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≈ bluebottle vineyard stall, farmer’s market. with @rachelxhan. for task#004 — randomizer #1.
Grateful that the staff on the farm hadn’t arranged for the farm to be selling anything on the market this week, which meant Mads didn’t have to peddle fruit and vegetables for change (it wasn’t exactly a hardship, hell, if she could promote those shady Morphe brushes yonks ago, she could sell a few apples). Taking full advantage of exploring the stalls to their full extent, the former influencer allowed herself to get lost in the hustle and bustle, mentally being transported back to her favorite market back in LA.
If her heart panged slightly, it was due to the last of the summer heat clinging to the air, duh. Nothing else. She totally wasn’t sad about being run-out of the town she once called home.
The only thing that would solve the sudden negative thoughts was drowning them out with something strong and alcoholic. Making a beeline to the stall advertising artisanal wine, Madisyn requested three bottles — red, white and rosé baby! — leaning against the stall as they made a show of gift wrapping them (as if she wasn’t going to uncork them as soon as she was able to, ala Cameron Diaz in The Holiday) when the woman next to her caught her eye. Madisyn Huang never forgot a face, even if names evaded her. “Hey, hey. You were on the West Coast for a bit, right?”

≈ bluebottle vineyard stall, farmer’s market. with @rachelxhan. for task#004 — randomizer #1.
Grateful that the staff on the farm hadn’t arranged for the farm to be selling anything on the market this week, which meant Mads didn’t have to peddle fruit and vegetables for change (it wasn’t exactly a hardship, hell, if she could promote those shady Morphe brushes yonks ago, she could sell a few apples). Taking full advantage of exploring the stalls to their full extent, the former influencer allowed herself to get lost in the hustle and bustle, mentally being transported back to her favorite market back in LA.
If her heart panged slightly, it was due to the last of the summer heat clinging to the air, duh. Nothing else. She totally wasn’t sad about being run-out of the town she once called home.
The only thing that would solve the sudden negative thoughts was drowning them out with something strong and alcoholic. Making a beeline to the stall advertising artisanal wine, Madisyn requested three bottles — red, white and rosé baby! — leaning against the stall as they made a show of gift wrapping them (as if she wasn’t going to uncork them as soon as she was able to, ala Cameron Diaz in The Holiday) when the woman next to her caught her eye. Madisyn Huang never forgot a face, even if names evaded her. “Hey, hey. You were on the West Coast for a bit, right?”

Madi stood there for a second, briefly debating opening up her TikTok or something and showing it to the stranger. It was so embarrassing to recognize someone and not be recognized back. Or maybe the lady thought it'd be cringe to not fawn over the Madisyn Huang.
Or, maybe she didn't want to fawn. Maybe she wanted to like...laugh at her and her downfall, and was just being super polite about it. That caused Madi to stand straighter, really inspect the woman. So, so familiar.
"What did you do? For a decade back on the West Coast?" She could have been that one shitty PA that was hired by the agency that represented back in her glory days. The one who clearly thought coffee should have tasted like gasoline. "It's just like...you seem super familiar to me."

Rachel was absolutely going to take advantage of a day off to stop by the Farmer's Market. She very much realized that a lot of people had the same thought as she got there. Snaking around people, trying not to be annoyed as people just decided to stop in the middle of the path, she walked around and noticed one stall in particular that she hadn't seen in a bit. Gazing at all the options, she hadn't noticed the fellow shoppers until she heard a rather familiar voice. Her heart jumped into her throat.
Her whole career had changed because of Madisyn Huang. She had a lot to be grateful for the article she'd written about the at the time young influencer. It was a time where YouTube felt rather innocent, in comparison at least. Rachel had gotten recognition and interest from Boston Globe because of her piece on Madisyn. Of course, she'd been sent things about the demise of the woman post her own expose, perhaps it had even been the influencer's first piece of bad press. Clearly her writing had only been a tiny crack in the foundation of the life of Madisyn Huang.
She had not expected for any type of recognition to cross her mind, Rachel looked towards her though and blinked a few times as if still registering what she was saying. "Um, yes. Yes I lived there for close to a decade."

