Coryo Snow - Tumblr Posts
first burn is so snowbaird coded in a few ways. i know he didn’t fall in love with her sister or something, but saying “you have married an icarus, he has flown too close to the sun”, it’s so snowbaird coded. “don’t take another step in my direction” THE FOREST SCENE?!!!! “i can’t be trusted around you” and “don’t think you can talk your way into my arms”?!?! SHE DIDNT TRUST HIM ANYMORE. PLEASE IT MAKES SENSE PLEEASE. “im rereading your letters and watching them burn” when lucy realized coriolanus k!lled sej?!?!? “heaven forbid someone whisper ‘he’s part of some scheme’” WHEN CORYO WENY BACK TO THE CAPITOL BECAUSE HE KNEW HE WOULD ALL ALONG?!?! REMEMBER HIS HESITANCE??? “your enemy whispers, so you have to scream” WHEN HE WAS TRYING TO SH00T HER SO SHE RAN?!?! GOD.
As If Destiny (part four) 🌹

Part Three🌹🌹🌹
Summary: You've always been kind hearted yet admirably defiant. Or that is at least one of the ways Coriolanus Snow would describe you. Ever since grade school, you have always been on the same level as him in academics and one of his few competitors for the Plinth Prize. But as tragedy struck your family, Coriolanus thought you would fall away from his life, but instead, you got even more intertwined (not to mention the complicated past knots tying your families together).
Warnings: Terminal illness, parent death, death and brutality (it is the hunger games after all) characters may be ooc. I read the book a while ago but don't really remember much of Snows way of thinking (I mean I know its toxic and insane but yk the other things) so I will mostly be basing off the film and my own thoughts. Also I can't spell for the life of me so be prepared for bad spelling and grammar. Also, this is going to be a LONG series with a lot of parts, so strap in! Enjoy loves!
Coriolanus led the way, past the broken elevator, and up the ancient stairs. He let you go ahead of him in the stairwell, letting you know which ones to skip as they are quite shaky and might cave in. He felt embarrassed that even the stairs informing of his financial state but you didn't mind. In fact, while you both were going up the 12 flights of stairs, you were giggling and enjoying the jumps up the stairs.
The boy was so lost in the sight of your toothy smile and little looks back in his direction that he almost missed his floor. Opening the door leading into the hallway brought forward the smell of dust and mold, something his nose has gotten far too acustomed to. You looked around in fascination, touching the decaying blue and silver wall paper. It was beautiful, even after all the destruction it witnessed. If this was simply the hallway, you were sure his actual aprtment was stunning, no matter how sparse and empty it may be.
After a few steps, he reached a chipped white door and pulled out his keys. The heir to the house felt his hands shake as he pushed the key through the hole. With a deep breath, he opened up the door.
The first thing that was noticeable, much to Coriolanus's dismay, was the smell of cabbage. The fervent smell and the noise of movement alerted him that Tigris was still up. His assumption was confirmed a few seconds later with the appearance of his cousin. "Coryo! You've been gone for so long, I was getting so worried where have you-" the rest of her words died on her tounge as she noticed your head pop out behind her cousins shoulders.
You gave her a kind and slightly embarrassed smile, reaching out your hand in greeting. She returned the gesture, albeit hesitantly as she was still in shock and in the depths of confusion. "Hello, you must be Tigris! All my friends rave about your fashion ability and they certainly aren't wrong. Your nightgown is stunning did you make it?" Tigris couldn't help but laugh and blush at your genuine compliments and curiosity. She nodded and held it our for you to inspect. The champagne color was embroidered with what seemed like endless silver flowers and the cut and flow fit her perfectly.
Coriolanus stood back, leaning against a wall watching you both in deep conversation about style and it's meaning and topics he could never, as much as he tried, be as versed as his cousin and seemingly, you. A smile appeared on his face seeing you get along with his cousin so well. He wondered how his grandma'am would think of you; the thought making him blush. Then it hit him that she is going to meet you in the morning, making the blush on his pale skin turn a deep crimson.
Tigris stole a quick glance towards her younger cousin and even in the dim lighting, she could see his flush all too well. She then remembered that she never asked why in the world her teenage cousin brought a pretty girl in the late hours of the night. She didn't even get your name. "I'm sorry, it seemed we got too caught up in conversation that I didn't even get your name!" You had a blush yourself in embarrassment.
Here you are, certainly in the a.m hours, invading her home and you didn't even let her know who you were. "Y/N Vaun. I am so sorry for interrupting your peace. Coryo was kind enough to offer me a place to rest tonight due to uhm personal issues at home." You say the last part quickly and in a hushed tone. The older girl gives you a warm and bright smile and welcomes you into her home. "Well let me get you something more comfortable." she gestures to your uniform that you have been wearing for nearly 24 hours.
It may not have been the most comfortable clothing, but you didn't wish to cause even more commotion for the Snow household. You stand up to kindly refuse Tigris's action but Coryo quickly interjects and stands in front of you, blocking your path. "You are our guest y/n, please stop arguing" He pleads with you. "I didn't even open my mouth!" He gives you a look, you both fully knowing you were going to.
"Where am I going to sleep?" You ask looking around and spot the small worn sofa in the small living space. Your thoughts were all over your face and caused a groan, paired with a dramatic eye roll from Coriolanus. "You are a guest, I'm not making you sleep on the couch!" You knew what he meant but it was always fun to tease the boy. "You aren't making me, don't worry!" With a rough sigh, he put his head in his hands, seemingly exhausted.
"Are you like this when you go to the Plinths?" He asks teasingly. The question made you go stiff a little, something he noticed because, of course he did. "Well, I've actually never slept over there. It's bad enough they have to constantly feed me, I am not their responsibility." Coriolanus thought over your words before responding with a question he had been carrying the entirety of your walk here.
"Do you always see every gesture of kindness as a debt to be paid? If so, you must be owed dozens of debts." You blushed at his targeted question at your philosophy and the compliment tagged on at the end. You felt flattered before you realized the hypocrisy of his words.
"Oh you're one to talk Coryo! Remember when I shared with you my chocolate truffles ONCE at lunch and you seemed to be trying to paying me back with gestures and favors for weeks!" He stared at you like a deer in headlights. oh how he wished you had forgotten. He remembered that day crystal clear. Not because the truffles (which apparently 11 year old you was a master baker even then) were the best he has ever had, but because of you took over his thoughts for weeks after.
He remembered taking notes of all the little things you liked and habits, trying to find the perfect opportunities to get closer and somehow, even if not materially, pay you back for your kindness. "Ah, so it was you! I knew I heard your name somewhere before!" Tigris (of all the times she could have appeared) emerged from her room holding up a deep green night gown with black detailing.
You looked from her to Coriolanus in confusion and were met with him staring way too intensely at the dusty floor. Tigris observed both of your actions and emotions, noting your confusion and her cousins embarrassment. Oh she was going to have so much fun teasing him as soon as you were out of earshot. She gestured the sleepwear and beckoned for you to get changed in the small bathroom.
You took the fabric out of her hands and was simply amazed. You had many friends and close ones at that, but all the emotions and kindness you were treated with tonight crashed at once. You looked up at the taller woman with glossy eyes. "Thank you." You turned your head to say the same to the boy who brought you here, but he simply put a hand up, putting an end to yet another parade of thanks.
As soon as Tigris heard the sound of you locking the cold bathroom door, she turned to the boy she considered a brother with a smirk. But he wasn't in the main foyer anymore but rather, rushed to the kitchen and was opening up the window. Enough to get the smell of cabbage and dust out and the smell of blossoming flowers of the Capital in. She couldn't help but laugh. "So am I going to get an explanation or do I have to assume what a teenager is doing bringing a girl that beautiful at this hour?"
"Her mother is suffering with illness Tigris. Its been taking a toll on y/n too. She doesn't sleep at night and I thought she might have a better chance getting a good rest if she was away from all the chaos. So I brought her here if you and grandma'am don't mind." Tigris looked at her cousin, a proud smile on her face. She wiped her hands on a worn towel and moved in to give him a loving hug.
Coryo got the message of his cousin quite clearly and suddenly as he looked as if he were going to faint from embarrassment. He looked around as if you were in the walls listening in. "Shhh! Tigris! Ugh- what no- Tigris!" Oh he was so flustered. She went back to cleaning the few dishes in the sink, the activity she must have been doing before your entrance. Coriolanus knew she was waiting for an explanation but he didn't want to expose your situation and lose any trust, especially with the amount of trust he put in you.
"I'm so proud of you Coryo. I know your mother would be too. Her son being a pillar of good, no matter the situation." He smiled shyly and bittersweetly at the thought of his late mother. Would she think of him like that? What would she think of you?
Tigris snuck a glance at the boy and noticed his small grin and blush and nudged him with his shoulder. "No funny buisness, I want to sleep without being traumatized." The look of horror once again crossed his face and was ready to stammer out opposition to Tigris's thoughts when he heard the bathroom door creak open.
You stepped out, wrapped in the nightgown, the long and flowy cut making you look like true royalty. You also took your hair our of your updo and let it flow down. How is it possible something so beautiful could be standing in his rundown apartment. The thought seemed to have Coriolanus paralyzed until you seemed to shrink under his gaze.
Tigris giggled at just how easily you made her ever pristine and charming cousin flustered. She threw some water off her fingers into his face to snap him out of his daze, which worked much to his dismay and your entertainment. Tigris walked out of the kitchen and into the direction of her room. As she passed you, she whispered "you look beautiful y/n" with a sweet and supporting smile that you returned.
She bid you both good night as she walked out of sight behind the corner of the hallway, leaving you both behind looking anywhere but eachother. Coriolanus realized he should probably be the one to do something considering this was his home and such. He cleared his throat and motioned for you to follow him. You followed him with your uniform neatly folded as he reached his room.
Your breath was shaky as you exhaled realizing you were in his room. You were going to sleep in his room. To say you were red would be an understatement. You were too busy scanning around his room to notice him quickly trying to clean up the little messes littered over his room in his ever constant rush. You noticed his corner window and walked over, having to kneel on his bed to get the full view.
Even though it was pitch black nightime outside, the street lights were enough to lumminate the small white flowers blooming on the trees. Rows and rows of the trees seemed to be lined up straight outside his window. It must be absolutely radiant in the morning.
You turned back to him, watching him move around the small room. "Tigris is so beautiful and kind. You must be very proud of her." Your words made him feel somehow even happier. He nodded in agreement. He did everything for her and Grandma'am, but especially for Tigris. She sacrificed her entire life for him and raised him really on her own. If he ever for a second doubted his abilites or how much longer he can keep up his façade, he remebers his cousins sweet smile.
Coriolanus was still trying to clean up his room and you offered to help, but he quickly declined your offer, saying you should rest.
"You still never told me where you are going to sleep" He turns around and sees your eyes, deep in concern and wonder. how do your eyes look like in the morning? "I think the sofa will be fine, you can take the bed. Please" He tried to plead with you as he grabbed his night clothes, fine but worn set of silky pajamas. "You can't expect to say I am not allowed to sleep there while I am here taking over your room!"
He sighed, shaking his head. Why won't you just let him be chivalrous? He never knew how determined or persistent you were about such simple topics and wished to never be on this side of the battle ever again. "Please y/n, make yourself at home. I'm going to change, you better be asleep when I come back." He left his room too quickly to see your pout and eye roll in disagreement.
You let your hands feel the thin sheets as you try to find some way to still let Coryo get a comfortable sleep. Your eyes land on his desk in your exploration and you take note of the objects on it.
Somehow, in your scan of your room, you missed the pictures and knickknacks. One seemed to show his mother and a baby version of the ever charming teenager. It made you smile, he had such chubby cheeks and an adorable gummy smile. Another seemed to show toddler Coryo being babied by little Tigris, who seemed more than happy to care for him. It made you laugh, you don't remember him ever being like the boy in the pictures, even when you were that age in class with him.
You didn't wish to touch any of his things without his permission so you just scooted closer. You noticed a beautiful silver compact that shimmered under the desk lamp that was lit. It looked like an antique, the type before the war. It must have been his mother's you assumed. In your analyzation of the compact and other items littering his small desk, you didn't realize how close you had gotten and your foot accidentally harshly hit the container underneath the desk.
Small powder came out, causing you to begin coughing. You look downwards to the container and read the alarming words "RAT POISON". Your coughing began to escalate in panic. In your panic and attack of coughs, you didn't realize two strong arms pull you away from the area. You coughed a little bit more before your face was turned upwards to a pair of such beautiful blue eyes.
You turned your face as the last of your shaky coughs came out, leaving you shaken and face hot and crimson.
"I'm so sorry Coryo, I am such an idiot!" He quickly shushed you and assured you that you were nothing of the sort. "It's okay, you were just a bit distracted, I should have moved the container anyways, it's my fault." Wait how did he know that you were too distracted to notice the substance?
Clearly the deadly poison wasn't the only thing you didn't notice. Coriolanus dressed quickly and he noticed the light in his room still on and was ready to chastise you on not taking your ever needed moments of sleep. But then he noticed how memsmorized you were by the photos and objects on his desk. He relished in your subtle smile and little giggle, albeit be at younger him. The moment he saw the pale substance flow through the air however, his breathing became as shallow as if he himself inhaled it.
But as everything calmed down, he noticed how much your lack of sleep has hit you once more. He moved you over to his bed and you comfortably settled under the sheets.
He turned off the light, quietly grabbing an extra pillow and blanket and began walking out towards direction of the stiff sofa. "Wait Coryo!" You said, sleep slurring your syllables. He turned around in concern that something may be wrong. You offered him a shy smile, hesitant to ask. "Could you sleep here, I don't think I am to be trusted alone right now" you laugh the last part. You felt quite foolish. He has done so much and here you are asking him to sleep on his cold floor while you are resting in his bed.
But he seems to pay no mind. He responds with a giddy smile and throws the pillow down and lays softly next to his bed. Next to you. You mumble a thank you, to which he repaonds with a contempt "mhm". With the smell of roses, which seemed to be radiating from his pillow and sheets, you are quickly enveloped by sleep. Hearing your deep and peaceful breathing, Coriolanus doesn't take long to follow suit, with a smile of contemptment on his face. A smile quite rare in the small and shabby apartment. But tonight, it felt like a palace.
The sunlight lit up the room when Coriolanus woke up. He took a second to question why he was on the floor. He was about to panic when he remembered the events of last night, bringing a certain type of joy to the blonde. He then heard the sounding of pen on paper, furiously writing. He popped his head up from his pillow and sat up, looking towards your very awake and focused figure. You were leaning against the wired headboard of his bed, with that ever growing pile of paper next to you.
"Please tell me you are sleepwriting" His voice, especially his morning voice (something you never imagined for the proper Coriolanus Snow. But you weren't complaining. Oh no. Not in the slightest) broke you out of your daze. You didn't look up as wrote the final letters of your hard researched and written paper. "Well don't you know that you are never supposed to wake someone up when they do that?" You teased, a bright smile on your face as you looked up.
The color was back in your face and your missed bubbly energy was back. With those factors, the sunlight, and your natural radiance, Coriolanus could not belive his eyes. If this was some sick dream, he wished to never wake up.
You turn your eyes from the messy haired boy (something you didn't even know was possible, his ever proper hair messy and how you could stop looking at how good it looked like this) and out the window. When you first woke up, the sun was still rising and you wished to finish your assignment before Coryo woke up and you went to the academy. So you didn't get to bask in the beautiful sight before you untill now. The street lights did not do the delicate white flowers justice. The sun hit them so perfectly they didn't seem real, they were so perfect. The same thought was running through Coriolanus's mind but he was most certainly not thinking about the flowers.
He got up and dusted off himself and offered you a hand. You took it happily and as soon as you stood up, the sound of your stomach grumbling was quite loud in the peaceful silence. You giggled in unease about the sudden noise while Coriolanus felt a little ashamed knowing he didn't have much to settle your hunger. You looked up at him and noticed the look in his eyes. "Hey, don't worry! I was planning on getting us all some breakfast anyways but I just wanted you to wake up first so you don't think I just up and left".
He looked at you with great appreciation because he would have definitely thought you were too embarrassed to stay the night. But looking at your cheerful face, you seemed anything but. "You know you don't have to do that y/n. You don't us anything." You nodded along, grabbing your uniform and heading towards the bathroom. "I'm not doing this as a debt, I'm doing this as a thank you." You tell him as you close the door.
He sighs but was surprised when you opened the door just a second after closing it. "Plus, I still want to talk to Tirgis more!" That made him sincerely laugh. Sometimes he has done a lot these past number of hours with you. More than he has in a long while. The blonde rushes to quickly change into his own uniform to accompany you. He isn't sure if you remember the direction of his apartment and stores, so it would be best if he went along as a guide. Plus it wouldn't hurt to spend as much time with you before your peaceful moments would be shattered with your attendance to the rush of the academy.
He looked in the small and rusting mirror in his room, just now noticing his messy hair. He doesn't get to perfect his curls when he hears the unblocking of the bathroom door, informing him of your readiness. He meets you out by the main entrance as you are putting on your clean and pretty shoes. You look up with a sideways smile and don't question his presence. He was a gentleman after all (you also had no idea your way around these parts).
Once you both were ready, he opened up the door, offering you his arm and you were out to conquer your little adventure.
You both were basking in the sunlight as you reached a quaint little bakery. You can smell the delicious pastries from outside causing you and Coryo to share a look. You drag him inside and take a look around. "What ever you think Grandma'am and Tigris would like, please get it! And don't you dare try to hold back. If you don't get what you want, I will." Your little threat was made loud and clear to Snow as he put his hands up in mock surrender. He did feel guilty because you were paying (his pride hated every second that you were spending on him and not the other way around).
He knows his grandmothers love for chocolate so he picked out multiple pastries of the flavor and some fruit ones for Tigris. The red velvet flavor and white coating of a certain sweet drew Coriolanus in and was something he hasn't tasted in years, the thought of it making his mouth water already. He ordered and looked over to where he last saw you, in which you were observing the vintage photos on the wall.
But you weren't there. The shop wasn't very large and he couldn't see you anywhere. He began to panic to where you could have gone when the small bell above the door rang and you appeared with a small violet box in your hands. "Sorry, saw something across the street and had to get it!" You apologize to your friend and quickly pay for the delicacies he chose. You both walked out and into his apartment with several boxes each, nearly up to your chins. Coriolanus repeated how unnecessary all of it was but you kept on shushing him everytime he brought it up. You with your fill of sleep was so different. He missed it.
When you made it back, Tigris seemed to just have woken up as she was rubbing off her sleep. Although, when the smell of the pastries hit her nose, all thoughts turned into hunger. You bid her a very chipper "Morning!", a tone quite different from the shy girl she met last night. "I'm going to check up on Grandma'am, you guys can set everything up!"
The excitement was clear in her voice and movement, a pep filled walked to her dear grandmothers room. You smile at her emotion, causing a chain reaction that leads to Coriolanus own grin. You both set up the table while speaking cheerfully about small details of your life. Coriolanus was trying to remember the last time in his life he had such a cheery morning with a proper breakfast.
Then the last piece left of his family walks in. He walks over and place a delicate kiss on his grandma'ams cheeks and walks back to introduce you. You dust off your hands nervously and go to shake her hand when she looks as if she is going to break into tears.
"Cloria? Oh, Cloria! You look stunning as ever!" The elderly woman ignores your hand and moves in to hug you. You are shocked by the movement but even more by the name she called you by. You look to her grandson in worry. Should you inform her that you aren't Cloria, but in fact her daughter? How did she know your mother? But he looked as confused as you.
She pulled back from the embrace, yet held onto your arms. She moved then upward to your face, turning it this way and that. "Oh Cloria, how I've missed you!" You smiled in confusion, having absolutely no clue what to respond. Then she seems to notice Coriolanus's presence for the first time. "Crassus! Why didn't you tell me Cloria was back!". The look of baffelment on Coryos face was drained of all emotion as he was paralyzed by his Grandma'ams mistake. Her dementia has been worsening for a while now, but never once has she called him his father's name. You were both unsure what to do but you took action. Softly you stepped back, offering your hand once more. "Thank you for your kind words, but Cloria is actually my mother. I'm her daughter y/n".
Her timeworn eyes rake over you, taking you in for the first time. Questions seemed laced in her voice and face. "Daughter? Who is your father?" Her tone was icy and a bit void.
Uncertainty was present in your own response. "Tyre Vaun, mam" The little gasp and step back to his name made you feel as if you just slapped the elderly woman. You looked up, searching for help in the comforting blue eyes of her grandson. "Grandma'am?" He asked and her astonished stare switched from you to his towering frame. Then she seemed to notice him, for the first time as well. "Coriolanus? Since when have you been here?".
His frustration by her actions and lapse of memories was caught off by the entrance of Tirgis, now changed into a beautiful brown and white set. She took in the air of confusion but knew of her grandmothers odd behavior due to her unfortunate condition, so she decided to ignore it and change the topic to the vast array of breakfast options. "Look grandma'am, chocolate!"
She began filling her grandmothers plate while Coriolanus began filling his own as well. You let everyone dig in before you grabbed a few pieces for yourself. The air went back to happy and giddy feeling. You and Tirgis briefly went back into your discussion of last night as you begged of her to show you her creations some time. She was over the moon at your genuine interest and invited you to come over whenever available.
The time passed in light hearted conversations before Coriolanus realized the time and motioned for you both to clean up and get ready to get going. That's when you realized you had completely forgot the violet box. "Oh, one last thing!" You open up the box revealing chocolate truffles, ones that looked nearly identical to the ones you and Coryo shared when you were 11. His shocked expression caused a smirk to appear on your face. You knew he was going to give you a huge rant about how unnecessary it all was but you didn't mind. No, you didn't mind one bit.
A/N: Guys I know it seems like I have no life, I swear I do! I just got sick so it has been a blessing (i get to read and write all day) and a curse( I literally sound like ill dill). My eyes hurt from looking at my screen for so long. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Also shout-out to @darknight3904 and their fic "It Burns For You"! They inspired multiple parts of this chapter. Go read the fic, guys it's so good! Anyways hope you guys are excited for the next part, much love❤️
@fantasylovestoryme 🌹@nekee-lilac02 🌹 @notyourwildestdream 🌹@darktrashsoulbear🌹@a-avengerparker 🌹
As If Destiny (part five) 🌹

Part Four🌹
Warnings: Terminal illness, parent death, death and brutality (it is the hunger games after all) characters may be ooc. I read the book a while ago but don't really remember much of Snows way of thinking (I mean I know its toxic and insane but yk the other things) so I will mostly be basing off the film and my own thoughts. Also I can't spell for the life of me so be prepared for bad spelling and grammar. Enjoy loves!
"I do hope you know that if we are even a minute late, I will be serving detention for the rest of the year."
The slightly anxious tone of Coryo's voice broke you out of your memorized state. You both were in a rush out of his penthouse and you weren't sure how long it would take to get to the academy, but against your best intentions, you had to stop for the flowers.
Something about their white petals and fresh arouma just sucked you in.
With a reluctant sigh, you forced your legs to move.
"But you are the perfect student. You've never been late and every member of the staff loves you."
It was true. There didn't seem to be a single person in the Capital who wasn't charmed with Coriolanus Snow.
But he just shook his head, shifting his eyes forward and quickly pressing the button to allow for pedestrians cross the intersection.
"Everyone but Dean Highbottom."
Oh yes.
He was unfortunately right.
That was indeed the one person who seemed to despise Coryo.
And for seemingly no reason. He always seemed to be able to chide or insult the boy whenever given the chance.
When the signal lit up, the boy in question took your hand to follow him across the street.
"You know, I remember once Highbottom saw us talking after I gave you back your book for Satryia's class. After we parted ways, he pulled me aside and told me to stay away from you. Something about how it didn't end well the first time. Do you have any idea what he was talking about?"
Still holding your hand, even being far from the dangers of the intersection, the boy turns his head to you. His eyes showed just as much confusion as yours did but with a hint of anger.
Dean Highbottom didn't have to like him but who is he to warn you to stay away from him? And what does he mean the first time?
The conversation seemed to trail off there but neither of you minded. You didn't come to this part of the Capital very often so you were lost in fascination and wonder. The city was being rebuilt all around you and you couldn't help but feel giddy.
Coriolanus was lost in watching your reactions. He was feeling a sense of pride to know that he was the one who opened this side of the Capital for you. Not to mention the reason you got some proper sleep.
He was thinking back on your conversation when he nudged your nearby shoulder with his. You looked back to see the tall boy with a little smirk on his lips. You couldn't help but laugh and question the movement.
"Nothing, it's just nice to know you remembered the book."
The comment made a pink tint appear on your cheeks, now very visible in the morning light.
"Of course I remember! I'm sure Satryia would have had my head! You were my knight in shining armor."
Then it was your turn to nudge him back. His pride swelled even more at the memory. To know that he was able to give you something that you not only wanted but needed. Even if it was just a lousy textbook.
It made him feel accomplished.
Within a few strides, the magnificent structure of the Academy came into view and it somehow even looked more beautiful than usual to you.
Everything did after last night.
"Oh! I forgot to give you this!"
He let go of your still clasped hands and grabbed something from his bag. You were surprised by Coryo's confession but even more suprized by the radiant flower in his hand. You couldn't help but gasp at the gesture. You looked up at him with your beautiful eyes, shining up at him with wonder and gratitude. He smiled down at you, heart swelling.
"You seemed so mesmerized so I thought you would like one of your own."
You took the flower gently and thanked him with the most beautiful smile he has ever received.
He was already scheming of ways to see it more often.
"Could you put in my hair?"
Then you were blessed with the most beautiful smile you've seen. He happily agreed and put it in the back of your hair, in the hair tie of your half up, half down style.
Something you've never worn before to the academy but something Coryo reassured you looked good.
Once assured the flower wouldn't fall, the tall boy stepped out from behind you with a satisfied smile.
"You know one of these days I'll show you Grandma'am's rose garden. Maybe even get you a bouquet."
He knew the day when he would be able to bring you full bouquets of her precious roses is far away. But maybe after he won the Plinth Prize, he would get his Grandma'am chocolate, Tigris a new dress, and packets of rose seeds.
Enough so everyday he could give you a fresh flower that you would cherish.
His wishful thinking nearly made him miss your response.
"I think I would fall right then and there if you did Coryo."
You looked at him as you confessed but quickly looker away, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks. Heat that only grew more intense as Coriolanus's stare did the same.
He didn't know if you meant you would fall is in pass out or fall as in... well fall. for him.
oh as if he needed anymore motivation to win the coveted Plinth Prize.
Since you never come from this direction, you can't see the usual spot Sejanus would be sitting at when waited for you. Was he getting worried? Your eyes scan the area but couldn't seem to find the brunette anywhere.
But, for better or worse, you found your quite eccentric group of friends.
"Coryo! Y/N!" Clemensia's voice carried through the morning air as you both marched up the stairs.
You both greeted her as well as Arachne, Festus, and Felix upon your arrival. They all seemed happy to see you two (especially you as you are often strolling with Sejanus). But Arachne seemed to be looking you both up and down with a mischievous smirk playing on her colored lips. Nothing new but unnerving nevertheless.
"Y/N, don't you live on the west side of the city? You always come and leave in that direction."
She looked as if she had caught a lamb for the slaughter. You actually did really like her but the girl has so many problems.
Coriolanus had his mask plastered on again but inside he was beginning to panic. He probably could've made a lie on the spot, a skill he has mastered over the years, but he was worried about your reaction.
You were a genuine person and he feared that his lie would be completely exposed on your face. But it seemed he was wrong. Instead of freezing up you laughed at Arachne's comment.
"It's beautiful weather this morning and felt in the mood to take a walk around the city. I just happened to meet up with Coryo at the entrance to campus."
To say the mentioned boy was surprised and relieved would have been an understatement. Not only did you cover up the actual events, you made sure not to let it slip that he walks to the Academy. The illusion that he has a driver like the rest of your peers was still held. Festus then seemed to perk up.
"I still don't understand why in the world you would decide to walk somewhere. We have drivers for a reason."
The others nodded in agreement and you couldn't but help sigh. You have known your friends since as long as you could remember. You have seen them grow up (or the lack there of).
They are still the small scared children who had to burn their picture books for warmth in the Dark Days. They may have physically aged, but you know they never really grew up. Your peers simply hid their fears and insecurities behind their wealth and luxury.
Anything outside of the opulence that surrounded them brought fear and as a result, a great distaste.
That's why Sejanus was so disliked. He was too much of an irregularity. Too other.
As he drifted to your mind, your eyes drifted to the other side of the stairs, shifting your neck to try to get a better view.
"Don't worry, your little side kick is coming up."
Felix let you know with a nod of his head over your shoulder, making you turn around and spotting Sejanus looking confused at you. You smiled in invitation and he began taking a cautious walk up the vast stairs.
Arachne couldn't help but scoff.
"Wonder what little district boy would do without his precious y/n to hold his hand wherever he goes."
Your mouth opened to shoot back a response when Sejanus gave one of his own.
"Maybe you will see where it would hit if it wasn't being held."
He even gave a mocking smile to go with it.
And this is why your two friend groups are separate.
Before any teeth could be knocked out or venom spit, you were quick to grab his arm and pull him away. You look over your shoulder with a rushed and apologetic farewell to the group.
But your eyes met those ever shining blue orbs and gave a private smile. A smile he couldn't help but return.
"What are you smiling at Snow?"
Festus croked. He had frankly forgotten his friends around him, way too lost on your retreating form.
"Well that was entertaining if I must say." He covered up his slip.
The look on Arachne's face begged to differ.
But reassurance came in Clemensia's laugh, followed by Felix.
"I would actually like to see what would happen with you and Plinth in a room with no y/n to mediate Crane." Felix seemed quite entertained with the thought.
The girl just rolled her eyes and began her march into the building, clear irritation radiating off of her.
The rest of the group followed suit and walked into the posh institution.
"Feel bad for whoever unfortunately walks infront of her path" Festus quips, much to the enjoyment and humor of his friends.
The same feeling could not be said for Sejanus.
"So how worried should I be?" Sejanus's warm brown eyes bore into yours. You crooked your head to its side in confusion.
"Care to explain Sej?"
"I think I'm the one who needs an explanation y/n. You never came to our spot and you were instead with them."
He spit out the word as if it was acid.
"Not to mention the fact that we got a call from your father thanking us for letting you stay with us last night. Would you care to enlighten me how I either missed your presence the entire night, morning, and ride here or where you actually were."
His tone was harsh but you knew it came from a place of worry. He knew of your sleepless habits and to be informed that you were supposed to be with him but weren't must have been horrifying.
You weren't sure if you should tell him the whole truth about staying with Coriolanus. So you tell him the same thing you told Rhayes, your driver, last night.
"I was with a friend. I'm sorry I worried you Sejanus. I had no idea he called you and made you worry."
He looked at you with a puzzled and slight irritated expression.
"What friend y/n? And if you couldn't stay at your house, you know our door is always open."
You weren't exactly sure why he was so upset at the situation but you felt he deserved some semblance of an answer.
"You guys do enough for me as it is. No- stop don't even try to argue with me on this. Can - can we just drop this?" You sighed, clearly not wanting to continue on this topic.
Sejanus looked the exact opposite, wanting to flesh out every detail. But he noticed your discomfort and let the conversation end there.
You both had been walking around the halls, him not really realizing the path you were taking untill you came to a stop and began looking through your bag.
The kind boy, for what seemed the first time that morning, took in your appearance.
"You look well rested. Back to life." He says it astonished. You couldn't help but roll your eyes.
"I know! Weird seeing me look like an actual person instead of zombie." You were expecting a witty remark back but you were met with another amazed observation.
"You kept your hair down. And look it has a flower!"
You laughed at his behavior and found your mass pile of somehow pristine papers. You flipped through the pages with apprehension at your work.
"And you finished your paper! What happened to you last night?!"
He just seemed to keep on getting more and more lost. Your smile grew in amusement of his reaction and you both walked into class. Sejanus made his way up to your elevated section of desks while you made your way to your Professor.
Professor Rhaen was a tall and lengthy man who seems more aged than any person of his middle age should be. His pale skin seemed sickly and was scattered with small marks and freckles.
He was bent over his desk, deep into a thick book. You cleared your throat and his eyes snapped up to your slightly timid figure.
"Good morning Professor. I understand that you gave us an extended amount of time for our paper to ensure we properly research. But I fear I got too carried away and seemed to have finished a bit early."
You held up your own thick stack of papers with a humble smile. The man didn't take your papers right away, leaving your hand hanging while he was analyzing.
After a few painfully akward moments, he finally took the stack from your hands. You were going to make your way to seat before he motioned for you to wait.
He was scanning through as you just stood there, in the front of the room and felt quite small. You looked up towards the direction of your desk and saw Sejanus give you a smile and a thumbs up in encouragement.
You smiled back, with a little more reassurance and turned to your professor who seemed to be very focused. The sounds of your classmates coming in was heard as their gazes were felt.
Forever seemed to pass before Professor Rhaen gave you the go ahead to sit down. You gave a giddy sigh of relief before you were stopped by his voice.
"Y/n!" You turned slowly and slightly reluctantly. "
From what I've seen so far, I think I will be nothing less than impressed."
Professor Rhaen does not give compliments. You felt over the moon but gave a polite nod and rushed to your desk.
You didn't realize that Coriolanus and the others had made it to class until you reached the area of your desk. You had to squeeze past the blonde boy and as soon as you sat down, you had to turn behind you.
"Wait you already finished your paper?"
Clemmies pretty face was contorted in baffelment. You just smiled and shrugged. The scoffs of impresment (and intimidation) of Felix, Festus, and Arachne were quite audible even as you turned around.
Sejanus took in your interaction and noticed how neither Clemensia nor Arachne knew of your progress. Something they clearly would have if you stayed at their penthouses last night.
But what was even more puzzling was your shared look with Coriolanus who seemed to have a bit of a smug and proud smile on his face.
Like he knew.
Any questions were caught off by the scratchy voice of the professor. His lecture was not necessarily interesting, but today for the first time in a long time, you were able to be fully focused.
You followed every word and participated whenever you could. You were so engaged with the lesson that you barely realized the pen that landed by your shoes.
Grabbing it in a swift motion, you looked up to see Coriolanus with a smug smirk.
Oh that little-
"See what happens when you get a proper sleep." He teased you, slightly crouched, mirroring your position.
You gave a soft scoff at his comment which only made his expression grow.
"A night of good rest, a compliment from Rhaen, and an intimated Arachne? You're on fire y/n." He whispered.
"Trying to suck up to the new favorite student Snow?" You teased back.
The close proximity of your position allowing for the heat of your breath to be felt on the boys cheeks.
That's the reason for the red on it right?
His devious smirk only expanded, showing a few of his perfect and pearly white teeth. He opened his mouth to fire back his own witty response before he was cut off by a clearly displeased Dean Casca Highbottom.
"Miss Vaun and Mr. Snow."
It seemed that even having the two of your names in the same sentence drained him off all his energy.
"Why am I not surprised. Well whatever it is that you two were discussing, I hope it was more important than your professor's lecture."
The embarrassment of the public scolding and the silence of the room was suffocating.
And he knew it.
He seemed to relish in your discomfort and Coriolanus's annoyance.
His eyes seemed to be coated with a fog as he was lost to his mind and whatever he was thinking. The realization of reality and his intention of the interruption seemed to bring him back to reality.
"Please pack up your things Miss y/n. It is urgent."
Your reaction to his words was panic.
Absolute panic.
Emotion you had to swallow, even as your breathing accelerated. You were shaking as you basically threw your material in your bag, with no care of the impact.
Dean Highbottom had already left the room and was waiting in the hallway by the time you met up with him. You felt nauseous and walked on heavy feet.
Coriolanus could see the unsteady steps you took and wanted nothing more than steady you.
But he could do nothing.
And that's the part he hated most.
He sighed and tried to focus back on the lecture and the notes he was supposed to take. Then he realized you must have taken his pen by accident.
And he was right but you weren't really conscious as you twirled that very same pen in you hands in apprehension.
Something happened to her.
That happened to her.
You both reached the main office and you hoped that all your fears would be resolved. But you looked up to see your father in a state of varying levels of dishevelment. He looked pale, starved, and hollow.
But worst of all were the tears in his eyes and clear stains on his cheek. No.
You felt the world shrink around you as he opened up his palm to reveal a beautiful golden necklace. A necklace that held two rings.
The same necklace that your mother wore without fail.
The one she swore she would never take off till death did her part.
Till death do you part.
A/N: another part down! I hope you all liked it! I was scared of how it was gonna turn out at first but kinda liked it. I hope you guys saw the desk scene as I imagined it (both you and coryo kinda crouched and close as you whispered). I imagined it as if it was a movie and the shot would be showing your side profiles as you talked in those fancy curved desk things in the movie. Also if things don't make sense, I'm sorry it's 1 am and I have been working on it for hours and I'm sleepy lol! Much love as always!
@notyourwildestdream 🌹@darktrashsoulbear🌹@fantasylovestoryme 🌹@nekee-lilac02 🌹@a-avengerparker🌹 @queenofshinigamis 🌹
As If Destiny Masterlist🌹

🌹THIS IS THE ONLY ACCOUNT THIS STORY IS POSTED! It is also posted on my ao3 and my account name is the same. ANYWHERE ELSE IS COPIED AND PLAGIARIZED!🌹
Playlist 💿
Read it on Ao3
Part One 🌹
Part Two 🌹🌹
Part Three 🌹🌹🌹
Part Four 🌹
Part Five 🌹🌹
Part Six 🌹 🌹 🌹
Part Seven 🌹
Part Eight 🌹🌹
Part Nine🌹🌹🌹
Part Nine. Five 🌹
Part Ten 🌹 🌹
Part Eleven 🌹🌹🌹
Part Twelve 🌹
Part Thirteen🌹🌹
Part Fourteen 🌹🌹🌹
Part Fifteen🌹
As If Destiny (part six)🌹

Part Five🌹
PLEASE READ WARNINGS FOR THIS PART! If any section makes you uncomfortable, please take care of yourself and stop reading. The beginning is especially dark so please feel free to skip ahead to the first line break:
Warnings: Terminal illness, parent death, death and brutality (it is the hunger games after all) Witnessed death and accidental suicide. Insanity suspected and potrayed. characters may be ooc. I read the book a while ago but don't really remember much of Snows way of thinking (I mean I know its toxic and insane but yk the other things) so I will mostly be basing off the film and my own thoughts. Also I can't spell for the life of me so be prepared for bad spelling and grammar. Enjoy loves!
The flowers just seemed to keep on coming. And coming. And coming.
Of all of the Capitals wealth, the flowers were only the deep color of blood.
It disgusted you.
But that's what it all looked like to your tear covered eyes. Your vision has been blurry since yesterday morning. Since the cold metal of the golden necklace hit your neck.
Reflecting the cold body of your mother.
The funeral feels as if it going on too slow yet too fast. The fake pledges of sorrow and shows of mourning were suffocating you. But saying goodbye is coming too soon. You've had months to say goodbye and yet you chose to run away, your consciousness hissed at you.
The necklace on your neck felt heavy as you picked up the two dangling rings. Those same rings have always brought a sense of comfort and nostalgia as they were a tell tale sign of your mother. You've seen them a million times but never noticed them.
One was a deep gold with vine engravings covering the entirety of the surface. In the middle was a beautiful light green colored stone that seemed to have endless mirroring panels that shone in the light. On the inside there was a small phrase: "To love, alive and ever lasting. "
The engraved words of commitment seemed to have brought new warm and silent tears streaming across your face. The ring must have been your mother's wedding ring as that was your father's declaration to always love her in his wedding vows.
Of course, you only know this because of the countless nights he stayed up watching her withering form. He kept on re-telling her his vows, remembering every word every time.
She never said a word back.
The other ring seemed far older due to the more dusty look of the gold surface. There were engravings of a family crest, symbolizing the Emberidges. Your mother's maiden name and what used to be one of the longest standing powerful families in all of Panem.
While the family blood lived on in you, the name was sacrificed as you took your father last name, the more recently powerful in comparison: Vaun.
You knew that your mother wasn't an only child but her funeral had no appearance of her siblings. Unlike your fathers dear sister who seemed to be in the act of consoling him in the moment and who has been a crucial pillar of care these past twenty eight hours.
No, any maternal aunts and uncles were butchered in the war. Your uncle Averic was deployed to District 12 and martyred in the dense woods. That day was a dark day for all of the Capital. Not only did the head of House Emberidge fall, leaving no children, but so did the head of House Snow, leaving behind only eight-year-old Coriolanus.
And of all the deaths that day, the one that crushed you the most, the heir of House Vaun. Your dear older brother. He was only fifteen when he reportedly butchered by the rebels. They did not deem him fit for a quick death.
While her brother and nephew fought across the nation, you aunt Fiora was behind in the freezing capital like most. She was the youngest of the siblings, only a mere twenty three years old.
When news came of Alerics death, she couldn't handle the suffocation she felt. And to all of the family's pleas to stay inside, she fled. It had been days of dread and being on the look out when you and sometimes Rhayen went searching for food. The coming day of finding her was a harshly rainy one.
You were once again scouring for something to eat when you had saw Clemensia doing the same. You both had shared a look of understanding in your sunken, tired eyes. Something that should have been beyond the years of two eight year olds.
You scoured for any viable sources of nutrition, jumping over and running around the countless dead bodies. Neither of you look at them too long. The sight horrifying for your young eyes and any in general. Clemensia noticed a few bags of moldy peaches and potatoes. You both nearly ran into the nearby wall in excitement. Splitting it evenly, you bid eachother goodbye and wished thr other to be safe. The streets of the crumbled capital were crawling with vultures and bandits who were more than willing to kill for any food. It could be the peaches and potatoes in your hands.
Or more grimly: your hands.
Those thoughts were intensified when you heared the crush of glass behind you.
Please no.
Please just let me get the food to my family.
You didn't have much of a choice but to run as fast as your little legs could take you. As soon as you picked up speed, so did the clearly heavier and older feer behind you. It was clear that you couldn't outrun them so you had to do what you were always warned of: run into the alleys.
You ran through murky puddles as the rain somehow intensified. The alley twisted and curved leading to who knows where. The feet behind you were not distancing themselves from you, motivating you as you began to naturally slow. You scanned the area for any stairs or holes or anything. Down the street, you found a shaky looking staircase. It was risky, but it was a better option than being someone else's meal.
Bags of food still in hand, you forced your tiny body to march the stairs, even taking two at a time.
As soon as you began stepping on the higher level stairs, the previous wooden step broke off and shattered on the ground on impact. That only made your feet go faster. The scream of the man behind you was heard. The same could be said for the sound of his body hitting the ground.
By the time the roof came into view, you were completely out of breath and collapsed onto the solid surface. You had only grasped your breath when you realized you weren't alone. You looked up to see an extremely dishevelled looking woman. Her hair was all knotted and looked as if it was ripped out in certain parts. She was pacing back and forth mubbiling incoherently.
You weren't sure what to do, absolutely horrified by her presence but you couldn't go down the way you came as the stairs were destroyed.
The roof was completely empty expect for a small unit of machinery. Rushing to hide, you didn't notice a few stones in your path. You fell head first but saved yourself with now scraped hands. However, the thud of your body alerted the frantic woman. She seemed feral to you but as her wild eyes searched you, she was no longer just a maniac.
She was your aunt Fiora.
"Cloria? Oh Cloria you are so young!" Her tear stained eyes ran over your figure and she quickly made her way to you, caressing your cheeks. This was the first instance of the now common occurance of your identity confused with your mother.
"Aunt Fi?" You asked wearily, using the nickname to possibly bring her back to reality. But all did was enrage her.
"Fi? FI? How dare you!" Her rage fueled her hand to hit you straight across the cheek. You face felt as if it was burning and tears began forming in your eyes. Your skin felt raw in the place of impact.
But Fiora was off in her own world. Her voice softend but not in realization of her actions. She drifted off into memory and nostalgia.
"Aleric was the one who made it up. Everyone called me that but he made me feel special. He always protected me you know!" Her voice began to crack and the anger came back to fill it. "I'm going to make them suffer. Every last one of them. I will burn their woods to the ground as each of them are tied to a tree for what they did. I swear it! You hear me!" Her impossibly loud declaration was told to the wind as she seemed to have forgotten your presence.
You took your chance to run to the hiding spot you intended. You grabbed the fallen bags and were nearly there when shrieks of insanity hit your ears. You turned to see your aunt clawing at her face while mumbling threats and death wishes.
Blood began pouring and an especially painful scream was heared as she cut her eye. But she didn't stop, the pain only seeming as more encouragement.
You could do nothing but watch the horror show.
You could do nothing as she got closer and closer to the ledge.
You could do nothing as she fell backwards over the edge.
You could do nothing as the sound of her body splattering echoed.
You could do nothing as you heard a group of men with swords ensuring themselves dinner.
Her screams kept on ringing in your ears as they began mixing in with the recent screams of your mother. They sounded so similar.
Is that how I will sound when I am about to die?
Any further thought was cut off by a hand on your arm. You look up to see who it belongs to when a pair of warm brown eyes filled with sympathy meet yours.
"The funeral is over y/n." He says it quietly in the now abandoned graveyard. What goes unsaid is now you have to officially say goodbye.
You look up to him, pleading for just a little more time. But you both know, you have to say goodbye eventually. You take a deep breath and slide your arm into Sejanus's as you walk over to the casket. You didn't know what to say as the words "goodbye" felt too heavy on your tongue.
Your finger brushed the fine wood untill your hand fully stopped on top of where you assumed her heart to be. You were speechless in sorrow and could do nothing but bend over and kiss the top of the casket, near her head. You gave one last look and turned to Sejanus. He gave you an understanding nod.
You both turned as he slide his arm around you for comfort. The walk to your car where a clearly broken Rhayen stood was silent. When you reached the door, Sejanus opened it for you.
"Are you sure you wouldn't feel more comfortable staying with us? Just for a few days?"
You shook your head in response. "I might stay with aunt Aeris with dad. But I don't want to abandon her home too." You said it heavily and he understood.
Sejanus always understood.
He gave you a small nod and weak smile as he gently closed the door. The closer you got to your home, the more gray the sky became.
How fitting.
The silence of your penthouse was eerie. It seemed to strangle you with the lack of movement. The house felt cold and empty, void of all life. Rhayen had politely retreated to his quarters.
He had basically lost a daughter. There was no way you were going go ask him of any favors or demands. Not like you needed anything. There was plenty of food sent over by ma plinth. It smelled and looked wonderful but you weren't hungry. Your stomach was full with nausea.
You walked into the foyer, lit up by the open windows displaying the gray skies dimming the Capital. The stone was cold beneath your feet as you surveyed the darkly decorated room. It seemed that in that empty moment, every ounce of emotion rushed through your system. All you could remember was crumbling to the floor in anguish. You weren't sure how long you stayed like that, but by the time you had been interrupted with a knock on the door, the windows showed a night sky. You assumed it was Sejanus or his ma checking in on you, so you just quickly wiped your face and blew your nose and not taking a real moment to clean your appearance.
Your feet took hurried steps to the door and opened it to see two tall blondes staring back at you. Tigris and Coriolanus are definitely not your expected guests.
Tirgis took one look at your state and leaned over into your space to give you a comforting and genuine hug. You were slightly suprised but readily returned it. You felt protected in her hug, a feeling you've felt absent of lately.
She pulled back to look into your eyes and check over your face. You nodded in reassurance that you will be fine and shifted focus to her cousin. In his hands were stunning white roses.
"We know how hard today has been for you and we don't wish to stay long. We just wanted to give our sentiment and see if you needed anything." Coriolanus said in a tone of fright that he will make you uncomfortable.
You smiled, something that seemed to surprise you all. "Thank you both truly. Please come in!" You opened the door wider so they could follow you but they shared a look of discomfort.
"Y/N, thank you but we wished to just drop by quickly. We don't want to be a burden. You don't have to treat us with those guest pleasantries." Tigris contrasted.
"You said you wanted to help in any way you could correct?" The pair nod in agreement. "Well I think if I had some company would certainly help me right now. Being on my own doesn't seem to be the best option." You softly confessed. There was a shared look between the two before you grabbed Tigris's hand and dragged her in, Coriolanus following after.
Your three walked into your foyer that opened into your kitchen. You motioned for the two to get comfortable as you took the flowers out of the younger cousins hands. Taking a closer look, you realized that these pearly white flowers looked home grown. You laughed grimly.
"A bouquet of grandma'ams roses."
Tigris looked between the two of you, with a sad expression as she took in your deflated form and Coryo's clouded over eyes.
You turned to find a vase to put them in as the tall boy mumbled. You couldn't really make out what it was but Tigris heard him loud and clear.
"You weren't supposed to get them like this."
He shook his head in defeat as you began watering the precious roses, your back facing him.
You turned back around as you placed the case down in the center of the cabinet island.
"Please tell grandma'am thank you, it means a lot." Tigris smiled back in response with a promise to relay your gratitude. The sound of grumbling stomachs filled the now empty room and you jumped to action.
"Y/N please! Just sit down, we will be out of your hair in no time, please just rest!" Tigris was quick to intervene as you scurried around the kitchen, fixing the two a plate from the plentiful food Ma Plinth cooked up. You refused any sort of opposition and claimed that it would be a waste of such food.
Tigris turned around, expecting support from her younger cousin but was met with nothing but distracted eyes. He knew what you were doing.
If you stood still too long, you would begin thinking. Thinking would lead you to drowning in your sorrow. That's why you took any distraction and threw yourself in it. He knew it wasn't healthy and reality would hit you hard.
But maybe when it does, he will be there to help you back up.
For now, he looks at you with such emotion and rawness in his eyes as he thanked you.
You felt that he was the one who deserved thanks, letting you work out your emotion. Eventually, Tigris realized that she wasn't getting anywhere and surrendered to the delicious meal set in front of her. You placed a small amount of food for yourself to not make them feel awkward. However, much to your relief, your conversation was anything but.
The topics ranged from literature to the most recent capital gossip and everything in between. Who would have thought that on one of the worst days of your life you would be laughing so hard. You may have drowned yourself in guilt if you thought too hard on it but it was impossible with every quip and bicker between the three of you.
It was a few hours in when the sudden thought of Coriolanus's pen hit your mind.
"Oh Coryo, I completely forgot to give you back the pen I stole!"
That made Tigris laugh a bit more. You seemed so concerned for such a small matter. The boy who was supposedly "robbed" try to assure you that no harm was done but you refused.
"I'll be right back! Please feel free to grab anymore food and don't you dare be shy!" You demanded as you walked backwards and turned around when you hit the stairs, rushing up to your room.
The path to your room wasn't very far and as soon as you entered, you saw the shiny white and red pen on your desk. It had been a useful distraction yesterday in the painful drive back to your home infested with death and sorrow. You took a deep breath, pushing away the thoughts and grabbed the pen.
You walked back out in a fast pace until you came to a sudden stop. You stood right infront of the doorway of your mother's old makeshift hospital.
Oh how quick the new becomes the old.
The room looked as if it had never even been touched. No cords, pillows, tissues, or mess anywhere. Clean, tidy, and no trace of a cold, decaying life. You weren't sure how long you stood brooding before the sound of glass shattering shook you out of your haze.
In a panic, you rushed down the stairs to be met with the screams of your enraged father. Rhayen was also there and seemed to try to calm him but he kept pushing the elderly man off of him.
"How dare you both! I know the Snows never had any shame but how dare you walk into my home after such a tragedy! Were my son and wife not enough for you?! What need do you have to take the last good thing in my life?!"
You could hear the rage clearly but the heartbreak in his voice was even more evident.
What broke your heart was the sight of Tigris, clearly holding back tears as she thought over all her actions to see what she did wrong. Your eyes shifted slightly to Coriolanus who no longer held the soft expression he showed around you and his cousin. He had his mask shifted back into place, simply taking the attack from the older man.
"Sir please! I know they meant no harm, they are friends of young y/n!" Rhayen's pleas did nothing more than shift your father's anger towards him.
"Friends? And you knew of this and yet did nothing?! You vowed to protect her and you let her associated with such monste-"
"STOP! They are nothing of the sort and simply came to check in on me! They care for me. Nothing but pure and good care and concern!"
You felt your emotion being held back but such a slim shield you put up to ensure as much authority and confidence in your voice.
Your sudden presence shocked your father as he tried to get you to go back up to your outright refusal. His patience had worn thin.
"Your mother is barely cold and you have brought shame upon her memory!"
You couldn't hold back the tears any longer. They weren't violent as you would have expected but silent and delicate. Your body felt nauseous and faint as if you had just been pounced on. The words cut your already shambled heart and formed little scars of pain.
With a deep breath, you looked past your so called father.
"Thank you Tigris and Coryo." You put and emphasis on the nickname as a message to your father. "I am so sorry, please make it home safely."
They both nodded solemnly and Rhayes began to show them the door before being violently pulled back by the man he was now employed under. Even after everything he said, your father still felt the need to show that the Snows were not even woth a servants time.
Tigris looked straight ahead as she walked past the hate filled man and a quick look at you, which you met with an apologetic smile. Coriolanus, however, met his eyes with no sign of emotion expect defiance. You knew how proud Coryo was of his family's name and it was one of the few possessions of his that he could flaunt.
And to have it so openly dragged was not going to be let down easily. You wondered if he would it against you.
But right before he would have vanished from your viewpoint, he looked back at you with those ever melting deep blue orbs. Even after all he endured, he wanted to check if you were okay.
Any possible communication you could have sent his way was cut off by your father moving in between the sight of you two. The blonde boy got the message and with a soft scoff, made his way out the tension filled apartment.
As soon as the door shut, your father turned his gaze to you. Noticing you were still crying, he softened. But you didn't care. You just shook your head and Rhayen's arms came over your shaking body in comfort. Even in the silence of the penthouse, it was hard to hear your paind and soft voice. But they were sharp enough to cut your father's fury.
"I miss mom.You made me realize just how much I miss her."
You didn't want to see his expression or hear any lecture so you made your way up to your room as fast as you could.
You broke away from Rhayen's embrace, leaving him to be in the uncomfortable presence of your father.
"I did the right thing Rhayen. History was repeating itself!" He tried to justify his actions towards the young heirs of Snow.
Rhayen walked past the disgruntled man to the kitchen where the shattered vase and flowers now lay.
When your father walked into your home looking for his daughter, he was met with two blonde heads who looked far too comfortable for his taste. Then the sight of the pristine white roses came into view and memories flooded his system and rage. He couldn't throw the vase against the marble fast enough.
Rhayen sighed, exhausted as he swept up the victims of anger. "You can't say history is repeating if it isn't the same story. Different story, Tyre."
The man in question wasn't convinced and kept on going, pacing back and forth on the other side of the mess.
"I thought she was with Sejanus. He is a good boy. She is safe with him. Why can't she be satisfied with safe? And his parents love y/n! They always rave about her, especially his mother. It even makes me feel jealous!" That made Rhayen scoff.
Oh Tyre sure was jealous but not of the Plinths.
The glass was nearly all cleaned up now, the long serving man was just taking extra measures as Tyre couldn't seem to stop ranting. He knew the man was struggling with the loss of his wife and taking it out on young y/n was just an unfortunate reaction to it.
"Do you know what Casca told me? The Snows are poor. Dirt poor Rhayen! And that peasant has the audacity to walk in here and act as if he is worth a second of my daughter's time! And did you see the way he looked at me! THE WAY HE LOOKED AT HER- Hey! Throw those out! I don't want to see them for a second longer."
Your father declared his distaste to the flowers Rhayen had brushed off and ensured protection.
"I am sorry sir but they seem to be gifts to miss y/n. And if what you heard was true, such roses as these must have been quite expensive and precious, a luxury the Snows could not afford. Yet, the bouquet was gifted." Rhayen offered and began his trudge up the large stairs.
Tyre Vaun couldn't think of anything that would change the elder man's mind. However, at the top of the stairwell, Rhayen turned with one last message.
"The boy grew up without his father. And I think in this case, it was for the best."
Maybe in the case of the son of Crassus Snow, growing up without the cold father really was for the best.
You stared up at your textured ceiling as you twirled Coryo's pen in your hand. You stopped thinking a while ago. You just let your mind be taken over the fog as your finger played with the odd texture of the pen. There was clearly something engraved but due to the white surface, you couldn't tell what.
Your little escape of peace from today's activities was interrupted by the knock and subsequent opening of your cream colored door. You turned your head and a relieved sigh was breathed between your lips. Rhayen walked in with one hand behind his back.
He opened the small light near your desk for some light in your dark room but not the overhead ones as to to not burn your eyes. The small action brought a small smile and warmth to your heart.
But that warmth spread all over as you saw what he was hiding behind his back. The beautiful roses of Coriolanus. You looked up at him with a look that you warm even the coldest of men.
He smiled at your joy. "I couldn't save the vase, but I think these are what matter." You take the roses in you hands as you just sat there astonished.
Even though they were flung across the room and smashed, they seemed even more beautiful than before. In the dim dark light, their little rips and dips just added to their radiance.
You were so engrossed with the roses that you didn't notice Rhayen leave your room, closing the door behind him. Getting up, you moved the bouquet to the vase that stood proudly in the middle of your vanity with the other white flowers Coryo picked for you on your walk.
It brought you a great amount of joy that the flowers that joined it were from the same charming boy.
When you walked back to your bed, a small note caught your eye. You unraveled it and a shiny ring fell out. In fear of losing it, you quickly pick it up. Taking a brief look, it was a bright silver with small dazzling blue diamonds surrounding the surface. Your attention is returned to the note.
"This was gifted to your sweet mother when she was your age. You wear her face, her character, and now her rings. It would be an offense to her not to share this last part of her. Don't tell your father but be patient with him. And remember your mother's words: don't change sweet girl."
The letter wasn't signed but you could tell from the slightly messy and angled handwriting it was from Rhayen. He had taught himself to write and you knew he would use the skill whenever he had the chance. And you were most glad that he used it now.
Even though the note and the words within them suprised you slightly. You put the note by the flowers and took the ring in your hands.
Beneath the light, all the details were brought out. The small diamonds were more than there for show. In fact there placement was quite intentional. It seemed that thousands of miniature diamonds were placed to form a beautiful shape, each a bit different than the others on either side.
As you slid the ring in place with the others on your neck, you take a moment to look at yourself in the mirror. On either side, there was a golden ring but in the middle stood out a bright silver.
A ring that dazzled in the light and the dark.
The ring of a thousand snowflakes.
The ring of Snow.
A/N: Hey guys! Sorry if you got notification that it posted earlier and saw nothing, tumblr was freaking our on me and kept on posting my drafts! I know this was far longer than the last part, thank you for reading. And I am sorry if this was a bit too dark but I think it's important for context later in the story and especially readers struggle with the Hunger Games and morals. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Much love! ❤️
@notyourwildestdream 🌹@darktrashsoulbear🌹@fantasylovestoryme 🌹@nekee-lilac02 🌹@a-avengerparker 🌹 @queenofshinigamis 🌹@darlingisntit 🌹
As If Destiny (part seven) 🌹

