Danganronpa Mukuro - Tumblr Posts
So I uhh got bored again and this time I got all the Danganronpa characters from 1 / 2 / V3 mixed them together with a number generator and ran it through.
(sorry if this is shit)
1 / 2 / V3
Kyoko Kirigiri
Sayaka Maizono
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Hifumi Yamada
Celestia Ludenburg
Nagito Komaeda
Kazuichi Soda
Ultimate Imposter
Mahiru Koizumi
Mikan Tsumiki
Shuichi Saihara
Kaede Akamatsu
Maki Harukawa
Angie Yonaga
Miu Iruma
Byakuya Togami
Toko Fukawa
Chihiro Fujisaki
Mondo Owada
Sakura Ogami
Junko Enoshima
Hajime Hinata
Chiaki Nanami
Sonia Nevermind
Teruteru Hanamura
Ibuki Mioda
Himiko Yumeno
Tenko Chabashira
Korekiyo Shinguchi
Gonta Gokuhara
Kaito Momota
Makoto Naegi
Aoi Asahina
Yasuhiro Hakagure
Leon Kuwata
Mukuro Ikusaba
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Akane Owari
Peko Pekoyama
Hiyoko Saionji
Nekomaru Nidai
Gundham Tanaka
Rantaro Amami
Ryoma Hoshi
Kirumi Tojo
Kokichi Oma
Tsumugi Shirogane
Protagonist: Ultimate Imposter
Antagonist: Kyoko Kirigiri
First Murdered: Shuichi Saihara
First Murderer: Nagito Komaeda
Second Murdered: Miu Iruma
Second Murderer: Kaede Akamatsu
Third Murdered: Angie Yonaga
Third Murdered(?): Celestia Ludenburg
Third Murderer: Hifumi Yamada
Fourth Murdered: Kyoko Kirigiri
Fourth Murderer: Kazuichi Soda
Fifth Murdered: Mikan Tsumiki
Fifth Murderer: K1-B0
Mastermind: Mahiru Koizumi
Ultimate Imposter
Sayaka Maizono
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Maki Harukawa
Protagonist: Himiko Yumeno
Antagonist: Sonia Nevermind
First Murdered: Teruteru Hanamura
First Murderer: Himiko Yumeno
New Protagonist: Korekiyo Shinguchi
Second Murdered: Sakura Ogami
Second Murderer: Byakuya Togami
Third Murdered: Chiaki Nanami
Third Murdered(?): Ibuki Mioda
Third Murderer: Chihiro Fujisaki
Fourth Murdered: Tenko Chabashira
Fourth Murderer: Toko Fukawa
Fifth Murdered: Kaito Momota
Fifth Murderer: Sonia Nevermind
Mastermind: Hajime Hinata
Korekiyo Shinguchi
Mondo Owada
Junko Enoshima
Gonta Gokuhara
Protagonist: Nekomaru Nidai
Antagonist: Leon Kuwata
First Murdered: Aoi Asahina
First Murderer: Rantaro Amami
Second Murdered: Leon Kuwata
Second Murderer: Tsumugi Shirogane
New Antagonist?: Kirumi Tojo
Third Murdered: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Third Murdered(?): Yasuhiro Hakagure
Third Murderer: Makoto Naegi
Fourth Murdered: Ryoma Hoshi
Fourth Murderer: Akane Owari
Fifth Murdered: Nekomaru Nidai
Fifth Murderer: Nekomaru Nidai
New Protagonist(?): Peko Pekoyama
Mastermind: Mukuro Ikusaba
Peko Pekoyama
Hiyoko Saionji
Gundham Tanaka
Kirumi Tojo
Kokichi Oma
This is probably the weirdest request ever but can I request Mukuro, Junko, Komaru, and Sonia with a s/o that turned into a marketable plushy? I don't mean someone made a plushy of them I mean they were transformed into it. I had a nightmare where that happened to me and for some reason, it was the worst thing I've ever dreamt.
Please Don't Turn Me Into a Marketable Plushy!
Series: Danganronpa.
Characters: Mukuro, Junko, Komaru, and Sonia.
Genre: Fluff/Crack.
Reader: Gender Neutral.
Notes: I'm a person who doesn't dream much but even when I do it's usually a nightmare. But this is ridiculous! But like so funny at the same time! But bestie what's going on to be having dreams like this? ðŸ˜

Quite it had been suspicious quite as of late Mukuro had noticed. By now she would have expected you to be by her side. At first she was worried very worried that something could have happened to you.
