Daminette December Chapter 6 - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Daminette December-- So Close (And Yet So Far), Chapter Six “Tree”

A/N: The “(insert good nickname here)” thing is intentional. You’ll understand at the end.


The pair spent almost 45 minutes deciding on a movie to watch as they sat on Marinette’s bed (at a respectable distance from each other, of course).

“You’ve never seen a Disney movie?”

“No. Too childish. You’ve never seen Casablanca?”

“Disney is not childish! Animation doesn’t dictate the sophistication level of a film! And no, I’ve never seen that movie. My dad tried to make me watch it but I got bored.”

Damian’s eyes widened. “Bored? That movie is a classic! How could you be bored by it?”

“It just wasn’t my thing. What about a Marvel movie?”

Damian cringed. “No superheroes. We get enough contact with them in Gotham on a daily basis, I don’t need to see more of them on screen.” “Okay, fine.” Marinette paused before suggesting five more movies, all of which Damian rejected. “Wow, you’re hard to please.”

“And you’re uncultured.”

“So are you! Disney is a staple of childhood!”

“Not mine,” Damian replied curtly. He wasn’t sure what else to say: if he told her more about his past, she may change her view of him. If he didn’t say a lot, she’d either be suspicious or pry until they got back to the first scenario. So, he had to lie a bit. “I only watched the classics.”

“Disney is classic too! But fine, no Disney, no heroes. Ooh, what about Murder on the Orient Express?”

“I read the book.”

“Not the point.”

“But I know how it ends.”

“Who cares?” Marinette asked, already queueing up the movie. “It’s a different experience on screen than in a book, and most people watch movies multiple times and enjoy them even when they know the ending. It’s the experience that makes it good.”

Damian sighed. “I guess you have a point, Dupain-Cheng.”

“You know you can call me by my given name, right? You’ve done it before.”

“I didn’t want to.”

“Why not?”

“Does there have to be a reason?”

“There must be one for calling someone something, even if it’s really silly. Like how everyone, including you, calls Felix ‘Sparrow’.”

“Fine. I’ll think of a nickname for you. Are you happy now?”

“Yes. Yes I am,” Marinette responded before pressing ‘play’. “Now shush, and watch the movie.”


Damian, as he said, already knew the ending, but Marinette had no clue what was going to happen. He honestly found it funny watching her reaction to who really was the killer, but he hid his smirk in the shadows of the dark room.

He was paying less attention to the plot than the cinematography and dialogue. One line stood out to him in particular.

“He is touched by angels,” the Countess told Detective Poirot. “I've been shoved by passion and hard work to become adequate.”

Angel. That would work.


It was almost two in the morning when Damian and Marinette finally realized they should probably get some sleep. Sure, it would still be the weekend tomorrow, but the secret heroes both knew they needed to rest occasionally.

“Just text me when you get back, okay? Just so I know you’re safe,” Marinette told Damian as they stood at the door of her dorm building, the cold air almost making their breath visible.

“Yes, Angel,” Damian replied, putting up the collar on the coat Marinette loaned him (one that, to his surprise, fit him perfectly) and taking a step into the dark night.

Marinette laughed. “Angel, huh? That’s what you decided on?”

Damian nodded. “Yes. Like the movie. ‘Touched by angels.’ I personally think it suits you.”

“Fine. I approve. I’ll have to think of a nickname for you too, though,” she told him. “But that’s for later. Go get some sleep.”

“Yes, Angel,” he replied. They waved at each other, and Damian started to walk away. He had only taken a few steps when Marinette called out to him again.


Damian turned around. “Yes?”

“You were about to walk into a tree,” she said, pointing at a low branch behind him.

He turned around and scoffed. “I wouldn’t have walked into that.”

“Better safe than sorry, right?”

“I guess so,” Damian admitted. He ducked under the branch and turned to wave at Marinette one more time. “Good night, Angel.”

“Good night!”

And with that, they both walked away.



Damian (2:17 a.m.): I am back in my dorm. Good night.

Marinette (2:18 a.m.): Good night

Marinette (2:18 a.m): (insert good nickname here)

Damian (2:19 a.m.): I’m sure you will think of one. Get some sleep.

Marinette (2:19 a.m.): I will. You too


Hi everyone! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Unfortunately, it is the last one I’ll be able to write on time. I have finals coming up this week and a few papers I need to write, so I won’t have as much time to work on this. But, fear not! After finals, I’ll continue writing. Updates just won’t be as frequent. The story definitely won’t be done by December 31st, especially because some of those last few chapters (which I’ve already plotted for a change) are going to be super long (I’m looking at you, ‘Childhood friends AU’ and ‘Mistletoe’).

I’m so glad so many people like the story, and I hope you’ll still stick with reading even when updates are less frequent! :)


@daminette-december2019 @ozmav @maribat-archive

@dawnwave16 @bluerosette23 @18-fandoms-unite-08 @northernbluetongue @latinawithbooks @blue-peach14 @weird-pale-blonde-person @astridflies @annabellabrookes @iloontjeboontje @abrx2002 @valeks-princess @interobanginyourmom @vixen-uchiha @sofmimis @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @thesunanditsangel @crazylittlemunchkin @caffeinetheory @rebecarojas07 @kris-pines04 @mooshoon @winter-gardenflower @corabeth11 @royalchaoticfangirl @goblinwhoships @beaversuenightly 

All chapters are also up on Ao3!

COMING UP NEXT: Chapter 7 “Dancing AU”

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