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Idol!Yunho x staff!Reader: Any Body Can Dance

Summary: A classic Friends to lovers story and basically fluff. Lets say being one of the only young staff and the only Atiny staff makes you catch the eye of the boss who make you a really close friend. But, one of them had a special heart towards you.
A/n: Idk if anyone will read this, but this is one of my first fics so, sorry for any mistakes
"I thought your work was over" Maddox said as he stood beside you infront of the vending machine. "It is" you said as I grabbed a bottle of chilled lemon tea, and a pepsi.
"Then what are you doing here today? On a Friday evening after your shift?" He asked, I still feel swooned over his brit accent.
"I had nothing better to do, and the boys were practicing, so I was just watching and cheering for them" I said smiled. Maddox had always been like an older brother to me since I started doing a small project for Edenary. That's how I met Hongjoong and the boys, Immediately clicking with the 99 liners, being one myself. But somehow I was closest to Yunho and Wooyoung.
"Aish, Y/n-ah you need to go out, with friends, do some stuff" Maddox said with a big sigh.
"I will, I just don't feel like doing anything today and also I didn't wanna be lonely. And the boys said they didn't mind, and Woo promised food" I said grinning
"That's good but don't stay too late okay?" He said and I nodded and went back my way to the studio. I entered the studio door to find only Mingi, Wooyoung and Yunho. I sat in my designated spot, the three were trying to fix some mis synchronised parts and better a few steps which they feel they were lacking at. The rest had already went home. Soon, Yunho and Wooyoung drop on my both sided and Mingi said a faint good bye, picked his bag, ruffled my hair and ran away. I ran my fingers through their sweaty hairs. I knew these two liked that, specially Yunho, who leaned in like a little puppy. I left Wooyoung's hair and put more attention on Yunho and I heard Wooyoung groan.
"Hey I'm your bias!" He said with a pout.
"So?" I said as Yunho giggled.
"I should get more attention" he said with a cheeky smile and a wink and I went wide eyes, This guy sure knows how to get on my nerves. But the guy didn't stop, he stared deep into my eyes and leaned infront of my face.
"I reget the moment I told you your my bias" I said playfully shoving him off.
"Oh yeah Y/n, I have prepared something for you"
"Really what?" Wooyoung bet me in speaking.
"Y/n, Woo thats me, its my question" I pouted and he came over and hugged me. That's his love language, physical contact, I've gotten used to it, being one of the only staff around their age the members were always comfortable with me.
So Yunho continued "I noticed you are quite obsessed with this song so.." he trailed off and chose a certain song whose music was oh so known to me.
I literally gasped and said "Nooooo!"
And Yunho ran back to the center of the room, and threw in step after step, meeting every beat and rhythm. It was visible he practiced it, he did it with a soft smirk in his face. I kept looking at him in awe. The way he moved his body to meet each beat really made me feel in different ways. I just kept staring at him, while at a point Wooyoung unlatched himself from me and ran to join Yunho in the choreo, and damn was the moment intense. Even I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks. It ended and I was awestruck for a few seconds and then I started clapping, I literally stood up and engulfed Yunho in a hug. I dont know why but this gesture of his made me so touched. And Wooyoung dramatically cleared his throat, I just looked at him and signalled him to join in and he hugged the both of us.
As we ate the food Woo order why talking about the randomest stuff and Yunho suddenly said "Y/n lets teach you the routine"
"What do you mean teach me? Why?" I asked not looking up from the food. And suddenly I realised and asked "Wait! Why are you putting me and Dance in the same line? I don't dance!" I said, but that's not true and even Wooyoung knows it, so gave him a look and he shook his head.
"I've seen you doing our Wave choreo with Woo, that day" he said wiggling his eye brows.
"Oh god! I can't I'm embarrassed, its embarrassing" I said hiding behind Woo, "no its not, you're good" Woo affirmed.
"And Anybody can dance, besides, we're not judging you, its just your friends. And Woo's already seen you dance besides, its a two people's choreo anyway" Yunho said shrugging
"Hey thats bias privileges!" Woo added.
But I gave in, I wanted to do it. "Okay lets do this! But go slow okay" I said.
Yunho and Wooyoung stood up and I stood up behind them. I did a bit of stretching as they told me to and I began, Yunho teaching me very carefully. Seems like this was his plan all along. I dip and up and the two idiots cheered.
