Corrupt - Tumblr Posts
Tumblr did @itsmaster-emmeron dirty. Deleted their account with no prior notice of any infraction. Shame on you @staff. They took every precaution and labeled their content accordingly, including keeping their sensitive content status on their blog page and you still deleted everything without giving them notice or a chance to back up their data.
Everyone, please reblog this and comment to let staff know this is NOT cool.
Corrupt in a nutshell:
Damon: Welcome back Rika it’s finally time you pay us back
Erika: *stares confused*
Damon: *clears his throat* Remember the time when you screwed us over 3 years ago?
Erika: No
Damon: Well let us freshen your memory
Michael: Three years ago curious little Erika F—
Erika: Oh wait you’re talking about the time when you humiliated me in front of his family
Damon: No not that time
Erika: Oh the time when you guys forced me on the floor in his apartment’s corridor and tried to hurt me
Damon: No
Erika: The time when you and Will tried to humiliate me in class in front of dozens of other people?
Kai: No not that time either but *shakes his head* so you’re really trying to get out of this by acting like you didn’t get us arrested?
Erika: Get you arrested? No I really think I would have remembered if I’d gotten people arrested
Michael: Wait it was not you?
Erika: No why would it be me?
Michael: Our source told us it was you
Erika: Your source?
Michael: Will’s dumbass
Will: Yeah that’s what he said
Erika: So let me see if I got it straight you guys burned my house kept my mother away from me took all money from my bank account and treated me like shit because Will had a feeling it was me
Will: And it was not?
Erika: No it was not

"Alle anziehenden Leute sind immer im Kern verdorben, darin liegt das Geheimnis ihrer sympathischen Kraft. Wenn man sich auch wünscht, tugendhaft zu bleiben, stellt man eines Tages fest, dass die wirklich glücklichen Augenblicke jene gewesen sind, die man der Sünde gewidmet hat."
Oscar Wilde
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