Dalal - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago

Look at huur ! So Exite \(*-* )/

Sims Next Top Model Cycle 1 Contestants!

Sim’s Next Top Model Cycle 1 Contestants!

Olivia, Natalie, Dalal, Awinita, Ash, Penelope Kashaya, Beverly, Heaven, Xiamara, Nadine, Ayla

(click for a bigger image)

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8 years ago


Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!

Now is the time to vote!

There are two sets of photoshoots to vote on for SNTM’s very first photoshoot. Click images for a better picture and model names.

Your vote counts! Who do you think has the best photo this week?

Click here for the poll!

(Poll will run for two days. Only one vote is allowed per person, but reblogs, likes, and comments are strongly encouraged.)

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8 years ago

cuties !

Dalal: Good Luck Tomorrow, Penelope. Lets Hope They Keep The Good Ones.
Dalal: Good Luck Tomorrow, Penelope. Lets Hope They Keep The Good Ones.

Dalal: Good luck tomorrow, Penelope. Let’s hope they keep the good ones. 

Penelope: Good luck to you too.

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8 years ago

uhhhh my babe is looking good !! 

Dalal & Penelope
Dalal & Penelope

Dalal & Penelope

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8 years ago

awww ash! 

groovybananablog - simblr.
groovybananablog - simblr.
groovybananablog - simblr.

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8 years ago

uhhh pretty !



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8 years ago

cutiepies >-<

Dalal: Are You Worried About Judging?
Dalal: Are You Worried About Judging?

Dalal: Are you worried about judging?

Ash: Nah. Just worried one of us will go home and I won’t be able to see you anymore.

Dalal: You can call me even after the competition. I wouldn’t mind. 

Ash: I’d love to see you after this is all over. Maybe then we can really know each other. 

Dalal: I’d like nothing more than to know you more, Ash. 

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8 years ago
Kamini: Dalal, You Stay.
Kamini: Dalal, You Stay.

Kamini: Dalal, you stay. 

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8 years ago
Beverly: I Dunno I Think It Could Have Gone Better. Neo Wasnt Super Impressed With Anyone.
Beverly: I Dunno I Think It Could Have Gone Better. Neo Wasnt Super Impressed With Anyone.
Beverly: I Dunno I Think It Could Have Gone Better. Neo Wasnt Super Impressed With Anyone.

Beverly: I dunno I think it could have gone better. Neo wasn’t super impressed with anyone. 

Heaven: He didn’t say anything negative to me. Am I the only one who didn’t get critiques? Yeah? That was definitely the most fun shoot we’ve had so far. Dalal, how did you do?

Dalal: Hm? What? Did you say something, Heaven?

Heaven: How did you do?

Dalal: It was fine. I think Ash and I did great. 

Beverly: uh huh. 

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8 years ago

...but your body is turned....again....I’m worried.

But you look great !!!

Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!

Now is the time to vote!

There is only one set of photos this time. The models appearing in this shoot are, in order:

Penelope Dalal Olivia Awinita Ash Beverly Ayla Heaven Nadine

Your vote counts! Who do you think has the best photo this week?

Click here for the poll!

(Poll will run for two days. Only one vote is allowed per person, but reblogs, likes, and comments are strongly encouraged.)

Note* If you have an WCIFs for this shoot, you can send them to me, but they will be saved until SNTM is over. 

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8 years ago


Kamini: Dalal, Please Come Forward.
Kamini: Dalal, Please Come Forward.
Kamini: Dalal, Please Come Forward.

Kamini: Dalal, please come forward.

Aian: Dalal in a skirt, I’m glad to see. You look bright and beautiful today. 

Dalal: Thank you so much.

Aian: The only thing I would change is that your lipstick is almost overpowering your face. That is a nice color given your yellow outfit and blue shoes, but you don’t want anything to detract from the whole picture of your face if you are going for an interview. Try to keep it to nude lips and glosses.

Dalal: Absolutely! 

Kamini: Let’s look at this week’s photo.

Aian: Finally, a face-on shot and a good thing too with that striking makeup. I see you’re beginning to take our critiques to heart. You’re still a bit stiff, but I have to commend your commitment to interacting with the environment, especially in those heels–which, by the way, you’ve shown off nicely. This is a solid photo and I hope to see you improve further in future shoots.