She knew you could handle yourself but even still she was still worried. The feelings of worry would hold merit in time. As the school day had ended and Mukuro had not seen you she decided to check up on you herself.
Mukuro had texted you multiple times throughout the day and had gotten no reply. Strange as you would always reply to her as quickly as you could. This didn't cause her to panic as there are many suitable reasons why you wouldn't text her throughout the day.
Soon Mukuro had made it to your home and let herself in with the spare key that you had given her. Stepping into your home she called out for you. "S/O?" No response.
She made her up to your bedroom as maybe you had slept in or were sick. Although nothing could have prepared her for what she was about to see. "S/O? Are you in there? I'm coming in." Mukuro spoke as she opened the door to your bedroom.
"Mukuro! Help me!" A voice could be heard in the room it took a second to register. But Mukuro was able to pinpoint the voice with her vigilant eyes.
She looked at the desk in your and a plushy could be seen. No wait a plushy of you surely. However, as she moved closer it became clear that the plushy was indeed you.
"S/O? Is that you? What happened to you?" Mukuro questioned as kneeled to get a closer look at you. "I'm not sure! I just woke up like this! I tried to call and text you but I can't do anything as a plushy!" You spoke jumping up and down your arms flapping up and down like a bird's wings.
"..." Mukuro was speechless I mean who wouldn't be?!? What are you supposed to do let alone say something about this?
After regaining her composer Mukuro picked you put and put you in her blazer pocket. "I'll take care of you for now let's wait until tomorrow to see if you return to normal. If not then we can ask one of the Ultimates for help." Mukuro spoke as a smile grew on your face.
Finally, this will be a great way to see your girlfriend in action as she practices her skills as an Ultimate! A smile began to grow on Mukuro's face as she looked at you somehow you looked even cuter as a plushy.
You were late...very late! Where the hell were you?!? THE JUNKO ENOSHIMA! had invited YOU!
To be at a photoshoot with her and you were late nowhere to be seen. Heck, she wanted you to join her and get pictures taken! Well fine, be that she if she cares! (Honestly, I would say she does care but it's probably causing her despair by you not being there. So it's probably not affecting all that much but you never know with how unpredictable she is.)
Once this entire photoshoot was over she went to your home and DEMAND an answer! Heck! Screw the photoshoot! She needed her answers now! Confused by her outburst no one could do anything to stop her from leaving.
Loud knocks could be heard at your front door. "S/O? S/O? Open up! I know you're in there! You queen of despair demands to know why you weren't at the photoshoot!" More knocks could be heard after she spoke.
But then loud bangs could be heard from your front door. What was she...was she kicking your door down? She's insane! (Now ain't that the truth.)
She could be heard running around your look for you and possibly breaking a few things along the way. She then made her grand entrance into your room by nearly kicking the door off its hinges. "Hey! Stop it! You'll destroy my home! You've already destroyed some of it!"
A voice could be heard and Junko looked around until she saw a plushy that looked like you sitting on the table. "HAHAHAHAHA WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?!?! YOU LOOK RIDICULOUS!!" Wow, how comforting...
Junko spoke as picked you by the head and placed you on top of her head like a crown. "Come on my beloved I'll show you what despair looks like firsthand!" Junko spoke dashing out of your room. Will you return to normal? Who knows...
Komaru had spent her day drawing manga and well she lost track of time. While she was taking a break from drawing she realized she hadn't heard from you in a while! She has sent you a text. 'Hey S/O! How are you? Are you doing okay?'
She set her phone down and went back to drawing and expected a response soon. Although as more time passed a response never came. Thinking you were just busy Komaru sent another text.
Although more time has passed and Komaru still hasn't heard back from you. This caused her to worry so she decided to leave and go to your home. You had given her a spare key and let her enter your home if she ever needed anything.
"S/O?" Komaru called out to you as she entered the home closing the door behind her. She had gotten no response from you she walked looking for you. Making her way upstairs she decided to check your bedroom as you weren't anywhere on the first floor.
Komaru knocked before entering your bedroom. "S/O? Are you in there? I'm coming in." Komaru spoke as she entered your room.
"Komaru! Over here!" A voice could be heard in the room after looking around for a while Komaru was able to pinpoint where the voice had come from. It was from you or well a plushy that looked like you.
