Mistletoe - Tumblr Posts

pairing: quill kills x fem!reader
summary: you and your boyfriend get caught under the mistletoe
warning: just kissing and a lot of fluff
notes: i hope you guys like this! so sorry for only posting now, but i got home pretty late!! tomorrow is gonna be a longer one (finally)!!
the air was warm and your cheeks were red from similing so much. this was one of the best christmases you had in a long time. all thanks to your boyfriend and his (now also your) friends.
it was quite funny that you were spending the holidays with people quill would never refer to as friends, while he treated them like family in the next second.
you were amazed how two people, meaning quill and lockwood could be so obviously brothers that they didn't even notice it.
when you had first met quill you actually had thought that lockwood was his younger brother. they acted like it at least.
well mostly they would fight, but there were times you would all stay at portland row and quill and lockwood would stand up from the table sooner, to talk about some things or to watch football.
the funniest thing about it all was, that lockwood was absolutely obssessed with your relationship and quill didn't even seem to mind. he was just too in love with you, to even notice lockwood jumping in the air when you expressed any kind of loving gesture.
over the time you had known them, lucy had also grown into the little sister you had always wanted.
and it was easy to read from her face how much she longed to have a female friend. so you became like her older sister instead.
and if george wasn't the literal definition of an annoying younger brother, you weren't sure what he was.
“would you look at that!” lockwood said jokingly. you and quill looked up at the same time, a mistletoe hanging over your heads.
“that seems random” quill noted sarcastically
“yes” you nodded “absolutely untargeted you could say”
“exactly” lockwood nodded, allowing no further discussion. He sat down on the armchair beside lucy, both of them facing the wrong way so they could keep a look on you
“can you just kiss already?” george asked from the other couch.
you were leaning against the doorframe, unsure what do to, so quill wouldn’t get uncomfortable, but he just shrugged. you smiled, leaning forward so your mouths could interlock
“ahh” made lockwood and lucy at the same time, wearing similar smiles of contentment, while sinking further down in the chair
“eww” said george
“you ruined it!” lucy complained after you and quill had broken the kiss because of george’s interference
lockwood, who wouldn’t accept any bad moods tonight, thought quickly. “oh look! a mistletoe” he pointed at the exact one you were already standing under “and you’re standing right under it” he gushed. lucy giggled, a sound one could rarely hear coming from her.
“what a coincidence” you smiled up at quill
“yeah, absolutely” he nodded
“now it does feel targeted”
“ehh” quill made a throwaway gesture “i don’t care as long as i just get to kiss you”
the kiss lasted way longer and was much more intense than the one before and this time george kept silent, because he didn’t want to find out what you guys would do if lockwood would point out the mistletoe for a third time. he couldn’t afford any more trauma.
taglist: @twistedhistory @bakingintheshire @mqstermindswift @taygrls @athenalikethegoddess
Still Here (Chapter 12)
Summary: Timothée spends Christmas with you and your family. A happier chapter than the last two.
C/W: Brief mention of parent's death
Catch up on previous chapters here.