Christopher: This is just the kind of look I’d want in my magazine. Your pose is perfect. You’re demanding attention and I love it.

Kamini: This photo is very striking. You look powerful and strong, which suits the makeup and clothing you’ve been given. I actually like that you look a bit stiff; I think it makes what is essentially sitting down with one arm back look much more fashionable. Excellent work, Dalal. Glad to see you’re taking notes.

Milk .: *close to tears* Dalal, I’m just- I’m so happy, I’m so proud. Look how beautiful you look, okay? This is what I want to see more of, and then I want you to go beyond that and show me even more diversity. I swear, if you go back to your usual pose, I will cry, and it’ll be awkward for everyone.

Kamini: … Okay, thank you, Dalal.

Dalal: Thank you so so much!

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8 years ago


Mari: Up Next Is Dalal!
Mari: Up Next Is Dalal!

Marié : Up next is… Dalal!

Dalal: Hiiiii.

Marié : Hi, Dalal. Your scene is a woman living on an island by herself, dying of hunger.

Dalal: Oh my I’m so hungry, I wish I had food. What is that up there? Bananas in that tree? Oh no they’re too high, I’m so short even though I’m a model. *chuckles* The hunger pains are so bad I might die oh noooo

Marié : Give us a little more emotion.

Dalal: If only I had someone here with me to keep me company in my last moments, but I already ate Brad. He wasn’t enough to keep me full. I should have brought a fatter friend. 

Marié : *chuckling* Okay, Dalal. I think that’s enough. Thank you.

Dalal: Goodness that took a turn. Thank you!

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8 years ago


Halloween Is Almost Over Here, So This Is One Last Edit For This Year. Happy Halloween From The Current

Halloween is almost over here, so this is one last edit for this year. Happy Halloween from the current SNTM contestants! They’ll be back soon!

[Amazing poses by @flowerchamber]

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8 years ago


Kamini: Ash And Dalal, You Are Up Next.
Kamini: Ash And Dalal, You Are Up Next.
Kamini: Ash And Dalal, You Are Up Next.

Kamini: Ash and Dalal, you are up next.

Milk .: Oh Ash, you are looking much more modelesque this week. In fact, you match Kamini pretty well with the suit look. Do lose the scarf though, it covers up your long, elegant neck and shortens your torso. 

Aian: Dalal, you look stunning this week, though I’ve noticed you’re going back to pants and jumpsuits. Make sure to wear a skirt or dress next week so we don’t fall back in the habit. 

Dalal: Yes, of course. Thank you.

Kamini: Ladies, let’s get started.

[*Since judging comments are very very long this week, they’ve been put under a read more.]

Keep reading

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8 years ago


Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!
Now Is The Time To Vote!

Now is the time to vote!

It’s time to vote on the sixth photoshoot for SNTM. The models are, in order:

Awinita Dalal Heaven Beverly Nadine Penelope Ayla

Your vote counts! Who do you think has the best photo this week?

Click here for the poll!

(Poll will run for two days. Only one vote is allowed per person, but reblogs, likes, and comments are strongly encouraged.)

Note* If you have an WCIFs for this shoot, you can send them to me, but they will be saved until SNTM is over.

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8 years ago


Turns Out Dalal Was Not Ready For Her Close Up.

Turns out Dalal was not ready for her close up. 

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8 years ago


Exquisite Elementals
Exquisite Elementals
Exquisite Elementals
Exquisite Elementals
Exquisite Elementals
Exquisite Elementals

Exquisite Elementals

Now is the time to vote!

It’s time to vote on the sixth photoshoot for SNTM. The models are, in order:

Dalal Heaven Ayla Nadine Beverly Penelope

Your vote counts! Who do you think has the best photo this week?

Click here for the poll!

(Poll will run for two days. Only one vote is allowed per person, but reblogs, likes, and comments are strongly encouraged.)

Note* If you have an WCIFs for this shoot, you can send them to me, but they will be saved until SNTM is over.

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6 years ago
Decided To Give Dalal The Attention She Deserves. Missed Her In My Game :)
Decided To Give Dalal The Attention She Deserves. Missed Her In My Game :)

Decided to give Dalal the attention she deserves. Missed her in my game :)

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6 years ago
New Profile Pic.. Bc It Had To Be Her.

New Profile Pic.. bc it had to be her.

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