Part Six🌹
Warnings: Terminal illness, parent death, death and brutality (it is the hunger games after all) characters may be ooc. I read the book a while ago but don't really remember much of Snows way of thinking (I mean I know its toxic and insane but yk the other things) so I will mostly be basing off the film and my own thoughts. Also I can't spell for the life of me so be prepared for bad spelling and grammar. Enjoy loves!
The vast hallways of the academy seemed longer today, while time seemed to speed up. With each step taken, more students seemed to file out of the halls. A quick look at the gold watch on their wrist, and their legs seemed to carry them out from under. In full force, the pristine doors of the academy classroom burst open, revealing a panting Sejanus.
His classmates seemed surprised by the sudden entrance, but more surprised by the fact that he was on time—or he thought he was. The boy took a step inside right as the bell rang, and with nothing more than a sigh, Dean Highbottom notified that "on time" meant being in your seat. Sejanus, still attempting to gain even a breath of air in his lungs, accepted defeat.
As he trudged to his seat, his eyes locked with the blonde boy one desk away. Your absence was all-consuming and isolating. Coriolanus noticed that the dark circles underneath Sejanus's eyes had still not left. They had been there the two weeks you've been gone and they don't seem to be going away anytime soon.
Most would assume that his lack of sleep is connected to the lack of your presence, but Coriolanus knew better.
Tomorrow is Reaping Day.
Sejanus has rarely shown his face most years, and if he has, you have always been by his side. But this year, there is a great understanding if he skipped out. However, you were conflicted whether or not to go. You felt the obligation to Sejanus due to the dark day for him, and you knew he had to be there for the Plinth Prize announcement.
And the announcement was your other felt obligation. You wanted to be there for Coriolanus when he won.
How Snow knew all this was in part due to Sejanus. The two have grown unexpectedly close these past two weeks. They bonded over your absence initially, and it eventually grew into a natural friendship.
Sejanus had always considered Snow a friend; truthfully, the only other person in the Capital besides you. But Coriolanus had been wary of the Plinth boy. He knew his distaste for the Capital, which is obviously not good company to associate with. He couldn't risk his reputation, no matter how sweet he was and the rarity of his character.
But something changed. He cared less and began spending more time with Sejanus. He knew he could trust him, and that was probably the quality he appreciated the most.
No wonder you were connected at the hip with the sweet boy.
He told you so after you ranted about the obligations you felt regarding Reaping Day last night.
You both ranted on and on nearly every single night. While you might not be at school, that doesn't mean you don't go out.
If going out means running in the dark streets of the Capital, only to reach the Snow door breathless and red, painting your features that were broken with a blinding and giddy smile.
A smile, that no matter what was discussed or how many tears were shed just prior at the Plinth house, always appeared. Every day, you did school work dropped off by Rhayen until mid-evening. You then spent a few hours calming and listening to Sejanus ranting on the Hunger Games and inhumanity. You agreed with him that they were cruel and brutal. But you kept the parts you disagreed with to yourself.
The parts that told you that they deserved it. That they needed a punishment just as bad as the one you suffered. They may be innocent but weren't you and the rest of the Capital children in the Dark Days?
These haunting thoughts lingered in your mind until you showed up at the cracking yet comforting ancestral Snow home.
Coryo, even as he studied and completed his assignments, always listened to you. He was the one who reassured you that you were not a cruel monster as you began to believe yourself to be but rather an unfortunate victim of war horror.
He was the one you confessed to about your fears of becoming bitter and cold after your mother's death.
You were in his room as he was working on the paper you long finished. The room, even with the constant dust and mold coating the walls and ceilings, had a fresh aroma due to the open window. Coryo knew you liked the smell of the flowers outside that only seemed to be grown on his side of the city. The breeze lightly moved through his curls, golden-kissed from the sun. It continued on through the portion of hair hanging off his bed where you rested.
The confession wasn't meant to be dramatic or any warning sign. In fact, you didn't even realize what you said until the smooth sound of Coryo's pen ceased to be. Your head lifted from the sunken yet rose-scented pillow. The sight before you was a stiffened Coriolanus with an analyzing expression covering his face as he was turned towards you in his chair. His mind seemed as if it was racing hundreds of miles a minute while you stood still in confusion.
You knew he was far too lost in thought to come out by himself. His eyes snapped back to reality as you sat up from your laying position to face him. You tilted your head in question to his actions and his pondering.
"That's not going to happen. Don't even spend time on that thought because it's not happening." His eyes were hardened by determination. You softened at his concern but you couldn't stop the argument slipping from your mouth.
"You can't say that, Coryo. This world doesn't really have the factors for the kind-hearted to survive. It either hardens or stops beating."
That only seemed to agitate Coriolanus into convincing you further. His legs pushed his chair and himself forward in your direction. He was now situated right in front of you, leaning inward slightly into your space which made it hard to look away. What made it impossible was the evening sun pouring through the window and reflected perfectly onto his mesmerizing eyes.
"You are not going to become cold. I promise you, I will take every hit and scar before you have to harden yourself to the world."
His oath was met with nothing but with searching eyes. They search for lies or hesitation but there was not a single speck of doubt in his golden-filtered blue orbs.
Your body leaned forward in response, with gratitude and tears dancing in your eyes as they also began to be lit up by the sunlight flowing through the window.
Your eyes were locked while emotions and unspoken words flowed between the gaze. It became too intense and you turned your head the split second before Coryo began leaning in. You seemed oblivious of his action as you stared out of his window. A favorite past time of yours it seemed when in his room.
His cheeks were flushed with slight embarrassment and the sight before his very eyes. The sun began to lower and while it still lit up the room and your features. It's rays were intensified on the shimmering diamonds of the silver ring around your neck.
He noticed it the very first night you showed up to his door after the night of your father's wrath. You came to apologize for his actions and plead for forgiveness but there was nothing to forgive, something both Coryo and Tigris assured you.
But as you paced back and forth that night, the dim light of the kitchen caught the small, brilliant blue stones. He saw the other two rings after your mother's funeral but that ring was new.
As you came around more, he swore it looked like snowflakes and felt a little smug but was never sure and never pressed you about it.
However, something overtook the teenager as he took the ring that has puzzled him for weeks. The movement caused you to look back at him. The proximity causing you to nearly smash your head into his.
You angled your head to take in his expression as his fingers grazed over the snowflake-shaped diamonds. You were so glad you did as you got to witness the smile spread across his face. If you had to choose what was more valuable to you: the moment or the ring, you would be tearing yourself in half for a decision.
He peaked up at you beneath his blonde curls with his pearly whites.
Oh never have you made a decision between two things so fast.
The blush that spread across your cheeks was impossible to hide as you avoided his gaze. But it's not like you had anything to hide. The reason you wore the necklace was that it was your mother's.
The reason you wore the necklace was that it was your mother's.
The reason you wore the necklace was that it was your mother's?
"Rhayen told me it was gifted to my mom when she was our age. So-uhm, here it is!"
You never wanted to smack yourself more. Your voice cracked an impossible amount of time for such a few amount of words. You stuttered and acted as if you stole the necklace yourself from Coriolanus's family.
But he didn't see it that way in the slightest. He found it quite endearing and it was an obvious ego boost.
Sure, the reason for you wearing it may have nothing to do with him, but doesn't erase the fact that you are wearing his house ring.
You found his silence nerve-wracking and couldn't help but shrink under the pressure.
"Do you want it back? It's clearly the Snows so it's totally in your right!"
You began to move to take it off and managed to unclasp it before Coryo could stop you. But when you started slipping out the other rings to give him the one in the middle, he put his hands out over yours in a motion to stop.
Once again, the space between you two was quite thin.
"It was a gift to your mother, right? If so, then that means it's yours. And besides, it looks better on you than it would anywhere else."
He attempted to reassure you but you weren't convinced.
"Even so, you know this is worth a lot of money, Coryo. A lot of money that can help you and your family."
He knew this but refused to let it sink in. He was not going to take the one thing he could give you.
"Not ours to sell. It's yours."
The "as it should be" ran through his mind but never past his lips.
Your hands were still being held by the tall boy when he offered to place the necklace back around your neck.
You agreed and turned, moving your hair out the way and stared at the setting sun and brilliant hues decorating the sky. You could feel the cold metal slide back in place and as you felt the metal secure, Coryo moved your hair back in place.
Everything was back in its proper place. Your necklace, hair, and location. You and Coriolanus alone together watching the Capital in all its beauty. As if it all moved to your will.
Reluctantly, you turned your head to once again be met with the intense stare of enamored Coriolanus Snow. And once again, your faces were just mere inches apart.
But the ever-continuing staring contest was broken by the quick knock of Tigris.
"Y/N, Coryo, time for dinner!"
Her voice was slightly muffled by the door but you could hear the exhaustion in her tone. You took a huff of air as you gave a look back to Coriolanus as you got up.
The door opened up to a clearly tired Tigris. But her face no longer sinks in on tireless nights such as these.
And no matter how little she sleeps, there is still a smile gracing her features.
Much of it is due to the constant food and drink you bring whenever you come (nearly every day), lighting the load on her shoulders.
Said food was neatly prepared and smelled delicious. Because of your constant supply of material, Tigris has been able to try out some new recipes and enjoy meals instead of simply eating whatever is necessary for survival. You were even able to smooth-talk your way into Ma Plinth's secret recipes for her.
But it was all food you could not take from. This meal is a crucial part of their survival and you were fortunate enough to be able to have one the same size at home.
That is why you began excusing yourself as they began to settle in. Your excuses of needing to go home and rest did not convince Coriolanus in the slightest.
"Y/N, it's okay to eat. It's the food you brought over anyways!"
He had moved from his position by the table in order to come and take your hand. He saw the slightest hesitation in your eyes and took his chance and began lightly dragging you to the table.
You would have fought back but the delicate figure of his grandmother stopped any sort of action. You didn't wish to be seen as rude and when she noticed you and your hands intertwined with her grandson, you couldn't argue with her sweet smile.
And that is how you ended up at the dinner table with the last remnants of the House of Snow.
Tigris was explaining the new method of clothing construction that is going to overtake Capital fashion when the sound of her ancient grandma'am perked up.
Grandma'am was often silent in meals with a faraway look glossing her aged eyes. She never even seemed to take notice of the conversation nor who went or came. And especially not what anyone wore. But today seemed a day of surprises.
"My, how is the way I find out!"
The three of you all turned to figure out what the cause of her shriek was. Tigris asked what the matter was and the older woman disregarded her question and moved to situate herself right next to you.
You felt small as you sat in the chipped chair while she loomed over you. You shared a look with Tigris, who motioned to wait on any actions. You both needed to let it play out to inform what to do next.
A wrong move and the sweet woman in front of you would be transformed into the vile monster of fables. You've experienced it firsthand.
"What have you found out Grandma'am?" The term came naturally to you as it would have felt too odd to call her "Mrs. Snow" as she is only spoken as Grandma'am now-a-days.
She quickly clicked her tongue and feverishly shook her head. Her wrinkled hands took the silver ring as she analyzed it.
"I thought you were going to go with the one with the big diamond. And dear, it is far more suitable to wear it on your hand. How else will anyone know you are set to marry?"
The silence was strangling. Everything felt so unnatural. Grandma'am's oddly intense smile, a confused and seemingly horrified Coriolanus, and of course, you.
Mistaken to marry.
Marry Coriolanus Snow.
The only one who seemed composed was Tigris. You quickly gave her a look and mouthed to her "news?'
She gave you a quick nod across the table. The small and minute interaction was not lost on Coriolanus, even though he himself was lost. You followed orders and brought up the new renovations of the Capital park.
"The pond is stunning! The ducks are coming back naturally. And the flower garden is such a magnificent sight! You must go, Grandma'am. I could take you there if you wish?"
You finished off with an awkward smile. The panic surging through your veins made you accidentally offer to take her out for a day. Something you knew Coriolanus wished not to happen.
He fears what damage it would cause to his reputation if his grandmother was seen out and about in clothes that dated before the war. Tirgis could likely make something more modern out of those old dresses, but she knew her grandma'am would refuse wholeheartedly.
However, grandma'am quickly took the bait, and the previous topic was long forgotten. She seemed eager to see the flower garden, and your little adventure out. You hoped this would be forgotten just as quickly. By both her and the analyzing Coriolanus.
But if there is one thing about Coriolanus, it is that he never forgets.
So as you both cleared the table later that evening, his stare kept on locking into your moving figure; assuredly, in question and suspicion. He wasn't going to engage first, however.
His mind was making a thousand reasons and explanations instead of simply asking. You didn't wish to leave it to Coriolanus Snow to make assumptions.
"I would recommend having your eyes on the knife when cleaning it, Coryo."
His attention once again had drifted to your side profile as you were drying the dishes he was cleaning. Instead of focusing on the task at hand, he turned off the water and turned his whole body to you. You put the plate in your hands away and mimicked his position.
He didn't say a word and just took you in. His silence and constant picking apart began irritating you.
"Just ask me your questions. I don't like being watched and judged. Who are you, Arachne?"
You had moved around him and began doing the dishes he had neglected. His stare never once left you as he finally shared what was on his mind.
"Would you be ashamed of marrying me?"
You were grateful that you were washing a fork and not a plate because you were sure it would have been dropped in shock. Instead, you let the water run absentmindedly and held the fork so harsh that your knuckles turned white.
Coriolanus didn't know what to make of your reaction. How absent you've become. He feared he just confirmed your answer.
He moved to shut the water off after a few seconds. After all, every drop of water counts.
Is that why you wouldn't want to be with him? Was it his lack of money? That he could (hopefully would soon) change. Or was it him? Was it his family? Was it your family? Would you listen to your father?
Coriolanus also seemed to shift into his universe of panic, eventually mimicking your hold on the fork, but his was the faucet handle. It must have been quite a sight for poor Tigris to walk into.
"Are you both alright?"
She questioned the two teenagers holding onto the objects for dear life and burning holes into the nearest walls with their eyes.
The sudden intrusive voice caused you both to jump, then the realization of the other caused another jump.
Tirgis laughed at your reactions and shook her head. You two were surely the oddest people she knew, and that's saying something.
Or maybe it's what one of you does to the other?
She moved to grab the dusty cabinet handle and clutched a chipped cup. Her every move being watched by you and Coriolanus.
She turned around to the sight of you both wide-eyed and watching her. She felt quite uneasy and now was sure she interrupted something, no matter how strange it seemed to be.
The young adult moves to the sink to fill up her cup, and you both quickly part to give her room. The sound of the water filling up the cup also filled up the stifling silence. Once filled, she took a sip and glanced to her left at you and right at Coryo.
Did both of you lose the ability to blink?
She knew whatever she walked into was most likely Coriolanus's fault, but if she told him as much, she knew you would hear.
And probably the entirety of Panem judging by the quietness of the moment.
She cleared her throat and bid you both good night as she quickly walked and turned the corner. But not with one last look at the two teens doing anything but look at each other.
After she had left, you had gone back to washing the dishes, and Coriolanus drying the dishes. Roles essentially switched as you were now the one staring at him. Trying to find some sort of answer. He didn't know what you would find so he tried to give one of his own.
"I only asked because when grandma'am started talking about the ring and marrying, you looked to Tirgis. You both looked like you were expecting it. I didn't know what to think of it."
You've seen a lot of Coryo these past weeks but seldom has there been a time when he has looked vulnerable. Coriolanus Snow usually knows all and can read people so easily. But being left out of the loop by the closest people he has horrified him. Enough to make himself look like a fool, he thought.
You knew he didn't like feeling these emotions, much less express them. So you paired your explanation with an understanding smile.
"Sometimes when you have to finish up projects or had to run out, grandma'am comes and joins me and Tirgis. I don't mind it really and she usually just sits for the company, not the discussion. But sometimes, she uhm- she thinks I'm someone else. Like today. And me and Tirgis have a little list of topics to bring up when she starts going down that path. Just distract, not refuse."
Coriolanus let it sink in for a moment. He knows his grandmother's dementia overtakes her most of the time. He also knows that while she is mostly non-aggressive, her fury can come to the forefront. Well, she can be happy when lost in her mind; her fury can make an appearance as well.
It saddens him, however, that not only didn't you come to him about it, but Tirgis didn't either.
You noticed his facial expression and tried to assure him that there was nothing more he could have done. He nodded reluctantly and unsure.
"You don't have to take her, you know. To the park, I mean. She forgets everything but whenever you mention flowers, her memory is as sharp as can be."
He mumbled his words; the way his grandma'ams memory worked never ceased to surprise him. With the events and people it forgets and remembers. Especially when it came to you.
You promised it was not an issue for you if it wasn't for him. It might even be nice spending time with her out. The thought of being so close to Coryo's family that you would be taking the most secluded member out made you blush.
By the time you both finished, it had become quite late, and you needed to get home for enough rest. Tomorrow would be the first day you would officially come back to society after the funeral.
If that wasn't exhausting enough, Reaping Day comes with its own load.
Coriolanus, as always, offered to walk you home, but you persuaded him to stay and get as much sleep as possible. Which wouldn't be much due to his nerves and thoughts racing through his system.
You finished putting on your last shoe as you looked up at him. "Meet you here then walk together, right?"
You both talked about the heightened anxiety tomorrow, and if each has the other, the load would feel a little lighter. He nodded in assurance, and you opened the door ready to leave.
But something made you stop, so you couldn't move in the door frame. You turned your head to his face, lit up by the warm and dim lights of the apartment.
"Hey, Coryo?"
His eyes slightly squinted in confusion but waited for you to elaborate.
"I wouldn't be ashamed. Not in the slightest."
You had to duck your head to hide your teeth-bearing smile. You were scared of his reaction, so you quickly shut the door behind you and made your way back home.
In the apartment you left behind, a shocked Coriolanus stood. The shock quickly morphed into a smirk and pride.
When he turned around, donning the brightest smile, a smirking Tigris awaited him. Leaning on the corner wall in dusty pink nightwear, she had observed your little goodbye.
"Seems like you already won the prize, Croyo."
And with that, she leaves the head-over-heels boy in her wake.
He wasn't sure if your confession would give him the best sleep of his life or keep him up all night in thought.
Whatever the outcome may be, the reality of your presence tomorrow would be greater than any dream.
The girl staring back in the mirror felt foreign, a stranger really.
You haven't changed much these past few weeks physically. A little bit of lost weight and slightly paler, but nothing unless you look for it.
But something behind your eyes was a calling sign of a shift. The last wish of your mother's came rushing back.
Don't change.
The reflection showed your straight posture while you donned a black midi dress with elegant blouse sleeves and sleek angular trimming on the neckline. Your hair was styled neatly with dainty pearl earrings and, of course, the necklace of rings.
Have you changed?
The ever-present little voice says that's not even a question anymore. The relevant one is how much?
You checked the small clock on your desk and noticed you needed to leave, or you are gonna end up running to Coriolanus's home. You check your reflection one last time, debating whether or not to display the rings.
Well, that ring. You would have enough eyes already; you didn't need any other unnecessary gossip.
You picked out obsidian black shoes to match with your dress. You were finishing up the last strap when the front door opened hastily.
The sight of your disheveled father saddened you on this already difficult morning. You haven't seen him since his outburst on the day of your mother's funeral. He has spent the last two weeks in near confinement at his office in the defense bureau.
Wonder where you got the trait of throwing yourself into work from.
If he isn't there, he is most often at his sister's house, your aunt Aeris. He came back to the apartment that seems to haunt him with memories as pale as a ghost. He wanted to get out of there as quick as possible. The only reason he came was that he had forgotten a few important papers. His haste was so intense he nearly missed your presence.
It wasn't until the sound of your hard shoes hitting the marble floor that he was alerted. You both acknowledged each other, but the air was stuffed thick with uncomfort.
Of all the days to reconter each other.
You coughed awkwardly, trying to figure out something to say. Your father seemed to do the same. The silence simply became too much, and you broke.
"You look well."
He didn't. You both knew he didn't. But instead of calling you out, he did a slow nod of acknowledgment. You huffed out a breath and grabbed your small purse as you got ready to walk out.
"Tell Aunt Aeris I hope she is well! Take care, father."
The word felt foreign. Sure, you would always describe him as your father around others, but that was normal in the Capital. You always called him dad. You assumed that you two had a relationship better than most father and daughters in the city but once your mother got sick, he shrunk into himself. The memories and love seeming to dissolve with him.
You opened the door and already had one foot out when he called for you. "Happy Reaping Day."
You paused and turned around, an emotionless expression on your face. You hate that he said that. You hated it because your mother hated today and all the Games stood for. But a significant part of you hated it because of the reminder that the bitterness her death has caused you.
Caused you to start warming to the Games. That's what you hated the most.
"Really, take care of yourself."
You didn't mean it in a harsh way as your tone was soft, but you said it with meaning. He couldn't take care of you, and there would be no reason for him to try to at this point.
You closed the door and left the already broken man to crumble like his life.
The timing of your arrival at the Snow penthouse matched perfectly with Snow's descent outside.
He looked as if an angel had descended from the heights of the universe, in a beautifully designed and crisp dress shirt, no doubt masterfully crafted by Tigris. His golden curls were lightened by the warm morning light. His eyes shined with determination that somehow made him even more handsome.
It took a second for Coriolanus to turn your way and realize your being, and it took a couple more seconds for him to recompose himself while he took in your appearance. You couldn't help but giggle a little and walk over to him. You adjusted the red rose on his vest that had been moved due to the strap of his bag.
"You look even more handsome than I thought possible for one man to be." Coriolanus is used to girls trying to flirt with him and his good looks, but all those compliments can come across shallow, a means to an end.
But yours was completely authentic. The grin that spread across his face was unable to be stopped. He offered his arm, which you gladly took, and began on your way.
He bent over to whisper into your ear as you passed a group of older women who smiled at the pair of you, a sign to them that happiness is an opportunity for the youth now, that even Dark Days haven't stolen that.
"I've stopped being surprised by your beauty. I am just thankful that I'm graced with it."
Oh, the charm of this boy.
The closer you both got to where the festivities would be held in Heavensbee Hall within the academy, the stiffer Coriolanus's arm got. You stole a glance at his face, hardened in worry.
"You do know you are going to win, right?" He seemed to snap out of his thoughts at your words.
"We both know it isn't certain. Maybe if we had a dean who didn't despise me, then maybe I could rest easy. But Highbottom is going to do anything to make sure we don't see a cent of the prize."
He hung his head low, and his shoulders showed a feeling of defeat. This look wasn't normal for Coriolanus Snow and unimaginable to nearly all others. But lately, as you've shown him your vulnerability, he has reciprocated.
You squeeze his arm a little, causing his concern-filled eyes to flutter to your own.
"Nothing is going to stop you from getting the prize, okay? If I need to break into the house of whoever Highbottom wrongly awards it to and steal, I will do it with a smile on my face. You deserve it, Coryo. You've earned it."
He smiled softly at your words and wondered how far you really would go for him.
If only he knew.
"And how are you going to do that? Climb tens of stories and smash through the window?"
He teased you on your ability for malice. You were known for being an unusually sweet person. The image of you trying to rob someone made him chuckle.
As he was laughing in your face, you rolled your eyes.
"I can be very threatening, you know!"
He laughed even harder. Even bending over in laughter. You had enough and immediately stopped, causing the blonde to slightly jerk forward due to the sudden pause.
You grabbed his arms roughly and forced him to look at you. His laughter died in an instant when he saw the seriousness within your eyes.
"Coriolanus Snow, you are going to win the Plinth Prize, and I swear if I hear one more doubt about it, I will be feeding you rat poison myself."
There have been very few times Coriolanus Snow has been wrong, but with the look in your eyes, it was clear that you would be able to carry out your threats.
Once you were sure he got the message and your ability, you let go and started up your walk. He grabbed your arm, pulling it through his and regaining your prior position.
"You know if I don't win, I deserve an apology for the threat." You turned to him with a deep glare and scoff.
"Didn't I literally just say I don't want to hear doubt!"
You were met with a series of heartfelt chuckles. His voice got an octave deeper as he got close to your ear once more.
"I'm not very good at listening to instructions, darling."
The academy was filled with lively chatter and elegance on every possible surface. Only a few steps in when a certain dark-haired girl stopped in front of both you and Coriolanus.
"Y/N! I didn't know you were going to be able to come!"
Clemensia excitedly said as she moved in for a hug, which you returned. You smiled at your dear friend.
"Ah, well, I couldn't miss the victory gloat of this one."
You slightly turned back to Coriolanus, who softly scoffed at your words. It helped inflate his ego but also your argument about the size of it.
"Well, when you he does, remember I was the humble class partner."
He gave her one of his notorious charming smiles, but internally he was rolling his eyes as dramatically as possible.
The only work Clemensia did was write her name and look pretty.
Coriolanus wondered how things would be if you were his class partner instead of her. If he just said no and rather asked you.
Then again, you had instantly chosen Sejanus as yours. You always stood by him ever since that first conversation. And today was no different when you spotted him on the other side of the hall with his ma.
You bid your goodbyes to Clemmie and Coryo, assuring the latter you would meet up later before the announcement. Even as he locked his arms with Clemmie, who led the way and conversation, he watched you.
He didn't like that you were walking away; the feeling of someone else's arm in his felt like a crime.
But you were completely oblivious to the enamored boy's feelings as you smiled to the Plinths. You were quickly barged with a hug and motherly affection by Mrs. Plinth. As she enveloped you in the squeezing hug, she complimented you endlessly in ways that made your heart warm due to her affection.
Once finally freed, you turned to her sharp-looking son. You gave him a quick hug and assured him of his appearance, which he thanked.
"However, I would rather be wearing rags and be covered in filth than be surrounded by these pig-" the rest of the insults were cut off by your sharp jab done with your elbow into his side.
A group of powerful politicians and businessmen were right in front of you and began engaging in conversation with his mother. You two were unfortunately forced to stand there and be the example of future prosperity they talked so estimably about.
Across the hall stood the ever-judging gaze of Arachne, Festus, and Felix. The group, who stood in the middle, were soon joined by Coriolanus.
"Finally, some viable competition," Arachne admitted as she took in the newest addition to her clique. "Hmm, snazzy shirt. Is that tessare?"
He smiled that irresistible smile. "Huh, so that's why it reminded me of the maid's bathroom."
The red-headed girl looked him up and down in analysis as the other two chimed in.
"Have you tried this lamb? It’s scandalous," a munching Felix added over his plate.
"Ugh. Only the vulgar eat with their fingers, Felix," Crane rolled her eyes at the disgusting display.
"What, Daddy not teach you table manners?" Festus added.
"Maybe he would have if he wasn’t so busy running the country."
Moments like these make Coriolanus question why he was even worried he wouldn't win when he is surrounded by blabbering idiots.
But They had the option to be idiots. He didn't.
His attention was snapped back by a venomous scoff by Arachne.
"She's been back for what? Five minutes? And we don't even get a greeting while she contaminates herself with the likes of them."
Her poisonous gaze was trained on you, who seemed to be charming a group of older patrons and leaders of the financial sector of Panem. Coriolanus didn't like her tone directed to you nor her implication.
"She already said hi to Clemmie. Besides, she came here with me."
That last line caused the group of complicated adolescents to pause. Each turned, with a wrinkle in their eyebrows, to stare at the smirking blonde. His eyes were on your smiling face but didn't waste the moment to turn that smirk on them as assurance.
And just as suddenly as the situation occurred, it was ended with your entrance into the group; which, of course, was right by Coryo's side.
"I hope I didn't enter at too bad of a moment."
You said smoothly and in your tone that no one could ever seem to refuse. There was no hint of inner conflict nor unease in your body language nor voice.
You sure were giving Coriolanus a run for his money in the art of acting.
Felix, Festus, and Arachne shared a collective look of conspiracy. But for some reason, whether it be a feeling of celebration of Reaping Day or to be pocketed for later, they let it drop for now.
"Hey, they called us here for the Plinth Prize, right? Because I heard Dr. Gaul’s in the building."
You looked around and noticed all the key figures who aid and conduct the Hunger Games. It confused you on why they would celebrate the Games here, in the middle of the Capital academy. But the subject changed just as fast as the Capital's attention span.
They all turned their heads to snort in his direction, and you refused to follow their gaze of displeasure.
"I mean, look at his spawn."
"Who would have thought that you could buy your way into the Capitol?"
"Well, you can’t buy class."
You've given them enough time to snub him when you perked up.
"Clearly, you all are experts in the lack of class, are you not?"
Instead of the usual nasty retorts and efforts to convince of his lack of worth, Arachne laughed as if you were a misunderstanding child.
"Oh, Y/N, you need to learn to let him understand his place in this world. Besides, you are clearly moving on to bigger and better things."
Her smirk was odd but so was her blatant glance at Coriolanus as she shared her thoughts no one asked for. You looked to the handsome teen who locked eyes with you.
The others continued their attack on the Plinths' entire existence, but you were too focused on the blue orbs that seemed to have stiffened. No words were spoken, but the message was clear.
Let them speak their minds.
It will only hurt to refuse. Hurt you and Coriolanus.
Sejanus has lived long enough with the whispers about him; he can deal with it.
But the wrong whisper about Coriolanus? It will ruin everything he was worked a decade for. And you wouldn't even risk the slightest crack.
"Did you see his mother’s outfit? Sorry, his 'Ma’s.'"
You had more than enough insults about the teasing boy's own appearance, but your tongue had to be bitten.
"Dress a turnip in a ball gown, and it’ll still beg to be mashed."
You had to gulp down your emotion and nausea as Coriolanus joined in the fray.
"Don’t do that. We all know that you like him."
Arachne countered him. You were grateful for it, even though you knew it did not come from a place of compassion.
"I don’t like him, Arachne. I tolerate him. He’s district."
But the sneering girl wasn't looking at him when he responded. Her interest lay on you and your mediocre attempt to hide your opposition.
Who would have thought the mighty Vaun heiress would have a weakness in the form of charming, young Snow?
It didn't surprise the teetering Casca Highbottom, who watched the two with a keen interest from the back of the room. He continued to watcg as the very boy Festus Creed discredited appeared by the snubbing boy's side.
"Sejanus, you made it to the Reaping for once."
Sejanus stood on your other side as he turned his wit towards the curly red-headed boy.
"And you made it to graduation, Festus. We’re both shocked."
You were glad Coriolanus joined in your laugh at his jab. If there was one thing to say about interactions where Sejanus has to interact with the snobbing clique, it was entertaining.
But Arachne was not in the mood for a show.
"Spill it. Who won the prize? Is Y/N the winner? Is that why of all the days to make her reappearance, it would be the day she gets her shiny prize?"
You do question why you are still friends with someone who is so quick to jump to conclusions sometimes.
But Sejanus was quick to step in and put his hand out in front of you as a sort of protective force.
"Oh, no, I’m not gonna ruin my father’s big day. No one here actually likes him, but they do love his money. You know what that’s like, don’t you, Arachne?"
Oh, yes, so so entertaining.
Well, to everyone but the brunt of the joke.
The sound of magnificent music filled the hall, signaling the attendees to take their seats. You moved to a near seat by Coriolanus as the one by Sejanus was already taken. Sejanus seemed to be explaining something to Coriolanus, but you couldn't hear what. But seeing the color drained from his face assured you that it was nothing good.
All questions were cut off by the booming and crawling voice of Dr. Volumnia Gaul. As she addressed the crowd in her odd manners, you began to wonder what role she is playing in the Academy today. Maybe even the Plinth Prize?
She introduced Casca Highbottom, the constantly intoxicated Dean of the prestigious academy. And the creator the very inventor of the event this "holiday" was created to commemorate along with the Capital victory.
He draws on about the Hunger Games and the students' eagerness for the Plinth Prize winner, but he would never inform of the victor.
No, to your horror and Coriolanus's frustration, there would be one final task to determine the winner.
"But by who is the best mentor in the Hunger Games."
Best said by the creator of the bloodbath. You were meant to create children of your same age or younger into spectacles to win the prize. They didn't have to survive for you to succeed.
The realization that this will only amplify the widespread thought among your peers that districts were subhuman, hit you at once. Second class citizens.
They are to parade around in their last moments, all in mercy of their puppeteers: kids their same age. It sickened you.
But if it sickened you so much why does that voice still keep telling you that at least they have a chance to win? More of a chance then they had given you all.
The continuation of your moral conflict was paused as you tuned back into the words of your stumbling Dean.
"Your entire future rests on this last project. Oh, and I must tell you that anyone caught cheating to give their tributes an unfair advantage… will just have no future at all."
His words seemed a bit targeted and enjoyed too much. Nevertheless, the ceremonial music initiating the Reaping Ceremony began.
As each name from the districts was announced, so was the accompanying mentor. Anxiety began surging through your veins as it finally hit you that you will be an integral part of this year's games.
Blood will be on your hands.
You didn't know what to think when the district one tributes you were announced and your name was absent.
Should you be upset that the likelihood of a successful tribute is going to dwindle the further down the list goes?
When it was district two's turn, you hoped that neither you nor Sejanus are named. You knew he was going to suffer most regardless, but having to mentor someone from his own district was its own special punishment. All hope was crushed, however, when Highbottom opened his mouth.
"How apt. Boy goes to Sejanus Plinth."
The crowd applauded, but the sound of blood in your ears drowned it out. You instantly peered around Coriolanus to look at Sejanus. But his gaze was glued to the floor in front of him. Due to your now-close proximity, you could hear the talk between the two boys.
"You got the pick of the litter."
"You forget. I’m part of that litter."
The grave tone in Sejanus's voice wasn't one of surprise. But rather one of understanding. Understanding why him and why the tribute he landed with.
The tributes and districts kept on coming and coming. But not a singular mention of either you or Coriolanus.
It had gotten to District Ten and yet nothing. You turned to look at him and found him already staring.
That mask was fixed perfectly for all else. But the mask could never mask his eyes.
His now dull blue eyes filled with fear. And Coriolanus Snow showing fear was enough to ensue new waves of emotion in you.
You had the same mask plastered on, but you couldn't stop yourself from fishing your necklace out. You grazed your fingers across the cold metals of all three to calm yourself as District Eleven was finished up.
Your hand dropped to your side and was quickly grabbed and given a squeeze of reassurance by Coryo. Maybe even a transfer of bravery.
You both knew what was to come now. Who was to come.
However, you were too quick to judge.
"Twelve! Boy, Y/N Vaun!"
Maybe you were imagining things or letting your mind play tricks on you, but Highbottom's voice sounded as if it was laced with a slight enjoyment.
However, your attention was turned to the boy appearing on the screen. Jessup Diggs. He was tall and broader than you would have imagined. His face was stone cold and lifeless. A mirror of yours. How odd.
The moment to analyze was over as soon as it started when Highbottom began again.
"Oh. You’ll be happy about this, Ms. Crane. The “runt girl” from District 12, she belongs to Coriolanus Snow. Lucy Gray Baird."
The whole room seemed to freeze as a girl in a beautifully designed colorful dress walked solemnly to the front. A boy seemed to try to talk to her, but her eyes stayed forward with her hand clasped behind her back.
"What is that dress? Is she some sort of clown?" Arachne mocks, but you found it fascinating.
"I think it's beautiful."
Your genuine and soft admission brought back Coriolanus Snow's senses. But they were reinvigorated when a red-haired girl began shrieking in the crowd. It made him stand up in fear and shock. The mayor's daughter, apparently.
Others in the hall seemed horrified and disgusted. Especially with Lucy Gray's musical performance and ending line.
According to Arachne, she was mentally ill. But to you, she was fascinating.
While everyone began getting up, you leaned over to a still-shocked Coriolanus. "Even when all the odds were against your favor, you still seemed to bag a winner."
You really believed she had a shot at winning. She already had attention and clear potential. You could tell Coriolanus was thinking the same thing, but his hope was not fully shared with your amount in the girl. Lucy Gray is clearly outgoing and has, at least, the ability to charm. She is going to need a lot more than that, but fortunately, she has a clever mentor.
You stated as much in an empty hallway that you shared with Coriolanus. He was racked with stress and purpose as he paced back and forth the space.
"You know he purposely gave me the weakest tribute. He is doing all he can to stop me from moving forward!"
He took a strong bite of the crackers that he sneakily grabbed from the table of food earlier. You leaned on a pillar as you let him rant.
"Let him do all he can! Fate seems to have different plans. And was it that you always say? 'Snow lands on top!' "
He stopped his pacing to land in front of you. He had a few crumbs on his shirt that you instinctively brushed off without thought.
His glance back and forth between your features and hand on his chest.
"And besides, the future president of Panem is gonna deal with a lot of petty men like him. You are just getting early practice."
Your optimism showed through your pretty smile. You peeked up at him, and the intensity of his eyes had you bite your lip in nervousness. Maybe you stepped over the line? Maybe you got too comfortable? Maybe—
All thoughts seemed to dissipate the instant Coryo leaned in.
You didn't know what to do and were doing your best not to freak out. It's not like you didn't want to because that would be the biggest lie of your life.
But you've never kissed anyone before. And what if he was just wrecked with nerves?! What if it meant nothing?
What if it meant nothing.
But as Coriolanus was a millimeter from your lips, the clearing throat paused any further action. You quickly turned your head as the blonde opened his eyes and followed your gaze.
Oh, had he wished he didn't.
There stood the cursed Dean. A look you couldn't decipher expressed on his face.
"President? Well, my oh my. Ambitious, just like your father."
You glanced to your right as Snow now stood next to you, with a guarded yet confused look.
"Oh yes. He and I were best friends. Once."
Highbottom's targeted gaze fixed on you. "And your dear mother. I was so saddened to hear of her untimely passing."
His tone, however, felt anything but. He turned his attention back to the heir of House Snow.
"Enlighten me, Mr. Snow. What are your plans after these Games?"
"And if you fail to win the Plinth Prize, what then?"
"I hope to go on to the University, sir. Naturally." Coryo answered as if it was the most preposterous question in the world.
"We’d pay the tuition, of course."
Casca Highbottom's sunken eyes seemed to shine as if he had caught fresh prey.
"Look at you. Your makeshift shirt and your too-tight shoes. Trying desperately to fit in when I know the Snows don’t have a pot to piss in."
Both you and Coriolanus had bewildered looks gracing your features on his knowledge. The boy's breathing deepened as he tried to calm himself, but you could see the small sheet of sweat building on his face and neck.
Highbottom was already satisfied with his effect on Crassus Snow's poor offspring. But what more could a little fun hurt?
He took calculated steps towards you, and Coriolanus took a noticeable step forward, as if a shield from the hollow man's words. The dark-haired man's eyes seared into the ever-attention-getting silver ring. His smile made your skin crawl.
"And here I thought you would be smarter than your mother. But of course, the Snows are known to be entitled."
And with that, he turned his back, making his grand exit. He didn't even turn to give a look as he addressed Coriolanus.
"Good luck with that poor little songbird."
Once assured he was truly gone, you and Coriolanus shared a look. A look of horror, anger, and determination. Determination to make Highbottom wish he ate his words.
He may have thought he put you both in the worst positions possible. But there is a thing about two people put in a corner.
They can create quite a stir.
And there sure was a storm brewing.
Your anchor and lifesaver being the retreating blonde with a straightened back and a purpose never more solidified.
A/N: AND ITS FINALLY OUT! pls don't send me into the arena🙏 I know I said it would be out DAYS ago (maybe even a week ago im sorry!) But I didn't like my original draft as it seemed just too rushed. I don't wish to post bad writing just to be timely. I hope you guys enjoyed the newest chapter and please let me know what you guys think and if you enjoy the longer chapters! Pls lmk guys I have been awake nearly 24 hours. Much love❤️
@notyourwildestdream 🌹@darktrashsoulbear🌹@fantasylovestoryme 🌹@nekee-lilac02 🌹@a-avengerparker 🌹 @queenofshinigamis 🌹@darlingisntit 🌹@mindymeeksmartinsgf 🌹@dilucpegg3r 🌹
As If Destiny (part eight) 🌹

