Cotv Game - Tumblr Posts

for the first post here, have some (very rough) concept art.

little doodle of some guys

first draft of a potential layout for the battle menu
my friend made an improved version, I'll see if I can post it here later

Sparkle on! It's Wednesday! Don't forget to be yourself!

a concept art for one of the shops :)
a restaurant of sorts, called The Diving Bell

feelin festive

finally got some sprites (that I think look good) made. hopefully more on the way!

finally finished this for a (slightly late) Madoka day :)
putting this here because I just uploaded this song to the Soundcloud :)
I'll probably upload more songs there later, as long as they're songs that don't involve big spoilers
brand new song! I'm pretty proud of this one, it's the battle theme for those little green guys I drew a while ago :]

more of these silly guys :)

happy early Valentine's Day from Izzie and Sil, a couple of the game's shopkeepers :)

I've decided to fully embrace this sketchy style, since I like it better now. and just in time for St. Patrick's Day, here's a drawing of Null, and of a new miniboss, Ardál Foley. he's very Irish
and here's Ardál's theme for now, I'm pretty proud of this song considering it's in 9/8 and literally every other song I've made is in 4/4 :,)
oh yeah I feel like I should mention
if anyone ever wants to make anything related to Call of the Void, feel free to also put it in the cotv or cotv game tag (the second one is probably better)
if there's any fanart or discussions or anything, I'll probably see it
that's all :)

Null and Aelia in some cool outfits I found on Pinterest :)

Null and Aelia wish you a very happy Lesbian Visibility Week <3

hey, it's been a minute, hasn't it?
I've been pretty busy for a while, but I'm back with new art of Null and Aelia, and a new art style!! they have little noses now :)
I'd like to do more art more frequently, and once June rolls around that'll be a lot easier. I'll also try to upload music previews too :D