Cute Ears - Tumblr Posts
Our boy in the middle is definitely a catch! He has a nice body and a very handsome face, but it will always be the shape and design of his sexy, thick-rimmed, rounded ears that get my attention!

🏊🏻♂️ swimmer/speedos 🩲
He loves his meat, but I am in love with his beautifully big, sticky-out ears! And I am going to eat them clean...

I suspect that 'stud' may be an AI creation.. even so, I love the shape of his cute, sticky-out ears!

Yes, they're best mates and they're showing the circumference of their dicks, but you can tell that the cutie in red is enamoured with the big, jug-handle ears of the hottie in blue!

Best friends👌🏻👌🏻
No matter the angle, Rainer's beautiful ear always photographs perfectly; and SO sexy!

Rainer Dawn
They are looking a bit guilty. They were caught playing, pulling and sucking on Autrey's sexy little sticky-out ears!

Yes, very hot and very sexy! And his ear is beautiful! I don't know where to begin playing ...

He's peeling an orange so he can keep up his energy because his sexy ears are due for a lot more attention thisarvo.

While that lush snail trail is directing me towards his tempting bulge, my gaze is firmly affixed on his very sexy ear!

Vintage cuteness - a handsome American sailor with a beautiful, perfect ear that is going to be chewed and pulled by his horny shipmates.

Flat stomach, furry pits, long neck, cute face and freckles ... and that amazing, uniquely shaped, tilted ear! Where does the party begin? I know it'll end with that beautiful ear!
I love guys with sticky-out ears, but seeing those ears from behind or underneath is even more exciting!

Now, when I talk of ear backs, there is only one thing better ... and that's ear backs on a redheaded guy!

This fantastic boy's ear is the epitome of perfection: small-scale, round-shaped, thick hard-rim with a 'crinkle' at the top, deep concha and a straight-cut small lobe and - most importantly - they stick out!

I love this guy's big, beautiful, thick ear. I could spend all day playing with it before I licked and chewed it!

Everyone wants to date the pretty boy ... especially when he has such incredible ears!

Lovers stare
That ear will catch a lot of water - I can't wait for it to rain!

Thanks, Cody, for letting me see your sexy ears - especially your right ear!

Cody Christian
What a fantastic shot: water flowing into then overflowing out of a very cute little ear!

Usually, I ignore guys with facial hair; I really don't like it. But when a guy has ears so incredibly sexy, so thick and uniquely shaped as this, I am distracted and eager to enjoy his beautiful ears!