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Spirit Guide
Constantine is showing Billy Batson how to use magic (after discovering the kid doesn't have a mentor and again, IS A KID), they are entering into "Black Magic" and all that, Constantine is moraly grey so Billy don't care.
For practice they summon a Spirit to help Billy with his next classes, Constantine expected it to be dangerous cause you know, champion of magic and all that, but is surprised when into the summoning circle is a ¿Teen? (his age seems to change at times) in a hazma suit judging them. Honestly he is just happy Billy didn't summon a world threat (as far as he knows).
Billy explained Danny the situation and he accepted to help him with magic, he doesn't know a lot about it but can ask Desiree or Ghost Writer for knowledge. He also agreed in helping Billy when needed after heard about the "I am Captain Marvel/Shazam" mess and told him he is a protector spirit himself.
Constantine was amused cause that kind of ghost is rare, maybe the kid just have good luck. After that, Danny goes back and forth to Billy's lessons, helping him in both magic and being a kid hero (with some lessons about ghosts, dimensions and everything useful he can remember), he sees him as an apprentice of some kind. Billy even started calling him "Teacher Phantom".
He told Clockwork about it, completely proud of the boy's progress. Clockwork just judged him for not telling his supposed apprentice that he was the Ghost King but Danny didn't see the point in doing so.
Or at least, he didn't see the point of mentioning it until Constantine summoned the Ghost King for help with one of his subjects and as most of the heroes prepared to fight (cause this was supposed to be an unknown threat and probably hard to convince) Captain Marvel/Shazam was shocked and yelling "TEACHER PHANTOM?"
Which of course made Constantine curse his luck as the league misinterpreted everything. Danny might have made a miscalculation or two, but he didn't want to lose their friendship or tell them he was immortal, he was cut off from humanity for a long time.