Cuphead Parents - Tumblr Posts

*me runaway*
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Hoodini 🪄
Comedian Cuphead belongs to@askcomediancup
Utena Teacup belongs to me/ @ask-cupbros-parents
So I drew some of the Cuphead’s parents from different AUs
Kitchen utensil family - Tea and Joe , belong to @marshmallow-biscuit-blog

Demitasse family au - vessel and rosé , belong to @firecurls-27

Disaster utensils - Herbelle & Ron , belong to @zibiscusloon

And Finally…..
The Legacy of Inkwell Isle AU - Utena & Walter , belong to @ask-cupbros-parents & @pja-party(aka me)

References (Poses and layouts)

Happy birthday to the Teacup sisters!
February 28, 2023
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*Depress content ahead…*

Happy Birthday, Walter!
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Thank you, everyone!

✨✨🎉Happy birthday boys!♠️♦️🎉🎂
(It been 5 years since the game release)
Calix Animi family–>> ♣️ Previous ♥️ ♠️Next♦️
Utena and Walter are belong to me .
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P.s. The boys are 5 years old in the first panel, 0 year old at the second panel.
And I decide to make “story of the day Utena give birth to the boys “ to a plot chapter, so it will be a more comic pages when the times come.

"Two can play that game" , the only time he's comfortable using his tail 🤭
The Blood of Calix Animi au

Cover page for this au
Feel free to repost
Utena's Faith | Animation Short
It's finally done~
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Tee hee foreshadowing 😉?
(This was funnier in my head)
Happy anniversary/Birthday for the Cupbros

Finally did some anniversary art for the game :D!!

✦ Happy 7th anniversary to Cuphead! ✦
Also, congrats Mugman won the Cup/Mug of the Year 2024 in my poll game.
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2nd year to celebrate the Teacup sisters' birthday! 🎉
Feb 28, 2024 | ( Last year 2023 )
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( The posts of this family series are not in story order )
🚫Please do not repost or trace my artwork! 🚫AI learning prohibit🚫 Cupbros blog |Main blog| Twitter | Patreon

Never forget, the story started with you, Walter Watterson.
♣ Happy birthday! ♣ March 13,2024 | Last year 2023
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🚫Please do not repost or trace my artwork! 🚫AI learning prohibit🚫 Cupbros blog |Main blog| Twitter | Patreon
Draw the fat man and his wife as NPC’s. (Please)

There you go! Gonna pretend the first part of the ask isn't there.
Here's the standalone transparents.

How old were Sir teacup and Madammug when they figured out the Madammug was pregnant?

Was this an excuse to draw baby cupbros? Maaayyyyybeeeee 🤭
A year has passed after the cupbros birth and the rest is history

( I was planning to draw this for Mother’s Day, but delayed because I was sick )
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♧ Happy Father’s Day, Walter. ♤♢
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Idea from this
and Cup wants Dad's comfort hug too.

Walter loves them both la ♠️ ♣️ ♦️
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Reference this artwork
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*Please do not repost or trace my artwork!