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Daminette December-- So Close (And Yet So Far), Chapter Three “Decorating”
Marinette needed to shake things up.
She was falling into routine, and as much as she loved having a schedule she liked, she felt stuck. So, she did the second best thing that she could do in such a situation.
She decided to re-decorate her room.
Even though she got to the university earlier than everyone else in her year, she didn’t get first pick of the rooms. She wanted a single, of course, so she could freely talk to Tikki and be able to transport back to Paris if need be. She ended up in a double with Allegra, who was super kind and introduced her to her new friend group, but sometimes she wanted some alone time with Tikki to just vent and let loose.
Allegra was home for the weekend, so Marinette and Tikki had free reign of the room. It was a good thing, too, because everything was an absolute disaster.
Mari put her headphones on and started blasting Jagged Stone’s music (specifically, his newest album), ready to work. She started with the big stuff— taking everything out of the tiny closet and sweeping the floor, moving everything under the bed, taking everything off her desk and out of the drawers and fixing it up, etc. She got into the swing of things, barely stopping for at least an hour or two. She would’ve kept going, too, if she didn’t feel a hand settle on her shoulder.
Marinette let out a scream and spun around, grabbing the person’s wrist and bending it in a way that would cause a decent amount of pain. The person let out a yelp.
“It’s just me!” Damian cried, a frown on his face. “I’m sorry I startled you! The door was cracked open and I heard you singing so I thought I’d say hi!”
Marinette immediately let go and shrunk back. “Oh, no! I’m so sorry, Damian! It’s become a habit to… you know… defend myself… but god, did I hurt you? Is your hand okay?”
Damian looked down at his hand and winced. “I’ll be fine. You have a strong grip, you know that?”
“It’s the self-defense lessons,” she replied, holding her own wrist and rubbing it as if she too could feel pain. “I’ve been taking them for years.”
“You’ve been taught well.”
“Yeah, I guess I have. But still, I’m so sorry! I don’t know what I can do to help you, though.”
“Don’t worry about me,” he replied, putting his good hand on her shoulder. “It was an accident, and the pain is already starting to go away. There might be a bruise, but I get those all the time so I’m used to them.”
Marinette frowned. “You bruise often?”
Damian paled. He’d walked himself into a rough spot. “Uh… you can’t tell anyone this, but I can be a bit clumsy sometimes. I do my best to hide it when around others, but I often run into things and trip on the sidewalk,” he replied. Hopefully that saved him.
Mari didn’t seem totally convinced, but fortunately for him she didn’t question his story further. “I get that. I’m such a klutz, it isn’t even funny anymore.” She paused for a moment before adding, “Um, I don’t know what you’re up to, but if you want to come with me, I’m going to a gaming club meeting in an hour. It’s in the basement of the science building, and apparently it’s really fun.”
Damian considered this for a minute, but he eventually nodded. “That sounds wonderful, Marinette.”
“Yay! I promise it’ll be worth your time.” Marinette grinned. “And if it isn’t, we can always play on my console some other time.” She motioned to a gaming console on the floor, which she’d taken out to wipe off and check to make sure all the games were in the right cases. “But until it starts you’re welcome to stay here. I just have to clean up a little more, but I don’t think it will take much longer.”
“I’d love to, but I should probably go do some homework before we go,” Damian replied, frowning. “But I will meet you here and we can walk over together, okay?”
Mari nodded. “Sounds great! I’ll see you soon!”
Damian headed to the door, but turned around as he opened it. “Good luck with your cleaning,” he said before giving her a quick wave.
She waved back. “Thanks!”
Damian didn’t say anything else, just stepping out into the hall and closing the door behind him.
Neither of them knew that they both sighed after the door clicked shut. They also didn’t really know why they sighed, either.
All chapters are also up on Ao3!
@daminette-december2019 @ozmav @maribat-archive @dawnwave16 @bluerosette23 @18-fandoms-unite-08 @northernbluetongue @latinawithbooks @blue-peach14 @weird-pale-blonde-person @astridflies @annabellabrookes @iloontjeboontje @abrx2002 @valeks-princess @interobanginyourmom @vixen-uchiha @sofmimis @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @thesunanditsangel @crazylittlemunchkin @caffeinetheory @rebecarojas07 @kris-pines04 @mooshoon @winter-gardenflower (comment/send me an ask if you want to be added! Also, please feel free to lmk if the notifications aren’t working and I’ll my best to fix it!)
COMING UP NEXT: Chapter 4 “Gaming”
Daminette December-- So Close (And Yet So Far), Chapter Four “Gaming”
Just as he promised, Damian was right on time. He had changed into more casual clothes, just jeans, a dark t-shirt and black sneakers. Marinette had changed too, into black leggings and a striped pink t-shirt with white sneakers. Both of them realized they’d never seen the other in such casual wear, but neither said anything about it out loud.
The two walked over to the building where the club meeting was being held, and even when they were down the hall they could hear yelling and background music-- wait, was that an Ariana Grande song?
It turned out that the club was playing Just Dance 2019 that night, and Damian wasn’t sure how to feel about that. He was a proven champ at Dance Dance Revolution, but Just Dance? That was a bit different. It was on the xbox, so it just charted movements through a sometimes-faulty sensor as opposed to hitting the squares on the floor. Still, he was sure he’d excel as he always did. Marinette, too, was excited and prepped to dance.
“Ooh, this is awesome! I haven’t played Just Dance in a while, and it was the old version on the Wii. Do you want to do a team dance or competition?” she asked, looking at Damian expectantly.
“Why not start with some friendly competition?” he offered. “Fair warning, I’m quite a good dancer.”
“Good for you. So am I.”
“Miss I-trip-over-thin-air can dance? I’d like to see that.”
“Oh, you will, mister I-trip-on-the-sidewalk,” Marinette told him, attempting to look intimidating. It didn’t work on Damian.
“I don’t doubt that,” he replied before walking through the crowd to get in line for the next round.
“Alright, congrats to Bridgette for winning the last round! Who’s up for the next challenge?” A boy with a bright red microphone said over the chatter and hold music from the game console.
Marinette raised her hand to get his attention. “My friend and I want to play!” she told him.
“Fantastic! What’s your name?”
“I’m Marinette, and this is Damian.”
“Welcome to Gaming Club, Marinette and Damian! Are you ready to dance?” The two nodded. “Cool! Do you want to choose a song, or do you want to take a risk and make it randomized?”
Marinette and Damian shared a look, and Marinette responded, “Randomized.”
“Alright, alright! Random it is!” The boy said, and a minute later the song was prepped and the duo was ready to dance.
An avatar that looked eerily similar to The Riddler popped up on the screen and the first few notes of “I’m Still Standing” (the version by TopCulture, not the original Elton John tune, the pair noted) filled the room. Both of them were able to catch on fast, as they both knew the original version of the song well, but the moves were not typical dance moves. There was a lot of arm flailing and jumping around, and on more than one occasion Marinette almost whacked Damian in the face, or Damian almost tripped Marinette during a kicking move (which he later swore was completely unintentional. He would never dare ruin the sanctity of dancing games by cheating to win).
In the end, Damian technically won by a few points, but the crowd loved Marinette’s energy and personal flair. They agreed to consider it a tie of sorts for that reason.
“Wow, that was really fun! We should do another one!”
Damian looked at the line by the side of the room, which had grown substantially longer in the time they were dancing. “Maybe, but the line is so long and it’s a bit stuffy in here.”
“Yeah, it is, isn’t it? I haven’t danced like that in a while…” she sighed. “Wow, I’m out of breath.” It was these moments that she wished she still had the extra endurance the Ladybug miraculous had granted her. “Maybe we can go back to my dorm and hang out? I mean, if you want to, that is. I don’t want to force you to talk to me or hang out with me or anything, that would be rude--”
“That sounds nice, Marinette.” Damian cut her off, but he knew she would probably continue to ramble once they left the room. Best to give both of them a short reprieve from that.
There was a chill in the night air as the two left the building. Neither of them had realized how much time had passed until the saw the moon and some dim stars appearing in the sky.
“If it’s too late for you, we can hang out another time. I don’t know if you have a nightly routine or anything. I don’t-- Allegra does, but she’s home for the weekend so we don’t have to worry about her. I mean, we don’t have to worry about interrupting her sleep, not that we’d have to worry about her for any other reason, because we’d just be hanging out-- wow, how many times have I said ‘hang out’ in the last two minutes?”
“At least four,” Damian replied. “And no, I don’t have a nightly routine. My brother thinks I should, but it’s too tedious for me.” Dick was always telling him about how great a nightly routine was as he went on a tangent about his favorite creams and eye masks and lotions and those jade roller things people were obsessed with, but it was so much work. Sure, Damian obviously took care of himself, but he didn’t need to spend upwards of an hour in the bathroom two times a day for that.
“Oh, okay. You have three brothers, right?”
“Unfortunately, yes.”
“I always wanted siblings, but given how much people always say they hate theirs, maybe it’s a good thing I don’t have any.”
“They can be good sometimes. You can never tell anyone I said that, though,” he added.
Marinette held out her pinky. “I promise.”
Damian reluctantly held out his pinky as well. If his brothers ever found out he did that, they’d torture him relentlessly.
“So, what do you want to do? We can watch a movie, or play Ultimate Mecha Strike, or just talk,” Marinette offered.
“You choose.”
“Sounds great.”
Daminette is the most competitive couple. That’s it. Send tweet.
All chapters are also up on Ao3!
@daminette-december2019 @ozmav @maribat-archive @dawnwave16 @bluerosette23 @18-fandoms-unite-08 @northernbluetongue @latinawithbooks @blue-peach14 @weird-pale-blonde-person @astridflies @annabellabrookes @iloontjeboontje @abrx2002 @valeks-princess @interobanginyourmom @vixen-uchiha @sofmimis @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @thesunanditsangel @crazylittlemunchkin @caffeinetheory @rebecarojas07 @kris-pines04 @mooshoon @winter-gardenflower @corabeth11 (comment/send me an ask if you want to be added! Also, please feel free to lmk if the notifications aren’t working and I’ll my best to fix it!)
COMING UP NEXT: Chapter 5 “Fire”
Daminette December-- So Close (And Yet So Far), Chapter Five “Fire”
Usually, it took Marinette about five minutes to get back to her dorm from most of the main buildings on campus. Damian was a fast walker, so they got there in closer to three. But it only took about a minute of walking before sirens started ringing through the night air, and another thirty seconds to realize they were coming from outside Marinette’s dorm building.
“What’s going on?” she asked Damian, wondering if he had any ideas.
“Not sure. Hopefully it’s just a false alarm and nobody is hurt.” He made a mental note to contact his father later if the alarm was serious and let him know what happened. “I guess we’ll just wait here until someone gives out more information.”
The two stood on the pathway near the building, surrounded by other students who had been in the building at the time the alarm went off. They were all in various states of dress and distress. Both of them pitied the few kids with soaking wet hair who had to go outside mid-shower.
“Okay. How about we play a game?”
Damian gave her a look. “Depends. What kind of game?”
“Um… what about twenty-one questions? You ask each other questions and the other has to answer truthfully or they have to do something else instead, usually something embarrassing.”
“So, it’s truth or dare, but you automatically start with truth.”
“I guess so?”
“Fine. Should I start, or would you like to?”
Marinette paused for a moment, then responded, “I’ll start. And to be nice, I’ll give you an easy question. What’s your favorite color?”
“Red,” Damian replied. “What about yours?”
“Pink, if you couldn’t tell from the everything about me,” she joked, pointing to her shirt. “Okay, what is one thing you own that you cannot live without?”
Damian wasn’t sure what to say. He obviously couldn’t respond with a weapon, but if he didn’t say anything for such a simple question, he would sound suspicious. “Probably my computer, I presume.”
“That makes sense.” “Yes, I guess it does,” he responded, internally sighing with relief. “Why did you come to Gotham University instead of going to one in Paris?”
“Well, I guess I just needed a change in scenery. In Paris, I would have lived at home and commuted to school each day, and also by coming here I am closer to a good friend in New York, whose mother offered me a job for when I graduate. It just made the most sense.”
“May I ask what kind of job you were offered?”
“Not yet. I get to ask another question first, but I’ll answer that one after you answer mine. What’s your biggest pet peeve?”
“Probably my brothers. Or when idiotic villains terrorize the city. That might be a bit vague, but I can’t think of a better way to put it.”
“No, I understand. I feel the same way about Paris.”
“Paris? How do you mean?”
“With the akumas and all of that from the past few years. The villains have all been defeated, though, so it isn’t an issue anymore, but it was a nuisance.”
Damian made yet another mental note to discuss the previous situation in Paris to his father. Before he could ask more, a man’s voice called out from closer to the building.
“Can I have everyone’s attention, please? Hey!” All chatter stopped. “Thank you. So, someone burned some popcorn, which caused the alarm to go off and the fire department to come all this way to deal with the issue. We’ve talked about this, kids! Please be more careful when making things in the microwave? Do you want to be forced to go to a training seminar or something?”
A smattering of “no’s” and general groans came from the group stuck outside, and the man speaking nodded.
“I didn’t think so. This is your final warning! Have a nice night,” the man ended before walking away from the group to talk to the firefighters again.
“I guess we can go inside now,” Marinette said. “You still up for watching a movie?”
Damian nodded. “It’s still relatively early, and I only live in the building next door after all. All I ask is that we don’t make any popcorn.”
The popcorn fire thing may or may not be based on something that recently happened where I’m living. The world may never know.
All chapters are also up on Ao3!
@daminette-december2019 @ozmav @maribat-archive @dawnwave16 @bluerosette23 @18-fandoms-unite-08 @northernbluetongue @latinawithbooks @blue-peach14 @weird-pale-blonde-person @astridflies @annabellabrookes @iloontjeboontje @abrx2002 @valeks-princess @interobanginyourmom @vixen-uchiha @sofmimis @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @thesunanditsangel @crazylittlemunchkin @caffeinetheory @rebecarojas07 @kris-pines04 @mooshoon @winter-gardenflower @corabeth11 @royalchaoticfangirl @goblinwhoships @beaversuenightly (comment/send me an ask if you want to be added! Also, please feel free to lmk if the notifications aren’t working and I’ll my best to fix it!)
COMING UP NEXT: Chapter 6 “Tree”
Daminette December-- So Close (And Yet So Far), Chapter Six “Tree”
A/N: The “(insert good nickname here)” thing is intentional. You’ll understand at the end.
The pair spent almost 45 minutes deciding on a movie to watch as they sat on Marinette’s bed (at a respectable distance from each other, of course).
“You’ve never seen a Disney movie?”
“No. Too childish. You’ve never seen Casablanca?”
“Disney is not childish! Animation doesn’t dictate the sophistication level of a film! And no, I’ve never seen that movie. My dad tried to make me watch it but I got bored.”
Damian’s eyes widened. “Bored? That movie is a classic! How could you be bored by it?”
“It just wasn’t my thing. What about a Marvel movie?”
Damian cringed. “No superheroes. We get enough contact with them in Gotham on a daily basis, I don’t need to see more of them on screen.” “Okay, fine.” Marinette paused before suggesting five more movies, all of which Damian rejected. “Wow, you’re hard to please.”
“And you’re uncultured.”
“So are you! Disney is a staple of childhood!”
“Not mine,” Damian replied curtly. He wasn’t sure what else to say: if he told her more about his past, she may change her view of him. If he didn’t say a lot, she’d either be suspicious or pry until they got back to the first scenario. So, he had to lie a bit. “I only watched the classics.”
“Disney is classic too! But fine, no Disney, no heroes. Ooh, what about Murder on the Orient Express?”
“I read the book.”
“Not the point.”
“But I know how it ends.”
“Who cares?” Marinette asked, already queueing up the movie. “It’s a different experience on screen than in a book, and most people watch movies multiple times and enjoy them even when they know the ending. It’s the experience that makes it good.”
Damian sighed. “I guess you have a point, Dupain-Cheng.”
“You know you can call me by my given name, right? You’ve done it before.”
“I didn’t want to.”
“Why not?”
“Does there have to be a reason?”
“There must be one for calling someone something, even if it’s really silly. Like how everyone, including you, calls Felix ‘Sparrow’.”
“Fine. I’ll think of a nickname for you. Are you happy now?”
“Yes. Yes I am,” Marinette responded before pressing ‘play’. “Now shush, and watch the movie.”
Damian, as he said, already knew the ending, but Marinette had no clue what was going to happen. He honestly found it funny watching her reaction to who really was the killer, but he hid his smirk in the shadows of the dark room.
He was paying less attention to the plot than the cinematography and dialogue. One line stood out to him in particular.
“He is touched by angels,” the Countess told Detective Poirot. “I've been shoved by passion and hard work to become adequate.”
Angel. That would work.
It was almost two in the morning when Damian and Marinette finally realized they should probably get some sleep. Sure, it would still be the weekend tomorrow, but the secret heroes both knew they needed to rest occasionally.
“Just text me when you get back, okay? Just so I know you’re safe,” Marinette told Damian as they stood at the door of her dorm building, the cold air almost making their breath visible.
“Yes, Angel,” Damian replied, putting up the collar on the coat Marinette loaned him (one that, to his surprise, fit him perfectly) and taking a step into the dark night.
Marinette laughed. “Angel, huh? That’s what you decided on?”
Damian nodded. “Yes. Like the movie. ‘Touched by angels.’ I personally think it suits you.”
“Fine. I approve. I’ll have to think of a nickname for you too, though,” she told him. “But that’s for later. Go get some sleep.”
“Yes, Angel,” he replied. They waved at each other, and Damian started to walk away. He had only taken a few steps when Marinette called out to him again.
Damian turned around. “Yes?”
“You were about to walk into a tree,” she said, pointing at a low branch behind him.
He turned around and scoffed. “I wouldn’t have walked into that.”
“Better safe than sorry, right?”
“I guess so,” Damian admitted. He ducked under the branch and turned to wave at Marinette one more time. “Good night, Angel.”
“Good night!”
And with that, they both walked away.
Damian (2:17 a.m.): I am back in my dorm. Good night.