Part Seven 🌹
Warnings: Parent death, sibling death, death and brutality (it is the hunger games after all) characters may be ooc. Reader may not be your fav this part. I read the book a while ago but don't really remember much of Snows way of thinking (I mean I know its toxic and insane but yk the other things) so I will mostly be basing off the film and my own thoughts. Also I can't spell for the life of me so be prepared for bad spelling and grammar. Enjoy loves!
The air of the station was stale, as if taking the simplest of breaths would cost a significant amount of energy. It felt as though even the bugs buzzing around in the spring weather were flying in slow motion. Maybe it really was the air, or more likely, the atmosphere of your mind.
You felt nauseous and dizzy at the arguments that split your soul. The tributes were to arrive today, naturally, Jessup with them. Were you here to give the best first impression or to size him up? A part of you wanted to save him from the horrors, but the lately very loud voice has been telling you that he deserved it. Especially a boy from District Twelve, around the age of those who murdered your brother in the dense woods of the small district.
Your long time waiting for the train arrival was spent trying to settle that internal struggle to no avail. You were staring straight ahead onto the empty tracks when something felt different. The peacekeepers were still stoic, tracks still echo-filled at even the slightest noise. But a slight breeze was felt behind you. When you turned around, that breeze of fresh air happened to be a certain blonde with irresistible eyes.
He was in the rouge academy uniform, as were you, and he held a pristine white rose in his hand. He had clearly expected the station to be empty, so the sight of your drained eyes made him suck in a breath.You let out a tired laugh at his appearance.
"So are we allowed to be here, or are we both going to receive whatever nightmare Highbottom has set up for us?"
Coryo walked to stand next to you as he retorted back with a sly grin.
"At least we will go through whatever the punishment is together."
"Ah, yes, nothing shakes the trouble duo!"
He took a sideways glance at you as he started chuckling.
"Trouble duo? That's really the best you thought of? I thought you were the poetic one."
He joked at you as you gasped in mock offense.
"I'm sorry, do you have any better names for us?"
Yes. Yes, he did. But none of them had to do with Highbottom or any mocking moniker. His personal favorite was "couple." The others were a bit ambitious and would be used in the far future, such as President and First Lady. Not a bad ring to it. But he wouldn't voice out his desires, even if he was on his death bed. Especially after what happened in that hallway yesterday.
However, you were too busy observing for the upcoming train to notice Coriolanus's gaze. When you turned around, he didn't shift away his gaze.
But you didn't question it. Maybe because it has become familiar and a comfort these past weeks. You had ammunition of reasons such as his hyperobservation to explain these glances. Not a single one of them hit the real reason.
The blonde was fidgeting with the rose slightly, which made a slight laugh creep past your lips. It took him a second to realize the cause, but when he did, he slightly blushed.
"I would have gotten you one too if-uhm, I knew you would be here."
Your lips curved into a shy grin at his flustered words.
"I'm not the one you need to charm, Coryo; you did that a long time ago."
You noticeably were avoiding his eyes, and he let it be because he was quite sure he was turning as red as his uniform.
"Can I ask why you are here, Coryo?"
He seemed a bit taken aback at your sudden question. Of course, he knew the reason he was there: to win the Plinth Prize. To do that, he needed Lucy Gray's trust, and this was just the way to do it. But he feared his reasoning was a bit too harsh. It was the last days of this girl's life, and he was just seeing her as a means to an end. Coriolanus didn't want you to think of him as heartless or worse, that he would be using your trust as a means to an end as well.
So he simply replied that he wished to gain the odd girl's trust, and this seemed like a good way to get a head start. You nodded along, agreeing that she seemed like the character who wouldn't do anything without trust.
Although, your eyes seemed to darken after his reasoning. He couldn't decipher the look completely, but it was clear guilt was a factor.
Your faraway eyes and mind locked into his at hearing his soft voice.
"Why are you here?"
You stared at him, slightly getting lost in the ever-shifting color in his eyes. You looked downwards as you breathed out.
"I don't know. I wish I did. Something told me I should come, see him for myself. Maybe it will help clear my thoughts on everything here. And I know a part of me wishes to find something in him to justify his murder."
You bitterly admitted. You were still glanced down when Coriolanus responded.
"This isn't your fault; you know this, right? You didn't choose him, and you didn't make the games."
He let it sink in for a moment, enough for it to visibly break through your guilt-made walls. Coriolanus waited for you to finally regain the will to look up at him.
"And if anyone has reason for the things you are thinking and feeling, it's you. They still want us dead. The Capitol says the war is over when it's far from done. I mean, come on, these kids are the next generation of rebels. It's either them or us."
His tone started out light and soft but quickly turned to stone. You wanted to argue with him, to shout at the top of your lungs that they are innocent and no part of the massacres you suffered. But how could you? How could you fight your exact sentiments?
You knew he was right, no matter how much it hurt your morals. They were old enough to feel fear. Old enough for that fear to become hate. Hate to violence.
And they were old enough to kill. The minimum age for the Reaping was twelve. You and your classmates had the ability to take a life at half that age.
After that, the long-awaited train began pulling into the station. You've only ever seen a train in person once. When you gave miniature hugs to your uncle Averic and freshly fourteen-year-old Octavious.
You were only five at the time, and the upcoming horror of the Dark Days were still a few months away. There were others there saying their goodbyes, but you weren't focusing on them. Or how they began filtering out as the time for departure came closer. You were still clinging onto your older brother's legs as your mother, aunt Fiora, and uncle Averic seemed to be in serious talks.
The young boy seemed to be trying to listen in to their conversation, and it took a little slap to his leg to get his attention. When his eyes, which were the same shade of yours, landed on your own, they softened from his prior harden state of focus. He knelt down to your height as he turned all his attention on you.
"Why are you leaving?"
The boy had to take a shaky breath. He had slightly hoped you would just accept your mother's reasoning that he "just had to go." But, of course, you, being too attentive and curious for any kid your age, just couldn't let his absence go. In reality, he didn't have to leave. He had forced himself to be involved. It took every stretch of persuasion to convince his uncle to let him come along to what was being described as "a small rebellion."
He wasn't to do anything but take note and follow his uncle's lead. Otto dreamed that within a year, he would be given his own battalion, and the next, be his own commanding general. It was not extremely unusual for a young man of age sixteen or seventeen to be in command. Averic Emberidge was a living example. And like his maternal uncle, Octavious Vaun had great military promise. He had life promise.
He had promise.
And a promise given to his young sister. That he would come back.
Otto achieved his goals of military prowess. But the young man, no matter how skilled or trusted, broke his promise to the person he loved most.
But back then, the promise was fresh and believed to be easy to keep. The platform was empty save for one family by the time your own was forced to part. Your mother and aunt switched between the two members who would be off in District territory. You stood back and watched the goodbyes as a man approached.
He was tall, broad, and commanded the air of the room. As if even the rules of the universe had to bend to his will. He had two children and an older woman trailing behind him. All four had bright and magnetic blue eyes.
The Snows were not easy to miss, not even miles away, as though their powerful aura was felt in all areas of proximity.
He stopped right in front of your mother, who stood in a deep green fashioned vintage day dress. The beautiful woman still looked forward, slightly past her brother's shoulder.
"Cloria. Fiora."
He gave a nod after each name. The former turned to him with those still captivating eyes. The latter rolled her own pair at his presence. He acknowledged your uncle and brother as well, but they would have time for conversation later. They were all to be on campaign together after all.
Crassus and Cloria broke away for a very brief discussion while you still stood a bit away from the group. Your uncle noticed you and your lack of an official goodbye and smiled in invitation. You sprinted into his now-open arms as he spun you around, much to your oblivious enjoyment. When he set you down and grabbed your arms to make you focus on him, his prior smile dissolved into a grave thin line.
"Hey, kid."
Uncle Averic's voice wasn't the joyful one you were used to. You knew then that you needed to listen up and closely.
"I know you are a tough little girl. I saw how you beat up your brother, after all."
You smiled proudly while the aforementioned beaten boy scoffed. He was referring to the past few weeks in which Otto taught you how to fight. It was safe to say he wasn't expecting your level of skill and dedication. The fourteen-year-old just wanted you to have basic defense skills, but your speed of skill accelerated the lessons considerably.
"But y/n, things are going to be a little different now. I need you to watch out for your mom and aunt Fi, okay? I know Rhayen will be there, but you are responsible too. You are smart and strong, kid, just don't be reckless. Your mom doesn't need any more stress."
Your uncle struck his hand out, and you shook it in agreement. It didn't hit your young mind all that you would have to endure to keep this agreement.
Your mother and Crassus seemed to be finishing up talks, so you turned to Otto, who seemed to be holding back tears as the gravity of the situation hit him.
His still-changing voice broke. He scooped you up in his arms as he stared down at you.
"I will write all I can back home, and I'll make special letters just for you, okay? I'll draw out the words for you."
You could read, and at a very accelerated level for a girl your age, but Otto was already missing the days where you would draw out what you were feeling in situations you couldn't speak out loud.
"No! I want words, I can read Otto! I want hard words too!"
He laughed at your little pout of demand. Your determination to push yourself even in that small way was one of the many ways you motivated him throughout the war. Otto knew you were waiting for him, so he rushed to come back. But even his speed could not make him outrun fate.
Your mother had come back and had taken you - begrudgingly - out of her oldest child's arms. You watched them board the train and watched the adults' reactions. Each had a different expression.
The older woman who was with General Snow, who you would eventually call Grandma'am along with her grandchildren, looked proud; she looked overconfident and a bit arrogant. Fiora was on the brink of biting her finger off as she bit nervously at her nails.
And your mother. Her eyes were scanning the train, but they saw two worlds. One where the three men would come back, unscathed and victorious. The other was grim and the unfortunate reality of only the news of their death coming back.
You remember as you scanned the faces, all which were focused on the now-departing train, one was staring back at you. Even all those years ago, Coriolanus was always a face of comfort and reliability. Across the platform, you two bore into the soul of the other, trying to make sense of any of the chaos around them. Your family began walking towards the west exit while his the east.
The distance grew and grew, but so did the intensity of your connected gaze. Neither seemed to want to let go. As if you both knew this would be your last look for three years. The last look as unscathed children.
But those children grew up. And you were back on a train platform with those ever-searching blue eyes. Though, no longer did he search for sense or his father, but now for his ticket out of poverty. A ticket in the form of a fascinating brunette.
He walked towards the now-opening doors of the cattle train. The smell was foul, but you followed him. Some tributes got out, either by their own or forced out. A bat also flew out which you noted. The tributes looked at the Capitol duo with a range from curiosity to murderous intentions. You went down the near entirety of the vehicle the two from District Twelve appeared. Jessup got down first and helped Lucy Gray down by her waist.
You and Coryo sucked in a collective breath. Any last-minute nerves had to silence themselves because it was far too late now to back out.
Jessup immediately noticed you both and sent a glare. He stepped closer to Lucy Gray in protection while she was busy taking in her surroundings. The movement of Jessup and his noticeable stare past her made the girl turn.
She was quite beautiful; the screens didn't do her justice. She had coffee brown eyes, matching colored hair, and clear, tanned skin. But it was her expression that added to her beauty. She was clearly suspicious, to which no one could blame her, but as she raked over both you and Coriolanus's forms, she had a slight grin of curiosity.
It was quite a contrast to her fellow tribute, Jessup. His eyes were sharp, and he was clearly displeased at your presence.
But you cleared your throat anyway, although Coryo beat you to speaking.
"Welcome to the Capitol."
He held out the rose for the girl, who took a long good look at it before taking it.
"We are your mentors. It's nice to meet you both."
You said sweetly and had a small smile to which the girl returned but fell flat on Jessup. You put your hand out to Jessup, but not surprisingly, he left you hanging. You gulped down your embarrassment and bit your lip, signs of uncomfort ot unnoticed by Coryo. Lucy Gray looked you both up and down as she sized you up.
"When I was little, my mama used to bathe me in buttermilk and rose petals."
She took a petal off and stuck it right in her mouth. She gave it a good taste followed by a smile.
"Tastes like bedtime."
You turned to Coriolanus, who was still wide-eyed at his tribute's actions. You didn't know exactly what to expect when you came here, but it surely wasn't this.
"So what do our mentors do?"
It seemed like Lucy Gray was going to do all the talking as her friend stayed stone-faced besides her.
"We do our best to take care of you. Lucy Gray, Coriolanus is your mentor while Jessup, you are stuck with me."
Lucy Gray nodded along and examined her mentor once again. Jessup examined you as well but not in the pondering way his companion was. Rather, he looked like he was thinking venomous thoughts of you and as if your being was yet another punishment he had to endure.
Any further conversation was interrupted by several peacekeepers motioning for the two from twelve to get moving. Lucy Gray looked over her shoulder and wished you both luck on that front while she was being pushed towards a small vehicle along with the rest of the tributes.
Coriolanus already began asking the silent peacekeepers if we can escort them, but none were willing to answer. You followed him aimlessly, ready to start your exit and walk to the Academy. You both still had classes today, even though they were modified to center around your mentorship. But Snow wasn't willing to give up.
When a tall and lanky boy tried to make a run for it and distracted the peacekeepers, a certain look overtook Coriolanus. Everything seemed to be blocked out, just him and the door to the truck. You had a feeling what he was going to do and cursed him once you saw his legs start pumping.
I hate you so much, you idiot Coriolanus Snow.
Your chant of dislike was all you could think of as only a split second after him, you followed him into the abyss of the vehicle that held twenty-three (Wovey yet a year away) teenagers who wanted you both dead. A desire they might just get once the doors shut, trapping you in.
As soon as Coriolanus landed on the truck, he went directly towards the back. Your legs weren't as tall as his, so it took enough effort from you to get on the truck that you fell onto the floor. That was when Coryo noticed you had joined him. His eyes widened in fright, and he moved to pick you up when another tribute shoved him against the back wall. He let out a painful groan as he tried to charm his way out of the situation.
The tribute holding onto him was even taller and considerably broader than the blonde boy.
"I'll kill you right now."
He snarled at Coriolanus and was backed up by a sick girl.
"He killed a peacekeeper back in eleven."
You learned that the peacekeeper killer was named Reaper, and the ill-looking girl was named Dill.
The threat on Coriolanus's life made you get up in a second and get ready to stop any further action. But as soon as you landed on your feet, your position mimicked Coriolanus's as you were being shoved by Coral, the girl from four. You knew she was Festus's assigned tribute and she seemed like a clear delight with her wicked smile.
"I call dibs on killing her."
Her breath, with the scent of fish still lingering, fanned all over your face. But unlike Coriolanus, your face didn't show any fear or desperation. You held her gaze with a glare of your own. You've fought off a lot more menacing figures than her.
While you had no fear, Coriolanus was taken over with terror.
"Don't you touch her!"
He made a move against Reaper, who shoved him back even harder against the wall. His struggle made the red head girl holding you laugh.
"Aw, how cute. Your boyfriend tryin to help you, princess."
Your hostile glare deepened at that. She had so much confidence in her ability and power over you. And while she was much stronger than you, she was sloppy. She didn't even hold back your hands or disarm your legs. You could easily throw her off if she made a move.
Lucy Gray watched the events unfold and glanced at Jessup who seemed okay with letting their mentors suffer fates similar to their inevitable ones. She didn't like not doing anything to help them. They were supposed to help her and Jessup, right? They would be at a clear disadvantage if something happened to them.
Plus, you and Coriolanus were interesting; nothing like what she imagined Capitol kids to be like.
As the rest of the group agreed on the murder of the academy students, Lucy Gray piped up.
"Y’all got family back home? They’ll kill them if you hurt them. Then you."
She made sure her message was clear. The thought of their families being hurt made them pause, as well as the instant death. In the Hunger Games, they at least had a shot at living. Reaper loosened his grip, and she continued.
"Besides, he’s my mentor. I might need his help."
She nodded her head towards the disgruntled mentor. She didn't mention who you were mentoring because she hoped Jessup would speak up. She knew Jessup didn't necessarily care for you, but he knew you might be some sort of help. The dark-skinned boy didn't get to speak up before Coral, however.
"And you a mender, princess?"
She shoved you again, which made Coriolanus flinch, but Lucy Gray motioned with her eyes for him to stay in place. His involvement would only make things worse.
"Better hope I'm not yours."
She didn't like your answer if her teeth-bearing snarl had anything to say about it. Something about it fueled your fury.
"Do you know why they call it the Hunger Games?"
You beckoned her with a slight smirk that angered the aggressive girl across from you.
"I'll still kill you."
She threatened you as she didn't know where you were going with this. The unknown was a disadvantage to her and fueled her fear.
You asked again, and the sweet-hearted Wovey answered instead.
"Because there is no food."
She answered confidently and in that sweet voice, which felt so wrong in this environment. You didn't want to go ahead with your plan of words, but when Coral turned back from looking at the little girl to you, the fire was back.
You stared straight into the angry eyes of Coral with a menacing smile.
"Oh no, there is plenty of food. I mean, look around. I see twenty-six bodies of food."
You could feel the girl's arms shudder, and you saw the rest of the faces go pale. But you weren't done.
"Hunger stands for the hunger in one's eyes. Once that bell rings, that hunger takes over. Hunger for blood, corpses. For survival and victory. And if you lose focus for just a second-"
You made quick work as you shoved Coral's arms off of you and placed them behind her back. You have now reversed places as she struggled against the wall and beneath your far more forceful and effective hold. Attention was still hooked onto as you finished your lesson.
"You're dead."
Your quick move shocked the entirety of the truck, including Coryo. He knew you could fight back from your younger days by the pestering of Festus, in which you gave him a solid black eye for days. Yet, he didn't know just how good you were, much of it still from your brother's teachings and occasional lessons from Rhayen.
You were ready to let the girl, who still wore her scowl but couldn't hide the fear behind her eyes, go. Although, you bent closely in front of her face to let her know your last message.
"You better thank your lucky stars I'm not in that arena with you. I already won my games."
You hissed out the now positively infuriated teenager. The other tributes ranged from absolute horror of you to confusion on your last statement and how you were so cutthroat. No one expected children of the Capitol to have this in them.
The entirety of the truck's eyes were on you, except Lucy Gray. She looked to Coriolanus to examine his expression. She wanted to know if this was all a front or your sweet nature on the station was. The best way would be to see what the boy, who clearly knew you, thought of the situation. His face was not expressing fear or confusion like the others, but rather a sad look of understanding.
All of the Capitol struggled most definitely during the Dark Days and still with its legacy and effect. But you were one of the few to suffer nearly all the horrors it brought during the war and the only one who still lost after it. The rest of your classmates seemed to move past the traumas, but not you. Maybe it was because of your mother, but it always seemed to play out on repeat behind your still-shining eyes.
Lucy Gray's eyes bounced from Coriolanus's face to yours again. She seemed satisfied and understood. You weren't bluffing. Though, as she looked again at you, she saw your eyes soften. You realized all you had done and said. You had felt threatened, and it had just become instinct to take control of a threatening situation. It hit you that you just became Coral. It was clear she was scared of being here, and her menacing demeanor was a defensive mechanism. And your haunting words were yours.
Lucy Gray took note. Maybe she and Jessup could trust you. But all of a sudden, the truck began shaking harshly and began tipping as the doors opened into the bright light. It shocked you, and due to being closer to the door, you were one of the few to fall. You fell silently but locked eyes with Coriolanus as you did, which was enough for him to let go as well. He was already slipping anyway as Lucy Gray hung onto him, and the truck began tipping.
The mentor was able to land without a scratch and checked on Lucy Gray, who was the same. She looked to her friend, who dusted himself off from where he landed a few meters away from her. Coriolanus watched her make it to Jessup when he began frantically looking for you.
You were more in the middle of the area, which he soon realized was the Capitol zoo. He scoffed at the insult to the districts as he rushed to your side. However, you weren't as lucky as those in the back. You had landed face first into some rocks, which busted a nasty cut above your eye. You had swatted away Coryo's helping hands and slipped off your academy blazer to dab at the blood.
"Huh, look at this. Capitol bleeds."
Your head snapped up to meet the mocking Coral. Coryo looked as if he was going to pounce on her, but you pulled his arm back. He helped you up as you looked past his shoulder.
"What in the world is the weather guy doing here?"
The quite loud presentation voice of the notorious Lucky Flickerman was heard as he tried to get your and Coriolanus's attention.
Lucy Gray and Jessup had moved towards you two while Coral walked off. When Coriolanus heard that he was live for all of the Capitol, he began to panic. His breath became rapid and shallow. You were quick to grab his cheeks to make him look down to you.
"Coryo. Look at me. It's nothing you haven't done before. I'm here with you, okay?"
You waited for his nod to smile back at him, which calmed his nerves considerably. Your tributes watched on, slightly amused. Lucy Gray felt charmed by your clear looks of affection, although it hurt her due to her own recent love troubles. Jessup felt amused that the girl who was just threatening Coral was so taken by a skinny, lanky, and pale boy such as Coriolanus.
You both turned to the other half of your makeshift group.
"Lucy Gray Baird, Jessup Diggs, let us introduce you to our neighbors."
You beckoned them forward, while you opened your hand for Lucy Gray, who took it with an amused tilt of her head. Jessup and Coriolanus shared a look, in which the latter looked at the former's hand and was swiftly met with a clear "no" at the thought of the two mirroring your actions.
When you reached the edge of the cage, you noticed two small children. Coriolanus moved to the other side of Lucy Gray while Jessup moved to you, still a bit back. However, your attention is quickly taken by the questions of Lucky Flickerman.
"Who are you two? What are you doing in the cage here?"
Coriolanus responds and explains the situation to Lucky while you and Lucy Gray focus on the children in front of you.
They seem very taken by Lucy Gray, and she is quite the charmer. She captures the attention of all around with her honey-like voice and witty answers. Soon enough, Lucky focuses on her, eager to learn all about the strange girl. She explains the Covey and the importance of her beautiful dress.
"This dress was my mama’s so it’s extra special to me."
You glanced at her with a shared sympathy as she informed the ignorant host of her mother's passing. She felt your stare shift and turned to you as you gave her the slightest of nods. You didn't know if she understood its meaning, but her knowing eyes crinkled with a smile that let you know your message was well received.
Lucy Gray had a good feeling she could trust you. Maybe if she somehow won, you two could be good friends. She was a charmer and well-liked in twelve, but she didn't really have friends besides the Covey; who were more family than friends.
"Do you know the wonderful mentors for me and Jessup? Seems we got the cream of the cake 'cause no one else even bothered to show up."
You took a gulp and forced a smile as the camera visibly moved to focus on you.
"Well, we've met Coriolanus Snow, yes?"
Flickerman paused to ensure he got the blonde's name right and was met with a nod.
"And who are you, young lady? And did you get that nasty cut from the other tributes when you jumped in the cage? Were you told to jump in?"
His questions flew a million miles a minute, but you responded with grace.
"Hello there. My name is Y/N Vaun and oh no, I fear I am quite clumsy."
You covered up the fact that you might have had your neck slit if not for Lucy Gray.
"And the game makers didn't tell us that we couldn't. They just said that it was a mentor’s job to introduce our tributes to the citizens of Panem. And we thought, well, if they were brave enough to be here, then why shouldn’t we be, too?"
You looked up to Coriolanus to assure your answer was sufficient enough, to which he agreed. Lucy Gray did have one adjustment though.
"For the record, I didn’t have a choice."
Which you couldn't help but tilt your head to the side in agreement to her statement while Flickerman opened up again.
"For the record, I think you both are about to be whisked away."
Suddenly, two strong peacekeepers began dragging you away with Coriolanus. You fought them off to freely walk on your own as you noticed Lucy Gray stop him and whisper urgently, to which he agreed.
The walk to the academy wasn't too far, but your pace was set quite fast. You and Coryo were already going to attract a lot of attention; missing class for an assumed press event with the tributes was a big no. Your dash to the prestigious institution was a silent conversation between you and Coryo. There didn't feel like much to say as you both were too far in your heads.
Coriolanus turned to you slightly as the question that's been burning in his mind came out.
"Why did you jump in the truck with me?"
You didn't even hesitate as you answered him, still looking forward.
"Are you seriously asking me that, Coryo?"
When you were met with nothing but silence, you turned to him.
"You jump, I jump. You throw yourself in a cage filled with people who want to gut you? Expect to have a friend with you. Maybe it will make you think before you do something stupid next time."
Your answer and vow of companionship caused a satisfied smile to overtake the handsome boy's features. It stayed there for some time before your now dark voice piped up.
"Do you remember the station?"
Your sudden question broke the prior silence. The fair-skinned teen looked at you in question.
"The station we were just at?"
He felt as if he missed something. The thought of being out of the loop unnerved him. You motioned that the recent setting wasn't the point of your question as you elaborated.
"No, I meant right back when the rebellion started. That day when they shipped off."
The heir of Snow's face scrunched up as he thought of the memory; one of his first clear ones. Young Coryo was so confused with all happening around him. Crassus rarely acknowledged the five-year-old's confusion while grandma'am kept on repeating curses about the rebelling districts. Though, as always, Tigris tried to calm down and help her little cousin. She wasn't that much older but she was old enough to understand; her uncle, the sole provider of their family, was to be off across the country. It worried her beyond what her youthful face would show. A face constantly lit up with the warm smiles her young cousin elicited.
But there were moments, although few, where Tigris's attention was elsewhere besides Coryo. One of them being on that now demolished train station, where she watched Crassus Snow depart from the Capital and eventually, their lives. It was in that moment where Coriolanus didn't look to his cousin for comfort but rather the girl with curious and wandering eyes. He had seen you before, but that was the day you truly entered his life. The young man laughed sweetly at the memory.
"You refused to look away even as we were being pulled away."
"Hey, you didn't look away either!"
You retorted back to the reminiscing adolescent. His eyes were still glued forward as you neared your destination. Out of his peripheral vision, however, he noticed a solemn demeanor took you over.
"Funny how different my only two train experiences are."
You laughed without humor, a grim noise.
"The first time, I had the privilege of ignorance. Hands were clean. And the people. Nearly every person I loved in one place. Fast forward today. I'm all too aware of the blood dripping from my hands, and I keep on making it gush."
You paused to take a bitter breath while refocusing your eyes straight ahead. You both were nearly to the entrance of the academy campus.
"Not a single one of them made it out alive. The only one was you."
The boy in mention furrowed his brows at your statement. It didn't strike him until now that you were right. Every member of your family on the platform that fateful day is six feet under. And by the way you spoke, so was little five-year-old you. The thought of your absent family made him reflect. His life wasn't easy in the slightest, but he did have his loved ones, no matter how little the number was. Sure, his grandma'am was a bit eccentric and not whole in the head, but she was a reminder of the glory indebted to the Snows. She was, most of the time, a sweet grandmother and a constant pillar of support.
And of course, Tigris. His life was mostly filled with darkness, metaphorically and literally with the high cost of electricity. But Tigris was always a light shining bright. Guiding him when he was lost in the slightest bit. He left that station with nearly the same family he has today, excluding his cold father. And even though his absence was a painful reminder of their living situation, Tigris often reminded Coryo that was given a chance to be a better person without his father's controlling and cold nature. A chance she tried to make possible at every possible moment.
But you didn't have a single member of your beloved family anymore. It was true your father was alive, but Coriolanus knows he has all but officially stepped out of your life. A move that made the young man resent and hold a place of disrespect in regards to your father. Your feet had carried you through the vast academy doors and down the hallways leading to the class you should have been in half an hour ago.
It was when you were mere feet from the door when a realization hit him. You said everyone you loved was on that platform and he was the only one to live. wait. did you just- does that mean-
"Your little excursion was in violation of about five different Academy rules, Mr. Snow and Miss Vaun. Chief amongst them, endangering a Capitol student."
You had entered the domed classroom, and Coriolanus couldn't further question your prior statements. You had ascended up the stairs with Coryo following close behind. You turned to question Dean Highbottom, who didn't even look up at your presence.
"Neither of us forced the other to go. We went on our own accord."
You responded back to the dean still focused on his papers.
"I don't care how or why it happened. You both put yourselves in danger regardless. I’m moving for the Gamemakers to disqualify you as mentors immediately."
You scoffed at his actions in disgust. He really jumped at any chance to make Coriolanus suffer. Highbottom has now become a plague you now have to deal with as well. Young Snow didn't appreciate his operation against him and you as he questioned his validity.
"You said we had to get our tributes to perform, not that we had to stay away."
"I’ll add insubordination as well."
Coriolanus opened his mouth to retort back when he was cut off by a chilling voice.
"Snow and Vaun fell down in the cage."
The ever-infamous Volumina Gaul appeared with a devilish smile playing on her bright red lips. She crept closer as she continued.
"Snow fell down in the cage but it landed…"
Her riddle was quickly figured out by the pair who answered at the same time.
"On stage."
The quick and correct reply made her wicked smile grow impossibly more.
"You’re good at Games. Maybe one day, you two will be Gamemakers like me. You are quite the pair."
The decrepit Casca Highbottom turned to watch the interaction and grumbled at the head Gamemaker's implication.
"If the Games continue at all."
"Oh, they’ll continue. With performances like young Mr. Snow and Miss Vaun's in that zoo."
The eccentric woman made her way to the end of your row as she questioned.
"Which one of you had the idea to jump in the cage with the tributes?"
You and Coriolanus knew neither of you had an idea that you would end up there. That doesn't mean the brave (and stupid) idea to jump in the truck came from nowhere.
"Coriolanus was the one."
You were quick to respond that the boy couldn't cut you off to mention your own involvement. That doesn't mean he didn't have his own speed in answering.
"Y/N was the one who fended them off, though. She also was the one who thought of presenting Lucy Gray after gaining her trust."
To say Dr. Gaul’s already peaked interest didn't skyrocket would be an understatement. She remembered her surprise, an emotion that appears very little in the woman's life, at seeing the two academy students in the zoo. Their elegance and charisma in their performance were extraordinary. And to see how fast they are to jump to the other's defense and bolster made the peculiar woman ache for more. She may have found not only one but two promising students.
"Holding her hand, Y/N? Introducing her to people? You make it look as if we’re one and the same as those animals."
The disgust was clear in Clemensia's voice as she spoke. She was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt when it came to Sejanus, who lived most of his life in the Capital after all. But straight district? That was a whole different level of abhorrence.
Said district - not district boy had his own opinions to voice.
"Coriolanus and Y/N didn’t show those people anything they didn’t already know. That the tributes are human beings. Just like us."
He paused to let the idea sink in for the snobby children of the Capital. You and Coriolanus were not surprised at his little outburst, but that doesn't mean you were happy with it. You were very far from it. Sick and tired of constantly hearing the saintly nature of those in the districts. But the curly-haired boy continued.
"That’s why nobody wants to watch the Games. It’s because people know deep down that winning a war 10 years ago doesn’t justify starving people’s children, taking away their freedoms, their rights."
You stayed silent as your nostrils flared, and your teeth ground against each other. You weren't sure where all this anger came from, but you assumed part of it was all your memories of the war becoming so clear lately. The constant yapping of Sejanus that they are oh so innocent while you remember otherwise did not help the blood boiling. Your symptoms of rage did not go unnoticed by Dr. Gaul.
"And what do you think, Miss Vaun? Are the inhabitants of the districts human or animal?"
The entirety of the class focused on you as you took a second to compose yourself. You took a deep breath, and instead of looking at the woman who proposed the question, you locked eyes with Dean Highbottom.
"They are obviously humans."
The man's eyes seemed to have an odd look of relief at your response, but you weren't finished. Your eyes didn't blink nor flinch as you bore into the older man's eyes. "
Animals are incapable of reaching a man's level of sinister."
The recipient of your gaze flinched at your tone and words. It felt as if you stabbed a blade straight into his already shattered conscience. However, your answer sparked new levels of interest within Dr. Gaul. You seem to be more of a promise than you initially let on. Sejanus was far from impressed by your answer. You never spoke out against the districts before; what caused you to now?
"Some of those kids were two years old when the war ended. The oldest of them were only eight! They didn’t have enough to become sinister."
His tone implied the thought that your description of the districts' "humanity" was ridiculous. The people outside of the Capital were good. Far better than those within it, clearly. But Sejanus's blind opinion of them brought you to new levels of anger. You scoffed out a breath of pure disbelief as you turned to stare straight into the brown eyes of the boy.
"Too young? Eight is quite old enough to do sinister things. Look around, Sejanus. You think any of us, who, by the way, were those eight years old, survived by playing with our dolls?"
You paused, trying to compose yourself, while all pairs of eyes were on you. Well, all except Sejanus. You two have never had a quarrel. If there was anyone who the rest were certain would back up Sejanus, it would be you. But here you were, spitting words of venom and unfortunate truth.
"Death doesn't discriminate by age. War doesn't discriminate by age. Each and every one of us here had to become soldiers and survivors by age five." You paused, "Does that sound like humanity? Like the pure good you preach about the districts? They are just like us. Whether or not you want to see it. You claim us evil and we might be. But tell me who do you think caused us to be so harsh? If we were able to kill at six years old, I am quite sure those sixteen-year-olds wouldn't bat an eye. If you don't believe me, let me ask Otto."
The mention of your brother caused the already dead silent classroom to stiffen. Even Highbottom, who disliked yet another reminder of Cloria Vaun (or Emberidge, depends on what memories), had to throw back another shot of morphling. Sejanus was already uncomfortable with your sudden shift in demeanor and your public argument. His discomfort increased when you began using the words "we" and "us," but the mention of Octavius Vaun made him freeze. You rarely mentioned him and if you ever did, you couldn't bring yourself to say his name. You never gave the full details of his death, but you told him enough to know it was a subject never to be brought up. Now that you did, he, along with the rest of your class, knew you weren't going to be able to be controlled.
And you weren't. You didn't let up your hold on attention for a good while as you kept going.
"Hmm? Or how about we ask all of our classmates that should be here? All those people who should be our friends, lovers, siblings? What about those infants who died before they could take a breath because their mothers died of starvation? Let's go ask their corpses, huh! Oh wait, right. Just go around and ask the Capitol population. We didn't have a body clean-up system back in the war. What do you think we did with the bodies?"
The slow realization and remembrance of whispers of the war crept back to Sejanus's mind. Your voice was steady as you continued.
"We had to get whatever nutrition we could, no matter where it came from."
Clemensia had turned deep shades of green at the mention. At the memories.
"Y/N, please stop."
Her wobbly voice and discomfort did the exact opposite of her pleas. You took a look around the classroom to see your peers avoiding eye contact with you and looking one step away from barfing. The sight made you laugh in dark hysteria as you now addressed the room.
"Really?! That's all it took? Ten years? Ten years and you forgot everything! Now that you don't have to throw the last words of your loved ones in a fire to keep warm! These pristine uniforms and marble classrooms enough?! You forget when you had to survive for weeks off of a single rat carcass? When you had to fight deranged old men for a half-empty bag of moldy peaches for your entire family? When your only drink was your own blood? No memories!? No memories of the insanity causing people flinging themselves off of rooftops and others beating the vultures to cut up their corpses!"
Your voice was in a full, rage-fueled yell by the time you finished. You would have continued if a hand on your shoulder didn't signal to stop. You looked up, ready to fight whoever it was, until you realized it was Coryo. You expected him to be embarrassed of you, maybe angry. But he wasn't. His eyes seemed to be glowing with understanding and a shared irritation. After a minute of you calming down, a voice perked all too happily.
"My, my, what a declaration!"
Dr. Gaul was all too eager at your fury. Her blood was on fire with excitement at your sentiments. The question she initially came here to ask you and Coriolanus was finally ready to be asked.
"What are the Hunger Games for?"
The woman looked between you and Coriolanus, eager for an answer to which the latter responded.
"They’re to punish the districts for their uprising, to commemorate the end of the war."
Her smile was gone at the disappointing answer.
“Commemorate the… Dull, dull, dull. Punishment can take myriad forms. Why not drop bombs, cancel food shipments, stage executions? Why Games?"
Her question was not met by either of the two students she wished but rather the clear sympathizer in the form of Sejanus Plinth.
"Shouldn’t we be asking ourselves whether or not they’re right in the first place?"
"You have a problem with my Games?"
Any answer was intercepted by Dean Highbottom who has more than enough of this discussion and development.
"Perhaps the Capitol students are ill-suited to be mentoring tributes. Perhaps the Game’s time has passed."
It was then when you regained your voice.
"It clearly hasn't. The Games, whatever their ultimate purpose, is a reminder. To the districts, most definitely, but also the Capital. It is clear that most here wish to forget and hide away the horrors we've endured. Forget all you wish, but the districts won't. They have to suffer what we did and we have to remember why."
Dr. Gaul was taking in your answer. And it clearly pleased her, whether that be a good or bad thing. That curiosity and thrill continued as Coriolanus added in some suggestions.
"Maybe we should be viewing those tributes as human beings. I mean, you saw those kids in the zoo; they just… they just wanted to get to know Lucy Gray. If we need people to watch, we should be letting them get closer to the tributes before the Games. To make the stakes personal."
As your apparent partner continued, the gears in your mind started turning.
"Who will watch the Games if they care what happens to the tributes?" Arachne questioned. And you were the one to answer.
When you answered, Coriolanus looked to you with a ghost of a smile on his lips as you understood.
"You wanted them to be spectacles? What's better than letting them share their characters? Their lives, dreams, regrets. Biggest loves and losses. If you want people to watch, they will when they have people to root for and against."
Young Snow was quick to pick up after you.
"And if we bend a few Capitol laws, we could even have them place bets. The winner of the arena may not be the same as the winner of the people."
You jumped back into the conversation with a slightly more chipper tone.
"Give them interviews to learn who they are. Maybe we can even do skill tests. If you use Coriolanus's betting system, it can give even the weakest of tributes more of a chance. People would not only be able to bet on who they like the most but who has more of a chance. Not to mention they would have the power to change those odds."
Dr. Gaul was at all-time levels of elation at the pair. She knows promise when she sees it.
"I’d like you to write up a proposal of these thoughts tonight, Mr. Snow and Miss Vaun. "
You turned to look at said Mr. Snow when a certain raven-haired girl stood up from her seat next to him.
"Wait. You mean you might actually use their ideas?"
Clemensia thought her two high-achieving friends' ideas would just be left floating and not actually implemented in one of the most important events of the country.
"If it’ll help the ratings, why not."
Dr. Gaul’s words made the realization hit you like that cursed cattle train. Your ideas were shared in a slight haze of excitement and lingering fury. If your suggestions really were implemented, you may have just subjected generations of children to death.
Your revelation was clear on your face as Sejanus looked up to who he called his closest friend. He felt slightly betrayed by your outburst, but more so confused. Though, his anger and confusion dissipated a good amount when he saw the horror of realization upon your face.
On the other side of the star pupils, Clemmie slightly shuddered as the outlandish Gamemaker turned her cold gaze upon her. The young woman put on her charming smile as she tried to weasel her way into success.
"Coriolanus and I are class partners, Dr. Gaul. We do all of our assignments together."
You shared eye contact with the girl's partner who seemed to be just as skeptical as you. You turned in Dr. Gaul's direction, which also happened to be Sejanus's. You looked down and saw his face look glossy and hurt. A pain that transferred over to you at the sight. But that would be for a later time. For now, you looked up and informed the Gamemaker that you would be doing your proposals on your own.
The classroom was filled with the manic laughter of the woman. Doubt started filling up your veins at working with the prominent figure. Her bright teeth shone bright as her diabolical smile grew.
"It’ll be an interesting test."
A test of intellect, character, and survival indeed.
You and Coriolanus sat at a small table on the edge of the cafeteria. You wished to be nowhere near the prying eyes and gossiping mouths of your peers. But apparently, Lucy Gray asked for food, and you couldn't let her or Jessup go hungry. Yet, you were now an active hand in their death.
That ever so active voice in your head kept on screaming against your heart. Your napkin was full of the food that used to reside on your plate, and now you were just waiting for Coryo, who came in a bit later than you. He was fast and smooth in his movements and was barely deterred from his actions when a voice rounded your table.
"You trying to fatten those kids up so you can finally start taking bets? Make sure they look lively enough to make good interviews?"
Sejanus spewed his remarks as he sat down on a chair at the head of the table. You glanced down in shame, but the words didn't bother Coriolanus.
"You think they’ll give those kids a scrap if we don’t give them a reason to do it? How do you think your tribute will have a chance if he can’t eat?"
You looked between the two. Sejanus seemed to concede at that point while Coryo kept on stuffing the napkin. The brown-eyed boy's voice seemed to soften in pain.
"He was my classmate. Back in two."
You sucked in a sharp breath. It was already hard enough for him to be a part of the game, especially being given a tribute from his home district. But his own classmate? If you were Marcus, you wouldn't spare Sejanus a glance or a word. And that was the worst part. Sejanus would try to help in any way he could, but the situation he was in, "the lucky one," wouldn't make it very easy to gain the trust of his former classmate. Coryo stopped his movements to look at the only boy he could call a solid friend.
"It’s not your fault it’s him."
You both knew that it would still sit on his conscience, no matter if he really was to blame or not. His scoff said it all.
"See, I know. I’m so blameless, I’m choking on it. My father bought him for me, you know, at the Reaping, just so he could show me that I could never go back to two."
You couldn't believe it. It was common information to you how much Starbo tried to change his son. That doesn't mean you expected him to go to such lengths.
"Maybe you could use that to your advantage."
Sejanus whipped his head to you as he squinted at you. The girl in front of him wasn't the same angry one in the classroom. No, this was the same one who he called his best friend for years, yet it just confused him even more as to why you would suggest that. You were quick to elaborate when it seemed that neither boy caught on.
"You want the Hunger Games to end, right? You can do something about it. No real change will happen unless it happens in the Capital. You are one of the few who can actually do something and one of the even fewer who wants to."
Sejanus seemed to be contemplating your words when Coriolanus added on.
"The best way to change it is to be subtle. Small little changes and actions cause enough damage over time."
Sejanus looked down at his two friends' laps and looked back up with a smirk starting to form.
"Like napkins of food. Make them strong enough to be remembered. Quite the rebels."
His smirk seemed to be contagious as it spread to Coryo. You had a smile as well that only grew as Coriolanus spoke again.
"Oh yeah. I’m bad news."
His eyes were on you the entire time as a blush crept on you. Your teeth couldn't help but show as the three of you got up and started your walk to the Capital Zoo.
Like your morning walk with Coriolanus, this walk was short but a bit more cheery as your little friend group conversed. You feared Sejanus would hold your prior actions against you, but he understood, as always. Well, that and Coryo's explanation on how you both expanded the odds for the weaker tributes instead of making it worse.
You and Coriolanus were recalling the earlier events of the morning that didn't appear on live television.
"Wait wait, you did what to her?"
You were holding back a laugh as Snow described how you switched up Coral and the overdramatization of it.
"Okay, first of all, I did not knock the life out of her. And she was getting on my nerves. Like if you are gonna threaten someone, at least do it right!"
The two boys shared a look and laughed a bit at you. A laugh that was swiftly met with a glare.
"Wanna see me execute my threat, Plinth?"
He was quickly grabbed by his sleeve by Coryo to ensure his friend's safety. You turned forward with a smug smile at their fear while they walked a good meter away from you. Soon enough, however, your little moment was met a swift end as you reached the zoo.
There were far more visitors than this morning, but many seemed to be a ways away; the tributes being watched from afar. You and Coryo spotted your two tributes on the far left side of the area, laying their backs on a large rock. Marcus was on the other side, so your trio split as Sejanus tried so hard to get him to take the food from his hands. A task that was unsuccessful.
You got closer and saw Lucy Gray smile at Coryo and the food he carried and promised he kept. She noticed the napkin of food in your hands as well, making her smile grow.
The singer walked to the bars while Jessup stood behind, still pensive at your presence.
"Is that for us?"
She took the two napkins out of the Capital students' hands, handing one of them to her friend. He didn't even give the food a glance as he bore into your eyes, displeasure evident.
"I’m not hungry."
You had a polite smile prior, hoping to get off on a better start this time. But his refusal made it slightly deplete. You understood why. You and the rest of the Capital students here, which now included Arachne, must have seemed like a cruel joke life played on him. You were willing to walk away, maybe try to focus on helping Coriolanus with Lucy Gray if Jessup refused you.
But Lucy Gray refused the boy who protected her to go hungry. She pushed the food into his hands like a mother would to her child.
"You think I can’t hear your stomach growling, Jessup Diggs?"
He looked between the food, his friend, and you a good number of times before he surrendered to his growling stomach.
Satisfied, Lucy Gray turned back to Coriolanus and seemed to settle in across from him. You doubted Jessup recreate the friendly posture, but you sat down a bit further down from Coryo. She wasn't much further from Arachne, who seemed to be playing a torturous game with her tribute, Brandy.
Your face contorted in disgust at her actions. The girl was going to already struggle, what is the need to play with her hunger?
"You sure you don't want to play with me first?" You turned your head from the perusing scene to the new voice. In front of you stood Jessup Diggs. He stood there, analyzing you as if you were a puzzle that had no connecting pieces. Your eyes moved down the concrete you sat on as you let out a soft, sad laugh.
"Already bad enough I'm not in there with you. Don't need to rub it in any further."
He squinted his eyes down at you. Every statement that has come out of your mouth has only served to confuse him more. From your very first meeting, the truck, earlier when you were in the cage, and now. Arachne's moves and character were what he expected when he was traveling to the Capital. But you and Coriolanus (and a recent brunette curly-haired boy on the far end of the zoo) were the anomalies. Lucy Gray told him to accept your help as she would her mentors, which was reasonable enough.
But why did it seem like she actually trusted you two? Sure, you jumped in with them, but it seemed for more personal gain than their tribute's benefit.
You looked back up to a questioning Jessup. He didn't understand what you meant that you should be in there with him.
"What's the difference between us? I happened to be born in the right place, I guess."
Your nonchalance intrigued him more than it brought fear. You may be just putting up a facade to make him trust you, but what would be the point? He was gonna die soon enough.
Jessup, much to your surprise, sat across from you as he gobbled down the food. He noticed you looking down and eyed you suspiciously. You just lightly smiled and promised to get him more if he would accept. He turned his head from side to side in thought, which caused the left side of his neck to be exposed. A dark and deep mark appeared against his skin, which caused you to have an instinct to reach out and help.
However, your sudden movement towards his neck caused him to back up rapidly. The action caused Lucy Gray and Coryo to look over in fright. But neither of you looked back as you stared at him apologetically while he eyed you again.
"Sorry, I just noticed and worried me."
You mumbled it quietly, which was oddly enough, reassuring to Jessup. He did see the worry appear in your facial features. The emotion was too deep and genuine to be faked. He slowly got back to his original position.
You kept your hands to your sides as you looked over his wound. Your eyes moved from his neck to his deep brown eyes.
"It looks new. Can I ask what it's from? I may be able to get some medication."
Jessup wondered how much was available to you at just a snap of a finger. Were you the type of person to do that? His assumption of the Capital made him believe so, but your personal actions proved otherwise. Especially your little stunt with Coral.
"Bat bite. Got it when covering for Lucy Gray. Rather me than her."
Your eyes went from warning to a softened glow. He didn't like the feeling of trust building
"I don't want medication though. I want to go out my way."
You couldn't help but smile at his conviction. If he didn't get medication, there was no way he would be able to survive. But that didn't seem to bother him.
"Jessup, if it's from a wild bat, there is a likely chance you can get rabies. Are you sure? It does wild things to those infected."
The effects of it bothered Jessup slightly. He didn't want to die as a deranged man he couldn't recognize, but he didn't want to give the people who took everything from him the satisfaction of his death. He shook his head in assurance, and you were ready to drop it when a thought sprang through your mind.
"I am willing to drop it, but please, be completely sure if this is what you want. Do you have family back home who need you?"
The mention of his family made him clench his teeth, and you were sure you messed up. You were quick to apologize, but that didn't erase the pounding thoughts of the boy's family.
"The only thing they need me for is to clean their gravestones."
Your gaze was sympathetic, but you turned it away. You knew what it felt to be looked at like a kicked puppy after people learned of your mother's passing. You were sure a man like Jessup wouldn't be very fond of pity.
"He looked a lot like you."
Your head went through whiplash due to the speed you turned to the boy. Your eyes were now the analyzing and questioning ones. You motioned for him to continue; to make sense of his statement.
"The boy who killed my family. He couldn't be any older than me, sixteenish. He had your eyes."
Your breath seemed to speed up as it dawned on you what he could be saying. That sweet little Otto was capable of murdering an entire family. Then again, what would he think of your actions in the war? Jessup took in your reaction as he cautiously continued.
"Don't think he don'it before. Kept looking back and forth between my pops and brother. Like he was begging them to change back time."
You were no longer looking at the talking boy, but it was clear you were hanging onto every word. Your eyes fluttered around as you tried to make sense of the new knowledge.
"He had reason if that makes you feel better. They were rebels and took out a good number of Capital forces. Just those two on their own."
He didn't hide his proud smile as he didn't even realize it appeared for a few moments. When he did, he was ready to see you storming off, glare knives into him, or plan ways to make him and his fellow tributes suffer. But you were just looking at him, a sad smile on your lips. You couldn't blame his smile. It was his family succeeding in their beliefs, no matter how it pained you. It wasn't as if you were sentenced to a bloodbath as your final moments.
The lack of aggression you presented allowed for Jessup to precede.
"They stood proudly as they were accused of their crimes. He gave them a chance, but they didn't say a peep. The boy with your eyes was shaky as he raised the gun. My momma couldn't hold back and ran into the gunfire. In just three seconds, my entire family erased. Glad they didn't shoot into the floor."
His face shifted from pride to bitterness to a hollowed smile.
"Always check the floorboards of twelve. Never know what you find."
You wanted to pipe up when you heard the disgruntled grunts of Brandy and the mocking laugh of Arachne. It had paused for the majority of your conversation with Jessup because Arachne was busy being interviewed by Lucky Flickerman. Though now she was back, her little game was resumed.
It burned your blood at seeing her cruel game. No one would ever describe Arachne as nice, but she would never stoop this low. Unless they were the district, apparently. You quickly muttered an apology to Jessup as you got up and walked unamusedly to the red-haired girl. Your hand swiftly snatched the glass bottle before it disappearedinto the bar to tease the starving girl again. Arachne looked up to the intruder, and a deep scowl appeared when she saw your face. Behind you, the sun was bright, as if casting a halo down on you. Oh, how fitting for little miss perfect, the sour girl thought.
You turned to Brandy and gave her a warm smile as you gently laid the bottle down next to her. Her eyes narrowed at your act and were glazed over in dehydration. The girl's hands were lightning as they snatched the drink and gulped it down as fast as was possible.
You left the tribute to her drink as you were met with the nasty stare of Arachne Crane.
"Feel proud of yourself for making her suffer even more? I mean, come on, Arachne!"
You huffed at her, irritated at her childlike behavior. Your back was turned as you began walking back to your own tribute when her voice sneered.
"Wonder what dear old Otto would think of you taking care of the same animals that chopped him up into tiny little—"
At the sound of your brother's name, you had turned back, and as she continued, so did your strides. But it was the sound of glass shattering that made you jump into action.
Physically jump as you pushed Arachne out of the way of the oncoming bottle. Brandy had a clear shot to the front of her mentor's throat but due to your speed and slightly turned position, it didn't hit her target. Instead, the broken bottle jammed itself within the side of your neck as your knees buckled on impact. You felt around the area as hot sticky blood poured all over your fingers.
Your hearing began getting muffled, but the gunshots were piercingly loud, as was the sound of your attacker's body hitting the ground. You saw red around you, unsure if it was one of your fellow students or even more blood.
Black dots began spotting your vision as you fought to keep them open upon the orders of someone. You weren't sure who, but whoever the saving angel was, they were doing everything to keep you conscious. No screams came out of your mouth, but warm salty streams across your cheeks, mixing in with the now pooling blood.
The lack of audible panic made your internal one settle slightly. Your mother surely screamed herself on the path of death as did your aunt Fiora. But then again, maybe your brother died without a squeak.
Your eyelids felt as if they were being welded shut against all your will power. You turned your head to the left, which was the side that hadn't been stabbed. The last thing you witnessed before you lost all reality was a head of pretty white hair with matching gorgeous blue orbs. His mouth kept on moving and forming words, but no sound pierced your ears.
You felt his hands around you, cradling your gushing neck. His hands looked as if permanently stained with red dye as he moved them around frantically. In such movements, his hands happened to fling your now apparent rings in front of your view. The two golden ones on the outside seemed mostly clear if the blood overtook her. That accursed silver of a thousand snowflakes glistened under the sunlight. As much as a ring being drowned in blood could.
Your eyes flickered from the bloody snowflakes up to the eyes of a bloodless Coriolanus Snow. A Coriolanus Snow who begged you to open up your eyes. Who attempted to will it into existence before he was pulled off by peacekeepers. Your body was hastily put on a stretcher and sent straight to the Capital hospital.
Not a single blink occurred from the blue frozen eyes of the Snow heir. How is it that it was only this morning when you were on the other side of the cage? Safer on that side.
Snow was on the verge of a breakdown. One of anger and of fear. He was only mere feet away. Only a few feet away and you still might lose your life because he wasn't careful. A promise was sworn internally within that calculated boy that day.
Never again will you be choking on your blood while he stood aside with nothing happening. You were not going to suffer the same bloody fate as your mother. You would not suffer. He swore the vow repeatedly as he rushed through the streets to meet your unconscious body. The world can take his money, parents, even the Plinth Prize. He would refuse to give it anymore.
He would not give up on you.
He would not give you up.
A/N: so sorry for it being so long! Not very carefully read I'm so sleepy I'm seeing things help. Pls lmk your thoughts. Much love !!
@notyourwildestdream 🌹@darktrashsoulbear🌹@fantasylovestoryme 🌹@nekee-lilac02 🌹@a-avengerparker 🌹 @queenofshinigamis 🌹@darlingisntit 🌹
As If Destiny (part nine) 🌹

