the meatlands with deli because he has more loyalty to this young thane than his homeland these days is the kind of complicated queer entanglement that ally would carefully craft and these two don’t even seem to realise they’ve done it

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1 year ago

the difference between theobald announcing amethar and colin announcing delissandro for your viewing pleasure

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1 year ago

Do you ever think about how Colin told Deli about his past because he didn’t care what happened to himself after what they’d done? Or how even though they were fighting, and Deli had been yelling, trying to intimidate his skald into staying, there still hasn’t been any mention of Deli telling anyone Colin’s secret? That even though they fell away from each other and there was obvious animosity in their final moments together, Deli still didn’t reveal that information, knowing how it would hurt Colin if he did? Yeah.

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1 year ago
Page one of comic:
Quichéi peers into the mouth of a dark cave and says, "Wait a second," and sees a faint glowing light. He says to the Deli and Colin, "Who has the balls, huh?" and heads in. 
Deli says to Colin, "Colin. You said it before." 
Colin says, "I said we have balls, but is this balls?" 
Deli says, "Aren't you curious?" 
Colin replies, "I'm curious, but I'm not curious for what this group might do in there."
Page two of comic:
Deli looks to Colin and says, "What does that mean?" 
It cuts to a grayed out flashback, of Karna telling Deli, "Kill it." Deli stoically lifts his spear to stab the fungi creature as a disturbed Colon asks, "What are you doing?" 
In the present, Colin - spattered with the remains of Queen Pamelia - answers Deli, "I think you know what it means."

"I'm starting to feel like no secret was worth this."

[Image Description: Two-page comic of a scene from Dimension 20's The Ravening War, featuring Thane Delissandro Katzon and Colin Provolone. Alt text is provided and copied below the cut. End ID.]

Copied Alt Text:

Page one: Quichéi peers into the mouth of a dark cave and says, "Wait a second," and sees a faint glowing light. He says to the Deli and Colin, "Who has the balls, huh?" and heads in. Deli says to Colin, "Colin. You said it before." Colin says, "I said we have balls, but is this balls?" Deli says, "Aren't you curious?" Colin replies, "I'm curious, but I'm not curious for what this group might do in there."

Page two: Deli looks to Colin and says, "What does that mean?" It cuts to a grayed out flashback, of Karna telling Deli, "Kill it." Deli stoically lifts his spear to stab the fungi creature as a disturbed Colon asks, "What are you doing?" In the present, Colin - spattered with the remains of Queen Pamelia - answers Deli, "I think you know what it means."

End Copied Alt Text.

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1 year ago


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1 year ago

i am a child of divorce

(from my tiktok!!)

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