Both you and your mother insisted that Timothée come over and spend the night on Christmas Eve so he would not wake up alone Christmas Day. It had only been three weeks since his father passed, and you knew the holiday was going to be hard for him.
Timothée showed up as you and Madison were making cookies in the kitchen. Long past the days of knocking, he let himself in. "Where are my favorite girls?" he called out in a sing-song voice as he made his way through the house. "Aha! Found you!" he shouted when he popped his head into the doorway, sending Madison into a fit of giggles.
He gave her a side hug and a kiss on the top of her head, then walked around to your side of the island counter. "You, uh, got a little something right...there," he said as he swiped the dot of flour on your nose with his index finger.
"Oh yeah?" You grabbed his face with your flour-coated hands and pulled him in for a kiss. "You have something - there," you snickered as you gestured to his entire face. Madison's laughter continued to fill the air.
"And what are you laughing at, missy?" You turned to her. "Seems like you are the only one with no flour on them. I think we should fix that, Timmy."
Timothée grinned ear to ear. "Seems only fair." You each grabbed a handful of flour and playfully stalked toward her. It turned into a messy game of tag as you all chased each other around the kitchen island.
You skidded to a stop when you spotted your mother standing in the kitchen doorway. She stood with her hands on her hips, just shaking her head.
"Oh, uh, hey Mom."
"We'll get this cleaned up, Mrs. [Y/N]," Timothée added, ducking his head in embarrassment.
"Where's the fun in that?" She quick-stepped to the flour jar to grab a handful herself and dumped it on your head.
Madison gasped, "Nana!"
"What? She was the cleanest of all of you. Figured she needed to be brought down a peg or two." She looked at you and winked.
You narrowed your eyes playfully. "By that logic, you're next!" You and your mom stalked each other around the island until until you caught her in a big hug and patted flour all over her back. You both could barely breathe from laughing so hard. The two of you had gotten much closer since you moved back in, and after Timothée lost his dad, you were determined to make the most of the time you had left with your parents.
After you got yourselves and the kitchen cleaned up, it was time for Madison to get ready for bed. She came prancing out of her room in her footie pajamas to give goodnight hugs to her grandparents. She stopped at Timothée.
"Will you be here in the morning?" she asked.
"Of course! There's no place I'd rather be."
The girl smiled. "Good." She hugged him and headed toward her room. You started to follow when she turned back. "Can Timothée come, too?"
You looked at him and shrugged. "If he wants to." You held out your hand to help him up from the couch, knowing he wouldn't turn her down. He was wrapped around her little finger.
The two of you followed Madison to her room and flanked each side of her bed. You tucked her in as Timothée sat on the edge of the bed. She held out her arms for one more hug from each of you, to which you gladly obliged.
"Now, you better go to sleep or Santa won't bring your presents," Timothée said cheekily.
"Silly. Santa's not real," she stated.
He faked a gasp and pulled a horrified face. "He's not?! Hmm, I guess that means I can have the cookies you left out for him."
Her hand shot out from under the covers. "NO! No. Please don't, just in case I'm wrong."
"Uh huh, that's what I thought," he said as he booped her nose. "Good night, kiddo." He leaned down for one more hug, then stepped out of the room. You kissed her forehead, turned off her lamp, and followed suit.
You spotted Timothée at the end of the hallway where apparently your mother had sneakily hung some mistletoe while the two of you were occupied. He pointed upward and smiled at you. "Join me under the mistletoe?" You sauntered up to him, not expecting him to spin and dip you before kissing you yearningly. "Our first Christmas together. Again."
"Merry Christmas, love," you replied as he stood you upright again and nuzzled his nose against yours.
The next morning, Timothée sat next to you on the floor by the couch, coffee in hand, taking in the scene as Madison dove into her stocking and the first of her presents. He leaned over and whispered to you, "I never quite understood why my parents got so excited about Christmas morning, even more excited than me, until now. All that joy on her little face. It's addicting." You squeezed his hand and leaned your head on his shoulder.
After a bit, once everyone had opened at least one gift, Timothée brought out a package that he had been hiding behind the couch and set it in front of the girl. "Don't try to pick it up. It's heavy. This one...," he paused to clear his throat, "is from my dad." She looked at him, then you, puzzled. "He was going through some boxes in the shed a couple of months ago and came across something of mine from when I was a boy that he thought you might like to have. He...he asked me to set it aside for Christmas."
Madison gingerly opened the wrapping paper to find a round brown leather bag.
"Go on, unzip it," Timothée encouraged her. She slowly unzipped the bag to reveal a blue bowling ball. "You'll need to grow into it a little, but it's yours if you want it."
Madison's lip wobbled as she wiped her tears with her sleeve. "This...this is perfect." She launched herself into Timothée's lap for a hug. When she pulled away, her face lit up as she looked at you. "Mom, help me find my present for Timothée! Please!"
"That's okay, kiddo, it can wait until we get down to it."
"No, it can't. You'll see." You and she dug through the piles of presents until she spotted what she was looking for - a rectangular present haphazardly wrapped in shiny blue paper and three different colored bows on top.
"I wrapped it myself," she said proudly.
Timothée carefully slid his finger under an edge of the paper in an effort not to rip it. Once he opened one side, he gently slid the gift out. It was a picture of him and Madison together at the bowling alley in a frame that she decorated herself. On the back was a short, handwritten note:
Dear Timothée,
I'm glad we found you at the grocery store. Merry Christmas!
Love, Maddy
Timothée wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "I love it, and I love you, too, kiddo." He pulled her in for a hug and buried his nose in her hair. "So, so much."
Chapter 13
FYI: I am expecting for Chapter 13 to be the last one.
Tag List: @croatianprincess, @bluizh, @jindongdongie, @groovyqueer
My god I wish that was me💋🥰💋🥰💋. Love this so much, great job @kirayamidemon

Hogwarts kills it with their holiday aesthetics, though. It feels like just yesterday that I was praising their Halloween décor, and now I see these great Christmas gifs going around again. Maybe not everyone at Hogwarts knows what they’re doing, but the decorator sure does!
(Okay, so like half of these are just snow, but still.)