Part Eight 🌹
A/N: This is shorter than my last few chapters sorry!! I have gotten used to a post schedule and I hope this is good enough yall please don't send snakes after me. I love you guys and hope you like this it's 5 am help. ALSO! PLAYLIST HAS BEEN CREATED! Link here and on masterlist. Ofc you don't have to listen, just for funsies :)
Your senses were awake before your mind was. You could hear the beeping of some sort of machine. Your nerves were on fire and alive. The taste of copper blood was very present on your tongue. Your entire upper body felt sore and stiff. Stiffness that also seemed to wax your eyes shut. They were shut as if with staples, which made your heart drop to your stomach in fear. The possibility made you attempt to open them with even more force, though the attempt was futile.
But the sound of aggressive words, bordering on rage-filled yells, made your eyes shoot open. A part of it was the intensity of the sound, but more so were the voices. You couldn't make out the words, but the tone was more than enough.
As you looked around, you realized you were in a dim hospital room. The lighting was warm, as was the bed you occupied. There were no other patients, but multiple seats surrounded your bed. The TV in front of your bed was turned off, and no nurses were around, but you could see a few in the hallway through a long horizontal window. The same window that gave the loud voices faces. Two faces you knew very well: Sejanus and your father.
Your brain still felt like mush, but even if it was at its normal functional levels, you doubted you could have made sense of the situation. First of all, you haven't seen your father in weeks. Well, technically, you did yesterday, the day of the Reaping, even if only for a few moments. Was it only yesterday? How long have you been knocked out? You tried squirming around to find some sort of clock or a window to see the time of day.
Your efforts were of no avail, although your movements knocked off a tray that you didn't notice laid at the end of the hospital bed. A tray that had glass on it because, of course it did. The sudden commotion alerted not only the still shouting men but a number of nurses who rushed through the door. The shattering sound pierced your ears and kept on ringing as an onslaught of voices attacked your eardrums. You couldn't keep track of the flurry of movement. Nurses were cleaning up the mess, others checking your vitals and doing tests. One forced some water down your scratchy and dry throat, much to your relief.
Sejanus stood by the door, watching and waiting to finally approach you. He was soon joined by your father, who was forced away as he kept on interrupting the nurse's tasks. A few minutes and a bunch of vital checks later, the group left, and your father practically ran to your bedside. Question after question was asked with no break for you to actually answer.
"What do you need? More water? Food? Please, what do you need?"
His voice was on the verge of breaking. You examined your father for a moment. How much of his worry was genuine for your well-being? Was he just seeing his late wife in your place?
You opened your mouth, but no words came out. Your throat was too dry, but you kept on trying and trying. One glass of water later and only a fraction of your vocal power came back. Something came out, though it was so mumbled and scratchy; your father urged you to repeat it. But Sejanus knew what you were asking for.
Who you were asking for.
Your father physically flinched at your first thought. You just suffered a physical attack, and all you care is about pathetic Snow? You shut your eyes after you spoke, the pain in your throat being too much to bear. Though, they snapped open at the sound of a chair scraping the floor and falling back at the force used.
You watched as your father paced back and forth, clearly trying to hold back some anger. Sejanus made eye contact with you, and the compassion on his face gave you some comfort. He mouthed the word "later" to calm any of your questions.
Any sort of calm given by your friend was scrapped by your father's declaration. The tilt of your head was enough of a translation of your confusion for an elaboration.
"No more 'Coryo'. "
He practically gagged at the nickname, which made you cringe in return. Your father was never a violent or aggressive man and this side of him was not one you wanted to get used to.
"Nothing good ever comes from dealing with Snows. You think he is so pure? If he is anything like his father, his pure white image will be covered in blood."
You wanted to scream but didn't have the physical capability. Thankfully, Sejanus didn't leave the widower's statement unchallenged.
"He isn't like his father. What is so wrong with all you adults? You force children into the footsteps of their parents! Maybe instead of blaming the sins of his father, realize what Coriolanus did for your daughter!"
You wondered how much Sejanus had to deal with when you were unconscious. His appearance was messy and tired. Did he ever leave the hospital since he came? Your question on how long you've been here has still been unanswered.
After Sejanus's argument, your father looked to you. Rage and offense were clear in his orbs. His stare was enough to make a man of good standing cower. But you no longer cared for his opinion, insensible fears, and blind hatred.
"Why are you even here?"
You managed to rasp out and gather enough energy to sit up, never breaking eye contact. The intensity of his emotions didn't waver, but annoyance was added to the list.
"You are my daughter and got hurt by those savages. Where else would I be? What kind of father would I be if I was anywhere else?"
His answer made the two teenagers in the room scoff and roll their eyes. Sejanus for his description of the districts and you for his hypocrisy.
"You wouldn't be a father. Or at least not worthy of the title. Which you aren't, dear dad."
The step the older man took might as well have shaken the floor with the amount of fury radiating off of him. It was enough to make Sejanus panic and rush to your bedside but was halted by the motion of your hand. Whatever was to be done or said, you were willing to take it. It would only give your argument even more credibility.
"What did you say to me, girl?"
What happened to you, Dad? Where did your love-filled gazes go? Your thoughts only heightened your emotions, and you couldn't hold back, even with your breaking voice.
"I said you aren't worthy of being called my father. A father is there for their child even when the mother isn't there! You lost the love of your life, you think I don't know that? Instead of grieving and rebuilding together, YOU LEFT! Did I only mean something when mom was there?! Did you only tolerate me because I was a copy of your wife? Is the image too painful for you now? Would you have treated Otto like this? You loved him, why don't you love me the same?"
Your eyes flooded with tears as your face reddened. You weren't thinking as you shouted, but if you did, you would have thought that the tears would give your father pause. But it seemed any sympathy or piece of the parent you loved so much was gone. Dead. The man in front of you was as cold as the metal rings on your neck. Rings harshly pulled to force your eyes to look at him.
The pain was burning you, and it felt as if you were being stabbed by a thousand miniature knives all over.
"Listen to me now, dear. You think these rings give you any strength? Want to know why I loved your brother so much? He stepped up. He faced whatever came to him, no matter how bad. But you? You are a coward. You left far before I did. Your own mother was dying, and you never gave her the time of day! Were you so ashamed of her? The love of my life only asked for you, and you couldn't even look in her eyes! She gave you her eyes! She gave you life and love, none of which you seem grateful for. Only looking for it in people who are incapable of it. You ever speak either of their names in vain, I promise you, girl, I will—"
"You finish that threat, and I will finish one of my own."
In your struggle to get your father's hands off of the necklace, you didn't hear anyone enter. But you didn't need to look up to recognize the voice. Even though it was laced with more malice than you could have ever thought possible for an eighteen-year-old, the voice of Coriolanus Snow was always recognizable to you.
His fair-skinned hand covered the wrist of your father, whose grip began slipping on your necklace. You couldn't see much from your angle, but it looked like Coryo's thumb was firmly pressed into a specific spot between the other man's wrist. It only took a few more seconds of sharp pain for the harsh grip pulling you forward to be released.
Due to the force the grip held, when it was released, your head flew backward. But Sejanus, who moved to the other side of you without your notice, was quick to catch your head before any impact. You thanked him with a grateful smile, which he returned. You both turned back to the scene before you.
Coryo was standing above your father, the only other man who might despise him as much as Dean Highbottom. He looked disheveled and exhausted, but the air of authority surrounding him made his appearance look respectable. His lip was curled in disgust, and his hand kept on tightening and releasing. As the seconds passed, it felt as if time slowed just to agonize you. The possibility of the young heir of Snow beating up Tyre Vaun was becoming more likely. But he wouldn't do that. No, he wouldn't. He wouldn't, right?
“I don’t think your presence is welcomed here anymore.”
Coryo’s voice was tight and sharp; he really couldn’t stand another moment with a man who threatened his only daughter. In response, the unwelcomed man laughed mockingly. He got up from his spot by your bed and looked around at the three teens in front of his eyes. A dark-haired boy, whose stretched-out curls represented his patience at this point; a girl with a bandaged neck and sullen eyes that reflected her heart at what has become of her family. And of course, the ever-tall and proud blonde who, unlike his companions, is not in the mood for calm action in the slightest. Coriolanus made a vow, and no matter how far he may have to stretch his morals, he will not break that vow.
"Well, look at this. You think you are all so grown up? You are just pampered children. When you watch the games, watch carefully. That's the real world. And well, y/n, you are old enough for the real world now, aren’t you? You want to be a Snow so bad. Knock yourself out. But when you come crying back, don't expect sympathy."
"If you come back. The Snows are known to be quite possessive and strangling.”
And with that chilling statement, he walked straight out the door, shaking his head like a madman. Your eyes were glued to the door frame even as the vision blurred with your tears. You didn't know what to think. It felt as if you were being torn from the inside out, and all you could do is accept the drops streaming down your cheek. All track of time was lost, even more so than before, as your world crumbled.
However, the hospital bed eventually dipped as you were pulled into a pair of arms. Considering the direction in which the arms came, you knew it was Coryo. Well, that and, of course, the smell.
Roses overtook your senses as you calmed down and snuggled into the embrace. Your eyes closed, and your breathing softened while Coryo’s fingers brushed through your locks. As his fingers drifted through your hair, you began drifting off into some much-needed sleep.
Sejanus left soon after Coryo began comforting you, promising to return with some food for the group. The sight upon returning gave him pause in the door frame.
You were curled up in the blonde’s arms while his head laid upon yours, nose stuffed within your hair. It seemed the smell of vanilla calmed him as much, if not more, than the smell of roses did you. The mutual friend worried he was interrupting a sweet moment, no matter how lost he was on it.
Eventually, the weight of the trays within his hands reminded him of his original task. He cleared his throat quietly as he reentered the hospital room. That notified Coriolanus of the other boy’s presence, but he made no move to change his own. No matter how naive Sejanus might be and outspoken, Coriolanus could trust him. If there was one thing about Sejanus Plinth, it was that he was loyal. To Coriolanus Snow and most certainly you.
Sejanus offered a tray of a delicious-smelling soup and rice with a side of bread and dessert to Coryo. He kept one for himself and put the remaining tray on the table next to your bed. Coriolanus rearranged the position you and him were in so he could eat the dinner he desperately needed. He removed the arm that was around your waist which smotherd you impossibly closer to him.
Instead, the boy moved your head to rest on his shoulder. Once ensuring you were comfortably in slumber still, he began digging in. The first few minutes were filled with a comfortable silence between the two boys. Sejanus wasn't sure how much of the situation Coriolanus knows or saw and wasn't even sure where to start. There may even have been parts Sejanus himself didn't see.
When he arrived at the hospital, he wasn’t even allowed to see you as you were in surgery. The woman with hazel eyes and pretty freckles at the front desk informed the distraught boy that it would be a couple of hours before he could even see you. So he decided to go home for the time being and seek comfort in his ma.
But as he began walking out, a very furious Coriolanus Snow shoved past him. Sejanus wished to call out to his friend but it was quite clear, to Sejanus and all those who moved out of the blonde’s way, that he was not to be trifled with at the moment. Considering all the nasty statements your father spit out about Coriolanus and his family, Sejanus very quickly connected the pieces.
Mr. Vaun must have clearly kicked Snow out, not even giving him a chance to see you.
“What a piece of work. No wonder why him and my father get along so well.”
The sudden break in silence made Coryo laugh as he broke apart the bread. Sejanus, along with you, have spoken in detail of Starbo Plinth’s harsh and emotionless character. He liked you well enough, but you assumed it was because you were “Capital enough”.
“He wasn’t always like that. You know, I used to even wish for him to be my dad. He used to always make sure I was comfortable and laughing. Losing your wife is never easy, but he purposely cut off his daughter.”
“And he calls her a coward.”
The scoff was evident in the young star mentor. You confessed to him all your regrets on one of the many nights you spent at the Snow’s. He knew how much it plagued your mind and to hear it used against you broke any further restraint he had.
“Just kept on blabbering how the districts are filled with barbaric animals. Even though y/n wouldn’t even be here if Arachane had a shred of humanity.”
The statement was uttered through clenched teeth. The girl from ten would still have had a chance to live, no matter how brutal and inhumane that chance was, if she wasn't provoked by her own mentor. The thought of all the chaos Archane caused Sejanus’s blood boil.
“Did anyone else come to visit?”
Coriolanus’s voice broke the musing teen out of his thoughts. Coryo had already finished his food, and Sejanus offered his plate, no longer having an appetite. He didn’t know about his friend's financial situation although he saw the signs in his constant hunger and creatively sewn clothes. He never questioned or brought it up, just helping whenever he could. Coriolanus gratefully took the ever-needed food with a nod.
“Festus, Clemmensia, Lyssie, Felix, and Archane. Seems she has a heart somewhere. At least for her own ‘kind.’ Y/n was still knocked out, and they said they would come back. Probably will soon enough.”
Coryo nodded along and looked at the clock on the far wall outside the room, visible due to his angle through the window. 6:56 p.m.
It was still early enough for them to come, and the thought upset him slightly. He wishes to have more time with you. Alone (Sejanus doesn’t count).
Silence overtook the room once more as the two conversing teens settled back into their thoughts. Only the slight noise of your sheets rustling was heard as you moved to find a more comfortable position. Now that he was done with the second tray and the foreign feeling of being full overtaking his stomach, Coriolanus was able to shift.
He turned on his side and pulled you into his chest while wrapping his arms around you. Snuggling to your liking, you ceased to move. However, the quiet was interrupted again by soft laughter. Looking up from staring down at your sleeping form, blue eyes met crinkled brown ones in curiosity,
“So this is how I find out. I started putting the pieces together but was hoping one of you would fess up. Would have be a nice courtesy, you know.”
Sejanus finished off with a smile. When he first started noticing the small smiles that appeared on either of your lips when the other was brought up, he was confused more than anything. Then he felt weird. He would officially become the third wheel, for starters.
But eventually, his heart grew giddy for his two friends. Sejanus wanted you to be happy, and if you asked him, there was no other man in the capital as good as Coriolanus. Sure, he knew he had issues, but compared to the rest of their peers, he was a far better choice.
Said better choice was currently on fire and as red as humanly possible. This was clearly an odd position for him to be in if he saw you as “just a friend”; he knew that. But he didn't know there were signs prior. It made him feel vulnerable that his emotions were so easily deciphered, no matter if it was just Sejanus. It better have just been Sejanus.
“Is it that obvious?”
“Coryo, you are literally snuggling and smelling her hair.”
The prior thought of him being as red as humanly possible? A new record of blushing has occurred. Sejanus, however, was quick to comfort his called-out friend.
“She isn’t much better. She literally parades your ring around. And don't even try to play it off, we both know why she wears it.”
The smug smile on Coryo’s lips would be quite hard to wipe off as he looked back down to your sleeping form. And there it sat, a thousand glistening snowflakes dangling from your neck.
“She is asleep, right? I do not want to suddenly be sucker-punched.”
A deep chuckle came out of the young blue-eyed teen. There were so many nights of you coming over, especially in the early days; you often fell asleep while Coriolanus was finishing up some work. Coryo was eventually able to tell the signs when you were in deep sleep or just faking it to surprise him.
“She is out like a light. Her nose is fluttering. She only does that when she is in deep sleep.”
The words just came out while young Snow was distracted by your soft appearance in the dim lights. You looked so peaceful, as if you weren't in the hospital due to a bloody attack that could have killed you if only the bottle hit you a few meters to the left. When Coriolanus finally realized Sejanus never responded, he looked back up at a face-wide smirk.
“So you know how she sleeps, huh?”
The stuttering response made Sejanus laugh and grin while he walked over to grab the empty trays to throw out. On his way, he made sure to give his friend a pat on the back which only caused further discourse as Coryo tried to deny any of what Sejanus was trying to imply. His trek to the trash can, which was just by the door, wasn't far but gave him enough range to hear the hazel-eyed lady at the front desk.
“She is right down the hall, second door on the left. Just a warning, visiting hours are almost done, so hurry up.”
The hiccuped “thank you” by Clemensia was more than enough to make Sejanus jump to action. In haste, Sejanus informed the still snuggled boy of the upcoming visitors. Coriolanus jumped out of the bed in the blink of an eye and made sure his facade was in place when his peers came through the door.
“Oh, Coryo!”
Clemmie’s cracked voice flowed through the room as she gave him a teary-eyed hug. He gave her an awkward pat on the back. Festus was quick to peel the dark-haired girl off once seeing the uncomfortable look in Coriolanus’s eyes.
Festus led Clemensia to a nearby chair and sat beside her. But Arachane, held back by the door. It seems Felix and Lyssie were unable to visit. A suspicion confirmed by Clemmie as she was in a dazed state looking towards you. Sejanus didn’t wish to be in any room in which the three newcomers were in, but he knew they were your friends.
And they did care about you, one of the very small list of people. He and Coriolanus took turns in responding to the barrage of questions from Festus and Clemensia. Though Arachne never perked up, staying as still as stone. She drowned out the noise as she stared at your injured figure.
If the situation wasn't so morbid, she would have laughed. The ever-mighty girl who has always been little miss perfect got so injured by district scum. But it was little miss perfect who saved my life, Arachne had to defeat.
She wanted to poke fun at the situation. Mock Clemensia's tears. It was how she dealt with situations. Arachne became bitter and poisonous. But it was that same poison she spat at you moments before you nearly lost your life. She said words to hurt you because she wanted you to suffer, and you suffered. But not by her words, but because you jumped in to save her.
The red-haired girl hated it.
Maybe you should have just let her get hit.
With all the sudden voices, you began to stir. Your eyes opened far easier this time, much to your relief. It took a few blinks to take in the situation. Your first instinct was to feel around for Coryo, but you were quickly assured when you met his blue eyes. The small smile was muscle memory to the sight at this point.
You scanned the room and noticed the new visitors. You tried to respond to as many of Clemensia's questions and settle her panic, but it seemed the hysteria was going to stay for the rest of the night.
Although, as you were consoling the raven-haired beauty, you noticed Arachne’s stoic figure. Her eyes were hard and calculating, scanning over you repeatedly. You sighed heavily as you requested the rest of the group to leave you and Arachne for a few moments. They all seemed reluctant, especially Sejanus who heavily despised the girl. She was the reason you were here after all, or at least in Sejanus’s point of view.
The red head stood by the door even as all her peers glanced her way as they filed into the hallway. The position stayed for a few more seconds. Unwavering mask and crossed arms. You didn't waver under her gaze as you gestured to an empty seat by your hospital bed. With a sigh, she took heavy steps to your bedside.
Upon reaching the chair and settling, her prior scrutinizing glances were focused anywhere but you. As the time and silence went on, her tough demeanor began to crack. The silent sole tear streaming down her face stunned you. Of course, Arachne was human and had feelings, but her constant tough character makes one believe she is incapable of tears. As if it's scientifically impossible that the Arachne Crane sat here so timidly and was crying.
“I hate you. I hate you so much.”
Her declaration of hatred wasn't met with any similar response. No, in fact, you responded with giddy laughter. The vulnerable girl in front of you freaked you out slightly, so it was nice to know Arachne was still, well, her.
“How can you just laugh?!”
“What am I supposed to do exactly? Get upset?”
Your eyes were still sore, but that didn't stop your eyes from rolling. You stared back at the girl as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. She seemed to heavily disagree as she huffed and threw her arms in the air.
“YES! That's exactly what you should be doing! Get mad at me, tell me you hate me too! That I deserve to be in that hospital bed not you. That I deserved each and every cut because I’m just a monster, right?! I don't have tragedy after tragedy to hide behind like you do!”
Your eyes crinkled in confusion and lips curled in slight anger. Arachne’s tears had heavily accelerated at this point, streams of black painting her pink cheeks. She had stood up and began pacing back and forth, waiting for your response impatiently. Your head was pounding at this point with the amount of emotions you've had to deal with in such a short time. You should have just shut down the conversation before it turned into a full argument, but how could you?
“Hide behind tragedy? Do you think I want to do that? You really think I sit every night and thank my lucky stars that I have ‘excuses’ for my actions?! Grow up Arachne! Tragedy or not, we have to deal with the weight of our actions. Just because your neck isn't bleeding doesn't mean you don't have your scars. Watching me suffer is a greater punishment than if our spots were reversed.”
She stopped in front of your bed, looking more like a lost little girl than the cold calculating young woman you were accustomed to. She wanted you to get mad and have a reaction but she didn't expect this. Because you were right.
If Arachne got hit like you did, she would only have more fuel for hate for the districts. There wouldn't have been any lesson learned, and every fiber of her being would be used to make the districts suffer even more. Yet, you were the one who got hit. Not because you did anything but because Arachne did.
It felt like Arachne stabbed you herself. She didn't like many people and well you were one of the few exceptions, she also disliked you more than the others. When you got sent away in the ambulance, a small part of her hoped you would finally see the barbarity outside the Capital. That you would grow bitter and hateful like she had become.
Arachne Crane has long known of her jealousy of you, though she would never admit it. She hated that after everything you suffered, you still smiled. You were weak, tired, and covered up in gauze in a stale hospital room, but you still looked as if the sun shone only for you.
The universe had favorites, and you seemed to be the apple of its eye while Arachne could only watch while being devoured by the darkness. The stars still shined for you while she suffocated by the black matter.
“I am sorry though. About the Plinth Prize.”
Your voice was soft as you watched your friend shatter in her thoughts. Arachne may have done this to herself, but it still moved you that she lost her shot at something she has been working years for. She just rolled her still crying eyes and scoffed. The girl had long lost hope that she would win the prize when she saw the dazzling show you and Coryo pulled. You both were already the top contenders for the prize, and it angered her again that you both were so chummy. That you weren’t so cut-throat. Cut-throat.
Did you deserve your cut throat for one last task to win the prize?
“We both know it was never going to be me. My tribute would never have won, and she didn't have anything to offer to the audience.”
You were ready to argue with such a blatant statement about a girl who is now a cold body. But she cut you off with a swift change in subject.
“Shame, though. Dr. Gaul won't get to those proposals from her star mentor.”
The emotions and hysteria of the now smirking girl had ceased as she returned to her normal behavior. Behavior, no matter how sour, brought you some comfort. Arachne Crane was good competition if nothing else.
“Well, why not? I’m going to be here until I get released in the morning. Might as well get something done.”
You matched her smirk as you asked for her to bring some parchment and ink. In all honesty, you did forget the proposals. And well, you had a pretty good excuse, an attack and all; you knew that wouldn't matter to Dr. Gaul.
You didn't necessarily like her as she seemed too manic for your taste, but this was a great chance to put your name out there. Especially in the scientific world as you were heavily interested in going down a path in biology, something you had a real knack for. There were few people more important in that field in the Capital than Dr. Gaul. Being able to please, possibly impress her, would be a major accomplishment. And well, you might be able to sway some public opinion enough to give more chances to the “weaker” tributes.
Arachne grumbled as she handed you the desired items, but you ignored her. She took a seat beside you, settling in to watch you work. With a deep breath and dip of your pen, the bold words were written, dark as the punishment it presented.
Feedback always appreciated and hope you have a great day love:)
@notyourwildestdream 🌹@darktrashsoulbear🌹@fantasylovestoryme 🌹@nekee-lilac02 🌹@a-avengerparker 🌹 @queenofshinigamis 🌹@darlingisntit🌹 @scarletstarrs 🌹
As If Destiny (part nine.five)🌹

Part Nine🌹
A/N: YALL WE REACHED 100 FOLLOWERS (101 actually 💅) THANK YOU I CAN'T SAY ENOUGH THANK YOU I LOVE YOU ALL THANK YOU! Also how did I forget to write its been like two weeks s.o.s. okay now the story -> -> ->
The only sound in the room was the pen swiftly moving across the page, the shuffling of hospital staff outside, and your labored breathing. The screaming match between your father put some more strain on your already injured throat. Your eyes have been focused on the fresh proposals for the past twenty minutes as you honed in on the material.
Arachne has permanently settled down in the chair next to you, book in hand. Coryo and the others gave quick goodbyes - at the urge of the receptionist - few minutes prior, much to your disappointment. You expected for Arachne to begin to pack herself up, but no movement occurred. Even when she was reminded that visiting hours were done, she ignored the reminder with a flick of her hand.
You didn't know why she was so adamant to stay, but you weren't bothered. Why not let her stay?
Your constant writing has caused an ache to shoot through your hand as you rested the pen to shake it out. A sigh was let out as you realized you could benefit from a break. Not just from the writing; you really needed a break from reality after these past few months. The thought made you laugh lightly as you took in all the chaos that has surrounded you recently. You turned your head, which was laid against your fluffed pillows (Coryo could not leave you uncomfortable), towards Arachne.
The girl could feel your glance but kept her own zoned in on the red leather-bound book within her fair hands. You began zoning out on her features until her brow arched, clearly awaiting a statement of some kind. You cleared your scratchy throat slightly before addressing the stern red head.
"Why are you here, Ara?"
Her sharp-featured face was still lost within the text, but her eyes seemed to freeze at the mention of the nickname. It's been a long while since you've addressed her like that. It has been a long time since you've addressed her alone in general. Nowadays, your only interactions are in public, surrounded by your mutual friends. You've missed Arachne a great deal these past few years, though you always assumed they were unreciprocated feelings. A statement utterly untrue for the hotel heiress.
Arachne always felt a cold and unique sense of loneliness when she saw you in the hallways. Especially with Sejanus by your side. The boy's presence always made her feel less than. How could district-born scum make one of the Capital elite feel inferior? The question was a permanent marking in Arachne's brain; although, no matter how many times it plays, there is never an answer.
A suspicion is that he doesn't snark at you. He doesn't feel that pit of envy within every atom of his being. Sejanus doesn't feel like crying out in mania every time you succeed. The boy was a better person, friend, and other half than Arachne could ever be.
Instead of taking her feelings and reflecting, she could only translate them through snickers and alternative hallways taken when she spotted your smile.
The Crane girl wanted to scream, throw the glass cup next to your bed, and then collapse into your embrace. But all she could manage was a small smirk upon her colored lips.
"Are you kicking me out, Ace?"
A smile shone on your face at her reciprocation of nicknames. You've really missed these quiet moments with her. You turned completely on your side and got comfortable as you faced her.
"Just don't want you to get in trouble over me."
Your response got the teenager across from you to finally lower her book. She stared at you with mouth slightly agape in a curl of disbelief, a look matched with her eyes.
"You took a glass bottle to the neck to save me from trouble. You think I'm going to care about getting yelled at by some nurses?"
A huff of slight irritation moved through you as eye contact was enacted.
"When are you gonna give that up? You don't owe me your life!"
"Yes, I do! We both know that I'm only alive because of you!"
Her hands were moving frantically, expressing her distress over the situation. In contrast to her state, you seemed to have suddenly cooled and calmed as assumptions raced through your mind.
"So that's why you are staying? Because you're guilty?"
You meant for the words to be harsh as the implication hurt you, but it only came out broken and torn. Arachne noticed your abrupt shift of emotion as she reflected it. She shook her head slowly and rubbed her hands down her face in exhaustion.
"I'm staying because I care, okay! I'm staying because I'm frustrated and confused too! I insulted you and your family, and you still saved me. You didn't even hesitate! I still don't understand if you jumped in the way because it was me or you are always the hero."
You stayed silent throughout her confession, letting her vent through her pent-up feelings. Her rant had caused her to jump out of her seat in frustration, so as she slumped back into the old hospital chair, you processed. Not about why you saved your friend, but about the fact that she is telling you all the thoughts that haunted her. It took a few moments for you to conceive of an answer that will finally put the girl at ease.
"Arachne, I jumped in front of that bottle because I care. You may have given up on me long ago, but you will always be my first friend. I know you hate I'm friends with Sejanus and that I chose him over you and the rest. I know you think that I would favor him than you any day of the week, but that's just not true, Ara. You have no idea how many times I wish you would stop pretending to be so cold. We've been distance for so long that I don't know if it's even an act."
"I guess I took the stab for the little girl who swore to take one for me. Maybe I'm a fool and you will mock my blind actions, but I would rather die than live knowing I didn't protect little Ara."
The tears pouring out of the ambitious girl were not like those from earlier. They were not silent and shattering. No, these salty tears were rough and plentiful as she broke down. Her sobs filled the room as her body began shaking with the rough emotion. You wanted to run and envelop her in a hug, but you could barely move.
You compensated with an outstretched hand with some tissues to the sobbing girl. Her eyes cleared of the liquid enough to make out the tissues and your sympathetic smile. Her mind was too overcome with your sentiments, though her body was awake.
In a flash, Arachne jumped towards your arms and settled into your side on the hospital bed. The force of her leap was enough to cause a yelp from you as she slightly landed on your bandaged neck. She suddenly began muttering apologies to which you shushed as you comforted her. She continued on sobbing while you leaned your head on top of hers as your arms consoled her.
As she began to settle, your smile returned. Not only due to her calmness but because you made the right choice. You saved that little girl inside of Arachne. You saved her from permanent physical death and revived her from mental and emotional demise.
Ara's breathing slowed as she picked up the parchment pieces across your lap. You let her settle as she read over your proposals while you began to nod off.
A few minutes passed before you snapped back into awareness with the sound of nurses outside of your room. The noise also alerted the comfortable Arachne. In an instant, Arachne was begrudgingly out of the warm hospital bed and running across the room.
The nurses began walking into the room while your head was still plastered to the left as you watched Arachne Crane shove herself into a supply closet in the corner.
Even as the hospital staff began questioning your progress and checking up on you, the stupor was still heavy on you. They summed up your distracted answers to exhaustion and not the fact Miss Crane was making a whole lot of noise in the closet. She seemed to have bumped every bottle and container within the space and nearly fell out not once, but twice! It was a wonder how the staff didn't immediately find the girl.
The checkup passed quickly due to the entertainment provided by Ara's antics, and you were informed that you are cleared to leave by morning light.
A few moments after the door was closed and the nurses cleared the hallway, Arachne fell out of the closet along with a couple of brooms. She landed on her knees and hands - still clutching your proposals to Dr. Gaul.
When you both made eye contact, a burst of laughter was heard throughout the room. She moved back on her legs as she howled at the situation while you clutched your stomach.
You couldn't even say you've missed this because for the first time in your friendship with Arachne, you both felt like your age. Just two teenagers doing ridiculous shenanigans while breaking some rules.
Even with the context of the hospital, you considered this one of your most cherished memories.
The rest were moments with Sejanus, hugs of your mother, faded tickles with your brother, and lately: every second with Coriolanus.
When the laughter between you and Arachne finally subsided, she got up and moved to sit on the edge of your bed. She gave you another little chuckle as she handed the now crinkled and a little sweaty parchment.
"And you were worried these wouldn't be impressive, pfttt."
You smiled at her compliment - one of the only you've ever received from the snarky girl. One more quick read over and you set it down on the small bedside table. You focused your attention back to Arachne who now seemed a bit more nervous as she played with the end of her rouge skirt.
"So how exactly are you gonna sneak out of the Capital hospital?"
Her presence seemed a bit more shaky and timid as she avoided eye contact with you. Her nervous fidgeting seemed to increase as did your concern.
"Ara? Is everything okay?"
The brown-eyed girl took a hesitant breath before meeting your eyes.
"Would it be okay if I stayed here tonight? I just- I just don't want to leave you here alone."
You looked at her a bit skeptically at the reasoning. You doubted that was the full truth but you didn't wish to press. So you gave a sweet smile and a happy nod.
Whether your demeanor, answer, or a mix of both, Arachne relaxed. You expected her to move to sit in the chair next to your bed or maybe even settle in next to you. Though her mischievous smirk should have given you a warning.
The girl settled in at the end of your bed before kicking off her pretty shoes and before you could react, her socks.
Her laugh was bouncing off the walls as you tried to protect yourself from her painted toes. After enough torture of flinging her feet next at you, she settled in on the bed.
"You know you could just lay next to me right?"
She just laughed as she wiggled her toes next to your head as she moved her gaze up to the ceiling. Arachne was, for the first time, truly happy. More than happy.
Arachne Crane was giddy and childish. Since your blood started spurting from the glass impact, she was sure she wouldn't fall asleep at night. Likely for a while, but here she is.
Arachne wasn't very sleepy but she was sure it was possible now that she knew you were alive. You didn't hate her like she thought you would - well should. Of all the unexpected events today, Arachne would rank your rekindling and strengthen friendship to be the most surprising.
Your eyelids began drooping, and vision began darkening. The last thing you saw was a very cheery Arachne who couldn't seem to stop smiling up at the ceiling, completely lost in reminiscence.
and this should have been the rest of the chapter if i didn't accidentally post this before it was done 😔 part 10.5 will be up soon hopefully!
PART TEN OF AS IF DESTINY WASN"T FINISHED YET!! It somehow posted I SWEAR THAT WASNT NOT THE INTENDED STOPPING POINT! I will not be deleting it but will be posting the rest as 10.5! I'm so so so sorry again!!
As If Destiny (part ten) 🌹