Madi stood there for a second, briefly debating opening up her TikTok or something and showing it to the stranger. It was so embarrassing to recognize someone and not be recognized back. Or maybe the lady thought it'd be cringe to not fawn over the Madisyn Huang.
Or, maybe she didn't want to fawn. Maybe she wanted to like...laugh at her and her downfall, and was just being super polite about it. That caused Madi to stand straighter, really inspect the woman. So, so familiar.
"What did you do? For a decade back on the West Coast?" She could have been that one shitty PA that was hired by the agency that represented back in her glory days. The one who clearly thought coffee should have tasted like gasoline. "It's just like...you seem super familiar to me."

Rachel was absolutely going to take advantage of a day off to stop by the Farmer's Market. She very much realized that a lot of people had the same thought as she got there. Snaking around people, trying not to be annoyed as people just decided to stop in the middle of the path, she walked around and noticed one stall in particular that she hadn't seen in a bit. Gazing at all the options, she hadn't noticed the fellow shoppers until she heard a rather familiar voice. Her heart jumped into her throat.
Her whole career had changed because of Madisyn Huang. She had a lot to be grateful for the article she'd written about the at the time young influencer. It was a time where YouTube felt rather innocent, in comparison at least. Rachel had gotten recognition and interest from Boston Globe because of her piece on Madisyn. Of course, she'd been sent things about the demise of the woman post her own expose, perhaps it had even been the influencer's first piece of bad press. Clearly her writing had only been a tiny crack in the foundation of the life of Madisyn Huang.
She had not expected for any type of recognition to cross her mind, Rachel looked towards her though and blinked a few times as if still registering what she was saying. "Um, yes. Yes I lived there for close to a decade."

Okay so Madisyn didn't need this bitch's whole backstory, but she smiled and nodded along as politely as she could think to muster. The choice of telling her she was married seemed like salt in the wound, like this woman knew who Madisyn was and therefore her disastrous public breakup with Dominik.
When she mentioned she had interviewed Madi, it all then clicked into place. "Yes!" She all but screamed in her face, both out of excitement of her gut feeling never being wrong, and also well, irritation. Rachel fucking Han. The first piece of bad press Madisyn ever got. "Does that mean you heard what happened since we last saw each other? Bet you and your little journalism buddies were lapping that up."

"Well," Rachel shared as she stood up a little straighter herself, feeling the examination, she couldn't tell if she wanted Madisyn to recognize her or not. She was leaning more towards not, just because it was perhaps a bit scathing what she had written, about just the manicured lifestyle the woman had pretended to have.
"I was 18 when I moved there, I went to college at UC Berkeley, and then once I graduated I got a job in San Francisco, met a guy, got married, got offered a wonderful opportunity at the Boston Globe and moved there." Rachel wondered if her description was vague enough, she didn't feel like Madisyn would have followed her journalistic career in some type of vengeful way.
When the other woman shared she seemed super familiar, she was a bit surprised. "I...well I interviewed you once actually when I still lived in San Francisco, my name is Rachel." Offering up the information, since she really didn't like to lie about things and she didn't even having a convincing enough lie to give.

Okay so Madisyn didn't need this bitch's whole backstory, but she smiled and nodded along as politely as she could think to muster. The choice of telling her she was married seemed like salt in the wound, like this woman knew who Madisyn was and therefore her disastrous public breakup with Dominik.
When she mentioned she had interviewed Madi, it all then clicked into place. "Yes!" She all but screamed in her face, both out of excitement of her gut feeling never being wrong, and also well, irritation. Rachel fucking Han. The first piece of bad press Madisyn ever got. "Does that mean you heard what happened since we last saw each other? Bet you and your little journalism buddies were lapping that up."

"Well," Rachel shared as she stood up a little straighter herself, feeling the examination, she couldn't tell if she wanted Madisyn to recognize her or not. She was leaning more towards not, just because it was perhaps a bit scathing what she had written, about just the manicured lifestyle the woman had pretended to have.
"I was 18 when I moved there, I went to college at UC Berkeley, and then once I graduated I got a job in San Francisco, met a guy, got married, got offered a wonderful opportunity at the Boston Globe and moved there." Rachel wondered if her description was vague enough, she didn't feel like Madisyn would have followed her journalistic career in some type of vengeful way.
When the other woman shared she seemed super familiar, she was a bit surprised. "I...well I interviewed you once actually when I still lived in San Francisco, my name is Rachel." Offering up the information, since she really didn't like to lie about things and she didn't even having a convincing enough lie to give.