Marinette (2:18 a.m.): Good night
Marinette (2:18 a.m): (insert good nickname here)
Damian (2:19 a.m.): I’m sure you will think of one. Get some sleep.
Marinette (2:19 a.m.): I will. You too
Hi everyone! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Unfortunately, it is the last one I’ll be able to write on time. I have finals coming up this week and a few papers I need to write, so I won’t have as much time to work on this. But, fear not! After finals, I’ll continue writing. Updates just won’t be as frequent. The story definitely won’t be done by December 31st, especially because some of those last few chapters (which I’ve already plotted for a change) are going to be super long (I’m looking at you, ‘Childhood friends AU’ and ‘Mistletoe’).
I’m so glad so many people like the story, and I hope you’ll still stick with reading even when updates are less frequent! :)
@daminette-december2019 @ozmav @maribat-archive
@dawnwave16 @bluerosette23 @18-fandoms-unite-08 @northernbluetongue @latinawithbooks @blue-peach14 @weird-pale-blonde-person @astridflies @annabellabrookes @iloontjeboontje @abrx2002 @valeks-princess @interobanginyourmom @vixen-uchiha @sofmimis @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @thesunanditsangel @crazylittlemunchkin @caffeinetheory @rebecarojas07 @kris-pines04 @mooshoon @winter-gardenflower @corabeth11 @royalchaoticfangirl @goblinwhoships @beaversuenightly
All chapters are also up on Ao3!
COMING UP NEXT: Chapter 7 “Dancing AU”
Daminette December-- So Close (And Yet So Far), Chapter Eight “Robin Hood AU”
"What on God's good Earth are you wearing?" Felix asked Marinette as she walked up to him and Damian in the dining hall.
Marinette looked down at her Robin Hood costume that she had designed, complete with almost-accurate period boots and a 'money bag' instead of her normal backpack. "It's my Halloween costume! Duh! Why aren't either of you dressed up?"
"I refuse to dress up for such an idiotic pagan holiday," Damian stated, and Allegra (who had just walked up in a Maid Marian costume, also designed by Marinette) snorted.
"Of course you would say that, Wayne," she told him. "But if you change your mind, we have a Little John costume that would look fantastic on you."
"I would rather die." Again, he added in his head. "But thank you for the offer."
"Aw, are you sure? We'd be partners in crime," Marinette teased as she and Allegra sat down across from the boys.
"You know I prefer the vigilantes to petty thieves."
"Heroes," Marinette corrected.
"Vigilantes," her three friends replied in unison.
"I still think they're heroes," Marinette muttered. More than certain ones from a certain European country, anyway.
"Anyway, how was your dance class?" Felix asked the girls.
Allegra beamed. "It was so cool! My routine, not to brag--" Felix chuckled and was given a death glare before she continued, "was stunning, but Marinette was the best I've ever seen in any of my dance classes! I can't believe she isn't professionally taught."
"I guess I just have a knack for dancing," Marinette said, blushing. She really was bad at taking compliments. "I did take gymnastics as a kid, though, so maybe that has something to do with it."
"No, it has to be raw talent. Gymnastics may account for the flexibility, but the ability to dance the way you do is something else entirely," Damian said. The blank stares he got from his friends made him pause. Had he said something wrong? "What?"
"I don't think I've ever heard you give anyone a genuine compliment like that," Allegra told him.
"Nope," Marinette added, and Felix nodded.
Damian scoffed. "I can give compliments. I'm a great complimenter. The fact is that most of the time, you people don't deserve them."
"Sure, Dames," Allegra said, and Damian frowned at the nickname. He hated it, but it was impossible to change Allegra's mind after she chose a nickname.
"Back to Halloween," Marinette said, the tension now forming at the table making her nervous, "I would assume of you all hate the holiday so much, you wouldn't be interested in coming over to our room tonight and having a little Halloween party?"
"It'll be really fun!" Allegra added. "We can watch some movies, play games, trash talk professors and annoying classmates."
"That last option actually does sound intriguing," Felix admitted. "But I refuse to wear a costume."
"Fine," Marinette said. "As long as you come. We were thinking starting around eight, then staying up until whenever we feel like it?"
"Ah, I love when Halloween falls on a Friday," Allegra said. "No consequences the next day."
"There are always consequences," Damian told her. "Even when you don't think there are. You shouldn't be so lax about these sorts of things, especially in a city like this."
"You really think so little of me, Dames? Of course I'm careful and think about consequences in the real world, I just don't think it's necessary to work yourself up about staying up a few hours later than usual."
Before Damian could respond, Marinette put her hands up. "Eight o'clock. Yes or no?" She asked him. When Damian sighed and let out a defeated "Fine," Marinette smiled, proud of her triumph. "Good. We'll see you then. In the meantime, I’ve been sitting here so long that I haven't gotten any food, and I'm starving." When she got up and walked away, all sets of eyes at the table followed her, for three very different reasons.
Sorry this one’s kinda short. I had a lot of trouble writing, and I’m kinda losing the inspirational streak I’ve been feeling for the last few weeks. Updates will be sporadic, but I want to finish this fic in its entirety, no matter how long it takes.
@daminette-december2019 @ozmav @maribat-archive @dawnwave16 @bluerosette23 @18-fandoms-unite-08 @northernbluetongue @blue-peach14 @weird-pale-blonde-person @astridflies @annabellabrookes @iloontjeboontje @abrx2002 @valeks-princess @interobanginyourmom @vixen-uchiha @sofmimis @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @thesunanditsangel @crazylittlemunchkin @caffeinetheory @rebecarojas07 @kris-pines04 @mooshoon @winter-gardenflower @corabeth11 @royalchaoticfangirl @goblinwhoships @beaversuenightly @mindfulmagics @queenmj10 @kittycatwowmeow @daminett4life
Maribat Idea #2
WTF! its 2am and here I am typing another AU
OH well ISEKAI!Marinette and ISEKAI!Damian AU
DCU x MLB x Pokemon pt.1
So here we go again!
From the MLB Universe:
Lets start with Marinette being done as the Ladybug holder after the defeat of Hawkmoth. His Punishment is servitude under the Order of the Miraculous until Norro themselves releases him. Natalie is suffering because of the broken miraculous she overused.
She got old and grey becoming the Greatest Fashion Designers House of the Millennia, rebuilding the Order of the Miraculous with her team, and she trained the next Ladybug holder and another Guardian of the Order passing on to another generation. RIP Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Beloved Grand Guardian of Miracles, Blessed Ladybug of Creation ,Luck and Life, The Coolest Founder of the OotM (yeh Im lazy to type lol).
But before she said her last Goodbye, Tikki weeps for her and Blesses her with Great Adventures like the Ladybugs before her. Thanking Marinette for being herself and teaching Tikki all about the world they know and love. Tikki then kisses Marinette on her forehead as the old woman breathes her last breath.
From the DCU
Damian’s Memories is gone...
Yes... he didn’t remember what happened
He remembers a people he claims as family that he love, animals in his care that he cherish, and friends he promise to protect in all cost.
He remembers having a Father who was awkward and hesitant at first, then they learned how to love each other. Like a precious pearl bead.
He remembers people who are rowdy, protective, brilliant, and amazing as his Brothers and Sisters filled with Blacks, Greys, Reds, Purples, Yellows, And Blues
He remembers Grandfather who is ever patient and kind and brave to tell him what is right and wrong, taught him how to be a child, an old, wise figure who he can rely on with his life.
He remember a lot of things.
His name is Damian Wayne... not Amiel Bruson.
Edited: Not the first DC or Miraculous Ladybug Au crossed over to pokemon but it will never be the last.
Guys Quick Question, I need your opinion...
Its about the Maribat Idea #1
Question 1:
If you can give Gamer!Marinette a weapon to use in an RPG game? What will suited Marinette the most?
There are only Axes, Shields, Swords, and Katana as options. While their skills are to be used as a Two-handed weapon (One weapon that is Larger than average), a one handed weapon (an average weapon), Dual wielding weapons (two average size weapons), or mixed weapon type (Two different average weapons).
What would it be?
Question 2:
Like Agil, Silica and Argo do you think that Marinette open up a shop to be a seamstress in the SAO AU? If yes is it fulltime or a part time job? If not does she take commissions to selective players instead?
Question 3:
If I write this fic on 2021,Would you read it?
Sword Art Online: Akuma and Valkyrie series
Surprise MF! And to all Maribat Fans around the world.
Maribat idea #1
AO3 link
Well, its seems like I’m about to publish this... Prologue. So be ready the story will be separated in two parts.
Explanations are:
<Status: Online>
<Status Online> is the Story that takes place inside the VRMMO setting. Where all the Players are in positioned for the Death Game: Sword Art Online. Characters like Kirito, Asuna, Marinette and Damien are trapped in. Their goal is to reach and win the 100th Level of the Floating castle in the game. If they did then all the players will be released to the real world.
<Status: Offline>
<Status Offline> is the story outside the game. This takes place with the governments, associations and families of the players such as the Wayne Family, the Miracle Team, the Justice League of Japan, and the goverment. They do their best to keep the systems online like the medication and housing of the Player’s bodies, the internet, electricity, and their safety from Natural disasters in Japan such as earthquakes and tsunamis.
Well I’ll upload the Prologue in AO3 then in here so stay put guys.
Ready to say goodbye to 2020?
um, little help?
Sword Art Online <Status: Offline>
(AO3), (Details of the Series), (Original Idea),
Log 1 : < B.Wayne>
Bruce stared at the body of Damian, lying peacefully in his bed.
It has been a week since the announcements about Sword Art Online being compromised that trapped thousands of people in the game. Upon investigation with Tim and Victor, they know that there nothing they can do about the situation since the server is heavily guarded by multiple learning AI, those AI that keeps the players in the game and keeps them alive.
The first-week people started to be restless about their loved ones being trapped in the game, it quickly became panic when the body counts begin to rise upon knowing the players that committed suicides as a means to escape but they died instead of logging off.
Ever since Bruce landed in Japan, he Immediately takes action and prepares to settle in Japan to investigate for himself. Preparations are made such as organizing the Safehouse they are stationed in, hiring a caregiver for Damian in their stay, and Bruce taking a break from being the CEO of Wayne Enterprises, A Break not retirement. Period.
To the populous, the 22-year-old Damian Wayne had been out of commission for unknown reasons. There are theories around that says he might have an accident, or he survive in an assassination, one thing is sure that sources say that Damian Wayne was last seen in Japan. It is announced that Bruce Wayne arrives in the country to personally take his son to another country for his safety and recovery. To please the public Mr. Wayne only took a personal interview for Lois Lane-Kent and Tim handles Vicki Vale.
But the truth is that they never left the country because Damian is a Player of the Death Game SAO. A Beta-tester to be specific. One of the one hundred beta-testers that were fooled and used for the game's needs.
Tim took charge of Wayne Enterprises as the main CEO while updates are given to Bruce. Bruce is to be present in a bi-monthly report by video conferences. Clark is asked (ahem -again- ahem) to pretend to be Batman in some nights, he’s very convincing. Dick with Barbara and Kori’s help maintained a balance to be in Gotham and Bludhaven, they dropped in sometimes with the Titans. Jason and Stephanie keep the gangs in line and keeping tabs on the Rouges.
As of now, the Sirens are not much to be dangerous since Harley broke up completely with Joker. Selina is part of the Batfam, and occasionally Batwoman and Signal drop by and Alfred is the one who keeps their heads above water with the help of Jim, Leslie, and Aunt Agatha Wayne.
After days of arrangements and meetings with the customs and Japanese public officers, it is safe to keep this event quiet from the world at large. Bruce agreed to keep things quiet if they agree to have HIM completely involved in saving the SAO Players.
The officials are reluctant to have him on board at first until he proves to them that Bruce is not the Air-headed careless multi-millionaire playboy as said in the tabloids, he is dangerous due to his hidden talents such as coding, investigational skills, and his other many unknown skills. Count on the influence he has as a Wayne, and he did supply the Justice League not just the American branch but the whole world itself including the Japanese branch.
When it comes to his sons, He will do everything in his power to keep them all safe even if he failed.
But Why?
Why Damian? Why his son again?!
How could he let this happened the second time?
First, Ten years ago Dick with the Original Team after that simulation gone wrong, Now this?!
He should have said No to Damian’s involvement and fought harder against it!
He should have known better!
He should have been with Damian in Japan!
He should have looked at this deeply!
He should have investigated it even further with Damian’s reports in his beta testing period!
He is Batman for christ's sake! He has to find a solution to this BULLSHIT!
And he called himself a father. What a Joke.
Bruce stopped his inner turmoil before it becomes more destructive. Damian needs his help, to be on the outside. Decode the Cardinal System encryptions and helping out the families and loved ones of the SAO Players also supplying resources to the government and the game itself.
Damian experienced the freedom he can achieve to be a child ever since Thalia gave Damian to him. He learned to have friends, to smile, to blend in, and be a civilian. Damian made him proud even if they did start out wrong and awkward like the loons they are. He learned how to stand up for his own beliefs that defy Thalia's. That family as a Wayne is Everything.
Memory after memory of His family came at him.
Alfred as his father that no one can ever change that truth. Thomas will always be a dad.
Dick as the oldest brother and a father himself, is the person Bruce wanted to be. Brave, Amazing, and Good.
Jason shows him how to be himself and what the real problems are. Fearless, Bold, and Outspoken.
Tim is always a strong believer, If only he believes in himself. Intuitive, Selflessness, and Passionate
Oh Damian, That spitfire of a boy who challenges everyone, Now is the Most Compassionate, Graceful, and Courageous young man after everything he has been through.
How EVERYONE has been through...
He can never find a different family like his home again. He will never change that for the world and he will stand up to protect them all as long as he live.
Taking a deep breath, and slowly releases it. He needs a clear mind if he wants to help his son out. Now the Damian has grown throughout the years of being Robin and is about to embrace his new identity.
But the structure and function of the NerveGear are surprisingly superior for something that is a gaming console. Its Full Dive comprehends the human brain much deeper. Reports said that This technology could interpret brain waves into actions, but also send signals to be interpreted by the brain as well. That is directing sight, feel, hearing, smell, and taste. Kawahara described a world with a device that emulated the feelings of the real world. A player could feel the heat on their skin radiating from the sunlight due to the Nerve Gear sending the signals to the brain to sense it. With that being said, this is the simulation all over again. If Sword Art Online is not a death game, based upon Damian’s previous reports it will become the most successful technology of the generation. For that to be a consumer product for 10,000 people is an impressive feat.
Thankfully, there is a way to see Damian inside the game. Victor came up with an idea and uploaded a controlled AI program by Tim’s design to follow Damian around inside SAO, they modify a few programs so that the bird blends in the game. A simple little robin with the muted colors of Red, Yellow, and Green, they hope that the bird finds Damian in there first before anything happens to him. In sometime Bruce can control the little bird just to guide Damian in his dark times.
Maybe this time Bruce can be Damian's Robin .
(None... For now)
To celebrate a new year guess I’m gonna publish this. So what better way to celebrate this, than having the family together.
Introducing the Wayne Family…
AN: Time To leave 2020 behind and welcome the New year 2021! Stay safe everyone! Happy Holidays!
(Comment any suggestions Here)

Status: Online: Chapter 1: Midori no Akuma
Tokyo, Japan
Steam is released after a man exits the shower, He is clad in a black turtleneck and high-end sweat pants with a towel on his head drying off his dark hair.
Damian Wayne gazes to the horizon from the top floor. The young man gazes at the tall buildings and busy streets filled with cars and hurried people. They are staying at Tokyo’s top apartments with windows looking at the clean bustling city.
His intoxicating green eyes drifted towards the gaming set up where the updated Nerve Gear is all wired and installed.
The only thing left is for him to log on to the reset beta testing account that he used before the full release of the game.
He was only worried about his Physical body since he will be left abandon and vulnerable. He is at ease though since Cassandra was with him for his first day. Her trips in Hong-Kong are done now that she is handling Japan. She was in the living room watching a ballet in the living room giving him a couple of orange slices. She can communicate now at best in the most efficient way possible.
“Are you worried?”
Damian nodded. Before his sister arrived, Father’s other associates in the Justice League of Japan arrived to assist him in the Beta-testing centers. Observing and taking notes on the technologies Nerve Gear and Cardinal System that is used.
Months ago, The Waynes are invited to be part of an investment in a gaming system that differs from the VR systems and promotes the game to them. The Nerve Gear technologies are used in the Japanese and US armies training but it is insufficient to train and exercise for muscle memory. After a friendly competition, Damian-who-never-loses, wins naturally for the reason to be wielding the katana all his life. Damian Wayne is offered to be part of the Closed Beta-testers before releasing the game.
He finished chatting with his family. Grayson’s Spawns, Mari and Jake are excited to see him logging on the game, they are very attentive students and knows how to deal with Damian’s pets. Todd, Thomas, and Drake have their greeting and congratulations on getting the game. Grayson still mothering him even after having two spawns, as always reminding him to eat and sleep after all the work in the nerve gear. Father is supporting him to have his work in the beta-testing in research purposes for the W.E. It's Grayson’s reaction that worries concern him since both he and Father announced that Damian has allowed getting in the game Grayson excused himself to talk to Bruce.
After their own talk, Richard invites Damian to his room to have a conversation. Richard has experienced in some way end himself with his Team in the same situation years ago, He warns Damian to be cautious about his thoughts and memories. Damian argues that things have changed since then, technology is now improving and that is the reason for him to go to make sure that the game is safe. And still, Grayson wishes him to understand that killing within the Game has its own moral issues after the death of his own team without even knowing that it was not real. He wishes Daman to be safe and he will not get in the way of his baby brother’s decisions.
Now that 3 months of Bug reporting, suggestions, and adjustments and also reports to the company and his family. He has the chance to see the world of Aincard again.
NCP glitching, Mobs spawning in random locations, Incomplete buildings. He felt like a spectator that helps out a god to correct its task.
Booting things up upon his computer, which is connected to the Nerve Gear on his bed.
Cass is right beside him, the woman now with one hand holding his hand while the other is holding a phone that is now on video chat with the whole family in it. With their screams and incoherent shouting. Todd even dared to speak of finding a special someone in the game. He will get back at him later. Once he logs off of course.
