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EDIT: DAY OF THE FINAL EPISODE MY POINT STILL STANDS!!! There is no "winning" here. The series has some damn good qualities but also some damn heartbreaking flaws. As a Yorsha, I could go ON on a rent as to why killing him off AND Jecki were some big mistakes but this isn't the point. If you're a Oshamir, good for you, I'm happy you got your ship!
WITH THAT SAID- I better not see you ranting on Oshecki and Yorsha and mocking them, saying they "lost" or else. Those are fictional people, in a fictional galaxy but people behind screens are REAL PEOPLE.
Everyone can have their one interpretations, fanfics and all and you've got no right to sh*t on people's feelings and ships.
To each their own, let's be respectful here.
For the Yord/Osha peeps: We have a Yorsha shipping server, if you're interested, send me a dm!
Quick psa to Acolyte shippers because I'm starting to see some stuff already *heavy sigh*:

If your ship got confirmed/actors talked about it etc, good for you!! That's really cool and I'm happy for you!! WITH THAT SAID- your ship being confirmed, doesn't mean you're like "the chosen one", the "correct one", or the "only one valid". I'm already seeing people coming after other Acolyte ships that haven't been "comfirmed" and like.... There is already so much toxicity in the Star Wars Fandom already, please don't create more.
Don't be that person. Don't bully others because their ships are not "confirmed" and such.
This is about fake people in fake space for God's sake, but people behind screens, creating fanworks (arts, edits, writing etc), they're REAL and coming after them to mock them or bully them, that's not the way to go bestie.
Create the arts, writings, fics, edits, ANYTHING you want for your ship(s).
Use your time for this, not to bully others.
There is already such a huge negative impact (we're talking racism, homophobia and more) created by some """""""fans""""""" of the franchise since the Acolyte has been out, please do NOT create more issues, or bully people because they do not like the same things/ships as you and such.
Some people like sunsets, some prefer christmas lights and some enjoy flowers! Does that mean one is wrong? Fuck no! We're better than this, we've been following the franchise for days, weeks, months, YEARS even, DECADES! It's not hurting anyone to accept some principles of the Jedi:
"Jedi use their powers to defend and protect, never to attack others. Jedi respect all life, in any form."
Let's be respectful towards each other and celebrate the fact that creations and this beautiful franchise brought us together, made us meet so many new people and friends. If you don't like something, scroll or block, but NEVER bully.