DC Riots - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Y’know what? Screw it, I barely even have any followers, but I don’t feel okay posting the meme-joke story I wanted too if I don’t:


The ‘protests’ in DC are not protests, they are riots. It’s terrorism, made by fake, disproven election fraud.

When people took to the streets to protest black lives being murdered by police, what happened? They were teargassed, pepper sprayed, and mass-arrested, several accounts going on to detail stories of people who sat in the back of police trucks for hours, or talking about how people not even attending the protest were ripped out of their cars and pepper sprayed, or talking about medics were being targeted by police.

What happens now, when ‘Proud Boys’, racists, homophobes, and everyone else who follows Trump - who, may I remind you, only likes you if you're a cis, straight, white, man - [” Grab her by the ___”, rolled back transgender health care, mocked a disabled reporter, etc] storm and break into the capital? They’re able to break into the god-damn building, smash windows, look through documents, etc. And there’s even several accounts they took selfies with police officers.

This was never about politics, it’s about suppressing minorities. 

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