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7 years ago

t u e s d a y 

The Day You Were Born

*Note. This is a very minor factor in the human psyche, and not technically a component of the natal chart. Each day of the week has an energy which it imparts to individuals born on it, but it is vague and often a subtle undertone or theme rather than a prominent, overt, direct influence. This is closely related to the “mundane” matters of the 6th house, the everyday aspect of our lives, and how you approach or behave in that area. The planet ruling your day of birth may be interpreted to have increased energy or importance in your natal chart.


People born on Sunday tend to have well-defined identities, or at least a strong sense of self, and they deeply value their individuality. They can be very creative individuals, full of vitality and unique personal power, and they’re often well-liked for their radiance. Above all, their opinion of & belief in themselves drives them in their everyday lives. Their actions revolve around independent choice.

MONDAY || Moon

People born on Monday tend to be rather sensitive and emotionally responsive. Their feelings are deep & strong, and typically have a significant influence over their actions. Privacy and comfort are priorities in their everyday lives; they strive to feel safe, and may be reserved. They can be profoundly compassionate. They value their memories, which are usually vivid & clear, and protect their history.


People born on Tuesday tend to be energetic and forthright, with a vital intensity and passionate disposition that carries them throughout their everyday lives. Taking action and being decisive are important to them; strength of character, ambition, and progress help define who they are. They enjoy exhilaration and feed off adrenaline, so they could be reckless thrill-seekers if they’re able.

WEDNESDAY || Mercury

People born on Wednesday tend to be thoughtful and inventive. Their minds are central to their identity; the cultivation, communication, and manifestation of ideas is often what their everyday lives revolve around. Exchanges are crucial to their well-being, as conversation is their main avenue of self-expression. They tend to be busy-bodies, focused on a perpetually-flowing daily process.

THURSDAY || Jupiter

People born on Thursday tend to have “big” personalities; they’re often open, expressive, & engaging. Being a part of the world around them is vital to their happiness, & that is what their everyday lives revolve around. The pleasures of life are their hobbies. Their minds & hearts are expansive, giving them grand ideas & grand connectivity. The deeper meaning of things is important to them.

FRIDAY || Venus

People born on Friday tend to be charming & generally likeable. They’re polite, graceful, and easygoing, with rather “breezy” and warm personalities which attract others to them. They have a good sense of style & know how to present themselves in appealing ways. Beauty, indulgence, pleasure, & self-esteem are what their everyday lives revolve around. Their values are important to them.

SATURDAY || Saturn

People born on Saturday tend to have solid, responsible personalities. They are focused, determined, and disciplined. They may be reserved individuals with anxious dispositions or a cool, collected mien typically mistaken for coldness. Their strong, definite ambitions and continuous self-improvement are what their everyday lives revolve around. They are dignified, independent hard-workers.

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6 years ago

astro meme #2

When you have Pluto in your third house, Scorpio Mercury, or Scorpio as your third house cusp and you spy on your friends.


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6 years ago

1) Loyalty, fearfulness, charism, good sense of humor and cheerfulness 🌹😊

2) I don't know, my sun sign fits me pretty well. Even the bad sides 😈

3) I always check the birth charts of my friends, family and contacts in general because it's always very interesting for me to know them better from an astrological point of view ✔

4) I'm not sure, but I'll see what my intuition will tell me about that person and how I feel internally 💡

5) I'm a Leo sun, Gemini moon, Virgo rising. I get along pretty well with some Leos (not all, unfortunately. It's more like 50/50), a lot of Geminis (especially my mom), Sagittarius, Libras, Aquarius. And my best friend is a Scorpio sun, Taurus moon and Libra rising 💖

6) My favorites celebrities are mostly Geminis, Leos, Virgos, Libras and Sagittarius ✨

7) I don't read basic horoscopes from journals or websites cause they're not accurate at all. I prefer interpreting my own transits, also my solar return. But I read my bff's one too 🍀

8) I think I can guess at least one of the sun/moon/asc trio, or see the dominant sign/planet of that person ⭐

9) Yeah, why not ? 😛

10) F*ck none (asexuality bae), marry virgo (I don't know why, I guess they can be good in organization and I need order in my life) and kill taurus (my brother haha, sorry dude) 🔪

11) Sunlight going through the window to wake you up in the morning, cherries, golden dresses, lions (obviously), going to karaoke with friends, theaters, red lipstick, california and hollywood, the smell of caramel and fresh coke, flowers 🌻🌞

12) Circus - Britney Spears 🎶

astro asks 🔮

☄️ - which typical characteristics of your sign do you identify with most?

⚡️ - are there characteristics of your sign you do not identify with?

🌤 - how much do you consider astrology during your relationships?

🔥 - would you date someone knowing your signs are not compatible?

💥 - what is your sign and what sign is the person you get along with best in your life?

🌬 - what sign is your favorite celebrity/idol?

💫 - when you read horoscopes, do you only read your own? if not, whose else do you read?

🌑 - are you good at guessing other people’s signs?

🌎 - do you believe in cusps?

⭐️ - (send three signs) fuck, marry, kill?

🌞 - name some aesthetics you associate with your sign (or send a sign)

🌓 - name a song you associate with your sign (or send a sign)

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