“One can never have enough socks,” said Dumbledore. “Another Christmas has come and gone and I didn’t get a single pair. People will insist on giving me books.”

Okay, I'm pretty sure everyone's got their presents by now so I can show you the cards I painted!
This year I did angels with different themes. I made six for my friends and six for family members, my friends got these plant-themed ones.

A little out of season, but here are my Christmas cards from last year. I opted for simple botanical paintings, which I hadn’t done for a couple of years, and they went a LOT better than I expected! Tumblr only allows 10 pictures at once, so the other 6 are in another post.

another gift for another friend! @thatonesakudere
💚💙Under The Mistletoe💙💚

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!! I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas! If you don't celebrate Christmas, I wish you an amazing day! Collab with @bladethejuggalo
💚💙Under The Mistletoe💙💚

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!! I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas! If you don't celebrate Christmas, I wish you an amazing day! Collab with @bladethejuggalo
*The Hotel Valhalla is getting prepared for a Christmas party as Magnus walks up to Alex, who's helping Samirah with the lights*
Magnus: Hey, Aaaaaleeex!
Alex: What do you want, goldilocks?
Magnus: You might wanna look up.
*Alex looks up to see Jack levitating in the air, a branch of mistletoe wrapped around him*
Jack: 'Sup, bro?
Alex: What the Helheim?
Magnus: You know the rules of the mistletoe!
Sam: Mistle-WAIT, MAGNUS NOOOO!!!!
*Suddenly, sirens wail from out of nowhere, red lights flickering everywhere. Guards pop out from everywhere, running towards Jack*
Alex: What'd you do now, Chase?!?!
*Some of the guards grab Jack and pull the mistletoe off of him, throwing it into the fireplace. The guards left as quickly as they entered*
Alex: Christ, you're such a freaking moron.
Sam: You idiot, don't you know anything about the gods' history with mistletoe?!?
Magnus: What history-oooh that.
Sam: Yeah! Mistletoe is basically a murder weapon here! Dammit, Chase.
*She walks off as Magnus stands around, confused. Alex quickly slaps him across the head in annoyance.*
Alex: You know, I'd kill you if you weren't dead already.
Magnus: Whatever, cabbage-head.
*Suddenly, after a moment of silence, Alex quickly smooched Magnus on the cheek*
Alex: Merry Christmas, asshat.
*He quickly walked off as Magnus stood there, a large smile on his face*
Magnus: Best. Gift. Ever.
“Under the Mistletoe”

Pairings: ochako uraraka x fem! reader Pronouns: she/her/hers Warnings: lgbtqia+ reader, light cursing, fluff, Kaminari and Sero playing pranks, Bakugou hitting Kaminari, mentions of KiriBaku, Bakugou being your hype man, gay panic Description: The truth was that you both had crushes on each other, but you were both too afraid to tell the other. With the help of some strategically placed mistletoe, Sero Hanta, and Denki Kaminari, you may no longer be spending the holidays alone. Word Count: 2.2k