"Considering you haven't danced in ages. I'd say you are amazing" Woo said.
"Yay! This way we could be ready to show the others in no time" he looked so excited when he said that, damn I can't deny him. "Only if we can shoot it for my private id, you can wear a mask.
"Done" He said.
And I was excited. We practiced quite a bit after that, staying back late, at times Wooyoung would accompany us and at times it would be just me and Yunho. Yunho's affirmations helped me gain my confidence alot.
And finally the day on which we decided to show the other members came. Yunho and I went for shopping the day before, we bought matching sweats and tshirts, with a mask.
It was so fun as Wooyoung, shot our video and I danced off with Yunho, trying to keep up with him, trying to catch every beat just how he taught me. And the boys kept cheering, their cheers only died down in the end as each of them cane in for a hug, telling praises and how they were all shocked.
"We should do this more often I'm bored of dancing with these same idiots for so long!" Yunho said laughing, as Wooyoung literally tackled you in a hug, "You burnt it. How dare you say you can't dance!"
"I can't and your going overboard with the comments" I said
"I'm serious you were good for someone who hasn't danced in as long as you say" Seonghwa came up and said with a wide smile.
"Aww Hwa!" I coo and he opened his arms as I hugged him. "Your such a softy Hwa" I muffled and said.
3rd Person pov
"So you've been here that long. God, that great!" He told you. You were talking to a staff whom you got to know is from the same country as you and he's also around your age, he is one of the stylists here.
What you didn't know was a pair of eyes watching you closely.
"You'll burn a hole in her head" Hongjoong's voice was heard as he sat down beside an almost fuming Yunho.
"Hyung, she's been talking to him too much. It's- nothing" Yunho stopped mid sentence and sighed. The guys were just taking a break from the practice. You had come to see them for a bit and met this friend on your way out and are now chatting up.
"If that bothers you so much then why dont you make a move?" Seonghwa said sitting in front of him with San at tow.
"Like dude you need to drop hints and play smooth, else how's she gonna know?!" San said
"What if she doesn't like me that way. I think she likes Wooyoung. Like the way they interact and stuff" Yunho said feeling depressed.
"Wooyoung? What makes you think that?" San asked
"He's her bias!â
"Hey I'm also her Bias! That's not even a point here" Seonghwa exclaimed.
"They are so close and all" Yunho tried to reason further.
"Woo is like that with everyone" they stopped to look at Wooyoung forcefully cuddle Yeosang who is trying to break free. "Yunho stop being stupid and tell me. Do you like her?" Hongjoong asked in all seriousness.
"Yes" He answered firmly not even taking a minute to think.
"Then go ask her out" Hongjoong said.
"Okay! Yes!" Yunho said standing up
"Even if you get rejected it would be worth it" San said and made Yunho nervous.
You were about to return back when Yunho called you. "Hey Y/n"
"Hi Yunho. Whats up?"
"Do you wanna go out? Get coffee?" Yunho asked
"You want coffee? Why would we need to go out for that? You wait I'll order all your usuals!" You said cheerfully
"Y/n, Y/n! Wait!" He called out, stopping you by your shoulder before you could rush out.
"I meant that we could go out for coffee, just the two of us" He blurted out and you went still "only if you are comfortable" he added. You felt like you were at a loss of words. Was Yunho 'Asking you out?' you stopped thinking and just nodded your head.
"Wait a moment I'll get my things" He said and you looked down to avoid contact, cause if you'd look up, he'd see how blushed your face was.
You both walked out, both of you wore masks and he wore a bucket hat to add on. Though at first it was awkward, but then as you both kept talking the awkwardness was blown away. You both laughed and talked about different topics, on your way to a cafe that the 9 of you visited often. Its inside an alley and hence not very known or popular. But, the food and the owner were very good and hence you guys became a regular.
"I'm glad you chose to come here" You said as the old lady served you both your beverages.
"Of Course, imagine getting a coffee alone in the cafeteria" Yunho said and laughed.
"Oh God! The staff cannot take that I am close to you guys, as it is" You said.
"Hey! You're like one of the only young staffs. And our only Atiny staff, of course we'd befriend you anyhow" he said. And you couldn't help but grin.
