David Holt - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

CAST ANNOUNCEMENTS HAVE BEGUN, follow @inyourbenevolence to get them.hot off the press instead of when they roll off my queue!

"Can you grieve for something that hasn't had a chance to really exist yet?"

Kildress, the Artist – played by David Holt

A smiling portrait photo of voice actor David Holt, wearing a smart blue suit and sitting forward
David Holt - Voice Artist | Actor
David has appeared in many TV, film, and international productions. His range of character voices and accents, along with narration, comedy,

In your benevolence, the Artist appeals for A dream come true.

@merelymatt says, if you've ever been stuck at the final hurdle of a fic, or a drawing, or any artwork – so near, and yet so far – this one's for you. David absolutely nails the frustration and the yearning, the wanting it to be finished but also wanting it to be perfect, just like you imagined.

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6 months ago

Genuinely why isn't David Holt a household name. Really hoping this taps into the part of audio dramablr where he is. Because the man deserves legend status

"Can you grieve for something that hasn't had a chance to really exist yet?"

Kildress, the Artist – played by David Holt

A smiling portrait photo of voice actor David Holt, wearing a smart blue suit and sitting forward
David Holt - Voice Artist | Actor
David has appeared in many TV, film, and international productions. His range of character voices and accents, along with narration, comedy,

In your benevolence, the Artist appeals for A dream come true.

@merelymatt says, if you've ever been stuck at the final hurdle of a fic, or a drawing, or any artwork – so near, and yet so far – this one's for you. David absolutely nails the frustration and the yearning, the wanting it to be finished but also wanting it to be perfect, just like you imagined.

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4 months ago

When the character in the thing says the title of the thing

Shinji Evangelion, in profile, looks up as something catches his attention, represented by a glowing line crossing the background right behind his head

Prepare to hear the Artist's plea

in a little under 12 hours, when we release our season premiere: A dream come true, starring David Holt.

Ways to listen

I Need A Miracle, an original audio drama podcast — Foggy Outline
Foggy Outline
Each episode a prayer; some prayers are granted; a prayer granted can upend the world. Produced by multi-award winning Wireless Theatre. Lau

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4 months ago

In your benevolence,

hear the Artist's plea for a dream come true.

The series premiere of I Need A Miracle is out now. Search for I Need A Miracle in podcast apps or head to foggyoutline.com/ineedamiracle for all the ways to listen.

Starring David Holt as Michel Kildress, the Artist

Written by @merelymatt

Directed by Robert Valentine

Recorded by Stephen H at Jukebox Studios

With broadcast assistance from Teresa Milewski

Sound design by Sarah Buchynski

Music by Katharine Seaton

Produced by Sarah Golding for @wirelesstheatre and @foggyoutline

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