“Oh come on Bakugou, don’t be such a little bitch. The party will be fun.” You said nudging your hotheaded best friend at the lunch table. Kaminari’s golden eyes widened as everyone around the table seemed to grow quiet, waiting for Bakugou to blow up at you for calling him a bitch.
“Shut the fuck up, shitty girl.” He responded, his voice staying even as he chewed his food. The electric blonde blinked, wondering why you got away with calling him a bitch but he couldn’t get away with saying that Bakugou’s hair was the same as Kirishima’s so if Kiri’s hair was shitty then so was his.
“Yeah! Please Bakugou, the party will be fun!” Mina chimed in, laughing along with you as Bakugou grew annoyed, rolling his crimson orbs before letting out a breath.
“Tch whatever.” Bakugou remarked, everyone’s smiles widened knowing that that meant he would come.
“Yay!” You happily cheered, patting Bakugou’s hair before you got up to throw your trash away. Once again, everyone was surprised that Bakugou had let you get away with that. Even Todoroki had seen the exchange, automatically thinking that you and Bakugou were in a secret relationship.
That was definitely not true however, the both of you liking someone else, though neither one of you corrected anyone when they shared the same thoughts as Todoroki because that meant something that neither of you were ready to do yet.
Bakugou grew annoyed at the silence at the table, getting up with his own trash and walking over to the trash can after you. His eyes shifted over to his right, seeing the brown haired girl with big eyes secretly watching you walk by, though not stopping her conversation with Midoriya.
“Oi Shitty Girl.” Bakugou said, catching you off guard and making you drop the spoon that was in your hand on the floor. You picked up the spoon, calming down before you looked over at the blonde.
“Did you have to scare me like that Blasty?” You mumbled, putting your spoon in the wash pile. Bakugou simply smirked at you before his eyes shined and you knew he was about to tease you for something.
“Round Face was staring at your ass.” Bakugou told you after making sure that no one was within earshot. Sure he was an asshole, but he wouldn’t out you. You were caught off guard by how nonchalantly he had just said it, choking on the water you had just drank.
Bakugou rolled his eyes at your antics, harshly patting your back as he grumbled about how annoying and stupid you were under his breath. “She what?” You questioned, your voice just above a whisper from having choked. “You’re lying.”
“Why would I fucking lie to you about that (y/n)? This is why you are a fucking shitty girl.”
“Fuck you too Katsuki.” You stated, but the growing smile on your face gave away your true emotions. “Did it look good?”
“What?” He looked at you questioningly.
“Did my ass look good?” You repeated, raising your eyebrows waiting for his response.
“I don’t fucking know.”
“Ok, Well then look now!” He looked at you as if you had three heads. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest. “Come on Katsuki! It’s important please? I’d tell you if your ass looked good.” You countered.
“I already know my ass is the best.” He shot you a pride filled look as you scoffed. “Fine...it looks nice...I guess.” He added, running a hand through his hair.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean? it looks nice I guess. Are you serious?” You scoffed as he did the bare minimum.
“What the fuck did you want me to say?!” He whisper yelled at you as his face scrunched up.
“I don’t know?! That it’s a great ass, that it’s godly, that my skirt looks fucking bomb?!” You whisper yelled back.
“Your fucking ass is godly...is that good enough?” He replied monotonously after your little rant.
“Could you try to sound more enthusiastic next time?” You rolled your (your eye color) eyes as you both decided to walk towards the classroom, needing to have a private conversation away from your friends.
“I’m sorry that I don’t find your ass appealing.” He shot back snottily as you rolled your eyes again with a laugh.
“That’s because the only ass you like is Kirishima’s.” You sang as he quickly slapped a hand over your mouth, shooting you a death glare.
“Could you say that any fucking louder?!” He asked, his eye twitching slightly as he looked around frantically, relaxing when he saw the hallway was clear.
“Was I wrong?” You asked after licking his hand.
“I mean...” Bakugou went silent, his cheeks flushing, “It’s a godly ass.”
“Oh my God, shut the fuck up!” You laughed, hitting him over the head as you walked the halls. “Back to business! You need to help me find a way to tell Ochako that I like her, and I’ll help you with Kiri.”
“I don’t need your fucking help.”
“Really? May I remind you that you aren’t necessarily the best when it comes to feelings.”
“Fine.” He finally gave in as you flashed a smile at him again and he scoffed, this time hitting your head. “What’s the plan so far?”
The two of you created a plan that would take place later that night at the party, while Denki, Sero, and Mina came up with a plan of their own to help Kirishima; and at the same time, Momo, Tsuyu, Hagakure, Mina and Midoriya came up with a plan to help Ochako.
Mina had suggested Ochako ‘accidentally’ matching ugly Christmas sweaters. “What about you dress up as Santa! (y/n)’s sweater is Santa themed so you can match. She already told me about her sweater.”
“Ok.” Ochako agreed, thankful for her friends. She really wanted to confess her feelings for you, but she just didn’t know how.
“Ok! Let’s go shopping then!” Mina said happily, clapping her hands together with a large smile.
“I heard shopping?” Momo questioned a smile growing on her own face as Ochako and the girls nodded.
“Wait, Momo why can’t you just make it?”
“Because that’s cheating the system. I take pride in supporting the country’s economy, besides it would devalue the currency.” Momo replied as everyone looked at her blankly.
“That’s very commendable of you Yaoyoruzu!” Iida called out from where he had been walking in the hall as Momo smiled at him as everyone else laughed.
