Conan O'brien Must Go - Tumblr Posts

Physically incapable of comprehending the fact that Jon Stewart is going to be back on the Daily Show in three fucking days.
I used to work at an animal shelter, and whenever dogs came in we gave them names that fit whatever theme we had that month. Sometimes I'll go check the website just to see if any dogs I remember are still there, and I came across these two a while ago. I thought this blog would appreciate them :)

@toyhdgehog @letjohnoliversayfuck you're both legends for making our discord dreams reality
(goes without saying but if you join please don't be an asshole - we're all friends here)

Conan scrapshots because he is very important to me


Strike Force Reductress Headlines

Back on my bullshit; CAT SKETCH TIME
(- Left to Right - )
Conan: Sunblaze (ginger, white chest patch, darker orange stripes)
Kimmel: Thistlefang (primarily dark brown, lighter brown tail tip)
Jon: Smokewhisker (blue/gray, bobbed tail, curly whiskers)
Stephen: Halfear (dark-ish gray/black)
John: Ottersplash (white w/ black patches)
Seth: Silversnow (gray and white)
Craig: Wolfshadow (brown, white chest, black stripes)
low quality conan o'brien edit. thank you.
Can't wait to add Conan to this on April 11th LET'S FUCKING GO GANG
Hot Ones: Strike Force Edition

Kimmel: *passive aggressive harmonica noises*

John: *contemplating every choice he's ever made*

Seth: *ascending*

*crawling out of the gutter to hand you these*

Strike Force Text Posts P4 ✨

Strike Force Text Posts: Conan Edition 🧡