Miraclepod - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Why did I pick a Thursday release day? I thought about what day of the week I'm usually crying out for deliverance. Basically. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.

@foggyoutline presents I Need A Miracle

An original audio drama produced by @wirelesstheatre

Season 1 begins on 29 August and continues weekly on Thursdays.

Our trailer features the voices of:

Annette Badland

David Holt


Music by Katharine Seaton

Sound design by Sarah Buchynski

Cover art by Dionysis Livanis


Divine original audio drama podcast launches 29 August 2024 — Foggy Outline
Foggy Outline
Foggy Outline presents I Need A Miracle, an original audio drama produced by Wireless Theatre. Season 1 begins on 29 August and continues we

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7 months ago

@foggyoutline presents I Need A Miracle

An original audio drama produced by @wirelesstheatre

Season 1 begins on 29 August and continues weekly on Thursdays.

Our trailer features the voices of:

Annette Badland

David Holt


Music by Katharine Seaton

Sound design by Sarah Buchynski

Cover art by Dionysis Livanis


Divine original audio drama podcast launches 29 August 2024 — Foggy Outline
Foggy Outline
Foggy Outline presents I Need A Miracle, an original audio drama produced by Wireless Theatre. Season 1 begins on 29 August and continues we

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7 months ago

Reblog to see the back of the embroidery:

If we can get I Need A Miracle trailer to 50 notes, I'll post the unused takes of my bits of the trailer, including the one where I attempt the Don LaFontaine "IN A WORLD" trailer voice

I WILL endure pointing and laughing if it gets this show the audience it deserves!!

@foggyoutline presents I Need A Miracle

An original audio drama produced by @wirelesstheatre

Season 1 begins on 29 August and continues weekly on Thursdays.

Our trailer features the voices of:

Annette Badland

David Holt


Music by Katharine Seaton

Sound design by Sarah Buchynski

Cover art by Dionysis Livanis


Divine original audio drama podcast launches 29 August 2024 — Foggy Outline
Foggy Outline
Foggy Outline presents I Need A Miracle, an original audio drama produced by Wireless Theatre. Season 1 begins on 29 August and continues we

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7 months ago

Your world has a single deity.

The deity is omnipotent.

If you address the deity with the correct form of words, the deity will listen to what you have to say.

The deity will not respond or ask follow-up questions. They will only listen.

The deity often, but not always, grants miracles in response to appeals addressed to them in this way.

You find a private place and summon your resolve.

"In your benevolence, hear my plea and intervene. I need a miracle..."

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7 months ago

The thing I get most in my head about, reliably, is asking people for things. More especially asking people to do things for me.

It'll be an annoyance.

Even if it's nothing major. Even if it's something they've happily done a hundred times before.

It'll be an imposition.

Even if I know they love me. Even if it would make me happy if they asked the same thing of me.

It's kind of exploitation if you think about it.

Even if it's a work thing, and they're being paid to do it and I'm being paid to ask them to do it.

I can anticipate the spiral, and I build in time to navigate the spiral before the thing needs doing, and I can reliably break out of the spiral once I'm in it, but the spiral still always happens.

I think that's why I wrote I Need A Miracle.

It wasn't an intention I set out with consciously: to get into character as a variety of people who want and who find it in themselves to ask, even when the things they want are vast and life-changing; when they are, unquestioningly, imposing. But looking back at the finished scripts now, as casting gets under way and I start to think about how I launch and talk about the show later this year, I can see more clearly why, out of all the possibilities, this was the concept that bubbled to the top and demanded to be written first.

Every character in I Need A Miracle does nothing but want. That's the concept: every episode is a prayer, a plea to a higher power for divine intervention. We never hear anything beyond these pleas, these prayers. Anyone who doesn't want anything won't pray for anything, so we'll never hear their voice.

