Dean Deserves Better - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Dean Deserves Better

I know there has been a lot of talk about Dean Ambrose potentially leaving the WWE and I feel like I just need to get this off my chest. But before I do I want to clarify that I always was, am, and will be a Dean Ambrose fan because to me it does not matter face or heel he is one of the best wrestlers to step in that ring. PERIOD. I know a lot of people fully support him wanting to leave because let’s be honest the WWE Creative team has not given our boy the attention he has deserved; You know what? Scratch that. More than EARNED after the years of hardcore service and the sacrifices he has given for his love of wrestling. And though I fully one hundred freaking percent back him up there is still that little part of me that wishes he would stay and also makes me sad that it all has come to this. But that is not my decision to make but I really feel like I need to stress that I support him no matter what he decides. So no matter where he goes next I know he will kick major booty. 

Now as far as what happened last night on Raw, I have never felt more upset at a crowd in my entire life. I am well aware some people have offered similar points of view and I want to make it extremely clear that the fans really let me down last night. I get he is a heel. I get the fact that heels get booed. But what really bothered me and broke my heart a little bit was that even after he asked them to take it easy on him so he could and I quote “bear his soul” and then the fans boo him louder really disappointed me. You could tell he was being genuine. (And I’m not saying everyone is guilty of this but after seeing that last night it has really been bothering me and I know this whole WWE Tumblr community is a safe place so that is why I feel safe enough to share my opinions even if some people may not agree or if I may not do it much.) I guess what I am trying to say is I hold out hope that this situation gets taken care of and I hope the WWE can find a compromise that makes everyone happy. 

NOTE: I’m sorry this so long I just really needed to get this off my chest and in no way shape or form is this a rant. I just wanted to explain my feelings in a calm and productive way.

Dean Deserves Better

Gif credit to jimdrugfree

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4 years ago

Fuck man, Jensen Ackles investing 15 years of his life, his talent, blood, and tears into Dean Winchester and this small tv-series. 

Jensen Ackles A-star level actor declining other roles in big shows and movies like avengers out of loyalty and respect for Dean and the SPN fandom. Jensen Ackles, who could’ve easily earned an oscar had he left the show for something else.

Jensen Ackles leaving his family for 9 months every year to shoot the show.

Jensen Ackles calling Dean his friend and saying that he’ll carry him inside for the rest of his life. Jensen Ackles caring about Dean like no writer ever did, making deliberate changes to the way he portrayed Dean in order to reflect what Dean had been through and how it changed his character. Who analysed the shit out of scripts and made sure they were true to Dean’s character and journey, putting SO MUCH thought into his every single acting decision.

Jensen Ackles, who hated the ending, but was told convicted that he was wrong about it, that he was “too close”, when in reality he was THE ONLY who knew what was right and who Dean was all along. 

Jensen Ackles, who worked so hard for so long and gave up so much to make Dean so relatable, admirable, lovable, and complex like no other character out there….only to have him ended like that… 

We all deserved better and we all have been spat in the face, but no one more than Jensen Ackles & Dean Winchester. And while I am angry for myself, I am fucking furious for them.

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4 years ago


Explanation 1 Of 2 In My Mind As To Why Castiel Wasnt In That Hallucinatory Nightmarepunchline Of A 15
Explanation 1 Of 2 In My Mind As To Why Castiel Wasnt In That Hallucinatory Nightmarepunchline Of A 15
Explanation 1 Of 2 In My Mind As To Why Castiel Wasnt In That Hallucinatory Nightmarepunchline Of A 15
Explanation 1 Of 2 In My Mind As To Why Castiel Wasnt In That Hallucinatory Nightmarepunchline Of A 15
Explanation 1 Of 2 In My Mind As To Why Castiel Wasnt In That Hallucinatory Nightmarepunchline Of A 15

Explanation 1 of 2 in my mind as to why Castiel wasn’t in that hallucinatory nightmare punchline of a 15 year long hate crime finale


Explanation 1 Of 2 In My Mind As To Why Castiel Wasnt In That Hallucinatory Nightmarepunchline Of A 15
Explanation 1 Of 2 In My Mind As To Why Castiel Wasnt In That Hallucinatory Nightmarepunchline Of A 15

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4 years ago
Cass Bless This Person! The Show Shouldnt Have The Right To Use Cass Or Jacks Face To Advertise This

Cass bless this person! The show shouldn’t have the right to use Cass or Jack’s face to advertise this season. I hope The Castiel Project goes over $100,000 so the show can understand just how badly they hurt people…and yet how those same people are still bringing love out of it. Please Donate!!! And please stand up for our Angel and the other characters the show did dirty!!

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