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TV Show - CSI: Las Vegas

As mentioned in the last post about Dr. House, I felt like watching a crime series. The temptation was strong because Prime added the first three seasons of Rizzoli & Isles to its program. But I decided to go with CSI: Las Vegas because it's been longer since I last rewatched it compared to Rizzoli & Isles.
Right in the first two episodes, I notice a lot of details, and I might end up writing a lot about them. Let's see how long I can keep it up!
One thing that stands out right away is the age of the series. And by that, I don't mean a specific year but the aspect ratio, which is still in 4:3. 16:9 will come later, but I can't remember exactly when. I'm curious to find out.
Catherine Willows already shows character traits here that will later drive me crazy. I remember finding her very demanding in the later seasons. She always comes up with arguments to bend the rules so she can break them later. However, in the successor format CSI: Vegas, she becomes interesting again.
During the autopsy scene where Grissom and Nick help, you could see the eyes of the millionaire blinking. I always find such details interesting. Sometimes you can see the "corpses" moving their chests, the carotid artery pulsating, or a body part moving. If I remember correctly, some shots use a still image to avoid such mistakes.
We still miss important characters like Super Dave and Doc Robbins. But one person we see very early on is the firearms specialist Bobby!
I also noticed Grissom's mood during the dummy experiments, which reminded me why I find him so intriguing. He's a man of facts, and as the series progresses, he becomes less and less able to deal with society and its quirks.
Voices are another topic because we have two very distinctive voices right from the start, one of which stays with us. Holly Gribbs is voiced by Sandra Schwittau, who is the German voice of Bart Simpson, played by Nancy Cartwright. Nick Stokes (George Eads) is voiced by David Nathan, who is not only one of the most distinctive German voices but also the regular voice of Johnny Depp and Christian Bale.
I'm thrilled to be back in Vegas, to see how everything unfolds, what cases they work on, and what questions arise. Because I already have one question: Even though Warrick was overseeing Gribbs since she was new, no one asks what happened to the officer at the crime scene where Holly was shot. Sure, Brass was reassigned, but that's about it. I find it extremely strange. (Although I'm aware that this is used to show the tragedy surrounding Warrick's character!)
Otherwise, the first season is always the most interesting because this is where the series is still finding itself, and many things are still changing. There's a lot to discover and admire, especially when it comes to the development of the characters.
I'll also thoroughly enjoy all the special effects because many of them were created without CGI, and practical effects are still among the best because they are tangible and provide a sense of depth that CGI simply can't achieve. I know, it's a big debate, but it's like photography. Digital photography is great, no doubt, but that final step to achieve exactly what's possible in analog photography is still missing. It's not much, and I know both sides very well, but it's just that tiny bit that's still missing!
In the German version, when Nick talks to Sanders, it's briefly mentioned or asked if Sanders is already playing the "Football game on Dreamcast." Once again, it shows that someone involved in writing the dialogue didn't have a clue. That always annoys me. Either video games look terrible in movies/shows, or they mix up everything and leave out details.
TV Show - CSI: Las Vegas II
It feels good to be back in Las Vegas. I recently tried watching CSI: Miami, and even though it's a good series, I couldn't quite get through the first season. I think it was too stylish for me, with too much weird color grading and sometimes too much "look how stylish we are in Miami."