There's an idea that all characters in drama must want something. Here, though, the wanting is front and centre. It's not just what's driving their decisions and actions. It's the reason they're speaking to us. They're all forced to articulate what they want – and not only that but justify why they deserve to get it, because not all prayers are granted.

That ought to have been hard to write, for someone like me who's embarrassed to want things, and who's shy about making those desires someone else's problem or responsibility.

But it wasn't hard. When it's someone else's desire, it's easy! Of course they deserve it. It's not even that big an ask. Anyone would be happy to oblige.

That's the quickest, most effective way I've found to break out of the spiral. Think: if someone else asked this of me, would I think it was rude, or an imposition, or overstepping the mark? Nine times out of ten the answer is: no, I'd actually be stoked to be asked.

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7 months ago

There's only a trailer there for now... but add the feed now and you definitely won't miss the season premiere on 29 August!


You can now subscribe to I Need A Miracle's public RSS feed!

The show is hosted on Acast:

I Need A Miracle
Can any world survive a benevolent god?

What is I Need A Miracle?

A new audio drama podcast where each episode is a prayer, some prayers are answered, and a prayer granted can upend the world.

I Need A Miracle, an original audio drama podcast — Foggy Outline
Foggy Outline
Each episode a prayer; some prayers are granted; a prayer granted can upend the world. Produced by multi-award winning Wireless Theatre. Lau

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7 months ago
I Need A Miracle
Pocket Casts
Every episode is a prayer, some prayers are answered, and a prayer granted can upend the world. Each episode, each prayer, is a single despe

I Need A Miracle is now available in Pocket Casts!

What is I Need A Miracle?

A new audio drama podcast where each episode is a prayer, some prayers are answered, and a prayer granted can upend the world.

I Need A Miracle, an original audio drama podcast — Foggy Outline
Foggy Outline
Each episode a prayer; some prayers are granted; a prayer granted can upend the world. Produced by multi-award winning Wireless Theatre. Lau

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7 months ago

I had to google more technical questions than you might think about instagram reels to do this. Yes I am a millennial

How do you plead...? Only one of these is NOT a way someone asks for divine intervention in I Need A Miracle. Guess which one?

I implore you

I beseech you

I entreat you

I humbly entreat you

I'm asking you

I need some help

Is it ok if I ask you...?


I beg you

Could you just...?

Would you kindly?

Will you hear me?

I invite you

Hear me out

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7 months ago

Me realising the release schedule I've set for @inyourbenevolence means I'll be publishing an episode on October 3rd

Close up on Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)'s silver pocket watch, open to reveal the hasty engraving "Don't forget 03.Oct.11" inside the lid

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7 months ago

This is what it's like over on instagram

Follow for lots more about people petitioning inscrutable powers to grant their desires, in I Need A Miracle, an original fiction podcast where every episode is a prayer, some prayers are answered with miracles, and each miracle can upend the world.

Premiere next Thursday 29 August.

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7 months ago
Matt in the recording booth, seen through the glass from the control room

Me 📸 Sarah Golding

They let me in the booth lol

Hear the results in 1 week

I Need A Miracle,

episode 1, A dream come true, is out Thurs 29 August

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7 months ago

One month since the finale of The Silt Verses ... is it too soon to enter another world shaped by the divine?

In I Need A Miracle, miracles happen every day. Prayers to a benevolent, omniscient, always-listening higher power have granted people long life, comfort, time to express themselves, freedom from fear.

But is a world of miracles a perfect world?

Episode 1, A dream come true, premieres 29 August.

Can any world survive a benevolent god?

@foggyoutline presents:

Foggy Outline presents I Need A Miracle
A bird with the vacant face of a fish flies across a warm red field, just minding its business

Cover art by Dionysis Livanis

Produced by @wirelesstheatre

In this original audio drama podcast, each episode is a prayer, some prayers are answered, and a prayer granted can upend the world.

