Deadly Nightshade - Tumblr Posts

Do you have a favorite poem or any piece of poetry you like?


Yes, well for now this is my current favourite poem/rhyme:

Do You Have A Favorite Poem Or Any Piece Of Poetry You Like?

I have a deadly nightshade

So twisted does it grow

With berries black as midnight

And skull as white as snow.

The vicar's cocky young son

Came to drink my tea

He touched me without asking

Now he's buried 'neath the tree.

-This is "Girls Skipping Rhyme" from Chokely in Wynterset

Thank you so much for asking!!

-Asena Rawlin

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3 years ago
You Said I Looked Like A Painting
You Said I Looked Like A Painting
You Said I Looked Like A Painting
You Said I Looked Like A Painting
You Said I Looked Like A Painting
You Said I Looked Like A Painting

You said I looked like a painting

Mysterious and fascinating

You called me a magical bouquet

With hemlock and deadly nightshade

Thorn apple and lily of the valley

Quite unusual, quite uncanny

Thorny roses and Nerium

Such a beautiful delirium

Blackbriar, Beautiful Delirium

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