Now we're dealing with the night shift in Las Vegas, and just the neon lights and darkness at night give us a completely different vibe, even though most of the filming took place in and around Los Angeles.
We're currently on episode 16 of season 1, "Too Tough to Die." The characters have moved past their initial uncertainties and are settled. We've also seen recurring characters like Bobby (weapons specialist), Mindy (fingerprint expert), and Terry (bone specialist) several times already.
While watching, I noticed my brain often tried to draw parallels to Dr. House, but it's not that simple. Sure, there are definitely similarities, as difficult cases need to be solved by a team of specialists in their field. But the approach is entirely different because we're in forensics, not medicine.
What I like the most, which is often handled through allegorical storytelling in Dr. House, are the different philosophical approaches Grissom explores in a quiet moment. I mean the quotes he often inserts. I especially liked his explanation at the end of "Unfriendly Skies" when the team sits together discussing how they would have acted. No one even thought about the victim and just went along with what the witnesses/perpetrators said. It's something I always try to keep in mind—that when confronted with an absolute situation, it's rarely, if ever, actually absolute, and there's always another perspective. I think it's a very important message!
But of course, CSI: Las Vegas also offers the messages that a Dr. House series does, just, as mentioned, not quite as allegorical but on a much more direct path. It's not always focused on Las Vegas either; it can be applied generally, especially when it comes to theft or dealing with other people. Sometimes you might think that the murders are just used to convey these messages, and what happens around them contains the actual message.
Unfortunately, Catherine is still a bit exhausting, and I also don't really like the whole storyline with her husband or ex-husband. It's just not my thing! Sure, she's supposed to represent the strong, mature woman who made it out of the casino world in Las Vegas, and she does that pretty well, no question. But the attitude she displays toward Sara or Warrick in this case is just not okay.
Fortunately, the hostility between the police and CSI has also been set aside again. It's happening more and more often that the team addresses the officer or detective at the crime scene by name and sometimes even chat a bit. I find that very pleasant, and it gives you the feeling that you're watching a very large and well-coordinated team.
The truly tragic figure in all of this, even though you might not know it yet, is among all the Warrick and Grissom drama. Warrick because he also made it from the bottom to the top as a CSI and can continually assert himself with his insider knowledge of Las Vegas. He's an important part of the team. But his fate is already sealed, even though it will take about six more seasons.
Grissom, on the other hand, because his mind can increasingly understand or comprehend less and less of what's happening around him. He feels less and less at home in this world or can understand why people are capable of all these acts, even though he loves the world itself and everything that keeps it moving (humans are not really needed for this; the world does fine without them!).
TV Show - CSI: Las Vegas III
OH BOI! In the first season, Catherine becomes a symbol of double standards. Everyone is constantly reminded not to get too involved with the victim, not to get too emotionally invested. But not Catherine, because she's the strong woman in the team, the mother, the sinner who has left her sins behind and been sanctified. The same goes for assigning cases! Everyone else has to follow the supervisor's orders on which case they get, but not Catherine; because of her backstory and her role as a mother, she gets to choose repeatedly.

Sure, she's seen as an emotional contrast to Grissom, and I can understand that to some extent. The resulting emotionality in cases involving children is still bearable. But what really gets on my nerves is the fact that, because of her experiences, she sees everything from this perspective. But she ignores the fact that this is only her perspective, yet she believes it's universally valid, disregarding the fact that there are other ways to view things. I have a strong allergic reaction to that kind of behavior, and I really don't like it.
Grissom is slowly but surely becoming my spirit animal, because he often finds himself in situations that I can relate to very well, albeit on a smaller scale. Especially now at the end of the first season, there's a case where he goes against the system, and I've seen similar things happen in my surroundings many times. However, Grissom has the advantage of having his team behind him, which supports him. I never got to enjoy that luxury. Well, that's a different story for a different format.
Overall, I found the first season very solid and good; it provides a good introduction and isn't one of those "once you get through it, it gets really good" seasons. Plus, we saw faces like Dakota Fanning or Milo Ventimiglia, who had on of their first appearances here. And then there's Reginald VelJohnson (Family Matters) and James Avery (The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air), who are always a special delight for me. Both played strong father roles in 90s series, which I found very fascinating as a child and teenager. Seeing them in completely different roles here is refreshingly different, and it makes my little TV series heart beat loudly!
They've also adjusted the contrast a bit; they pay more attention to when to use cold and warm colors. An important element for storytelling, very interesting. In this context, I've been wondering when the lab will undergo a redesign and become more stylish or more glassy. I had it in mind that this happens in the first season, but so far, I haven't seen anything.
On to season two, and I'm right in the middle of it!
TV Show - CSI: Las Vegas IV
We did it! The middle of the second season brought the much talked about changes in the aspect ratio, and at the same time, although it was subtly hinted at the beginning of the season, the lab and the interrogation rooms also changed.