Part 9.5🌹
a/n: the fact that i can keep finding gifs of this fine fine man.
love to you and even more love to you.
warnings: it's the hunger games universe. you know what you are getting into.
3:02 A.M
3:03 A.M
3:04 A.M
Coriolanus Snow was immobile as he watched the time pass on the cracked clock along the wall. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight so he didn't even attempt it. Even as he closed his eyes due to the pounding migraine in his head, all he saw was you.
Your falling form, shaky hands, empty eyes. Silent mouth.
Not a single scream was heard from you when you got hit.
That was probably what haunted Snow the most. Your tragedy was silent. Life was slipping out of your being with no noise.
He sighed as he rubbed his eyes in frustration. He has been in the constant loop of falling into a rabbit hole of you, fighting to get out, then falling straight back in. This torture cycle has been going on for hours and wouldn't cease until he finally got to see you again.
When Coryo made it home, he fell straight into Tigris's arms. There was no need for him to explain what occurred as news spread like wildfire across the Capital. He always hated the speed of gossip across the city but was thankful for this one instance only because Tigris already knew what to do. She comforted her younger cousin and didn't pester him with questions but made sure he wasn't too lost in his head.
That's how they spent their entire evening until it hit midnight. The older Snow cousin could barely keep her eyes awake but swore she would stay by Coryo's side. Although, with enough reassurance that he would be fine and exhaustion overcoming her body, she finally relented to her small room.
While Coriolanus was glad Tigris was getting some well-earned sleep, he most definitely lied.
He was not fine.
3:11 A.M
He looked down at his desk where his own ideas for the Games lay. He had written them, revised, wrote some more, and revised even more. It was the only thing that got his mind off of your massacred form. If he edited anymore, he was sure to ruin the proposals.
The adolescent's blue eyes moved from the pages to stare out the window you loved so much. Those blossoming trees didn't sway as they usually did. Even they seemed disappointed at your disappearance.
While the flowering trees did remind him yet again of you, they also sprung an idea. It definitely wasn't the most intelligent idea and especially not the safest, but any reservations had to settle down as the Capital Zoo gates came into view. Why he was here? Even Coryo couldn't answer that but he figured it would be as good of a distraction as any.
The sweat piling on his palms seemed to be the only sign of reason within his being as he inched closer and closer. Not even twenty-four hours ago, a murder was attempted. On someone just like him. And someone got hurt. You got hurt.
He sighed as he was now only mere feet away from the gates. Coryo wondered if you would be upset at him being here. Would you think he is foolish or would you have faith in Lucy Gray?
There wasn't much lighting around the zoo but it wasn't necessary; Coriolanus could feel the eyes on him. The mentor could only pray that they were the brown eyes of the girl he was looking for.
"Lucy Gray?"
The hushed tone was hard to pick up on except if one was within a few meters of it. Whether the girl in question should be grateful she heard was still to be seen. Gently sliding Jessup's head off her shoulder, Lucy Gray creeped closer to the bars. Coriolanus waited a few moments before he opened his mouth to call out again. Though before any words were said, he was cut-off by a greeting from the singer herself.
He let out a breath when the girl presented herself, her appearance slightly shining under the dingy lighting. He brushed his hands through his now deflated curls. Lucy Gray waited patiently for him to form the words. Words he was unfamiliar with as he just spewed what was on his mind.
"I'm so sorry, I just- I couldn't sleep and thought you might be awake."
As soon as the words left his mouth, the blonde wished he could take them back. The reality of the situation hit him full force. Here he is interrupting what may be the last peaceful moments of this girl's life because he couldn't control his train of thought. He buried his face in his hands and stayed there until a small giggle was heard. He peered up to meet the soft smile of Lucy Gray.
"I thought mentors were supposed to take of us."
If it wasn't for her kind tone and sweet smile, Coriolanus would have been offended. He didn't know why he came to her, but a part of him trusted her. Or at least trusted she didn't have many people to tell.
His blue orbs watched her face deflate into one of worry as she walked closer.
"Is she okay?"
It was a quiet whisper burdened with concern. His trust was reaffirmed in Lucy Gray as he heard her concern for you. He nodded slowly while he opened his mouth to speak in a grave tone.
"She survived and will be released in a few hours. However, the cuts are aggressive "
Lucy Gray hung off of every word, genuinely concerned for your well-being. You were nothing but kind to her and Jessup. Not to mention you did try to help Brandy. The rest of the evening Lucy Gray kept on thinking about you and your actions.
Your kindness on the station, intimidating aura in the van, and quiet talk with Jessup in the zoo. The talk he didn't go much into detail about, still unsure of what to make of it. Lucy Gray didn't wish harm on anyone who has never personally harmed her and even though the redhead who mocked her own tribute was clearly cruel, she didn't believe she deserved death. When it all happened, the singer was shocked into stillness as she saw the murder attempt and was forced into movement when she saw your neck covered in blood.
After the incident and Brandy's corpse being carried out, the zoo was nearly empty of all visitors. The tributes mostly kept to themselves or their fellow district pair. Lucy Gray often thought of her family, the Covey, especially Maude Ivory. But it wasn't long before she once again thought over why you took the hit instead of the snarling girl.
The mentor didn't seem very happy with you and was insulting not only you, but someone clearly important to you. Lucy Gray has been around enough nasty folks to know that they always choose words carefully. Lucy Gray knew very little about you but even she could tell that whoever Otto was, he shouldn't have been mentioned.
The girl sighed herself as looked at the exhausted boy in front of her. The affection between you two was quite clear and it made her a bit more accepting of the Capital citizenship. If one can love another, they must have some sort of humanity.
"I can see why you love her."
Coriolanus Snow choked on his saliva upon hearing the words. His eyes were bright with fear and shock. The boy never even admitted that to himself and well he knew his feelings were strong, the word "love" was never used. Lucy Gray began internally panicking at seeing the boy's silence.
"You do love her right?"
Coryo's eyes scrunched slightly as he analyzed the soft tone used. Analyzed her question. In all his analysis, no answer provided itself.
"Is this what love feels like?"
He was eerily quiet; words spoken at a volume, it sounded like it would break. The question of her mentor made her relax and give a little laugh.
"Oh, you poor suffering soul!"
She teased lightly. Twelve hours ago, this situation wouldn't even be in either teenagers' wildest imagination. Yet here they stood, one lost in love-struck daze and the other in a satisfied companionship. Lucy Gray was behind bars, counting down the hours she had left in her life, but she wasn't too focused on that fact for the moment. The poster boy of the prestigious Capital stood completely vulnerable in front of her in the dead hours of the night.
These might be her last days of her young life, but Lucy Gray feels an odd sense of gratitude. She hates that she, along with the rest of the innocent tributes, are forced to massacre one another. Her blood boils at the thought that the Games are allowed and even encouraged. But she is grateful for Coriolanus.
Lucy Gray is still unsure why he came to her, but the action made her heart swell. Coriolanus didn't just see her as a tribute, or worse, just a pawn in the game to win the prize. She knew that was part of his motivations in his care for her, but in this quiet moment with no cameras, Coriolanus Snow sees her as a friend. A confidant in the silence of the city of whispers.
Her smile slightly deflated as she thought of her own run with love.
"You know, whatever happens in that arena, thank you. If for nothing more than showing me at least one man knows how to love in this world."
Coryo's stupor evaporated as the Reaping replayed in his head. Oh.
"That boy? He-"
"Didn't know how to love the girl who loved him. Got too greedy."
Lucy Gray's snarl was apparent as she thought over the boy and his affair who sent her here. Her heart was already broken, why did she also have it to be physically stabbed?
Coryo could start feeling his own anger building at the thought of Lucy Gray being hurt. She was incredibly sweet, even surrounded by her future killers. He didn't understand it, but it creates a feeling of protectiveness to surge through the curly head. At the human-to-human level, not mentor and tribute.
He wondered if he would be used to this protectiveness if his sister survived. His mother would love Lucy Gray, if nothing more than her charismatic personality.
"The girl who you sent the snake on?"
"Daughter of the mayor and the reason we are talking."
She sighed at the recollection that of all the people for Billy to break her heart with, it just had to be Mayfair.
The anger that was beginning to build up was now 100% ready to burst.
"What? She can't do that! The Reaping isn't for personal vendettas i-"
The words died on his tongue as the realization hit him aggressively.
Coriolanus was complaining about rules of sending innocent children into a blood bath. The hypocrisy of the Reaping being used for personal pleasure at others' pain is exactly what it was made for. The entirety of the Hunger Games was a sick lesson of victory in others' misery.
Lucy Gray watched the cogs turn in the blonde-haired head of the teenager across from her and was relieved to see the revelation of reality.
Her motivation for survival in the arena was already high so she can make it back to see the Covey again and watch out for Jessup. But another reason was added in those morning hours. Survive so she can take care of Coriolanus as he did for her. To ensure at least one love story ends happy.
The brunette tried to convince Coryo to go back home so many times throughout the hours he spent in front of the bars with her, but he refused. Even though he was mere feet from where he saw you collapse, his mind wasn't plagued by your unconscious eyes.
Instead, his lips kept on repeating the lively moments he shared with you to the curious Lucy Gray. He appreciated he got to brag about every little thing about you to someone who didn't have some other motive. Even with Tigris, she already knew every detail about you from the aforementioned bragging by her cousin, but she would still listen just to give him some comfort and a shoulder to lean on.
But Lucy Gray forced him to step out of his brooding and focus on that you were okay and made him more comfortable in the revelation of his love. Lucy Gray was thankful she didn't have to spend these days in the humiliating zoo as just an attraction or threat. Coriolanus made her still feel human and a friend. She knew how desperately he wanted to win and yet, not a word of strategy was mentioned. They had the meeting later in the day to discuss. Right now, they both just needed a friend.
After nearly running back to his decaying home upon seeing the sunlight appear, he changed in a flash. He got too lost into his youthful conversation with Lucy Gray that he nearly forgot of his responsibilities. One being not frightening Tigris at being gone for hours in the middle of the night.
Thankfully for him, Coryo made it through his bedroom door just as Tigris opened hers to get ready for the day. He got ready speedily and grabbed his proposals and neatly packed them away into his bag. Ensuring he had everything he needed, Coriolanus gave a quick kiss on the head to Tigris and sped towards the Capital hospital.
His stomach was grumbling heavily, and he could have benefited from grabbing a few leftover pieces from the breakfasts you always brought. Though he had to decide between sustenance and you.
Not a seconds hesitation.
Coriolanus walked through the pristine doors of the newly built hospital. The hospital was a part of the new reconstruction project for the Capital after the war. Life was finally getting back to normal.
With the infamous charming smile of his towards the receptionist, Coriolanus made his way through the sterile hallway. Upon reaching and subsequently opening the creaking door, Coryo was biting back a boyish laugh.
On the bed lay you, with your head was tilted on top of Arachne's as the forementioned girl curled into your side. Your eyes were awake but quite droopy as you attempted to fight off sleep. A fight you won swiftly as soon as you heard the voice you've been yearning to hear.
"Am I being replaced? Of all people Arachne? Didn't know you were into redheads, y/n."
His smirk was evident and more so as he walked over to your bedside. You turned your head to the left as you looked up to the tall boy with a soft smile playing on your lips.
"Can't be replaced if you were never in her place to begin with."
He mocked offense as Coryo retorted to your still sleepy voice.
"Are you upset that I gave you my bed instead of squishing us? I barely fit on my own, imagine the both of us!"
You already have imagined it actually. Multiple times.
Nothing graphic just a bit of snuggling and giving the smug blonde a good kick in the middle of the night while in deep dreams, of course.
"I just don't want you to be sleeping on the floor. It's cold, Coryo, and has to be awful for your back!"
Coryo knew you were right as the floor was extremely uncomfortable, but the feeling that you were mere arms width away gave him a level of comfort no mattress could provide. He only wished that you were in his arms rather than the distance of them.
"Such is the tragedy of being a gentleman."
He gave you a toothy grin as you laughed lightly, widening Coriolanus's smile even more. The young man got settled at the foot of your bed as he nodded questioningly towards the still sleeping Arachne.
You let out an amused laugh as your fingers began streaming through the now down red hair of the girl in question.
"Said she didn't want to leave me. I don't know why, but I'm not complaining. I've missed her and our friendship."
Coriolanus nodded along and gave no hint of what he was feeling inside. A feeling with the name of suspicion. He wasn't blind to her stares at you. They were icy and envious, or at least they pretended to be. One can't hide the longing for another, no matter how deep it's buried.
The blue stare of Coriolanus Snow moved across the room and landed upon the now crinkled parchment. He nodded in amazement with a proud smile.
"Gaul knows young promise, now doesn't she?"
You stretched forward just enough to smack his leg reprimandingly.
"Don't go getting a big head on me now, Coryo."
"Any bigger and we would have to calculate the surface area."
It seemed just a bit of rest was all that was needed for the notorious Arachne Crane snark to return. She quickly sat up, removed your hands gently, and patted herself up to perfection. As soon as she became presentable enough for public, a kind-looking nurse with honey eyes and light freckles entered.
Arachne froze for a second, fearing she was found out, though you had no fears. Due to her bright and rested attitude, the honey-eyed nurse was clearly working the day shift instead of the scoping night shifts. It only took a few moments and tests to reassure your release. You signed multiple papers that you didn't bother reading, and you were given the clear along with your still-stained academy uniform.
You fully intended on completing your mentor duties today and the following days but completely forgot about the state of your uniform. A quick scan to the clock showed that you didn't have time to go back to your apartment and get a clean spare. An apartment that you weren't even sure was yours anymore. It was most definitely not home.
However, your panicked thoughts must have been heard by your saving angel. An angel that came in the form of the familiar warm brown eyes and curly hair.
In his hands were a spare uniform for you (how he got it, you weren't going to waste the energy on questioning it) and a container filled with sweet treats sent from his ma clearly.
"Sejanus have I ever said how much I loved you?!"
He gave you a warm smile as he passed the clothes off and opened up the beautifully designed container. You quickly grabbed a few of your favorite sweet treats while the rest were offered to Coriolanus and a bit reluctantly, Arachne. The latter squinting at the treats in disgust. The food smelled delicious and looked even more delectable, but district hands still made them.
Though your clear enjoyment of the delicacies as well as the boys', who began quietly talking, Ara grabbed a small treat that has a red tint to it. The taste popped in her mouth and continued to as she fully enjoyed some of the best treats she has ever tried.
You laughed at her reaction and the flustered blush that appeared on the girl's cheeks caused a squint of distrust to frame Coriolanus's eyes and Sejanus's mouth to go agape.
"Since when did she sink her claws into y/n?"
Sejanus was concerned how you could so easily be friendly with the girl who was more than willing to let you die. At least in his eyes.
Coriolanus left the question out into the air as he focused on helping you out of bed, legs a bit shaky. He grabbed the rouge uniform and led you to the connected bathroom. A little interrogation was initiated as he tried to ensure your safety.
While you two were bickering back and forth about your ability to change on your own, an awkward silence firmly took place between Arachne and Sejanus. The brown-eyed boy unabashedly stared holes into the redheads face while she focused on your hospital gown-clad figure.
"Spread my thanks to your mother. She is a wonder with pastries."
Arachne's words were meek as she struggled to pull them out. Twenty-four hours ago, she would never have thought of complimenting district scum- no. Not district scum. District. Maybe scu- you wouldn't approve of that language. Arachne just got you back, she isn't going to lose you again.
A half-hour passes, and by then, you are fully dressed and walking up the stairs of the academy with Sejanus. Arachne had to rush back home to get her supplies and clean up while Coryo went to drop off both of your proposals to Dr. Gaul. Technically, proposals by three academy students, though you doubted Clemensia put a wink of effort. Especially in her state yesterday.
On a good day, she would be more than happy to let Coriolanus do all the work and take the credit. But in tears and wreck, she needed to leech to survive.
As you walked through the pristine institute, you heard the whispers and felt the hot gazes upon you. The patched-up wounds on your neck felt extra visible and painful as you weaved through the gawking crowds. They eventually settled as the guard dog of yours named Sejanus, gave them a stare to scare the teenagers into silence.
The pair of you moved into Heavensbee Hall, where multiple tables and chairs had been organized into a circular formation. On your way to the academy, Sejanus filled you in on today's events. An hour meeting with the tributes, a fifteen-minute tour of the arena following, and in the evening a presentation paired with an interview of each of the district tributes.
As soon as you stepped into the grand hall, you were enveloped by a pair of arms connected to a certain bead of raven hair.
"Clemmie!! I'm okay, don't worry!"
You were met with no verbal response but rather a rather harsh squeeze by the surprisingly strong girl.
"Okay, I'm not okay because you are actually crushing my body!!"
As you could finally breathe through your lungs, you quietly conversed with your worried friend. It was only after a few moments after that the tributes were brought in as if cattle; each in heavy chains that connected to their peers in front of them in the single file line.
The look in Clemensia's eyes was screaming at you to leave and protect yourself, but all it was met with was a tight-lipped smile. You were making your way to the designated desk for you and Jessup when your path was intercepted.
"Miss Vaun."
Dean Highbottom was not someone you wanted to deal with this early in the morning, especially when the only words coming out of his mouth were subtly crafted mocks and the only thing going in was morphling.
"Such a shame to hear of your incident."
Each word he uttered made you nauseous. His calculated tone was dripping with hidden motives. Casca Highbottom was playing games with you though you had no idea what they were nor why. Though a speculation was that it had something to do with a certain curly-haired blonde who was now walking in your direction with a scowl towards your dean.
"Ah, Mr. Snow, I was beginning to fear you had yet another show to present. It seems the mentors are more the spectacle than the tributes."
The smile Coriolanus gave the bitter man was tight, just like his patience. Dean Highbottom, satisfied with the emotion caused, called for all mentors to join their tributes at their tables as he addressed the room.
"In spite of yesterday’s tragic events, our president has decided that the Games must go on to show everyone the Capitol is unafraid of such acts of terror."
Your cheeks burned as you ducked your head while feeling Jessup's eyes stare at you. Well, everyone's eyes.
"To which end, Dr. Gaul wishes you to preview the arena this afternoon with your tributes. Later this evening, there will be a special televised presentation and interview of each tribute to our audience to get to know them."
You sighed slightly as it was clear that Dr. Gaul liked at least some of your ideas if she implemented the interview and some sort of presentation.
"You will have an hour to discuss strategy. You may begin."
You lifted your head back up to meet the dark brown eyes of Jessup Diggs. You smiled shyly, unsure of where to start. Though there was no need for worry as Jessup was the one to initiate the conversation.
"Those are some nasty cuts."
You, in stark contrast to the solemn room, laughed softly. The boy's tone wasn't harsh or arrogant at seeing your hurt, but rather blunt. It was better than hearing a voice filled with glee at seeing your scars.
"Well now we match, huh?"
You sat back in your chair, getting comfortable. You had an hour ahead of you and the discussion of strategy wasn't going to take long if Jessup was still insistent on not taking medicine. The dark-skinned boy matched your position while you prepared your thoughts.
"You sticking to no medicine?"
His eyes drew over your neck again, seeing how much it has healed due to the remedies. But you didn't have to be locked into an arena filled with killers. He got the bite due to his character and actions, that's how he wanted to die. Not because of scared teenagers who just wanted to go home to their mama.
His silence was an answer enough for you; an answer that didn't surprise you. Jessup was stubborn, and you would bet there were few topics he would be willing to change his mind on. Though, you could never have bet that his mind was starting to change in regards to the children of the Capitol. That not everyone was horrible.
"I can't get you out of the interviews or presentation, but you can keep silent. There is not much they can do to force you. However, if you have something you want to say, feel free."
You knew that his silence would ensure he would have no sponsors, but that didn't matter in his case. The district boy looked a bit taken aback by your last statement and what he could do with it.
"Anything? Isn't that a little dangerous?"
The brunette knew it wasn't dangerous for him as he was already sentenced to death, but what about you? He wasn't sure why he cared, but he did. You seem to try to save anyone you can, an odd trait for a Capitol resident, but true nonetheless. You didn't deserve to get hurt because of his rash actions.
"I can't control your actions, Jessup. You are your own person. Even while this whole situation doesn't have anything to do with you, there is still control you have."
He mulled over your words, and even though it sounded farfetched, it was true. Even a smile appeared on his face as he agreed: he did have control.
You were happy to see that smile and know that he recognized his freedom in the cage. The two of you were content as you sat back and turned simultaneously towards the other District 12 tribute and mentor pair.
Coriolanus and Lucy Gray were not the normal pair. Lucy Gray wasn't sitting quietly or glaring. Coriolanus wasn't sneering or arrogant. Their conversation, a wonder in itself, was mutual. Your heart pulled at the scene, wishing that it could be in different circumstances.
Your head turned back to look at your own tribute, whose head was still turned towards his friend. His eyes were covered in reminiscence and pleas. Pleas that she will survive. That is when an idea came to fruition.
"What if we made a deal?"
Jessup slowly turned his head towards you in apprehension and confusion. What more could you possibly expect from him?
"You do everything you can to stay in control in that arena. Fight off the disease as much as you can because your sanity will disappear. I've seen it firsthand; any piece of Jessup Diggs will be gone. You will become a danger to Lucy Gray. Don't let her eat or drink after you. You could spread it."
Jessup took in what you were saying and agreed but was still confused about what the deal was. What was in this for you?
"Take care of yourself and her in the arena and I will do my best outside of the arena to make sure Lucy Gray goes home."
His brown eyes squinted at you in wonder and uncertainty. You were sincere in your words, but Lucy Gray winning meant more than just her success, and Jessup knew that.
"Why? So your boyfriend can win and spend all the money he doesn't need on your Capitol luxury?"
Your previously relaxed facial expression melted into one of simmering anger. You thrashed your body forward and toned your voice down into a chilled whisper.
"One, he isn't my boyfriend. Two, looks can be deceiving. He desperately needs the money. I know it's hard to believe, but his family is starving, and his grandmother and cousin need him. That's why he works day and night, so don't you dare say he doesn't need the money. You don't know him."
Your tone was laced with venom, and Jessup quickly took the hint. His eyes raked over the fair-skinned boy, and he could see you were right.
He was tall, yes, but skinny. Even kids in twelve weren't that malnourished. Jessup turned back to you with a little smirk, which brought you a sense of unease.
"Very defensive of your 'not boyfriend'."
You opened and closed your mouth while the seeming permanent blush appeared once more. Your lack of defense brought a small joy to Jessup, a feeling he accepted he would never feel again when his name had been called. You took a deep breath before properly explaining your reasoning for your little deal.
"I'm doing this in part for Coriolanus, yes. I would be lying if I said I wasn't. Another part is for Lucy Gray. I've never met anyone like her, and I think that's a universal experience. If I can't save you, I will save her. I won't let your sacrifice be for nothing. We've taken enough from you."
There was silence for a few moments as Jessup processed. He believed you, maybe too easily, but he did. What he couldn't believe is that you were Capitol.
"Don't say that."
"Say what?"
" 'We'. You are not the same as the people who put us here. You aren't like the rest of the mentors."
Your eyes shined with a few tears of gratitude as you struck your hand out. You had a lopsided smile and a laugh as you uttered a singular word.
A nod and hidden smile were paired with a reciprocated action as your hands shook.
Hands still interlocked, the sound of Dean Highbottom's voice rang out.
"Snow. Dovecote. Vaun."
One last smile was sent toward Jessup as you stepped out and made your trek towards the infamous Dr. Gaul.
You were right.
Clemensia didn't even know the proposals were written. Well you did cherish your friend, you had to admit Coryo wad far kinder than you would have been if you were in his shoes.
Clemensia vouleentered for this and yet she couldn't make the effort? You didn't appreciate being her excuse when he own excuse was able to get the work done. This wasn't some school project. This was real life and possibly world changing. You hoped, for her sake, Clemensia knew what she got herself into.
The three of you walked into the expansive lab fillied with odd creatures in all sorts of liquids and devices. You watched Coryo walk over to one and tap on its glass as you examined it from afar. Out of thin air, the peculiar woman appeared, slightly startling you and Clemensia.
"The star burns as it is orbited. Flames lick across it's surface while those circulate it with no fear. Fire pours and the star glows!"
You take in the woman's odd words and look to Coryo to confirm she is talking about and your condition from yesterday. She did call you and Coryo stars so it wouldnt be too far fetched. Unlike the head Gamemaker.
"The sun gets orbited, not stars."
You hear Clemmie whisper into your left ear and you sighed.
"Clemmie, the sun is a star."
Dr. Gaul overhead your whispers as she sent a quizzical and nerve wrecking look towards your companion, causing the latter to slightly shiver.
"Come and see my new babies."
The sickly sweet tone of the Gamemaker certainly didn't settle Clemensia's shivers. Your concerned eyes connected with Coryo, who also seemed apprehensive at the offer.
You followed the graying woman to a circular glass tank containing a vast array of slithering colors. You let your hand slide across the glass, oddly satisfied as the snakes followed your fingers.
"Is there a point to the color?"
"There’s a point to everything, Ms. Dovecote, or to nothing at all. Which brings me neatly to your proposals."
You sucked in a breath as you realized you could easily be thrown into the snake tank. But she wouldn't do that if she hated your proposals right? She might.
"Miss Vaun, next time, ask for a hospital room with better lighting. Your handwriting was incredibly messy."
You turned your head slightly in confusion. Should you be happy that's the only she has issues with? Is this her way to get you distracted to easily throw you in with the reptiles without fight? You didn't expect praise but you didn't know what to make of her given comments. Though you were quick to learn you should be greatful for having notably bad hand writing.
"For you two, which one of you actually wrote it?"
Dr. Gaul turned her unnerving gaze upon your friends. You knew who wrote it, so did they, and it seemed like Dr. Gaul had an inkling.
"Well, there was-"
"I was inspired by Coriolanus yesterday, of course. His little betting idea. But the sponsorships and the gifts in the arena, those were all mine."
You stood there shell shocked as you saw the girl unabashedly take credit for work she didn't even give a word to. The betrayal evident on her supposed partners face as he questioned her.
The confusion between you and Coryo was not shared by Dr. Gaul as she was utterly unfazed.
"So it’s your sweaty handwriting on that page. Very impressive, Ms. Dovecote."
You watched as Clemensia proudly smiled at the woman's praises. Dr. Gaul's approval and audible pride in work was never a good sign. Oh how you wished Clemmie could have seen that.
"Unfortunately, my assistant mistook it for trash this morning and lined the shelf of this very terrarium with it. So, please, Ms. Dovecote, retrieve it for us, won’t you?"
All color of the already pale girls face was drained, a recation copied by both you and Coryo. Your brain ran through all the scenarios to get Clemensia our of there or what could have been if you just hadn't spoken up. None of Clemensia's actions were your fault but you couldn't help but step in.
"I can grab them, if that wouldn't be an issue."
A part of you wished you kept quite as the manically calculated eyes of Volumina Gaul met yours.
"Well they are Miss Dovecotes wonderfully inspired ideas. It is best for her to share it with us, isn't that right?"
You could do nothing but nod along, realizing there wouldn't be a way to get your dark haired friend out of this.
Dr. Gaul turned back to address Clemensia, who was clearly holding back screams of panic. A sight that brought a sick sense of satisfaction to the older woman.
"Don’t worry, my little predators are perfectly docile with those they can trust.
So if they’re used to your scent, if you’ve handled their food, for example, or if they’ve inhaled the sweat of your palm on a page, they’ll leave you alone."
The chilling woman curled closer to the panicking teen as she inhaled her fear.
"A new scent, however…
you’d be on your own, little girl."
That soft tone was quickly replaced with the ragged and stone cold demand.
"Retrieve it."
You felt yourself being held back by some force. You weren't running after her. You weren't jumping into the snake pit. You thought it was the fear holding you back, but you felt the familiar arms of Coriolanus Snow ensuring you weren't going to jump into danger yet again. Whether or not you both wanted to admit it, Clemensia got herself into this situation all on her own.
You held on his arms as you watched the mentor's hand go further and further down the pit of vemenous danger covered in an array of bright colors. The tips of her finger brushed against the page unharmed and a slight breath of relief, Clemensia reached fully for the paper.
The scream scratched against the deepest edges of your ears. Corners of your earlobes that haven't been touched since the death of your mother. Why is it that all those who you love have the scream?
"Clemmie, no! NO!"
When the girl jumped back in pain and shock, Coriolanus was quick to move you the way, accidently creating the clear path as she fell off of the slightly elevated platform. The gasped and clawed at her neck as you both rushed to her side, unsuccessful in finding a way to help your suffering Clemmie.
"You asked about the colors, Ms. Dovecote? I want my enemies to see a rainbow of destruction engulfing the world. I’m not above using spectacle to create a little terror."
You saw the vision but could care less as you desperately tried to comfort your friend.
Is this how you looked less than a day ago? Whipering in the floor while your neck is covered in evidence of an attack?
Some of Dr. Gaul’s assistants rushed over to take Clemensia away, having to push you away to do so. You wanted to run after her but was frozen once more by that sick voice.
"A strategy your classmate here articulated very well in his proposal."
The woman's fascinating eyes moved off of the now horrifyingly still form of Clemensia and back to you and Coriolanus.
"They’re good, your suggestions. The both of you. I’m going to recommend my team implement as many as possible tomorrow."
Coriolanus took the shock for the both of you as you were still focused on the now gone squirming figure of Clemensia Dovecote.
"Will she die?"
You didn't know what to expect exactly but of course, the reality of Dr. Gaul was even more appealing.
"The pleasure in breaking ground in one’s research is one gets to find out."
You shivered at her degradation of the girls struggle into a science experiment. You might have made a mistake mixing in with her, no matter the promise it held.
"You better keep Ms. Dovecote’s fate between us. I don’t think her mother would be happy to learn how she caught this sudden… flu."
You and Coryo shared yet another look as alarms rang in your eyes. Would you two be next if you were unsatisfactory?
Any fear picked up from either of you was ignored by the head Gamemaker as she sighed whisfully.
"Now run along, you have an arena to promote and it’s time for my milk and crackers."
The arena wasn't far from Dr. Gaul’s laboratory. Only a few streets away, in fact. The entire way was filled with silence between you and Coryo, but it doesn't mean there wasn't communication.
Coryo kept his arm around your waist as you laid your head on his shoulder. He knew what Clemensia's screams reminded you of. He saw the memories flash before your eyes and instinctively scanned Clemmies mouth for any blood. Snow tried to convince you not to go to the arena.
He could look around with both Lucy Gray and Jessup if you wished. But you refused. You wished to tell him of your deal, but you doubted Jessup would inform Lucy Gray, so it would only be fair if you kept quiet for now.
When the pair of you reached the arena, the rest of your classmates and tributes were lined up, waiting for you two. How they knew Clemensia wasn't coming, you weren't sure, but as soon as you and Coriolanus ran all the way to the front where District 12 was held, you began the walk-in.
Coryo was in front of you as you took shallow breaths while walking into the area where you knew only one of the 23 kids would walk out. Your focus was on the blonde curls and square shoulders of your Coryo. Your Coryo. This was a very bad timing for this very sudden thought to appear.
Thankfully, or not, the robotic female voice poured out of the speakers as Coriolanus and Lucy Gray crossed the gates.
"Enjoy the show!"
Of course, it had to say that.
"Enjoy the show!"
The voice continued to repeat itself as the rest of the pairs walked in, along with a few peacekeepers. You watched as Festus directed camera crews to focus on the still sneering Coral. Sneers that were being sent pointedly in your direction. You looked over to Jessup, who seemed to be slightly dazed.
The boy turned to you, and it took him a moment for recognition to flash before his eyes. You gulped as you realized that Jessup won't be able to keep his side of the offer for long. But you were determined to keep yours up until the end.
The thought made you turn to the girl you wished to protect. She looked scared and has full reason to. She turned to Coriolanus with pleading eyes. You took a breath and nodded to whatever her request was. She looked back around, still apprehensive. Coryo could have followed her gaze, but instead, he met yours.
In the very same place where half of the inhabitants of the space will be dead starting tomorrow, he looked so calm. He looked worried and was scheming in his brain when he was talking to Lucy Gray, but when he met your eyes? He looked so at peace. You could be imagining it, but that smile was so, so real.
A true and lovesick smile. A smile that grew with every second that you met his gorgeous blue eyes. A smile that you matched in tandem. Young and in love. Lovesick looks across the battlefield.
To be in love during war is the worst casualty of them all.
The sound of heartbreak was the only sound that was more shattering than the explosions that blew around you all.
a/n: please don't send dr. gaul to my house because i tool FORVER to finally upload this! thank you so much for the wait and support loves, it means the world! pls lmk what you all think💓
@notyourwildestdream 🌹@darktrashsoulbear🌹@fantasylovestoryme 🌹@nekee-lilac02 🌹@a-avengerparker 🌹 @queenofshinigamis 🌹@darlingisntit 🌹 @scarletstarrs 🌹
As If Destiny (part eleven)🌹

Part Ten🌹
the games are not only played by the tributes.
warnings: hunger games.
any and all interaction appreciated!!
The air was clear. The sun was shining. The smell was beautiful and oddly familiar.
Coriolanus looked around and noticed he was surrounded by glistening white roses. The field was endless with them, a never-ending sea of floral beauty. But among them all lay Coriolanus Snow's greatest desire. Dressed in a pearl white gown, there you stood, capturing the essence of beauty.
Even surrounded by similar shades, you stood out, colored in with an unexplainable emotion. The scene looked as though he was staring straight at a magnificent painting. Coryo began taking slow and cautious steps toward you. You faced the blonde boy, but your eyes weren't focused. Your gaze went through Coriolanus instead of on him.
The confused young man stretched his hand out to you, beckoning you over to him. You stood frozen in place, not a single hint of emotion on your face. Coriolanus analyzed your appearance in a frenzy and noticed the growing red beneath the lace of your dress. He took the movement upon himself and, as he took one step, panic began setting in. The sound emerging from his feet was not the sound of grass but rather the crunching of rubble. The scenery was no longer the picturesque floral field but rather dark woods; dark woods that were only lit up by wicked flames licking up the bark of the surrounding trees. Coriolanus's eyes frantically locked back to yours and were met with what he could only describe as otherworldly horror.
Your body was cemented in place; your being completely oblivious to the danger fuming around you. When Coryo took his eyes off of you to analyze the rapidly shifting surroundings, you shifted with the trees. In those few seconds, your face hollowed, and the dress was no longer the billowing white gown. The growing red patches had overtaken the fabric, painting the entirety a crimson red. Your once pristine skin was beginning to show black and blue bruises along your arms and neck. Coriolanus snapped out of his frozen horror and began sprinting full force toward your sickly being, a being that was suddenly hidden by the vast amounts of crashing and burning trees that now blocked the determined young man's path. The burning fire intensified, and the smoke began burning his eyes, granting even more obstacles to Coriolanus.
"Y/N! I'm coming! Please, say something!"
The only sounds that grimaced in his ears were the cackling of the burning wood. Wait.
A low, solemn hiss was nearly muted by the chaos surrounding it, but it was there. Slithering through the small cracks between the fallen tree trunks appeared a black and orange snake. It came from the direction of your position, a direction he was certain of when he heard your blood-curdling scream.
Just like your mother.
Coriolanus felt the sweat sliding past his brows, and it wasn't from the fire's heat. The heir of House Snow didn't care that the tree trunks were on fire. He didn't care that with each step he took, more and more snakes appeared. He didn't care that as he grabbed the top tree to jump over, his flesh began melting and boiling.
The second his knees crashed onto the ground, the alluring blue eyes that you loved so much were frantic to find you. In a mix of relief and hysteria, Coriolanus flung himself to your fallen body. Surrounded by a field of glass, skin charred, and dress now transformed into an ink-black color—a color caused by your seeping blood. Coriolanus realized this as he put his hands on your shoulders in panic and began moving upwards to your bruised and pale neck to check for a pulse. Your eyes were open, and once you saw the face of Coriolanus Snow, all the fear of the situation came alive in your gaze.
"Y/N! Please, please stay with me, okay?!"
Your response only consisted of heavily rapid breaths and a cascade of tears. You weren't like how you were when you got stabbed with the bottle. You were frantic and desperate, a desperation matched by the boy who now tried to lift you up. A futile attempt as your body was now tied down by a colony of snakes.
Coriolanus now had a matching face filled with tears and terror as he grabbed a flaming branch and began fighting off the slithering reptiles. A fight he was losing as only more appeared and began making their way to your neck to cut off airflow. You hazily realized this, and you began wailing with your few moments left.
"Coryo! Please, Coryo!!"
Coriolanus, not seeing straight from emotion, threw his full force at the snakes with the flaming wood. A hit that didn't land on the serpent but rather your midnight gown, setting it aflame.
No. No. No.
Coriolanus patted the dress down in an attempt to stop the flames, but it kept burning; burning right through the fabric and onto your flesh. The frantic boy threw himself on you, trying so desperately for the flames to connect to him instead, but they were unwilling. Not a single flame touched the blonde's skin or clothes while your hair was now starting to burn as the embers traveled upwards.
Your hands were somehow freed by the snakes as you placed them on Coriolanus's lower arms. They were so severely burnt that several layers of skin were melted through and charred.
The sight made Coriolanus want to vomit, but every moving atom froze at your pained eyes and scratched voice.
"You made a promise. You made a promise, Coryo. Why didn't you keep it?"
"Why didn't you save me?"
Coriolanus began choking on emotion as he watched your eyes flutter back. "Open your eyes. Open your eyes."
"Y/N? Love, please, open your eyes."
A suffocating silence overtook the woods. No longer did it burn. All the snakes retreated. The light from the burning trees now replaced by the silver shimmer of the moon.
The man in the moon glowed down on the scene of heartbreak in front of him. Coriolanus became hysterical and overcome with emotion he didn't know how to translate.
"WAKE UP! I beg of you! I'm on my knees, love, PLEASE!"
Coriolanus shook your corpse so violently, it was cruel, but he was in a dire need for any sign of life. The sobs of his were crushing and deep as he was, for what was truly the first time in his life, helpless. His intelligence and cunning could not help. Did not help him. Every skill he perfected failed him in saving the love of his life.
That was when the rage trickled in. Coriolanus could not be stopped as he smashed the glass around you over and over again. Even as the shards scraped his face and cuts were so deep, they reached the bone, he was unstoppable in his destruction.
Why couldn't he save you? Why couldn't he be in your place? Hands gushing with crimson blood, he put his hands out in prayer.
It was irrational, a word never synonymous with Coriolanus Snow, though there he was, the heir of House Snow Begging for death.
"Why didn't you save me?"
The echo of your last words surrounded Coriolanus. They rang through his ears and rattled his bones.
"Why didn't you save me?"
Your chants were no longer filled with ire. They were softer. Concerned even. Coriolanus took a look around the woods and realized the moon had abandoned him, plunging him into consuming darkness. There was no difference between his eyes open or closed, so the boy chose the latter and laid back on the bloody and broken glass. Next to your corpse and fully took your haunting chant of his name. He laid there until a shake rattled his body. He opened his eyes in surprise but was not met with the dark environment. To his utmost confusion and relief, his eyes opened to your beautiful face staring back at him.
The two of you were in the Capitol hospital again, but roles reversed. Coriolanus now lay in the very same bed that you had only slightly more than twelve hours ago. Your face and hands had a few minor cuts from the bombing, but you were in far better shape than many of your peers. Not only tributes to the dead but classmates. Peers. Familiar faces you will never see again.
If the rebels wanted the Capitol to feel like the districts, they did a wonderful job.
Your concern, however, was fully taken by the sobbing blonde in front of you.
The mention of his nickname only seemed to fuel the misery tears. Coryo wrapped his arms around you and pulled you fully into him, ignoring the pulsing pain from his back and legs. He could handle any burns or cuts as long as you were in one piece and in his arms.
You were shocked but had no hesitation as you cradled his neck and began rubbing soothingly. You had just been finally allowed to see Coriolanus when you entered the room and saw him sobbing and struggling. The initial fear of yours was that his burns had somehow gotten worse, but his writhing wasn't one of physical pain. It dawned upon you that Coriolanus was deep in a nightmare, one you couldn't seem to wake him up from. After countless moments of calling out to him and even beginning to shake him, he finally woke up.
Coriolanus's eyes were a deep red and sore, while his whole body shook, hanging onto you for dear life. You were more than worried but it would be of no help to push him.
Time passed as slowly as Coryo's breathing became when he finally pulled away from you. His eyes were glossed over and lips chapped, but you still thought he was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. A soft smile was sent his way in an attempt to comfort him into talking. You snuck your pinky beneath the skinny one on Cory's right hand. The small gesture brought waves of solace to the shaken man.
"Are you okay?"
Your shock caused you to struggle to hold a giggle that inevitably was let free.
"Coryo, you do know you are the one in the hospital right? With burns?"
His blonde curls swayed back and forth as he shook his head in disregard of his well-being. The pale fingers of his softly brought themselves up to the sides of your face, pulling you closer.
"But are you okay, love?"
Oh, you were certain his ice-cold hands could feel the firestorm beneath your cheeks at the use of the name and concern. You wished to avert your gaze, but his captivating eyes locked you in. With all the power within your being, you forced an answer out of your numbing lips.
"I am totally fine, I promise. Just a few cuts. What I'm not fine with is not knowing why you are so worried."
His face was fully etched in disbelief as you snuck your own hands to mimic his position. Your voice was soft, like the pretty smile on your lips.
"Hey, I am fine. You are fine, right? We are fine, okay, love?"
Coryo visibly calmed beneath your palms. Whether from your touch, words, voice, or just presence, you don't know. His heart rate slowed while yours rapidly picked up as you noticed his eyes flicker down to your lips. The small beeping of the machine surrounding you became white noise as you watched Coriolanus's blue hues disappear as he shut his eyes. The hands cupping your face became firmer in their hold as he leaned forward.
The panic from the hallway only mere days ago came rushing back. You really didn't have to do anything more than tilt upwards to catch his lips, but you were paralyzed and could only watch as the man of your dreams was only a mere inch away from you. Why you could not make the same effort, you were answerless. Yet another unanswerable question along with when will you two actually be able to have your moment in peace as the door of the hospital room was swung open and two perky voices entered.
"Coryo, you're awake!"
Tigris quickly rushed over and enveloped her cousin into her arms as she mulled over his well-being. You slowly, and hopefully subtly, moved further away from the injured boy. Your feet touched the shiny floor of the hospital when your hand was grabbed and you were silently urged to stay by the pale boy, who was now being caught up on the latest events by Sejanus.
The death of the Rings twins, Felix being hospitalized and in critical care, the dead tributes, Lucy Gray saving Coriolanus, and most painful for Sejanus, Marcus. You both hoped he was able to run far, far away, but the probability begged to differ.
You met Tigris's eyes for a split second and couldn't miss the smirk on her pink lips.
Coriolanus really needs to pick better places to make his move.
Your eyes drifted to the small TV across from the hospital bed and saw it was now Jessup's turn to perform an interview. Jessup was far dirtier and in dire condition due to the rapid effect of the infected bite. Any questions and urging by Lucky Flickerman were unheard by the struggling teenager.
After countless silent or aggressive interviews, Flickerman was over it and let out an exasperated breath while asking if there was anything Jessup wanted to say.
You expected Jessup to continue with his stoic behavior and for the interview to end, but to the surprise of all, the boy stood. His deep chocolate eyes were glazed over in a daze, but they focused in on the camera as he lifted his hand proud into the air. Three of his cracked fingers stood straight as if to test any judgment while his pinky and thumb connected over the palm.
The three of the Capitol-born youth of your group turned towards Sejanus in confusion. He nodded his head firmly toward the boy and grumbled, never taking his eyes off him.
"Must be a sign of resistance from his district."
"They will kill him for that!"
Tigris panicked as her heart went out for the sick and now stumbling boy as he was dragged off by peacekeepers.
"Can't kill him if he already beat them to it."
The three heads of your friends turned towards yours, completely in the dark of your meaning. Any further inquiry was quelled as the now well-known brunette singer appeared on stage. She looked beautiful, slightly shaken with nerves, but radiant, nevertheless.
"Good evening, Capitol. Districts. I wrote this song about a boy back in 12, and I hope he hears it."
When I was a babe I fell down in the holler
When I was a girl I fell into your arms
At the lyrics, you couldn't help yourself but turn to look at the very boy who held your hand and secretly, your heart. When your eyes met his, you swore you could see them shine and glisten.
We fell on hard times and we lost our bright color
You went to the dogs and I lived by my charms
It’s sooner than later that I’m six feet under
Your palm was squeezed, and you could feel the sweat appearing on Coriolanus's hand in fear.
It’s sooner than later that you’ll be alone
You squeeze back in reassurance but one look at his paled face tells you it isn't having an effect.
So who will you turn to
Tomorrow, I wonder
For when the bell rings Lover, you’re on your own.
Oh, Lucy Gray. As her song continued, you had a battle occurring in your brain. One part of you was reasonably panicked and torn up that a girl of her age had to suffer her fate. Though, there was that small promise between you and Jessup that kept hope alive. You knew the chances of him keeping that promise, unintentionally, were slim. But you were more than determined to keep the promise for the both of them, and the hard stare of Coriolanus told he was willing to do more than his share of effort.
Shortly after the performance ended, familiar nurses cleared Coriolanus to go back home. Tigris thanked them immensely while Sejanus waited on the side for you. After the harsh fight between you and your father, you decided you would stay with Sejanus and the Plinths. Ma Plinth was more than happy to welcome you, but there was a part of you that wished to go back home. Back to the Snows.
You tried to help Coriolanus out of the hospital, but he refused all but your arm intertwined in his. You shuddered down a giggle as the memory of the late-night walk from the library came back. Side by side in the late of night. In sickness and health.
"Where are you going to stay?"
Coryo was straight to the point, even though he assumed where with the curly brown-haired boy who was waiting patiently.
"The Plinths for now, until I can secure some sort of paid position. I might try to sneak back into the old apartment to get some of my stuff to sell."
As soon as the words escaped, you instantly felt regret settle just as much as the clear stress settled on Coryo.
"Hey! No, no! I can deal with this myself. You don't need another responsibility, m'kay?"
Your hands cupped the rosy cheeks of his once more as you emphasized your ability and sufficiency. Coriolanus, whether he intended to or not, always tried to take on the role of savior. A hero. For better or worse, it was the position he saw himself fit for.
You saw Tigris return after finishing up some paperwork and took that as your sign to cut the conversation before Coryo could refuse you. Your slightly chilled lips gave a swift peck on Coryo's cheek and flashed a smile to Tigris in invitation to sweep away her younger cousin.
You tried to think of something witty to reassure the overthinking eighteen-year-old, but there wasn't much light on the last night for more than a dozen kids. You wondered what was worse, having a sudden death like the academy mentors or waiting around to die like their tributes.
Your feet led you to Sejanus. His position against the wall, and you both began your trek to the Plinth penthouse.
Strabo had a car ready to escort you both home, though, as always, Sejanus preferred to walk. As he would say: "It's one of the few similarities the Capitol shares with the districts. We can walk around and safely! Of course, he would try to take that away."
The sudden thought that the car could be used to transport the limping Coriolanus was quite belated, and as you turned around to call out to the blonde, he was already gone. The feeling of disappointment and regret was clear as day to Sejanus, and the little shoulder bump he gave you was needed to regain your attention back to reality.
"Already did it."
Sejanus didn't need the moon or streetlights to go home; your smile shone enough for the both of you.
"I knew there was a reason I kept you around, Sej."
You've missed seeing Sejanus's smile. The boy has been walking around with a cloud over his head the past few weeks, understandably so. You knew the smile wouldn't last long, but you relished it as much as you could. Even in the safety of being outside of the arena, he was going to suffer just as much as his district-born counterparts.
"Yeah, well, for your information, your boyfriend is my friend too."
And the blinding smile of yours was swiftly replaced with a scoff and dramatic eye roll. Sejanus knew exactly where this path would lead, and he was definitely not going to let you refuse what he (and everyone with eyes) knew was only a matter of time.
"Oh, and by the way,"
"You missed his lips, went too far to the cheek."
The harsh slap to his arm earned you a very satisfactory yelp from the teasing boy. Teasing that followed you all the way through the Capitol streets on your journey. Some of the very streets taken less than an hour later by one injured, yet ever scheming, Coriolanus Snow.
Lucy Gray will not lose. You will not lose. Coriolanus will not lose. House Snow will not lose ever again.
The golden designs of the ceilings were drawn over by your eyes endlessly as you bided your time. All mentors were required at the academy in half an hour, and you were still not ready. You had more than your share of excuses not to attend. You were still suffering from your injuries. And more grimly, you had already lost. Jessup would likely be gone by sunset.
The thought brought more than enough weight to weigh you down in the plush bed for eternity, but what good would it do to mourn? You must remind yourself that this was his act of resistance. He saved Lucy Gray on the train; now it's your turn.
Cleaning your face up and dressing in the infamous scarlet uniform, you left the safety of your temporary bedroom. Your senses were instantly hyper-aware.
Your nostrils were filled with the smell of freshly baked bread, ears rang with sobs, and eyes bore witness to Ma Plinth sniveling and cradling her son as if he was the one to be sent to the death arena.
Your eyes met his warm ones, now hardened with the upcoming reality. You sent him a sympathetic smile and walked over to give a slightly awkward side hug due to her position, to Mrs. Plinth.
Your gentle greeting was left to mingle with the sullen silence as Sejanus untangled himself from his mother's embrace to ready himself to depart. Now fully available to you, you enveloped her in a comforting hug. You felt guilty for slightly using her as a substitute mother, but she never minded. She always wanted a daughter and gave her heart no small amount of joy to know that she was cared for by someone else besides her son and husband. If Sejanus had a small circle of friends, Ma Plinth was merely a dot in the populace of the Capitol.
You anxiously checked the time and realized that you really needed to get going if you didn't wish to start off with a bad impression. It may not have mattered to Sejanus, but you still wished to have a successful career and life with the powers of the Capitol. A final teary-eyed hug to the Plinth matriarch, and you two were on your hasty way.
The academy was always an impressive institution in its rigor and size, but today, it looked more intimidating than usual. Walking up the grand stairs felt like walking up the top of a mountain. A challenge added to by the heavy stares of the numerous attendees. The adults stared as the still somewhat prominent injuries lacing your neck, and fellow students gawked at your companion.
As you entered the hall that would be your home for as long as Jessup could survive, you and Sejanus split off. He found his designated chair first then spotted the ever-fimilar head of blonde curls. You wished to meet up with them before this whole thing started, but your attention was taken by a now-friendly (at least to you) Arachne.
“The big day, huh?”
“Please don't refer to this like a wedding.”
The girl huffed a bit but didn't add any further insults. You both stood at the farthest edge of the circular platform where the mentors with live feed of the tributes were stationed. Your eyes analyzed your fellow competitors and inhaled shakily. Arachne followed your eyes and your apprehension.
“I just want this to be over already.”
Your head whipped back to hers in surprise. Even with her slight softening, you expected Arachne to wish the tributes to suffer as long as possible. The Games were seen as a punishment and in her eyes, they deserved to pay for the deaths of the bombing victims. The fact that their fellow tributes were also of those dead didn't seem to matter to most of the Capitol anyways. Arachne took note of your confusion and elaborated in a matter-of-fact tone.
“The Games were a mess. I don't even know who got hurt the most, us or them.”
Lucky Flickerman sauntered in and began ordering everyone into their places in preparation to go live.
“I guess we will see now, won't we?”
You nod to Arachne as she takes the hint to locate a seat in the audience section. The seating was organized by the tribute district, so unfortunately, Sejanus was a far distance from you. Though you were given a bit of hope for the rest of the day as you sat next to Coryo. No conversation or words of affirmation were allowed to sprout between you two as the dramatic host droned on at a paid pace about rules and expectations. Your eyes stayed glued to the screen even as Lucky made his introduction to the now watching audiences.
“Good morning, I’m Lucretius “Lucky” Flickerman. A man who needs no introduction. Weatherman, amateur magician, and today, I’m honored to say… first-ever host of the Hunger Games.”
His enthusiasm was met with thunderous applause, yet no movement was made by your hands nor Coriolanus. The two mentors of District Twelve were earnestly watching the screen for the glimpse of their respective tributes. The dirt, grime, and fear present on all of the young faces was predictable. But there was a tribute that stood out from the rest, most notably because he was not with the rest.
Tied up and left for dead, Marcus hung limply. The sight of the boy's beaten body caused you to tear your eyes away and towards Sejanus. Your gaze was quickly followed by the rest of the live audience as the fuming anger with the boy became too much as he flung his desk and turned his anger towards the gawking Capitol elite.
“You’re monsters! All of you!”
Sejanus left briskly, and an offended, gossiping crowd followed him with their eyes. You watched his departure and half-heartedly ran after your friend to comfort him, but your eyes met Coryo’s, and the slightest head shake cemented you in your seat, bracing yourself for the carnage.
You easily spotted Lucy Gray, but you were just as frantic in her search for Jessup, who you could not see anywhere. Surely, he isn't dead, right? If he was, they would have told you. Right?
As the haunting bells chime, your heart drops. So many children are murdered instantaneously, and in the bloodbath, the rainbow girl flurries to find her friend. Come on Jessup. Give her a sign. Keep the deal.
As you internally begged for your tribute to keep his half of the promise, Coryo was quietly urging him to keep hers. Nearly skidding around death more than should be possible within such a short amount of time, Lucy Gray finally spotted Jessup.
The poor boy was so dazed and disoriented that he was on all fours and had no semblance of reality. As you watch Lucy Gray pull the, as much as it hurt to say, useless Jessup down the tunnel system, you felt a presence behind you.
“I wouldn’t get too comfortable. You will reunite with your friend shortly, Miss Vaun.”
The ever-arrogant Casca Highbottom leered at you, and you could do nothing but keep silent and watch the screens as they shifted from tribute to tribute. You may have already lost, but Coriolanus hasn't, and you know that his victory would be Highbottom's greatest dread. Even more reason to aid in any way possible.
Lucy Gray finally brings herself and Jessup to safety, and you can feel your heart bursting. The loyalty of this girl. She is going home, no matter what you must do.
The rest of the day continues with little more violent action. Since the bell ringing, your mentor pool has sized down a good amount. As the night comes closer, you knew most would likely go home to rest, and by sunset, much of the live audience has returned back to their lavish apartments. You had been examining the now scarce audience section and noticed Arachne was still in attendance. In attendance and alert, unlike many of the slightly dozing crowd. Her brown eyes followed the actionless screen, clearly awaiting something. Not like how the mentors were waiting for a fight, but a patience for an expectation. You were unsure of what the expectation was but if it was the appearance of Lamina, she was spot on.
The District Seven girl slowly approached the hanging body of Marcus. In her hand was a hatchet, and her face was adorned with such guilt she was unworthy of. The tired audience began perking back up at the movement. She was slow and clearly unsure. But the soft cries and pleas of the suffering boy set the action straight for Lamina. You wondered if Sejanus witnessed the death of his former classmate. A death of mercy in the merciless arena. You took a deep breath of solemn realization.
These are the characters of the districts. Loyal, merciful, and honest. Why is it that they had to die while shallow and hollow beings were thriving? If only you had the courage like Sejanus to call out the Capitol in its ways. But then again, you were secretly sitting in safety and luxury. Would you really give that up for a land of authenticity and unfamiliarity?
The night dragged on, and sleep began to call your name. You settled as comfortably as you could into the chair and felt the world slip away. Coriolanus had taken his eyes off the screen every once in a while, to check in on you, and when he had done his round again, you were fast asleep. He got up for the first time in hours and placed his uniform jacket on top of your sleeping form, which you naturally snuggled into.
His heart ached at the thought of, yet another night spent in a place that you couldn't call yours. If he wins, when he wins, he vows to never let you be in this situation again. That you never have to wake with aches and rats crawling at your feet like him. That you never have to rely on anyone else again.
“A damsel in distress.”
The ever-unwanted voice of Dean Highbottom found its way to Coriolanus’s ears, unfortunately. The words sparked concern, and his blue orbs zoomed to the screen, which was still darkened and still. Huffing in annoyance to whatever game Highbottom seems to be playing, Coriolanus sharply replied.
“Lucy Gray is clever; she will figure out whatever comes her way.”
“Who said I was talking about her?”
Slightly reluctantly, Coriolanus moved his body to face the resentful man. On instinct, his eyes flickered back to your still slumbering being. Was Dean Highbottom threatening you?
“What do you want from Lucy Gray?”
“Nothing. I want her to live.”
“And the Plinth Prize would be a happy coincidence, I suppose.”
“I believe I’d be entitled to it.”
“Of course you do. Of course you do.”
The displeasure was so obvious in his tone it made Coriolanus wonder why Highbottom bothered to talk to him if it angered him so.
“Do you believe you are also entitled to the girl?”
Confusion laced Coriolanus’s features as he figured out which girl Highbottom was referring to. He replied with what he considered, the safer choice.
“Why would I be entitled to Lucy Gray? She deserves to live the rest of her life with her family in her district.”
The click of his yellowing tongue, the shorter man clearly displayed his obvious disapproval.
“You and I both know that is not the girl you desire.”
“If you win, I assume you will spend the riches on fixing your peasant and broken family up to your facade, no? But with the rest of the money, I wonder. Surely, you will have enough to protect young Miss Vaun.”
Coriolanus sat up straighter in his chair, apprehensive at the Dean’s next words. What exactly was he trying to imply?
“You would be entitled to her, no? Protect her from the lowest point in her life. You were there when she was vulnerable after her mother, after that oh so tragic attack, and single-handedly saved her from what is, essentially, absolute poverty and abandonment.”
The offense and surprise on the heir of House Snow’s face brought despicable levels of satisfaction to the older man.
“Swoop in to be the savior of the girl. Naturally, she is yours. The ever-charming Snow wins again.”
When will jabs at Crassus Snow and his offspring ever get old to Casca Highbottom? An incalculable question in truth. No matter how often they occur, they will always cause a stir inside of Corio and even more so when you are brought into the fray. However, any rash action was prevented by the appearance of an arguably, to some, a more dislikable presence.
“Am I interrupting something?”
The overly sweetened tone of Arachne Crane was a warning enough to cause, with slight hesitation, the departure of Dean Highbottom, likely to take another gulp of Morphling. Watching him storm off to intoxicate himself, Arachne turns back to her peer.
“Guy has problems.”
She moved to lean on the table holding the boxy computer, oddly relaxed. Then again, when did Arachne Crane ever have a normal reaction in any given scenario?
“Why did you do that?”
With a shrug, she met his analyzing eyes. The red head began inspecting and picking her nails while absent-mindedly answering.
“Your veins looked like they were gonna burst. Besides, I heard the things he said.”
Horror began to implement itself on Coriolanus's handsome face as he realized the revelation told by Highbottom's remarks. He wasn't sure how long Arachne had been listening in for, but if it was enough, it could ruin everything he had worked so long for when he was so close.
“Don’t worry, whether you believe me or not, I won’t say anything. Not because of you though. I know y/n would hate me if I did.”
She mumbled the last part as her yearning eyes focused on your peaceful figure. Ah, so that's why she interrupted.
Taking in a deep inhale, Arachne pushes herself off of the table and gets ready to leave when she pauses.
“You better win this, Coryo.”
And she continues on her way, leaving yet another thing for Coriolanus to ponder over. At least he has until morning light to get some semblance of peace of mind. Or so he thought.
Thanks, Sejanus.
a/n: i know i take a long while between my posts now and i am so sorry, but i want to be real for a quick second. i am a junior in high school who is in a lot of hard classes and i have pretty bad anxiety and a big reason why i started this was as an escape from everything in my life. but lately, it has been a source of the stress, so i started putting it off. i am trying to work on myself and hopefully, this will translate to my work, but i felt i owed that to you guys. thank you for reading and supporting :)
@emma-andrea1 🌹@notyourwildestdream 🌹@darktrashsoulbear🌹@fantasylovestoryme 🌹@nekee-lilac02 🌹@a-avengerparker 🌹 @queenofshinigamis 🌹@darlingisntit 🌹 @scarletstarrs 🌹
As If Destiny (part twelve)🌹