"S/O? Is that you? What happened?" Komaru spoke as she got closer to the desk you were on. "I'm not sure Komaru! I just woke up like this!"
Komaru held out her hand and you jumped onto it. "You're so cute S/O! This just gave me a great idea for a manga! Come on I'll bring you to my place so we can work on it together!"
Komaru smiled as she held you in her hands. You were so cute like this and she'd have to take pictures! But most of all she can show you how much of an amazing girlfriend she is by protecting you!
There could only be one cause for why you were like this now. Like what exactly? Like a plushy yes that's right you awoke to find yourself now as a plushy.
You knew Sonia was good friends with Gundham but this was just ridiculous! Had something gone wrong while they were doing black magic? Or was this something that Sonia wanted to happen?
Well, you truly had no idea and could only guess and wait. Waiting was all you really could do as being plushy had its limitations. On the other hand, you looked adorable!
You can only imagine how Sonia would react to something like this. Oh well, it's not like you would mind anyway. Being cared for and adored as a plushy while your girlfriend takes care of you?
You suppose there was nothing to complain about although this waiting was killing you! Just how much longer would Sonia be? You need to be with her at once!
However, it seems you were in luck as Sonia has now returned! "Sonia! Sonia! Over here!" You called out to her as you jumped to get her attention. Sonia was stunned for a moment but then recovered from her moment of shock.
"Oh my! S/O? Is that you? What happened? You are simply adorable!" Ah, there is was you expected to find you even more adorable like this. I mean you are her partner so of course you were adorable!
Sonia had moved closer to the desk that you were sitting on as a smile appeared on her face. She held out her hands and you hopped onto them as held you gently. "You are simply adorable! Come S/O I have many outfits your size! You must try them you will look wonderful!"
"But Sonia-" you had tried to ask her if you were like this because of something to do with Gundham and black magic. But Sonia had cut you off before you could finish. "Oh! I must get my camera!" Oh well, you'll deal with that later your just happy to spend time with Sonia.
Some incorrect quotes for the actor au:
(While filming Murkro’s death) Taka: What do you have there? Junko: A SPEAR!!!! Taka: NO- Toko: Oh my god why does she have a spear-
The cast pointing at Mono: You’re our dad! You’re our dad! Boggie boogie wooo~
Byakuya: Lmao guys look at what my mom made me! (Points at fries) Just kidding!,,,, would be nice to have a mom tho.
Mondo filming his execution: Road work ahead??? Yeah sure hope it does.
Taka: I’m not mad; just tell me why you have a fake id. Junko and Toko: mumbling Taka: What was that? Junko: You need to be over 18 to pet the puppies at Petco,,,, Taka:.....JUNKO YOUR 22.
Junko filming the sauna scene: two bros sitting in a sauna~~~ Wearing a towel because there not gay~~~
Taka at an interview asked about the sauna scene: We ALL know what happened that night lets be honest.
Junko on a fieldtrip : Hey Mono can we get McDonalds on the way?? Mono: Now we have food at the destination. Junko now crying: I HATE this fucking family.
Actor au but make it incorrect
Taka: If you shame girls for their breast size i will push you under a busTaka: WHOS FLAT NOW BITCH Junko laughing: whos flat now,,
Toko: At my funeral there is gonna be a closed casket, and then it will reveal that im not inside, then they will turn and see the ceiling fan; there my body is hanging, i pay Komaru to turn on the ceiling fan. Toko: nevermind Taka said i cant do that.
.in the group chat. Junko: 1324 notifications in Gmail im laughing its in order!!! Murkro: Thats,, not in order sis. Junko: ITS TWO AM IM NOT GOOD AT SCIENCE ANYWAY SDHSAIDHD Murkro: science.
Taka writing to Junko about the Love hotel events: Is it acceptable to start you Email with; listen here you little shit.
Junko responding to Taka’s Email about the Love hotel events: Can I end my Email with a; ‘you feel me?’
Sayaka: I hate spotify adds because i listen to music in the shower, and there is nothing more scary then being naked and hearing lebron james say: ‘You know what ME thirsty’
Taka: Im laughing right now, cause were doing a test in math class and Junko just screamed: ‘THERE IS NO WAY I GOT 11 FUCKING MILLION AS MY ANSWER.’

Mukuro Ikusaba the sixteenth student watch out for her