Cookie Run Kingdom - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Two Random Strawberry Cookie Edits That I Made, Free To Be Icons!
Two Random Strawberry Cookie Edits That I Made, Free To Be Icons!

Two random Strawberry Cookie edits that I made, free to be icons!

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2 years ago
Best Cookie In The Game Ngl
Best Cookie In The Game Ngl

Best cookie in the game ngl

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2 years ago
I Dont Wanna Draw My Team Tbh
I Dont Wanna Draw My Team Tbh

I don’t wanna draw my team tbh

I would because they look cool but,

No motiv

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2 years ago
The Frenemies

The Frenemies

Cant draw Rougefort :(

Tbh they act like siblings though hate each other when they go on capers cause they’re opposites

Currently playing “Misery x CPR” cause of these two dorks

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2 years ago
Rarepair Incoming

⚠️Rarepair incoming ⚠️

Strawberry Crepe Cookie x Creampuff Cookie!

Rarepair Incoming

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2 years ago

Lol cringe story here

“Are you sure I can borrow this?”

Gingerbrave held Strawberry Cookie’s extra sweater as he met her gaze, but hers didn’t meet his. They simply looked down on the earthy floor.

“Y-Yeah, you can. Or keep it, it can be either…” She mumbled, fiddling with her drawstrings as she always does around him…and around him only.

“Thanks!” He pat her head and gave her a smile. “See you later!”

Brave put on the sweater and waved to Strawberry, who simply blushed and waved back with a smile.


Gingerbrave made his way to Strawberry’s house with Skater and Gingerbright, they were talking to each other, of course.

“So what about that Jampie diner down the street? We could-“

“Date?” Gingerbright finished as Skater completely turned red.

As Skater stuttered to his crush, Gingerbrave was paying attention to what he was wearing. He still had her sweater on, Strawberry’s sweater. It was comfy, smelled like her sweet, strawberry fragrance, and reminded him of the adorable shy cookie who was shorter and smaller than him.

How would Strawberry react if he came to her house with her sweater on?

As they arrived at her house, he unlocked the door with the spare key Strawberry gave him and opened the door. His two friends stayed in the living room chatting while he decided to go into Strawberry Cookie’s room.

The strawberry scented air hit him as he entered, Strawberry was curled up, sleeping and tucked in her bed with her earphones and iPod on, playing music.

Gingerbrave carefully took out the headphones from her ears, listening to her steady, soft snores and breathing. He took a look at her iPod and decided to go through to see what she listened to.

As he swiped down he thought nothing appealed to him so he decided to see her playlists, and what truly surprised him was that at the very top, one was titled “Gingerbrave ❤️”.

“Me?” He though as he tapped the first song, which was called “golden hour by JVKE”.

As he put the earphones on, a piano sound flew threw his ears, he sat down next to Strawberry and listened closely.

“It was just two lovers, sittin’ in the car, listening to Blonde, falling for each other”

“Falling for? Like love?” Brave questioned in his mind.

“Pink and orange skies, feelin’ super childish

No Donald Glover”

The song made him wonder of this playlist was packed with songs referring to him…and maybe Strawb…

“Does she love me?”

“Missed call from my mother, like, “where are you tonight?” Got no alibi”

“I was all alone with the love of my life~”

Gingerbrave got his answer.

“She’s got glitter for skin, my radiant beam of the night, I don’t need no light to see you—


“It’s your golden hour!~”

“Does she want to be complimented?” Gingerbrave queried in his mind as he looked to Strawberry. “Does she want love? From me? She wants someone to care for her…”

His heart pounded faster as the lyrics continued.

“You slow down time, in your golden hour~”

Strawberry resembled the “her” in the song, as he looked, only herself gleamed and glittered in the moonlight as she slept peacefully. And the “he” was Gingerbrave. Complimenting her and loving her as she wanted.

Was blush creeping on his face?

He decided to stop the playlist and put away the earphones and iPod, then, looking at Strawberry again.

Waiting there was his crush, or probably soon to be girlfriend, sleeping and not knowing what he found out.

Gingerbrave took a deep breath and let his hand shake her awake.

“Strawb?” He ever so said, called her name softly.

She awoke, and looked around the room as she sat up slowly.

“I was…s-sleeping?” Strawberry Cookie mumbled in a sleepy voice.

“Mhmm…I gotta ask you a question, or a few, I’m not sure.”

“Questions? A-A-Am I in trouble?” She looked at him with worry, Brave shook his head.

“No it’s just, your playlist with my name.”

Her eyes immediately widened, and she pulled her drawstrings closed, hiding her face from him.

“P-P-Please say your joking, please say your joking…” She repeatedly said, Gingerbrave grabbed her hands to where her drawstrings were.

“No I’m not…it’s just…golden hour was it?” He pulled back the strings which made her show her face, it was scared, and tears started to fall.

“Why are you crying Princess?” Brave cupped her cheek, her eyes stared at him in shock, her face turned a shade of red and she looked away from him.

“I d—di-didn’t want you t-to find out…” Strawberry whispered, shaking a bit. He only rubbed her cheek slowly which made her calm down.

“I know…I shouldn’t have been snoopy but…” He sighed, admitting his question. “Do you love me Strawb?”

Strawberry looked at him, her teary, hazel eyes glistened in the moonlight as Gingerbrave comforted her with his hand. Strawberry nodded slowly, tears falling down her red cheeks.

“It’s so s-stupid! I-I know…” Strawberry stabbed herself with that comment, which hurt him more than her.

“No it’s not.” He cupped both of her cheeks and turned her face to face him, she gazed at him and her expression softened.

“It’s not…?”

“No, it’s not Princess.”

