Cut And Paste Art - Tumblr Posts

Red or Dead
Digital collage - own photos (David Altmedj at Mason's yard, canna, asemic writing on a bin, Javanese text from British library)
I have been loving using the magic cut and paste tool on the iPhone.

Mistletoe in France
Digital Collage - mostly own photos
Ice Rink in Troyes, fumitory from Burgundy, morning glory from the station garden, cosmos from Dixter, picture from a gravestone, a painting in process, a small charm box... and a Hilliard miniature from the internet.
I have been loving using the magic cut and paste tool on the iPhone.

Spring garden
Digital Collage using iPhone magic cut and paste
Images: Ginwawa sculpture and Kyle Dunn figure (from instagram), magnolia, front garden... my own

Bee on a flower (Franche Comte)
Digital collage using iphone
Images: ground elder, husband in landscape and photo from Raw Vision of Jean- Michel Chesne's bee

A4 collage
Screengrab from a Ricky Martin video, Goltzius's Knollenman, own photos of painted street markings