Crackle - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

(this post has nothing to do with shipping please I respect all ships for cs but I just wanted to get this off my chest thanks have a good day)


the GROWTH of Graham was amazing. idk about others but I truly thought someone was going to use him against Carmen in this season, that he was going to be used to get the upper hand on her because both sides knew he meant something to her.


The right thing for himself was to go back to VILE. The right thing for Carmen was to get ACME’s attention to help stop Carmen when she was under VILE control. The right thing for him was knowing that fighting was wrong and he refused to fight with Carmen again, refused to hurt her because he knew it was wrong. He had seen her do so much good and seen others do so much to stop her but all of it wasn’t worth it.

S4 Graham was without a doubt, the best Graham we have seen. He was the true Gray that we had been missing since he got his memories wiped. When Graham stood up and said his name was Crackle but then outwardly refused to fight Carmen because he didn’t want to hurt her again, he was taking all the previous experiences he had with her. All that he had learned from her and choose to become a better person because of it. He knew he could never be either of the Grays from before again. The VILE Gray or the Gray without VILE knowledge. Instead he chose to do exactly as Maelstrom had said to him. He found the ‘gray area’.

He truly grew the most this season and Im so proud of him. I loved his character and I was always afraid something was going to happen to him. But to see that at the end he took his experience of having his memory wiped and saw how they did the same to Carmen and sought help - that was the biggest growth.

He even said that he thought the few months he had with VILE Carmen were fun but ultimately that was him also trying to become accustom to his life again. And his life had always had Carmen in it. This life was what would’ve been had Carmen not become the woman in red and he lost his memories.

But he knew that thats not what he wanted. Not anymore. Maybe before he had his memories wiped, but the Gray after the memory wipe had already seen a free Carmen, had already seen what a good Carmen was capable of. He couldn’t just stand by and watch her go through the same thing, to loose a piece of herself.

He did the right thing and Im floored by how amazing that was played out this season. Truly I am amazed because this person was someone who at the drop of a coin could’ve been used for evil to hurt Carmen.

Instead we got someone who truly did see both sides, chose to go the path he still wanted - being apart of VILE as we learned this was originally what he wanted - but learned from his past experiences to continue on that path in a better light.

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10 months ago
Man, I Need To Stop Being So Nervous About Just Posting ArtworkEven If Its Just A Doodle For Shitpost

Man, I need to stop being so nervous about just posting artwork Even if its just a doodle for shitpost or a draft for aus ==== And mainly art Im proud/helped out for my moots Like this one for my bud @rosiegardenlove We talked and worked together on making redesigns for her pup triplets 🐶 And I liked how they turned out Glad to work with Rosie on this 💖💗💙

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7 years ago
"Starfish" #Lightcatcher #dollydaydreamcrochet #lightcatchers STARFISH (PURPLE) 7 Garlands Of Pink, Lilac

"Starfish" #Lightcatcher #dollydaydreamcrochet #lightcatchers STARFISH (PURPLE) 7 garlands of pink, lilac and cream cotton, with an assortment of beads that merge from yellow to pink to purple. The purple top part is made with a luxurious Egyptian cotton. Special introductory price £18.00 Width: 25cm Length: 53cm This has a large variety of beads, too many to list individually, but includes: Chunky acrylic starfish pendants Tibetan silver starfish charms Tibetan silver conch shell charms Faux pearls #Quartzite #Stardust beads #Hearts #Stars #Fish #Flowers Handmade #glass beads #Miracle glass beads #Floral painted beads #Crackle glass #Sealife #pastel beads #Howlite #starfish Crackle #quartz Shell hearts Introductory price is valid until 31 August. Regular price: £24.00 #mermaidlife #mermaidtheme #mermaidroom #girlsroom #pink #yellow #purple #ilovebeads #seaside #beach #seacreatures

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