Dead Poets Girls Headcanons - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

in honour of the fact that i am still somewhat (?) into dead poets society despite being hyperfixated on fnaf now, have some headcanons about the dead poets and co reactions to fnaf lore.

i just know meeks and pitts would be fnaf fans - meeks, being a fan since the WEEK the first game came out, while pitts got into it around sister location. they just both have different ideas of the lore - pitts would get it from matpat and meeks would get it from first hand sources and gibi's good idea bad idea - meaning meeks can only recount the lore up until UCN, and pitts can keep going until the latest fnaf game. they both still manage to talk for the same amount of time, somehow

ginny would ALSO be a die-hard fnaf fan (being into the games since fnaf 3 - fnaf 4), but like... seasonally. as in, her hyperfixations usually last 2-6 months, and has her fnaf hyperfixation about 1-3 times a year (literally me). knows the basic storyline of fnaf 1-7 and knows some parts of the games after that, but she needs to routinely check the fnaf lore presentation that she, meeks, and pittsie made together to catch up on the details. still she would be up by the fnaf presentation board with meeks and pitts for moral support and to input information about external references (e.g: things the characters/games were based off of)

they'd try SO hard to explain the lore to the rest of the dead poets, but since they're both telling different stories they're all confused to some degree.

todd would be struggling to keep up with both versions of the lore but he'd absolutely LOVE the premise of the games and beg meeks and pitts to help him get into fnaf and other horror games like it (like batim/batdr). he loves horror movies the most but i think he'd be an avid enjoyer of horror games with insane plot too. he wouldn't be as caught up on the lore as meeksie and pittsie but he'd try his best. i feel like his favourite character would be the puppet because of her very poetic (?)/tragic demise and afterlife.

charlie would have no idea what's going on, despite having heard of fnaf before - no matter how many diagrams and references meeks and pitts include the fnaf lore is just way too convoluted (too many dates/two different versions) for them and none of the information retains in their head (mood). that's not to say they're not having fun though - they love all the animatronics and shit and are extremely supportive of this interest despite not understanding a single thing. their favourite character would probably be some variation of foxy (most likely mangle or funtime foxy)

neil wouldn't get a single thing either and he'd be... mildly disturbed by all the murder and dark themes in the game because i think he wouldn't like horror themes that much (plus its his first time learning about fnaf - he had VERY restricted internet access), but he'd still support meeks and pitts (and, later on, todd) throughout their whole explanations. he still thinks it's interesting and LOVES the tragedy of all the characters, especially character like michael and charlie. i think he'd be able to grasp the concept of remnant pretty easily, but the whole 'sharing parts = technically possesing other animatronics' thing would mess with him a little. his favourite character would be michael just because of how TRAGIC and pathetic the guy is

knox would be like neil in the way that he's a little freaked out by the whole thing but tries (key word: tries) to be supportive. he'd heard of fnaf before but he never imagined it to be this complex/bloody. also you know when people judge horror protagonists for doing something stupid? yeah, he'd 100% do that to characters like michael/henry/gregory and everyone else would be like "it's a FICTIONAL, HORROR, VIDEO GAME for a reason, knox!!" would have a hard time with all the lore, but somehow is able to keep track of all the characters. i think he would like phone dude or phone guy best because. i don't know actually i think he just finds them silly (/pos)

cameron would be... very disturbed and concerned for their friends' mental health, is absolutely horrified when meeks explains, in excruciating detail, the whole scooped michael fiasco (she provides scientific input and talk about how it would FEEL for michael in that moment). he wouldn't outright tell anyone that he thinks the whole game is terrifying but everyone would know anyway - still, they keep up with the lore surprisingly well for someone who if horrified by the game, they're only out-bested by todd and ginny (as well as meeksie and pittsie, of course). his favourite character would be elizabeth because he sort of relates to her

chris wouldn't be horrified at all by the game and find it mildly interesting even, but would still definitely be confused by the lore (it's a lot of information - even i can't retain it all that well), and it's not really their style of game anyway. they still show support for the people interested in fnaf and attempts to add her own interpretations during the conversation, even if they end up being wrong. accidentally gets hyperfixated on the toy animatronics and continuosly asks ginny to tell her about them so she can be interested in them properly (her favourite is mangle - they affectionately call it their sick, stray puppy)

meeks would be the one that had to explain the lore to mr keating because she wrote about the tragedy of charlie emily in one of her essays and mr keating didn't know who that was and asked about it. she spends the entirety of lunch and her free period to explain the entirety of the fnaf lore to mr keating. mr keating is mildly concerned about meeks' mental health/well-being and considers calling her mom, but sees how eager meeks is talking about the lore and decides against it. finds the concept very interesting after a while and loves the poetic implications of remnant/william's motivations and all of that. he off-handedly makes a fnaf reference in class a couple days later and all the fnaf fans, and the kids who aren't really fans but know of/about the game just quietly stare at him and each other in horror, trying to figure out who snitched to mr keating about fnaf while meeks tries to sink into the floor


some other teacher (like mr mcallister) walks by the dead poets discussing fnaf lore at an especially gruesome part (more specifically, the bite of '83) and is, understandably, very disturbed and concerned, especially at the way they talk about it so casually. at the next teachers' hangout he brings it up and mr keating just laughs and goes "ah yes, the bite of '83. i remember that." meaning he remembers when meeks told him about it. everyone else thinks this means that the bite of '83 actually happened and the dead poets are just?? casually talking/laughing about an event like that?? it's eventually cleared up somehow but yeah. they nearly end up involving parents before they clear it all up

sorry that it's so long, but i could NOT get this idea out of my head and i needed to write it all down.

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