Part 11🌹
a/n: the gif says all you need to know.
warnings: death, murder, gruesome details, expected hunger games warnings
All interaction is appreciated!
The sudden thud of glove-clad hands was the catalyst for your awakening. Though you began questioning if you truly were awake or had been transferred into a nightmare as the mismatched gleaming eyes of Volumnia Gaul bore into your own.
"Go grab your idiotic friend. Now."
Your mind didn't need to be running at full capacity to understand whom she was talking about. You quickly sat up in your desk and stifled a yawn.
"What happened with Sejanus?"
The intimidating woman shifted from her position straight in front of you to the side so the large screen was visible. It was then that you realized the only person here besides you two was Coriolanus, who was also now wide awake. Your eyes focused on the dark screen as they became accustomed to the shadowy figure kneeling beside another.
Oh, Sejanus, what have you gotten yourself into?
"Bread crumbs. I believe sustenance for a fallen comrade on his final journey. A District 2 superstition."
You remember Sejanus describing the funeral traditions from his home district. It was the vivid memory of him begging you to provide him bread crumbs when he was to pass, a plea you were slightly reluctant to accept. Not because of the unfamiliar customs, but rather the uncomfortable realization that there was yet another person you could, were, going to lose.
Your focus was attached to the feed of the boy who you considered a brother, in the middle of a death cage with nothing to defend himself but bread crumbs. Dr. Gaul continued on, addressing both you and Coriolanus.
"I’ll work on finding the Peacekeeper he bribed to get him in, and cut out their tongue. In the meantime, I need someone to get him out right now."
Your attention was stolen by her demand as you connected her earlier statement. She didn't show you the feed to display Sejanus's recklessness, you both were well aware of it. You and Coryo were being debriefed on your newest task: somehow climb into the arena, drag Sejanus out without making a noise, and all while trying not to meet up with Marcus on his journey.
"You should send Peacekeepers in."
The daunting Gamemaker tutted at Coriolanus's suggestion as if it was a personal offense.
"Only to have him bolt and hide like a rabbit? Felix Ravinstill is fighting for his life in the hospital, Mr. Snow. I will not have these rebels make a further mockery of my Games,"
She emphasized her point to both of you as she leaned in.
"Anyone sees us lose control of this arena, it might as well be sounding a horn to the districts to revolt."
Both you and Coriolanus were silent at her implication. No gasps of horror at the thought. You looked over to Coryo and his calculating indifferent mask was back in place. You couldn't tell what he was thinking or his position. The arena bombing was a clear indication that the districts have at least a bit of firepower. But if it was to come to a head, there would be no way the Districts could win a war against the Capital, not this soon after the last one.
It didn't truly matter what either of your positions were because it was clear you were going into that arena, no matter what.
"You choose to be friends with this radical."
Most would think that a friendship with Sejanus is nothing but a burden, though you were adamant that it was nothing of the sort. In a city surrounded by Dr. Gaul mindsets or followers, Sejanus was a refreshing breath of air. If you needed to lose your lungs for that air, then so be it. Others need it more.
Coriolanus, however, seemed unconvinced.
"It’ll look a lot worse if the tributes kill the three of us."
"So don’t let them." Dr. Gaul stated it as if it was the most obvious thing because of course you would choose the other option. The other option being an absolutely brutal and bloody demise.
Especially if Coral got her hands on you.
You had to restrain yourself from banging your head on the desk. You just had to threaten her about her chances if you were in the arena. For both your life and pride, you hoped you wouldn't be eating your words.
"Who knows? You get him out unscathed, I’ll whisper your name in his father’s ear. You still want that Plinth Prize, don’t you?"
Ah, and there is the only reason the youth of the Capital saw any worth in Sejanus. You watched as Coryo shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he avoided your gaze in a calculated manner. You understood the desperation he and his family had for the prize; he didn't need to be ashamed of that. You just hoped that didn't motivate him in his friendship with Sejanus. That a small part of him wants to get your kind-eyed friend out of the grasp of death for something other than money. To save him not as the heir of the Plinth fortune, but rather sweet-hearted Sejanus.
"I’ll freeze the feed for an hour. I estimate that’s all we have until the people notice."
And with that, the ominous presence of Dr. Gaul turned on her heel and away to the shadowy outskirts of the hall. You turned towards Coryo, who seemed to be in varying levels of regret and contemplation. You checked the clock.
3:11 a.m.
Not a second to waste. You got up and stretched your stiff limbs. The motion caught the attention of Coriolanus, who was quick to start protesting.
"Absolutely not. Go hom-go and calm Sejanus's mother if she knows. You aren't going in there."
The blonde was adamant in his statements but then again, he was the one following you out the door to where a vehicle was waiting to pick you both up. He reached for your arm multiple times, but you were quick to dodge and ignored all his calls for you to stop. Just as you reached the car, Coriolanus sped up and stepped in front of you, effectively blocking your entrance.
"Y/N, don't even—"
"No, you 'don't even.' I am not leaving either of you. You spending your energy on trying to stop me will only deprive you of it when you are surrounded by killers. Besides, I think I am the only one who knows how to defend if the situation called for it."
Coryo deflated slightly at your endpoint and the implication, and that was all you needed to gently shove him out of the way and get into the awaiting car. He looked into the area and as you securely strapped yourself in, Coryo could do nothing short of forcefully pulling you out of the car to ensure you wouldn't come. So he swallowed his fears and climbed in next to you, intertwining your hands along the way.
You swore you could smell the death from outside of the arena. It felt tangible, as though if you put your hand out, death would pull you down into its realm along with the dozens of other children.
Your steps were heavy as they led to the caged entrance of the structure. Your breathing was even, and posture lucid, but inside, you were panicking. Every gruesome memory of the war flashed in front of your eyes. Long-dead bodies envisioned themselves on your path while there was nothing there. The tips of your fingers began curling and tingling, the familiar instincts coming back to you. Just survive. You've done it before. Fast, agile, sharp.
Wails and protests caught your ear as you began ascending the steps.
"No! Please, please no! Not her too!"
Ma Plinth was dressed in her nightgown, no doubt awoken from her sleep to this consuming nightmare. She was held back by her husband as she sobbed. You could tell she was trying to fight back against his hold when she caught your face in the dim lighting. Deep breaths were taken by you to steady yourself from cries of pain. The pain of fear of losing a son. You remember those cries.
You will strength throughout your veins. You refuse to hear those cries of a lost son again.
The woman who had taken you in as her own cried out your name and begged for you to stop. However, all her pleas were drowned out as the gates opened for you and Coriolanus to walk in. Not a second's hesitation was spared. You did not have the privilege of stalling.
The arena was humid, and the air so packed, it put weight upon your shoulders. Either that or the panic began silently packing in. Your steps were soft, barely audible, especially in comparison to Coriolanus. You could tell he was trying his best but there was only so much the tall boy could do. While you were focused on your objective of getting your naive friend out with all three of you in one piece, Coriolanus was too zoned in. So zoned in that he nearly gave away your presence with the mechanical voice that eerily wished one's enjoyment of the "show". Your arm was fierce in pulling him back, enough to get him stumbling into you.
His face was a display of confusion and unchecked offense at your action. In a near inaudible whisper, you reasoned.
"Over the entrance."
Looking back to the small gate, Coriolanus realized his near mistake. He was quick to slide over the metal and turned back to offer his hand to help you along. Once your feet were securely on the ground, you looked over Coryo's shoulder and saw Sejanus in the very same position. The devoted boy hadn't moved a singular inch in all the time it had taken you to rush here.
His knees securely being pinched and pointed by the endless sea of rubble, Sejanus was covered in the moonlight while his solemnness provided its own special kind of gloom. Coriolanus directly accented to Sejanus, in a hasty effort to get out as soon as possible.
Your path was led leftwards as you approached the large pile of rubble still dressed with weapons of murder. You hoped you and Coriolanus would be persuasive enough to get Sejanus out without an attack; however, survival wasn't reached by hope. Your fingers graced over several different types of knives and blades, narrowly missing the pile of still liquid blood. It was right when you chose a curved, small sharp blade that Sejanus spoke. His first words uttered into the silence as the hilt slipped into your hand. Fit so perfectly.
"I thought they’d send my ma."
You finally turned around and met up with Coriolanus's slightly distant position. You went past the anxious blonde as you addressed Sejanus, whiplashed.
"You were willing to waste her life like that?"
You were stunned. Sejanus's mother was the only thing he could consistently wake up for. Was his determination more powerful than his love for her?
"You need to go, the both of you."
"I’d like to. I really would."
You ignored Coryo's admission and focused on the wishful yet foolish stubbornness of Sejanus Plinth.
"Sejanus, we made a promise to get you out. Neither of us is leaving till you are with us."
Coryo met up with your stance, shoulder to shoulder, only a mere feet away from Sejanus and the rotting corpse of Marcus. Even with the close proximity, it was hard to hear the soft whisper.
In contrast to the weighted question, an airy and irritated sigh came from Coryo.
"Because you’re my friend."
The quiet after Coriolanus's apparently obvious reason bothered you to the bone. He was expecting you to answer?
"Are you being serious? You thought I wouldn't be here? That I would just sit by and not use any chance I have to help you? I already lost one brother, Sejanus, I'm not losing another."
The harsh tone of such sentimental words caught Sejanus off guard as he turned around to face the pair of you.
"I have to do this. I had to go where the cameras are." He stands up while Coryo steps forward, slightly irritated.
"You think anyone’s watching this? Gaul cut the feed."
Coriolanus steps closer to Sejanus to emphasize the point as reality began setting in on the latter.
"Tributes kill you in here, she’s just gonna say you died of the flu."
You had to swallow down your anger at the thought of his sacrifice being watered down to a "flu". You moved to step closer to the pair when metallic clanging could be heard. Footsteps that began getting closer. The grip on your blade tightened as you began looking around. You left the negotiation to Coryo while you got ready for a knife straight to the head.
"You need to decide right now. Do you wanna fight these tributes, or fight for them? Because if you wanna make real change, you need to stay alive to do it."
Your back was faced towards the boys as you began slowly distancing yourself from them and towards the dark and ominous tunnel near your group. You tried your best to convince Sejanus so all this preparation for a life and death battle will be for nothing and you will all be out in a blink of an eye.
"Sej, please. You are the only one who can make a difference. Don't throw it all away. One life can make a difference but not if you let it be manipulated to fit the Capital's picture."
You knew just from his frustrated sigh that he was starting to think his actions over and getting convinced.
"How can I make any change from out there?"
"You’re rich. Smart. You care."
You added onto his list to what you thought would be the most important point to Sejanus.
"And you aren't alone."
Coryo may not be for uprooting the entire social complex of Panem but that's why you didn't include him. Even if he isn't on board, Sejanus has you.
Coryo looked up from his focus on the brown-eyed boy and noticed the now decent distance between you and the boys. He noticed your body language, intense focus on the source of the now louder metal clanging and footsteps. His gaze was caught by your blade shining from a beam of moonlight and connected the pieces together.
"Y/N. Come back."
Sejanus followed his eyes and noticed the same picture playing out and felt his heart rate picking up. Coriolanus needed to get Sejanus out now so he can get you out.
"We’re dead if we don’t leave right now, Sejanus. Come with us. Spend your father’s money, do some real good."
His anxious blue eyes flickered back to your still turned body. "Or just be another dead body in Gaul’s war."
Sejanus took note of how your body began tensing and knees bending. Something was happening. Someone was coming.
Coryo began picking up pace with words while his brown-haired friend followed the pattern with his breathing. "Please. Trust me. Trust us."
Coriolanus placed his hands on Sejanus's shoulder to make him focus. To make him choose right. Just as the conflicted boy began stuttering out an answer, the other inhabitants of the arena forced action.
Out of the shadowed tunnel that you were focused on did Bobbin, Juno Phipps's tribute from District 8, come running out. He was shouting at the top of his lungs as he targeted the two boys standing in the middle. His shouts got the attention of Sejanus and Coriolanus running.
Bobbin must have been too focused on the clear position of the two mentors that he missed your much closer body. He was fast, much faster than Sejanus or Coryo, much to your horror. Bobbin ran straight past you and was making ground on the two closest people in your life.
Then you heard the tumble and screams of pain from Sejanus and the panicked ones to get the former up by Coryo. You felt helpless as you couldn't make it to the District boy before he reached them. That is until the blade in your hand felt tangible again.
You weren't a great aim but you didn't have much of a choice. Even if it didn't hit Bobbin, it might make him notice you and hopefully distract enough to give your friends enough time. A breath and a steady arm was all you got as you aimed at the upper part of his left leg.
Like stated prior, you didn't have wondrous aim but that doesn't mean you were hopeless. The target of his upper left leg was missed in favor of a slice on his upper right shoulder. It didn't impair the already disadvantaged boy, but it did make him stop and notice you. Good. Enough time for them to escape.
You stood in the open of the destroyed arena, now defenseless. Back during the war, you would be able to slip out of any confrontational instances and fight without any weapon if needed. But being trapped in the Hunger Games arena is not the way you wanted to test if your skills were still there after 10 years.
You turned your head back to see how close you were to the pile of weapons, which fortunately, wasn't very far. Unfortunately, that one second was enough for Bobbin to start running and get too close for your comfort within such a short period of time. You followed his lead and started running away from him and to the weapons. You didn't have timw to be picky or really notice what you chose, so you grabbed the closest thing to you, which happened to be a curved and frankly, beautiful sword.
Sword in hand, you climbed to the top of the rubble pile. It was unsteady, horrible for any opponent. It wouldn't be easy to fight for you either but you had steadier footing than Bobbin and experience. You survived off of the weaknesses of your opponents.
As expected, the boy from Eight struggled to get up to your level. You just needed to buy enough time for Coriolanus and Sejanus and you believed you did when you heard the gates open. Though the desperate swing of Bobbin's machaete reminded you that you also wanted to get out of here alive. You dodged the attack and attempted a strike at his chest, which he deflected.
You didn't plan on killing him, nothing of the sort, rather just hurting him enough so you could get out. Though, you didn't seem to think ahead about going hand to hand combat with an machete-wielding tribute from Eight.
You moved backward in a counter-clockwise motion while fighting against Bobbin's harsh attacks. With each blow, the more the past muscle memory started kicking back in. Your arms started moving on their own, even getting a few slices on his arm and left leg. Your eyes moved from the weapon only inches from your face to the boy's feet. He was getting tired.
His feet began dragging across the uneven rubble. While you were jumping from stone to stone and cognizant of the terrain, Bobbin looked one hit away from going down. So that's exactly what you planned.
As soon as you realized a break in his fighting position, you went for his upper thigh.
The shriek from Coriolanus caused the strike to be far weaker than intended and missed the target nearly entirely. You risked a look at the messy and panting teen who shouldn't be here. However, your attention on his sudden appearance was short as yet another swing was sent your way, mere centimeters from your still healing neck. While you might not have been trying to kill Bobbin, he certainly was trying to eliminate you.
Panic burned through your veins as you realized that all this noise and Coryo's shouting of your name likely alerted the other tributes. You needed to get out and get out now.
You began picking up your pace and running around the now shaking piled stone. Bobbin was already tired, you just needed him a bit more exhausted. He kept coming after you like a predator after prey.
His footsteps began slipping but were close to you when you stopped suddenly. You curled your upper body forward but had your arms straight behind you, sword sharp and ready. The screams of the other teen were more than enough to alert you that your plan worked.
You turned around to see Bobbin's right thigh stabbed straight through with your silver sword, now crimson. You watched as the tears welled in his eyes as he tried to remove the weapon, to no success.
"I'm so sorry, Bobbin."
You felt tears rush in your own eyes. You never wanted to hurt anyone again. You never wanted to be this person again. Was living as a killer better than dying?
You knew you had to live with what you have done and started running down the pile and toward Coriolanus, who seemed shocked at the suffering boy. Though relief overtook his features once you began sprinting towards him. The selfish part of your brain began defending your actions.
'You are a hero. If you didn't do that, Coryo would be dead." You shook the thought from your brain. You could deal with morals once you were out of harm's way.
Such an unfortunate thing that harm has such a large reach.
Once you became close enough to see the blue in Coryo's eyes and the relief swimming in them, the world fell.
Well, Coriolanus's world fell.
Silence was never a word one would use with Coral, but she would endure if she was determined enough. And determined she was as she tackled you to the ground.
You told her to thank her lucky stars you weren't in the arena, and she begged those stars to bring you to her. Oh, and did they provide.
Once your eyes cleared from the rubble and attack, you felt the weight of Coral hover over you as she smirked a bloodthirsty smile.
"Welcome to the Hunger Games, Princess."
Not a second did Coral spare as she grabbed your sore throat and slammed your head across the crumbled ground. Again. And again.
Coral's yellow teeth glimmered in the shining moonlight as she watched the ground crack along with your head. Mizzen, Tanner, and Treech were watching the District Four girl until Coriolanus grabbed a metal bar, seeing only red and Coral's smirking face.
Said face noticed the violent intent within Coriolanus's hardened eyes and barked out orders to her goons to stop him. The three male tributes got their weapons ready to fend off the fuming Capitol mentor.
"Get ready, gorgeous, I'm gonna hang her up for all to see. How pathetic you all are."
Coriolanus could smell the morbid glee radiating off of Coral as her slams got harsher. Your vision began swirling and flickering, weakly trying to claw your way out of her grasp. Your instinct was to panic and squirm, but your experience taught you better. You let your eyes close, with a constant voice reminding you not to let the darkness and exhaustion overtake you. Your limbs fell limp and breathing shallowed.
Coral noticed this after a few more hits with no resistance, reaction, or anything. The redhead was stunned for a few moments. Even a bit disappointed.
"She threatened me and she this weak? No wonder you like her, gorgeous, easy to use and a pretty face."
Coriolanus knew he was being baited but he didn't care. How could he stand still for a second longer? He wasn't going to break the promise. The nightmare isn't going to become reality.
Coriolanus started swinging his metal bar with no real strategy. He swung in both directions as Mizzen and Tanner tried to stop him while Treech retaliated with his axe, but taming a wild animal is hard. Taming a furious and spiraling Coriolanus Snow is impossible.
While the four were in the midst of the battle, Coral got off of you and started dragging you to the pile of rubble. She either forgot or thought he was already dead, but she dragged your body through the rubble right next to Bobbin. He wasn't moving much but you could hear his labored breathing and struggle to get up.
You heard her move away from your still unconscious appearance to the other side of the rubble pile. You took this chance to feel around for any sort of rock or weapon. You moved your right hand around in a swift motion and were fortunate in finding a piece of a broken metal beam which was broken in a way that it was sharp as a knife. Though, the weapon was found in a pile of warm and thick blood.
Your mind raced as you knew your plan of attack had to be sped up as no doubt Coral would notice the bloody hand. Your eyes were still shut closed so you had no layout of the area around you spare from the shaky memories of your fight with Bobbin. Your ears were ringing with the slamming of metal on metal. You heard the grunts and shouts of pain of the four fighting teenagers, but you couldn't tell who was the one in pain. The thought of it being Coriolanus nearly ruined your entire plan as you were more than ready to attack any of the fitter boys.
The sound of their squabble was drowned out by the footsteps of Coral and the blood pounding in your ears. You hid your makeshift dagger beneath your arm and palm, but ready to pull it out at any moment.
"What do you think, princess? How long is it going to be till they see their Capitol darling, the same level as us district scum, huh?"
Her grime-covered hands grabbed your wrist harshly and you had no time to waste. As her hand covered your right wrist, where your blade laid, you turned it over and stabbed her arm. The girl shrieked out of pain and you took that time to jump up from the rubble and kick her down, effectively reversing your position. Just like in the van.
"District four doesn't have possums, huh?"
You didn't know how much time you would have if you ran, but you knew the window was short. There was a considerable chance that Coral would catch up to you. Though if you stayed, you knew it wouldn't be like Bobbin. One of you was going to die.
You took off, blade yet again in hand, and ran to the tunnel that led to the gates. A tunnel blocked by the now side-tracked boys.
"Coryo, run!"
The amount of shock this poor boy's body went through in such a short amount of time. He heard the words, saw you run so close to him, but he couldn't get his body to move. Every time he tried to help in this arena, you only got hurt.
As you reached the group of boys, Mizzen swung at you, but you countered with a stab of your own at his shoulder. You quickly spun out of the way of Treech's strike and cut his cheek. Tanner was an easy kick to the ribcage and push backward.
When you turned back, you saw Coral running full force toward you, trident ready. You turned halfway to push Coryo into running.
You wanted to run with him, but you had one final step in your plan. Mizzen got ready to pounce on you when you mustered all your waning force and pushed him backward. Straight into Coral's trident.
The crimson blood splattered straight onto your similarly shaded uniform and face. The young boy from District Four started sputtering like the fish he likely caught back home.
Likewise, Coral was also covered in her District partner's blood, but the blood in her eyes was anger that only you seemed to conjure.
You knew you should have been focusing on the cold body you created, but you could only focus on the girl holding it.
Coral looked so young. So lost. She knew he had to die for her to win, but that knowledge didn't prepare her for reality. That her own weapon was the last thing he felt. Her stab in his back.
Treech went to help Coral up and retrieve her weapon. The weapon firmly set inside Mizzen's fresh corpse. On the other hand, Coral's screams were more than enough of an order for Tanner to follow. The scarred boy turned on you and Coriolanus, who couldn't seem to listen to your very clear orders.
The boy from Ten was filled with anger. Beyond fuming. The fundamental idea of the Hunger Games was death for the Capital by District hands. But even in the cruel morbid freedom, Capital hands couldn't shy away from the murder of anyone who threatened Capital peace and safety.
Tanner had spent the last few days hearing non-stop about Coral's dreams of torture for you, always spacing out as he never believed the chance possible. But here it stood, right in front of him.
Tanner raised his sickle and managed a hit on the wall behind your head as you ducked within a second of impact. When you raised your head again, it was quickly tucked back under due to the sound of bones being absolutely crushed.
Coriolanus was sick of you saving him and narrowly avoiding death. So he did the ever rational thing and bludgeoned the other teen's ribs until he plummeted to the ground.
Tanner out of the fight, Mizzen dead, and the other two frozen at the sight of yet another of their group beaten by Capital brats, you and Coriolanus finally had the chance for escape. The chance quickly taken by the blonde as he grabbed your hand and started sprinting forward.
He made it a good three feet before his vision plunged. Not because of any physical harm on his part besides the blood-curdling scream shredding your throat, cutting his ears. He turned around, still holding your hand, as your own crushed his in anguish.
Hovering over your now crumpled body against the wall, was Bobbin. Poor little Bobbin, whose breath was labored and wheezing. Face pale and bruised. The boy looked freshly risen from the grave just to drag you in his place.
He limped and leaned to one side due to the still bleeding wound on his thigh. Bobbin looked ready to give out at any motion, but he was satisfied. A look Coriolanus couldn't understand until he noticed the odd way your neck began hanging.
Coryo dropped to his knees, right in front of Bobbin's machete. All the district boy had to do was lift a few inches to end the heir of Snow's life. But like Coral, who now stood behind him, Bobbin wanted the youth of the Capital to suffer the same fate they did: a slow massacre of those dearest. Equality of death.
Coriolanus's pale hands grabbed the side of your neck and came away flooded with ruby liquid. You screamed with every ounce of pressure on your opened wounds. Bobbin's blade made no new cuts, just one large enough to reopen your healing cuts from the zoo attack.
Your eyes were in a competition with your veins to see which could produce more liquid. Tears or blood? Coriolanus tried to decipher which one as he took off your jacket and ripped the sleeve off to tie around your neck. He tied it tightly, but he could only do so much without choking you.
The boy kept muttering sweet nothings while you could only cry out. You didn't feel like yourself in that moment. You could see your body from a third-person point of view.
You choking on blood. Wails carrying through the entire arena.
This was it.
Your arms were weak along with the rest of your body, but you willed them to move. You snaked your hand to your upper chest, feeling around. New tears began to spring free, not out of physical pain but emotional.
Then you felt it. The rings.
As Coriolanus did all he could to keep you alive, you clung to all your will onto the three metal pieces. You felt the darkness getting stronger as you smiled.
At least you will see mom soon. And Otto. Oh, how you've missed Otto.
The only response heard was not from your frail form, but the deranged cackle of Bobbin, who was a corpse with a fringe of life clinging to him. Soon enough, Coral began joining in. She may not have gotten to make her tortuous dream into reality with you, but she still had pretty boy Coryo. Oh, how his little songbird would react to seeing her mentor bloody and gutted.
The two jeering tributes were too lost in their glee that they didn't realize Coriolanus still had the metal bar. The only one who noticed was Treech, who was down, tending to Tanner. Though the district seven boy was far too late to warn them effectively.
Within a blink, the laughter became screams. The metal repeatedly slamming into Bobbin's face was nauseating. The noises of bodily harm were different than how it was with Tanner.
Bobbin's organs and muscles were being bludgeoned too, not just bone. By the time Coriolanus got past the red caused by his rage, his eyes were covered by the red of his victim's blood.
His blows went straight through Bobbin's skull, splitting it. His eyes were dislocated, and any remnants of Bobbin's features were mush.
Coriolanus's heavy breathing filled the copper-secnted air of the arena entrance tunnel. The mentor looked up from the bloodied body in horror at his actions, reality not yet fully sinking in. When his eyes connected to Coral's, reality crashed hard.
One of the most feared tributes in the entire arena, who already had taken out multiple tributes, was petrified.
He blankly stared back before your whimpers were heard again. Unsure when Coral would snap out of her frozen horror, Coryo picked you up bridal style. Looking down, he noticed your face was much paler. Even paler than it was at the zoo.
You've lost so much blood that he didn't know where your pile ended and Bobbin's began. Coriolanus screamed with all his power for the Peacekeepers to open the gates.
Your body, as light as it was with the loss of blood, slowed the tall boy's stride enough for Coral and Treech to be at his heels.
"Open the gate! Open the gate!"
Coral had her trident in hand, still stained with Mizzen's blood. By just a fraction of a second, she missed her target, and the Capitol mentors safely made it to the outside world.
"Watch those screens, gorgeous. ‘Cause I may have missed you and the princess tonight, but your songbird’s next on my list."
Coriolanus watched as Coral and her pack walked back into the shattered arena. Back to Lucy Gray. She couldn't lose now. She can't. Not after everything you've all been through.
You began shivering in Coryo's grasp, which pushed all thought of the singer's victory or survival out of the boy's mind. Even as your strength wilted away, you clung onto the rings. More specifically, his ring.
Coriolanus laid you down as he screamed for the peacekeepers. He didn't know what, if anything, would help you, but he was desperate. On his knees beside you. The nightmare all over again.
The moon shone down brightly at the scene of your blood spurting, and Coriolanus grabbed any surface or material to stop it.
"Y/N?! NO, NO, Y/N!"
Sejanus jumped out of his mother's tight embrace to kneel beside you as you began sputtering out dark patches of blood. Sejanus never meant this. He never meant for you or Coryo to come in with him. He never meant to kneel beside yet another friend turned corpse.
The boy reached out to brush hair sticking to your face from the sweat and blood, some of which wasn't yours. Sejanus's hand was swatted away with such ferocity, he felt as if he was swiped at by a lion. The glare he was met with was so fierce it would challenge even the toughest of the former animals.
"Don't you touch her."
"I’m… I’m sorry. Coryo, I’m so sorry."
He looked back at your fading eyes. It wasn't supposed to be you. Never supposed to be you.
"I’m so sorry. For all of it."
Coriolanus saw the heartbreak behind those glassy brown eyes. Coryo knew he wasn't the only one losing you. Sejanus would be losing a sister. But it's not the same. No pain is ever the same as losing the love—
"Mr. Snow."
A stern-looking Peacekeeper appeared, a stretcher beside her. Over the shoulder, Coriolanus noticed the medical vehicle you would likely be transferred in. He moved out of the way immediately. The chance of saving your life was getting slimmer by the second.
Snow followed their accelerated speed to the vehicle. All pleas from Sejanus, the wails of Mrs. Plinth, and approval by Starbo Plinth were ignored as all he could focus on was you.
Your small puffs of air replacing your usual healthy steady breaths. Your beautiful skin cut and jagged with blood. The beauty of your eyes now wistful as you stare up into nothingness.
Coriolanus was so focused on your battered body that he didn't realize the vehicle wasn't sending you to the hospital. When injured to the brink of death, what better place than the torture laboratory of Volumnia Gaul?
@notyourwildestdream 🌹@darktrashsoulbear🌹@fantasylovestoryme 🌹@nekee-lilac02 🌹@a-avengerparker 🌹 @queenofshinigamis 🌹@darlingisntit 🌹 @scarletstarrs 🌹
As If Destiny (part thirteen) 🌹