But before we can enjoy this new, wonderful, screen-filling view, we have to go through another tough battle. Because yes, I'm harping on it, but Catherine is really exhausting at the beginning of the second season.
So far, she hasn't been confirmed as supervisor, and she graciously declined the temporary takeover by Grissom. Yet she behaves constantly like a boss, always bringing up that she's not properly appreciated, and her interactions with colleagues are just impossible; that's just not teamwork, sorry. Yes, she's supposed to be portrayed as the strong woman, and I can understand a certain gruffness there, but I find her incredibly disrespectful when working with Nick, Greg, or Sara. They're her colleagues and teammates, what's up with that??
This brings us directly to another point that struck me in the first part of the second season, namely the treatment of Greg. The impetus for this came from a comment by Grissom when Greg dared to call Paul Millander clever in his eyes. You can do that, and yes, Grissom is particularly involved in this case, but that was kind of intense. It made me realize that Greg is being treated quite disrespectfully. After all, he's a crucial point in almost every investigation; let's remember how often Grissom is with him, gets some info, and leaves with the idea to solve the case. It's no different with the others, and yes, Greg can be difficult, but he simply doesn't deserve this treatment.
Now I've watched one episode in the new format, and it feels like they've changed quite a bit here. We've already mentioned the aspect ratio, and as a result, the camera shots of the city feel much more natural and fuller. But even with the individual characters, more is revealed or they are set in scene differently. There's more play with the composition of the individual shots, and it feels like the series has undergone a facelift. The aforementioned lab has also changed; it hasn't received the full glass setup yet, but the somewhat outdated look from the first season is gone. Now, they play even more with the light; through the glass fronts, some shots can be better executed, and characters are often accompanied by the camera when walking through the facility or from one lab to another.
Other actors also have one of their first appearances here, just like back then in Dr. House. So we see an even younger Jeremy Renner and a very young Amanda Righetti, who will later become a regular on The Mentalist. What becomes of Jeremy Renner should be known!
With Paul Millander, who pulled a pretty big rabbit out of his hat in his last episode, we've also dealt with one of the first episode-spanning villains. Tammy is still around, but I found that Paul was much more present, especially because he managed to establish himself as a judge.
Meanwhile, Grissom's hearing impairment has also become noticeable, which will manifest more frequently as the series progresses. I especially like the episode where he reveals that he knows sign language because I really like Deanne Bray. She's always a ray of sunshine when I see her in a series, and it's fun to watch her speak or gesture in sign language. I just saw that she's also in Heroes for a longer period (9 episodes). Luckily, this series is also still on my rewatch list.
Now that we're practically in full throttle, because Doc Robbins and Super Dave are fully on board, along with Archie, who used to sit behind the cameras at a university and now works in his role as Archie in the CSI, we can really get started. My brain is already being flooded with wild memories, and I'm more excited than ever that I started this rewatch.
And don't worry, I haven't forgotten that we've already had the pleasure of meeting the charming Lady Heather. But I'll save that for the next post because we know there's still a lot more to come.
TV Show - CSI: Las Vegas V
Currently, I'm watching the episode "Fight Night" S3E7, quite far along considering when I started, but it's running, just like the other series, always in the background once I'm home. It would be terrible if it were also running in the office!

