Zodiac Signs - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Meanwhile at School #6

Gemini: *wears grey jacket*

Libra: so, no black today?

Gemini: ...shut up

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6 years ago

Things I've seen the signs do #1

Aries: *Arguing with Cancer*

Cancer: *Arguing with Aries*

Taurus: *Unnecessarily joins in*

Gemini: *Judges silently annoyed*

Scorpio: *laughs hysterically*

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6 years ago

Zodiac signs as Monster Prom Characters

Aries: Damien LaVey, The Slayer

Taurus: The Narrator, Coach

Gemini: Scott Howl

Cancer: Vicky Schmidt, Blobert

Leo: Amira Rashid

Virgo: The Coven

Libra: Liam de Lioncourt, Miranda Vanderbilt

Scorpio: Vera Oberlin, Interdimensional Prince

Sagittarius: Polly Geist

Capricorn: Brian Yu, The Wolfpack

Aquarius: Valerie Oberlin

Pisces: Oz, Zoe

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6 years ago

Zodiac Stuff

Taurus: It takes time, luck, and patience.

Gemini: I have none of those.

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6 years ago


*Breathes Sarcastically*

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6 years ago

The Signs in Dante's Inferno (Levels of Hell)


Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Pisces


Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius


Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius, Pisces


Taurus, Leo, Capricorn, Pisces


Aries, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio,


Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Aquarius


Aries, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius


Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius


Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn

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6 years ago

Blackwatch Zodiac

Gabriel Reyes:


Genji Shimada:


Jesse Mccree:


Moira O'Deorain:


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6 years ago

Zodiac signs as Pentatonix members


Virgo, Aquarius, Cancer


Scorpio, Aries


Leo, Pisces, Libra


Gemini, Capricorn


Taurus, Sagittarius

And Matt:

Ophiuchus :3

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6 years ago

Zodiac signs as BATIM characters/workers


Allison Pendle or Lacie Benton


Norman Polk/The Projectionist


Thomas/Boris or Shawn Flynn


Bendy or Grant Cohan


Alice Angel (Cartoon/Corrupt)


Henry Stein or Jack Cain


Susie Campbell or Linda???


Joey Drew or Ink Demon


The Butcher Gang


Bertrum Piedmont


Sammy Lawrence


Wally Franks

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6 years ago

Meanwhile at school #7

Sagittarius: What's wrong?

Gemini: nothing...just tired...

Sagittarius: Of what?

Virgo: Life.

Gemini: *turns to Virgo slowly* thanks for completing my sentence.

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6 years ago

Zodiac signs Aesthetics


Wine, Fire, Pocket knives, Athletic shoes, Black clothes, Jean jackets, Classic rock music, "I'll raise hell", Mosh pits, Rhetorical questions, Louder = Better, Coke bottles, 90's references, Broken guitars, Neon signs, Demons


Brown, Sarcasm, Shopping bags, Beanies, Tattoos, Dirt, Black coffee, Grunge music, Video games, Money, DC comics, Playing cards, "My talent...sleeping?", Headphones, Rainy days, Ice creams shops, Zombies


Scarlet, Nostalgic diners, Highschool stereotypes, 80's horror movies, Bite/Claw marks, Cigarettes, Eye rolling, "I know everybody", Red plastic party cups, NSFW, Broadway musicals, Combat boots, Nightmares, Werewolves


Blue, 50's suburbia, Disney classics, Pastel colors, Vinyl records, Cotton candy, Shiny red lipgloss, Frizzy hair, Pin-ups, "Sensitivity is a gift", Pearls, Paint stained hands, White feathers, Chocolate chip cookies, Mermaids


Gold, Film reels, Shiny leather, Burgundy hair dye, Bright colored headphones, Messed up nail polish, Baggy clothing, "Oof", Band T-shirts, Fraternity houses, Handcuffs, Searchlights, Smartphones, Drive-ins, Bruised knuckles, Witches


White, Dusty books, Lace, Flickering lightbulbs, Broken porcelain, Angelic wings, Chapped lips, Vintage wallpaper, White converses, Hands covered in powder, Expressionless face, "Well, Actually...", Linen sheets, Ghosts


Purple, Live Concerts, Art museums, Fireworks, Music notes, Honeycombs, Strobe lights, Shattered disco ball, 2000's references, Social media, "Who put you on the planet?", Bass guitar, Doodling on napkins, Gorgons