Part 12🌹
A/N: please don't banish me to 12🙏
Hunger game warnings apply!
The world had gone yellow. Over the days and hours, it remained muted but ever-present. Not even the glistening white walls of the laboratory could escape an aged yellow tint. Four white walls are supposed to drive one mad, but in the case of Clemensia Dovecote, it was the lack of pure color that had her picking at her scaled skin.
However, there was one spot that Clemensia knew retained its purest shade. The crimson splatter on the dented wall, caused by her ramming her own head into it when the hissing became too much. Ironically, her evidence of insanity was keeping her sane.
She was focusing on that wretched spot once more when the door to her room in Gaul's freak laboratory opened. Clemmie was surprised by the intrusion. It wasn't test time. Or had she lost all sense of time? And here she thought she was getting better.
All questions were silenced when a figure was rushed inside on a stretcher, followed by half a dozen glove-clad figures. Tens of commands were shouted in the air as Clemensia watched from her bedside. The appearance of needles and oddly colored substances brought waves of all too familiar panic over the young woman.
As knives and needles buzzed around the poor body beneath the doctors, not a single scream was heard. Clemensia found it odd. When she was first bitten by the snakes, she was sent into the very same room she had been stuck in for days. Her only memories during the operations and tests were the blinding lights, glass-shattering screams, and heart-stopping pain.
Not a peep was heard from the body under operation. Dr. Gaul must have been feeling in a good mood and knocked the poor victim out. Or the person was already gone.
Just as quickly as they came, the team of scientists and medical specialists left in a flurry. Clemensia sat frozen in her bed, unsure of her next move. Would she be subjected to more testing if she approached? While the raven-haired girl debated, the body began making noises. So, not dead. Or back from the dead?
Clemensia was sick of the questions and lack of answers, so she pushed herself off the uncomfortable bed and began taking cautious steps toward the waking person. The lighting was dim enough to obscure the face of the damaged body but caught the light of three dainty metal rings.
Clemensia's gasps radiated off the walls when recognition hit her. All thoughts of punishment evaporated as she rushed to the bedside.
Her panicked shriek was met with mumbles and grumbles as your eyes fluttered open. You were heavily disoriented, taking in your new surroundings— weird tiled walls, creepy lighting, and no Coriolanus. You turned to your left, and your eyes connected with another pair of pale yellow ones.
The girl in question noticed your fear of her appearance but decided she could deal with that later. For the time being, she wrapped her healing arms around you in a crushing embrace. Your left shoulder became soaked from Clemensia’s body-shaking sobs. You had no idea what had, is , or will happen. You just felt you could do nothing more than rub your fingers through your friend’s dark locks in a comforting manner. Time passed in a fluid motion by the time Clemmie untangled herself from your healing body. You took in her eyes, now a marble mixture of yellow and red, while she took in the brutal cuts on your neck.
“I don't remember your cuts being this bad.”
Her slender fingers trailed lightly over the now stitched and wrapped injury. The motion was light yet still earned a wince from your chapped lips. Clemmie quickly removed her fingers and a string of apologies left her mouth. Odd. The girl you grew up with seemed to be shaken and hollowed out.
Clemnisa was always small, whether from genetics or malnutrition, but it wasn’t her body that gave the appearance now. It was the skittish movement of her eyes. The shakiness in her fingers. Short and shallow breaths. Though, those attributes were nothing in comparison to the scales that cover her once clear skin.
“Clemmie, what happened?”
Whether articulate planning or happenstance, the moment was interrupted by the shadow of gloom known as Dr. Volumnia Gaul.
“The dawn of Vaun, a deadly blade. Worn out dull from deadly decay.”
Cackles echoed off of the walls with the room lit up by the maniacal grin of the Head Gamemaker. Next to you, Clemnisa began twitching slightly from the woman. Oh, Clemmie, what has she done to you?
“Oh, what a lovely game you played, Miss Vaun. You have such wonderful potential to take over my position one day.”
Your jaw hardened at the thought. You wanted to do everything in your power to stop these games from ever happening again, not be the ringleader.
“Is Coryo alright?”
The woman’s demented eyes sharpened at you, in slight offense for cutting off her point. She took predatory steps towards you and shooed Clemnisa away to her respective bed. Dr. Gaul sat next to you and took your hand in her own cold, calloused one.
“Mr. Snow is quite alright. A few stitches here and there, but well earned. Your dear Coriolanus learned a good lesson about humanity though I doubt you needed a refresher. Not a second do you go from comforting your friend to murderer. You have a strength seldom seen these days.”
“You have not forgotten the war. Good. Don't you ever.”
You stared at her stunned and ashamed. Of course, only she would congratulate you on murder. You felt nausea swim through your veins and begged for moral release. You could feel Clemnisa’s stare burn across your face, but you had no words. How do you explain execution? Dr. Gaul felt satisfied with whatever she saw and sighed as she rose. A hand was firmly placed on your shoulder as she bore her gaze into your own.
“Check in on Mr. Snow. I fear he has been a bit shaken from his first death. Happens to the best of us, no?”
Flashbacks from the arena flooded in as you began remembering. The sound of splashing blood, bursting organs, and obliteration of bones. The sight of a wild man, unrelenting in his punishment over a boy. Coriolanus, the wild beast set upon poor Bobbin.
Your eyes shut in repulsion and discomfort when the door opened once more. A small woman with cold eyes and a stern mouth walked straight to Dr. Gaul. The Gamemaker wasn’t too close to you, but the proximity was enough to hear snippets of the whispers.
“Ravenstill… dead…”
Felix? You looked to Clemnisa and found that she must have heard as well as her eyes swelled with tears. She bit them back as Dr. Gaul looked you both over with a hard look in her eyes. She nodded to the woman and wordlessly made her exit. You waited a few moments before engaging in conversation, if such a thing could be done currently.
“What happened.”
It was not a question but a demand. You took a moment to look at the world through Clemnisa’s eyes. It had been days since she was bitten. Days stuck in the laboratory with the wicked Gamemaker. No friends or family visiting. Then all of a sudden, her friend comes rushing in, flirting with death just to know that she had her hand in murder. Not only you, but yet another one of her close friends decided to join in the slaughter while another was dying. Dead.
This was not the Clemnisa you knew. She had her tears, but she did not bawl. Her body shivered but did not crumble. She became hardened at the edges. Though, familiar or not, she deserved answers. Your voice cracked and pitched as you relented to her demands. The agonizing tale of horror you had so actively lived and scarcely survived.
“The Hunger Games.”
Arachne Crane was many things. Vile, cruel, demanding, sneering, and the list goes on. But one thing she was not, was a fool.
She was not to be fooled by Bobbin's sudden death. She knows there would have been recaps. Arachne noticed Coriolanus’s silence while his classmates chattered among themselves. His eyes were calculating like usual, but they were shadowed by a look of remorse. Guilt? Relief.
The red-haired girl certainly took note of your delayed arrival and the fresh-looking stitches on your neck. Peculiar as they looked perfectly fine last night before Arachne left. The look of unreadable emotion between you and Coriolanus was the most incriminating evidence. As if you never thought you would see the other ever again, yet there you were. However, the look was cut short as it was replaced with horror.
Upon the vast screen, a district caved into itself. Jessup began accusations against Lucy Gray, his closest confidant.
Most district pairs stuck together, but none more than Lucy Gray and Jessup. Even Arachne knew that neither would turn on the other, so why is Jessup Diggs chasing his friend with deadly intent? Arachne’s brown eyes moved from the screen to you and Coriolanus to ease her confusion. If it wasn’t enough that the tributes were friends, their mentors were more than enough to solidify their truce.
Yet, you both understood. Coriolanus noted the foam appearing from Jessup’s mouth and turned to you for help, but you were already ahead of him. You remembered rabies all too well. Hunched over your computer, you inhaled a somber breath.
“I know you did your best, Jessup. You did your part. It's my turn now. I’m so sorry.”
Your voice was small and quaking as your fingers hovered over, and eventually pressed the buttons signaling Jessup’s doom. A drone came rushing in, zooming straight for Jessup, narrowly missing both him and Lucy Gray. Instead, it hit the rock straight behind the District 12 boy, ricocheting off the stone and onto him. Fear overtook his eyes as he began swatting it off, only to have fright filling his lungs.
“What’s wrong with me?! What did you do to me?!”
His pleas echoed in the viewing hall as Lucy Gray’s heart was shattering as much as the glass that brought this situation. She begged him to calm down, but no sense rang through his ears as he tried everything to get the water off. His erratic movement caught up with him. The dark-eyed boy slammed into the rock below- a deafening sound.
“Jessup? Jessup!”
Your teary eyes watched on as Lucy Gray comforted and hugged her now-gone friend.
“I’m not going anywhere, you hear me? You watched over me and I’m gonna watch over you.”
With dirt-covered hands, Lucy Gray closed her friend's eyes as she hugged him close. In the hall, a buzzer was heard, signaling his death and your elimination from the wicked games. You knew this was going to happen. It was inevitable yet the truth brought no comfort.
You walked past Coriolanus and met his swimming blue eyes. A nod and eyes filled with thousands of emotions, flickering past too fast to decipher. One was gratefulness. Your own eyes had their fair share of emotions that shouted out to the star mentor. He knew the unspoken plea. There was no chance to be taken. He had to win.
As Lucky Flickerman ushered you out with his charismatic words, you made your way to the audience stands. You saw Tigris first and flashed her a soft smile, to which she reciprocated. When you reached the girl, she pulled you into a warm embrace. No words needed to be said. As you were in her arms, a soft thought fluttered your mind. Tigris has been nothing but kind to you and treated you like a sister. You never had a sister. Her smiles and jokes, even while surrounded by a crumbling and colder world stunned you day in and out. If you ever get your stuff back from your apartment, you don't have to sell it all. You had a few dresses you think Tigris would love.
You stayed there for a few moments, lost from reality, before taunting cackles were heard. Laughs you knew far too well for your liking. The scene played out in front of your eyes as Lucy Gray became cornered by Coral, Tanner, and Treech. All looked roughed up from the earlier night, but the sight of prey gave them more than enough energy. You and Tigris sucked in a shared breath as they got closer to the shaking girl. You watched as Coriolanus focused on his computer, slamming the buttons as fast as possible.
Confusion laced your features for a fleeting moment before realization dawned over you. Coriolanus Snow, you scheming genius.
Half a dozen drones swirl around the pack as they begin to defend themselves from the mechanical mess-ups. Coral swings this way and that with her trident as the rest of her pack does the same. You watch Coryo’s mouth move as he pleads to his tribute to run and to your collective relief, she does.
Lucy Gray takes advantage of the chaos and slips away under some rubble, taking two bottles with her. Coral and her pack are arguing among themselves while Lucy Gray regains her spirits. Coral and Treech target Lamina, who has yet to move from her spot on top of the collapsed rubble structure, while Tanner is left to guard the piled-up water. As the two zero in on Lamina, Lucy Gray makes her own moves; though, it can be argued how much of it is her idea when you notice the silver hiding in her hand.
Frantically removing the cap of one of the bottles, a beautiful silver compact shines in the light as she pours powder into the water. You stopped breathing as if you inhaled the substance yourself. Like when you had inhaled the substance. Your eyes shift to Tigris and see her own squinting, trying to pinpoint the recognition. But you know.
You move your gaze to the back of beautiful blonde curls but you are interrupted halfway. Instead, the cold hard stare of Casca Highbottom filled your vision. His face was cemented into a grave expression but you caught the gleam of satisfaction in his eyes. The dean made no move to back down from your stare, knowing he caught you right where he wanted. More specifically, he caught Coriolanus Snow.
The man smirked as he relented his gaze and directed it towards the screen where you missed plenty of action. Lamina succumbed to the power of Coral and joined Marcus beneath the structure while Lucy Gray, once again, hardly escaped from death. It was clear her various escapes drove a wedge between Coral and Tanner before the former drove her trident into her district partner. The crowd took a collective gasp at the sudden death and betrayal, but it was clear that today would be the day of death.
Only Treech and Coral remained of their former pack but that did not stop their hunting as little Wovey suddenly appeared. You had to look away as you heard their footsteps rush after the little girl, praying for her safety, even though it would be useless in the Games. The pair ran off into the tunnels, leaving the center of the arena with an odd silence.
No sign of movement for fleeting moments before a tribute could be heard before they could be seen. Coughing and stumbling, Dill from 11 approached the water. Or what she thought was pure water.
The relief on her face was blinding as she took gulps of the poison, no thought about the death she just consumed. You gulped down your nausea as she laid down next to the bottle. Your eyes shut as you heard Reaper call out for his friend. It wasn't supposed to be her. Why her? Why any of them?
Your face cringed in sorrow at Reaper’s howls and felt Tigris close her fingers over yours in comfort. You weren’t the one deserving of the comfort. Why were you given a shoulder of support while children had every last bit of hope and companionship slaughtered?
Reaper hovered over his friend's body and took off his hat in mourning. Your heart felt like it was going to give out in anguish. This isn’t a battle. This isn’t war. Death is indiscriminate except for the arena. Only the innocent. The good. The hopes of the world are massacred.
Reaper grabs Dill’s corpse and moves her to be with their fellow fallen tributes. One by one, Reaper lives up to his name as he creates the graveyard of innocent children. Most of which wished no harm to the other.
You take a look around the room and see sullen faces. Humanity and regret dance behind the crowd’s eyes. Maybe there is hope, a chance for change. Maybe the Hunger Games have grimly brought the Capital back to their senses-
Gasps shudder off the dome-like walls. Shrieks of offense and terror fill the air. You return your gaze to the screen, expecting more corpses and gore, but are only met with the flag between Reaper's hands. You look around the audience once more to see every pair of eyes hardening against the actions considered more vile than child slaughter. Every pair is focused in outrage at the offender who mocks the Capital and its punishment.
Every pair except a chestnut pair who stare at you. Arachne takes a look around the room once more and lands back on you. They always land back on you.
You watch her face contort into disbelief and realization. Across the room, your gaze connects as understanding flows straight to the girl.
Arachne Crane is many things. A top student, a promising youth, an unrelenting patriot.
Arachne Crane was many things.
But what Arachne Crane still is not, is a fool.
With the Panem flag draped over her fellow countrymen, she feels her blood boil with the districts, thoughts that would have never even scraped her mind before. But she was not the person from before. She is not, and never again will be, the Capitol's fool.
Your eyes still bore into one another when your attention was recaptured. So swift was Reaper’s act of rebellion cut off, instead replaced with the chilling look of a furious Dr. Gaul. Nothing good was to come of this.
“Capitol citizens, I’m afraid I must interrupt our Games to announce a tragic loss, one that affects us all. Felix Ravenstill, son of our beloved president.”
The sounds of shock and fury were drowned out as you only listened in to the Gamemaker. Watching how perfectly she articulates the fear to an unsuspecting audience. An audience that plays so perfectly into her game.
“He succumbed this morning to his injuries sustained in the rebel bombing. Out there in the districts, they will be celebrating this young boy’s death as a triumph. I will not allow my Games to give our enemy such a victory. I swear to you, here and now, before the sun goes down tonight, a rainbow of destruction will engulf our arena. Even if it means there’s to be no victor in these Games.”
You froze in disbelief. Not that Felix was gone, that fate was digested with Clemensia earlier. What you couldn’t believe was that all this time, you were led astray. You finally gathered the answer to Dr. Gaul’s question: ‘What are the Hunger Games for?’
You thought you knew. Everyone thought they knew. But this isn't about the districts. It has nothing to do with teaching them lessons or keeping them in their places. It has nothing to do with them at all.
The Hunger Games are not about survival. They are about control. And Dr. Gaul is losing her title as victor as the players stop playing.
“And where is he going?”
Your heart leapt to your throat at the sudden voice. You fully expected to see Casca Highbottom’s ever-present scowl as he seems to only show up at the worst times. However, you were pleasantly surprised to see your own scowling friend. You followed Arachne’s gaze to see Coriolanus rush out of the hall and you share a look of confusion with Tigris. You turn back to confess your lack of knowledge when it hit you. ‘A rainbow of destruction.’ Oh no.
“I have to go.”
You gave Arachne no time to protest in your haste to follow Coryo as you begged that you wouldn’t end up in the intimidating laboratory you have grown to detest.
Mere feet from the exit, you slam into something, causing you to stumble backwards into some unfortunate pedestrians. After collecting yourself, you realize that you didn't run into one of the many pillars surrounding the structure but rather an unamused looking Clemmisa Dovecote.
Nothing ever goes your way.
“Where exactly is your boyfriend going because if it is Dr. Gaul, I will throw him into a pile of snakes myself.”
You hesitate for a few moments as you take in the fact that Clemmisa is out and free. She told you of her time at the laboratory, none of which was in any realm near pleasant. The fits of insanity, the burning of her scales, and the absolute torture she went through in Gaul’s expression of science. Despite all that, here she stood, in a black turtleneck to hide her still fading scales and clearer eyes. Your observation was cut short however as the girl cleared her throat, clearly waiting for an answer. You sighed as you confessed.
“Let his fate be quick please.”
Clemmisa was a singular second away from smashing her head into the nearest wall, not out of insanity, but rather frustration with her former class partner. However, any skull smothering plans were interrupted by an intrigued Arachne.
“Ah so that's what the ‘flu’ was.”
You and Clemmisa both turn at her startling appearance. Your face must seem to translate your confusion well enough as the redhead continues.
“You’re in a public and crowded area, be careful what you say. Plus, Y/N, don't be suspicious and expect people to not follow you. Though, it's good to know you are back Clemmie,”
“And that we are throwing Coryo into a pit of serpents.”
You turn to her unimpressed by the comment but she takes it in stride as she grins at you. Arachne gestures with her head for you and Clemmie to follow her into a more secluded part of the building. Ending up in an empty hallway, she turns to both of you, a thoughtful expression gracing her features.
“Wonder if Gaul’s colorful destruction has to do with her catching onto Coryo’s trick.”
You watched as Clemmie’s brows furrowed in confusion. If she just made it to the hall now, it was likely she didn't see any of the Games today or frankly, at all. But as Clemmie stood there, awaiting an explanation from her friend, you were on the other side of the spectrum and looked towards Arachne with shock. The girl rolled her eyes and scoffed as she leaned on a nearby wall.
“Oh please, no district kid has the money to get something that nice - singer or not. Besides, I remember fragments of Coryo's mother when our families used to get together and she was always fidgeting with that compact.”
As you digested her words, Clemmie still felt out of the loop and let out an exasperated sigh.
“Okay good to know, but what does that have to do with anything?”
The two of you were quick to catch your unaware friend up to date: deaths, eliminations, rat poison, and all. In turn, she, along with your help, helped catch Arachne up with recent events including the rainbow snakes and your dance with death in the arena. The latter caused a flush of fury to appear on Arachne’s fair skin as your battle for survival was recounted. Once you were done, Clemmisa huffed out a breath, clearly overwhelmed. She turned back to face you two as she tried to figure out Coriolanus’s motive.
“So what, he is just going to beg for Gaul’s forgiveness while he is actively cheating her games?”
“Coriolanus Snow does not beg. He is up to something obviously. Though what, I can’t figure it out.”
“It’s clear she is going to send the snakes in but I still don't understand what Coryo’s plan is going to be?” Clemmie puffs in aggravation at the dead end. Then, a look of conspiracy glistens in Arachne’s chestnut eyes.
Arachne turns to you in question. Since you seem to spend every breath with him, she thinks bitterly. You, however, turn to Clemmisa as she likely had insider information about Gaul due to her time spent at Gaul’s prison she calls a lab. It was clear from last night that those who work there don't mind having loose lips around their experiments.
“He smells like her.”
You whip your head towards her, face nearly daring her to continue with that train of thought.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh, don't even. You and I both know he's not like that.” She waved her hand in the air as if physically offended at your train of thought.
“I meant that he is her mentor, not to mention she saved his life, so they spent a decent amount of time together. When I walked past her at the zoo, even surrounded by dirt and disgust, she still had a strong perfume smell to her. If what you say about the snakes is true-”
“Then he is going to use Gaul’s snakes against her.” You finish the thought for Arachne who looks to you slyly. Clemmisa looked as if she were about to burst from glee at the thought of Gaul tasting her own poison.
With that, the three of you walk back into the main hall and can only wait for the events to play out. Pray and beg that you won't leave empty-handed, or more worryingly, hands tied behind your back.
Just as you reach the entrance to the viewing hall, you collide once again into an unsuspecting body. You really need to watch where you are going, you began saying to yourself before you felt familiar hands steadying you by the waist. Well, well, if it wasn't the golden boy of the hour, whose irises, colored in your personal favorite shade of blue, looked down at you in worry.
“Y/N? What are you doing out here?”
Clemmnesia didn’t have the patience for pleasantries and crossed her arms, ready for answers. “Okay, cut to the chase, is it gonna work or not?”
Coriolanus’s already pale skin lost any residue of color at Clemmie’s interrogation. The sight of his panic brought out a sick feeling of glee from Arachne as she laughed in her own high class, snobby, yet intimidating way.
“Take a breath, Coryo. Doubt anyone else noticed and besides, we all want you to win anyway. We wouldn’t hear the end of it if Festus won.”
Ara cringed at the last thought while you bit your lip in contemplation. Well, someone else, someone very important, might have noticed. You opened your mouth to voice your concern when Clemniesa clarified her own motivation.
“Not to mention playing Gaul and winning. I want to see her sense of power to crumble so perfectly in front of my eyes.”
Well, your discontent for Gaul was not as vile or seething as Clemnisa’s, it was enough for you to nod in agreement. Coriolanus didn’t know the details of Clemmies' pain, but he could see her burning glare had a yellow tint to it. Add on your own pain and separation from Coryo when you needed him most, Coryo won't question a single one of your feelings. Although, that left Arachne as the only one without a motivation. He turned to her with an arched brow in curiosity in which she was guarded in her answer.
“I have my reasons.”
Coriolanus figured he won't get any further answers from Ara, though she wasn’t the one he wanted to talk to. He knew he didn't have much time, but he needed to talk to you. Coriolanus needed just one ephemeral moment with you to know that you are okay. An assurance that you weren’t a biological lab rat like Clemmnesia or saw him differently after what he did. Of the two fates, he wasn’t sure which one was worse; Coriolanus would lose you in both cases.
The two other girls must have noticed the changing air between you and the charming blonde as they suddenly disappeared from your presence. Coryo took the slice of time to step closer to your cautiously worried being. You, much to Coryo’s relief, did not step back from the action but looked at him quizzically.
“Y/N, I –”
His ocean of eyes deepened as his breathing became shallow. The boy has always been a wonder with his wit and words yet all his ability decided to leave him at the moment he met your eyes. He couldn't stop seeing them closing in pain and refusal to open as death gripped you down. Will you ever be able to live without cruel fate seeking into every crack of your life?
The scream of Lucy Gray was impactful enough to hear it even outside the hall. Alerted and on edge, all confessions were pushed to the side as both you and Coriolanus ran to the screens. You were eliminated and you were not allowed back in the mentor observation area, but no one was able to move a foot as all were too captured by the action unfolding.
Coral and Treech had been poking up at Lucy Gray's hiding spot until the latter of the duo began coughing violently. His throat began closing up and even with the bad quality of the cameras, the life abandoning his adolescent body was visible to all. The singer from Twelve made a run for it as soon as she fell from the vents. Sprinting into the center, with Coral on her tails, Lucy Gray, along with the rest of the remaining tributes, were met with a chilling sight. An ominous glass container was slowly being lowered from an aircraft vehicle. It descended slowly and once finally released, the stillness of the arena was mocking. Desperate, sweet Wovey stumbled towards the glass-contained doom.
Your breathing ceased as Reaper's pleas for Wovey to stop moving rang throughout the nation. While the young girl begged for an end, Coriolanus had his own pleas: let his plan work. At once yet in slow, even artistic movements, the glass shattered, releasing death in the form of a beautiful display of colors. Wovey was the first to go, rapidly drowned by the snakes. Reaper took his death in honor as he kneeled tall, refusing to bend to the Capitol even in his final moments. The only two left were Lucy Gray and Coral, the latter only a few steps away from the venomous serpents. Your hand found Coryo’s in apprehension as you watched the two adolescents run from inevitability.
The girl from Four opened her own towards her final opponent as she begged for mercy.
“It’s not fair! It’s not!
I can’t have killed them all for nothing.”
The young life that was never allowed to blossom within Coral was extracted by hundreds of beautiful fangs. The room was covered in a layer of paralysis as Lucy Gray was the lone warm-blooded body standing. Your hand began crushing Coryo’s but he only squeezed back.
“She won.”
No, indeed it was rather the frighteningly seething Dr. Gaul, who was perched above. Coriolanus turned to the Gamemaker, doing what he does best: talking his way out of the situation. His victorious tribute was doing what she does best by singing to the snakes who were now slithering all over her, matching the bright colors of her mother’s dress.
Coryo looked to you for confirmation, as if it was an unbelievable possibility with no ties to reality. In all truth, it was to each mentor and spectator, but not Coryo or you. Especially with Coriolanus’s own battle moves and tactics. The boy’s blue irises frantically moved from yours to Lucky Flickerman. The host was no help in confirming Lucy Gray’s victory nor her release as it was “not his call to make.”
“Dr. Gaul, she’s won. Let her out.”
You’re headed for heaven, the sweet old hereafter. And I’ve got one foot in the door. But before I can fly up, I’ve loose ends to tie up. Right here in the old there-before. I’ll be along -
The woman was flushed with her anger, present through her twitching nostrils. Lucy Gray has won which means Volumnia Gaul has lost. The most powerful woman in Panem was outsmarted by a thin, sickly, backwoods singer.
As Coriolanus tried to convince the woman to let Lucy Gray out and confirm their mutual victory, you tried to cover up his meddling by attributing the snakes' calmness to the girl’s beautifully heartbreaking singing. You looked around at the hypnotized crowd and witnessed Clemmnesia watch on with a mix of envy and nausea at the girl's relationship to the very snakes who caused Clemmie so much trauma.
When my folks run aground. When I’ve tallied the score and I’m flat on the floor. Right here in the old there-before.
When nothing is left anymore. When I’m pure like a dove. When I’ve learned how to love. Right here in the old there-before. When nothing is left anymore.
“Dr. Gaul, please. Get her out.”
You watched as Coriolanus’s eyes dipped with persuasion and pleading as he started intently at Dr. Gaul, whose stance began to crumble. Lucy Gray can’t sing forever and you refuse to go back on your promise to Jessup. Lucy Gray will live.
“Get her out!”
All eyes turned to you as you shared the sentiment. If it was just going to be you and Coryo against the Capitol, so be it. However, you both know that if support was needed, it can always be found in Tigris Snow.
“Get her out!!”
She stood tall as she joined you in rebellion. Swiftly, two more voices were heard. Clemmnesia and Arachne bore their intimidating glares into Dr. Gaul while they joined the ranks of opposition. Within just a moment, the entire hall was heard chanting for Lucy Gray’s freedom. You knew that Gaul could not silence the entire Capitol and their demands. A truth Gaul was, reluctantly, able to acknowledge.
“Get her out.”
Her hardened eyes ended up landing on your still intertwined hands while looking at Coriolanus, the victorious mentor of the ultimate underdog. The fact that he won hit you both a bit belatedly but as claps and cheers surrounded you, brilliant smiles broke across your faces. He separated your hands just to use his own to pick you up and spin you around in glee. As laughs and applause drowned out all your sense, the gaze of one Casca Highbottom was not felt. Though he was wearing a matching smile at the two of you. So happy the pair of you looked. Unaffected. Perfect and unscathed. Highbottom snarled at the thought.
Time to melt the snow.
When Coriolanus Snow was directed to follow a pair of Peacekeepers, he didn’t think much of it. He was on his way to congratulate Lucy Gray and released his breath knowing she lived. But while Coryo was lost in his accomplishment, you were not as trusting with his final destination. It was highly reckless, but then again, when did you ever have a clear head around Coriolanus Snow?
You watched as the still softly smirking boy entered the room that was quickly locked and guarded by Peacekeepers. If he was meeting with Lucy Gray, why would they lock the door? In the Capital's eyes, she is still a high-level threat and the Capitol’s golden boy has just been trapped in there with her. You hypothesized the possible scenarios until the light went off in your head. The realization that Coryo had indeed been caught by Dean Highbottom occurred at the same moment the aforementioned man appeared in the locked room.
“I warned you, Mr. Snow. Cheating will be punished.”
With a cynical laugh, he continued with his glorified lecture. “More poetically than even I could have hoped.”
“Lucy Gray, where is she?”
Coriolanus tried to retain his frustration and panic. He should have known. If Arachne and Clemnissa were able to figure him out, of course, the ever-vigilant and sneering Highbottom would in a second.
“I would be more concerned with your own survival if I were you.”
Highbottom circled around the teen until he came to a stop in front of the table that displayed his mother’s compact and father’s handkerchief, proudly embroidered with “C.S”.
“It’s fitting that both your parents could be here for your big moment. That compact. How many times did I see your mother use it to powder her beautiful face?”
The heir of Snow felt the anger boil as he clenched his jaw while the pure joy circulated in his father’s former best friend.
“Come now, we both know that child from 11 didn’t die of disease. Or that lumberjack from 7. And that old handkerchief, we found it in the snake tank, appropriately condemning you with your father’s own initials.”
Snow had no rebuttal as Casca continued with satisfaction lacing his words and cruel grin. The man was ready to continue before slightly muffled screams from the door were heard.
In the moments that Dean Highbottom spent giving his self-satisfied monologue, you grew anxious at the silent moments. You didn’t know what was happening but whatever Coryo was facing, he wasn’t going to do it alone.
You thought of trying to sweet-talk your way in, but just one look at the stone-faced guards was enough to scrap the plan. Alarm was overtaking your brain and any semblance of rationality, which left you with only one plan left.
You moved from your hiding place behind the pillars and ran straight for the door, barely scraping the doorknob before two pairs of strong arms began dragging you away. While they might have captured your body, your mouth was left free and used the highest decibel of your voice to alert a certain blonde.
While one of the guards was able to silence you, it was too late. Coriolanus turned in alarm at your screaming voice while Highbottom tilted his head in curiosity.
“Loyal one, isn’t she?”
The Dean notified the guards to let you in and within a passing second, your rumpled clothed figure stumbled in. You, unfortunately, met Highbottom’s mirthful gaze first, to which you returned with a harsh glare. You quickly then shifted your focus to the concerned Coriolanus as you walked to his side. With a deep inhale to steady yourself and sparing no further time to allow you to overthink your next actions, you addressed Dean Highbottom.
“It was me. I cheated in the games.”
Coryo’s brows furrowed in confusion and astonishment at your words while Highbottom’s raised in surprise. Though his surprise quickly morphed into amusement.
“Did you now?
His question was met with a steady nod and yet no movement from young Snow. The dean’s smile grows further.
“Care to explain how both Snow artifacts came into your possession?”
To your credit, you were quick on your feet, showing no signs of nerves.
“I thought of the poison plan too spontaneously to bring a proper container. Coryo had just given me the compact so I thought he wouldn’t notice.”
The “nor you” was left unspoken.
“Coriolanus gave me the handkerchief a while ago and I must have forgotten of the initials.”
Highbottom nodded along with claims though he was armed with follow-up questions.
“And when did you exactly spend so much time with Miss Biard to capture her smell on the forgotten handkerchief?”
Coriolanus watched as you answered yet again without a falter, though the answer shocked him at the near-total accuracy.
“I visited her at the zoo the night before the games.”
“You visited Lucy Gray but not your own tribute?”
“Lucy Gray might as well have been my tribute because I swore to make sure she won. I made that promise to Jessup because we both knew he wouldn’t make it. I was willing to break a few rules to ensure that he died for a reason.”
Highbottom stepped closer to you, which caused Coryo to put an arm in front of you and step ahead, much to the dean’s amusement. The Hunger Games’ inventor took you in as he calculated in that malicious mind of his.
“I must admit Miss Vaun, you are quite an admirable young woman. Clever and loyal. Not to mention one of the few Capitol kids with a heart.”
You and Coryo listened to his compliments with unease as you were sure that the other shoe had yet to drop.
“Smart explanations. There was a visitor to Lucy Gray’s cage the night before the Games, but I know it wasn’t you. The Zoo’s cameras need work but even those janky machines can pick up on the ridiculous shade of blonde of the real cheater.”
Coryo looked to you, defeat lightly creeping up on his pale face, but you were unwilling to accept his defeat. You didn’t care if you had to get on your knees and beg: Coriolanus’s family needed the money and Coriolanus.
“The Games are about survival and survival has no rules. In life or death, you don’t survive by playing nice. Coriolanus was just doing what those tributes were doing: surviving. And he won.”
Highbottom’s ever-irritating and grating laugh filled the enclosed room, shaking his head at you.
“Oh dear girl. Here you are, using every last inch of skin and bone to defend him and yet not a word of protest came out of his mouth. Willing to defend a Snow who is more than willing to let you take the brunt of their actions. You truly are your mother’s daughter.”
He takes in the pair of you with a mocking pout as he can sense your confusion.
The man’s bitter tone was dripping as he circled in on you both like a vulture. You had been able to piece your parents' former courtship but if only you knew the full extent. No need to worry; Casca Highbottom was oh so gracious to provide.
“Oh, don’t tell me you didn’t know? Y/N, where do you think that ring is from? After this, besides an excuse of a heir, the only remaining asset of Crassus Snow will be hanging around your neck. Ironic, after a war, death, and poverty, Snow still get’s the girl. Isn’t that right?”
“He was so quick to use the last remnants of his dead parents for his ambition, what makes you think he won't use you? I wonder if you are smart enough to realize it in time, just like your mother. So sad it didn’t matter in the end, Crassus brought her down into the grave with him.”
At that, Coriolanus finally spoke up, utterly done with Highbottom's mockery, especially when it came to both of your parents.
“She died from poisoned water. Years after my father's death.”
Highbottom looked at his two smartest students as if they were the dullest minds to walk on the earth as he explained.
“Now why would rebels go through so much effort to poison Cloria? If they wanted to hurt the Vaun family, why not cut off the head by taking out Tyre? He was a far easier target in the districts than his wife stored away deep in the Capitol. The rebels could have gone after you, Coriolanus, but humiliation states far better than ultimate demolition. But oh Cloria Vaun? The last fully functioning remnant of Crassus Snow. She may have run from his arms, she was never out of reach.”
“There was a reason your brother, your dear Otto, and uncle were sent to Twelve with Crassus Snow, Y/N. The family ties between your maternal family and the Snows were a notorious bond. One that couldn’t even be broken by the cruel heart of Crassus.”
Highbottom landed right in front of your swelling eyes as he spelled out the pain for you. Coriolanus kept his eye on you, dread flowing through his arteries.
“Every person you have ever loved died at the hands of the family you strive at any chance to defend. You are just the next victim.”
You look down at your necklace, a priorly never noticed detail shouts out at you. The two golden rings of your family were split apart by the aggressive silver shine of the Snow’s ring. Your breath began to quicken as Coriolanus ducked his head down to get your attention. His eyes began to match your teary-eyed ones as he too took in your appearance.
No, no, please no. You can't believe he is like his father. You can’t.
Casca Highbottom took in the scene of heartbreak in front of him with jubilation. He never had anything against Cloria, but he wished the world’s worst suffering against any bearer of the surname Snow.
“Your family won’t ever see that prize money now of course, Coriolanus. President Ravinstill has left your form of punishment to me, and I’ve decided banishment to the districts where you’ll serve your Capitol in exile for the next 20 years as an anonymous, peacekeeping grunt.”
Both pairs of youthful eyes snapped to the dean. You share a look with Coriolanus and in that one glance, you knew. You didn’t care if it was your so-called destiny to suffer. You refused to let your life be controlled by the actions of two people who weren’t you, even if they were your blood. You were unwilling to accept your love to be ripped from you by a man’s personal vendetta with a ghost.
The sound of fireworks popping in the distance filled the tension-packed room as Highbottom finally felt his long-awaited satisfaction.
“Do you hear that, boy? Finally. The sound of snow falling.”
Any arguments from you were drowned out by half a dozen Peacekeepers storming and dragging Coriolanus away. Just as you had pleaded on your way in, you did the same as he left.
You were held back by Peacekeepers just like before, but you made no effort to move. Your mind had nothing to provide as it was hazed with anguish. No thoughts were able to be formed besides the image of that singular look in Coriolanus's eyes. The look of one who was screaming their proclamation of love in a battlefield. The look you give to your loved one before you say goodbye. Forever.
You whip yourself around once you were finally released from the guards' grasps as you intend to argue against Coryo’s punishment. Your tear-streamed face was met with an unnervingly calm and serene Highbottom.
“Time to discuss your punishment.”
You stood in front of the grey vehicle with a small bag in hand. A handful of items stuffed into it, the few personal items you had left at the Plinths. You heard the whistles blow, the third of its kind, alarming all persons on the platform for the train's soon departure. You knew you needed to get on but you felt frozen in time. No movement in your body, not even a blink or breath. All until a voice startled you into motion.
The train looked only slightly more advanced and clean than the cattle car the tributes arrived in. An arrival that was less than a week ago. Yet here you stood. From top student and Capitol darling to a scarred, disowned, and failure.
At least that's what kept on ringing in your mind when you went to the Snow’s apartment to break the news that no money would arrive along with their Coriolanus. The look in Tigris's eyes was a sure affirmation that sleep would not be coming to you for days.
“Wonder if it moves.”
You turn to your right and there stands a surprisingly plain-looking Arachne Crane. Your eyes squint in confusion at her appearance and presence but she takes no notice as she continues to look at the train like you just were. You clear your throat as you warily address her.
“It’s a train, Ara. Yes.”
“I was talking about you.”
She met your eyes with a smirk that only widened at your further confusion on just how long she had been standing there without your notice. The final passengers, mostly just Peacekeepers, boarded, leaving just you and Arachne.
“Alright, I admit it’s a decent-looking train but now it's time to get going.”
The girl grabs your hand and made it onto the train's low steps for boarding when you pull her to a stop. The girl turned around with an eyebrow arched in slight frustration.
“What are you doing, Ara?”
The girl huffed at what seemed like an obvious answer. She flipped her high ponytail over her shoulder as she switched hands to hold yours.
“I don’t like to be played like a fool. The Capitol says the districts are evil, let them but I’ll find out for myself. Besides, the two people I actually can tolerate here aren’t going to be here, so why would I?”
“You have Clemmnisa.” You countered which made the girl softly laugh.
“Yeah, but she isn't you. Besides, it's a ‘business trip’.”
You tilted your head at her excuse. “Arachne, your family doesn't have hotels in Twelve.”
She smirked at you gleefully at your comment.
“I know.”
And with that, she pulled you up into the train, feet leaving the ground just as the train left the tracks.
A/N: FINALLY! sorry guys I was struggling to write this, material and time wise. To all those who celebrate Eid tomorrow, here is your lil gift;) to all: have a lovely day!!
@notyourwildestdream 🌹@darktrashsoulbear🌹@fantasylovestoryme 🌹@nekee-lilac02 🌹@a-avengerparker 🌹 @queenofshinigamis 🌹@darlingisntit 🌹 @scarletstarrs 🌹
As If Destiny (part fourteen)🌹

Part 13🌹
A/N: it's been a hot minute, I'm sorry! I was swamped with AP tests and all that nonsense so I haven't had time (or mental capacity) to write. But I have cooked up something! Is it good? Well isn't that up to you dear reader? I hope you enjoy it and forgive me for the wait (and spolier: no coryo😔)! much love!!
"You look horrible."
You would have retorted to Arachne's comment, but it was true. You did look horrible, and Arachne was blurry. Watching the world speed by in a blur wasn't a concern until you turned your head from the window and the mediocre train car was hazy splotches of color.
"And you look like a pale orb."
Your mind was being split with a migraine, and it felt as if the flood was rushing to your brain, even though you were sitting straight up. These symptoms, which included chills even in the heat-packed train car, had suddenly overtaken you. You played it off as motion sickness because you had no other reason to believe otherwise. Arachne was not so convinced, but she kept her suspicions to herself.
"Well, at least lay down before you hurl on my shoes. I really like this pair."
Your response came in a series of grunts and grumbles as you covered your face when the pain intensified. Arachne closed her leather-bound book while concern broke through her stone-faced expression. You leaned your head back against the headrest as you opened your eyes only to shut them out of the burning pain that accompanied the light.
"Where am I going to lay down exactly? There isn't enough room on these seats."
Ara rolled her chestnut eyes, a motion you obviously missed but could so tangibly feel.
"There is a real innovative mechanism called laying on the floor."
The words were surprising enough that you dealt with the pain as you peeled your eyes open enough for a dubious squint at your friend.
"I didn't even know you knew that concept existed."
You awarded the reason why you narrowly missed the midnight-colored book Arachne threw at you to your natural instincts rather than the still hazed vision of yours.
"Hey, damsel in distress here! A few days out of the Capital and you've lost all sense!"
Your most posh and eloquent voice was composed by the little giggles and breaks as you teased the redhead. She watched on as your joy was interrupted by a fresh wave of pain, earning the otherwise silent car a few winces. Arachne got up, walked straight across to you, and peeled one hand off the side of your skull.
"You're District now, Ace. Get comfortable with the uncomfortable."
She led your throbbing body gently to the ground. You thought she would step back to her original seating, yet Arachne has been one for surprises lately. As the pain washed backward into your mind, your eyes stared straight up at the beige ceiling of the car even with the squirming and huffs of Arachne filling your right ear.
You held in your laughter in paralysis for as many moments you could grasp before they broke through their capture within your throat. Your eyes were still trained on the ceiling as your body rattled with laughter at the clear discomfort and possible regret radiating off Arachne's body.
"Somebody is clearly feeling better." Arachne's reply was a sour grumble, but you joyfully met it with a blinding smile in her direction.
"Oh, but how could I not when the Arachne Crane is willing to lay on the atrocious floor for silly old me—OW! Stop attacking me!"
Well, and of course, the only natural reply was yet another slap to your abdomen from the smirking redhead.
The two of you stared up at the ceiling in an air of harmony. Silence has been more foe than friend in recent times, yet in those moments of peace, it was a readily accepted companion. Your eyes were strained at the ceiling, ears to the rumble of the tracks beneath you, and your heart was not with you but in shreds somewhere in District Eight. You closed your eyelids against the thought, but it reached into every corner of your mind and being. Though, before you could physically beat it out of you, the train began to slow.
Arachne was quick to get up and confirmed your arrival with astonishment capturing her pale features. You sat up and used your friend's outstretched hand to pull yourself up, catching a glimpse outside the window.
The train station was littered with a sullen and soot-covered population fluttering around. The distance was consumed by coal mines and smoke painting the sky a sickly shade of abuse. Grey was the only word to describe what crossed your vision. The sky, atmosphere, and people.
Both you and Arachne stepped outside and seemingly into your pasts. The hunger in the eyes. Paleness of the workers' skin. Ever-present tears latching onto the populace's eyes. It was a scene you and Arachne were all too familiar with. Before you, district-born citizens shifted into long-dead Capital residents. You were no longer the woman you forged yourself into but that little scared girl. The grey was not from the coal but rather the gloom of expired misery.
"Come on, Ace."
Arachne's voice was soft as her eyes trained on your vacant face. She lightly nudged you towards the direction of the transport cars for the rest of the scientists and peacekeepers. Your footsteps felt like molds within cement as you made your way across the train platform.
It was all in due time, you think. Every experience you've ever had with trains was all in regards to this district in which you now inhabit. District Twelve seems to be the only certainty within your life.
Nothing but pure curiosity flowed through you as the transport car made its way to the base. The sky was prepared for storms, causing the color to match the houses, yet the trees from the midway forest stood out. No matter how many faces or buildings you passed, your eyes were trained on the woods. Woods that held such deep secrets. And bodies.
The base was a large complex of several buildings as well as a series of courtyards currently filled with training peacekeepers. You and Arachne made your way into the main building and were impressed. Not by any architectural feats but the lack of pearly marble the Capital prides itself in.
You and your assessing companion had to split up into two different lines for registration, although you both would be filling the same role as researchers here. Arachne made her way to the front of the alphabet while you settled into the section for the latter half. You had a good while before you reached the registration table, so you spent your time once again analyzing your surroundings.
The area was far greener than the area surrounding the train station. The thought of how the foresters' area must look when the sun shines crossed your mind. Brightness in Twelve invariably shifted your thoughts to Lucy Gray Baird. Casca Highbottom was a cruel man, but would he add to the fresh scars of the underdog winner? Unbeknownst to you, your thoughts were painted crystal clear upon your face.
"If you are planning an escape route from here, I would recommend the trees."
Your trance was broken by a smooth voice. You spun around and were met with glistening hazel eyes belonging to an admittedly handsome man with freshly buzzed hair. Just one simple statement and reality was crashing hard around you as the realization that all of the past days' events were real.
You were disowned, outcast, and banished to the District that martyred your family and its sanity. Unfortunately, the silence that was a byproduct of your epiphanies was mistaken as disregard by the striking man. His smile turned shy while an awkward laugh escaped him.
“Uhm, that wasn’t very specific, was it? I am still getting used to the forests surrounding me.”
The boy, who couldn't have been more than a year or two older than you, scratched his neck while he avoided eye contact with you. It finally dawned on you that an actual response is expected from you and this boy was the first human you've spoken to in the past few days besides Arachne. As much fondness you hold for her, it is refreshing to hear another voice. You looked directly at him and gave him a kind smile.
“I am going to have to get used to it as well, though the advice seems pretty sound. I’ll end up somewhere, even if it is in a circle.”
His hazel eyes snapped back to yours as soon as he heard your voice (fortunately) not belittling him or insulting his awkward statements. The line moved up a handful of people in the span of your miniature conversation. You walked forward along with the line and when you turned back to face the brunette, your faces were mere inches apart.
Your eyes met his hazel ones as you hastily backed up in panic as you sought your rings to provide you comfort. Now, you were the one avoiding eye contact and coughing while trying to rid yourself of your reddened cheeks. Accident or not, the proximity felt like yet another reminder of your new twenty years of loneliness. Or possibly less, as Arachne tries her best to convince you.
“Uhm, I - I am so sorry! There was someone moving past me and I tried to make room and—”
“It’s okay, I promise.”
He was clearly sweet and shy, although a bit graceless. Though it wouldn't be too bad to make some friends in your home for the next three years. His cheeks burned with unbearable heat as he tried to move past the prior fumble between the two of you.
“Well, those are beautiful rings.”
You had completely forgotten about the jewelry you still had been messing with to calm your nerves. Your eyes moved to look at the one you currently had your ring finger looped through, and it was no surprise to see the riveting snowflakes shine in the fluorescent lights. Though you tried to fight it off, somberness overtook you, but you were able to manage a timid thank you as you were hypnotized by the ring filled with promises of the past. Unfortunately, the poor boy couldn't help but continue the unintentionally one sided conversation.
"You must be from the Capitol."
After mentally cursing yourself for losing your attention again, your eyebrows scrunched in curiosity at the boy's quick assumption.
"Am I so obvious?"
Your voice was a mixture of astonishment and vulnerability. Worries about standing out like a sore thumb and what consequences that might result in began poisoning your mind but were slightly calmed by this odd boy's laugh.
"I haven't been here long, but even I know that people in Twelve don't have jewelry like that. Plus, most scientists here are from the Capitol, so it was easy to guess. Not to mention other—uhm—attributes."
The last note was a bit peculiar but was easily surpassed by embarrassment. You hid your face behind your hands as you groaned in mortification.
"Ugh, you must think me vapid and insolent!"
Only a few more aspiring scientists and Peacekeepers stood between you and the table now, yet your eyes were still covered in humiliation that was only intensified by yet another chuckle from the boy.
"Yeah, no, out here in the Districts, we don't use those words either."
Yet another groan rumbled through your throat as you tried to fuse your hands to your face. However, your plans were foiled as a light shoulder bump sparked intrigue. Those hazel eyes were the first sight to grace the world outside your palms, and the second was his tender smile.
"Don't worry too much. Just hide your clearly expensive rings and steer away from words straight out of a dictionary. Do they make you guys recite from the dictionary out there? Give me five synonyms for embarrassed. Oh, wait, no—did I just accidentally insult the Capitol?"
And like that, the dread that had overcome you began melting off as you earned a chuckle of your own, which he met with a charming grin, although the concern about his possible offense made it slightly tense. You quickly tucked your rings beneath your shirt and scribbled a reminder into your brain to find new articles to fidget with.
"You know what? Some might be studying it as much as our textbooks for increasingly niche words to insult others."
There was only a girl in front of you now with dark red hair and freckled skin as you and your companion giggled. He was the first to stop as he looked to you for confirmation that he wouldn’t be hanged for laughing at Capitol residents, albeit with one of their own. A sweet silence accompanied you both when you looked up at the taller boy in interest.
"Well, now since you know where I am from, it's only fair I get to know the same about you."
A look of longing and sadness swam through his earth-toned eyes. He looked off into the distance while squaring his shoulders as if to carry mountains of weight upon them.
You had always been good with words, but they failed you at that moment. Not only did Sejanus race through your mind, but his fallen friend turned tribute, Marcus. Was there any chance that this boy knew either of them?
Your gaze met once more, but all further inquiries ceased as an opening appeared in front of a middle-aged blonde woman with deep brown eyes. No time could be wasted in any aspect related to the Capitol, so you swallowed your curiosity and made your way forward. Though you never did get the boy's name.
The woman looked exhausted from clear years of service, and her voice only added to her evident exasperation. She asked the expected questions of what your name was and took your fingerprints as she gave you several forms to fill out while her head remained down, writing furiously at a stack of papers.
"Y/N Vaun, ma'am."
While you knew your surname was infamous in the Capitol, you were shocked at the sudden movement of the woman’s head upwards. Seconds passed as her gaze just burned into your being while you could do nothing more than avert your own sight elsewhere. The woman quickly regained her professionalism and swiftly retrieved a small, pristine white envelope. The texture was fine and could be from nowhere else than the Capitol. A claim supported by the evidently formal handwriting on the front displaying your name.
"It's an honor to have you here, Miss Vaun. You must be something special; that letter comes straight from Casca Highbottom."
The man's name was enough for you to stop all movement. Your fingers paused, your breathing ceased, and your eyes froze in place. Of course, the Hunger Games creator wasn't done playing games with you yet. Yet, if there was one thing you needed to master to survive here, it was a facade. So, you swallowed your anguish and gave a polite smile as you finished up all your forms.
You flew through them, especially compared to a young black-haired and tanned boy next to you who was one of the many illiterate. Just as you finished the last signature and handed off to the aging woman, you noticed Arachne appear in the corner of your right eye. In the corner of your left, you searched for the hazel-eyed boy from before, though all searches were fruitless as he was nowhere to be found. You grabbed your uniform, ID, and other important papers and made your way to your friend, and thankfully, bunkmate, as Capitol researchers only had to share their rooms with one other peer.
"Getting bribes already, Ace?"
Arachne joked as she nodded towards the pearly envelope that stood out from your other items. You responded with a swift jab to the side and a loud "hush!" The look in your eyes was quickly understood by the redhead to stall any further questioning till the hopefully, safety of your room.
You both walked out into the central courtyard and made your way to the scientist quarters in the west, opposite the Peacekeeper quarters in the east. You watched a regiment of the latter-mentioned group run past the two of you, guns in clear sight causing anxious breaths to ripple through your lungs.
Though, you attempted to remind yourself that you were seen as one of them. Not a threat. Due to the events of the past week, it had been hard not to keep an eye out over your shoulder. However, the arrival to your room was smooth and as soon as your door was shut, you wasted no time before throwing Arachne the envelope, which she caught swiftly. You let her examine it for herself as you looked around the room that you would be calling refuge for the next 36 months.
It was small yet not cramped. The walls were a bland grey and the floor cold cement. Directly opposite the door was a central window that pointed towards the woods, as your room was in the back of the housing complex. You threw yourself down on the right grey and metal-wired bed, leaving Arachne to settle into the one across as she grappled with the paper within her hands.
"Congrats, you are officially his number one favorite victim to mess with."
Your groans of frustration were confirmation that Arachne’s words were far from helpful. You got up from your sitting position and snatched the envelope out of her hands and began pacing back and forth. Whatever was in the envelope, it wasn’t good.
"Maybe he felt generous and gave you some money. Or a postcard from your home that he banished you from. Or maybe some spare morphling—oh, who are we kidding?"
You leveled her with a glare of equal disappointment.
"That was unnecessary and cruel."
"Just like the Hunger Games, right?"
Her words were a surprise, no doubt, but Arachne is full of them nowadays. She is District Twelve after all. And willingly! You looked down at the handwriting of the Games' inventor and huffed. Might as well get it over with.
In one expeditious movement, you ripped the envelope open and pulled out the equally as extravagant paper from its hiding place. You couldn’t resist the urge to quickly unfold the paper and read it in an instant. In all truth, that was all it took to read the articles of the letter.
It was a truth Arachne quickly found out after your scoff that piqued her intrigue even further as she made her way to read over your shoulder. Then it was her turn to scoff at the words written. You stood in place, rereading the letter’s contents over and over again while she walked over to the window.
"Just to be clear, he only hates you and Coriolanus because you look like your dead parents?"
Your bitter laugh was a sign enough of the ridiculousness of this whole situation and the cruelty of Casca Highbottom. No matter the reason, it was only fact that Dean Highbottom wished hell upon Coriolanus Snow and, by association and loyalty, you. Your eyes trained upon the words once more as you tried to make sense of them.
South of society and North of the reminders. The woods are full of blood's secrets.
You make your way to Arachne’s post by the window. Looking out to the rows and rows of trees, whether fortunately or not, the meaning of the words opened up in your mind. You turned your head to Arachne, who was already looking your way, and had a smile of exasperation upon your lips yet mischief in your eyes.
She already began shaking her head against whatever idea you concocted. Letter in hand and dread in place, you try to poke at the last bit of light you can grasp.
"Ready to take a hike?”
It was mid-afternoon, and the sun began slowly breaking apart the clouds as you trekked through the woods, a disgruntled Arachne following.
“Of all the districts, you just had to be sent here?” She grumbled rhetorically while smacking a branch harshly out of her frowning face.
You were ahead of her, trying to analyze your surroundings for any type of so-called “reminders.” A small blade was in your hand as your focus centered on the plethora of tree trunks. You had no idea what you were looking for, but you knew Dean Highbottom. If there was one joy in the man’s desolate life, it was using the dead to torture the living. Ghost stories were his favorite pastime.
Your family's ghosts lived within these woods. Their blood became the fertilizer of the sturdy trees. The rabbit hole within your mind brought you nothing but fury until you were the one throwing all caution to the wind as you hit branches and cut trees in your way. The turn in your behavior was picked up instantly by Arachne, who rushed to your side, narrowly avoiding tripping twice. She gently put a hand on an outstretched forearm and forced you to look at her.
Not a single word came out of her mouth. Only patience radiated off of her as she waited for your explanation to ease her worries. You huffed as you looked up to force the tears inside.
“I know who I am going to find and what he has become.”
No name was mentioned, and there was no need. Arachne had also suspected Highbottom's ploy. Otto Vaun had been butchered with these very trees, and hard physical proof of your brother's death was the punishment you were sent to Twelve for. Arachne wasn't often someone people looked to for comfort, nor did she wish to be. However, after finally reconnecting with you, she wanted to be at least somewhat of a pillar of solace.
She went in for an attempt at a hug until you were saved from her unpracticed embrace when her eyes caught onto something strange. Arachne lightly gasped, causing you to follow her line of sight, and strange no longer became the right word. Sinister was the only description you felt fit.
A thick tree stood in contrast to all those surrounding it as its bark was not the casual brown it ought to be but rather a dismal grey. In the center of it was a charcoal black outline of a body, and upon closer inspection, bodies due to the varying lines around the arms and head. Upon the sides were fingernail marks clawing at the bark in deep grooves. It did not even smell like the rest, but rather of fatality.
Stillness and silence overtook the woods as you and Arachne were hypnotized by the macabre display. The pair of you were so fully absorbed that a movement was heard in the leaves, and you were on high alert. You quickly readied your blade and scanned your eyes over the area. You were unsure of which though horrified you most: a possible Peacekeeper who would rat you out for your unsupervised and unapproved excursion or an unfriendly local.
The sound began jumping from area to area along with your heart rate as you couldn’t stop your head from continually swiveling. It came continually closer, which naturally pushed you and Arachne back to the base of the grotesque tree.
You felt it hit your back, causing you to turn and feel the panic and fear of the sight all over again as you let out a small scream.
You stumbled back from the burnt bark only to be met with the source of your initial fright, a little brown rabbit who quickly hopped away at your appearance. Yet another small yelp of surprise pushed past your lips, causing Arachne to laugh as she stepped towards you.
“How you survived the arena, I don’t understand.”
Your arm was already instinctively pulling back to land a punch on her arm when a voice appeared from the leaves above you, causing the taunting girl to scream herself. Hypocrite.
“I knew you weren’t from the Seam! Too jumpy.”
A young yet self-assured voice spoke. The voice belonged to a young girl with dark curly hair, tan skin, and eyes that felt all too familiar. However, your interest was quickly recaptured as another girl appeared and voiced her opinions.
“If it makes you feel better, I said you were too pretty to be from the Seam.”
This girl’s voice was sweet and honey-like, reminding you of a certain charismatic singer and victor. The two girls, who seemed to be around 12, got themselves comfortable and fully visible as they sat upon some branches.
The one with curly hair was wearing a pair of dusty dark brown pants paired with a worn-out dusty blue blouse. Her blonde companion was dressed in a colorful textured pink and white maxi skirt with a baby blue blouse as well. You stared at them curiously while Arachne was in her natural state of suspicion and intimidation. The pair stared down at you expectantly, and when neither you nor Arachne spoke, their eyes lit up as rapid-fire questions were asked.
“So where are you from?!”
“How did you get here?”
“Have you been to any other districts?! What are they like?!”
“Why are you here?”
“Are you guys friends too?! Have you ever been to the Capitol?! Ooo are you from the Capitol?!”
“No way, look at the scars on her neck. That doesn’t happen in the Capitol.”
You had no control as your hand involuntarily covered the aforementioned scars. Arachne didn’t like this one bit and couldn’t keep the edge out of her voice.
“You know nothing about the Capitol.”
The possibility of even just one of you being from the Capitol should have caused the girls to take heed and for them to leave when they could. But the pair weren’t known for their social awareness.
The girl of certainty jumped down, quickly followed by her sweet-smiled friend. You just watched as she walked towards you and no matter how fast your reflexes, you were too stunned to stop the girl from poking your forehead. She moved away immediately, yet you swatted the vacant air, staring at her for some sort of explanation that might somehow excuse the odd action. She shrugged as if it was completely normal.
“My dad sees fake people all the time. I thought maybe I could too!”
The excitement in her voice did nothing to reason her appearance rationally. You’ve only ever met two other District Twelve locals, and they were Jessup and Lucy Gray. Jessup's silence was understandable, and you excused Lucy Gray's oddities due to her Covey affiliation, but now you are starting to think this is normal District behavior. If so, the next three years are going to be something.
It was then that the blonde noticed the forgotten letter in your grasp.
“Ooo, what's in the letter?!”
You cleared your throat and tried to move past their questioning to ask some of your own. You nodded toward the tree with the ghastly marks. The two looked at it as if it was not different than the rest until it clicked in their head. They began speaking over each other until the one with familiar eyes began explaining.
“Ah, it's one of my favorite relics - that’s the right word, right?” She looked to her friend for confirmation, who giddily nodded her head. Both you and Arachne shared a look: this was going to be an interesting tale.
“Back in the war, the Capitol wasn’t good at dealing with the woods, so they started burning them down! The poor birds. So our soldiers got fed up, and whenever they got the chance, they tied them and did the same thing!”
Her ecstatic voice got you both lost as you tried to assure what she was saying. In addition, you started oddly feeling ice prickling your skin, yet there was no change on the surface. The local picked up on your confusion and was quick to confirm your suspicions.
“They sent them in flames! But you know what's funny? This tree outlived them all hahaha!”
Arachne was able to swallow the brutal practice easier than you, muttering something about “poetic irony.” She turned to gauge your reaction and instantly snapped into action.
Your eyes became glossed over, looking more like ice than your normally lively eyes. Your skin paled, and you were shivering. The second Arachne grabbed a hold of you, you fully lost consciousness.
“Was it the talk about fire or trees?” the dark-haired girl asked casually and was swiftly smacked upon her neck by her friend.
“You killed her! We are so going to be next! Rowan!”
The girl-Rowan, tried to play it off with a scoff and shake of her head.
“I didn't kill her! It's allergy season!”
Arachne was done with both of their likely endless banter and snapped orders.
“Stop bickering! Call someone and now!”
The two looked at your still-shaking body and swallowed. The blonde, who was still nameless to the two of you, turned to her friend in urgency.
“Go call your brother!”
Rowan was immediately against that as the fear overtook her eyes.
“No, absolutely not! Go call your sister! He will kill me if he found out!”
“They both will kill us when they figure out we actually did commit murder!”
Arachne was impatient and more than irritated at their lack of urgency.
“I will be the one committing murder if one of you doesn't alert someone immediately.”
Yet again, they turned to each other and pointed.
“Rowan, go!”
“Maude Ivory, go!”
Then, to the relief of Arachne's blood pressure, a man who looked only a few years older than you appeared, carrying what looked like a handmade bow and a quiver of arrows.
He noticed the two screaming girls first as he addressed them.
"What have I told you guys about yelling in the woods? Someone will find you—”
The words died on his tongue as he took in your cold and shivering body. Arachne, like anyone else, assumed the shock was from seeing an unconscious body on the floor. Yet, Rowan wasn’t unknown to the man and had been feeling some sort of connection to you.
“Wait, yeah! She does look like—”
“What did you guys do now?!”
The panic was evident in the dark-haired man as he tried to think of ways to explain the situation if any Peacekeepers were to walk upon them. The tone in his voice was warning enough not to press it, but the girls never really cared for warning labels.
“We were curious! We’ve never seen her before and she doesn’t look from Twelve! I think she is from one or two.”
Rowan exclaimed while Maude Ivory's voice was quick to refute.
“I think she is from the Capitol!”
“You better pray we aren’t!”
It was then that the three of them remembered or noticed that Arachne was sitting right there, cradling your body that had stopped shivering yet was ice cold. She felt for your pulse once more and it was slow, far too slow. The look evident in Arachne’s chestnut orbs translated the severity of the situation and was all the man needed to start moving. He crouched beside your body still within Arachne’s arms. He gestured to take your body but the Capitol girl was hesitant.
“We are researchers at the base, it would be safer to take her there.”
Just the mention of the base had the man shaking his dark unruly locks in opposition. He emphasized to Arachne that she had already broken several of their rigid rules by going out into the woods without proper training yet. Self-preservation was also a factor in his case because, well, he wasn’t the most favored person in the District. Arachne wasn’t sure why she agreed to let him take you back to his nearby cabin, yet here the five of you were.
The man sprinted to the cabin, busting open the door in the process. He set you upon an elevated cot while directing orders to the young girls. Maude Ivory was to grab a tin to start a small fire and Rowan to grab all blankets and thick material possible.
Arachne was never medically gifted so she stood out of the way while the house was enveloped in panic. The man was steady as he continued to check your pulse and ensure your chest was still rising. Maude Ivory and Rowan both returned with their allotted tasks completed, seemingly always in perfect synchrony.
Once both girls returned, he made eye contact with Arachne and ordered her to continue checking your well-being. He stepped into a small kitchen just opposite the room you were set in. Arachne could only assume that it was a living room of sorts yet the cot made her think it was also a bedroom.
She sat beside you while the girls tried to ensure you were warm and took in the state of the house. It was messy, small, and unorganized. There was dirt on the floor, leaves stuck within the cracks, mud on all the surfaces. But what caught Arachne’s attention were the tens of varying colored and shaped papers posted upon the wood walls.
The man quickly returned with an odd-colored tea and a towel, quickly dabbing it inside the tea and placing it upon your forehead. The redhead was subconsciously making her way to the decorated wall and was met with messy yet intricately detailed drawings. Her eyes scanned each one, bafflement exceeding the prior. It was only when she landed on a drawing that was of a woman Arachne knew all too well.
She whipped her head in the direction of the man, whose focus was still on you. Arachne kept her distance as her tone became just as icy as your being.
“Who exactly are you, white knight?”
Maude Ivory and Rowan both cocked their heads at your words while the man only creased his eyebrows, puzzled by her words. She took a calculated step forward and the Arachne Crane of only a few weeks ago came back alive. Arachne didn’t appreciate being played and that dislike extended to people playing with you. Though any interrogation was silenced as you began waking up.
Your eyes fluttered open and as soon as reality hit you, you picked your head up only to smash it back down in frustration. The move immediately frightened the suspicious man and Arachne, who rushed to your bedside to ensure you wouldn’t do the same move. You were quick to smack their hands away from you as you sat up, clearly displeased with the past events.
“I’m fine, I don’t need to lie down! I’m sick of being sick.”
Arachne rolled her eyes at your lack of self-concern while the man’s brown eyes creased in bewilderment. You looked around and noticed the prior two girls and the room, this likely being their home. It suddenly hit you that the man was a new addition to your little group. You nodded to him and gave a quick “nice to meet you,” seemingly unfazed.
After examining you herself, Arachne decided you were good enough to make the trek back and as far away from the man as possible. She pulled your arm harshly, causing you to stumble from the layers of blankets and clothing upon your now warm body. The force caused your necklace of rings to fly out of your shirt as well as nearly smashing into yet another man who just appeared.
This one was much older, hair already graying and eyes sullen. His skin was scarred and calloused. He didn’t smell much better than he looked. However, as your eyes connected, you noticed a similarity. A memory. The detail struck you both as he gasped.
You feared you did something or possibly hurt him so you started checking for wounds when his dry hand reached out and gently lifted your chin upwards to his now glossy and pooling eyes. His eyes mirrored yours in shade, a similarity you’ve never shared with anyone besides your own blood. He took you in as tears were let out, his hands shaking with the force of his sobs. Your mind was flooded with theories and questions, all of which you didn’t know what to make of.
You felt a cold metal on the side of your face and gently took his right hand away to reject an insane possibility screaming within your mind. Though, as you looked down at his hand, all of reality crashed down along with your knees. It can’t be possible. It cannot be possible.
The man followed you to the floor, the both of you crouched and you joined his crying. You pulled your necklace up to his finger. Side by side, two rings, of a lost era, proudly displayed the house of which you were the only remnant. Or so you believed.
A stag with vines surrounding was the notorious family crest of the Embridges. Your mother’s family. You looked back into the man’s eyes and he was no longer just a man.
“Uncle Alreic?”
You felt the air being ripped out of your lungs as he crushed you within his embrace. He soaked your hair with tears and followed it with patting it down. Alreic rocked you back and forth as if he let go just a fraction you would disappear.
Time was no longer a concept as he held onto you and you had forgotten the spectators until the young man with dark curls crouched beside you two. He lightly nudged Alreic’s body away from you until he could meet his eyes. You expected him to be upset but instead, his eyes lit up from their glossy state.
“Look Otto! Look, I told you you would see your mother again!”
Your breathing stopped but not because of a strong hug, but emotional destruction. You looked at the boy who was called Otto then back to the man who declared him such. It was then that you finally knew why Highbottom sent you here.
It would have been far too easy, far too gracious to let you off with just their graves. You have to deal with the resurrection of fatality’s pain.
let me know what you guys think:)
@notyourwildestdream 🌹@darktrashsoulbear🌹@fantasylovestoryme 🌹@nekee-lilac02 🌹@a-avengerparker 🌹 @queenofshinigamis 🌹@darlingisntit 🌹 @scarletstarrs 🌹
As If Destiny (Part Fifteen)🌹