Lying down with the helmet situated in his head, He relaxed his muscles and closed his eyes. The last thing he needed to do is the voice activation code to the Starting program.
“Link Start!”
Damian declared as his consciousness has entered the Game.
Flashes of colors flying upon him and General Booting systems are prepared and online.
<Touch> … (OK)
<Sight>… (OK)
<Hearing>… (OK)
Loading … 100%
In the Blue customization room, he entered the codes and password.
He will not admit but he did miss the world of Aincrad. With all its glory and beauty that comes with it. He is welcomed first in the Character Creation Center. The USB that is connected now in the system contains his old account that is reset back to level one but the settings and customizations are the same as before for his preferences.
As before he chooses his Avatar to be alike as what a mixture of Thomas, Todd, Grayson, and Drake is. Stern Blue eyes, Long Black Hair, a scar on his left cheek, and a large yet slender body built (The Wayne Traits). His language settings are in Japanese and English combined.
And the last thing he needs to do is to have a good Username. Now that Dick’s warning is ingrained in him. He has to give himself a proper name. Green Dragon is a good one that he used before. Annoyance came through him when it was declared was taken both in Japanese and English. Then he just typed again without a thought. Akuma.
Damian paused; his eyes furrowed as the name reminds him of the terrorist attacks that happened in France years ago. A shiver came down to his body as the memory of a demonic-looking butterfly came after him, luckily it was captured in a magical jar by a French Catwoman look-alike. She was … enchanting to say the least.
Her green lenses covered her cat-eye slits wears a green and black costume all the while she wields a multi-purpose baton. The Family ends up assisting the heroine since her partner’s identity is compromised by the terrorist. His brothers teased him endlessly for having his own Catwoman. Don’t blame him for admiring a woman (Ahem-a crush-Ahem).
Damian types again…
Midori no Akuma.
In the memory of the retired heroine, he uses it. Just to have a little confidence. Damian watches with his breath hitched hoping that name is accepted.
Midori no Akuma
Username Accepted
Proceed (O) (X)
A Flash of Blinding White light washed over him as he seems to be floating off the blue room.
His Avatar is now welcomed to the Teleportation Plaza. Where people filled the streets in Town of the Beginning Players like him, 10,000 people wandering around and talking to their peers and forming squads. It is overwhelming to see a sea of people from the previous 500 beta-testers that played the game.
His light green shirt and pants have now appeared in a sea of red, blue, yellow, and other greens.
He tested out his senses. His sight and hearing are alright. Flexing his hands and arms are satisfactory. He can even feel the texture of the clothes he is wearing now. The heat of the sun and the morning breeze brush against his skin. The pavement he walked is made of stone and the sound of his footsteps is heading towards his location.
Akuma is heading to his favorite tower to climb upon and perch to look to its viewpoint. Years being Robin does make things easy for him in terms of mapping and planning about the [Origin Planes]. The ex-assassin also takes note of the areas of the [Frenzy Boars], [Stinging Bees], and newly introduced spawns [Feral Wolves] and [Wild Horses]. It became his ideal to add animals that are capable of transport to gain a [Beast Tamer] title. And no, it is not because of him being home-sick from all his pets.
Back to business.
In the beta-testing, five other fellow beta-testers are provided their account numbers for him to memorize and invite them all to a group chat. It was ideal for them to gain information about new updates and announcements. They all agreed on it, and Akuma is fond of his new allies. They gain his trust in such a small amount of time and now they are forming a team alliance.
“Hn, it seems I have to complete the group chat now.”
He immediately types to the friend list all the beta testers that he hung out associate with. The likes of Kirito, Argo, Lavender, Coper, and Diavel. they all accept the invitations except Kirito.
“Hm, It seems the kid is busy in his errands.” Akuma thought as the first message pops up.
{Beta-Chat is Now Online}
<Argo is online>
<Lavender is online>
<Coper is online>
<Diavel is online>
<Akuma no Midori is Online>
Lavender: Um Guys, who is Akuma-san?
Coper: Eh? Hello
Lavender: Hi Coper! You are the guy from the Beta-test, right?
Coper: Yeah, So?
Lavender: It's Me! Lavender!
Diavel: Hahaha so we are all beta testers here in the Chat?
Argo: It seems so.
Argo: If my guess is right then Akuma- kun was previously Dragon.
Argo: Am I right?
Midori no Akuma: Correct as always Argo.
Coper: wait a sec. You’re Dragon!?
Lavender: HI! Dragon-kun, oh wait Akuma-san.
Lavender: Hi! Argo
Lavender: Hi! Diavel
Midori no Akuma: I Was Dragon, call me Akuma from now on. Since someone took MY last username.
Midori no Akuma: Call me Akuma instead.
Midori no Akuma: Hello to you too Lavender
Diavel: hello 2 u 2, my fellow demon~ : D
Diavel: hehe~
Coper: Whoa someone stole your name! Not cool dude!
Argo: Yes Coper, it is unappropriated if it is a beta-tester who took it, but if it is a newbie. Well, what are the chances of having such a common name to be used anyway?
Lavender: I Agree with Argo, it’s a good thing I got to keep mine though. Whew!
Diavel: Meh. Devil was taken in the Beta-testing so I changed the spelling instead. Lol
Coper: Mood, well minus the “O”.
Agro: Oy cud yah change the stupid name! Akuma!
[Midori no Akuma Change Chat name to Akuma]
Akuma: Satisfied?
Argo: Very
Coper: Mu~, why does he always get the Badass usernames?
<Kirito is Online>
Kirito: Hello?
Argo: Kirito, it’s about time you got here
Kirito: Sorry, I was training some newbies and showing them around.
Diavel: that’s fine it's not that urgent though.
Coper: Mu~, Who’s the lucky student?
Kirito: Some guy Klein, a Hardcore player, waited 3 days in line to get the game with his squad.
Lavender: OMG! 3 Days!
Kirito: Yep… and he got himself hit in the nuts by a Frenzy Boar
Coper: Pft!Hahahahaha
Diavel: Hahahaha
Argo: Hehe.
Lavender: Uff. That gotta hurt.
Akuma: Amusing, I assume that this Klein is a Newbie?
Kirito: Yes, and an aspiring Katana weapon user too.
Akuma: Your warning is now heeded.
Coper: Guys I OTG, Level grinding, and stuff. Chat with yah later!
<Coper is Offline>
Lavender: Me to I invited a friend with me gonna show her around. Maybe I’ll introduce you to her soon. See yah!
<Lavender is Offline >
Diavel: Nice to see you again Kirito, Good Luck with Klein. TTFN.
<Diavel is Offline>
Argo: If you need help, You Know Where to find me
Akuma: Not everyone knows where to find you
Kirito: Exactly
Argo: :)
<Argo is Offline>
Kirito: Hey Drago Akuma-sensei? I just want to thank you. Yeah, know about everything.
Akuma: …
Akuma: You earned it. Now go on you have a nutjob to teach.
Kirito: Yes Sir! Bye!
<Kirito is Offline>
<Akuma is Offline>
Akuma smiled from the tower he climbed while chatting with the BT. Loving the view and finishing mapping out the [Origin Plains] and across him. He can see a Red and a Blue figure that seems to be Kirito in the Frenzy Boar fields. Akuma hummed in satisfaction and excitement.
"Well, here we go, "
Damian Midori no Akuma launches himself off the tower and begins to hunt down the hidden loots he remembers. And off he is at a good start, on one sunny day in Aincrad. Soaring down like a Fallen Angel.
Masterlist AO3 Next

Status Online: Chapter 2: Red Valkyrie
Namimori, Japan
“Thanks again Kyoya-san. Though, you didn’t have to do this much in the first place. We can find an apartment ourselves you know.” The young black-haired woman tells her older cousin.
She visited Kagami who is now a Dojo Master. They hang out a lot in the country visiting place to place and teaching Marinette how to speak Japanese. When she talks about her trip to her parent her mother suggested her to visit a bit for her Maman’s Godson.
Kyoya Hibari is the one who assisted her and Kagami from the train station. Well, if you can look past his gang of older men who are delinquents. But turns out, they are all just sweethearts that carried the women’s luggage. Kagami insisted she carries her weapon Which will be cleared by the Disciplinary Committee while Marinette for her handbag and her Precious Gaming Set.
“Hn, This is one of the safest living spaces in Namimori,” Kyoya replied. They arrive at the apartment nearby the Hibari compound. After all, his omnivore of a cousin is not as insane as the people in this place. Kyoya expects her to fight or at least protect herself but her aura is purely orange and energetic, she is presenting her flames like that squeaking omnivore years ago.
She will attract unnecessary attraction for being a sky. But Seeing that her Storm is one of the best fighters in Japan, Kyoya wishes to test her Storm Dragon’s skills. He glances at the Dragon silently, catching her eyes.
“Thank you for your hospitality, Hibari-san” Kagami replied. Her eyes spoke between their eye contact. Filled with protectiveness and controlled fire in her thoughtful eyes. That will unleash her storm flames in her sky’s need.
Good. Let the dragon protect her sky from the wolves and sheeple in this town. There is a reason for Namimori to be called the ‘Hitman’s Retirement town’ anyway.
Weeks later the young women are all settled in the town with little to no hassle. Marinette loves the Sakura trees in Namimori that became her inspiration to sketch more designs. She also bought some reading materials and a computer set up she ordered online for the Game, good thing it Kyoya’s friends help her set up while they gushing and chatting about the new gaming set-up. They help her translate most in the manual and research for her. Especially Gokudera-Kun apparently speaks a lot of European languages French included, he helped her a lot.
Kagami rather practices her katas, well until Kyoya challenges her sword against his pair of tonfas. Let's just say that Kyoya would have won if Kagami hadn’t disarmed his weapons and pinned him to the ground. Which is shocking for those who have met Kyoya in combat. Kagami then proceeded to check out the boxing gym where another of Kyoya’s friends teach boxing named Ryohei Sasagawa.
They spent the rest of their days meeting new friends, although most of them are in Italy. So, they settled in sightseeing and hanging out outside. The town might be small but the people are interesting, especially their stories. She told her parents all about the trip, sending pictures, Also Papa Tom and Maman Sabine had the chance to talk to Kyoya themselves.
When the gaming setup is fully upgraded and complete, Marinette installs SWORD ART ONLINE on her PC. Kyoya insisted on both Kagami and Marinette moving in the Hibari compound for safety measurements when someone apparently has the gall to stalk the girls to their apartment. Thankfully the man was apprehended by the disciplinary committee. Now that everything is settled, namely her excited nerves. She still can't believe that she got it.
With her luck, anything could have happened. Hopefully, the other shoe is gonna drop sooner. Kagami is happy for her even if she didn't understand as much as Marinette's enthusiasm as a gamer. So does Kyoya, he is very accommodating for the two of them and Marinette can see that the two are going to be just fine. Well, with fewer injuries during their own sparring.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is now registered as a Player in Sword Art Online. Once she settled her Nerve gear in her head and rested her arms to her sides. She shouted the words to activate the system.
** “Link Start!” **

The young woman starts her game. Flashes of colors passed by her. As she felt her body relaxed and being lulled to rest. But her mind is drifting afar with her consciousness.
The Trailer of the game has begun.
It started with darkness and she feels to be sitting. The sound of the wind rushed to her ears and skin. In the Parisian’s cold night, gliding the streets in France is something she experienced in her days being Ladybug. But now with her eyes opened, she is a spectator far above the ground. Higher than the clouds, she felt breathless.
As the sun rises from the horizon, she blinks to adjust her eyes from the light. She was amazed at the heat she felt, nothing like the soft bed where she lied down minutes ago. Her braided jet-black hair is flagged by the bird’s speed.
At that time, she realizes that the fact she is riding a bird. The bird is 10 feet long from beak to its tail, not counting the long red and blue tail feathers that might be 2 feet long. Its wingspan is gigantic, each feather shines like copper. Other birds pass by her as she is surprised to feel the wind grazed her skin. She holds on to the golden bird she is on and feels the strong silky feathers in her hands. The bird slides down and guides its way to the deep forest. A yelp escapes from her lips as she felt the change of her momentum.
A mighty screech came out from its break as it picks up more speed.
Tall trees surrounded the area that has small and large animals living in them. Rivers flow between the land that is filled with fishes, frogs, and resting animals like quails, deer, and rabbits.
Pitcher plants that have elongated vines and sharp teeth, Small green creatures with red eyes are dressed in clothes carrying weapons, packs of wolves and bears roaming around the fields, horses and cattle are grazing in the wild.
At the end of the river, she hears a loud noise that comes from the end of the river, and they are heading towards the waterfall. She became nervous as her transport that she has no control tipped down to the waterfall. The Golden bird flies downward with the water and wind strikes up against them, she tightens her grip. Only to fly steadily with the lake below them.
In delight and amazement, Marinette sits up and cheers up with laughter and awe. Her shouts of happiness make the bird celebrate with her.
The scenes look real to her that she felt a bit overwhelmed by her senses and made initial dizziness slip away. The light of the sun shines on the lake in a majestic way she can see the fishes leaping on the surface of the water, the corals, and the deep blue depths holds secrets.
Rough terrains that stretched out in the open. They all contain monsters, abandoned mining shafts, and run over merchant stalls. She tries to remember all the locations from the very beginning to the end. Just in case.
After the lake, the bird picks up speed and momentum to launch back higher in the air. Passing by the maze of trees with sharp turns and avoiding crawlies like that giant spider or those giant bees that surprised her. They continue to fly off while shadows of shy beings piqued her interest as they swiftly disappeared. When they exit the forest, the end of a pasture lies a town.
At the break of dawn, the citizens woke up to a new day, the town that sets in the medieval age is next to be shown to her. Houses made of wood and stone are shown with stone walkways and fountains and well in given places. The stone buildings are made to be strong, towering structures like the glowing blue ones are noted into this game that she recognizes as a teleporter in the beta gameplay videos.
The NPCs in the marketplace who are roled to be bakers, shopkeepers, blacksmiths, lumber workers, guards, ordinary townspeople, and many others have roaming around the town square. Some of them look up to her and yells her greeting.
“Good Morning!”
“Fly well, adventurer!”
She can’t help but greet back” Bonjour!” with a wide smile on her face waving her one hand. They pass by the town and slowed its pace once the clear fields are filled with wildflowers and sparse trees. From there she can see the cold mountains from afar and the scorching heat of the desert.
And at last.
She saw it.
The Grand tower of the game, Aincrad.
The Floating Castle of Sword Art Online
The bird landed in the clearing. Marinette mounts off the golden bird. “Thank you so much!” She said to the preening bird. “I hope we can fly again soon” The bird cooed its appreciation and strays away from her and launches itself off back to the sky.
The Golden Bird soars freely out to the sky. Its beating wings are felt from the ground. Marinette picks up the stray feathers that are left and looks around wondering how to proceed.
Wildflowers spread across the field fades away as she appears in a digital blue room that is filled with symbols and weird shapes.
This is the room where she started.
Flashes of colors flying upon her and the General Booting systems are prepared and online.
<Touch> … (OK)
<Sight>… (OK)
<Hearing>… (OK)
Loading … 100%
**Loading… **
** **
[Enter your Account and Password]

[You have completed the Sensory Configuration Task.]
[You are Ready to proceed to the next part of the Tutorial]
A floating screen appeared in front of her. Showing her a video clip that samples the body customization process. The body portions, eyes shape and color, skin tone adjustments, hair length and color, and facial marks. There is also a setting to change your own voice by adjusting the pitch of your tone.
[Customize your avatar]
[Gender: ___]
She is now free to edit her appearance. The first option is the gender of her character. She is taking the female route.
[Gender: Female]
[Body: ___]
A female default character appeared in front of her but quickly changes to, Wait…
That’s her!
A Marinette appeared in front of her, or her own body just became her default body! How did they do this? They got her height and other body proportions right! Her chest, her hips, her face differs a bit from the green-eyed brunette in front of her. Wait maybe she is just thinking too much. Maybe she is just that much of a … standard female avatar. Yeah, it’s just a coincidence.
They just… Wow. really?
This technology is amazing! B-but she thought the headgear only drifts her subconsciousness to the game. Scanning her full body HA! Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! Great now she sounds ridiculous like Chloe.
Well, it did make sense if she is doing around the map like in a new world, she has to adapt her new body to herself
Same as her current height of 5’7, she chooses her body proportions the same as her original body. She can edit her avatar later, she doesn’t want to be clumsy there cause of the big height difference. Although the adjustments of the coloring can experiment.
[Body type: 3]
[Proceed (O) (X)]
[Voice: ___]
She tested out her voice with a quick recording, experimenting with the pitch.
_“Ara~ Ara~” _
She giggled at her choice of recording. That joke makes her laugh sometimes, well the reaction does, especially Adrien when she impersonated Lady Noir. She plays with the available options until she just settles her voice modifier to a pitch. Strong and firm soprano voice. Basically, like a pitch lower than her own.
[Voice: -1]
[Voice: OK]
[Proceed (O) (X)]
She changes her eye color multiple times. Green, Black, Gray, Purple looks cute. But she just settled with something special. They were like those specialized contact lenses where the small pupil is black while the iris is mainly a heterochromatic mix of gold, blue, and purple. It looks pretty.
[Eyes: OK]
[Proceed (O) (X)]
She keeps a short hairstyle with a crown braid and colors it jet-black with pink highlights. She loves the look on her avatar. Even if the beginner’s clothes looked boring and plain.
[Hair: OK]
[Proceed (O) (X)]
The more she modifies her avatar she did notice that she didn’t change much about herself. She tried changes on her body yet the structure is the same. She didn’t think much about it and she continues to the next.
[Body/Face: OK]
[Proceed (O) (X)]
[This avatar will be saved and used as your body within the Aincrad, you can change the customization later in the game located in the settings.]
[Proceed (O) (X)]
[Yes: OK]
[The Avatar is now set as your current [Avatar Skin] ]
[Username: ____]
This makes Marinette nag her head for a long time. Most of her connected games have her own usernames based on animals. Mini Mouse, Lady Red, Good Girl, and a lot more to count. She wants to be different. She didn’t have that much of a fanbase in Japan, just a couple of them came along to her twitch streams.