They stared at each other for a good minute, blue eyes taking in hazel eyes.

“I love you Strawberry Cookie.” Gingerbrave whispered to her.

“I love you too Gingerbrave.” Strawberry responded back with a whisper.

They filled in the gap between them.

They kissed slowly and softly, Gingerbrave tending to let her take breaths as it was their first kiss. And at that time, Skater Cookie and Gingerbright were watching their friends interact romantically.

They finally parted and found their breath paths again.

“I don’t need any light to see your beauty.” Gingerbrave complimented to his newfound girlfriend, Strawberry’s heart pounded quicker as she heard that comment.

“T—Thank you.” She whispered, hugging him, he then wrapped his arms around her. Snuggling her tiny figure in the lighted night.

And what they both knew next is that they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

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2 years ago

screenshots from kingdom

Screenshots From Kingdom

Boat date :D

Screenshots From Kingdom

Telling some jokes to him probably, he’s enjoying it :)

Screenshots From Kingdom

Discussing their next failure attack against children

Screenshots From Kingdom

Crunchy feels betrayed lol

Screenshots From Kingdom
Screenshots From Kingdom

Strawberry Cookie’s favorite Disney Princess is Cinderella attack me >:)

Screenshots From Kingdom

They sat by one another ❤️

Screenshots From Kingdom

Father-daughter bonding time

Screenshots From Kingdom

“I love you Gingerbrave” is what it looks like

Screenshots From Kingdom

Rude :|

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2 years ago
Ooooo Spooky

ooooo spooky

Backstory: She’s a ghost overseer who used to live in the Night Kingdom (an OC of mine used to live there) and she protected her people from danger, though she currently resides in a home with many ghost children. She’s a nice lady though she doesn’t like many intruders/visitors in her house.

She has come in contact with other cookies, examples being: Wizard Cookie, Starfall Cookie, Wild Strawberry Cookie, and Gingershy.

Queen Overseer Cookie’s powers are uncontrollable powers much stronger than a dragon. Speaking of a dragon, she has been friends with a younger dragon, though once older, he went insane and started to kill off dragon population.

Overseer unfortunately had to kill her best friend, locking a powerful bracelet on his wrist where he is buried 100 feet underground, it’s also the main reasons she hides herself in an abandoned house.

But right now she is calm, fine, healthy, and the best friend of Gingershy.

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2 years ago

Gingershy x Wild Strawberry Cookie headcanons

(For all who don’t like OC x Canon, scroll please cause this might be silly to y’all)

I was inspired by some Braveberry headcanons so…



If you don’t know who Gingershy is, it’s an OC of mine who is an opposite of Gingerbrave

Picture (I didn’t have a ref for him sorry):

Gingershy X Wild Strawberry Cookie Headcanons

I thought about this cause Wild needs more love :(



Shy was abused by his father when his mother died, after escaping his household, he came across Wild Strawberry Cookie. Wild, who was abandoned by her mother (not intentionally), felt sympathy for him and decided to bring him along with Twizzly and the others.


Anyways, on with the headcanons:

Wild Strawberry is touch-starved, very, she’s not used to hugs, hand-holding, etc. But Shy is working hard to get her used to touch by hugging for short moments or holding her hand for a short time.

Gingershy loves to give affection, and Wild loves to receive it. (As long as it’s not in front of the gang)

If Wild Strawberry is not obliging to go to sleep, Shy wraps a blanket around her body until she surrenders.

Gingershy is sensitive, so Wild is always on guard whenever troublemakers (example: Twizzly) say joke nicknames to him.

Flower crowns are a thing that Shy is really talented at, he grabs flowers from Herb’s shop or from the fields and weaves them into perfect size flower crowns. Most are gifts for his favorite people, Wild Strawberry Cookie and surprisingly Half Avocado Cookie.

If they hang out, they usually watch tv cuddled in the blankets or have fun going out and playing arcade games in the mall.

They share a bed. And that, leads to hugs in bed.

If Gingershy is sad, Wild hugs him and says, “You’re doing great.” In the most softest tone she could ever do.

“Wild, you okay?”

Sometimes Wild can be easily frustrated because Twizzly and Toothpaste tease her for having a crush. Though Shy easily calms her down, just by one single touch on the shoulder.



I made Shy have a lil sis since I made sisters for Strawb 🤷‍♀️

So some continuing on will be some headcanons about Wild, Shy, and Melted Marshmallow


About calming Wild down, Shy likes to give kisses if his girlfriend is down, this is rare to see and is also adorable to see.

Since Shy is very important to Wild Strawberry, Wild takes care of Melted Marshmallow Cookie and cares for her as if she was her child.

Gingershy loves to create styles with Wild Strawberry’s short hair, as a result, Melted Marshmallow also helps with her hair looks. (Adding additional unicorn stickers on her face)

Wild never blushed in the past, well until now when Wild thinks about Shy too much.

“Since they’re not here, I guess I can give you some kisses…”

Kisses tend to be on the cheek, forehead, and mouth.

Whenever Shy thinks about his rebel of a partner, it’s always the thought of her beautiful auburn eyes with her cute reddish-white hair. Along with her rare, small laugh.

“Uhm…I-I don’t know if scars are…are beautiful…”

“Well, don’t think about that. With or without your scarf and your scars…you’ll always be pretty, adorable…beautiful…d-don’t tell anyone I said this but…I love you a lot.”

Gingershy is very self-conscious about his face, to where he hides his face behind his mothers scarf. But Wild doesn’t care, she loves how he looks.

If they ever have a eat-out date, then expect them to have their candlelight date next to a huge tree.


That’s all the headcanons I have, you can reblog if you have other suggestions!

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