What have we been through? In "Stalker" S2E19, Nick gets quite a beating, and this is even though we know that the Tarantino double episode is still to come, where Nick will get more than just a beating. The two actors who played the medium and the killer are incredibly distinctive; you've seen them in many series, mostly in individual episodes. Doug Hutchison has also made it to the big screen and appeared in The Green Mile (1999) and Punisher: War Zone (2008). But Leland Orser is certainly not unknown; he has movies like Alien 4 (1997), Seven (1995), and The Bone Collector (1999) under his belt. Both actors belong to the second tier but play at the forefront, and I'm always excited to see either of them.
"Anatomy of a Lye" S2E21 was also quite interesting, as we see a very young Mr. Spock, also known as Zachary Quinto. And yes, don't worry, I know this is the Mr. Spock of the modern era. Leonard Nimoy, as far as I know, does not appear in CSI, but who knows, maybe the series will prove me wrong.
Otherwise, the end of the second season is relatively calm; there are no major cliffhanger episodes yet, and I sincerely hope it stays that way for a while longer. Even though I can watch everything back-to-back, I still find such episodes quite exhausting.
Fortunately, Catherine's attitude has eased up; it's not as frequent, but when it happens, it's more intense. People are just being chewed out without her even introducing herself, and nobody knows who she is or what she wants. If someone talked to me that way, I'd react the same. Unbelievable level of arrogance, but well, I guess it's something I have to live with. I didn't want to mention it anymore, but this strange behavior towards Horatio in the last episode of the second season just doesn't sit right. It's a different jurisdiction, for goodness' sake! And those who come at me with "Yes, but she's a strong woman, has to assert herself… BLA BLA BLA!" Yes, she's the strong woman in the series, but a strong woman also asserts herself through respect for others, regardless of their position, and doesn't belittle others to highlight herself.
Despite the calm towards the end of the second season, we also saw the backdoor pilot episode of CSI: Miami, as briefly mentioned earlier. I like Miami, even though I can't handle the overly candied stylishness for too long. It's an interesting bunch that, after watching several seasons of CSI: Las Vegas, is quite refreshing. Yes, I didn't last very long on my last rewatch, but I think if it were available to stream, it would be different (I only have the first half of the first season on DVD).
Now that I think about it, the last episode of the second season is quite interesting because it examines the madness of the beauty ideal. And back then, there was already MySpace, but nowhere near the level of social media we have today. How would such an episode look under today's circumstances? After all, we not only have the modeling industry but also everything else like social media and various services that I don't want to mention here.
TV Shows - CSI: Las Vegas VI
The third season starts with two interesting encounters. First, we see Doug Jones at the poker table, who is not only very successful in Star Trek: Discovery but also plays Abe Sapien in the Hellboy movies (plus several other characters). He is the person in Hollywood you call when you need someone to portray a character in a full-body costume that needs to express a lot through their performance. Listing everything here would be crazy, but his IMDB list is more than noteworthy. We also see a relatively young Carmine Giovinazzo, who plays a relatively insignificant role here. He will later play Danny Messer from 2004 to 2013 in CSI: New York.

The episode where the entire team is scrutinized by Grissom was also one that got my blood pressure up. Yes, Grissom has communication problems, but the way Catherine snaps at him without knowing his motives and doesn't even think to ask about them is just rude. But well, that's Catherine for you.
There was also a nice moment between Sara and Grissom, I think also in the third season, where she asks him when he started paying attention to beauty. Without even thinking, he replies that he has been doing that since he met her.
A nearly equally beautiful moment is shared by Nick and Warrick, but already in the second season. Warrick pushes Nick away, but Nick doesn't let it affect him. When they both sit at the blackjack table, it's really emotional. Those are true bros!! And I like Warrick's hairstyle at the beginning of the third season!!
In "A Little Murder" S3E4, we not only see Mr. Johnny Cash himself (Linden Ashby) from the Mortal Kombat movie, but we also see an interesting murder weapon. I don't remember exactly what it was called in the episode, something with Z, but it was definitely a Nintendo GameCube that was released about a year earlier in Japan and the USA! How do you manage to include a current game console in a series without securing the rights? Like this!
In "Fight Night" S3E7, I was very excited about the beginning and that it breaks some expectations here. Because Grissom arrives at the ring, takes a quick look around, the music for the intro starts, and suddenly BANG the pager goes off, and it's off to the next scene! Plus Nick's first solo case, what a night?!
We've now also seen the complete redesign of the set, including all the glass fronts and the changed offices and interrogation rooms. In addition, Grissom keeps giving these one-liners that are sometimes really atrocious but also really good because of that!!
TV Shows - CSI: Las Vegas VII
I had to take a little writing break because my wrists were starting to feel the strain from all the writing (I have to write a lot for uni, and I also need to fill up my own page). But of course, I didn't stop watching CSI: Las Vegas, and that's why we're already in the middle of Season Four!