Simple but recognizable. She can connect her name to her current gaming collection.
[Username: …]
A Flower? Definitely a Gladiolus.
[Username: Gladiolus]
[Unavailable: Username is taken]
Damn. Oh well, this is much like DnD anyways so…
[Username: Scarlett Warrior]
[Unavailable: Username is taken]
What?! Come on third time the charm. Please...
[Username: Kuro Kitty]
[Unavailable: Username is taken]
She jinxed herself, didn’t she?
[Username: SlitherIn Serpent]
[Unavailable: Username is taken]
OMG thank kwami! That would be so embarrassing.
[Username: Butter Free]
[Unavailable: Username is taken]
Pokémon… Cute but No.
[Username: Miracle Bug]
[Unavailable: Username is taken]
“Ugh! Why!” Marinette frustratingly tries again. Eyes narrowing on the floating screen with her nose scrunched a little.
And Finally, was able to get a name that is good for the game.
[Username: Red Valkyrie]
[Username: Accepted]
"Finally, she got in!"
She is very excited ever since she research the logs of the beta-testers. What to expect, What to do, What's in there, How to do stuff, and other whatnots. Every monster, animal, Special NCP's, Hidden shops, Skills, weapons, and many more.
She feels. No
"I am so READY! Bring it on SAO, the Red Valkyrie has arrived!"
** **
AN: WELL. What do you think? Any suggestions?
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OMG! @princessjaqulinechess1031 It's so pretty! Don't worry about it! I kinda like the idea about Marinette's love language of gift-giving anyway. It's the thought and act counts!
The Suit
Description: Marinette makes Damian a suit.
Characters: Damian Wayne, Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Inspired by a request by @mickylikesstuff . It’s a little different than what you originally sent, but I hope you like it!

Marinette leaned back against Damian’s chest; her knees pulled up as a balancing board for her sketchbook. Damian was sitting peacefully, watching her design with his chin buried in the top of her hair. Marinette sent a quick line down the silhouette body to mimic the lines of a part of suit pants, and Damian hummed.
“Who are you designing a suit for?” Damian asked. “Adrien?”
“No, ma moitié.” She turned her neck to smile up at him, pencil still brought to the paper. “For you.”
“For me?” he asked incredulously. “I don’t need a suit.”
Marinette rolled her eyes and turned back to her drawing. Damian Wayne, though she loved him, had no fashion sense. Black turtlenecks and jeans could only go so far. They had their time and place, but every day? That was just too much.
“Trust me, you do.”
Damian curled his arms around her shoulders in a loose embrace and rested his head back on the top of hers.
“Pennyworth already made sure I have a substantial amount,” Damian said easily. Marinette shook her head and kept sketching.
“I know Monsieur Pennyworth already did,” Marinette said. “But wouldn’t you rather have one from your girlfriend? Who just so happens to be a world-renowned fashion designer?”
Marinette had been the chief designer for the Agreste label for nearly two years now. Adrien had been rather helpless in that regard and quickly left the responsibilities of that to her while he handled the more financial aspects of the business his father left to him. Sales had gone up by 300% in those two years, and people were always begging her on her Instagram for more information on upcoming lines.
Damian grumbled under his breath. “I guess.”
That was about as enthusiastic about this that Marinette was going to get out of her loving boyfriend, so she decided to take the win.
“But Marinette, do you really have time to add another suit?” Damian asked. “Don’t you have the Summer Line to finish first?”
“I am an expert multi-tasker,” Marinette said. “Besides, it’s one suit. It won’t be that much trouble.”
“Ow! That hurt!”
Marinette rolled her eyes at her boyfriend’s proclamation and kept sewing the leg of the pant. Damian stood in the center of the model stand, halfway between pouting and bored.
“It was a little poke of a needle,” Marinette said, not looking up to face him. “I’ve seen you be handed worse by much worse.”
Damian grumbled under his breath. “It’s more of the principle of the thing.”
Marinette smiled to herself but let her boyfriend’s point go. Damian had the fashion sense of an old man (black turtlenecks? Really?), and so when Marinette roped him into at least letting her make him a fashionable suit, he was none too enthusiastic. But Damian also wanted to be a supportive boyfriend, so he at least let her do it even if he complained the whole way through.
“Oh hush, ma moitié,” Marinette said. “You’re going to look fantastic.”
“A little cocky in your abilities, are we?”
Marinette raised a brow and reached the bottom hem of the pants.
“I am a professional designer,” Marinette said. “Of course, it will be fantastic. And is ‘Mr. I am the best Robin’ just get on me about being cocky?”
Damian colored crimson and turned away, caught in his own hypocrisy. Marinette laughed and finished the hem on the left side of the pants.
“You said this wouldn’t take that long,” Damian said.
“I also said that I was a normal Parisian girl for years,” Marinette countered. “I lied. Now stop, you’re not getting out of this.”
Damian groaned and threw his head back to the sky. “Why, oh, why?”
Marinette stood up and smiled at him, placing a soft kiss on his nose.
“Because you love me,” Marinette said. “Now, I just have to finish this one pant leg and then you can see how you look!” She dropped down to finish the hem of the right leg. “You’re going to love it.”
Marinette knew Damian wouldn’t do this for just anyone. Maybe Dick could convince him to stay still for a couple minutes, but only Marinette could keep him in one spot for hours. Damian was as stubborn and restless as they came, convincing him to do anything he didn’t want to do would take an act of congress.
Or a smile from Marinette.
“And finished!” Marinette said, putting the needle in the holder on her wrist. She pulled her bun out of it’s hold, and her hair cascaded down her shoulders. Damian stepped off of the model stand and reluctantly went to the mirror, where he stared at himself in surprise.
It was a soft gray suit with clean lines and a matching soft blue tie. The buttons were a dark navy blue that accented his green eyes. On the lapels were the outlines of three birds in flight, with a fourth one looking up from the opposite lapel, watching them while spreading his own wings to take off. It was a bit ostentatious, but Marinette felt that it worked with the soft gray given that all were outlined and colored in with black.
Marinette stepped up beside him, looking at him unsurely.
“Do you like it?” Marinette asked. Damian blinked and looked down at her, his shocked expression slowly working its way out into a smile.
“I love it,” Damian said softly. Marinette grinned up at him.
“I’m glad you do,” Marinette said. Marinette was happy that he did. Damian liked so few things, she was glad he liked something she had made for him.
“I love the bird details,” Damian said, and Marinette smiled to herself. The birds had been what she thought tipped it into something he liked or didn’t like. She just thought with him being Robin, it would be a nice touch referencing birds and flight. It was a simple design, but it helped make the suit stand out against others.
“Thank you,” Marinette said. “I had plans to include it on a shirt for you as well.” Marinette looked up at him with pleading eyes. “If you want the shirt.”
Damian smiled. “I’d love the shirt. And anything else.”
Status Online: Chapter 3: Blood Sky
Red Valkyrie appeared in the [Town of Beginnings]. The noise of the excited players and NCPs alike chatting for a quest, making purchases, hanging around with their friends, and examine stuff around the corners.
This is the exact place, the exact town where she and the golden bird flew by. Like before, she can feel and sense things in the game such as those kids bumping on her while they are playing. The scent of fresh bread and pastries in the bakery, Also the pounding of hard molten iron hammered and shaped by the blacksmith in the area. “To sense but not to feel pain? How strange.”
There is that gigantic blue spire that is the center point of the plaza. This must be the main teleport of the 1st floor. For now, Marinette Red Valkyrie knows about the basics. Inspecting her inventory, she found only containing a tutorial manual and a 10,000 Cor* (The Game’s currency) on her account. Reading the whole tutorial book, she also unlocked her option to look at the map and messenger’s box.
(You learned the basics to read the map! The map shows your location and the locations of quests, shops, and tagged items for easy navigation. To open the map, activate the map setting in the main menu and a mini-map will appear at the left corner of your vision while you are exploring. A full map of Aincrad will be accessed by activating the mini-map.)
(You learn to send messages by the mailing system. Connect to other players as a means of communication no matter how far the distance between)
The next thing she needs is a weapon. Mar Red Valkyrie usually used guns and knives in other games. But since it is based on a Medieval Fantasy the weapons available are about Physical damage output like swords, polearms, bows, clubs, daggers, axes, and war hammers. Although Red Valkyrie likes long-ranged weapons, using a bow in a close-range battle is difficult and energy taxing. If only there is a weapon that can be utilized in numerous ways, she was accustomed to grappling, shield, and attack like her yoyo as Ladybug. She will keep in mind different attack strategies of different weapons that are most efficient to her playstyle.
To get more ideas, Red Valkyrie used her map to guide her to the [Adventurer’s Barracks]. They display lots of weapons and playstyles for beginners to choose from and have their strength and skills tested. That is where she is heading to. She marched her way with confidence and eyes wandering around the place to her destination. She is cautious about the fact that many heads turned her way, but she brushed the thought when she realizes that her avatar is unique compare to others.
She is glad to pick up the game from that poor fellow player, no wonder did he beg for his wife to reconsider. ‘Poor guy if he just sold the Nerve Gear and Console, I won’t give a second thought to bought from him twice or trice the original price.’ She thought. Her Designing career to her newly revived fashion design house addition to her occasional steaming and gaming events, she is considering to a bachelorette in the industry. Although that came out of a conclusion because she spends most of her time organizing charity work with other millionaires like the Wayne, Queen, Luthor, etc. to have Paris back in shape, it's just one time.
Anyway. When she arrives at the place, there are also a lot of people in there trying out. They mostly carry swords, polearms, and axes attacking the armored dummies that scatter around the place. Some of them carry throwing knives, polearms, and bows though they attack the haybales as archer targets. “Ohhhh~ so many weapons!” Valkyrie hummed in contemplation.
‘Come to think of it. [Bows] are the only long distant weapons in the early game. Other than throwing daggers, having a bow user that can snipe out opponents in the field to get [Experience points] before mobs attack the short distance players. Val thought as she peered at the archer players. Out of all the weapon types, archers can get 10 meters and more in terms of the range of attack. Perfect for supports at a party.
‘Hmmm. If I use a [Spear], I could be able to use it to attack by stabbing or sweeping in a mid-range. I can also evade an attack and hook someone on their feet to stumble and get them stunned.’ Valkyrie thought while viewing the polearm users in both the dummies and archer targets. ‘Also throwing the polearm like a javelin can also make damage to those mobs though not as far as an archer, but with a trajectory practice, they are deadly as a one-hit kill. It’s also a bonus that a buckler/shield can be used in the opposite arm as extra protection
One-handed swords came to her view. ‘There are many types of the sword too. [Katana], [ Shamshir], [Saber], [Epee], [Broadsword] and many more. Depending on the sword user’s preference, strategies, and skill, from a [Beginner’s sword type] be a either a [Short Sword] or [Curved Sword] identified with the Cardinal system to those specific types of swords. Mostly a lot of players gonna use it first for its flexibility.’. ‘[Clubs] on the other hand are rather blunt when it comes to attacking, I wonder how are they gonna wield it?’
In addition to those kinds of swords, Bigger ones that need two hands are features in the game. ‘[Two Handed Swords]. They might be slow and be greedy on stamina, but once hit they really pack a punch and probably cause AOE damage just like the 2-H [Axes].’ Valkyrie thought as she watched a man who swings his two-handed Sword decimating four wooden targets in a single stroke. ‘[Warhammers] can make the same thing but it’s rather by brute force than slashing and probably stunning the mob’s movement too.’
After analyzing the barracks, Valkyrie then moves out of the area and into the Weapons Merchant. The display shows off the weapons of different calibers and specialties. But Val does not need a permanent weapon now. She can always experiment with different weapons till she gets the one she is suited to most. The light shine on the displays and the walls are full of weapons of interesting designs. There are a couple of players in there but she pays no attention to them. Val directly went to each weaponry. ‘Can I have a weapon proficiency to all weapons? No that’s a bit much, especially when some weapons are required to have specific [Stats] to use them’
The NCP Merchant greets her and she replied to him with greetings. A menu opens in front of her. All beginners’ weapons are at the same price, the price is not she would worry about now. Other than weapons, protective armor and bucklers are available to purchase. She first bought the armor and leggings that result in her defense increasing.
As for her weapons, she thinks about buying the sword and a bow as her backup weapon. Their stats are good for a beginner’s weapon. That reminds Valkyrie too, “ Wait a minute, I have to learn the mob's weak spots for preparation and higher damage”.
She is a DPS* player (Damage-Per-Second player) in addition to that she is also a strategist. Having a short-range and a long-range weapon is good especially for solo players like she planned to be. But in some cases, she might join some dungeon quest and invite more people to require in each battle.
Then she chooses the [Small Sword] and the [Light Bow] as her weapons. She can always change and upgrade them later and soon buy better weapons that have higher and better stats. Satisfied with her purchase she is ready to practice in the barracks. Although, she stopped when she felt someone tapped her shoulder.
“Um… Excuse me.” A small voice said behind her. When she turned around, two players are looking at her eyes shined with excitement. “Um, Miss are you by any chance heading to the field?” The confident green-haired player asked.
In no hesitation, Valkyrie answered. “Actually yeah, I’m planning to hunt down some boars and wasps. It’s my first time here so I’m just gonna go look around after”.
“At this game? Who does not? the graphics and design are AMAZING HERE! The Music here is perfect! I cannot believe we are INSIDE the game! OMG! Let’s- ARK!” Valkyrie is surprised by the outburst; Green seems to be rambling on about the game. He was cut off, surprised by his companion.
“OI! Snap out of it. You’re scaring her!” This time it is the lavender girl who decides her spoke up. “Please excuse him, it’s his first time here,” Lavender tells her while pushing green’s head down as an apology.
“Hehe, It's alright, he must be really friendly approach me that’s all,” Valkyrie replied, understanding the situation. She is amazed here as well.
“Of course, I’m Lavender by the way and this is my brother, Pico,” Lavender said relieved that this player was not scared off by Pico’s tendencies to ramble off. “So, you’re going to the field. Wanna join us?” She asked initially. Lavender wants to hang out with the other Beta-testers, but right now she wants her brother to be acclimated to the game. If this player wants to hang out with Pico, she will not worry much about him running around in circles.
Valkyrie contemplated this for a bit. She can tell that having a party is beneficial to all. Besides she wants to see how the gaming system works. “Sure, my name is Valkyrie. Nice to meet you Pico, Lavender. Thanks for the invitation”.
“No probs” Pico replied “Hey Sis, let's go already!”. The green brother shrug his sister’s hand and tries to run off. But Lavender caught him again and this time he tried to flail around. “HEY! HEY! HEY! LET GO!”
“Hold It! Will yah! You still do not have a weapon! You Dummy!” His sister raised her voice and that knockdown some sense to him.
“Oh” Pico blinks, now he remembered why they did go to the merchant. And with that Pico was limp in his sister's hand. “Tehehe” He just chuckled in embarrassment. Val cannot help but giggle. Somehow, she got herself into a party that reminded her of the old team. Does she wonder how Adrien is doing?
Lavender turns out a beta-tester and she knows lots of tips. Other than the Switch, she also teaches the two how to activate Sword Skills. The Beta-Tester had a broadsword before and she wanted to hone her skills more and more to have that skill again.
In the field, three players are taking down tons of boars and wasp. Apparently, after a quick demonstration of Lavender’s skills and techniques from her sword, Valkyrie catches up quickly up the basics.
=[19 HIT STREAK!]=
“Your good with the sword Val. Not bad” Lavender praised the other girl dissipates another boar to blue dust.
“Yeah well, It seems kinda slow to me. Do you think a dagger might be better to me?” Valkyrie’s busy mind seems to blurt out those words. She does like the sword but now having second thoughts about having a dagger instead.
“That was slow to you?” Pico blinked from behind taking the loot from each boar they killed. Val almost killed a couple of dozen of boars in less than 30 minutes; he is slowly catching up to her with his spear. It saves time especially when an NPC at the gate is holding a quest to collect the loot for col.
“Well, It will get some time to get used to it but speed is not everything though. You must adjust in this gaming system there is a lot more going on here like Basic Skills, Sword Skills, and rarely do people get the Unique Skills.” The beta-tester answered. “And also, swords are very flexible in the game, maybe you’ll get one the fits you better soon.” Lavender advised her friend “But~ if you are sure, you can buy another weapon instead, they are cheap after all since this is the early game”.
“Yeah, if that is slow to you what’s gonna happen when you gotta hold on a dagger. Ha! Those PKers never gonna stand a chance!” Pico cheered on.
“Hey, sis! Is there a skill when it comes to potion-making?” He asked his sister. “Maybe I can set a shop to get myself a lab” he joked, although not a complete lie. Pico always wanted a lab on his own. He loves chemistry back in IRL* (In Real Life). So, when he heard about the non-battle skills, he is curious about what things would look like.
Lavender checked all their stats on the screen:
Pico’s Stats are based on Endurance, Intelligence, and Strength followed by Luck and Agility.
Valkyrie’s Stats leans to Intelligence, Agility, and strangely Luck everything else follows.
And Lavender’s priorities are Strength, Agility, and Endurance and the rest follows.
“I guess so yah mad scientist! Not everyone here likes fighting. There is a bunch of skill can be learned here” Lavender then seethed her weapon, closes the screen, and counts of the skills she knows. “Blacksmithing, Tailoring, Baking, Cooking, Fishing, there’s a lot of stuff you can do here! When you’re not on an expedition”. Then her expression changes to ecstasy? “Ma~ But the food~ The Cakes, The Fudge, The Buffet~. Everything Is So Good~ “
The taste testing back in the beta does surprise a lot of players. The Food was horrible back then because they activate the wrong senses. Apple juices make migraines, Chocolate taste like coal, One memorable moment is when that Beef Wellington that makes players log out cause the senses have been overridden ten times more, the poor guy has to go to the hospital.
“Now!” Lavender announced to get the newbies' attention. “You guys are already used to your weapons and Level Stats. Lesson no. 2 now begins!”