Part 14🌹
A/N: wow... it's almost like it's almost been 3 months and i have to be awake in 2 hours... not that's real huh... ANYWAYS! please lemme know what you think and much love:)
not very proof read!!
You went numb. Your jaw clenched while your eyes squinted at the two in front of you. It was official: you must have gone as mad as Dr. Gaul. Your head was shaking vigorously as you backed away. The young man—so-called Otto—looked at you as if you were a fragile vase breaking apart, while the older—Alreic—paid your actions no mind, swallowed by exhilaration.
You couldn't take your eyes off Otto, an action he mirrored. The notorious Embridge eyes that you and your brother shared were not staring back at you. Arachne stepped toward you in concern, but you were quick to put a swift hand out, motioning for her to halt. Your gaze never left the young man, and with each passing second, he seemed to become more anxious, continually flicking his gaze back and forth between you and your uncle.
It has to be your uncle.
You can't afford to lose any last grip on your sanity on an increasingly possible vision. The Embridge house ring was dull but still shone brightly on his finger. You trailed your sight upwards, and every feature was just as you remembered, although in far rougher shape. The most damning evidence: a pair of identical eyes connected with your own. Wait.
This entire situation might have been a fragment of your imagination, but what you saw in front of you was subtle yet no doubt happening. Purple started seeping in from the outside of your uncle's irises and making its way to the pupil. His eyes were a beautiful horror.
"Rowan, take Maude Ivory and our guest outside. Now."
Otto emphasized the urgency in his tense expression, effectively leaving no room for opposition from the usually argumentative girl. He must have noticed the change in tandem. Rowan and Maude Ivory made their way to the door, albeit reluctantly, while Arachne stood still and defiant in response to the stranger’s orders. Chestnut eyes were trained on you while yours never left the amethysts growing in your uncle's irises. You nodded your head solemnly. The air felt stiff and still, only broken by the eventual movement of a hesitant Arachne out the door. As soon as the wood was shut, Otto wasted no time turning to you.
"Cloria, we need to go."
You refused to look at "Otto" as he urged your departure. Something was happening to the last of your family, and there was no way an imposter was going to stop you from finding out.
"That's not my name."
Your voice was dripping with malice directed towards Otto, but it sparked something in your uncle. His eyes were nearly coated in purple ink as they began assessing you.
"Your name is Cloria."
You sighed as a heavy burden set itself upon your shoulders. How do you tell a man that his entire family, save you, are with the wind? Yet again, what exactly has he been doing in the woods that his forces have been butchered in for the past 13 years? Your eyes softened, as did your voice, before it was cut in with one that was begging to burn agitation within you.
"Cloria, we really need to get going!"
There was a staunch emphasis on the name. You whipped your head to the boy as irritation clouded your judgment.
"And what exactly is your name?"
His eyes were now drowned in terror as they switched back to the purple ones of your uncle, who began glaring in skepticism. It was Uncle Alreic who was the one to beat the boy from speaking this time.
"Cloria, you know that is Otto."
Trepidation made its way down your throat as you stepped towards the rightful heir of House Embridge.
"Uncle Alreic—"
A hand harshly gripped your wrist as you were dragged away. There was no need to check the perpetrator as you burst your way out of his tight hold, positively fuming.
"I'm not Cloria!"
Your patience had been obliterated. Weeks of constant reminders and pity for your mother's passing, with the addition of the mess that was the Tenth Hunger Games, had broken you. You refused to be a playing piece in yet another one of Casca Highbottom's sick games. You stood face to face with the man who seemed to be the ultimate breaking point of your sanity. He reached for you again.
"You don't understand! Just go along with it for now!"
He whispered sharply as you dodged his attempt. You didn't trust him in the slightest, but the sincerity—and terror—in his eyes were not lies. Honest or not, you needed answers at once. Your mouth opened to retort when all noise became muffled ringing. When your vision cleared from the blackness of your previously shut eyes, horror closed the airways in your body upon the new sight. A fresh bullet in the wood. Only a centimeter away from your skull.
It was just supposed to be a normal day. Well, the new “normal” the currently humming brunette was trying to get used to. The woods were understandably frightening to those not used to their depth and vastness. However, for the charming girl, it was a comfort. Just her, the birds, the trees, and the wind.
The several soaring birds above were whistling along with the young woman. Dressed in an off-white, flowy dress with a light, colorful embroidered shawl wrapped around her and stunning pink carnations in hand, she felt a peace that had been hard to find lately. The breeze brushed through her hair and lifted the worries off her shoulders. Looking ahead through the trees, an old and crumbling cottage came into view.
Wild vines and weeds had overtaken the feeble structure, covering up the shattered windows. But it wasn’t the cabin that had drawn the woman over. Rather, the slight clearing behind it. There sat three cracking and cheaply made gravestones with a new and well-made one situated farthest to the right. She dusted off her dress and cleared her throat as she lifted her skirt to kneel in front of the most recent addition to the small graveyard. Her hand traced over the letters engraved and downwards to the dirt. The previous bunch of flowers was beginning to decay, so she quickly added their replacement. Rays of the late evening sun amplified the beauty of the flowers’ pink hue. The young woman had a fascination with plants and flowers, especially with their meanings. The pink carnation was a sentimental favorite due to its symbolism of a vow to never forget the recipient. In this case, it was none other than Jesup Diggs.
“Still here.”
It was barely a whisper. Her hand began fumbling with the surrounding grass.
“He misses you a lot. We all do. The other day, Rowan made the finest arrow I’ve ever seen, and the first person she ran to tell was you until she remembered. Not even Otto. Though, I’m sure she scampered her way here to tell you already.”
The laugh was light and sorrowful. Every trip to visit hurt. She marked off the days, waiting for the one when her smile would be genuine. Her head turned upwards, and she noticed the sunlight waning through the branches. If she wanted to get home before sundown, then she needed to start making her way to her ultimate destination. The brunette assured the steadiness of the flowers once more and lifted herself up. Her hands brushed off the slightest coat of dirt beginning to form as she let out a huff and a weak smile.
“Thank you.”
With that hushed gratitude, the girl in the white dress began picking up speed through the woods. It didn’t take longer than a few minutes for yet another aging cottage to bloom into sight. The two young girls bickering were a familiar sight that brought no concern, although the same could not be said for the foreign woman standing nearby. As the white-dressed girl made it to the creaking porch, the red-headed stranger turned towards the new visitor. Her face was awfully familiar, yet the brunette couldn’t place her resemblance.
“Have we met before?”
The redhead had a light and mask-like smirk stretching across her pretty face. Her skin was pale, clean, and clear. An air of status projected off of her. Whoever she may be, she clearly wasn't from Twelve.
The foreigner was leaning on one of the mahogany porch posts and oddly seemed to relax at the inquisition.
"No matter. Everyone knows you, isn't that right, songbird?"
Maude Ivory and Rowan paused their back-and-forth for the odd exchange. The young eyes drifted from one to the other waiting girl. As the moment stretched on into an uncomfortable chokehold, Maude Ivory couldn’t handle it anymore.
“We found them in the woods!”
Her voice was high-pitched as she looked at the tan girl she called a sister. The blonde’s outburst was backed up by Rowan’s fervent nods behind her shoulder.
“Yeah, she’s in there with Otto and Dad right now. Otto kicked us out because Dad is acting weird again.”
This was news to the brunette. The introduction of two strangers who had garnered her sister's infatuation was not much of a surprise; she and Rowan spent their time listening in on all the local gossip and stories. One look towards the sharp gaze of the foreigner assured her that whoever her companion was, she must be from the same opulent land.
A land of opulence.
There was only one place in all of Panem that held that title.
The girl with auburn locks watched as the pieces connected in the deep brown eyes of the Hunger Games' newest winner. Just as soon as it was connected, it was shattered along with the wood beside your head. The gunshot ricocheted into the ears of the now petrified group. They were inside in an instant, never questioning their running towards gunfire.
Your eyes locked onto the hole that would have been inside your head if you had only moved the slightest bit more to the left. However, with four pairs of feet rushing towards the still-smoking scene, your gaze connected with the newest addition to the party.
“Lucy Gray?”
Otto, Rowan, and Maude Ivory were getting—or already had—blistering headaches with the number of twists that had happened in the short time span. Otto may have been taken off guard for a second, but that was all the time he could afford. He was quick to start demanding their evacuation. Unlike with you, he kept his eyes on the girls instead of Alreic as he tried to persuade them to safety.
You looked at Arachne. Tears swam in her eyes, along with emotions flickering far too fast to name. Your attention was ripped away from her as the sound of a gun being readied was heard. Otto turned his body to face the maddened Alreic while using his body to shield the three Twelve natives.
Alreic’s hands were shaking as his amethyst orbs twitched in and out of focus. His gun swiped through the air as it refocused its aim on you. The action could be argued as foolish, but you stood as still as stone as he took uncoordinated steps toward you. Otto was shouting at him to stop, each shout more pleading than the last, yet he refused to leave his post as a shield. You never looked away from the maddened man who once held you so tightly.
He could be anywhere in the world, for however long, have his eyes and behavior flip instantly, but you knew. You saw the shade before they changed. Eyes could distract, but they can never lie.
Your breathing was unrhythmic while your body shook from tension. The barrel of the gun was still scorching as it made its imprint on your forehead. You had never seen such a grotesque wonder like the eyes that burned their own marks into you.
“What have you done to Cloria, thief?”
His scabbed hands made their way to your necklace and pulled you impossibly closer to the barrel. The pain was searing from both the pressure and the burning gunpowder heat. Your fists began curling as your plan was being set into motion. As your silence stretched for too long, his patience stretched too thin. Your eyes tracked his finger’s movement to the trigger. He planned his aim, and so did you. Just as you moved your arm back and out into a cross swing, your fist met a different target.
Arachne stood to the side as she watched the gun meet your head. Her sensibility urged her to remain still, but rationality had no chance of winning this round. Arachne had watched the lights flicker out of your usually bright eyes once before. She had stood still far too long.
All the other present members in the room were too preoccupied to notice her quiet movement towards the long-abandoned tea. She slowly grabbed the metal tray beneath the pot and stalked her way behind the armed man. Just as you had, she watched his finger begin to close in on the trigger, and action was taken. Only the slightest moment before you, she whipped the rusty metal tray across the unwell man’s head, causing him to immediately collapse to the ground. You could fight fast, but were too slow to realize that your fist was hitting Arachne instead of Alreic. A series of screams echoed throughout the room: Arachne’s was a yelp of pain, yours a mixture of shock and regret, the rest were shouts of horror at the violent scene.
“The hell was that for?!”
Arachne’s voice was gruff as she turned, gripping her now-marked skin. The pain in your knuckles began making itself present as the adrenaline wore off.
“Me?! What did you think you were doing?”
“You just expected me to let you take the hit?!”
“Well, that is what you did last time.”
You and Arachne’s blaring squabble was interrupted by the sweet honey of Lucy Gray Baird’s voice. You both turned your heads to the singer as she looked at Arachne unimpressed. The scowl upon Arachne’s face was deadly, only enhanced by the black mark forming on the left side of her cheek. Otto was about to start throwing punches of his own out of frustration. There was just too much, too fast. Otto hated change and fuss—things that had happened constantly since you showed up. Muffled groans echoed off his calloused hands as he covered his face.
“Someone start talking.”
Rowan gave a sidelong glance toward her distressed brother before quietly addressing her own concerns.
“Is my dad going to be okay?”
Otto huffed lightly as he mumbled a soft, “Not you, Rowan.” You broke slightly at the wobbliness of her voice. You didn’t have much experience with kids—there weren’t many your age in the Capitol—but you were sure that seeing one’s father unconscious on the floor was rattling for anyone.
“He will be fine from the hit. Possible headaches or pain, but it’s not poisoning him.”
You deliberately added the last point to get Otto to start talking. Substance abuse is an ugly post-war scar many in the Capitol bear, so you knew it well. The violet hue of Alreic’s eyes practically spelled out his suffering.
“Morphling?” Arachne questioned as she took in the man’s sickly pale and sweating face. You were quick to refute, still waiting for the right person to start explaining.
“Can’t be. Morphling doesn’t create hallucinations or alter the iris.”
You bore into Otto’s fidgeting eyes as you knew your assumption was the grave truth.
“It is hallucinations, isn’t it?”
Otto was often a level-headed man. He was an observer and was satisfied with simple living. The personalities living within the cabin he called home may not be the easiest of individuals, but he wouldn’t change the way he chose to live his life. Even with all the demons that haunt the shadows along the walls and the eerily silent moments, Otto could live with all the baggage his loved ones, including the very man knocked out on the floor, carried. What he couldn’t handle was some stranger barging into his home and acting as if he was the invader.
“Surprised they don’t teach you to speak your mind in the Capitol, since you’re the ones who control the rest of ours.”
His voice was stoic and icy—the kind of tone that Rowan knew her brother only used when rage burned straight through his sensibility. Something must have occurred for him to speak to someone from the Capitol like that so clearly.
“Well, at least you could guess where I’m from, unlike my name—even though I said repeatedly I wasn’t Cloria.”
“If I told him any different, he would have attacked you!”
“I had a plan!”
“Oh, getting shot, Y/N?!”
“So you do know my name.”
The two of you were in a trance of hardened glares and clenched jaws. Neither one of you was willing to concede to the other. Even if he wasn’t related to you, you both shared an unhealthy amount of stubbornness.
Rowan noticed this similarity and figured you all would be standing there indefinitely if no one intervened. Besides, she was curious to see where this conversation was going.
“We know all your names. Yours, Cloria, your Aunt Floria. Otto, of course. There was also Crassus Snow, and what was his name? Cala? Oh! Casca Highbottom.”
The further along her list went, the more your tough exterior broke. You had a raging vendetta against the last man, but there was no doubt that you were broken because of Highbottom's actions—of what he stole.
You examined Rowan's oddly composed face and behavior. Her mother must have been a beautiful woman. Rowan inherited her lips, full nose, and adorable dimples. She had a light to her. It shone through her eyes, smile, and cheeks. That was fully Rowan.
But those eyes. Those were her father's. They were Embridge. She was Embridge. One of three in the room. One was you. One was your still-unconscious uncle. No room for the lies of “Otto.”
“So you decided to steal Otto's name?”
You could visibly see and figuratively feel the roots of his soft curls being pulled to their last strength. You didn't care. After all you’ve been through, you simply didn’t care about his frustration. You demanded answers, and you weren't going to abandon your chance.
“I didn't steal anything! I was given it. I earned it!”
“Earned it? Earned it?! There is nothing anyone can do to earn my brother's name!”
It was no secret how highly you held your brother and his memory. It is only natural for your old memories to become more favorable to Otto. You only remember the good, and all other protests to that image are incomprehensible.
It was a stubborn position that was rivaled only by the curly-haired man in front of you. He had had enough judgment from a stranger in his own home about a life you knew nothing about.
“The only thing I need to do to earn your brother's name is be a murderer.”
You flinched at his grave and final tone as your eyes brimmed with tears of frustration, anger, and a slight grief you could not submit to. But the man was not yet finished with blows.
“And what would you know about what I have done for your uncle? I have been here for the past nine years! Where were you? I took care of him when he was too intoxicated to function. Where were you?! I accepted the illusion he put on me because it gave him sanity when he had none left. I take care of him, his daughter, and the fragments of his memories. I am the one who is helping him recover. I am the one who feeds and cleans him. I am the one who has been here! WHERE WERE YOU?!”
His knuckles were white with burning rage at your condescension. He never wished for a different life. Perhaps a more improved version of the one he had, but never different. It was not one many would choose, but he would every time, no matter its difficulties. However, to have you saunter in as if he were a fraud was the last crack to break the dam. The dark eyes of the man glared at you, fully expecting you to lash right back but slightly deflated when tears streamed down your cheek. Your jaw was no longer set with offense but trembling along with your chapped lips. Your mouth opened and closed several times, unsure of what to say. What could you say besides the weak and airy “We—I—didn’t know”?
Lucy Gray stepped towards you with a sympathetic look of sorrow dancing in her orbs. Her hand graced your shoulder, but as soon as it touched, you backed away. Your eyes began glossing with ever-regenerating tears that clung to your lashes as you focused solely on the still cold form of your uncle. Arachne noticed that if she didn’t do something, you would slip away in sorrow.
“I—I didn’t know. We didn’t know. How did he?”
Your breaths were coming in fast and shallow as you started hyperventilating. Thoughts spiraled and spread while your fingers made their way through your hair out of stress. Arachne made her way to your side, but even in your own spiral, you were swift in evading her.
“Why didn’t he say? What could he possibly want?!” Your voice transformed from panicked whispers to an urgent shriek, fear and agony seeping in. “They would have tried to help! They would have come! Oh, Aunt Fiora! Oh!”
Otto watched in increasing discomfort. Whatever assumptions he had made of you were starting to look misplaced as you paced in a tight box formation, your hands moving downwards from your hair to your face. Red lines grew angrily across your features from your nails. Over and over. Grating your hardened keratin scratches madly at your own face.
Arachne ran to your uncharacteristically behaving form to stop any further irritation. After a combative struggle to capture your hands and keep them away from your face, Arachne had her own tears make an appearance.
Your repetitive attacks had caused silencing red lines to flow across and down your face—your beautiful and bright face, she thought. Arachne didn’t know if the heavy tears washing away the blood were a relief or fuel to the fire. If only you had a glimpse of yourself. You looked near identical to the last final moments of your Aunt Fiora—the one brought to madness by the death of the sleeping yet living man before you.
Chest heaving heavily, scratches burning, and existence crashing, you needed to leave immediately. Your feet planted you on the floor, even as your knees started to buckle from the weight of reality. Arachne forced your movement by dragging your arm, your dazed being following blindly. Her rapid steps were a force to be reckoned with, and one you could only clumsily follow as you were hauled past a troubled Lucy Gray and into the vast woods.
You made it far enough that you were covered by trees on all sides and no longer in view of the decrepit cabin when you collapsed once more. Your fingers traced the transformation of the dirt turning into mud beneath them. Arachne tried her best to comfort you by rubbing circles on your back, though she was painfully lacking experience. The sun began setting, casting an orange glow over your mirage of heartbreak. Somewhere through your sobs, you managed to pour out words that had been festering.
“I miss him so, so much.”
Arachne didn’t hesitate to continue her attempts at comfort as you continued to cry.
“Otto would be so proud of who you are.”
“I meant Coryo.”
The name caused pause in the redhead's hands and heart. You’ve just gone through so much, and you are thinking about him?
“He wou-would know what to do,” you choked out the words. “He would have known exactly what to do. I miss him so much.”
It was an understatement to you. It was more than longing. It was emptiness. A piece of your being forcibly amputated, leaving you unbalanced.
Your eyes were still a haze of blazing tears, trained on the darkening ground. With your back towards her, you missed Arachne’s own pain. She was always intelligent, cunning, and cold. So why did she become dumb, soft, and warm for the one whose heart would never skip a beat when she walked into a room? For the one who was happy before and after life without her? The one who, when they called out a name, it wasn’t hers.
She knew better than to let herself get hurt by your words. Arachne even actively tried to ensure anything but your love decaying. Yet, emotion was a parasite, and she couldn't stop the words from tumbling out of her mouth.
“You have me.”
Her tone was wounded, which caused you to turn around and squeeze her hand in thanks. Your eyes were bloodshot and foreign to her, but the warmth was there, albeit slightly distant.
“Thank you, Ara.”
It should have been enough. There was nothing more to it for you. But Arachne never stopped when it came to you.
“But I’m not the same.”
Arachne cursed herself for looking back at you. Watching the radiating snowflakes on the ring you fidgeted with shine daggers into her heart. Witnessing the confused frown etch itself on your face, waiting for a recognition of her meaning that never reached you.
“Why would you be the same?”
You didn’t mean to hurt her, a fact she knows far too well. Yet, it seems whenever you act with love, it only cuts her deeper—the specific adoration that will never be directed to her. Even with a sentence of decades away from you, your heart refuses to change its target of affection. She couldn’t trust her mouth to answer that question, afraid of what she might reveal and burn. Her saving grace came in the sweet honey voice of Lucy Gray.
“Y/N! Oh, there you are!” Her breath was haggard, and her hair tousled, clear signs of her rush to find you. “I am so sorry; he isn’t usually like that, I swear to you!”
“Which one exactly?” Your tone had a bite to it, foreign to your often sweet tongue. Lucy Gray flinched at your voice. You had already turned your back to start walking in the vague vicinity of the barracks.
“She isn’t usually like that either.” Arachne tried to defend you, which was understandable enough for the singer.
They both picked up their pace to catch up with your blazing trail. Lucy Gray was offering to walk you both back, to which you both agreed, albeit silently. You were not in the mood for conversation or company, but you knew that neither you nor Arachne had any idea where you were going. Tears still rolled down your face as you walked, but they were drying up as anger burned through them. Arachne slipped back into her usual impenetrable persona. Lucy Gray felt helpless.
“Highbottom told me what happened. What Coryo did.”
Your steps didn’t falter. Your eyes were cemented forward, the evening sun setting your skin alight. The last of your tears had dried upon your still-reddened cheeks.
“Saving your life?”
Lucy Gray knew she was stepping on shaky ground with you now, but she hoped from that night with Coriolanus that you were really the person he said you were. She treaded on with the conversation you clearly wanted no part of.
“He told me that he broke the rules, so they sent him to Eight.”
Arachne’s chestnut eyes bore into the side of your illuminated head, but you were stoic. It was frightening to her.
“So he is.”
Your voice was grated. Your scratches still burned against the open air. The ground beneath your feet even looked like it was breaking slightly more beneath the weight of your fury. You knew what Lucy Gray wanted to know. If you were in your right state of mind, you would never have been acting the way you were. Yet you couldn’t stop the parasite of emotion and pain from overtaking you. The brunette, perhaps foolishly, placed her hand upon your shoulder, causing you to stop and turn. Your sore and reddened eyes met her large and sympathetic ones. You didn’t throw off her hand.
“What did you do for him to get here?”
You flinched slightly. It was terrifying how this practical stranger knew of your sacrifice. You looked towards Arachne, who was lost in her own world of pain as it was yet another reminder of your relentless devotion to another. You sucked in a breath and looked back at the waiting girl.
“I told Highbottom I was the one who did it.”
You gently moved her hand off you and walked somberly on. The sun was getting ever closer to the ground, and you and Arachne needed to get back urgently. Lucy Gray stood there a moment as you and Arachne walked ahead. Coriolanus was not wrong about you.
Dusk had overtaken the sky by the time you made it back to the barracks. You ushered a quick goodbye to Lucy Gray and returned to your room in unsteady silence with Arachne. She watched as you kept your head down to avoid any attention to your concerning appearance. However, she did notice a certain hazel-eyed Peacekeeper looking longer than the rest. Arachne cursed herself repeatedly in her head as you got ready for bed, completely mute. Why did she ever let you go? But then again, your ghosts would have found you anyway.
Darkness overtook your shared chambers as you both stared up at the ceiling. This wasn’t unexpected for Arachne. She hadn’t been able to sleep properly since the Dark Days. Not that anyone could tell. As with everything else, she was able to hide it well. Your mind swirled with the day’s events. You knew you needed to take the time to comprehend it all, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. At least not alone. Not with anyone besides the platinum-haired boy who overtook your mind. For your entire life, you always thought of the person you loved the most before sleep. It was first your brother. His smile was what you woke up to for your entire life. Reality for the first few years. Memory for the rest. For a short time, it was your mother’s sweet words and warm hugs. Then it was him.
Images of his pearly white smile sleeping on the bug-infested floor of his crumbling apartment so you could get a semblance of comfort on his undersized bed were common and comforting. It hit you that you might one day forget the stench of cabbage that wafted through the ancient hallway of his home. That you might forget the cracks on the wall that created a mosaic that mesmerized you while you waited for him to get ready. You swore you would never forget him, and you wouldn’t. Couldn’t. But what if you forgot all the reasons you loved him and he you?
“You are going to see him again. I swear to you.”
Arachne’s voice was clear and authoritative, yet the most genuine you’d heard. She still didn’t look at you, even though she could feel your gaze. You said nothing and returned to your former position. Sleep overtook you as you thought of your very complicated Arachne.
The next morning brought with it warm sun rays that cast shadows from the trees facing the light. You woke up before Arachne and got ready while she fidgeted in her sleep. Struggle was evident, and even in sleep, you could see the bags beneath her eyes. Unfortunately, you both needed to make good first impressions, even if those here were technically below your standing as Capitol citizens. A good thing that your scratches from yesterday healed significantly, now only slight lines. Arachne’s bruise was another story but her fierce gaze was more tha enough to silence questioning. Your main worry was getting to your orientation on time.
“Ara, time to wake up.” Absolutely nothing.
You could have tried a second time or lightly shaken her awake, but you were in the mood for some fun. Pillow in hand and grin on face, you started plummeting the poor girl with the feathered item until her shrieks were heard, followed by your laughter.
You backed off as you came face to face with her very grouchy glare, to which you could only innocently smile with all teeth showing.
“Glad to see you are the embodiment of sunshine again.”
“And same to see you as sour as a lemon. Your nice act freaked me out.”
You settled back on your made bed as she got up and ready. She gave you a light snarl, which you took proudly. After yesterday’s events, you were unsure where you stood with her or really anyone. But to your relief, Arachne was willing to let it go for now and get back to your rekindled friendship, which came along with its fold of bickering and friendly taunts.
The two of you were eating your breakfast in the cafeteria—well, Arachne was trying to.
“Stop picking at it, Ara. Just close your eyes and suck it up.”
Looking at the gray gooey substance that was supposed to pass as nutrients, even you were slightly unsure.
“I think it might suck me up instead.”
You were going to retort with another plea for her to eat her food when a tray setting down next to you was heard. The hazel-eyed and kind-smiled boy you met in the registration line yesterday gave you a sweet “good morning!” Arachne looked between you two with suspicion, especially at the brown-haired boy who just made himself welcome at her table. She looked at his uniform and weapons on his belt, and it was clear he was a Peacekeeper. They were roomed with three other trainees, so he clearly had acquaintances to sit with. Yet here he was, looking at you in a way that made her stomach churn.
“Did they kick you out of their group already?”
At her cold and flat tone, the boy suddenly seemed to realize that you weren’t alone. He sheepishly turned toward the glare of Arachne Crane. His eyes sold away his confusion at her words. Before any more cryptic and surely rude words could spurt from her lips, you stepped in.
“Ignore Arachne, she has the unfortunate case of being herself.” Her snort was loud and a signal to the young man.
He turned away hesitantly from the still squinting ginger. He picked at his food as he tried to explain himself.
“Sorry to barge in. I actually get along with my fellow keepers; just thought I could also extend friendship to the researchers here too. Besides, I never got to know your name.”
You smiled softly at him (causing an internal gag from Arachne) and laughed (a melodious sound to the young man).
“Well, you never told me yours either, did you?”
He smiled downwards at his food and nodded, knowing you got him there. His hazel eyes flashed to you beneath his lashes. “Cassian Slate.”
“Y/N Vaun.”
“Arachne Crane. Wonderful, we are all the greatest of friends. You spread friendship to both sides of the barracks and solved world peace. You can leave now.”
A reprimanding look was sent her way by you but thoroughly ignored as she stared daggers into this Cassian. He huffed a breath and got the hint as he started picking up his food. You attempted to try and stop him, but he assured you it was no problem.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll see you again. It’s a small district after all.”
Cassian flashed a charming smile and made his way to his peers, who welcomed him warmly. When you turned back to face Arachne, she had her eyes closed as her spoon trembled on its way to her lips.
“Well, aren’t you the social butterfly?”
“I like my personal space.”
You took a look around at the long metal table that only you and Arachne occupied. There was an awkward amount of empty space.
The goo that passed for yogurt finally made its way past her lips and just as fast, out and into a napkin. You heaved a breath and took your empty tray and hers to throw out while she tried to wash away the taste with water. She was still gagging and squinting in disgust as you were walking out and into the research center.
“Remember, you chose this.”
“Stop holding it over my head, would you?”
You smirked slightly as you turned toward the front where an elderly man with tanned skin and gray eyes addressed the rest of the scientists. The lot was briefed on your positions and jobs, of which you were thankfully paired with Arachne. Your jobs were to capture a specific type of mixed breed: the mockingjay. Pictures and descriptions of the hybrid were taught to your decently sized group. Several pairs were to scavenge separate woods all over the district. You and Arachne were assigned to the southern part of the forest by your barracks. The very same area where your Uncle Aleric lived.
When you all were dismissed to grab your equipment and get started, Arachne fell into step with you. “Some luck you have.”
You shook your head and grabbed a cart full of cages. “We have weeks to cover the ground; we don’t have to deal with it today.”
And you didn’t. Your treks didn’t get you too deeply, which meant you didn’t find many mockingjays. However, that doesn’t mean you didn’t find any. The first one you found, you were fascinated. You walked softly towards the small bird, expecting it to fly away. Instead, it stood its ground and bore its dark orbs into your own. A light “hello” went past your lips. Then it was returned to you by the bird, which caused a surprised laugh to tumble its way out of your lungs. Slowly, your laugh bounced off the trees and overtook the chirping of the woods. A chorus of your giggles was repeated and amplified by the swirling mockingjays above your head. It went from a spectacle to a mocking sensation. You felt unsettled by the never-ending sound. Over and over again. All at once, it was silenced. In a large net cast by Arachne, a gaggle of the mockingjays tried to escape. The rest flew away in fright. Arachne looked from the birds to you with a grimace.
“I did not sign up for that.”
You readily nodded your head in agreement and helped her get the birds in their cages to take back. As you walked away, the further you got from the mockingjays, you were too far to realize they picked up from where they left off, your laughter still ringing. It rang until it hit the ears of the one aching for it.
It had been a week of venturing through the trees and capturing the odd creatures. You had yet to set foot off the barrack grounds and into the actual district, as you kept yourself occupied with your work—a trait Arachne was quick to taunt you on. “Always the overachiever,” she would say under her breath as you studied the few sources of biological components of the hybrids. However, no matter how much time it took, Arachne was fine being stuck inside because she would be stuck with you—a version of you she was sure was lost after all you’ve endured.
Your comfortable routine inside was abruptly interrupted by the sudden knock on your gray-paneled door. You looked up from your papers and Arachne from yet another book, sharing a confused glance. Arachne surely made no move to build connections with others, and while you had been friendly, nothing of true meaning had formed. Well, besides Cassian, but you had seen very little of him due to his much more intense peacekeeper duties. After yet another hard knock, you snapped out of your daze and made your way to the noise. In front of you stood one of your peers with a blinding smile. Anya, a pretty caramel-skinned girl with a sickle-like birthmark below her right eye, was nearly bouncing off the walls in excitement.
“We’ve been given leave passes for the weekend! All of us are going to the Hob, and you guys should join!”
Arachne had joined you and peeked over your shoulder at the girl. She had no interest in “connecting” with your peers, but she did want to see Twelve and really learn the livelihoods here. Whatever was going on in the cabin of your uncle’s was certainly not normal. Well, she hoped not. Her chestnut eyes picked up on your lips starting to form an excuse when she cut you off.
“We’ll be there.”
You turned to her satisfied smirk in betrayal. Then the reminder of her reasoning for being here came to your mind. She did want to make her own opinion of the districts, and she couldn’t do that always being locked up in a Capitol-funded barrack and center. Anya paid your little tiff no mind as she lowered her voice yet elevated her enthusiasm.
“I heard peacekeepers are gonna be there too if you know what I mean.” She giggled sweetly at the scandalized thought. You slightly gaped at her words, a thought that thoroughly disgusted you because the only one you wanted to see was hundreds of miles away from you. Arachne raised her eyebrows with arms crossed and a leveled icy gaze.
“They aren’t allowed to take a partner, isn’t that right?”
She laughed yet again, a noise that Arachne later compared to metal grazing metal. Her dark roots shook around her head in amused disagreement. “Well, who said anything about a relationship.”
A snippy “mhm” and a rushed goodbye from you, and the door was firmly shut in the poor girl’s face. You tried to claw your way to the door but were effectively blocked by Arachne as she urged you to get ready instead. “She will be fine, now let’s go.”
You changed into a simple yet elegant blue dress that you hoped wouldn’t catch too many people's attention with its expensive fabric and detailing. Arachne donned a beautiful pair of dark brown pants and an intricately designed black blouse. As you both looked at each other, there was an agreement: you desperately needed to go shopping to get clothes to fit in. The journey to the famed Hob wasn’t too tedious or long, and even if it was, your attention was elsewhere. You knew your gaping and wandering eyes would only bring more attention, but you couldn’t stop it. How could the Capitol and Twelve be in the same country, much less the same world? Smoke and coal clouds colored the sky, even in the darkening sky. Yet, with all the gloom in the sky, the land was covered with a surprising amount of smiles as you entered the Hob. If they could not have the privilege you were unfairly born with, at least they could have this little slice of peace.
The music was blasting and seeped through your bones. Even if you didn’t intend to enjoy your night out too much, you couldn’t stop the smile bursting upon your lips as you spotted Lucy Gray on the stage. She looked happy. At home. Alive. Somehow, of the several hundreds crowding up the dancefloor and bar, she spotted you. Her smile faltered at the memory of your last interaction, but your expression gave her ease. A wink and a grin were flashed back at you before she turned her attention to the rest of the crowd. Arachne, unsurprisingly, pushed her way through, and you could only murmur apologies as you made your way past. Finding a small unoccupied table across the back wall, you both opted in on people-watching. Your eyes wandered across the pairs of people dancing and jumping across the floor. Coal-covered hands and snuffed noses be damned, they were having a time of pure joy. The beat, energy, and enthusiasm of the group inspired you with an idea.
Arachne was hypnotized with watching the door and especially with the arrival of a horde of peacekeepers. Her neck craned ever so slightly, as if looking for someone. Though, her view was blocked by your shining eyes and outstretched hand. The girl’s ever-quizzical eyes scanned your movement. No time was wasted for an answer as you grabbed her hand and dragged her out to the dancefloor.
Your head was tipped backwards as you cackled at her stiff movements and reluctance to move. Neither of you knew the dance moves of the locals, obviously, but you just grabbed her hands anyway and forced her to move from side to side. The pair of you looked ridiculous as you spun and eventually started jumping around, but you didn’t care. You had gotten the icy-cold Arachne Crane smiling and dancing in District Twelve of all places. For the first time in weeks, your mind had finally cleared, if only for a moment before a silky voice burst in.
“May I have a turn?”
Cassian stood there with a charming grin and dapper dimples on full display. If you didn’t know he was from Two, you would have fully believed he was a Capitol charmer. He stared at you expectantly, but Arachne, as always, had other plans.
“Oh, I would absolutely love to!”
The false enthusiasm was painfully clear, but she grabbed his arm anyway and forcibly tugged him into the center of the dancing and sweating throng of bodies. He looked back to you in alarm while you stared at the back of Arachne’s auburn locks in confusion. What game was she playing at?
No matter, as you suddenly felt the parchedness of your throat. You made your way back towards the bar for a simple glass of water. The most astonishing thing of the night should have been seeing Arachne Crane jumping alongside District Twelve coal miners. But instead, you came face to face with Otto. He nearly dropped the glass he was serving to an impatient customer when he spotted you. A quick apology and huff by the customer, and his full attention was on you. The two of you stood frozen, unsure how to interact after what happened last time. Your often quick-witted brain was halted upon the bile of regret crawling its way up.
“I see you are without your guard dog.”
It took you far too long to realize he was speaking to you civilly and without judgment, well, at least towards you.
“She is busy making someone else miserable, so you are in the clear.” He, much to your relief, laughed and indicated with a tip of his head for you to sit down. Otto was drying off some chipped cups with a ratty towel as you got settled. He asked for your drink of preference and gave you an amused smile when you just wished for water. The color of the substance was a bit off from what you were used to back in the Capitol, but you thanked him nonetheless. Lucy Gray’s soothing voice took up and away any awkwardness between you two as she enthralled you both. Otto’s dark eyes were fully mesmerized by the glowing singer as you studied his features. He was nothing close to your brother on the outside. But maybe you had been too quick to rush judgment on his character.
“I am sorry for acting the way I did and the damage I caused. I am not usually like that. I’ve actually never been like that. I, uhm—”
“I know. I don’t know you, but I could tell something was off. That was before what Lucy Gray told me. I guess I have to say sorry for lashing out too.”
You were quick to refuse as you thought he had all the right—more than you anyhow. He was right when he said he was there for your uncle, even if you didn’t have a choice. The conviction behind your words stopped any further argument upon his tongue. Once again, all conversation ceased to the magnetic Lucy Gray Baird. It was Otto’s turn to take you in.
“Kane. Kane Thatcher.”
You tilted your head, utterly lost at the meaning of his words.
“My name. The real one.” His voice was muttered and mumbled as he confessed. The dark eyes of his avoided yours, but you were patient for them to make their way back to you. You tilted forward, and sincerity painted all your fine features.
“Thank you...Kane.”
He didn’t like his born name, but it didn’t sound too bad from you. It was understandable why you didn’t want to use “Otto,” but he hoped one day, you would be able to. His attention was split from you as several more peacekeepers made their way through, and you swore
you saw a familiar shade of blonde. Hoping for a distraction, you shook your head and turned back to Otto—Kane? Otto? Yet once again, he was hypnotized by the girl on stage. You shifted your line of sight to his and watched a soft smile play upon her lips as he caught Lucy Gray’s eye—a smile just for him. And he could tell too, as he looked down bashfully with a full blush and broad smile. Clearly forgetting you were there, you wasted no time.
“That must have been the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.”
His eyes widened at your words and the realization that you were a firsthand witness to his clear infatuation. You could only beam at him, smoothing out any tension between the two of you. Unfortunately, all sweetness in the room was cut short by the very unwelcome shout of Billy Taupe.
“Lucy Gray!”
You turned your head and saw the scruffy man who had effectively sent Lucy Gray to a death sentence for his own mistakes. Following him was a high-pitched girl with short red hair and a nasty scowl.
“Billy Taupe!” The man scurried his way towards the brunette, who was obviously uncomfortable with his presence. He paid no mind to the girl who he now called his girlfriend, Mayfair.
“You’re sounding kind of thin, Lucy Gray. You’re all sounding thin without me, no?”
“Billy! You swore you wouldn’t play with them again, Billy Taupe.”
Stomping up to the raggedy man, Mayfair was in for a surprise as she was pushed aside harshly. You got up in surprise as Otto tensed. Billy was getting closer to Lucy Gray while she tried to urge the crowd to calm down. She wasn’t able to do the same as he got closer and closer to her. You turned to Otto, who had a special kind of fury burning in his dark orbs—one you’d only seen in Coriolanus Snow. In the arena.
“You going to do something, or am I?”
Otto gave you one last look as he started making his long and determined strides towards Billy, who had now grabbed the skirt of Lucy Gray.
“I know you miss me, Lucy Gray!”
“Get your hands off me right now! Get your hands off me, Billy Taupe. After what you did to me, you get your hands off me right now, or I swear I will take a snake and—”
“Don’t touch her!”
And with that, Otto’s fist flew and hit the target of Billy’s face with a deafening smash. They tumbled to the floor, with Otto pinning the offender to the ground and relentlessly hitting him. He knew he would be facing the wrath of the peacekeepers soon enough, but it was worth it. Soon enough, the men and women who were expecting a day off were trying to break up a fight. You scanned for Arachne; the last you saw her, she was close to the action, but instead, you saw a hallucination. That’s what it must have been. There was no way that Coriolanus Snow was only mere feet away from you. Your Coryo. He was trying to get his own hits on Billy but was stopped by Sejanus. Sejanus too? Coryo’s infamous blonde head, albeit shaven, lifted and the eyes that haunted your mind met yours. Across the horde of violence, you saw the love of your life. Your breath started coming in quick and heavy breaths. You couldn’t tell if it was real or not. Of course it wasn’t; Coryo should have been in Eight. The battle between reality and vision was interrupted as you were collateral damage of a shove by a very muscular and shaven man. You stumbled and almost collapsed before an arm latched onto yours.
“Let’s get out of here while we can, Ace.”
You let Arachne tow you to safety; the night air of Twelve. She intended to walk straight back to the barracks before any trouble followed you, but you pulled her to a halt. Her eyes rolled as she tried to urge you forward.
“Come on, Ace. I don’t want to find out what will happen if we don’t get back in time.”
“I saw him. I saw Coryo.”
All resistance was broken when his name was breathed out by you. She expected you to start smiling and jumping for joy, but all she received was a hollowed look.
“He wasn’t real. I’m losing it, Ara. I’m seeing things. I’m getting sick too often. Something is happening to me and—”
Arachne silenced your despair as she crushed you in a hug. You were stiff but eventually started melting as tears rained down. You were so sick of the tears, the sickness, all of it. She never let go as she comforted you.
“What if you weren’t seeing things, Ace?”
While she tried to offer comfort, you pushed her away with a look of disgust and betrayal.
“I am losing it, Arachne, and you’re just playing into it?!”
“What?! No, Y/N—”
“He isn’t here, I know that! Whatever you’re trying to play at, leave me and especially him out of it! Don’t—don’t give me that hope.” You stared her down even as you broke down. Arachne felt herself cracking with you. She knew you weren’t well, but she hated that you felt it yourself—that you fully believed you were deluded to see hallucinations. The moonlight illuminated your tear-stricken yet still stunning face. She didn’t know if you would accept or if her plan would actually work, but she tenderly whispered out for you to follow her.
The auburn-haired girl turned around and didn’t fully expect you to follow, but, to her relief, you did. You were unsure why exactly, but you were so exhausted you had no fight left in you. Besides, you didn’t want to be on the streets by yourself.
Though, you would not be on the streets for long as you quickly entered a section of the vast woods. Arachne walked through as if she were an expert, even in the moonlight. Your march led the two of you to an opening with a flowered field and a large spiraled tree. It was beautiful, but your mind and heart had no room for beauty. You had truly thought you had gotten even the slightest bit better, but tonight was only a reinforcement of your “brokenness.”
You continued following Arachne to the middle of the field, right beneath the tree. The moonlight was above you, lighting up the entire scenery. She let out a sigh as her eyes returned to you after a quick scan of the area.
“Act as if I am Coriolanus. What would you say to him?”
You blankly stared at her. What in the world? A scoff came from you at her words.
“I mean it, Ace. What would you say?”
“Arachne, I’m not in the mood—”
“Come on, Y/N.”
How was she acting as if you were the weird one for not wanting to pour your heart out for a pretend version of the other half of your being? You threw your hands up in defeat. Sometimes there was no arguing with Arachne, and this was certainly one of those times.
“Why do you even care?!”
“Y/N, please—”
“Okay, fine! I would say that I hate him for his stupid cleverness. I would say that I love and curse his determination. I would shout about how easily he let himself be shipped away from his family—from me.” Your voice was cracking with emotion. “I would be pulling my hair because I would be so frustrated and overwhelmed with how much I love him and the pain that’s caused me because I can’t! Every time we get a moment of happiness, it gets shattered and battered. I would yell at the universe for trying to pull us apart and cry out why he let it happen!”
Arachne felt her heart shatter, piece by piece. It pierced her flesh, and the salt of her inhaled tears seeped in. She asked for this. She caused this. She wants this. She wants this. She forces herself to accept that. If she can’t be the one causing you madness from love, then shouldn’t she be the one to at least give you what you actually want? She will eventually be satisfied enough with having that part in your happiness and love.
She wonders if it is worth it, but no matter how selfish she wants to be, she knows it is when a branch breaks behind you. You spin towards the intruder, and you could physically feel the blood flowing in your veins stop.
There he was. Shaven hair, a far more muscular and fitted frame, and dog tags adorned his neck. But those same glorious eyes. Your imagination must have been extremely detailed, or the impossible was true.
“I will let you yell at me for the rest of our days as long as I can hear your voice.”
You didn’t want to believe it. You shouldn’t have. It wasn’t real. Over and over again, that voice of rationality shrieked at you, but yet your feet took cautious steps. He waited patiently, anticipating having you in his arms once more but couldn’t afford startling you. You made it right in front of him when your hands, shaking, rose slowly to his slightly tanned face. When they touched flesh, you felt your heart nearly rip from your chest. Your fingers moved across his fine cheekbones over and over again as you couldn’t believe it. Tears blurred his handsome face, but for once, you welcomed them. Your cheeks burned with the severity of your smile, but you could be bleeding and you wouldn’t care. He was there.
His rough-textured hands covered your own as he joined your beautiful laughter. You were there. You giggled, cackled, and cried while never letting go of him, not that he would let you. All your hysterics were let out as you finally took in his somehow far more grown yet charming features. You took each detail in, committing it to memory. Something Coryo noticed and was adamant to stop because he never wants to be in your memories again. He wants to be your reality. His hands brushed away stray pieces of hair as he took a good hold of you.
His eyes traced every little mark on your radiant face—one he was determined to make his first and last thought while always being his current moment. At once, his all-consuming eyes fluttered closed while he leaned towards you, consuming you. His lips were gentle as they melted into your own, and the only force was yours as you kissed back. Your hand snaked behind his neck while his traveled to your hips. Repeated quick pecks turned into elongated stolen kisses.
Time hadn’t been a concept for you since you laid eyes on him, but some must have passed as you pulled away, flushed and out of breath. Your foreheads were still connected along with your arms around each other. Peace had finally found its way back into your life as you found yourself in Coryo’s embrace.
“So you really love me, huh?”
@notyourwildestdream 🌹@darktrashsoulbear🌹@fantasylovestoryme 🌹@nekee-lilac02 🌹@a-avengerparker🌹 @queenofshinigamis 🌹@darlingisntit🌹 @scarletstarrs 🌹
🦋Masterlist of Masterlists🦋

i am about to cry at the fact that i have been supported enough to even get this far. thank you i love you.
As If Destiny🌹
Coriolanus x Reader
The Tragedy of What Was♟️
Charles Xavier x Lehnsherr!Reader
nothing except regret that I started a new series during college application season. I'm so sorry yall I will try to get chapters uploaded for my series i am just so burnt out😭 thank you for your support and so much love💓

Pleaseeee i'm on my knees for this man🙇🏻♀️🙇🏻♀️🙇🏻♀️

My instagram stories if Tom was my boyfriend:
(He is so boyfriend coded🌹)