For fans of

Within the Wires
I Am In Eskew
The Goblet Wire

Each episode of I Need A Miracle is a short monologue. A new character every episode. Never the same character twice. Always addressing a plea to a listening deity – which never makes a sound.

Play god

You, the listener, stand in for a silently listening god. Hear brazen demands for divine intervention and vulnerable, secret pleas for deliverance. Whose requests would you grant and why? Does anyone deserve a miracle?

Play detective

Which pleas are granted? How does the listening being decide? What are the Upheavals that regularly wrack this world? What threatens to rise from the Depths? And can any being with ultimate power truly be benevolent?

Play the heartstrings

I Need A Miracle is all about the many kinds of wanting, and the many ways of asking for help. How would you make your case to an omnipotent being who grants some miracles but not others, based on ineffable criteria?

Coming August 2024

Stay tuned for trailers, release dates and more:

here on tumblr by following @inyourbenevolence

(you can also follow writer @merelymatt, producers @wirelesstheatre and publishers @foggyoutline for completism)

on instagram @ in.your.benevolence

And find cast and crew credits at the show homepage:

Upcoming audio drama podcast — Foggy Outline
Foggy Outline
Upcoming audio drama podcast I Need A Miracle is seeking sponsorship and production support. Get in at the ground floor and help this brand

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6 months ago

6 hours remain

Prepare to hear the Artist's plea

in a little under 12 hours, when we release our season premiere: A dream come true, starring David Holt.

Ways to listen

I Need A Miracle, an original audio drama podcast — Foggy Outline
Foggy Outline
Each episode a prayer; some prayers are granted; a prayer granted can upend the world. Produced by multi-award winning Wireless Theatre. Lau

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6 months ago

When the character in the thing says the title of the thing

Shinji Evangelion, in profile, looks up as something catches his attention, represented by a glowing line crossing the background right behind his head

Prepare to hear the Artist's plea

in a little under 12 hours, when we release our season premiere: A dream come true, starring David Holt.

Ways to listen

I Need A Miracle, an original audio drama podcast — Foggy Outline
Foggy Outline
Each episode a prayer; some prayers are granted; a prayer granted can upend the world. Produced by multi-award winning Wireless Theatre. Lau

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6 months ago

In your benevolence,

hear the Artist's plea for a dream come true.

The series premiere of I Need A Miracle is out now. Search for I Need A Miracle in podcast apps or head to foggyoutline.com/ineedamiracle for all the ways to listen.

Starring David Holt as Michel Kildress, the Artist

Written by @merelymatt

Directed by Robert Valentine

Recorded by Stephen H at Jukebox Studios

With broadcast assistance from Teresa Milewski

Sound design by Sarah Buchynski

Music by Katharine Seaton

Produced by Sarah Golding for @wirelesstheatre and @foggyoutline

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6 months ago

In at 163

I Need A Miracle has arrived in the Apple Podcasts chart!

We've got ourselves a UK Fiction Top 200 debut and (like Kildress' Votive Apex) climbing higher and higher...

Top Fiction Podcasts – Apple Podcasts
Apple Podcasts
Browse the top Fiction podcasts on Apple Podcasts. Listen to shows like Sherlock & Co., The Archers, Dream Sequence, The Sleepy Bookshelf an

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6 months ago

Our latest #audiodrama collaboration has been released!

#INeedAMiracle by #mattboothman @merelymatt

Has an utterly stellar cast

Exquisite production skills

Thanks to Matt for sending us the script and employing our team to create this audio gold!

If you want to work with us, send us your script and potential budget and we can help cast, direct, edit, produce your audio drama to be the very best creative experience!

Email sarah@wirelesstheatre.co.uk

Can any world survive a benevolent god?