“Now there is another feature in the game, hitting consecutive attacks gives off a damage streak giving of higher damage bonus that is when one player hits the target nonstop attacks, but when that person ran out of stamina that ends the attack. Unless activating [Switch] to change party members to continue the streak until the target dies or the party ran out of stamina.” Lavender lectured the two on the page about the switch.
“Initially, Players switched out to either restore their stamina or heal their party members. It also gives time to the other party members to load up their Sword skills” Lavender states.
” Although, that beast of a man really does terrify me” Lavender murmured to herself remembering the green-eyed demon beta-player back in the beta testing.
It turns out that Sword Skills are skills that can be learned in numerous ways like skill grinding and completing the quest.
“Now then, Pico I need you to attack those boars again but this time-“ The sister looked down from the hill they stand on where three boars are minding their own business. “And do an AOE* (Area of Effect) swipe first then while they are stunned to try to take out their eyes ”.
“Now~ my young apprentice. Stike them down!” Lavender exclaimed pointing to the frenzy boars as she pushed the boy down the hill.
“Hey! I’m only Level 2 you know!”
Valkyrie enjoyed her time here. She was able to make two friends and looking around the place in 1F, It's perfect. All she needed to do is to arrange her stuff in inventory and…
No, Where is it?!
No, I need to get out!
No, Don’t! Not Again! NOT AGAIN!
“Guys… Guys!?” the confused player called out the bickering siblings. The Two did pay attention after their chaotic fight.
“What is it?” “You OK there?” The two asked at the same time but the clueless player is fiddling around the screen. Getting more and more confused.
“Guys… I think There’s a bug” Valkyrie said in a cold voice. The siblings looked at her, confused as her but they cannot say anything. The two are stunned with Red Valkyrie’s eyes as they hardened and glazed, her face was voided from emotion and her form becomes rigid.
“The Log off button is missing” A voice of a battle-hardened leader stated at the field where the sunsets.
Shouts from other players from their teams gained their attention next. Worries and Confusion filled the field as the music seems to play darker. The three then noticed that players seem to teleport away, leaving their teams until they teleported too without access to the menu screen.
"Pico!" Lavender exclaimed as her brother was taken in blue dust. Lavender's avatar soon follows. Leaving Marinette Red Valkyrie in her spot frozen.
She knows one thing for sure though.
“Chaos Arrives”
This is her last thought as she herself. Was taken away.
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(GIF not Sao or Mlb but thats the look)
Status Online: Chapter 4: Blood Sky
The Last bell rang throughout the floor and clouds are pushed by the strong wind at dusk.
Gamers in Sword Art Online are all gathered in the plaza in the <<Town of Beginnings>>. Confusion and panic fill the hearts of the gamers within the area as they cannot exit the Plaza. Akuma no Midori just finished taking down a hidden starter’s quest that was the << Herald of the Wolves>>, much of his surprise he was unexpectedly teleported to the <<Town Plaza>>. At first, He was expecting an intervention for taking down a hidden quest early, but why is the whole gaming population of SAO here? Akuma Damian somehow unconsciously holds his weapon under the black cloak he acquired
Red Valkyrie on the other hand has a sense of uncomfortable nostalgia. Max’s Akuma was like this. Yet she did not sense magic or a strong malice intent, Hawkmoth received his punishment that ended the terror of Paris 3 years ago. Valkyrie snaps out of her thoughts and begins to look for Pico and Lavender. Her head clear and breathe steadied, Ladybug Valkyrie begins to look for the siblings among the thick crowd, clutching the sword at hand.
Suddenly their world turns blood red. The once orange sky filled with red hexagons that have the stamped {WARNING} sigils in them. These shapes surrounded the plaza like a dome and then merge into a singularity, but what terrifies the gamers most is the gigantic looming thing that is above all of them. From the Red sigils came a red creature that somehow got into the dome and transformed into a singularity. From the blood slimy creature turned into a grim reaper. The titanic humanoid figure that is robed in red, and face unseen hovered the thousands of people
A booming deep voice sounded the place.
< Attention, Players. Welcome to my world. >
Red Valkyrie turned pale as she had an idea of what is happening. She can’t move in fear and shock, she can only be frozen stiff of what the looming figure says next.
< My name is Kayaba Akihiko. >
< As this moment, I am the only person who can control this world. >
Akuma gazes up to the creator of this world, Damian did not meet Kayaba Akihiko before. Yet his greeting seems something off…
Gamers are whispering to each other as the man Kayaba sends his greetings.
< I’m sure you’ve already noticed that the log out button is missing from your main menu screen >
< I assure you, It is not a defect >
“~We’re trapped here, no it can’t be…~” Akuma quickly turned to the woman who spoke French. That voice… she … wait her words hit him as he remembered Dick’s warning earlier. He watches the tears fell from the other gamer beside him as her face froze in fear. But if what she concludes is true then… This is bad.
Anxiety attack, she is having an attack. What kind of trauma can this event trigger her? ‘I have to calm her down before she does something stupid’
< I repeat. There is no bug >
< This is the feature of Sword Art Online >
“~Please no. Not again~” Akuma can’t stop himself from holding the weaponed arm of the gamer beside him in a steady firm grip. “Miss, you need to calm down and wake up. Please”. He goes to block her sight of Kayaba and starts rubbing her arms, hoping that will snap her out of it.
< You cannot log out of SAO yourselves >
“Miss… Red Valkyrie Wake up!”
Marinette untangled herself from her headspace and looked at the man in front of her. It is his green cool eyes that made her realize a hooded man is holding her steady. Mar Red Valkyrie lets go of the sword she is holding and collapses to the man. Her legs bucked down like they lost their strength and she tried to calm down by taking steady breaths.
< And no one on the outside can shut down your nerve gear >
< Should this be attempted, the transmitter inside the nerve gear will act as a powerful microwave, >
< Destroying the brain, ending your life >
“HAHA, dude you know April fools is over right”
“What a terrible prank”
“Fix the bug already!”
The people are in denial trying to counter that that is a prank and waving off Kayaba’s words. Some try to leave the plaza, but its exits are blocked. Klein tried to deny such a claim, but Kirito only confirmed that the existence of the Internal Battery of the Nerve gear can fry them to their death.
< Unfortunately, several players’ friends and families have already ignored this warning >
< And attempted to remove the Nerve Gear. >
< As a result, a whole 213 players are forever gone >
< From Aincrad and the Real World >
News reports floated around the plaza for everyone to see:
<[Beaking News: Killer game]>
<[Where is Kayaba Akihiko]>
<[Game to Death Battles!]>
<[2 Players killed by Death game]>
<[200/10,000 Death and Rising from Sword art Online]>
“Tch. Bastard!” The Green-eyed man holding Red Valkyrie exclaimed as he seems to sink in into the situation. Eyes filled with condemnation and his body is shaking in rage, He holds Valkyrie tight. When she looked at Kayaba, news reports that are published about the deaths because of the nerve gear. 'Father, please be safe...'
“Calm Down” She tried to help him. She looked at his ID. ‘Ironic, an Akuma is trying to help me this time’ “Midori no Akuma-san, CALM DOWN.” She commanded him. That in turn made Dami Akuma looked at her, and closed his eyes to compose himself.
< As you can see, News organizations from across the world are picking up on this, and are reporting the death totals >
< Thus, It’s safe to assume that the danger of your nerve gear being removed is quite small >
< I do hope you’ll relax and attempt to finish the game. >
When Akuma calmed down, He let go of Valkyrie. Steps away from her a little once he is sure that she is all right. He was ashamed that in turn, he needed her back then. The woman then slowly grabs his hand and interwinds their fingers. She looks at him straight in the eye, no longer held with fear but a gaze of a warrior replaced with experience as she analyzes the reports floating around the plaza. He wishes that he was surprised at her actions but he must have been tired to take his hand back. All he can do is to follow her gaze.
< Its important that you remember this clearly >
< There is no longer a method to revive someone within the game. >
< If your HP drops to zero, your avatar will be lost forever. And spontaneously, >
< The Nerve Gear will destroy your brain. >
“It’s a Death game now” “A bastardized survival of the fittest” Akuma and Valkyrie spoke together. They knew as hero/vigilante that their line of work is by far a death sentence, but in these elements, they cannot control anything. Damian has no contact with his family and team. Marinette took off her miraculous. With their chances that Cass and Kagami can call their families and friend to help them out.
“Even pro gamers die in the games. The chances of everyone’s survival are slim to none” Valkyrie said the situation is now heavier. “This is our life now? Are we just dolls for this monster!?” Akuma now wants this man to suffer after what he pulled.
< There is only one means of escape. >
The whole plaza fell silent and listens to Kayaba’s words. ‘Complete what now?!’
< You are now presently on the lowest floor of Aincrad, Floor 1 >
< If you make your way through each dungeon and defeat its floor boss, you can advance to the next level. >
< Beat the final Boss on the 100th floor, and you will have cleared the last hurdle. >
“Clear a hundred Floors? That’s impossible. The Beta-testers never made it anywhere close to that!” a Red head man spoke among the crowd. Akuma now notices Kirito behind them. He pushes to the crowd, approaching the other Beta-tester. When He reaches to his student, “Kirirto!” Akuma called. Kirito in turn in relief to hear her mentor’s voice.
“Sen- eh…Akuma-san” Kirito and the Red-head now see two gamers approaching them. Did Akuma-san bring a friend? The woman seems to be confused. “Are you alright?” Kirito asked.
“No” Akuma answers. Yup this is sensei.
Red Valkyrie is drag by the man among the crowd to what it seems like his friends. “Will you please, Let my arm go” She spoke up. Akuma blinked at the woman then he noticed his hand holding hers and deliberately lets her go. “Where are the others?” Akuma questioned Kirito. “I haven’t seen them from the start” Kirito answered is in a grim expression.
< Finally, I’ve added a present to your item storage, from me. Please see for yourselves. >
All the Gamers are now opening their [Inbox storage] and what they saw is a... "A mirror?” Kirito questioned. Voicing the thoughts of all the players. Akuma is skeptical, he handles the mirror and looks that the woman. She is just as curious as he is.
Then suddenly the redhead glowed blue and shines in a blinding light.
Akuma instinctively grabs Valkyrie and Kirito and uses his cloak to protect the three of them, despite their protest. But it turns out that all of them are glowing and somehow changing? All of them closed their eyes until the light is gone.
“What’s happening!”
“Your Glowing, I’m GLOWING!”
All the gamers glowed until the light died out. Revealing people in different avatars or more likely their real appearances.
“Are you alright, Kirito?” Klien approached the Big man that took Kirito and that lovely lady. Under the man-Midori no Akuma’s cloak is Kirito and Red Valkyrie well… based on their IDs who are both adjusting their eyes. They looked at Klein but is not really Klein. His previously long red hair is now short and he has a goatee.
“Y-Yeah…Who are you?” Kirito is sure that he heard Klein’s voice but who is this? And why is his voice turned higher? Didn’t he change the settings?
“And who are you?” the not Klein asked too. Kirito then looks at the Mirror. His face… His IRL Face, not the custom avatar is showing. He became smaller and lanky, his hair is shorter and his eyes are wider than the olive-shaped eyes he had.
“And you guys are?” Kirito looked where Klein is looking at. “That’s Akuma’s ID…” Kirito now sees the changes. Well, subtle changes. Akuma-san is exotic, to say the least… Now lean muscled, and big about 6ft. His green eyes became more vibrant, is it even possible to have sharper eyes? His skin is dark and his hair chopped short. He does not have his scar on his face anymore.
His Friend, on the other hand, has changed a lot, Klein has to gaze at her ID twice “Red Valkyrie-san?” as he checked on her. She lost her pink hair and now she has long black hair that flows to her back. She looks Eurasian, Big blue eyes, slender yet muscled too, she lost a couple of inches.
The two adults looked at their mirrors, they are now at their changed avatars. The gamers are now scared and confused about what happened. Surprise and resignation wash her as Valkyrie takes a deep breath. Akuma doesn’t really care about his appearance. But under his clothes, he is worried about another thing. ‘Can they scan my scar?’
“Which means…”
“You’re Kirito?” "You’re Klein?”
Both the boys now realize what happened. “But, How?” Yet Klein is now really confused.
“That scan… The NerveGear covers your entire head with a high-density signal device, So it can see what you look like.” Kirito started to explain. “But our body shape…”
Klein continues “When we first used the NerveGear, we have to calibrate it, right? You have to touch your whole body all over."
“O-oh right, that must be where it got the data.”
“But... But… Why? What the hell’s the point of all this?” Klein tries to concentrate and come up with an answer but with all the changes and revelations, he wants to keep up.
“I’m sure he’ll tell us.” Kirito points the grim
Akuma and Valkyrie gaze at Kayaba in such hatred. ‘I won’t back down to a Hawkmoth wanna be!’ ‘I’ll get you for this!’
< Right now, you’re probably wondering why I’ve done this. >
< “Why would Kayaba Akihiko, developer of Sword Art Online go such lengths?” >
< My goal has already been achieved.>
< I created Sword Art Online for one reason...To create a world and play with it.>
“Kayaba” Kirito grounded himself. In his anger, he gripped his fist tight.
< And Now, it is complete. >
< This is ends the tutorial for the official Sword Art Online launch >
< I wish you all the best of luck. >
And at the end of the message, Kayaba disappeared in red smoke through the gaps of the sigils above. After that, the sigils disappeared. The dusk shines on the plaza once more.
Time stands still to the frozen crowd. Their mind is racing in thoughts of their family, friends, love-ones, their priorities, and their jobs. All players are equal on this floor that starts at 250HP, If they have carelessly done stupid and make the wrong decisions they will… DIE!
This isn’t a game anymore...
This is real, this is reality…
A simple strike will kill me.
A poison will end me.
When I Die Here, I Die for real!
After they realize what they have done... Panic and chaos ensued
They started wailing, cursing, begging they have done it all.
And nothing changes.
“I HAVE A FAMILY! Let me go!”
“I have a meeting after this!’
“NO NO NO NO NO !!!!”
In the crowd, Akuma, Valkyrie, Klein, and Kirito acted fast. When the barrier is broken down, The beta-testers took their partners and ran towards the exit. Away from the mob and panicking people.
“Come with us, Now!” Akuma places his hand on Valkyrie’s shoulder and gestures to follow him. There is something about the Red Valkyrie that made him pay attention to her. At least let him try little to guide her.
“Alright.” Valkyrie follows him as the four of them sprinted out the Plaza. She might be in trouble taking a stranger’s hand. Yet it felt right and somehow made her safe and sweeps her off beyond the disorder.
Running out of the marketplace and she cannot help herself to leap from stall to stall, use railings and streetlights to launch herself, and uses the roofs to gain more ground. Jumping, rolling, sliding, grappling and other actions help her think. When she concentrates on her actions her thoughts follow that makes no room to be distracted by fear and distress. Parkour, is somehow an effective therapy that made Marinette Dupain-Cheng less a target from Hawkmoth’s influence.
‘That was interesting. So, Kayaba did successfully make a VR world into reality. After he created the Cardinal System, he used the beta-testers to report for configurations, glitches, and repairs in the system. Does the if the system…’ She thought as leaped to another roof. ‘The system must also be self-updating, thus the progress of each gamers’ account is not easily erased’. ‘If survival is what we need then we have to be stronger, Wait ... we?’. Red Valkyrie pauses on a street where the man- Akuma also stopped in front of her.
In this quiet intersection, she is alone with a man, ' a handsome man... Bad Marinette! SNAP OUT OF IT ' She's not sure if she can blush in the game but she would be completely flustered at the closeness of this giant that is looking down on her.
Akuma is looking at her with indifferent eyes, yet his voice dripped in curiosity. “That was an interesting run. ~ Mademoiselle ~” The man said. His brow was raised as he fully looked at her once again.
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Finding a fic. Help!
Its a daminette fic that goes like this.
Marinette and Damian started as penpals
Then they got use to each other and turned to text-mates.
Marinette usually tells Damian about her day. And vice versa.
Damian then trust her enough that she clamed him down from a panic attack triggered be talia.
Akuma class got into gotham
Marinette met met Brucie Wayne.
Important! Damian watched Lilo and Stitch with the batfam and calls Marinette about it
Dami: " Why does he have to stay?" teary eyes.
Comment please If you know that fic.
Status Online Chapter 5:The Conversation.
In this quiet intersection, she is alone with a man, ' a handsome man... Bad Marinette! SNAP OUT OF IT ' She's not sure if she can blush in the game but she would be completely flustered at the closeness of this giant that is looking down on her.
Akuma is looking at her with indifferent eyes, yet his voice dripped in curiosity. “That was an interesting run. ~ Mademoiselle ~” The man said. He raised his brow as he fully looked at her once over again.
Marketplace, Town of Beginning
Floor 1
“Um, Thanks? ” Mar Valkyrie calmly looks at the man, who no doubt follows her the same way she did. “ Uh, you're good too? ” She said to him. She doesn't need to be a genius, she can tell that this guy is a Beta-Tester like Lavender ‘I wonder if Lavender knows this man? He doesn’t seem to be forgettable’
Akuma then leaned back giving the woman some space, he can confirm that this woman is of French descent. From her speech and her mannerism, this woman must be from Paris. How she brushed aside her fear and panicked quickly to put up a confident front. ( Fake it until you make as Brown said similar to that) Not many will notice, but he is the son of Batman (Grayson helped him with feelings. ugh) Reading the situation is a necessity when your Grandfather’s enemies hide behind corners and strike maliciously.

Passing her initial panic if he is right, she has a lot of potential and if they could get to work together, she could be a great ally. If Hawkmoth taught the French something, it must be self-control. (He shakes the thought of this woman could have been akumatized at one point.)
“I see. “Akuma then looks at her cursor and ID, she’s not that bad by any means. She is only a level below him. “Midori no Akuma, you may call me Midori. Mademoiselle” He introduced himself with him and offered his hand out to her. He didn’t mind being called Green. If he gains a trustworthy ally he can teach and rely on.
