Dagmer Cleftjaw - Tumblr Posts
I love Theon being included in fanarts and storys with the Stark family as much an anybody. Just the way Robb would have wanted it.
But the next person that says that the show did Theon and Ned’s relationship better by saying that Ned was like a father to Theon is going to hear from me.
He was a HOSTAGE!
You can call him his ward all you want. BookTheon said himself that Ned was not a father to him, the few times he acted fatherly towards him, Theon thought of it as worse, because they both (unlike the rest of the Stark family, minus Cat it seems) had a really good understanding of what Theons position in Winterfell meant.
I like Ned but he was never Theon’s father. And as much as a dick Balon was he was Theon’s father. He neglected him and did not give a fuck and saw him as nothing but a dissapointment (like every other familymember that isn’t Asha) but for Theon he was his father.
And Ned treated Theon like you are supposed to treat a highborn hostage. Maybe he let Robb spend too much friend time with Theon, but that’s about it. Everything else (education, good food, rich clothing) is normal hostage treatment we see in Sansa and Cersei just as much.
Don’t get me wrong, Ned is no Cersei, he is never shown to think that Theon owns him anything (even if they didn’t have scenes together, I don’t think Ned is that delusional), whereas Cersei thinks Sansa should be greatful.
But noone sais Sansa sees Cersei as her mother or that she should be greatful for the Lannisters treatment, but Theon should be? Just because the Starks are generally better people than Cersei and Joffrey? No.
Theon was as much a hostage as Sansa was, just for much longer and it did some psychological damage to him that can’t be undone.
Is this Ned’s fault? Also no. Ned didn’t take Theon hostage because he wanted to, it was an outcome from a war Theon was not responsible in any way of. Theon is innocent of his situation as a hostage to the Starks.
And Ned treats him as a highborn hostage. He raises him, feeds him, trains him and would most likely execute him if neccessairy. Would he like it -definitly no, but Ned killed innocent Lady as he was ordered by the king (I know she was a wolf, but still).
So no, Theon Greyjoy hostage of Ned Stark did not see the man as his father.
He saw Balon Greyjoy as his father, may he be a terrible father but to Theon he was his father.
Honestly the only decent father role Theon has is Dagmer anyways. In this essay I will...
Since I am currently on a re-reading asoiaf names with our world spelling of names in mind I found out that Dagmer, which comes from Dagmar a scandinavian, traditionally female name comes from daggr -> day and maer -> daughter/mother/maiden.
So yeah Dagmer Cleftjaw is Theon’s day mother.