Black, Tire marks, Smoke, Ankh, Black light parties, Cassette tapes, Blood splatter, Polaroids, Rust, Eyeliner tears, Sledge hammers, "Fuck Off", Coffins, Tequila, Razorblades, Ripped music sheets, Black widows, Reapers


Citrus green, Sketchbooks, Cocaine, Wine coolers, LGBT, Popcorn, Match boxes, Ouija boards, Safety pins, Wrecking balls, Frappes, Bandanas, "I fucking guess..." Baseball bats, Free loaders, Megaphones, Leviathans


Navy, Victorian era, Stacks of cash, Resting bitch face, Pentagrams, Hot Topic, Champagne glass, Round Sunglasses, Leather jackets, Storm clouds, "goddamn idiots", Cathedrals, Rockabilly, Melting candles, Vampires


Silver, 80's references, Nostalgic TV sitcoms, Busted glow sticks, Night clubs, "I remember it like it was just yesterday...", Saturdays plans, Broken fences, Hypnotic spiral, Telephone wires, Brown leather, Lightning, Stars, Aliens


Pink, Birthday cake, Newspaper clippings, Shadows, Chocolate, Blonde hair, Stained glass windows, "I want to be somebody...", Dreams, Carnival rides, Boxes wrapped with bows, Bubble gum, Tired eyes, Tip toeing, Angels

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6 years ago

Meanwhile at school #8

Gemini: *turns to other Gemini* let's just say, that if it was that time of the month, I would eat you...

Pisces: *turns to other Gemini* at least he's being honest

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6 years ago

Meanwhile at school #9

Libra: What makes us successful?

Other libra: Practice.

Scorpio: Practice.

Aquarius: Practice.

Taurus: Practice.

Gemini: Failure!!! :D

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6 years ago

Blackwatch Zodiac: Explained

Gabriel Reyes: Scorpio ♏

(October 23 - November 21) This water sign is brutally honest and can come off as "mean". They are usually confident and aggressive with the tendency to become vengeful. Bossy, mysterious and extreme with a high intuition.

Jesse Mccree: Gemini ♊

(May 21 - June 20) This air sign is a secret holder, but only if you express that you trust them 100%. They're rebellious against authority and can be a bit cocky. Versatile and witty but may become indecisive and fickle.

Moira O'Deorain: Aries ♈

(March 21 - April 19) This fire sign is headstrong with a 'Ride or die' agenda. They are very independent, strong and focused on achieving anything. Ambition and spontaneity with a combination of intelligence and energy.

Genji Shimada: Taurus ♉

(April 20 - May 20) This earth sign has a massive amount of integrity and strength. Realistic but will often sees things as either black or white. Their stubbornness can lead them into being resentful. But their loyalty is consistent.

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6 years ago

Meanwhile at school #10

Leo: What is maturity?

Aquarius: Something I don't have.

Leo: *monotone* ...how cute

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6 years ago

Meanwhile at school #11

*Sagittarius bumps into Capricorn*

Capricorn: *gasps* Excuse you?

Cancer: why do you care? you don't have any feelings...

Leo: *dramatically turns around* CaNcER!?

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5 years ago

Zodiac signs as Overwatch Characters


Moira, Ana, Ashe


Roadhog, Genji, Baptiste


Mccree, Junkrat


Symmetra, Orisa, Brigitte


Sombra, Hanzo


Bastion, Hammond


D.Va, Lucio, Reinhardt


Reaper, Widowmaker, Winston


Tracer, Mei, Pharah


Soldier 76, Torbjorn


Zarya, Doomfist


Mercy, Zenyatta

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5 years ago

Meanwhile at school #12

Aquarius: *pats Gemini's head* Oh, what am I going to do with you?

Gemini: you could put me in a trash bin and let someone else find me...

Aquarius: no...

Gemini: well i tried :3

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5 years ago

Meanwhile at school #13

Virgo: That was the weirdest thing I've seen today-

Sagittarius: *heavily breathing evilly* WeLL TodAY HaS JuSt BEgUn!!!

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5 years ago

Zodiac signs as Summer Aesthetics

Aries: Campfires

Taurus: Drive-in theaters

Gemini: Roadtrip across Route 66

Cancer: Pool parties

Leo: Nightclubs

Virgo: Lemonade stands

Libra: Running around the mall

Scorpio: Night at the beach

Sagittarius: Outdoor concerts

Capricorn: Hangout at the Café

Aquarius: Trips to the 7 Eleven

Pisces: Amusement parks

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