She reaches out and shakes his hand. 'His hand grips like a businessman. a very well-trained one. But his eyes are ... what do call that? It's like it oozes superiority and command. Was he a soldier?'
“Red Valkyrie, I wish we could have met in better circumstances” Red Valkyrie stated. Her eyes are now clear as she is aware of Midori's gaze. Red Valkyrie meets his gaze and she sees him. She sees the wariness his body screams yet he remains calm in this situation. She sees how he tries hard not to scare her off. She… sees a man who is used to being captured and escaping on his own, but how can you escape if your mind is imprisoned? She too was shaken, the thought that they are trapped here against their will.
‘Marinette is fine, M Midori introduces himself. But he could have let me call him Akuma though. Why does he introduce himself as Midori? He knows French, yes. But that does not mean he DID go to Paris and know about Qwackmoth. Does he? I can’t just ask him about Paris. Who knows if the AI’s are listening and recording everyone’s move’
“Indeed” Dam Akuma looked in the direction of the plaza. “When those people snap from their senses, they will start farming the village running it to the ground,” He stated. Accommodating 10,000 players in one village is dangerous if it's small. Grinding for materials and quests is going to be difficult especially if killed mobs respawn in a slower time frame. Now there is a death sentence for everyone. 10,000 players will not only have to farm for resources, once they out-level the place they either fight other players for Experience points or…
“They are going to kill each other.” Red Valkyrie whispered as her line of sight followed him. Her thoughts link well to him. ‘That’s it I’ll make her my partner’ This opportunity is hard to come by.
‘Oh no. I’m turning into Father!’ ‘Blue eyes and black hair?! dammit!’
“After killing those mobs and taking all the items and resources available, they are going to sweep this place clean quick and not everyone has the chance to level up. If they are desperate they will either move out and find more chances in other villages or (and I hope this wouldn't happen) Player killing.” She mumbled out.
They then both realize the severity of the situation.
“The games have respawned features.” Red Valkyrie whispered. Horrified that it sinks into her."Especially PVP battles"
“SAO however does not” Midori no Akuma replied. “If we die. We Perish” Damian doesn't panic, he has unsettled the thought of holding people hostage from their comfort and security under their noses. “ I can tell that they will horde the healing potions first and other medical supplies”
“Join Me.” Akuma offered. “We will be hounded first for having more EXP points, we should go to the next village. At least then mobs will reset by the time we are done, and everyone else leveled up and arrived there.”
Red Valkyrie now faces him. Although he did have a point, running away does not sit well with Marinette. Sure, they are taking advantage of the chaos and disorder of the players now but deeper in her heart she feels like she is abandoning them.
“Yes, we can acknowledge that leaving them does benefit us” Akuma spoke. Oops! Did she speak aloud?
“It just doesn’t feel right though.” She downheartedly replied. “I mean what will happen if every single one of us just left. Wouldn’t it be better if all of us work together to get out of this?” She tried to convince him for… something. A plan B perhaps? His plan is the logical solution now but it felt wrong against her morals.
“You’ll be surprised how many of these people packed together. There is nothing to worry about them” Akuma stated as he fiddles at his menu, noticing the yellow flag in one of the options. He found the chatbox and selected his chat earlier.
13 new messages
{Beta-Chat is Now Online}
<Argo is online>
<Lavender is online>
<Diavel is online>
<Akuma is Online>
<Kirito is Online>
Diavel: @Argo.
Diavel: Did you know about this?
Diavel: I mean… Fuck.
Argo: @Everyone I can assure you that if I knew about this from the start
Argo: I would not even get in here in the first place.
Argo: No money in the world I will risk my life in a killing game.
Lavender: Guys where are you? I’m with my brother now at O-Plains.
Lavender: we ran from the chaos.
Lavender: Guys…Please tell me that wasn’t real?
Argo: At my hideout.
Argo: @Lavender, unfortunately, no we are stuck
Diavel: Plaza, Were heading to you @Lavender
Diavel: I’m with my squad and they’re all panicking.
Diavel: Shit! I dunno what to do. They almost nicked me off!
Kirito: I'm in the west marketplace.
Akuma: We’re at the east marketplace.
Akuma: @Kirito Is Klein with you?
Kirito is typing…
Lavender: @Diavel We’re not that far from the Main Gate.
Diavel: We’re out. @Lavender Where are you? I forgot about the face-changing thing.
Diavel: That was unnerving.
Lavender: I’ll PM you.
Argo: Everyone’s all fine and dandy,
Argo: @Everyone can Someone find @Coper pls?
Akuma: Noted
Lavender: Noted
Diavel: Noted
<Lavender is Offline>
<Diavel is Offline>
“Hey, Midori” Red Valkyrie spoke as she realized something. Midori looks up, having his attention to her. “I think I left my sword at the plaza. I need a weapon.”Midori looks at her judgingly as she nervously laughs. “I mean that I um- I may have a bow but I tested out the weapons earlier and I think I need to replace it with the dagger and-and purchase stuff you know the essentials and- ” She rambles off.
“Do what you like” Akuma replies cutting her off. He then reviews the chat. If he gets there quickly he might be able to catch up to Kirito in time before his student leaves the town.
Red Valkyrie is unbothered by this and proceeded to plan.
Kirito: Klein joined his squad after we talked.
Kirito: I’m heading out.
Argo: Out in O-Plains or Out the Town?
Kirito: …
Argo: @Kirito
Kirito: Be right back.
Agro: Are you F-ing serious! Alone!
<Kirito is Offline>
Akuma: I’m closest to him I’ll talk to him.
Argo: Tnx Akuma.
Midori closes the chatbox and faces the woman who is in deep thoughts. Although he is trained to work alone. Even Batman needs a Robin.
“My offer still stands. I also need to restock my supplies leaving the town” (And inform the group of his plans but she doesn’t need to know that.) “My offer still stands. If you wish to join me, I’ll give you an hour at the West Gate.” He pointed out the direction “Go to the west of the market and you’ll find the gate. I'll wait for you for an hour”.
He left. Noting the astonishing look she had as he leaped to a nearby roof.
“Thanks- um -THANK YOU!” Red Valkyrie shouted. “Oh no, I forgot his UID!” she cried. (Unique Identifier). I’ll catch up to him later. ”
After he left and one hour to her counter, she ran to find the NPC for the quest earlier. Contemplating if joining him is the best choice. He is a stranger, a strong one, and knows a lot about the game like Lavender to Pico...
Crap! Lavender and Pico! She didn’t save their UID’s too. Maybe Akuma knows her. She’ll ask him later. If she catches him. “I need Medical supplies (no wait potions) potions, clothing, and the dagger Do we need food? I need to sell the materials for Col first too ”
And by that, she launches herself to the roof, running against time.
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Guys Quick Question, I need your opinion…(Part 2)
What up lovelies! I hope you guys are having a great day cause I'm sure I have. 🥰🥰🥰Thank you so much for your support and taking the time to read my fics. cause I'm so happy! (BTW I got Vaccinated! Woohoo!)
So the reason I need a little help is about Damian's (Akuma's) POV. So let me write them down a bit:
(Online) Since we all know that He is canonically vegetarian in the DC universe. So how is that going to implement in the SAO universe? Am I gonna let him kill animals since those things are necessary to level up? or find alternative ways for him?
(Online) Should I get Marinette (Red Valkyrie) a rival in the game? I know there is a seamstress in there whose username is Angel. What do you think of them having little competition in dressmaking when Marinette is not fighting?
(Offline) What do you guys expect from the little bird that's mentioned in Bruce's POV?
(Online and Offline) Do you guys have any suggestions or headcanons on how to implement stuff in the series? I can take honest criticism but please not cyberbullying.
(SAO: <Status: Online> (AO3 )
(SAO: <Status: Offline> (AO3)
Thank you, guys! Stay safe. Stay healthy!
Status Online: Chapter 6: Before the Beginning Pt.1
“My offer still stands. I also need to restock my supplies leaving the town” (And inform the group of his plans but she doesn’t need to know that.) “My offer still stands. If you wish to join me, I’ll give you an hour at the West Gate.” He pointed out the direction “Go to the west of the market and you’ll find the gate. I'll wait for you for an hour”.
He left. Noting the astonishing look she had as he leaped to a nearby roof.
West Gate, Town of Beginning
Floor 1
[ Your Endurance level is increased by 2 ]
[ Your Agility level is increased by 2 ]
[ Your Stamina level is increased by 1 ]
It’s easy to believe that manipulating avatars can be a hassle to find online companions in real life, as they can mislead other players to a false sense of security. The Power of Anonymity as they say. Kirito’s disguise, for example, is ridiculously handsome, the main protagonist type commonly seen from shoujo anime. Akuma is guilty of that too cause he also used disguises often on the job avoiding detection, as everyone in the family does (look at father’s Matches Malone disguise for proof). He customizes his avatar to be as unreachable and frightening as possible to avoid most confrontations in the game. But it seems to fail him in the Beta-testing phase as more players perceived him to be a veteran pro-gamer instead. ‘ Tch’.
Akuma jumped into action on the rooftops of the town. He tried to remember his student’s facial features now that his old avatar is destroyed by Kayaba. ‘ He has average Japanese features, black eyes, and hair, his height could be estimated to be 5’7 same as the initial avatar. He could be a teenager, 14-15 years old I believe.’ Not far from his first assumption of Kirito's real appearance.
With his run, he is able to relearn his new body’s reaction time from the initial avatar he used. It is no longer necessary to hide his abilities in means of survival, hiding his talents will hinder his movement. It's obvious that stating where he gained his skill set comes from is not necessary, who would believe him if he says that he is raised to be a leader of a ninja clan or a vigilante by his family. For now, he is free to leap and travel efficiently to his destination. Towards the West Gate after his wayward student.
Kirito made several stops to the merchants to stockpile supplies for the trip. If he is fast enough he will reach the next town, <<Horunka>> by midnight. Yes, it is dangerous to travel alone. But there is no way that he will stay in this town by the time it becomes a ticking time-bomb to more fighting and headache when resources run out. Besides, once he reaches the town he’s sure no more monsters can enter the safe zone
He and Klein now parted ways. However they are still friends, they talked a bit, and hearing that Klein would remain with his friends here is understandable. He was disheartened by the man’s decision but it’s nice to hear that Klein does care much about his friends.
He stops in his tracks when thinking about what happened today. Before entering the game was elated to set up the game that he sees as the greatest invention of all. Like his mother no his AUNT, Kirito’s far more interested in computers and gaming, and with a lot of research and his time he learns a lot about the game and its objective to be the first VRMMO (short for Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online) game on the market. By that, he did not hesitate to join the closed beta testing and was lucky enough to join the team. He looked up to the gaming company ARGUS and the game’s creator Kayaba Akihiko.
Never in his life did he expect that he would be trapped inside a game. He didn’t expect to wear the Nerve Gear longer after dinner. He wanted to wake up. He wanted to dine with his family, his mom no Aunt, uncle, and his sister stop cousin Saguha.
He still looks at the news from outside the game at the announcement board. ‘Kayaba, you… How can you be so cruel?’ Kazuto’s heart broke from the man he looked up to. All those days of research and all those punishments he has to endure to be just like him. It hurts.
By the gate and peers at the news of the dead players. He will never forget the looks of their mourning families and made him think about his.
How’s Mom and Dad, but he’s still alive so they did listen to the news, that’s good? Are they ok? I’m Okay here, well at least I’m alive. Did Suguha know about this, that he’s not waking up soon? Of course, she did! The whole country knows it! God, I wish this is just a nightmare! That I just fell asleep!
Kirito balances himself at the billboard. His arm stretched, carrying the weight of his body, preventing him from buckling down at his knees.
He could not get the image of the family’s embrace comforting each other. His mind provides him the image of his sister and mother instead, crying together while the ERT carries the body that is covered in white cloth out of their home. His body.

He never said goodbye. He never told Suguha the truth. his eyes glazed with regret, shoulders slumped, and dropped his head.
Kirito is completely frozen yet his mind is frenzied with a million thoughts that he didn’t notice the man who jumped down the tower nearby. The gigantic black-cloaked man landed silently behind the boy with ease. Kirito’s mind whirled with thoughts and scenarios that he wasn’t able to catch the man sneaking behind him.
“Kirito” A voice beckons for his attention. Yet he didn’t move nor notice it.
“...” The boy can only look at the news reports and video playbacks. His eyes watered with unshed tears as he mourned the people that lost their lives. And the families that they left behind.
“Kirito… Student. Step away from that billboard.” The shadow compels him again. It made Kirito unconsciously straighten himself in a snap. Kirito concealed his distress quickly as he used to do all the time.
Kirito recognized someone's voice, and the boy instantly stepped away to gain distance from the intruder ready to strike.
Kirito visibly stood down and lowered his sword when he recognized the man. His sensei’s green eyes view the reports with a calculating gaze. His cloak covered his impressive body build that Kirito knew at his attempt to protect him and the woman before. Now that he mentioned it, Akuma's new form is drastically different.
He couldn’t help but flush red now that he realized his teacher’s IRL body is extremely fit. He could not help but remember Akuma's toned body and that woman, Red Valkyrie’s strong build in that brief embrace at the plaza.
Looking at his teacher, now that he calmed down. He did wonder if Akuma-sensei looked familiar to him. He just can't put his finger where he sees him. But that didn’t matter now, does it?
Silence enveloped the two as they waited to see who would break the ice first.
It took them a couple of minutes until Akuma turned his head towards the boy. He could tell that there is something his teacher is looking for. He could not help but freeze under his investigating green gaze and hold his ground.
“Sensei…” Kirito started. ’ Do you have a family too? ’ He wanted to ask him but he hesitated.
“You're fortunate enough that I reached you before you decide to act reckless” The man grumbled yet his eyes softened at his person. Akuma taught this boy himself. No one tells him to do it. Not Father, his brothers, and sisters, or the Al Ghuls. Just himself and this boy’s reckless bravery.
“What?” Kirito responded. Mulled the fact that Akuma did in fact care enough to chase him. Wait a min- Wasn’t he from the West gate? The other side of the Town? How did he find him so quickly?!
Oh, the chat… makes sense.
“Before you dare utter a word about RUNNING AWAY, Care to tell me what is this insane plan you have in your head” Akuma spoke. Ruffling the head of his student not pulling his handoff. Kirito can’t help but ground himself with the heavyweight, leaning on the older man.
He sputtered when realizing what he did. And tries to recover quickly.
“Uhhh-. I was *ahem* ” Kirito embarrassingly swatted the hand away from his head and thought about the next words he is trying to say. “I want to get the << Anneal Blade .>>, you know the quest in <Horunka>? ”
“The one requires the flower from <<Little Nepenthes>>, correct? I do know of it. They said that that was one of the best beginner’s weapons you get at the early game” Akuma stated.
‘Planning for the best equipment is the first step for much more secure gameplay in the long run. But taking down those <<Little Nepenthes>> are not easily scoffed at .’
“Good luck finding those annoyances, that is one thing to worry about. It's another from beating them in their own garden on the other hand.” The teacher frowned, crossing his arms on his chest.
“How exactly do you plan to beat a bunch of sentient vines without getting yourself eaten?” He continued. He needs to make sure that this kid is in the right in the head. This day is overwhelming enough, but he wasn't tempting fate to the little boat Kirito is in. And although Akuma didn’t encounter the plant-based monsters, something tells him that fighting Poison Ivy before her change gives him a bit of perspective.
“Cut them off of course,” Kirito blinked. He did the quest at the Beta, why the hell did he have to ask that?
“Then what? Do you have any backup contingencies? What happens if you are surrounded or trapped? Did you even have a counter from their acid? ” Akuma asked again and this time the boy stayed silent. The man sighs deeply.
To be honest, when Kirito first approached him to learn, he was dumbfounded. Why on earth does this brat think that HE of all people is capable of teaching?
“Hey! I did the Quest before and it was fine! It turned out well, thanks!” The boy exclaimed. Getting tired of getting chewed on. ‘ Seriously old man, what are you up to?’
“AND, How many times DID you respawn just to get that sword?!” Akuma spat out. "Need I remind you getting tangled in those vines and their acidic spit? Or the time where they tore you to shreds?"
“...” silence covers the pair. Again.
‘ I did get it after 3 respawns, it felt weird ’ Kirito’s mind supplied the answer. Kirito only looks away instead. He can’t believe he forgot the most crucial part of the game. No revivals. No more second chances. Dying is permanent.
‘This isn’t a game anymore, if I die then I die’
Resignation washed over him as he started to understand now. Kirito breathes out his anxiety. Accepting that he is now a part of this world, that he is to take part to escape this place. He doesn’t know whether he gets out here free or dies. He is sure though, That he is not going to lay low while he is willing to fight. Fighting for the freedom of every person in this prison.
“All of this Kirito… Will change your life Kirito” The man solemnly speaks gesturing well, everything... “It will change our lives. This is not just a game anymore, but a new world we have to live in to survive. Everything we know back our home is not something to ponder much of.” ‘ Gotham, Metropolis, Nanda Parbat, Themyscira, Atlantis. What's the difference anyway? All you need to do is to live to see another day ’ Damian remembers how many calculated plans go down the drain when unexpected circumstances happen in those missions.
“Tell me how long does it take for us to clear 10 floors before the beta testing ends. 3 Months Kirito and most of the Open-world monsters weren't even released in the Beta. This will take us at least 3 years just to get up to the top of the tower” Damian walks past Kirito and leans on the side of the gate. The shadow is cast by the tall towers and the walls that fortified the west of the Town of Beginning. Damian never saw the mortified realization of the boy muttering “Three years?”, honestly he never wished to do so.
“Let's not be hasty to take action, Time is not against us. But one wrong misstep will result in us losing a life. Thus we have stayed in touch and all of us are informed. We're not sure what Kayaba changes he did to the floors.”
“Now we are in the Release of the game and Ten thousand players are now lost and surely are in a panic. Us beta testers are now the main sources of information since we stayed here long enough to know what to expect.” Akuma keeps an eye on the boy who is now seated at some of the barrels by the wall.
“Yes. Sensei” Kirito nodded.
“Good. Now open the chat.” Akuma said “See if you can help Argo out” opening his own Menu Window to the chats.
