Couldnt Have Said It Better Myself - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
not so friendly reminder that the slasher fandom is a safe space for people and you and your prejudices can fuck off.
stop using peoples comfort characters to direct your own hate towards them, eat shit and fuck off
To the people violently rocking Richard's boat in Dresden because you think upsetting people is funny, you are all assholes, and this band deserves better fans than you.
ok SO. I was sooo obsessed with Jreg in, like, early 2020 when Centricide was in its heyday. His videos felt so edgy and forbidden, but also like he captured the classic Gen Z vibe of absurdist humor! I came for the insane political takes and stayed for the homoerotic tension between Commie and Ancom. I think the Sanders Sides format done with personified edges of the political compass was a creative idea that worked really well for him. I do think his later stuff, like the whole mental illness series, felt a little bit tired and less fun to watch (even if that was his meta intent—like the videos where he starts to do a bit and then looks straight into the camera and goes “I can’t do this anymore”).
I don’t wait with bated breath for his next video anymore like I used to, but it’s still fun to check in sometimes to get the Jregian take on whatever recent political event has been in the news. I think a lot of the deeper themes Jreg covers in his art, like mental distress caused by isolation, or the disillusion of the youth with the modern political state resulting in either hopelessness or a push toward extremism, are still very relevant and will be for a long time.
I also really vibe with the Jreg fanbase. His fans just seem like people I’d get along with irl—or, at the very least, the kind of people whose antics are entertaining to witness from afar.
What are…your thoughts on Jreg?
kabru dunmeshi is basically a chernobyl survivor who was adopted by an eternally young hot white woman who was going to pamper him for his entire life but instead of wanting to be pampered he was like "mom, i need to become a stalker. i need to return to the Zone" and his elf mom was like "nooo the Zone sucks you'll be shot by a bandit" and he was like "no mom i need to go to the Zone and find out what happened" and she was like "fine" and pulled out a machinegun from her days in the Suicide Squad and trained him to kill while firing on him with live ammunition. Then he went to the Zone and immediately got killed by a pack of wild dogs because elf mom only taught him how to shoot other humans
My taste in music ranges from “you need to listen to this” to “I know, please don’t judge me.”

Blue lives matters is just another way for racist to be racist. Keep your blue lives matters to yourself.
Creator • @mattxiv
I wanna talk about Jungkook
So yes, I’m nothing and I barely use tumblr but that thing makes me wanna say something so bad. First, I can relate to Jungkook in so many ways one would be surprised, 3 years ago me and my anxiety made me end 3 friendships, and you know how? I made them feel bad with my words, bc I’m a big mess and even now 20yo I can’t express myself right, that’s where I’m different from him, he learned how to express himself.
Y'all keep saying that his age shouldn’t be an excuse and a lot of other things but yeah, try to see his point, he was really young and alone in a big city starting a whole new life, he was dealing with new interactions, new persons and a lot of them at once. Anxiety is a shit thing that makes you think a lot and makes you fuck up a lot too, I’m not saying he wasn’t wrong, oh hell he really was, but let me tell you abt myself. I didn’t and I don’t know how to express myself, I also don’t know how to read ppl, that’s why all my friendships tends to end badly bc they think I’m rude, YES, back in high school ppl only related my name to the word rude, so when I met Jungkook and I started to know abt him I saw myself a lot.
I’m a Jimin stan and I felt bad when I first watched the videos, really sometimes I wish I could be there to just make Jungkook shut up bc if he didn’t know how to act he should be quiet right? I’m assuming here that we have a lot in common, and just like him when I don’t know how to act or what the other person is trying to express towards me….I say dumb things. Humans are scary and when you’re not used to them around it’s even worse. Jimin was clearly that one person Jungkook couldn’t figure out, but also he couldn’t just ignore, he didn’t want to, make fun of him came easy first so he adjusted himself in that skin and continued, that was a mistake, a bad one bc he was thinking abt his own comfort not jimin’s, then again, he was young and when you’re young you tend to be selfish, like “I’m the only one suffering in this world” agenda that I’m sure your 15yo self once did.
Did you ever stopped and thought abt his shift personality? He was there, making fun and all, but at the same time he was saying that Jimin was the hyung he would go for comfort, that he was always avoiding him bc he didn’t know what to do with that affection, that “of course he is handsome is just for fun”, he is the last one on visual rankings but he has cute toes and pretty eyes, and when he was directly confronted he’d say that ofc he likes Jimin, and he would say that with that tone like “isn’t that obvious?”……boy, no it wasn’t.
He got older something clicked, and it wasn’t Jimin getting more and more beautiful, that was probably his own self analysis. Jimin once said he wasn’t like that when the cameras were off, and I believed that, doesn’t make it up for his actions but, by the way he talks now, the way he says often that Jimin was there to call him out back in trainee days, you can see that they were close off cam, and Jungkook values his presence. So he was mean, he realized, he put effort in changing. Jungkook himself said he used to be selfish, you don’t know how proud I am of him bc the way that guy changed wow, I wish I could be more like him, but no, recently I made his mistake, I was flustered with myself and started to shoot this all on someone, I was rude af and realized that way too late, she was my friend for 2 years, we don’t talk anymore. Jungkook is obviously more well solved and adult than I am and that goes for Jimin too. Park Jimin is one hell persistent person, he knew Jungkook wasn’t like that that’s why he waited, Jimin obviously felt bad but he is such a mature person, mature enough to know that wth was going on with Jungkook there was a chance that he could change.
Oh and there was something abt Jungkook only seeing Jimin after he starved himself and became sexy, well, Jungkook did the same for Jimin to notice that thing wasn’t healthy remember?. Jungkook figured out himself and how Jimin is important and where he was ugly failing and changed that, now he doesn’t hold himself, he treats Jimin the way he wants to, he says the things he sees in him, he called him his catalyst bc he realized Jimin were always there. He failed, he realized, he changed, and he still changing. To be realistic I wish I could be like him, or else I wouldn’t lost ppl.
ANYWAY, that’s it, If u wanna judge someone remember you were never on their skin, I have social anxiety and I hate when someone keeps telling me how I should act bc it’s not easy, most of the time I’m rude without noticing, I’m not saying he has the same problems that I have, but I can relate with his behavior, and I know how it is to be judged, to know u were wrong, but can’t do smth abt it, and he did. I’m proud of him, I’ll learn like him, and I think there’s no other person right now better than him to be around Jimin, as his best friend, his partner, his whatever.
Honestly sick to death of all the takes insisting that Solas is doomed to die or needs to die or whatever variation thereof. There’s always this claim that it ‘makes sense’ or ‘it’s right for the character’ but rarely is there any sound argument to support that claim. And I simply disagree. I see no reason why it would serve the narrative or his character.
Why is this fandom so insistent on things being bleak? Call me oversensitive if you want, but hearing people talk about this very wounded and chronically depressed character as a lost cause, referring to his death as some foregone conclusion, it honestly makes me sick. I get people who hate him wanting him dead, but hearing people who supposedly adore the character so readily pronounce him as doomed is a bit fucked.
Why? Because he’s sad? You think it’s fitting for him to die because he’s depressed and in need of psychological help? Do you hear yourself? What would his death accomplish? No really, what purpose would it serve other than to fill the tragedy quota? What’s the message? How does it bring his or the game’s story to a satisfying and meaningful end?
Enough. I’m sick of hearing it.