"I need to ask you something" Yunho said suddenly looking into your eyes. His cheeks seemed red, 'was he blushing?' but your train of thoughts were blasted as soon as he launched the question.
"How do you think of us, as in you and me. Non-platonically?" He asked
You felt like the air was knocked out of your lungs. You completely freaked out what to reply "ah.. um" you muttered.
"I haven't ever thought about it, um.. but Well we would match well" and you stopped.
"I'm sensing a but?" Yunho interjected.
"but you're you. And I am me." You said and shrugged.
He looked visibly confused, eye brows knitted "What's that supposed to mean?"
"You know. You're an Idol, I am a normal human" you said.
"Why? Does being an Idol make us any less humane?"
"More like a super human" you said cocking an eye brow "We are two worlds. And what if the company doesn't allow and people get to know and"
"Y/n Y/n! Wait. Breath in" he said grabbing both of you hands in his. For some reason that seemed to really calm you. Yes, you've had the hugest crush on Yunho even before you knew him. Watching him from afar with the staff and members warmed your heart, and it increased when you started directly interacting with the boys. But the day you both "performed for the first time" was the day you realised, 'You like him' but never expected any reciprocation, for obvious reasons. This all felt like a dream but its not good for one to dwell in dreams.
"What are you afraid of? Do you like someone else?" He asked. You just shook your head a no.
"Then what are you afraid of? Look at me. Stop looking at your empty cup as if there's a BTS concert going on in it" at that you giggled and looked at him.
Damn, how much you adored those puppy eyes. And how they were looking at you dripping of adoration. "I am insecure okay? Your world is so shiny and full of glamour. I don't fit there Yunho"
"You fit in with my members? Who are also my bestfriends and I guess yours too. Right?" He said in a soft voice and you nodded.
"Don't you think just because we have a different profession it's a bit harsh for you to think we won't fit? And we just need to fit in with each other." He said and realisation hit you. He was right, who cares what the world thinks.
"You're right but, what if you realise that I'm not good enough and-" he again stopped you
"Y/n! First of all, I'd be an idiotic bastard to think that. Second of all, we could just take it slow at your pace. And third of all, even you could find someone better than me. So let all the ifs and buts go and lets go slow, one day at a time okay?" He said.
"Baby steps" you said while nodding and smiled.
"I like you." He finally said.
You just snatched your hands away and hid your face, more like your cheeks, "I like you too" you blurted out. He smiled and removed your hands.
"Let me enjoy your blushed view, okay" he said making you go even more red.
You both parted ways from the cafe, Yunho went his way first and you entered after a good 15 to 20 minutes. You tried your best to not burst out into smiles randomly.
A week had already passed and things were going well, the members had known and were very happy for you both. You were working when suddenly a notification grabbed your attention.
Golden Puppy đ¶ sent you a message:
Hey. I wanna take you home. Would you wait after shift?
> Sure? When do you get off?
Just 2 hours. You could go down to Studio 3 and wait. Okay?
> Okay đ
I'll come find you.
You stopped a squeal that was about to leave your throat. You had always imagined this, and this is reality. You just hope that if its a dream, it never ends.
You were done comparatively early, that day so you waited for the other staff to disperse, saying that you had something left. As soon as you saw the coast clear you slowly went towards where the Studios are.
You hovered a bit before, pushing the door open and peeked in.
"Hey! Y/n! Come in!" You heard San say.
You entered to find, WooSanHwa, inside.
"Hey! WooSanHwa!" You said. Only to hear three if them cringe. You dropped your bag with theirs and dropped to the ground with them.
"Okay so tell me Y/n Cry for me or The Feels choose one?" San asked. This wasn't the first time they asked a question like this, their arguments and you being the argument breaker was a common thing.
"Um.. well both the songs have a different charm, but If it were up to me then I'd choose The feels" you said.
"Yes!" Seonghwa cheered and Woosan groaned.
"Get up! Lets dance?" Hwa stood up to say.
"Whaaaaat?" You asked.
"You danced with Yunho amd even Woo! I deserve, no wait! I demand for my privilege too!â
You stayed silent and thought, whats the odds, they've seen you suck anyways.
"Okay" you said smiling.
"Yay" Seonghwa stood up.