{7 New messages}
Kirito opens the chat to see what in the world is Akuma is talking about.
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Status Online: Chapter 7: Borne out of Red
After he left and one hour to her counter, she ran to find the NPC for the quest earlier. Contemplating if joining him is the best choice. He is a stranger, a strong one, and knows a lot about the game like Lavender to Pico.
Crap! Lavender and Pico! She didn’t save their UID’s too. Maybe Akuma knows her. She’ll ask him later. If she catches him. “I need Medical supplies (no wait potions) potions, clothing, and the dagger. Do we need food? I need to sell the materials for Col first too ”
And by that, she launches herself to the roof, running against time.
Red Valkerie's run. Starting NOW! 01:00:00 time left.
West Gate, Town of Beginning
Floor 1
She uses the crates to climb off with quick jumps to the nearby wall and leaps to reach the ledge. Hands grab the side of the building and hurl herself to the top. She observed the area, noting the landmarks she could easily identify.
She opens the <Map> and confirms the notable locations inside the Town. and then summons a <Notepad> next to the map.
Red Valkyrie's notes
<Teleport Gate Plaza>Notes: Quest-giving NPC gives the mission “Get Rid of the Boars”. Gives off Cols for killing 15 Frenzy Boars. Beginners quest. Not for longtime use.
<Merchant District>Located on all Floors (Workshop, Merchants, Traders, etc.)
<Blackiron Palace>The Respawn area to prisoners against the Law of Aincrad. Largest Building on the Floor? Possible hidden quest? (investigation required)
She also noted the towers that are placed in certain sections. And continues to list the necessary supplies in her checklist. She checked the clock from a distance.
55:38 minutes remaining…
Reviewing the map and the city’s structure illuminated by the orange twilight, taking in the sight of the town. Her head held high and the blue screen disappeared with a wave of her hand.
Red Valkyrie takes a deep breath and slowly releases it. Searching for inner peace she whispers “Tikki spots on”
Fearlessly. She started to run towards the roof of the store below her. Since the roof is lower from the building, she landed on there with a roll that took the impact of her HP, and she continued to flow with her whole body and never stopped running after her quick recovery.
With the fire in her eyes burning in passion, she huffs her breath and dodges the items and clotheslines that cover the rooftops with ease. Rolling above empty tables, flitted between hanging clothes. And avoiding plants potted there with graceful efficiency.
She ran. Ran to gain speed and momentum as she leaps to the next building. Landing herself smack on the wall. But instead of falling to the stone pavement below, she grips the creases of the bricks until she has a footing of the ones below her and quickly launches to the nearby windowsill on her side and continues to climb and proceeds to run again.
Spotted her first target. And landed at the store’s roof that was almost closed for the day and quickly scanned the stuff she needed before startling the NPC.
After a quick break from her low stamina depletion, heaving for air with her body crouched in her landing. She needs to purchase better equipment. “Hi! You're still open?” She grinned at the merchant.
The NPC blinked and then quickly recovered his surprise with a smile. “Hello traveler, you need some equipment? The workshop is open for all”. Most Players welcome themselves from the entrances of the workshop, not from above.
With the <<Drops>> she got and the Col she earned, Red Valkyrie was able to craft her first dagger << Bronze Dagger >>. Well, she said she’ll replace her sword, did she?
And she bought some recovery potions << Healing Potion >>, << Restorative Potion >> , and << Cleansing Potion >>. Quickly her Col ran out from crafting items.
“Thanks, Monsieur! ” She hurriedly sprinted to the < Teleport Gate Plaza >.
“ Monsieur? ” the guy asked as the Player ran off. The Cardinal System provided the French translation.
Definition of monsieur
: a Frenchman of high rank or station —used as a title equivalent to Mister and prefixed to the name of a Frenchman.
: Command:
As the first customer after the creator’s new feature. The workshop designated NPC is now required to pin the Player UID of Red Valkyrie as an important customer to any floor she comes upon.
: Command end:
“My dagger, medicine, potions, and a few camping equipments, Check!” Valkyrie crosses the items out in her checklist.
“Next stop, The Terrified woman.” She talked to herself. Finishing her first task and proceeds to run. Heading to the Plaza.
39:13 minutes remaining…
Rolling after the blockade of crates, she continues to speed on the streets. She reaches the blacksmith and continues to run past it.
When she is about to reach the entrance of the plaza, she hears booming footsteps and warcries coming straight towards her. That makes the woman stop in her tracks. A large number of players are heading towards her at a worrying speed. She panics and frantically looks for a hiding spot.
“FOR FREEDOM!!! ” this is what they chant. “ FOR ALL AND ALL!” They declared.
She looks at someplace and sees a flagpole that has a flag of Aincrad on it. She climbed the coarse flag and tuck herself within the fabric like a cocoon. Hiding her from the people below.
It's a good thing she climbs up to that flagpole in time before the stampede of players burst out of the plaza. Being trampled is not fun. Red Valkyrie relaxed, releasing her breath when she held still.
“Oh…” she realized, a stunned expression on her face. She shakes her head as she chuckles that some of them are heading to the < Merchant District >. She’s fortunate enough to buy the equipment in time before they close. But those people who run past her will have to wait till morning to get supplies.
“Lucky me~” she sang silently and let herself slide to fall clutching the flag in her hand. Once she reaches the pavement quietly, she continues to the plaza once the coast is clear.
Teleport Gate Plaza, Town of Beginning
Floor 1
Once she arrives, as she said before.
It's chaos.
She wasn’t prepared to see this. “Oh no.” She gasps, bringing her hands near her heart as a terribly familiar scene she sadly dealt so many times before.
Her eyes widened and watered as people were crying so loud, something she wished she only last heard in the Akuma Attacks. Wailing that screeches so frighteningly loud and filled with terror. “Children?”
“Why are there children here?” she stuttered. Terrified of the extent of these events and campaigns can go in the future.
Little ones that are definitely not 15 years old are now centered in the middle of the plaza. Big fat tears fell to their faces as they huddled each other. They cried for their parents, they cried to go back home, they pleaded to the sky where Kayaba was to be released.
Some men and women froze, while others console the little ones. But there are others huddled together at designated spots, ones with their own friends and those who sulk alone.
And let's not forget those who let their anger rage against them and trash all over the area. Blaming every moving thing the point at and picking fights they see move. Ignoring the blaring warnings of disruptive violence, that they will be punished by their actions.
“You beta-tester, you said that this is safe!”
“Bastard! You Liar!”
“I wanna go home! I trusted YOU! ”
It seems that a small mob found their target.
A man in his twenties. He is stunned and on the verge of hyperventilating. His eyes froze wide like a deer in the headlights. All while his ears are ringing from all the shouting and his own racing heartbeat, the emotions, and stares that are thrown at his way are heavy and frightening. He couldn't move, he felt naked all under those judging eyes.
He’s scared.
His trembling visage triggered Ladybug Red Valkyrie to sidetrack from her mission and followed the noise of the hateful shouting. Her back straightens as she heavily marches her way towards it.
And in the crowd of thousands, a commanding voice boomed to the people around them.
“Back off”
They all turned their attention to the red-clad woman. She felt their stares but her eyes tighten and focus on the one who is looming on the man who she suspects as the leader.
Red Valkyrie entered the fray. “What seems to be the problem now?” She narrowed her eyes to the players that were harassing the man.
“Stay out of this gaijin !” a rude one interjects. The word never bothered her, but his actions does.

“I will. If you back off from this man, don't test me.” She narrowed her eyes and gazed at them. Everyone was tense to the surprisingly commanding aura she emitted. For a woman, she knew that as a petite figure with a pretty face, no one can hesitate to kick her pride out. But none of them know what she is truly capable of.
“Why do you care bitch, hu! This guy’s a beta-tester! I bet he knows something!” The stupid ring-leader spat angrily at her and then turns his attention to the man, grabbing the other player’s collar. “So spit it out!” He roars to intimidate.
However, the man's gaze was only focused on the woman. ‘ Wasn’t she with Akuma and Kirito earlier? Why is she here?’
He scrams off as the orange-man tossed him off to the ground, unsatisfied from his silence. To face the red-clad woman.
“Are you alright?” the man's companions asked, shakingly. They quietly looked after their friend but they still looked at the woman. She was either brave or stupid. ‘Or she has a plan on her own' The third (fourth?) Beta-tester thought. By all means, he now knew what she is trying to do.
“You! You really level up really high, don't you? Are you like him! Are you a beta-tester too! You cheated too! Didn’t yah!” He pointed his finger to the red-suited player. She only raised her brow in response to his accusations.
“A beta-tester? Me! Oh my! you flatter me?" She giggled mockingly, doing all her best to imitate Chloé's presence.
"Even if I am, What's up to you? Do you really expect that I will just tell you things I know cause you bad-mouthed this gaijin ?” She cooly responded and her one brow raised. “I am new to this game as much as you are. Then again you think you can just trample others because you're unsatisfied? But at least I give the beta-testers something you will never have.”
He only snorted at her statement. Laughing off with his gang, some of them are intimidated by her but they can only laugh awkwardly. She assessed at them deeming them a threat or not. Even the one's whose forehead shines in sweat. She may not notice but the players beyond the gang are mystified by her appearance.
“What your time! Cause I really~ would like some of that” He then lewdly licked his lips, looking her one over. The way he behaved disgusted her, but she stayed standing tall and mighty.
"I was about to say respect but yes that one too~" She looks down to the man and waves him off. Ignoring the sputtering Beta-tester.
She scoffs “If you're trying to be so bold. Then act like it. You're nothing more than a school bully than everything else this game has to offer. Heck, even a boar can beat you to it!" Val mocked him.
Scoffs and silent laughs can be heard silence in the leader's "Shut up!"
‘ Good, just a little more ’ If she planned correctly they will be in jail and no one can be hurt by them as long as she is still in this city. ‘Tikki could have scolded me for being reckless’ she taught.
"You are ridiculous, Utterly ridiculous. Wasting everyone's time to your tantrums and whining. Go back to your school! maybe you can learn more manners there than in here.” Her hand gestures are inanimately posh.
Snickering and whoops can be heard to that burning comment that left the ring-leader embarrassed in shame.
“Why you!- That is it!” he sneered 'finally a reaction'. “Get her!” he commanded. His men moved and the group hurriedly surrounded her.
Hard-headed they all shouted as more uneducated profanity and launched themselves at her. “Good” Now that their attention is directed at her, she crosses her arms and stands her ground as they draw their weapons.
By the time that the ringleader’s sword is about inches away from her face, the security system of the Plaza activates. The delinquents are now frozen by the security system. A flash of red appeared from the floor circles of red spotlights against each individual attacking delinquent.
Multiple red boxes float across the venue to warn them last time for the day. Everyone in the Plaza froze as they remembered the Announcement a few moments ago.
And then a robotic voice spoke for all to hear.
<Violence within the safe zone is not tolerated >
<For disrupting the peace of the Aincrad Safety Regulation:>
<UID ____ is under arrest and to be teleported to the < Blackiron Palace > until further notice>
Unbothered by the announcement's statement. Red Valkyrie moves his sword away from her face and leans to his ear. “So you wanna know my secret?” she mockingly whispered. Making sure that everybody can hear her. She then backs off and looks at all the red-lighted men.
“I read the manual.” She cheerfully said, tilting her head sideways shining them a smile. “It's really simple you know. I’m sure you’ll see a lot of tips with light reading.” She ignored the glinting item on the ground and walked past the frozen gang circling them while their line of sight is still on her.
"But~" She sang.
“With time you all are on probation. I’m sure you’ll have a lot of fun reviewing those tips and tricks.” She shakes her head in mocking sympathy.
She then turned back and waved with a big smile. “Goodbye!”. Ignoring the incoherent shouts and angry grunts from their immovable mouths. Her smug expression is the last thing they saw before being thrown to dark prison.
<Good day!>
And that, all the attackers now disappeared and were taken prisoners to the Palace with a flash of red.
The rest of the group that didn’t attack her now hesitated to do anything. "Alright, what to do with the rest of you? Hm?." Red Valkyrie's name is now ingrained in their heads. She looks at them in a now cooled expression as if pondering for her next move.
They avoided her gaze as she now turns her attention to them and stared at them with her electric blue gaze. “If you're gonna join them, go ahead. But I for one suggest you guys move on your way now.” and that, her features soften as she continues.
“Or, you guys can help them out” gesturing out the other people with them in the plaza. "A lot of people are now really could use some help. Directing them to the nearest Inns and Diners you know. this must be an exhausting day to everyone." She patted one of the men's shoulder as a soothing gesture. Ignoring the flinch he first reacted.
"Maybe you can ask the Church too for them" they followed her sight to the children.
"But If anyone dares to take advantage of any of them," She spoke with a glare that Ladybug can muster.
"Prison will be your heaven against me."
Her eyes shine in her promise.
And she turned her back on them and walked away like she didn’t command them. She doesn't care what they decided to do next. "The choice is now yours"
Red Valkyrie almost tripped at something on the ground, and looking down she saw her <Light Sword> she left before Midori swept her off her feet. She kicks it upwards to the air and stores it in her inventory with a swift swipe of her hand.
“Well, that was easy.” She sighs to herself. She doubted that was the first arrest the system made. But if it is, then good. That will teach them a lesson.
Red Valkyrie breathes deeply, but then she notices that the place is now quiet. Looking around her to assess the area to be found, all that remained stares at her. She blinked at the crowd, and they blink back. She embarrassingly scratched the back of her neck at the wide eyes of the kids. 'Gosh, I'm not this shy as Ladybug.'
She then composes herself and waved at them and strode to the man earlier.
Reading his Username and his friends’, Red Valkyrie can be assured that this group will be safe too.
“Are you alright?” She worriedly asked, offering out her hand to Diavel.
Previous Next Masterlist
Status Online: Before the Beginning Pt.2
Reading his Username and his friends’, Red Valkyrie can be assured that this group will be safe too.
“Are you alright?” She worriedly asked, offering out her hand to Diavel.
Teleport Gate Plaza, Town of Beginning
Floor 1
Diavel observed his savior for who pulled him up to his feet. ‘Dear lord she’s smaller than him.’ The big blue eyes she has made her seem so innocent and humble.
“Monsieur?” Diavel almost broke his neck-snapping his head up to see her waiting patiently. It didn’t take too long to recognize her accent ‘ She’s FRENCH! ’
“Ugh… I’m-uh ” Diavel cleared his throat from catching him staring. “I'm fine, thanks for helping," he explains as he flicks away the dust on his clothes.
Red Valkyrie replies, "Your welcome", and backs away from him and his friends. At least, those who remain his friends. There is a good chance that those involved in that attack will spend a couple of days in the Detention zone ignoring the authorities' blaring warnings within the Safe Zone. She hopes that will calm down the other players by the time then. Hopefully, the instructions don't get too monotonous for them to read as she instructed them.
The players that are now tired and calmed down now most of them dragged themselves and their friends to the nearest inns. Others on the other hand don't mind carrying the sleepy little kids to safety.
A tug at her shirt caused her to look down. A young girl that strayed from the other kids looked at her with tired eyes. “Are you okay, pretty lady?” The girl’s delicate voice is tinged with concern.
As she pats the girl on the head for comfort, the red-clad lady lowers herself to the girl's height. “I’m fine sweetheart. Thank you” She gives her a little smile that gives the child a little hope. “Now go on, your friends are leaving, and be safe before it gets too dark now.”
The child turns her back to leave but pauses and turns back at Valkyrie. Opening her inventory a bunch of colorful flowers materialized in her arms and she hands them off to the Red Valkyrie. Sporting flushed pink cheeks, the girl bowed to the heroine with a shy “Thank you.”
She runs off from the surprised heroine, grabbing the hand of one of the adults that are waiting for the child.
Marinette blinks from the near-empty courtyard and finds herself walking to the quest NPC.
After the exchange, the terrified woman thanks Valkyrie for getting rid of the boars and gives the player her compensation. But before the NPC returned to her home station, “Here take these” Valkyrie gave the woman some of the flowers she received. “Oh no, dear!” she exclaimed. “There is no need for that!”
“Miss, I insist. I hope this will help you. I’m sorry that you didn’t get to go out this morning because of the boars.”
Valkyrie quickly bids the woman farewell before she interjects further and heads back to the nearest Main Gate. Storing the remaining gifted flowers in her inventory, locking them from being deleted.
24:30 minutes remaining…
Main Gate, Town of Beginning
Floor 1
She planned to meet Midori outside the Gate instead of inside, since she is now in the southern area all she needs to do is to run at the-
“VALKYRIE! Is that YOU?!” There is a loud shout heard through the area. A young woman runs up and crashes into Valkyrie in a hug before Valkyrie can turn around. She flinches, being off guard, and is surprised when the attacker begins to cry in their embrace.
She froze and looked up the name to see “Pico?” she asked. She doesn't mind the gender-changing after all this is just a game. She rubs their back to calm down.
Pico’s previous avatar is far from their new avatar. Their hair is longer, RV just reaches their height, facial features are completely different. But this person is Pico she met earlier, and Marinette knows it.
“Pico, you'd better get back here!” Lavender notices her sibling run off while she DM Diavel and chases them then she notices the person they're hugging.
“Valkyrie!” Lavender breathes in relief and feels so happy to see their friend is safe.
“Lavender” Valkyrie gasps out from Pico's grip. As they cooled off, she stroked Pico's hair.
"I'm glad you both are okay."
Lavender sighs and places her hand on both Valkyrie and her sibling’s shoulders.
“Me too… Me too”.
Valkyrie lets go of Pico and push him off her gently.
19:45 minutes remaining…
“Guys listen, There’s something I need to tell you.” She looks at her first friends in the eyes. She hates it when the light in her eyes diminishes to confusion and fear. And she felt the same.
She just met them and it felt amazing to find new friends. But at the same time, it terrifies her how easy it is to gain people’s trust and devotion. She is aware of how her friends latch upon her and put her on an altar to either love her or hate her. As their Everyday ladybug? As Paris’ Hero Ladybug?