School had ended early that day as the students went to the dorm, setting up for the party they had been planning for for weeks. Denki and Sero were in charge of hanging decorations with Kirishima. Aoyama also helped with decorations, though he mainly just hung glittery paper cutouts around the room, also throwing glitter on the fake tree in the corner of the room.
Sato, Shoji, and Tokoyami were on baking duty while Todoroki, Bakugou, and Midoriya made food, and for the first time Bakugou didn’t tell Midoriya to die, though the night was still young.
Mineta had been kicked out from setting up, sent to his room by Iida, after he had tried to hang up scandalously clad women around the room.
Jirou was on her computer adding to her Spotify playlist for the party. Ojiro and Hagakure were adding more decorations to the tree, Ojiro using his tail to get the star on the top.
Mina was throwing fake snow on the ground, already having promised Aizawa that she would vacuum it up afterwards. Kouda had been trying to catch the rabbit that Denki had accidentally let out into the dorm common area, and Ochako was in her dorm room trying to figure out if she should wear makeup.
You were busy goofing off with Sero, Denki, and Kirishima, shooting Bakugou a discreet look every so often, usually wiggling your eyebrows and making lewd hand expressions while gesturing to Kirishima. The ash blonde would respond by shoot death glares at you or holding up the knife he was using.
The set up was done for the most part, everyone heading off to get changed into attire that was more fit for a Christmas party. Though Kaminari and Sero hung back, hanging up two bundles of mistletoe at two different locations in the room, already trying to find a way to get Kirishima and Bakugou under one, before decided they too should change into their own Christmas sweaters.
You had decided to wear black jeans and a navy sweater with red and white trim and a large picture of Santa on the front with the words Ask Your Mom If I’m Real.
Everyone appeared some time later in the common room in different ugly Christmas sweaters, though Denki’s made you laugh as soon as you saw it.
Denki had chosen a black sweater with green, red, and white trim. On the front was a large picture of Jesus holding a keg and a red solo cup with the words, Party Savior on it.
Aoyama’s sweater was very Aoyama. He had chosen a black sweater with glittery sparkles throughout the fabric. A large picture of Santa riding a sparkling unicorn floating on a rainbow was on the front.
Bakugou’s was very Bakugou with a picture of two snowmen battling it out to the death, one stabbing the other with a red and black candy cane. Kirishima’s had a picture of two snowmen hugging and drinking hot chocolate, so they had unknowingly matched.
Your eyes grew wide when they landed on your crush’s outfit. She had dressed up as Santa Claus, though instead of the usual red suit it was a cute red dress with white fluffy trim all around it.
The Bakusquad laughed loudly seeing that your sweater matched with Ochako’s outfit, Bakugou savoring the embarrassed expression on your face, his arm leaning against Kirishima’s shoulder without a thought. You wiggled your eyebrows at him as his face quickly flushed as he pulled his arm to his sides, Kirishima smiling widely at Bakugou.
Your own eyes grew wide as Kirishima took a deep breath before quickly placing his hand into Bakugou’s squeezing it softly as Bakugou flushed and tightened the grip. He shot you a smug look mouthing the words, your turn.
You flipped him off before going to walk into the kitchen to grab a cookie that Bakugou had baked. On your way out of the kitchen Ochako had accidentally bumped into you, Bakugou loudly telling you both to stop.
“What?” You both questioned, following his gaze as he smugly smirked pointing up at the mistletoe hanging over the doorway. Your face immediately grew hot as you looked at the girl dressed up as Santa beside you.
“Do yo-”
“We don’t have to-” You both said at the same time, laughing awkwardly as you stepped closer towards her.
“Do you...do you mind if I-” She struggled to get out, her cheeks flushing an even darker red as her brown eyes searched your face for any sign that you weren’t interested in kissing her.
“You can.” You replied back softly.
“Can you two just fucking kiss already!” Bakugou called out as you quickly turned your head and flashed him your meanest glare.
“Will you shut the fuck up and le-” You started to say but Ochako grabbed your sweater and pulled you closer, your eyes going wide when you felt her soft lips on yours. You closed your eyes after a moment, kissing back before pulling back and biting your lip. She tasted like hot chocolate. A wide smile was on her face as she looked at your shyly.
Your friends were cheering for you in the background, but you didn’t really pay them any attention. “Can I...kiss you again?” You asked softly as she nodded and you kissed her again before the both of you pulled apart and took a seat together with your friends.
“Merry Christmas, (y/n).” She told you, putting her head on your shoulder as you smiled widely, your face growing hot again before you looked down at her.
“It is this year.” You replied back as you both laughed lightly, tuning back into the conversation to hear Kaminari and Sero confessing something.
“Well I mean, it hadn’t been intended for them, but that was cute as fuck. You might as well just call me the Love Expert.” Denki said. “It was originally for you two.” Denki pointed towards Bakugou and Kirishima who were currently sharing a blanket.
Bakugou’s eyes narrowed before he handed his hot chocolate to Kirishima, jumping up and smacking Denki and Sero in the head. “You two are fucking stupid as hell!” Bakugou said before sitting back down. “You didn’t think I could handle it on my own? It was Ochako and (y/n) that needed more help!”
“Bakugou, you know-”
“Shut up Shitty Girl.” He narrowed his eyes at you warningly as you rolled your eyes deciding to let him live in denial for the time being as you enjoyed cuddling up to Ochako, excited to finally spend the holidays with someone other than yourself and shitty holiday movies.