Okay so Madisyn didn't need this bitch's whole backstory, but she smiled and nodded along as politely as she could think to muster. The choice of telling her she was married seemed like salt in the wound, like this woman knew who Madisyn was and therefore her disastrous public breakup with Dominik.
When she mentioned she had interviewed Madi, it all then clicked into place. "Yes!" She all but screamed in her face, both out of excitement of her gut feeling never being wrong, and also well, irritation. Rachel fucking Han. The first piece of bad press Madisyn ever got. "Does that mean you heard what happened since we last saw each other? Bet you and your little journalism buddies were lapping that up."

"Well," Rachel shared as she stood up a little straighter herself, feeling the examination, she couldn't tell if she wanted Madisyn to recognize her or not. She was leaning more towards not, just because it was perhaps a bit scathing what she had written, about just the manicured lifestyle the woman had pretended to have.
"I was 18 when I moved there, I went to college at UC Berkeley, and then once I graduated I got a job in San Francisco, met a guy, got married, got offered a wonderful opportunity at the Boston Globe and moved there." Rachel wondered if her description was vague enough, she didn't feel like Madisyn would have followed her journalistic career in some type of vengeful way.
When the other woman shared she seemed super familiar, she was a bit surprised. "I...well I interviewed you once actually when I still lived in San Francisco, my name is Rachel." Offering up the information, since she really didn't like to lie about things and she didn't even having a convincing enough lie to give.

Okay so Madisyn didn't need this bitch's whole backstory, but she smiled and nodded along as politely as she could think to muster. The choice of telling her she was married seemed like salt in the wound, like this woman knew who Madisyn was and therefore her disastrous public breakup with Dominik.
When she mentioned she had interviewed Madi, it all then clicked into place. "Yes!" She all but screamed in her face, both out of excitement of her gut feeling never being wrong, and also well, irritation. Rachel fucking Han. The first piece of bad press Madisyn ever got. "Does that mean you heard what happened since we last saw each other? Bet you and your little journalism buddies were lapping that up."

"Well," Rachel shared as she stood up a little straighter herself, feeling the examination, she couldn't tell if she wanted Madisyn to recognize her or not. She was leaning more towards not, just because it was perhaps a bit scathing what she had written, about just the manicured lifestyle the woman had pretended to have.
"I was 18 when I moved there, I went to college at UC Berkeley, and then once I graduated I got a job in San Francisco, met a guy, got married, got offered a wonderful opportunity at the Boston Globe and moved there." Rachel wondered if her description was vague enough, she didn't feel like Madisyn would have followed her journalistic career in some type of vengeful way.
When the other woman shared she seemed super familiar, she was a bit surprised. "I...well I interviewed you once actually when I still lived in San Francisco, my name is Rachel." Offering up the information, since she really didn't like to lie about things and she didn't even having a convincing enough lie to give.

Madisyn always thought that journalism was just like an easy way to get paid. All you did was gossip and type it up for a website or print. And poor people like her were always the subjects, pictures of them blown up and edited to fit the story, lies and slander and rumors out for the world to see. Regardless of the truth in Rachel’s initial article, or the facts stated in the reports released upon the influencer’s world crumbling, shit like that still hurt. And even if the woman before her wasn’t at the helm of the destruction of Madisyn’s life, it was nice to put a face to someone who could be blamed for all these injustices. “A couple of them quoted you. Warning signs, they put it.” She sniffed. “Yeah, guess we’re both here in Blue Harbor now.” Considering the information Rachel gave her, Madisyn wondered why she was here and not back in San Francisco or Boston. “Perfect place to run away to.” It was a complete stab in the dark but hey, anything to make this bitch feel just even the smidge unsettled.

Unfortunately, Rachel learned too late that she very much did not want Madisyn to remember her. She grimaced at the exclamation, feeling eyes on them. Whether that was in her mind or if that was actually happening, she didn't want to risk glancing around. "Uh, I mean I definitely was sent articles about it, yeah. And an offer to comment on it..." She didn't know if telling this to Madisyn would infuriate her more or maybe she'd appreciate the truth. Clearly, Rachel had not chosen to comment or write an article about it. "I would definitely not put lapping up as the description of how I took in the news." She corrected while clearing her throat, not trying to antagonize but also unsure how exactly this conversation could go well. "I hadn't really felt like it had much to do with the article I initially wrote on you. But uh, I mean I definitely didn't realized you'd re-located."