You can tell by now that the characters have become very well-established and developed. Many of them don't seem as young and inexperienced anymore, and that even applies to Greg. I find him the most interesting here because he has developed to the point where he's even taken out into the field, and we know that he'll soon leave the lab and go into the field. He hasn't left behind his outgoing nature but has used it to progress. His exceptional knowledge about various things also comes in handy!
Nick and Sara are now applying for a higher CSI class, and they are overshadowed by Catherine, as Grissom assigns her an important case. She brings in Greg, which further frustrates Nick and Sara. However, by the end of this episode, you can see that, due to past episodes, it's no longer just a team here but rather friends in a somewhat familial relationship (even their time together during breaks or after cases shows this). Because it's patched up, you understand why it was Catherine and why she brought in Greg. (Nick and Sara have another story connecting them, but that's more related to the actors, but more on that later!)
At the beginning, it was still a bit rough, and sometimes even a bit rough when switching between cases. But this is absolutely not criticism at this point, just an observation. Because this has also been ironed out more and more, and you always switch at just the right moment, so one case doesn't "wear out," and you have to immediately deal with the other one. As a viewer, you're always kept on your toes, which is good because with crime series that handle only one case, this can sometimes be very exhausting over the intended 45 minutes. This danger rarely exists here.
One of the big mysteries of the series has now also been revealed; we know who Catherine's father is. The casino mogul Sam Brown! Catherine found this out about Greg with a not entirely legal DNA investigation, and of course, Sam Brown immediately tried to bribe her after being acquitted of a murder case. I vaguely remember that there's still a lot to happen here, and I'm curious how the gaps in my memories will be filled. Don't worry, otherwise, I won't get on any Catherine rage train today. Since the episode with her ex-husband and daughter, she has been reformed, and you can see that in her character, which is calmer and even more grounded. Although there are still outbursts sometimes, but that's human!
What we're increasingly seeing now is the famous CSI effect. I've worked with people in the lab for a long time, and it's fascinating what you notice in such a series. It starts with the absolutely wrong use of gloves because when you wear them and work with materials, you absolutely don't touch anything else and don't even touch your hair; it would all contaminate. Then also the quick processing of analyses through various devices, including DNA comparisons. Yes, the operation of the devices is okay, and the devices are real, but everything is very much accelerated, which of course also happens in terms of storytelling. But normally, such analyses would take much longer than shown here. What's really interesting is the many reports that this was actually demanded in the real world by law enforcement agencies because, as you could see here, it's possible. There are also statistics showing that the number of students enrolled in scientific studies has increased. This shows what power and impact such a series can have when it's well done.
I'm considering whether I should also make a post about the music. I wanted to do that with Dr. House, but then I forgot. Because the individual pieces chosen are really good, plus then some scores contribute a lot to the mood of the series and to individual scenes.
Oh, come on, here's a little preview. In the first season and in the famous roller coaster scene of Grissom (the end of season one), you can hear this song, and as far as series go, it's one of my absolute favorites.
TV Shows - CSI: Las Vegas VIII
Often only Nick or Warrick are talked about, a little swooning over Greg, and gossiping about Hodges. Grissom is often only found on page two, but he is one of the most interesting characters on the show precisely because of who he is. Highly intelligent, introverted, and reserved. But also always highly concentrated and focused on the work. (Right now, the episode "Butterflied" S4E12 is running, and that just made me realize again) So it's not surprising that he maintains closer relationships with the most interesting women on the show. And because it's Grissom, I don't mean that in a sexual or physical sense, but on a deeper, much more exciting level (which of course doesn't exclude sex). But who do I mean? Terry and Lady Heather! Both fascinating characters with incredible depth, and it's understandable that Grissom is interested in both. But unfortunately, Grissom is Grissom, and that's why both relationships are doomed to fail. Very sad!! Nevertheless, the episodes in which they appear and interact with Grissom are always interesting and exciting to watch.