tags: I’m thinking of doing a tag list maybe...message me if you’re interested! <3

Merry Christmas! :D
(Credits to PipaPeep! on YouTube for the inspiration!)

Mistletoe in France
Digital Collage - mostly own photos
Ice Rink in Troyes, fumitory from Burgundy, morning glory from the station garden, cosmos from Dixter, picture from a gravestone, a painting in process, a small charm box... and a Hilliard miniature from the internet.
I have been loving using the magic cut and paste tool on the iPhone.
So...let’s talk about Hela, shall we?

We all know that she’s basically a version of Baldur. Odin’s first born, perfect golden son. The blessed child of Odin and Frigg, but I’m thinking Frigga in the MCU never would’ve allowed Hela to grow up the way she did...

My theory is that Hela is the daughter of Odin and Freya, who was likely Odin’s first wife in the MCU who died at some point before Hela was locked away and he met Frigga, etc. I think that Freya loved her “perfect daughter” so much that he cursed her the same way she did Baldur in Norse Mythology. Making him immune to all things with only a single loophole left out, being mistletoe.

Odin likely would’ve made up the loophole just in case, because he was obviously paranoid about everything down to his own children’s intentions. Though, because of his love for her, he chose mistletoe because of its poisonous nature. If he suspected any sign of madness, or she committed an atrocity, he could’ve just poisoned her food or drink and let her die peacefully in her sleep. A merciful death to spare himself the act of having to kill her with his own hands, but when she inevitably grew bloodthirsty, he still couldn’t kill his own child (just as he couldn’t kill Loki) and locked her away in a prison all her own (much like how Loki was locked away in Mythology with Sigyn protecting him from the venom dripping serpent.)
My thoughts on what might’ve happened to her if she were poisoned could go one of two ways. She either would’ve died as any human would, or the spell keeping her invulnerable would’ve been broken and she quite possibly would’ve reverted to the “perfect golden child” that Freya was trying to protect. Meaning, blonde like Odin with creamy skin rather than pale and quite possibly less insane, because she would finally be able to feel again. Pain, anguish, all of it. She’d be normal just like every other Asgardian for the first time since she was a small child and it would be quite the humbling shock to go from this:

To this:

Because of one teeny, tiny little plant probably mentioned in Human legend in the MCU by Odin as a warning, should she ever return/escape upon his death or for some other reason.
Just thought this might be an interesting idea for any of you out there trying to figure out how to write a Hela x Reader fic without getting stuck.

❤️💚Last day of reguri week: Under the mistletoe!❤️💚

I had so much fun drawing this and I enjoyed every piece of art and fanfiction I read these last few days.
Such a happy community.
Happy holidays everybody🥰 May the spirit of Reguri bless y'all😍🙏🏻💕

Or whatever holidays all’o’yall are celebrating, or just have a nice week, if you don’t keep any of them <3

Mr. and Mrs. Claws - by ME
(Merry Christmas! 2021)

Under The Mistletoe...- by ME
- Batman Returns
(Merry Christmas! 2022)

I have an instagram and deviantart now. Come say hi!

I love giving gifts. It's an extension of oneself in relation to the recipient. Enjoy giving this holiday season. :^)\ #Christmas #gifts #relationships #mistletoe