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5 years ago

Secret Santa [Will Lockwood] ๐ŸŽ„


Description: Will and Y/Nโ€™s best friends rig the Secret Santa, because they know Will and Y/N are in love with each other.

Warnings: Cursing.

A/N: Day 3 of 12 Days of Christmas!

Y/N walks out of the locker room with her roommates Brooke, Morgan and Mady carrying her duffle, and book bag. They had just finished up at practice and were heading back to their house.

"Y/L/N! Wait up!" A voice calls out from behind her. Everyone stops and turns around. Luke, Griffin, Jake and Will are all walking together.

"What's up?" She asks as she adjusts the strap of her duffle bag that seemed to weigh twenty million pounds.

"Christmas party is at our place right?" Griffin asks, giving Will a look in the process.

"Yeah. Does that need changed?" Y/N questions.

"No. Will didn't believe us."

"Because we usually do team parties at their house." Will defends himself.

"It's senior year, we thought we should change it up a bit." Morgan says.

They start walking out to the parking lot again and Y/N continues to struggle with her bags. Will notices as he walks behind her, so he falls in step with her and grabs the strap. Y/N turns to face him as he pulls it off of her shoulder.

"Will, it's ok. I can carry it." She whispers as the rest of her friends carry on with their conversation about the Christmas party.

"I know you're still hurting from that hit on Monday, that and it's icy outside, let me help you." He's right, so she finally lets go of the duffle bag.

They make it outside and to their vehicles, but Will follows Y/N to her car. She unlocks it and puts her bag in the backseat. She turns to grab the duffle bag from Will but he motions for her to step aside and sets it in there himself.

"Thank you." Y/N smiles and gives him a hug.

"No problem. Be careful bringing it in and relax tonight ok? Don't try and deep clean or anything. Just eat some food, take a hot shower and go to bed."

"Yes mom." Y/N replies sarcastically.

"Ok lovebirds lets go! It's freezing!" Luke yells out of the window of his car, waiting for Will.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Y/N laughs.


The next day the group went to a Christmas tree farm to get their trees.

While searching for trees everyone besides Y/N notices Will watching her lovingly.

They had all been asked to take a picture with a young boy, who absolutely loved hockey and the University of Michigan's teams.

Y/N loves kids so, she was more than happy to take a picture. She squatted down next to the boy and wrapped a arm around him with a bright smile.

Will kept his eyes on her the whole time. He also loved kids, and Y/N's kindness toward kids, and any other person only made him like her more.

"Do you guys see those two?" Mady asks as she walks back to the group from the bathroom. Will and Y/N were both taking a picture with the little boy now.

"Yeah they make me sick." Luke says.

"Shut up, Luke. You're just jealous Will likes Y/N more than he likes you." Morgan laughs loudly. Brooke hip checks her to shut her up.

"They're both oblivious." Griffin says.

"We need to figure out how to get them together before the end of this semester." Jake sighs.

"I've got an idea." Brooke says and the group turns to face her.

"Elaborate." Luke says.

"So you know how we're doing Secret Santa again right?"


It was the weekend before the start of winter break, and the hockey teams were having their annual Christmas party. Everyone had pulled a name for secret santa, but Brooke and Luke made sure Will and Y/N drew each other.

Y/N had spent the two weeks before the party freaking out. She wanted to get Will the perfect present since it was their last year. She had asked everyone for ideas, but everyone was just as clueless as her except for Luke and Brooke.

At first Will had freaked out but he had a perfect idea for Y/N.

Y/N, Brooke, Morgan and Mady arrived first to help the boys finish setting up. They were all dressed up, the decided theme for this year was "black tie". Will let the girls in after checking Y/N out as well as he could with her jacket on.

He grabbed some stuff from their hands and helped them put their coats away before finally getting to take a good look at her.

"You look absolutely amazing Y/N."

Her face flushed as she straightened out her dress.

"Thank you. You look very handsome, Will."

Throughout the rest of the time before the party everyone was busy trying to make sure everything is perfect.

Will had rounded the corner when he spotted Y/N by herself standing on a chair hanging up a decoration.

"Y/N, please don't fall." Will says as he walks up beside her.

"I'm a big girl Lockwood, I can look out for myself."

"You're a klutz, Y/L/N." Will laughs.

"Shit!" She exclaims as the chair tips forwards from leaning too far. Will grabs her legs and pulls them to his body to hold her up.

The chair gets back on all fours and they both start laughing hysterically. Will picks her up and sets her on the ground.

"Maybe you do need someone to look out for you." He flirts.


After eating a lot of food, downing some drinks and taking a lot of pictures and videos of the games they played it was finally time to exchange presents.

Everyone had found their present and opened at the same time.

Y/N opened her gift to see a few things wrapped. She grabbed the smaller one first. She unwrapped it and opened the box. Inside was a rose gold necklace with "VIII - XI - MMXVI" engraved on it. She recognizes the date, August 11, 2016.

Will opens his gift to find a book that has things involving him on the cover. He picks the book up and opens it. It's pictures of him and Y/N. Most of them are candids of the two that he assumed they're friends had taken. Some were selfies they'd taken together, some were from school events. He looked through the whole book, scanning every picture with a big smile on his face until he got to the end. It was a picture of Will and Y/N looking lovingly at each other during a party, and under it there was a note.

Don't forget me when you get to Vancouver, rockstar. I love you.


Will looked at Y/N who was opening the last gift in her box.

He had gotten her a necklace with the date they met, a bag tag with his name and number on it and a picture frame with his favorite picture of them.