“There was someone I met. And as a result, he asked to take me to a different town and teach me.” Red Valkyrie is revealed as she is preparing to leave.
“The idea doesn't sound good to me," Pico shakes his head frantically, Lavender agreed to that statement. Ignoring the incoming footsteps behind him.
“ I know. That's why I have to ask. Lavender” Valkyrie then confronts the beta-tester with an interesting look. “Did you know someone named Midori no Akuma?” The temperature must have dropped cold. Lavender's face becomes pale and her spine shivers with the memory of the Boss Slayer.
“Where have you heard of him?” Lavender’s face darkens and now gently puts her hand on Red Valkyrie’s shoulder. Val is beginning to fridget, worried that she might have said something wrong.
Her friend is now looking straight into her eyes looking for the truth and beckons Valkyrie to answer. The new player only states the truth, she has not much to hide from Lavender
“I met him,” She revealed. Wary at the Beta-tester’s now blank look.
“Yes...” Lavender needs more details.
“At the plaza, when Kayaba is giving his speech. He helped me when I was having a panic attack” Red Valkyrie now on the verge of rambling.
“Then...” More .
“When the barrier went down I followed him out the plaza and we talked.”
“And…” MORE !
“He invited me to be part of his party… ”
“So you're telling me. That you met Akuma-san earlier. And talked to him. Just after the Kabaya’s… Speech? ”
Red Valkyrie nodded.
“He invites you to be part of his party. And he’s- What? heading his way here?” This is Lavender testing her. People just sometimes can be assholes when taking advantage of others, especially powerful ones. So seeing a username that is just connected to her comrade. A new username her comrade that a powerful player uses in a game of death, she needs to take heavy precautions.
Besides, the only thing she needed to do is ask Akuma to verify Valkyrie’s claim. Hopefully, he’s still online with Kirito.
“Technically we are supposed to meet somewhere when we need to be separated. ” Valkyrie replied.
“Where?” Lavender growls. Are you a friend or a foe?
“Now, Why should I tell you that?” The new player teased. Meeting her steel eyes with her own.
During the silence, the two stare at each other with heated intensity. While at the corner of their eyes Pico is frightened by his friend and his sister’s actions.
That silence was broken with Lavender's scoff. The corners of her lips tip to a polite smile and steps away from the new player.
“Ha ha ha! Oh! I was just joking! There’s no need to be hostile about it,” she said. “I guess I need to check on something”
And by that, she steps away from her sibling and Val to contact AKUMA at the [Beta Chat]. If she made a single mistake of blurting out his new identity, he’ll kill her ( an excruciating death ).
“Please pardon my sister. She can get overboard sometimes in some things.” Pico started with a light bow hoping that he might put this (fight?) situation lighter.
“No that’s alright I get that some people have their doubts” Is there something I said? Did I blurt out the wrong thing? Wait, what if Lavender is one of Midori’s enemies? Oh no! I could have cost more trouble!
“Hey, can I have your UID?”
“Sure go ahead”
[Friend Request from: Red Valkyrie ]
[Friend Request from: Red Valkyrie ]
[X/ O ]
Lavender ignores her sibling’s chatter and chats to Akuma and Argo.
Akuma’s straightforward responses and Kirito’s presence in the chat reassures the other beta-testers about Red Valkyrie’s presence and Akuma’s invitation. Her hands hovered at the keyboard and relief settled her down as Red Valkyrie’s alibi is indeed the truth.
“ You’ve got to be kidding me.” Lavender laughs out loud while her eyes are stuck at her screen. She laughs at how protective she has been for a man that could kill her.
She also replied to Diavel’s DMs about her location. After closing the chatbox, she swipes the menu away. Feeling bewildered she only stared at the distance while her mind processed what happened.
“Val, you're one lucky girl! Akuma-san did ask you out!” She teased. Suddenly she twists her body facing RV and Lavender suddenly grabs both her arms and begins to shake her. Violently.
“You And Akuma! Ayeeee! Mido-Midori no AKUMA! Am I hearing this right?!” Lavender squealed to the new player. Excitement is now shining in her eyes. Marinette is glad that someone had the thought of asking him directly. Of Course, she coincidentally ran up to Akuma’s friends. How lucky.
“Oh my god! You met him! No way! Are you Okay? Did he hurt you? Oh no, you're probably scared of him now. What are his stats like? Does he have good equipment now?! What does he look like? Answer Me!”
Valkyrie is getting dizzy now. Now that her head is shaking like one of Manon’s baby rattles.
Pico steps away from the duo at a safe distance from the now crazy sister. Feeling sorry for Valkyrie. Coward
“Um, Sis you're making her dizzy.” He said from afar.
No beta-tester does not know of the menacing player, The Green Dragon. She for one is not blind to see how sharp the man he is. He, however, is one of the deadliest players on the platform.
In the past closed Beta testing, In every PVP fight he participated he never lost. NEVER!
His sword skills and equipment may lean towards the <<Ninjutsu>> skill set but she can recognize more different martial arts he implements such as Kali and Judo. And who the f*ck forgets about him doing stunts in town and at the forest areas.
Everyone admired him but no one was that brave to ask him anything. Most people felt naked and shaking under Green Dragon’s glare. But if it's not his glare they’re afraid off, his burning words do. Every word he uses hits as they scorch the very soul with all he damned before.
Kirito is the only one who got a hold of him.
His superior planning against boss battles and pseudo bosses made him stand out from most independent fighters. And he is known to beat floor bosses on his own, a boss slayer.
Didn’t take long for a guild of beta-players to accuse him of cheating and hacking and challenge him to a duel . Sure Green Dragon is OP, but it's unfair that they are ganging up on him and surely planned to plunder his inventory once he lost.
A fight not worth the trouble but the beta-testers watching from the sidelines are bewildered in his response.
“Fine, Since you cretins wish to die. I’ll gladly serve it to you on a silver platter.”
This surprised the leader of the guild to the Dragon’s arrogance. For sure the player will be dead before a minute in battle. The <<Total Loss Mode>> duel is held in the Starting City’s arena.
<<Total Loss Mode>> is a duel type that only stops when the enemy’s Hitpoints (Health bar) reaches zero, forcing the losing player to either log out of the game or start again from Level 1.
She doubts however that anyone will challenge this in the alpha release.
At the challenge, The whole arena is crowded with all the Beta-testers and the game developers supervising the beta-testings. Now, imagine ten men with their best equipment and skills challenge a single player. But in the end, he comes back victorious striking all of them to the death. At the end of his victory he only just collected all of their items and left them with their perspective bags on the resurrection gate.
Mocking the guild in their defeat. No one underestimated him ever again.
Even Heathcliff himself recognized Drag no Akuma as a Formidable fighter! The Biggest HP Shielder player on beta! No wait, The Battle of the Green-eyed Demon vs The Paladin is one of the greatest fights in history!
Dear lord almighty! That was a terrifying duel and she’s lucky to be one of the spectators! She never thought to see such a fight. Seeing two of the most spectacular players in the beta battle! It's incredibly breathtaking the way Akuma strikes with precision and creativity and Heathcliff’s total defense that is unspeakably impenetrable.
Now that Red Valkyrie got his attention despite his denial of taking her as a student. That leaves Lavender spending her time preaching about her first-hand experiences as a beta tester. Lavender is giving her friend all the best advice she can give to Akuma’s potentially second student.
“Well, I have to admit he is an intimidating character.” A convincing comment voiced the presence of another group. The three friends turned towards the voice. There stands Diavel and his group that numbered at least half a dozen. They must have been standing for so long listening to Lavender’s stories. It would be rude to interrupt a rant.
“You know this Dragon too D?” Diavel’s friends now asked in a soft-spoken voice to Diavel. Because for one, Those stories are completely unbelievable and intimidating. But if Diavel didn’t even deny that the guy the woman described is death personified then…
Diavel confirms it. “Oh, I too saw him battle firsthand. His combat prowess is… Indomitable.” He then falls into silence while he mentally headcounts all of his companions that he did not leave anyone behind.
He had a shiver going down his spine when he remembered the behemoth. He looks up to the man. The man is truly frightening, but that does not mean he stops improving and leveling up. His resolve is now pushing him to get out of this game as quickly as possible, like him. Having Akuma in the game will give all the players an advantage.
But that does not mean he is less jealous of Kirito who gets to be his apprentice.
“It's Diavel! Diavel you're here!” Lavender jumped into his arms and exclaimed breathlessly. The unamused man catches her out of habit and wraps his arms on her, bringing Lavender close to him. “It's good to see you too, Lavender,” he murmured with a weak chuckle snapping out of his musing.
Red Valkyrie observes the two beta-testers closely. It's clear that both Lavender and Diavel respected and feared the man. If Diavel confirms Lavender’s story is true then her hunch that Midori is more than a simple citizen is not misplaced.
Being powerful against Bosses and drawing the best Shielder Player is no joke. She hopes that boss battles won’t be scaled by his level when they fight floor bosses.
“I would suggest you take good care of yourself, Miss Valkyrie. Known to be silent, he has a deadly reputation back in closed beta." Davel speaks with his experience. No matter how many times he is in a party with Akuma, he never gets used to his disappearing acts. One point he’s there and the next time you look at him he’s gone.
With Lavender’s feet on the ground. “Yeah! We heard that someone took his name now too, so he changed his username. So if you see someone playing as Green Dragon, congrats you get the copycat. ” Lavender is still salty about the name snatcher.
“That’s right, he is now called Midori no Akuma, man his name now is more quite frightening” Diavel stated to himself while holding his head for future headaches to come.
Lavender drives her elbow at Diavel’s ribs. “And for good reason Diavel! Oh! Make sure to stock up potions and medical supplies too. His training regime is so tough that his apprentice almost passes out sometimes.” She reminded Red Valkyrie.
“Lavender, Why training?” Diavel asked Lavender with a raised brow. Crossing his arms in his chest he relaxed while leaning his body to his companion who didn’t mind the weight.
“Because he invited her to his Party! And don't look at me like that, look at what happened the last time he did that! Boom! Kirito is his Apprentice” She stretched her arms wide when saying that.
“Her?” Diavel blinks at Lavender with wide eyes as he points his finger now to Red Valkyrie who only raises a brow. I mean I get it from what happened earlier at the plaza. But wasn't it too soon to get another student? Uneasiness filled up his guts, but he does not show it.
“Yes, got a problem with it?” Lavender narrows her eyes at her comrade. In which he raised his hands in surrender as he nervously responded, “Hehe Nope.” His sweatdrops at the intensity of the taller woman’s protective glare.
“Just our luck that we can’t feel pain from hits and strikes. But tiredness and exhaustion are other stories. Being dropped in the middle of a fight is a real drag, cause some douche didn’t sleep.”
“Thank you, Lavender. ” RV has been taking notes nonstop ever since Lavender started to ramble.
“No Probs. But lemme ask you something.”
The beta tester now thought of it “What did you do?” Lavender asked the red-clad woman.
“You can't possibly say that he just asked you willy-nilly! There’s something you did to make him say that so spill!”
Lavender knows about Red Valkyrie’s skill from their clearings earlier. She is a fast learner and a creative one too. But that is not how you get Akuma’s attention, so what is it?
“... um” Is she flushing? That seems juicy.
Lavender leans closer to Valkyrie as if she is listening to a secret that Akuma is hiding. The rest follows suit. Pico, Diavel, and the others inched closer to the red-clad player that is now flushing red.
“You know…” Valkyrie starts, the other players are itching to know the Secret.
“I’m not even sure either.” She said scratching the nape of her head. She hadn't thought about it earlier.
Why did he want me to join him anyway?
“WHAT?!” the group simultaneously shouted. The rest landed on their back on the grass and some backed away disappointed that maybe they can get the upper hand too. The two beta testers only sigh in defeat, They are hoping to get Akuma’s secret just as anyone would love to know. But alas, their dreams keep crashing down on them.
“Well, After we leave the plaza. He grabs me to follow him-” Lavender noisily interrupts to tease “How exactly did you follow him?”
“Um- we ran and jumped on rooftops” Silence envelopes that group and takes the opportunity to share again. That’s it. She just parkours while he just stunts his way out the plaza
“Anyway, we landed somewhere, and…”
“That was an interesting run. ~Mademoiselle~”
“And… we talked, we just talked about Kayaba and what happens to us now.” Valkyrie controlled the red flush in her cheeks, (un)luckily the orange hue only shines in her direction.
“But…” Marinette started to speak again but her eyes were clouded, into deep thoughts.
“From what I see in him, he’s a straightforward man. He is either highly intelligent or well-informed. Those skills he has do not simply come along from an ordinary person. He has training before entering the game. I mean, I used to parkour and martial arts because Paris had trouble with terrorist attacks when I was at Collège”
Silence thins out the area. As all ears are focused on her alone.
“Midori is one of those people just shrouded with mystery. However, I can say that he is willing to help all of us in his way even if they seem to be questionable. He helped me come back from my panic attack earlier and assisted me out of the plaza to calm down. He could have stopped there and left me if he wanted to. Midori admitted to himself that leaving the village to get scout info for other players in hopes that they will be safer to venture beyond the Starting city” Red Valkyrie shares her opinion with compassion and respect.
“He’s calculative and decisive. I don’t mind his commanding attitude. To be honest, I don’t know what he sees in me to give me a chance to scout with him. But from my point of view, I believe that he is a man that cares for everyone. I mean he is talking to you guys so that means you are friends. Right?”
Friends with Akuma-san/sama?! She’ll be surprised at how he handles his ‘Friends’. Lavender and Diavel just chuckle nervously at her implication but do not dare to correct her.
“Anyway, I would like to Thank you, guys. I now notice that beta-testers are gonna be targeted soon and I want you guys to be safe at these times. I mean that attack at the plaza is just going to be the first out of many.” Valkyrie looks at Diavel and his group, most of them stiffen and others flinched at their (friends?) guildmates’ actions. Diavel disheartens with what she is trying to say. Lavender is hesitant to ask why the gloom.
“However, I don’t believe that Beta-testers are all bad. Sure there are going to be some withholding information soon that can make our advancement possible to get out of the game. All those looting and monopolizing drop items is going to suck.”
“Humph! You make it sound like we’re savages” Lavender pouted which made Val chuckle sheepishly.
“Mido- I mean Akuma also said that Player Killing is also highly possible to happen when all the resources run dry by greedy players, not just beta-testers. I do not doubt that they will hunt down the Beta-testers first when the time comes for information or their stuff.”
“But It’s only just a game. We got nothing out of being trapped here but killing…” One of Diavel’s friends spoke up. Another one injects “Killing in the game is just normal, Revivals happened.”
“Not anymore.” Diavel solemnly spoke up. “Dying in here by any means, whatever the circumstances will result in us dead. I don’t know about you, but there is no way I’m testing that theory out like a guinea pig.”
“And remember what Kayaba said. This is not a game anymore, We are playing in his world now.” Red Valkyrie morbidly said, hoping for that denial passed on. “It is his to rule If he said that people can die because of monsters. What’s so different about being killed by other people?”
“Hiding is not the solution though,” Lavender announces from her screen. She looks up and confidently states about the collaborations.
“Us beta-testers are already contacting each other to unite forces and information that we can give to the new player base. Besides, there have been suspicions about Kayaba tweaking codes with the monsters. There is a big chance that he changes some of the battles and revamps monsters. This is more dangerous because even we Beta testers didn’t know what the changes were. Those kinds of info could kill us when these things aren’t solved. ”
“Then I leave you to it guys!” Red Valkyrie announced to the crowd.
Heads turned to the western part of the city. They were surprised that the Red Valkyrie is now running far away from them silently. The beta-testers and the new players both looked foolish at the retreating back of the red-clad savior.
*Cricket noises*
“Hey! Where do you think you're going!” Pico screeched. Pointing his finger at his retreating friend.
The woman only waves her friends goodbye. “I’m late! Going with Midori no Akuma! Take care of yourselves. And look after each other! Bye!” Valkyrie shouted as hurriedly ran before her time ran out.
“Bye Valkyrie!” Lavender shouted, “Tell me about your date soon!”
“It's Not A Date!”
“You can always join us when he rejects you! Call me!” wait a sec.
“Wow, Diavel you sound so devious”
“I don’t need to hear that from you!”
“Take care of yourself, Valkyrie-san!”
“You too. Gha! I’m going to be lateeeee!!!”
5:05 minutes remaining…
“Let's get back inside, it's getting dark now.” Diavel pats the back of Gabriel and heads back toward the town.
“But what about her?” Pico asked Diavel. His soft-spoken voice was laced with worry.
“Just hope that she’ll reach Akuma in time, she’ll be fine.” Diavel patted the young player’s shoulder.
All of his unofficial guild with Pico enters the plaza to find vacant rooms. Leaving Diavel and Lavender alone with the night breeze.
“What happens to us now?” Lavender stands tall while looking at the visible (fake) moon and takes a deep breath.
“I don’t know. We’ll just figure that out tomorrow.” Diavel overlaps his arm to the girl’s shoulder and rubs her arm. “Come on, we’re not frozen in place after all”
“Hum! Stop quoting him!” Lavender lightly backhands the man’s shaking shoulders. Laughing at this man’s timing to spoil the moment. They both calmed down from their high and…
Just rest easy.
“What are you doing anyway?”
“I’m… praying.”
“Ok Look! I’m not a religious person but I hope that my family will be ok. I mean I don’t have much in my bank account but I hope that will sustain them until we get out.”
“If we ever get out. OW! Hey!” And Lavender punches his arm.
“Hush! No negativity, only positive thoughts.”
“That seems fair. Do you mind if I pray with you?”
“Go ahead, got any prayer requests? ”
“Huh. Hope that someone takes care of my office plant.” The two laughed. Both of their eyes closed “And I guess for the three of them out there. Especially Kirito and Val”
“Yeah, Akuma is definitely gonna beat their asses.”
“Language” the man opens one of his eyes to peek at Lavender then closes back.
“Sorry, not sorry”
And soon, they pray for the poor souls of Kirito and Red Valkyrie. She heard about Akuma’s training regime that it was normal practice to start from half the hit points bar. She does pity for Valkyrie and Kirito’s future torture training.

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