Madisyn always thought that journalism was just like an easy way to get paid. All you did was gossip and type it up for a website or print. And poor people like her were always the subjects, pictures of them blown up and edited to fit the story, lies and slander and rumors out for the world to see. Regardless of the truth in Rachel’s initial article, or the facts stated in the reports released upon the influencer’s world crumbling, shit like that still hurt. And even if the woman before her wasn’t at the helm of the destruction of Madisyn’s life, it was nice to put a face to someone who could be blamed for all these injustices. “A couple of them quoted you. Warning signs, they put it.” She sniffed. “Yeah, guess we’re both here in Blue Harbor now.” Considering the information Rachel gave her, Madisyn wondered why she was here and not back in San Francisco or Boston. “Perfect place to run away to.” It was a complete stab in the dark but hey, anything to make this bitch feel just even the smidge unsettled.

Unfortunately, Rachel learned too late that she very much did not want Madisyn to remember her. She grimaced at the exclamation, feeling eyes on them. Whether that was in her mind or if that was actually happening, she didn't want to risk glancing around. "Uh, I mean I definitely was sent articles about it, yeah. And an offer to comment on it..." She didn't know if telling this to Madisyn would infuriate her more or maybe she'd appreciate the truth. Clearly, Rachel had not chosen to comment or write an article about it. "I would definitely not put lapping up as the description of how I took in the news." She corrected while clearing her throat, not trying to antagonize but also unsure how exactly this conversation could go well. "I hadn't really felt like it had much to do with the article I initially wrote on you. But uh, I mean I definitely didn't realized you'd re-located."

It did help a bit that Rachel didn’t get anything extra for her article being referenced in other publications (but honestly, Madi could have been able to tell by the overall vibe of her) and truthfully, if she was now here in Blue Harbor, clearly nothing came out of her career in bullying the influencer for fucking points or whatever. “You got the clout though, surely that paid well in that regard if you’re doing some organic grocery shopping.” She gestured to the space around them, always thinking of the average equation of subscribers, ad money and profit. However, she was pulled out of that thought by the journalist’s reply, eyes narrowing at the tone Rachel used to follow up with. There was a spike of spiteful glee that Madi clearly did hit a nerve, but to cause further damage would mean she’d have to research Rachel and after the rundown she was given, she honestly just sounded so dull that perhaps some online biography about her would be better done as a bedtime story. “Quite the contrary,” Madisyn thought of her TikTok engagement since buying the farm, “I think this little town is about to be the next up-and-coming place.”

Rachel gave a small defensive shrug at Madisyn pointing out the fact that some of the articles that had been written about her and her partner's scandal had picked apart her article for themes. "Well, I mean I have no authority over the public domain. I don't even get royalties for them using quotations from the article." Though she did have Google Alerts set up when someone referenced a publication of hers out of pure curiosity. And she definitely had gotten quite a few dings of notifications when everything started to unravel in Madisyn's life. At the end of the day, she didn't regret writing the exposé so she wasn't going to apologize for that. Rachel heard the tone of the other woman's voice, almost like she was reaching for something, a jab perhaps. Jokes on her, she had been running towards someone, though they then ran away from her again. "It doesn't feel like a good place if you're trying to lay low, recreate yourself." Two could play at the subtly goading game. She was wondering what exactly Madisyn's thoughts were as to why she should come here. Perhaps she'd read a celebrity memoir or seen the trend of celebrities living quainter lifestyles.

It did help a bit that Rachel didn’t get anything extra for her article being referenced in other publications (but honestly, Madi could have been able to tell by the overall vibe of her) and truthfully, if she was now here in Blue Harbor, clearly nothing came out of her career in bullying the influencer for fucking points or whatever. “You got the clout though, surely that paid well in that regard if you’re doing some organic grocery shopping.” She gestured to the space around them, always thinking of the average equation of subscribers, ad money and profit. However, she was pulled out of that thought by the journalist’s reply, eyes narrowing at the tone Rachel used to follow up with. There was a spike of spiteful glee that Madi clearly did hit a nerve, but to cause further damage would mean she’d have to research Rachel and after the rundown she was given, she honestly just sounded so dull that perhaps some online biography about her would be better done as a bedtime story. “Quite the contrary,” Madisyn thought of her TikTok engagement since buying the farm, “I think this little town is about to be the next up-and-coming place.”

