Sailor - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
mysticalgent - DW

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8 years ago
WallaceArtist And Lover Of Water.
WallaceArtist And Lover Of Water.
WallaceArtist And Lover Of Water.
WallaceArtist And Lover Of Water.

Wallace “Artist and lover of water.”

Loved making this! Wallace is one of my favorite ab-fab gym leaders. i decided to go a more muscle-y route with his anatomy. I had the idea of, “When contest spectaculars AREN’T paying rent it’s time to strip!”.

now go HM Dive into that booty!

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13 years ago
So, This One Came Pretty Much Directly Out Of My Observable Life. This Is Pretty Much Straight Up A Drawing

so, this one came pretty much directly out of my observable life. this is pretty much straight up a drawing of how Christine met her dearboyfriend Kimball. it was one of the ones I did before I was in the BFA so it also predates buckling down and trying to make all of them make sense as a story so because of this it's still kind of a one-off. what it does for an installation is provide context for characters that exist outside of Deer Girls immediate experience. also everybody effing loves mermaids.

I re-carved this one and re-printed it for my BFA show, in that print the sky is completely carved out and white and the water is black, this makes a greater contrast to the textures on the body of the sailor so he looks more hairy than lazily carved. the lack of a background is also has more of an impact with a deep dark water under bright white sky.

side note, I am still unhappy with her nose, I received complaints that a shirtless guy in a captain's hat looked "kind of gay" which I countered with "he's groping a mermaid, he is at least Bi-sexual". I also did much of this while zonked out on painkillers which meant I took a sharpie and wrote NO NO NO on a couple bits of the block to remind myself to only work on complicated bits whilst stone cold sober. like all things there are bits I would do better now, but for what it is, it is complete.

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9 years ago
An Inktober Piece That Got Out Of Hand! The Prompt Wasburied At Sea And I Just Had To Draw A Siren.

An Inktober piece that got out of hand! The prompt was “buried at sea” and I just had to draw a siren. 

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3 years ago
So Where Are The Images Of Older Gay Men? Here: Gayslivelonger

so where are the images of older gay men? here: gayslivelonger

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8 years ago
Look Into The Horizon, Little Sailor.

Look into the horizon, little sailor.

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4 years ago
 Sailor And Renegade

⚔  Sailor and Renegade ⚔

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