Annette Badland, Nathan Blades, Saffron Coomber, Dédé Davi, Robyn Holdaway, David Holt, Patrick McKenzie, Harry Myers, Caleb Obediah, Lizzie Waterworth and Sarah Whitehouse

Created and written by Matt Boothman

Directed by Robert Valentine

Produced by Sarah Golding

Broadcast assistance from Teresa Milewski

Casting by Fiona Thraille

Music by Katharine Seaton

Recorded by Stephen H. at Jukebox Studios

Sound design by Sarah Buchynski

Produced by Wireless Theatre for Foggy Outline

Our Latest #audiodrama Collaboration Has Been Released!
Our Latest #audiodrama Collaboration Has Been Released!
Our Latest #audiodrama Collaboration Has Been Released!
Our Latest #audiodrama Collaboration Has Been Released!
Our Latest #audiodrama Collaboration Has Been Released!
Our Latest #audiodrama Collaboration Has Been Released!

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6 months ago

Harry also plays Porphyra, in collaboration with Sarah Buchynski. I wish you all could have been there in the studio to witness Harry's five straight minutes of assorted mewls, hisses, whickers and snorts. There was an early draft of this episode where Porphyra sounded absolutely frickin huge, like an ancient dragon, which I briefly considered leaning into for the laughs, but we all ended up agreeing housecat size was the thing to aim for

In your benevolence,

hear the Lover's plea to understand Porphyra

Episode 2 of I Need A Miracle is out now. Search for I Need A Miracle in podcast apps or head to foggyoutline.com/ineedamiracle for all the ways to listen.

Starring Harry Myers as Tullup, the Lover

Written by @merelymatt

Directed by Robert Valentine

Recorded by Stephen H at Jukebox Studios

With broadcast assistance from Teresa Milewski

Sound design by Sarah Buchynski

Music by Katharine Seaton

Produced by Sarah Golding for @wirelesstheatreco and @foggyoutline

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6 months ago

Deciding where in the season to put this episode was interesting. It departs from the established format in a couple of ways: we get several prayers instead of one long one, and compared to most of the characters, Scordeh is extremely irreverent towards her world's god. Episodes 1 and 2 are similar enough to get you thinking you've locked on to the pattern, but of course it's not definitely a pattern until you've got at least three points. So mixing things up in episode 3 confuses things just as you might start to think you're tuning in. I could have shunted this story a bit later, spent more episodes establishing the pattern more firmly before changing it up – but putting it here tells you to stay on your toes, stay alert, be suspicious of comfortable false senses of certainty and orientation.

In your benevolence,

hear the Collector's sundry requests.

Episode 3 of I Need A Miracle is out now. Search for I Need A Miracle in podcast apps or head to foggyoutline.com/ineedamiracle for all the ways to listen.

Starring Saffron Coomber as Scordeh, the Collector

Written by @merelymatt

Directed by Robert Valentine

Recorded by Stephen H at Jukebox Studios

With broadcast assistance from Teresa Milewski

Sound design by Sarah Buchynski

Music by Katharine Seaton

Produced by Sarah Golding for @wirelesstheatreco and @foggyoutline

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6 months ago

I Need A Miracle is a new audio drama where every episode is a prayer, some prayers are answered, and a miracle can upend the world.

⏩️ Short, intense, emotional episodes

💫 Strange worldbuilding

🎼 Produced by multi-award winning @wirelesstheatreco with beautiful original music by Katharine Seaton

We're 3 episodes into season 1, so it's a) a great time to start listening, and b) a time when even one more person listening, rating, reviewing and shouting about it can make a huge difference!

Follow @inyourbenevolence

Listen wherever you find podcasts

I Need A Miracle, an original audio drama podcast — Foggy Outline
Foggy Outline
Each episode a prayer; some prayers are granted; a prayer granted can upend the world. Featuring Annette Badland and Patrick McKenzie, and p

Ok folks, we're going to try this out and see how it goes!

It's midday UTC and it's

✨Fiction podcast self-promo Saturday!✨

Reblog this post with your audio fiction related self-promotion, or send me an ask, and I'll do my best to reblog every one I see!

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