And just a little side note, you should listen very carefully to Lady Heather regarding interpersonal relationships and BDSM (dominatrix/sub relationship). She reveals a lot here, which is often misunderstood and also misrepresented by various media. This can lead to very unpleasant situations!!
In the third season, it already becomes a bit clear, but in the fourth season, you can be sure that this series, as mature as it already was at the beginning, is now fully grown. Why do I mention this? Well, precisely because we're only in the fourth season, and when a series has reached such a status, it often doesn't live on for too long or is kept alive far beyond its peak. That's not the case with CSI, and I include CSI: Miami and CSI: New York in that. All three series manage to keep themselves alive in an interesting way without declining too much. Of course, there are always small rough patches, and that's not only forgivable but completely normal. But you always manage to give it new impetus through slight restructuring, new characters, bringing back old characters, and also changes in the setting.
This is wonderfully shown in the successor to CSI: Las Vegas, CSI: Vegas. There are now two seasons, and a third has already been ordered. You start anew, but you're still in Vegas. Much feels different, but because we have familiar faces and they practically accompany us, it's easier to get used to the new. You can't look away, and the first season is over before you know it, and you really like it. Because you were slowly introduced to the new without it being bothersome or boring. Truly a very good example of such a kind of follow-up series.
TV Shows - CSI: Las Vegas IX
After a long break and some thoughts about CSI: Las Vegas, I have to say that writing about the series is not as enjoyable for me as with Dr. House. Right now, I'm watching "Built to Kill" S7E1&2, and my desk already has bite marks because there are just so many things that annoy me and I find crappy in interpersonal relationships. (You just shouldn't treat others like that, no matter what the writers' intentions were.)

In this season, we also have to slowly say goodbye to Warrick as he gets shot towards the end (the actor couldn't agree on a new contract with the studio). It's a shame, I personally think it's a big loss. This triggers a kind of weird fluctuation in the cast. I can still remember some, especially Elisabeth Shue, whom I don't really like, but I really enjoyed her in the CSI role.
I also thought it was cool that we almost see the entire second tier of Bones actors spread out over the previous CSI seasons.
Of course, Jason Segel's appearance in three episodes was also really good.
The double feature from Quentin Tarantino was also pretty good and I think, that after that, the show got some minor changes in tone, color and camera composition.

This list could go on, but my wrists are asking for an end. I don't know what's next, but I'll probably finish the rewatch without writing about it anymore. Let's see what topic I choose next, maybe I'll see if there's more to explore with Dr. House. Or I'll venture into entirely new territories. I just want to go with the flow, but for now, CSI: Las Vegas is over.
TV Shows - CSI: Las Vegas X
I can now report that I have survived and completed the CSI: Las Vegas rewatch. I haven't watched the two new seasons yet because towards the end, it felt more like an obligation than actual enjoyment. I'll catch up on those when the third season is released.

What can I say? There were highs, there were lows, and in the end, there was even a tear when Nick puts his "solved" sign on his name. I think it's a nice ending because you know what the character will do in the future and feel he's in good hands. Now, one could say that it calls for a spin-off, but I don't think so. Sometimes you just have to let characters, especially such prominent ones like Nick, go.