This was his plan, to ask her out using secret santa.

She unwrapped the picture frame and smiled while tears gathered in her eyes. She picked up the note and covered her mouth.

Brooke and Morgan who were both sat on either side of her looked over at Will.

I will always love you, beautiful. Be my girl?

Y/N looks at him and he stands up to go over to her. Y/N stands up as well and Will grabs her hand.

"I guess we're on the same page?" Will chuckles. Y/N nods.

"I love you, Will." He wraps his arms around her body and pulls her into him as she places her lips on his.

Luke and Brooke look at each other and fist bump.

"We're damn good matchmakers."

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5 years ago

Pen Pal [Owen Lindmark] ๐ŸŽ„


Description: Owen and Y/N both sign up for a Christmas Pen Pal project,

Warnings: Cursing.

A/N: Day 11 of 12 Days of Christmas! Merry Christmas!

The University of Wisconsin has a program around the holidays where students can be paired with a pen pal in their class if they feel like they are lonely or just want to.

Y/N wasn't making very many friends. She's a Pre-Med student, so she doesn't have much time to go party, or hang out with other students that aren't in her classes.

Sure, she did make a couple of friends, her roommate, Jessa, and Lacie, Max, and Joel, who are all pre-med students as well. She just felt closed off.

Owen has plenty of friends, he just wants friends that aren't hockey players, or girls that are just trying to hook up to say they hooked up with "The Owen Lindmark".

You know your pen pals first name, but that is it.

Owen has just gotten back to the dorm after practice and stopped by to get his mail for the first time in days. There was a package, his amazon order, finally. There was also two letters. He looked at the one, it said, "University of Wisconsin Pen-Pal Program". The other said "To: Owen From: Y/N".

"What's up O?" Ryder asks as he walks in behind his teammate.

"I got a letter from my pen pal. I think it's a girl, their name is Y/N."

"Yeah I've heard of her, never met her though." Ryder says.

Once Owen gets in his dorm room, he opens the package. He had ordered more Gatorade Gx pods. Then he opened the letter from the pen pal program.

Dear Owen Lindmark,

Thank you for signing up for the pen-pal program. After going through all of the students who have also signed up from your class, we have selected Y/N. Have fun making a new friend, and Happy Holidays!

Then he opens the letter from Y/N.

Hi Owen! I'm Y/N, we've been paired for the pen-pal program. I'm not really sure how to do this type of thing, so I'll just tell you a little about myself. I'm eighteen, a freshman here at UW. I'm a Pre-Med student and I want to be a Orthopedic Surgeon.

I hope to hear back from you!

"She sounds super smart." Owen mumbles to himself.


Later that day Owen sits down to write a letter to Y/N. He struggled for a little bit, not really sure what to say or even how to start out, but once he started he just kept writing.

A few of the boys came in while he was writing, asking what he was doing, and he just said "I'm talking to my pen-pal.".

The boys were confused, but just continued playing video games.

Once he was done, he rand down to the front desk to mail it to Y/N, hoping she didn't think he ignored her.


The next day Y/N stopped to get her mail in her dorm. It had been a few days since she sent a letter to her pen-pal, Owen, and she hadn't heard anything back, so she was hoping he sent her something.

She got her mail and her eyes lit up when she saw it said it was from him. She rushed up to her dorm and sat on her bed to read it before doing her homework.

Hi Y/N! I'm Owen! I'm sorry for not responding as quick as I should have, I forget to get my mail a lot. Anyway, you sound super smart! Where are you from and what do you like to do outside of school? I also do not know how to do this type of thing so I'll just tell you some random facts about myself. I'm eighteen, also a freshman at UW. I haven't chose a major yet, but I'm working on it. I'm from Naperville, Illinois. I love hockey, and football. I have a few siblings, they're kind of annoying sometimes but I love them. I like to play video games with my friends and basically just do whatever with my friends. They are a great group of people, I hope you'll meet them one day!


Over the next few weeks they sent letters back and forth. They even sent each other candy once in a while.

They both really like taking to each other and their friends all noticed. Y/N was a lot more social, and Owen was happy all of the time, even with finals being a week away.

Y/N had decided to get Owen a psychology book, because he had mentioned he was interested in that for his major. She got a box and put the book in it with a letter and a Milky Way.

Owen had also got Y/N some stuff. She had mentioned that she was going to try a new note taking method that would could down on time because it doubled for studying. She needed colored card stock and pens. He got her those and a Starbucks gift card that he taped to his letter to her. He decided last minute to put his phone number in it.

When he got her package the day before everyone left for Christmas break and opened it he smiled and pulled out another piece of paper.

Y/N about cried when she opened her package. She had a stressful day and the thoughtfulness of it made her day. When she read the letter she could feel it already. She hasn't even met this kid and she's already falling for him.

She put his phone number in her phone and texted him really quick.


Owens phone buzzed against his nightstand while he was making a sandwich. He walked over to it and saw it was a unknown number. When he opened it a big grin took over his face.

You're the sweetest. I forgot I told you about the card stock thing.

Then another message popped up.

Thank you Owen, you seriously made my day. โค๏ธ

He decided to be a little brave with his reply.

You're welcome! And thank you for the psychology book. It's ok if you don't want to, but would you maybe want to meet up after break? I really like talking to you and I'd love to meet you in person.

It only took Y/N a minute to reply.


I'd love to. I'll see you then, pen-pal?


I'll see you then, pen-pal. Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas Owen.

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7 months ago
Good And Bad Memories Here

good and bad memories hereโ€ฆ

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