And step by step Seonghwa kept showing you and explaining every step to you. And you kept following him, you couldn't lie Seonghwa really made the steps easier or may be because you knew and saw the choreo many times it's coming better to you. With San and Wooyoung busy playing some battle royal at a corner, time flowed and you didn't even realise it was over 2 hours.
Yunho walked to the Studio to hear music playing, he was more shocked when he saw you hit off the steps to the song with such ease. He wouldn't lie if he said that didn't turn him on a bit on, damn it was hot.
He entered and as soon as your eyes met you winked, he felt his whole body freeze and blood rush to his cheeks. Soon the part of dance ended and you and Seonghwa took a seat.
Yunho was about to rush in for a hug but was pushed away by Wooyoung who bet him to it. And you laughed hard.
"Hey! I'm her boyfriend!" Yunho complained.
"But I'm her bias!â Wooyoung said. "Bias privileges~" he sang and stuck out a tongue. As soon as he left you Yunho grabbed your hand and pulled you to a tight hug.
"Lets go" he murmured and picked up yours and his bag.
He held your hand and as you were about to go towards the exit he pulled you to the parking lot.
"What are we doing here?" You asked
"Why you wanna walk all the way to your apartment?" He asked and unlocked a car.
"Thats Manager nim's car!" You exclaimed
"And? I'm borowing it" he said.
"You asked right?" You made sure
"Babe this is not a drama! Of course I asked" he said.
"Good. What did you tell him?" You asked.
"What do you mean? What did I tell him? I told him that I wanna drop you home" he said shrugging.
"WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED TO NOT TELLING ANYONE?!" you ask almost shouting.
"You told him! And that is why today morning he was giving me that smile! Oh god!" You spoke again face palming.
"it's okay! It's important for him to know okay?" He said assuring you. The rest of the drive went on discussing various things that happened to the both of you along the day. As he pulled pulled near your building.
"Thank you for dropping me" you said exiting the car.
"Wait!" He called out and left the car as well. You saw him open his arms. You couldn't help but coo at his cuteness and run to his arms
His smell intoxicated you and his warmth wanted to make you stay forever.
"Y/n?" He mumbled still holding up. And you looked up.
"You looked so hot dancing today" he commented looking down at you. You blushed under his sight, and Yunho felt blissful. And suddenly, he bent down and pecked you lips and smirked.
"Sorry I had to I-" he started but you stopped him by pulling him down by his collar for another kiss. His hands wrapped around your waist as he smiled into the kiss and pulled you closer. It felt as if his lips melted against yours, that felt like home. Both of your mouths moved against each other in such sync and you laced your arms behind his neck. And you both finally parted because, oxygen.
"Good Night Yu" you said with a slight blush on your cheeks and rushed inside. Once the elevator door was closed. You looked at your reflection and touched your lips. Man! Was that real? Is he even real?! You thought
Meanwhile, Yunho stood there for a good 1 minute, dazed, then he smiled to himself and got in the car and drove away.
Modern Jazz tanzen @ballettschuleschreieck Landau jeden Dienstag 18.00 bis 19.00 Uhr und 19.00 bis 20.00 Uhr ,Neustadt jeder Donnerstag von 18.00 bis 20.00 Uhr #SchulefĂŒrballetundtanzBirgittaLange Eppelheim jeder Mittwoch von 19.00 bis 20.00 Uhr #DanceCharisma Pirmasnes jeder Samstag von 14.00 bis 16.00 Uhr #tanz #tanzen #dance #dancer #dancing #dancers #dancelife #danca (em Ballettschule Petra Schreieck)

#dance #dancer #dancerpose #dancelife #dancing #instagram #instagood #me #myself #selfie #photography #photooftheday #gay #instagay #gaylatino #gayselfie #gayman #gaymen #gayfitness #gaybrasil (hier: Ballettschule Petra Schreieck)

Letâs #dance. Free your #spirit and your #mind. #dancer #dancelife #gym #danca #gymmotivation #vivafit #dancacomosenaohouvesseamanha #susanagateira (at Parede, Lisboa, Portugal)

And this is how was my last Sunday. A class full of energy, dance, and laughs. I love you all. Thanks #dance #likeaparty #dancefitness #streetdance #workingoutside #cmmoita #moita #dancelife #energy #energyboost (at Moita, Setubal, Portugal)