Rachel gave a small defensive shrug at Madisyn pointing out the fact that some of the articles that had been written about her and her partner's scandal had picked apart her article for themes. "Well, I mean I have no authority over the public domain. I don't even get royalties for them using quotations from the article." Though she did have Google Alerts set up when someone referenced a publication of hers out of pure curiosity. And she definitely had gotten quite a few dings of notifications when everything started to unravel in Madisyn's life. At the end of the day, she didn't regret writing the exposé so she wasn't going to apologize for that. Rachel heard the tone of the other woman's voice, almost like she was reaching for something, a jab perhaps. Jokes on her, she had been running towards someone, though they then ran away from her again. "It doesn't feel like a good place if you're trying to lay low, recreate yourself." Two could play at the subtly goading game. She was wondering what exactly Madisyn's thoughts were as to why she should come here. Perhaps she'd read a celebrity memoir or seen the trend of celebrities living quainter lifestyles.

She was bored of this conversation now. Clearly Rachel didn't think she'd ever be capable of doing anything bad ever, and Madisyn simply didn't have the patience to explain it to her. Maybe she'd befriend a preschool teacher to get it into this woman's head that actions had consequences, and that profitting off someone's downfall was wrong. "Not just me babe, if you ever get a recommendation for a Raya application, you'd see what I mean." Drunk scrolling through the exclusive app had made it clear that a lot of famous faces — even in specific circles — were drawn to this little slice of midwestern nothingness, for whatever reason. The clerk manning the stall made their presence known, and Madi decided that enough was enough, putting down a bottle of each color on the surface, shooting Rachel a pointed look. "Well, see you around." And with swift payment of her purchases, walked away with the stall with the mental note to Google exactly who this Rachel Han was.

Rachel didn't quite understand what the insinuation was other than maybe a her trying to say that she was profiting off Madisyn's 'misery.' It was truly the lack of accountability that didn't make the journalist feel super sympathetic. "Clout wasn't really something I was seeking, if you recall it was just supposed to be a special interest piece. They don't usually give those to people who are making the big bucks." Not that really any one in print media went into the field with a promise of large salaries. And unlike the other woman, she didn't do things in order to see how many likes and views she got on her articles. She raised a brow as Madisyn claimed that this place was up-and-coming. "Why do you think that? Because you decided to move here?" Rachel asked, her tone trying to become more genuine in asking rather than accusatory. The woman had reinvented herself twice already and though she'd gotten 'cancelled,' Rachel knew that when it came to social media stars they always found a way to stick around and shift target demographics. She wondered what Madisyn's demographic was this time.

She was bored of this conversation now. Clearly Rachel didn't think she'd ever be capable of doing anything bad ever, and Madisyn simply didn't have the patience to explain it to her. Maybe she'd befriend a preschool teacher to get it into this woman's head that actions had consequences, and that profitting off someone's downfall was wrong. "Not just me babe, if you ever get a recommendation for a Raya application, you'd see what I mean." Drunk scrolling through the exclusive app had made it clear that a lot of famous faces — even in specific circles — were drawn to this little slice of midwestern nothingness, for whatever reason. The clerk manning the stall made their presence known, and Madi decided that enough was enough, putting down a bottle of each color on the surface, shooting Rachel a pointed look. "Well, see you around." And with swift payment of her purchases, walked away with the stall with the mental note to Google exactly who this Rachel Han was.

Rachel didn't quite understand what the insinuation was other than maybe a her trying to say that she was profiting off Madisyn's 'misery.' It was truly the lack of accountability that didn't make the journalist feel super sympathetic. "Clout wasn't really something I was seeking, if you recall it was just supposed to be a special interest piece. They don't usually give those to people who are making the big bucks." Not that really any one in print media went into the field with a promise of large salaries. And unlike the other woman, she didn't do things in order to see how many likes and views she got on her articles. She raised a brow as Madisyn claimed that this place was up-and-coming. "Why do you think that? Because you decided to move here?" Rachel asked, her tone trying to become more genuine in asking rather than accusatory. The woman had reinvented herself twice already and though she'd gotten 'cancelled,' Rachel knew that when it came to social media stars they always found a way to stick around and shift target demographics. She wondered what Madisyn's demographic was this time.